Anna questions Isaiah about his past: General Hospital recap for Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Isaiah talks to Anna about his past
Isaiah talks to Anna about his past

At the hospital, Elizabeth was surprised when Willow reported for duty a week early, so Willow explained that she had offered to cover the shift of another nurse. When the conversation turned to Lulu, Elizabeth shared that she hoped Lucky would be “back home” soon to save his sister. Willow knew Lucky hadn’t been in Port Charles for years, so Elizabeth confirmed that it had been twelve years. Willow asked if Elizabeth worried that Lucky might not return. Annoyed, Elizabeth insisted that Lucky loved his family.

Later, Willow entered Lulu’s hospital room and introduced herself to her comatose patient. Willow assured Lulu that everyone was rooting for Lulu, and Willow opened up about her own lifesaving transplant. “My husband and his uncle saved my life,” she shared. Willow knew she was lucky to be alive, and she vowed not to screw up her second chance. She explained that she had returned to working at the hospital because she wanted to return to the life she'd had before everything with Drew had happened.

“I can’t have feelings for Drew,” Willow whispered. She loved Michael, their children, and the life they had built together, and she was determined to get Drew out of her head once and for all. “Willow?” Elizabeth asked from the doorway. Willow appeared startled, but it quickly became clear that Elizabeth hadn’t heard what Willow had said.

Willow followed Elizabeth into the hallway as Elizabeth praised Willow for talking to Lulu because some people—including nurses—forgot that there was an actual person in the bed. When they reached the nurses’ station, Elizabeth apologized for snapping at Willow earlier. Willow promised that she hadn’t meant to imply that Lucky intentionally avoided his family, but Elizabeth confessed that it was her fear because Lucky had been running from something for a very long time. “Sometimes, I think it’s me,” Elizabeth said.

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Elizabeth explained that she’d been a big part of the reason why Lucky had left town, but she had never expected him to stay away for as long as he had. Elizabeth opened up about Aiden and how Aiden barely knew his father except through email exchanges and video calls. Elizabeth revealed that Aiden was excited about the prospect of seeing his father and getting to spend time with him, but Elizabeth worried that Lucky would only stay long enough to save Lulu and then leave.

Elizabeth had no idea what to say to Aiden about Lucky, so Willow suggested that Elizabeth wait to see what happened. Elizabeth explained that Aiden had seen how Jason and Jake had worked to rebuild their relationship, and she suspected that Aiden hoped the same thing would happen with Lucky. Elizabeth knew that Lucky loved Aiden, but she also recognized that Lucky didn’t love living in one place for long.

In Isaiah’s hospital room, Isaiah asked for an update on Lucky. Anna didn’t have news to share, but she admitted that she had questions for Isaiah. He assured her that he’d told her everything, but Anna was skeptical. “What have you done that would make somebody want to kill you?” she asked. Isaiah didn’t have an answer, so Anna asked why Sidwell had kidnapped him. Isaiah explained that he was the best at what he did.

Anna asked why Sidwell had sent an assassin to Port Charles to kill Isaiah, but Isaiah advised her to ask Sidwell. Anna suspected Isaiah had seen something that he shouldn’t have during his captivity, but Isaiah claimed he’d only seen “a lot of guys with guns.” Isaiah remained evasive, which raised more questions. “I’m trying to understand why a renowned transplant surgeon would leave Chicago at the height of his career to go off and do humanitarian services in Africa,” Anna asked.

Isaiah claimed that it wasn’t a big mystery. He had a specific skill and had wanted to go where he was needed. Anna wondered if Isaiah and Sidwell’s paths had crossed in the past, but Isaiah assured her that he hadn’t met Sidwell prior to the kidnapping. Anna was curious how Isaiah had known that someone had followed him from the airport, so Isaiah explained that working in a warzone had made him hyper-aware of his surroundings.

