Carly learns that Brennan is in town to stay: General Hospital recap for August 12, 2024

Carly learns that Brennan is in town to stay
Carly learns that Brennan is in town to stay

At the hospital, Willow was surprised when she saw Drew. Drew explained that there had been an issue with Monica’s medication, so he’d offered to straighten things out. He changed the subject and asked if Willow had recovered from their “little elevator adventure.” Before Willow could reply, Elizabeth walked up and greeted both Drew and Willow. Drew thanked Elizabeth for her help with Monica’s medication, and Elizabeth assured him that the pharmacy had regretted the error.

After Drew left, Elizabeth and Willow chatted. Elizabeth admitted that she missed working with Willow, so Willow confessed that she felt the same.

In Kristina’s hospital room, Kristina was resting and lost in thought when Willow entered. Willow worried that she might have disturbed Kristina’s sleep, but Kristina admitted that she preferred being awake because she saw her daughter in her dreams. Tears filled Kristina’s eyes as she explained how difficult it was waking up only to realize that her daughter was gone. Willow reminded Kristina that Kristina was still in shock and sedated.

Kristina knew Willow had suffered the same loss, so she asked if time truly healed the pain. “I mean, did time really help you forget how horrible it was to lose your baby?” Kristina asked. Willow admitted that it hadn’t, but the passage of time had helped make it easier to remember her son without falling apart. Kristina shared that she sometimes still felt her daughter kick, so Willow explained that she had experienced something similar when she had felt the phantom weight of her son in her arms.

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Kristina confessed that she knew everyone tried to find the words to make things better for her, but nothing helped. She asked if anyone had actually said anything to Willow that had made Willow feel better. Willow explained that there had been people who had helped her by sitting with her and letting her be sad. Kristina nodded as she wiped away her tears. When Willow noticed that the I.V. in Kristina’s arm had been tugging, she offered to help adjust it.

After Kristina agreed, Willow pulled on a pair of gloves and adjusted the I.V. As Willow finished up, she and Kristina talked about what it was like to be a nurse. The conversation appeared to have struck a chord with Willow.

After Willow left Kristina’s room, she found Elizabeth working at the nurses’ station. To Elizabeth’s surprise, Willow asked if the nursing department was still understaffed. “Always,” Elizabeth said. Pleased, Willow announced that she wanted to return to nursing. Willow explained that her visit with Kristina had made her realize that she’d made a big mistake by quitting nursing. Elizabeth reminded Willow that Willow had quit because Willow had wanted more time with her children.

Elizabeth also pointed out that Willow’s work with the foundation was important, but Willow shared that the job required more traveling than she had anticipated. Willow was adamant that she missed being a nurse. Elizabeth empathized because nursing had a way of winding its way into a person’s heart. Willow conceded that working for the donor registry hadn’t given her the same sense of fulfillment that nursing had. Willow assured Elizabeth that she would talk to Michael and Drew to get things sorted out, but Willow was certain it was the right decision. “In that case, welcome back,” Elizabeth said.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Brook Lynn caught up with Blaze and asked about Kristina. Blaze complained that everyone had gotten to see Kristina except Blaze. “And I’m her partner!” Blaze said. Brook Lynn was certain that Blaze would get to see Kristina soon, but Brook Lynn was eager to discuss the “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for Blaze to tour as the opening act for Miguel Morez. Brook Lynn acknowledged that the contract hadn’t been signed, but the tour would make Blaze an international star.

Blaze balked because she had intended to nurse Kristina through her recovery. Brook Lynn made it clear that joining the tour in a few months was not an option because they had to leave for Hong Kong later that night. Brook Lynn realized that it wasn’t great timing, but she assured Blaze that Kristina had people who would help her. “If you turn down this opportunity, Blaze, it’s not going to come around again,” Brook Lynn warned.

Later, Natalia arrived at the hospital and ran over to Brook Lynn. Natalia was overjoyed that Blaze had been invited to tour with Miguel Morez, and Natalia had taken the liberty of packing a few things for the trip. Brook Lynn broke the news that Blaze had decided to pass on the offer.

Meanwhile, Blaze visited with Kristina and opened up about how scared she’d been for Kristina. When Blaze mentioned that she was glad that Kristina was okay, Kristina quickly corrected her. “I’m not okay. My daughter is dead, and my life has completely fallen apart,” Kristina said as she fought back tears. Wanting to make amends, Blaze offered to run to the apartment to fetch Kristina something from home, but Kristina admitted that she was tired.

