Carly rushes Donna to the hospital: General Hospital recap for Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Carly rushes Donna to the hospital
Carly rushes Donna to the hospital

Josslyn woke up in Dex’s bed and found him awake and watching her. After they shared an affectionate kiss, Dex told her that Kristina had pulled through, but he had no news about the baby. Dex wondered if there was anything else that he could do for Josslyn. “You’re already doing it,” she assured him. Dex had to get ready for work, but he offered to make coffee. When Josslyn suggested they skip coffee, Dex smiled and kissed her.

At T.J. and Molly’s apartment, T.J. was on his laptop, making funeral arrangements for his daughter, when Molly entered the living room, looking for her briefcase. T.J. was surprised when he realized that she intended to go to work. Molly claimed that she was needed there, but T.J. objected. “I need you more,” he told her. Molly reminded T.J. that he would not be alone, since Jordan, Curtis, and Stella would be stopping by to help pack up the baby’s nursery. T.J. wanted Molly to stay, but she couldn’t because the nursery represented a future that she and T.J. would never have.

Molly became choked up as she explained that she couldn’t physically get rid of their daughter’s things. T.J. was understanding, but he reminded her that they had to make some important decisions, including naming their daughter and making funeral arrangements. Molly balked, but a knock at the door cut the conversation short. When Molly opened the door, Jordan immediately noticed the briefcase in Molly’s hand. Molly insisted that she had to run to work, but she promised it would only be an hour.

After Molly bolted, Jordan wondered if Molly was okay. “How can she be?” T.J. asked. Later, Curtis and Stella arrived. After T.J. received hugs from his family, Stella and Jordan decided to fix something to eat. When Curtis mentioned Molly’s absence, T.J. admitted that she’d shut down his efforts to talk about the baby. Curtis explained that people dealt with grief differently, but T.J. worried that Molly wasn’t dealing with it at all.

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Later, T.J. pushed his plate of barely touched food away. He assured his aunt that it was delicious, but he had no appetite. With a little prodding from his family, T.J. opened up about how he was feeling. His temper flared when he talked about Sonny’s custody battle. “I feel like such an idiot!” T.J. shouted in frustration. He explained that he blamed Sonny for the tragedy.

After the baby’s things were packed up and boxed for the shelter, Stella urged T.J. to pick a keepsake because he might want something to remember his daughter. Reluctantly, T.J. reached into one of the boxes. Moments later, Curtis and Jordan each carried a box to the car, leaving Stella alone with T.J. Stella encouraged T.J. not to hold back, because the only way past the pain was through it. She explained that grief was love without a place to put it. T.J.’s eyes filled with tears as Stella assured him that his family was there to help him.

T.J. admitted that he wasn’t ready to let his daughter go. Stella hugged him. “You don’t have to be, baby,” she assured him. She promised that they would cross that bridge together.

In the hallway, Curtis found Jordan crying. After he comforted her with a hug, Jordan admitted that she couldn’t stand to see her son in pain, and she would do anything to take it away. Curtis felt the same, but he reminded her all they could do was be there for T.J. and support him. “Like his domestic partner?” Jordan angrily asked. She quickly apologized, but she couldn’t understand why Molly wasn’t with T.J.

Curtis agreed that Molly and T.J. should be together, but Curtis was certain that Molly would return soon. Curtis offered Jordan his condolences because he knew that Jordan had had hopes and dreams for her granddaughter. Moments later, they entered the apartment. T.J. thanked his family for being there, but he confessed that he needed some time alone. After everyone left, T.J. set aside the last box of his daughter’s things.

T.J.’s eyes filled with fresh tears as he pulled a pair of baby booties out of his pocket. He slid to the floor with his back to the door and wept inconsolably.

At Carly’s house, Jason asked Carly how Avery was doing. Carly assured him that everything was good, and Avery was fine. She explained that Avery was there all the time, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Avery to spend the night there. Their conversation turned to Sonny because Carly was happy that Sonny had reached out to Kevin for help. Carly was also encouraged because Sonny had asked Jason to take Sonny home. Jason admitted that Kristina’s tragedy had hit Sonny hard, but Sonny had been quiet during the drive home.

“Sonny’s coming back to us. I know he is,” a teary-eyed Carly said. However, Carly couldn’t understand why Kristina had been in Ava’s suite. Jason revealed that he’d learned from Dante that Ava had subpoenaed Kristina to testify at the custody hearing. “Because Kristina saw Sonny go after Dex,” Carly speculated. Carly couldn’t understand how Ava had pushed Kristina hard enough to break through a window.