When Anna mentioned that Jordan had saved Isaiah’s life, Isaiah assumed the deputy mayor was a man. Just then, Jordan arrived. Isaiah was surprised to realize that he’d been wrong about Jordan. After Anna left, Isaiah thanked Jordan for saving his life. He admitted that he wasn’t used to bureaucrats looking like Jordan, and he admitted that she didn’t look like she spent her days in committee meetings, discussing parking. Jordan assured him that her job was a lot more challenging than that.

Isaiah shifted gears because he was curious why Jordan had taken an interest in a “random John Doe.” Jordan claimed that she had wanted to help because he had a family who wondered where he was. “I’m sure there’s someone out there missing you,” Jordan said. Isaiah dodged her questions, and she called him out on it. He assured her that he had nothing to hide, but there were things in his past that he would rather not revisit.

Meanwhile, Carly was in Brennan’s office as he finished up a call with a contact. She was delighted when he reported that he would get an update once a satellite spotted anything over the area where Lucky was being held. Brennan retrieved a bottle of whiskey and offered Carly a drink while they waited. After he poured the drinks, he mentioned John Cates’s murder. Carly admitted that she wasn’t sad about the agent’s death. “He made my life hell,” she explained.

However, Carly acknowledged that Sonny was a person of interest. Brennan warned her that the killing of a federal agent was capital murder, so he hoped Sonny had a good alibi. “Ironclad. He and I were together,” Carly said. Brennan seemed surprised, and his demeanor shifted from flirtatious to guarded as he sat down behind his desk. It didn’t escape Carly’s notice. Brennan asked if Carly and Sonny had reconciled.

“Absolutely not,” Carly told Brennan. She insisted that facing federal charges because of Sonny’s business had been a one-time thing, so Brennan assured her that the RICO charges were nothing to worry about. Carly acknowledged that the chain of custody had been broken. “I mean, someone out there must really like me,” she said. Brennan smiled. “To freedom,” Brennan said as he held up his glass for a toast.

Carly clarified that she had no desire to involve herself in Sonny’s business ever again, and she just wanted to focus on her family. Carly insisted that she would do whatever it took to get Lucky home. Brennan admired her determination. “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she said with a chuckle. She changed the subject and asked if Port Charles was everything that Brennan had hoped. “And then some,” he replied.

Moments later, Anna appeared in the doorway. Carly quickly explained that Brennan had agreed to help find Lucky, and they were waiting for an update. Pleased, Anna asked what Brennan knew about “Jenz Sidwell.” Brennan claimed that he only knew what he’d had read in newspapers, but Anna didn’t believe him. Just then, Brennan’s phone rang. After he ended the call, he revealed that the compound where Lucky had been held had been located, but Sidwell had packed up and left two hours earlier.

Anna demanded that Brennan search all the satellite images to find where Sidwell had taken Lucky, but Brennan argued that he didn’t have the manpower for such an extensive search. Carly became upset, but Anna promised to find Lucky with or without Brennan’s help. After Anna stormed out, Carly tearfully appealed to Brennan to help her family because she couldn’t lose Lulu. “Haven’t you already lost her?” he asked. Brennan pointed out that Lulu had been in a coma for four years, and even with a transplant, Lulu’s odds were not good.

Carly made it clear that she would not give up on her cousin as long as Lulu was still breathing. Carly was determined to find Lucky, so Brennan warned her that area of Africa was extremely unstable. He asked who she intended to send in to rescue Lucky.

A short time later, Anna entered Isaiah’s hospital room and informed him that the compound had been abandoned. She asked if Isaiah had any idea where Sidwell had gone, but Isaiah had no idea. “How are we going to find Lucky now?” he anxiously asked.

At the Jerome Gallery, Ava was surprised Trina had been working late. Trina had been finishing up some paperwork, but she quickly changed the subject because she’d been worried about her friend. Ava promised that she was fine, but Trina had heard about what John had done to Ava. “That must have been terrifying,” Trina said. “Thank God, Jason showed up when he did and saved me,” Ava said.