A short time later, Natalia knocked on Kristina’s door and entered. After apologizing for waking Kristina up, Natalia offered her condolences. When Kristina mentioned Blaze, Natalia seized the opportunity to tell Kristina about Blaze’s offer to tour with Miguel Morez. Natalia admitted that she didn’t have a right to ask Kristina for anything, but she tearfully begged Kristina to let Blaze go.

When Blaze returned with Kristina’s favorite blanket from home, Natalia was gone. However, Kristina told Blaze about Natalia’s visit and admitted that she agreed with Natalia. “You have to go, Blaze. You have to go on tour,” Kristina said.

At Metro Court’s restaurant, Brook Lynn was seated at the bar when Natalia walked up. Natalia apologized for the cryptic text message, but she explained that she had wanted to see Brook Lynn in person. Natalia asked if Brook Lynn had called Miguel Morez’s tour manager. “Not yet,” Brook Lynn said. “Good. Don’t,” Natalia told her.

At the cemetery, T.J. and Jordan stopped in front of a large tree and agreed that it was a good spot for the baby’s grave. Jordan liked the area because the tree would change with the seasons. T.J. suggested it would be a reminder that things grew and changed, and nothing lasted forever. “Even this pain,” he said. Jordan wished that she could take T.J.’s pain away, but she admitted that the spot was the most peaceful one they’d seen. “I think so, too,” T.J. said with a grateful smile.

T.J. thanked his mother for making the day more bearable for him, so Jordan gently asked about Molly’s absence. T.J. explained that he had called and sent text messages, but he had no idea where Molly was. Seconds later, Molly arrived. She assured T.J. that she had gotten there as soon as possible, but she pointed out that she hadn’t realized a visit to the cemetery had been on the day’s agenda. Jordan decided it was her cue to leave. After Jordan left, Molly apologized, but T.J. told her that he didn’t need her apology; he needed her input on the plot for their daughter. He added that it was the least that Molly could do.

“What does that mean?” Molly asked. T.J. accused Molly of pulling away and leaving him alone to grieve their daughter. Molly confessed that she was angry, but T.J. pointed out that they had to put their anger aside to do the things they were supposed to. “We already did everything we are supposed to do, and this is how we’ve been rewarded for it,” Molly cried. T.J. explained that they needed a service for their daughter and a reception to honor her, and they had to pick a casket, headstone, and burial plot.

Molly insisted it was too much to ask, but T.J. was unmoved. He reminded Molly that he was torn apart by the loss, too, but they had to do it for the baby. “And we need to start by giving our daughter a name,” T.J. said. He explained to Molly why the service was important to him, but Molly argued that it wouldn’t give them closure. She acknowledged that rituals were fine for some, but she need to take action. T.J. wondered what there was to do except to mourn for their child.

Molly revealed that she intended to make certain that Ava was punished to the fullest extent of the law. “That will be my ritual,” Molly said. T.J. warned Molly that it wouldn’t fix things at home because she would still be avoiding the room where the nursery had been. “I want us to be together,” T.J. assured Molly. He pointed out that they were going through something horrible, but not together.

Molly promised T.J. that she was there with him. As she stepped close to him, he wrapped his arms around her. Molly turned in his arms to look at the tree. “I think this is a beautiful place for our daughter,” she tearfully told him.

At Nina’s apartment, Maxie made a surprise visit, but she stopped short when she noticed two glasses and a bottle of wine on the table. Nina admitted that she was expecting Drew because Drew needed help refining his political platform. Skeptical, Maxie asked what was really going on, so Nina conceded that she hoped they could end the evening with a celebration and wine. Maxie warned Nina that it wasn’t a good idea, but Nina promised it was not what Maxie thought.

“Believe it or not, I’m doing it for Willow,” Nina blurted out. Realizing she’d said too much, Nina decided to fill Maxie in about Willow and Drew’s kiss on the Fourth of July. Maxie was shocked. Nina attributed the attraction to Willow’s gratitude for Drew’s heroic actions, which had saved Willow’s life, but Nina assured Maxie that it had been an isolated incident that Willow regretted. Maxie pointed out that not much could stop an attraction, but Nina revealed that she intended to keep Drew’s attention on her and away from Willow.

“Just so I have your plan clear, your solution to Willow’s inappropriate feelings for Drew is to throw yourself at him?” Maxie asked. Maxie warned Nina that it wasn’t the healthiest way to go about it, especially when the sex between Nina and Drew had initially been based on anger and hatred. Nina assured Maxie that things had changed, and the negative feelings she and Drew had once felt for each other were gone. Nina explained that there was a genuine attraction between her and Drew, and they enjoyed each other’s company.