Jason didn’t have an answer, but he was certain that Kristina had been in Ava’s room to defend Sonny. Shortly after Jason left, Josslyn arrived. Carly hugged her daughter and admitted that she’d been worried about Josslyn. Carly knew it had been hard for Josslyn to see Kristina fall into the pool, but Carly was proud of Josslyn’s courageous actions. When Carly assumed Josslyn had decompressed with Trina, Josslyn confessed that she’d spent the night with Dex. Josslyn revealed that she’d gone to Dex because he'd been the first person she had thought of as she'd left the hospital, and because he made her feel safe.

Carly asked if Josslyn and Dex were back together, but Donna walked into the kitchen and happily greeted her sister with a hug. Afterwards, Donna asked if Josslyn wanted some of Sonny’s vitamins. Carly frowned and asked what Donna was referring to. Josslyn and Carly were horrified when Donna held up a prescription bottle of lithium. Carly asked if Donna had taken any. “A bunch,” Donna replied.

At Sonny’s penthouse, Sonny greeted Kevin. Kevin had stopped by to check on Sonny, so Sonny admitted that his mind felt clearer. Kevin was pleased because it meant the medication had begun to work, but Kevin remained concerned about Sonny’s emotional state. Kevin and Sonny talked about the previous night and how Kristina’s fall and the loss of the baby had sent Sonny to the dark side. Sonny also admitted that Molly’s accusations had made him realize that he was responsible for the tragedy. Kevin imagined it had been hard for Sonny to hear that from Molly.

Sonny admitted that Carly and Jason had figured out months earlier that something was off with him because they had noticed that Sonny hadn’t been thinking clearly and no longer trusted them. Kevin agreed that it was unusual for Sonny not to trust Carly and Jason. Sonny conceded that it had been a warning sign, but Sonny hadn’t seen what Carly and Jason had. However, that had changed the previous night when Sonny had felt that something was really wrong with him.

Kevin revealed that he had put a rush on the blood tests and had the results. “There was no Lorphenadine or lithium in your system,” Kevin said. Shocked, Sonny admitted it didn’t make sense because he’d been taking his medications daily like clockwork. Kevin suggested they schedule some sessions until Sonny’s medications were recalibrated and he was stabilized. Sonny agreed, but he was glad there had been a “physical” reason for his highs and lows.

After Kevin left, Jason arrived. Sonny thanked Jason for driving him home the previous night. Sonny was curious if Jason had any questions, but Jason explained that he was there to listen if Sonny wanted to talk. Sonny shared that he had talked to Alexis earlier, and Kristina was resting comfortably after surgery. However, Sonny admitted that it would be harder for his daughter to deal with the emotional toll of losing the baby.

Jason reminded Sonny that Kristina had people to support and help her. Their conversation turned to Molly’s accusations. Sonny revealed that Molly’s words had hit him hard. “I always hurt the people that I love,” Sonny said. Sonny opened up about going to the hospital’s rooftop to end his life because Sonny hoped to spare his family further pain. “What stopped you?” Jason asked. “Morgan,” Sonny quietly confessed.

Sonny credited Morgan with stopping him from jumping. Jason suggested the manifestation of Morgan had been a part of Sonny that knew something was wrong. Sonny agreed, which had led Sonny to go to Kevin. Jason was glad, but Sonny confided that Jason was the only person who knew about Sonny seeing Morgan.

Meanwhile, Ava sat in jail, complaining about the breakfast she’d been served. Her mood improved when Trina arrived for a visit. Trina admitted that she’d been worried that Ava wouldn’t want to see her because Trina was the reason that Ava was in jail. Ava pointed out that Trina had only answered some questions, but she rushed to assure Trina that Kristina’s fall had been a terrible accident. “Was it an accident—or did you push Kristina?” Trina asked.

Ava stuck to her story, denying any responsibility for the fall and accusing Kristina of being “manic” and “in a rage.” Ava insisted that it had been an accident, and it had happened too fast for Ava to react. Trina asked why Ava had been arrested, so Ava claimed that she was a convenient scapegoat because no one liked her and no one wanted to blame the mother who had lost a child. “I’m completely innocent,” Ava professed.

Later, Molly and Dex arrived. Molly explained that Dex was an “impartial witness” because an assistant district attorney couldn’t speak to an accused without a third party present. Ava asked about Kristina, so Molly shared that Kristina had made it through surgery, but the baby hadn’t. Ava offered her condolences on the loss of Molly’s baby, but Molly was unmoved. Instead, Molly pulled out the autopsy report for the baby.

Ava didn’t want to hear it, but Molly read the file aloud, revealing that the baby had weighed just over five pounds and had died shortly after being delivered by emergency C-section. Ava begged Molly not to continue, but Molly ignored her. Molly shared that the external examination had shown numerous signs of blunt force trauma to the baby’s head and body. “The infant died from internal bleeding caused by blunt force trauma to the head and body,” Molly added.