Trina hugged Ava and admitted that she didn’t know what she would have done if anything had happened to Ava. Ava was grateful that she’d had a solid alibi for the time of John’s death. Ava told Trina about John’s diabolical plans to kill Ava to keep Ava from recanting the false statement that John had forced Ava to make. Trina was impressed with Ava’s bravery because Ava had admitted to lying, even though it could be used against her in the custody case.

“I know, but I couldn’t let Kristina be prosecuted for the death of that baby,” Ava explained. Ava insisted that it had been an accident, so Trina asked if Ava had found a lawyer. Ava shared that Nina was working on it. When their conversation turned to Josslyn, Ava admitted that she felt bad that sticking up for Ava had put Trina at odds with Trina’s best friend. Trina had no regrets because Ava had always been supportive of Trina and Spencer’s relationship, even when Trina’s mother hadn’t been. Trina was glad that she’d had that time with Spencer.

“I’m glad, too,” Ava said. Trina assured Ava that being friends with Ava hadn’t cost her anything because Ava had never asked Trina to choose. Their discussion returned to Ava’s legal troubles. Trina recalled Ava telling her that people always wanted someone to blame when something horrible happened. Trina shared that blaming Esme for Spencer’s death had only made Trina’s grief worse.

Trina credited Stella with helping everyone grieve the loss of T.J. and Molly’s baby without the anger. “But the Davis family, they’re still looking for someone to pay,” Trina acknowledged. “Not someone. Me,” Ava said. Trina didn’t think sending Ava to prison would help anyone. “You’re innocent,” Trina declared.

At the police station, Molly entered the interrogation room. Alexis insisted that she was fine, and she promised that Diane would take care of everything. According to Alexis, it had been a misunderstanding. “And quite frankly, none of this would have happened if your father didn’t go out of his way to try to make me look as suspicious as possible,” Alexis complained. Molly was surprised, but Alexis reminded Molly that Ric had been the one to accuse Alexis of disposing of a gun.

Molly pointed out that Elizabeth had also been a witness, but Alexis accused Ric of influencing Elizabeth. When Molly defended her father, Alexis asked if Molly believed that she had killed John. Molly assured her mother that she didn’t. Pleased, Alexis accused Ric of acting maliciously, so Molly conceded that she was not happy with her father. However, Molly was certain that it was Kristina’s fault that Alexis had been detained. Alexis denied it and argued that Ric had been the one to report her to the police.

Molly asked if Alexis were suggesting that both Ric and Elizabeth had lied about what they had seen. Alexis was curious if Molly was asking as a daughter or as the assistant district attorney. “The fact that you just asked that tells me everything I need to know,” Molly replied. Molly accused Alexis of protecting Kristina from the consequences of Kristina’s actions because Molly, believed that Alexis had disposed of the gun to cover for Kristina.

Molly urged Alexis to tell the police the truth about the gun and to stop sacrificing herself for Kristina. Alexis assured Molly that Diane would take care of everything, and she pointed out that there were far more likely suspects. Molly agreed, but she warned Alexis that those suspects had probably covered their tracks. Molly implored Alexis to start thinking like a lawyer and to give the police an alternative explanation for being on the footbridge—or Alexis might end up facing charges for capital murder.

Shortly after Molly left, Diane arrived with news that Alexis was free to go, but it was only a temporary reprieve because Alexis didn’t have an alibi for the time of Cates’s murder or what Alexis had been doing on the footbridge. Alexis explained that she had found the gun in Kristina’s bag and panicked. Alexis was adamant that it was not the murder weapon, which the police would discover when they found the gun. “If they find the gun,” Diane cautioned.

Diane knew that Alexis hadn’t committed the murder, but she warned her friend that it didn’t look good for Alexis because Alexis had publicly threatened Cates just hours before his murder, and two trusted individuals had seen Alexis toss a gun off the footbridge. Alexis scoffed at Ric being considered trustworthy. When Diane asked if Kristina had killed Cates, Alexis vehemently denied it. Diane advised Alexis to persuade Kristina to step forward and tell the police what had happened, but Alexis refused because Kristina was too fragile.

