Ava shares a secret about Sonny with John: General Hospital recap for Monday, July 29, 2024

Maura West and Adam Harrington as Ava Jerome and John Cates
Maura West and Adam Harrington as Ava Jerome and John Cates

At Kristina’s apartment, Kristina left a voicemail message for Sonny explaining that she had called to let him know about Carly’s arrest. As she ended the call, she heard a knock. It was Alexis. Alexis assured Kristina that she would have gotten back to Kristina sooner, but Alexis had been busy with a “CLE webinar.” Kristina was curious if Alexis had talked to Molly, so Alexis revealed that she knew Molly and T.J. hadn’t been happy with how Kristina had answered the baby question during the interview with Perez Hilton. Kristina acknowledged that it had been an issue.

“How do you think you handled the baby question?” Alexis carefully asked. Kristina explained that she’d been both nervous and determined to protect Molly and T.J.’s privacy, but she denied that she had intended to give the impression that she and “Allie” would raise the baby together. “But, after the meltdown that Molly had here this morning, I’m starting to think maybe this baby should be mine,” Kristina said. Alexis gasped. “I hope you don’t mean that,” she told Kristina.

The conversation turned to Molly’s demand that Kristina sign papers to terminate Kristina’s parental rights to the baby. Kristina claimed that she had refused to sign the papers because she was the only one who would have a legal claim if T.J. and Molly broke up and T.J. decided to assert his biological rights. Kristina insisted that she had no other choice but to file the petition for custody that she had drafted. She asked if Alexis still had the documents, so Alexis assured Kristina that the papers were in a safe place. However, Alexis believed that both Kristina and Molly had overreacted.

Kristina was adamant that Molly and T.J.’s relationship was on shaky ground, and she refused to stand by while T.J. walked away with “our baby.” “Their baby,” Alexis corrected. Alexis reminded Kristina that Molly and T.J. had been together for ten years, but Kristina argued that Molly and T.J. were careful not to argue in front of Alexis. When Alexis asked what Molly and T.J. argued about, Kristina was honest. “Usually me,” she said. However, Kristina worried what would happen when Molly and T.J. had a screaming child on their hands.

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“They’re going to parent,” Alexis said. Kristina seized the opportunity to point out that Molly hadn’t shared any plans for the baby, including childcare provisions. Kristina added that neither Molly nor T.J. would give up their career to stay home with the baby, but Alexis gently chastised Kristina for jumping to conclusions. Undaunted, Kristina argued that it would be up to her to care for the child. “What’s really the difference from me being its mother?” she asked.

Alexis explained that Molly and T.J. weren’t obligated to share their parenting style or plans with anyone, including Kristina. However, Alexis was certain that Molly had a plan for the baby because Molly was a planner. Kristina remained certain that Molly and T.J. would eventually break up, but Alexis observed that Kristina was the only one who talked about it—a lot. Kristina denied it, so Alexis changed tactics and urged Kristina to take a pause. Kristina pointed out that the baby would soon be born. “I’m the one who is responsible,” Kristina explained.

Kristina acknowledged that she had put her mother in an impossible situation, so she promised to seek legal advice elsewhere. Alexis advised Kristina to take a minute to remember the promises that Kristina had made to Molly. Alexis asked if keeping the baby was worth losing her sister, but Kristina defended her choices by insisting that making a claim on the baby was the only way for Kristina to protect Molly as a mother. “If that’s—I don’t know—if that’s really what she wants anymore. If they want to be parents,” Kristina said.

Alexis assured Kristina that both Molly and T.J. wanted to be parents. “What if they keep fighting?” Kristina asked. She wanted to give the baby a stable home and a mother. “Maybe even two,” Kristina said.

At the hospital, Molly entered the breakroom where T.J. was eating. “So?” he asked. “Kristina wouldn’t go for it. She flat-out refused to sign,” Molly said. T.J. wasn’t surprised because Kristina had made her intentions to keep the baby clear during the interview with Blaze. Molly explained that Kristina had claimed that she’d been protecting their privacy, but T.J. scoffed and accused Kristina of blatantly lying because she had refused to sign the papers.

Concerned, T.J. asked if he and Molly would end up in family court with lawyers. Molly acknowledged that it was a possibility, but the custody battle would be between T.J. and Kristina. Molly realized that it had been a mistake to confront Kristina with the demand to sign the legal documents, but she hoped that things would calm down before the baby was born and that Kristina would remember the promises she’d made. T.J. wanted to know everything that Kristina had said. “She said that she and Allie might make better parents than us,” Molly reluctantly shared.