Molly angrily blamed Ava for the baby’s death. “I could never intentionally hurt a child,” Ava cried. Molly pointed out that Ava had been charged with manslaughter instead of murder. “You didn’t plan to kill my daughter, but your actions led to her death,” Molly accused. Molly urged Ava to do the right thing by pleading guilty and sparing everyone the pain of a trial. “I’ve done nothing wrong,” Ava argued.

Molly turned her back on Ava, but Ava desperately asked Molly to ask herself why Kristina had been in Ava’s suite. Ava insisted that Kristina had shown up uninvited and attacked Ava, which had resulted in Kristina tripping. Ava was adamant that she was not responsible for the baby’s death. “Kristina is,” Ava said.

After Molly left, Kevin paid Ava a visit. Ava continued to deny responsibility for the tragedy and put all the blame on Kristina. Kevin said little until Ava mentioned being worried about Avery. He assured her that Avery was fine and had spent the night at Carly’s house. Ava insisted that Avery needed her mother because Sonny was out of control and couldn’t be counted on to care for Avery. To Kevin’s surprise, Ava asked Kevin to attend her arraignment and speak on her behalf as a medical professional.

Ava explained that she needed Kevin to tell a judge that she should be granted bail and emergency custody because Avery’s well-being depended on it. Kevin assured Ava that she could rest easy because Sonny wouldn’t be a concern. “He’s gotten treatment,” Kevin said. Ava tensed and asked Kevin to elaborate, but he admitted it would violate doctor/patient confidentiality. Kevin assured Ava that Avery was safe, and Sonny was not a danger. After Kevin excused himself to take a phone call, Ava overheard him ask if there was a problem with Sonny’s medication.

At T.J. and Molly’s apartment, Molly stood in the hallway in front of her door. She debated entering, but ultimately turned around and left.

At the hospital’s nurses’ station, Portia praised Elizabeth for proposing changes to the nurses’ schedule. Portia shared that both she and Terry had loved Elizabeth’s ideas. Portia told Elizabeth to keep up the good work because Elizabeth had been doing a fantastic job. Elizabeth admitted that she had learned from the best—Epiphany Johnson.

After Portia went to her office, Trina stopped by for a talk. Trina confessed that she couldn’t stop thinking about Kristina because Kristina had been doing an amazing thing for Molly and T.J., only for the baby to die before it could be safely delivered. Portia admitted that Ava shouldered the blame for what had happened, but she couldn’t understand how Ava had pushed Kristina hard enough for Kristina to fall out a window. “That’s not what happened,” Trina blurted out.

Portia was not happy when she learned that Trina had gone to see Ava in jail. Trina explained that she had felt guilty about giving a statement, even though Trina hadn’t seen much of what had led to Kristina falling out the window. Trina admitted that people always thought the worst of Ava. Trina knew another side, and she was certain that Ava would never purposefully hurt a child. Trina reminded Portia that Ava had been there for Trina when Spencer had died.

“I don’t want to abandon her,” Trina said. Portia was curious what Ava had said, so Trina conceded that Ava had denied any wrongdoing. Portia pointed out that Kristina had clearly not jumped. Trina admitted that she had some doubts because Ava had seemed off during their visit, but Trina had attributed it to Ava spending the night in jail. Portia asked who was more likely to lie—Ava or Kristina.

“Why? Did Kristina say that Ava pushed her?” Trina asked. Portia reminded Trina that Ava had been arrested, which meant the police had evidence pointing to Ava’s guilt. Moments later, Portia received a call. After a brief exchange, Portia ended the call and advised Trina to leave because Pentonville had sent Heather to the hospital for a follow-up appointment.

Meanwhile, Carly arrived at the hospital with Donna and Josslyn. Carly quickly filled Elizabeth in on Donna’s emergency, so Elizabeth led Carly and Donna to an examination room. Josslyn handed Elizabeth the bottle of pills that Donna had found. Afterwards, Josslyn called Sonny to let him know that Donna was in the hospital.

A short time later, Sonny and Jason arrived. Sonny thanked Josslyn for calling him. “You’re the dad,” Josslyn said. Carly revealed that Donna had to have her stomach pumped. Sonny wanted to know what had happened, so Carly shared that Donna had found a bottle of Sonny’s medication in Avery’s overnight bag and taken them without anyone noticing. When Elizabeth emerged from Donna’s hospital room, she assured everyone that Donna would be fine.

Elizabeth explained that Donna was still groggy from anesthesia and would have a sore throat, but Donna was doing great. Jason sensed there was more, so Elizabeth revealed that the medication in the bottle had been tested, but the pills hadn’t contained medication of any kind. Elizabeth also shared that there hadn’t been any medication in Donna’s system. “You’re telling me I’ve been taking placebos?” Sonny asked.

Next on General Hospital

Anna issues a warning

Heather gets a visit from Scott

John tells Ava that Sonny’s days of trampling over people are about to end

“What do you want me to do?” Jason asks

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