Diane warned Alexis that Alexis didn’t have the luxury of protecting Kristina, but Alexis was confident that she could beat the charges in court. To Alexis’ surprise, Diane revealed that she would not be able to represent Alexis if Alexis was charged.

At Metro Court’s restaurant, Nina found Ric working. She offered to get him something stronger than a coffee, but he declined. Nina sat down and explained that she wanted to talk to him about Ava, but Ric reminded her that Ava had been accused of causing the death of his granddaughter. “Why would I do anything to help her?” he asked. Nina assured Ric that Kristina’s fall had been a tragic accident and that he would do anything for a buck. “Even trick someone into marrying you,” she pointedly added.

Ric acknowledged that he had married Nina for her money, and he apologized. Nina assured him that she was sorry for Molly’s loss because Nina knew what it was like to lose a child, but she warned him that it wouldn’t help Molly to blame an innocent woman. “Ava hasn’t been innocent since she found out she was a Jerome,” Ric argued. Nina reiterated that the fall had been an accident, and she pointed out that he knew what it was like to be a black sheep. She asked him to defend Ava from being persecuted for Ava’s past rather than the “supposed crime.”

Ric was curious why Nina would help Ava, given Nina and Ava’s history. Nina conceded that she and Ava had done a lot to each other, but it was counterproductive for Nina to hold onto the anger when it would cost her one of the few friends she had. Nina challenged Ric to consider what it would be like if he let go of his grudge against Sonny. “It’s not a grudge. My brother has purposefully tried to ruin my life over and over again, and he never seems to suffer the consequences for the bad things he does,” Ric explained.

Nina suggested that representing Ava might punish Sonny. Ric was tempted, but he loved his daughter more. Nina understood Ric’s desire to protect his relationship with Molly because Nina had a daughter who was a much better person than Nina could ever hope to be.

After Nina left, Molly arrived in an agitated state. She asked Ric about his statement to the police, so he reminded her that he was an officer of the court. Molly loved her father, but she knew Ric had been motivated by something else. She assured him that her mother hadn’t killed Cates, and she opened up about her suspicions that Alexis had covered for Kristina. Molly suggested that Kristina might have snapped from the guilt over killing the baby.

Concerned, Ric gently explained that Ava had recanted her accusation that Kristina had attacked her. Molly argued that it didn’t matter because the baby wouldn’t have died if Kristina hadn’t gone to Ava’s hotel suite. Ric didn’t want to upset Molly, but she admitted that it couldn’t be helped. “I lost my baby and my sister that day,” she cried. Ric asked if it was possible the fall had been a terrible accident, but Molly countered that the police had arrested Ava because the evidence had suggested otherwise.

Ric reminded Molly that people were innocent until proven guilty, but it had little impact. She insisted that she needed to know who was responsible for her daughter’s death because she needed that person to pay.

Later, Molly returned to the police station and approached Dex at the front desk. She told him that she had information about the murder of John Cates. Molly explained that Kristina had a motive for killing the agent and no alibi for the time of the murder.

At the Jerome gallery, Nina shared the news that she had failed to persuade Ric to take Ava’s case. Ava was disappointed, but she admitted that she was hopeful after talking to Trina because Trina had reminded Ava that Ava was not alone. “Now, I have you,” Ava added. Ava expressed her regret over spending so much time scheming because she was lucky to have any friends at all. “I know the feeling,” Nina admitted.

Moments later, Ric walked in and announced that he had changed his mind. “I’ll take your case,” he told Ava. However, he made it clear that he was doing it because his daughter needed to know the truth for her peace of mind. Ava told him that the fall had been an accident. He warned her that he would bury Ava if he found out that she had lied, but she assured him that she was innocent.

Next on General Hospital

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