Maxie conceded that Nina and Drew were consenting adults, but she was curious why Drew had kissed Willow. Nina suspected Drew loved seeing the man reflected in Willow’s eyes when Willow looked at him. According to Nina, Drew was a man who loved to be flattered, so Nina intended to be a different mirror. Nina was glad to do it, especially if it spared Willow from making a mistake. Maxie reminded Nina how things had improved between Nina and Willow, which Maxie feared might be undone if Willow learned about Nina’s plan.

Maxie warned Nina that Drew might not appreciate learning that Nina had spent time with him to keep him away from Willow. “In fact, he might think you’re using him,” Maxie said. Nina wasn’t worried because Nina and Drew used each other. Frustrated, Maxie advised Nina not to fall in love with Drew because Maxie would be forced to kill her. Nina admitted that she would do it herself if that happened. Moments later, Drew arrived.

After Maxie left, Drew and Nina sat down and discussed his campaign. Eventually, Nina poured some wine, and before long, she complimented his shirt. Drew smiled and told Nina that she looked nice, too. When Drew remarked that it was his first time at her place, Nina admitted that she preferred to keep her work and private lives separate. She tried to lighten the mood by letting him know that she didn’t invite just anyone over, but Drew seized the opening. “So, I’m not just anyone to you?” he asked.

“Absolutely not,” Nina admitted. She suggested that she and Drew were embarking on a different relationship—one of mutual regard. Drew and Nina shared a passionate kiss.

At Metro Court’s restaurant, Carly noticed an expensive bottle of wine on the bar. Trish explained that a guest had demanded to see the hotel’s owner when he had tried to order a bottle of wine they didn’t carry. Carly had no patience for obnoxious people because Donna was home, recovering from a trip to the hospital.

Nearby, Anna was alarmed when she received a text message. Moments later, Felicia arrived. Anna explained that she had to leave for a few minutes, but she promised to return.

Meanwhile, Carly was stunned when she knocked on the guest’s door, and Jack Brennan opened the it. Jack flashed her a charming smile and invited her inside. Carly was curious what Jack was doing in her hotel, but her eyes landed on the table, which had been elegantly set with a gourmet dinner for two. Jack snatched the bottle of wine out of Carly’s hand, poured a glass, and pulled out a chair as he asked her to join him for dinner. Carly assured him that he could have simply asked her to dinner instead of going through so much trouble.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jack asked. Carly asked him about his release from Pentonville, but Jack would only reveal that mistakes had been made and rectified. When she asked how long he would be in town, Jack shared that he wasn’t on a business trip. “I’ll be staying in town,” Jack said. “What will you be doing?” Carly inquired. Before he could reply, there was a knock at the door.

Jack answered the door and found Anna glaring at him from the hallway. “What the hell is going on, Jack?” Anna demanded. She pushed past him as she revealed that she had just received a text message informing her of his new position. When Anna saw Carly, she advised Carly to leave, but Carly opted to stay. “How did you get assigned to Port Charles, of all places?” Anna asked Jack. Jack pointed out that Port Charles had attracted criminal enterprises so frequently that the WSB had decided to open a new field office.

“And every office needs a station chief,” Jack said. “You’re the new head of the WSB in Port Charles?” Carly asked. Jack claimed that he’d been honored to accept the position because he’d grown fond of the town. Anna was certain Jack had been the one who had convinced the committee to open the new field office. Carly decided it would be a good time for her to leave. Once they were alone, Anna asked what Jack’s agenda was.

Anna accused Jack of moving people around like chess pieces and even moving some people off the board. She wanted to know why. Jack claimed the new position had been a demotion, but he was confident that he and Anna would be able to coexist because the WSB and PCPD had similar objectives. Anna was curious what Jack’s interest in Carly was, but he told her that he simply wanted to be on good terms with the hotel’s owner, since he would be staying there. “It was you, wasn’t it? I knew it,” Anna said as she looked at Jack with a knowing expression.

In the restaurant, Carly stopped to greet Felicia. When Felicia mentioned that she was waiting for Anna, Carly revealed that she’d just left Anna in the middle of an intense conversation with Jack. Felicia was shocked when Carly told her about Jack’s new assignment.

Next on General Hospital

Kristina tells Molly that Ava will pay for what Ava did

Ava fears that her life is in danger

Carly has an encounter with John

Jason warns Sonny that Sonny might have another enemy

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