Shocked, T.J. reminded Molly that Kristina had financed the youth center with her mobster father’s money and that Blaze was a pop star whose career had just been canceled. “So, we’re looking at parents of the year, right?” T.J. asked in a sarcastic tone. Molly told him that Kristina didn’t see things that way and that Kristina believed that Molly and T.J. were on the verge of splitting up. T.J. conceded that it had been a difficult year for them. Molly agreed, but she assured him that she had never wanted to be without him.

T.J. promised that he didn’t want to be without Molly and that most of their tension had been the result of worrying about the baby. He was certain that would change once the baby arrived. Molly warned him that there would be other stresses, but he assured her that they would be able to handle things. “Yeah, we will,” Molly said. Their conversation was cut short when Molly received a call from work. After a short exchange on the phone, she ended the call and explained that she had to get to the courthouse because an FBI agent had been causing problems and making demands.

In Sonny’s office at Pozzulo’s, Sonny held a gun in his hand as someone knocked on the door. He tried to ignore the knocking, but his cell phone rang with a call from Kristina. Sonny let the call go to voicemail as Dante called out to his father. After Sonny put the gun away, he opened the door. Dante greeted his father and revealed that Carly had sent him. Sonny slid into the chair behind his desk and filled Dante in about Jason’s deal with the FBI and Carly’s concern that Sonny would go after John.

Dante was relieved to see his father in his office, so Sonny assured Dante that Carly’s concerns had been unfounded. Dante promised his father that everyone could see that John was out of control. Sonny was pleased because it was clear that John had had an agenda to take Sonny down from the start. Sonny conceded that it might sound paranoid, but he assured his son that it was true because the case against Carly was ridiculous. Sonny believed that John intended to use the charges against Carly to pressure Carly and Jason into testifying against Sonny in exchange for immunity.

Dante reminded Sonny that John had wanted to protect Sonny when John had first arrived in Port Charles, but Sonny insisted that it had been a ruse because John had wanted to get Sonny for 30 years and had finally found a way to “crucify” him. Dante agreed that it made sense, and he offered to talk to Anna about it. Sonny warned Dante that Anna was not a fan of Sonny’s, but Dante argued that John had repeatedly broken procedure and needed to be reined in. Dante promised to handle things, but he advised Sonny not to engage with John.

After Dante left, Sonny received a text message from Brick letting him know that John was at the courthouse. Sonny picked up his jacket and left.

Later, Dante stood at the nurse’s station while T.J. tried to pull up Jack Brennan’s file. T.J. frowned when he was unable to find a record of Brennan in the system, even though T.J. remembered Brennan being a patient. Dante was troubled by the lack of record, and T.J. agreed that it was strange. T.J. shared that he recalled Portia arguing with an FBI agent who had wanted to transfer Brennan, despite Brennan not being ready to be discharged. T.J. didn’t recall the agent’s name, but he doubted there were many FBI agents in Port Charles.

In Jason’s room above Bobbie’s, John tried to pressure Jason into helping him take Sonny down in exchange for Carly’s freedom. Jason was curious if the FBI was aware that their agent had been using his badge to settle a personal grudge. Frustrated, John asked why Jason was hesitating to help Carly, especially since Sonny had sent hit men to kill Jason. Jason denied that Sonny had been behind the attempt on Jason’s life at the coffee warehouse, so John circled back to his initial deal to drop the charges against Carly if Jason flipped on Sonny.

Jason wondered how hard John had had to fight to get assigned to Jason’s case after Jason had been arrested on Cassadine lsland. “It took some doing, but it was worth it,” John said. John explained that the FBI wasn’t happy that he had let Valentin slip through his fingers, but John was confident that they would settle for a strong RICO case against Sonny to make up for it. Jason accused John of using his badge to settle a score, but John was unapologetic because Sonny would be a better “get” than Carly.

John warned Jason that Jason would have to give up Sonny to save Carly. Jason walked over to the door and opened it. Jason made it clear that he didn’t trust John’s word because John would say anything to get Sonny. “One deal with you was enough,” Jason said. John decided to give Jason some time to think things over, but he assured Jason that he would be at the courthouse for Carly’s arraignment if Jason changed his mind.

In Ava’s suite, Ava was happy to see John. She admitted that she had begun to worry that he had left his suitcase with her and left town. John claimed that he had been camped out at the US Attorney’s office overnight. He explained that he needed to change and head to the courthouse, but he asked if he could leave his suitcase with her a bit longer. Ava assured him that he could leave it as long as he liked, but she admitted that she was afraid for him because Sonny had been more volatile than usual. John appreciated Ava’s concern, but he assured her that he had no worries about Sonny.

“If you knew what I know, you might be,” Ava said. John’s interest was piqued. With a little prying on John’s part, Ava offered to share a secret, but she needed to know that she could trust him. John pointed out that their conversation wasn’t being recorded, so Ava would be able to deny whatever she told him. Satisfied, Ava shared that she had recently discovered—by accident—that one of the two medications that Sonny took for his bipolar disorder had been drastically reduced to a quarter of the dose. She suggested that if one of the medications was off, then she could only assume the other was, as well.

John smiled when he realized that he could exploit the situation to his advantage. He reminded Ava that it might help her case against Sonny if Sonny were to go for John’s throat. “I hadn’t thought of that,” Ava claimed.

In the interrogation room at the Port Charles Police Station, Carly told Michael about Jason’s agreement with the FBI and how John had double-crossed Jason. However, she conceded that the FBI might decide that the end justified the means. Michael agreed, but he was hopeful that the FBI would clip John’s wings, anyway. Carly admitted that she would enjoy that, but she had more important matters to discuss with Michael because she had a favor to ask.

Carly explained that she needed Michael and Josslyn to find a way to make peace with Sonny for Donna’s sake because there was a good chance that Carly would get convicted. Michael assured his mother that he had tried to work things out with Sonny, but she implored him to keep making an effort because Sonny had been unstable, and Carly needed Michael and Josslyn to watch over their sister. Carly apologized for putting Michael in such an unfair position, but Michael blamed John for the situation.

Carly acknowledged that she had lost her temper with John. Michael promised to do everything possible to make peace with his father, but he admitted that getting Carly cleared would be his priority.

After Michael left, Jason arrived. “How mad at me are you?” Carly asked when he entered the interrogation room. Jason remained stone-faced, so she tried to cut the tension by pointing out that she had spared him a long ride to Quantico. Jason didn’t appear amused. Carly told him about the arrest and admitted that she hadn’t been able to keep her promise to Jason because she couldn’t stand the idea of John using him.

Jason warned Carly that she needed to remain cool and not allow herself to be provoked again. “You cannot do anything to make this worse,” he explained. Carly hated that Jason was mad at her, so he clarified that he was worried because John hoped to get Jason and Carly to turn on Sonny. Carly assured Jason that would not happen, but she feared that John would try to break Jason to get the information that Jason had on Sonny.

Jason hoped the FBI would hold John accountable for John’s recent unethical actions, but he instructed Carly to do whatever Diane told her to do. Carly promised to heed Diane’s advice, but she shifted gears because she wanted Jason’s promise that he would take care of Michael, Josslyn, and Donna. Jason promised that he would. Moments later, a police officer entered the room, handcuffed Carly, and led her to her arraignment. Carly spotted Dante in the squad room, but she was hustled away before she could ask him about Sonny.

After Jason followed Carly out, Dante asked a police officer to let Anna know that Dante had the information that Anna had wanted. The police officer informed Dante that Anna had left for Washington, DC, earlier that morning.

At the courthouse, Michael and Molly greeted each other and chatted until John walked up, flashed his badge, and introduced himself to Molly. Molly and John stepped away to discuss business. Meanwhile, Sonny arrived at the courthouse. Michael greeted his father and asked if they could talk after the hearing because Michael wanted to sort through things. “Yeah, we’ll see,” Sonny said as he intently watched John and Molly.

Nearby, John asked Molly to turn over all the open files on Sonny, but Molly objected because that was outside her purview. She explained that John would have to get the files from Robert or Anna. When John noticed Sonny’s arrival, the conversation between John and Molly quickly escalated into a heated argument. John began to badger Molly for being Sonny’s niece, questioned her ethics, and asked if she would lie or “strip” for her uncle. Molly warned John that he was way out of line, but John ignored her.

Sonny marched over to confront John for the insulting way John had talked to Molly. “I’m here! Come on!” Sonny shouted. Sonny knew that he was John’s true target, but John merely smirked and continued to goad Sonny into reaction. Eventually, Sonny raised his fist to punch John, but Michael interceded and stopped Sonny from taking a swing at John.

Next on General Hospital

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