Tate comes clean with Brady: Days of our Lives Recap for Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tate and Brady in conversation | Image Source: JPI studios
Tate and Brady in conversation | Image Source: JPI studios

In the town square, Jada informed Xander that she had a suspect in Sarah’s accident. “That’s great news. Who is it?” Xander asked. Jada refused to divulge the identity of the driver. Xander argued that he and Sarah had a right to know. “And you will, if and when an arrest is made,” Jada countered. Jada reminded Xander of the presumption of innocence, but an infuriated Xander argued that the driver had intentionally left Sarah to die in the street.

As Jada turned to leave, Xander grabbed her arm. Jada told Xander that she understood why he was angry. “You have no idea what I’m going through,” Xander said. “I do! Because Rafe is lying in a hospital bed, just like Sarah. So, yeah, I do know, and my heart breaks for the both of you,” Jada countered. Jada cautioned Xander to let her handle the arrest without his intervention, or she would have him arrested. Xander released Jada’s arm.

“I am so sorry, Jada. I just, I don’t know what came over me,” Xander said. “I get it, but every time you raise hell because of your dissatisfaction with the pace of the investigation, that’s more time that I have to deal with you instead of actually doing my job,” Jada said. Jada promised to update Xander when she had information to pass along. Xander thanked Jada, and he asked what was next. Jada explained that she needed to talk to the D.A. before she proceeded. “I do know what you are going through, when the love of your life is lying in a hospital bed, and you just feel so helpless. But go—go be with Sarah. She needs you,” Jada said.

At the hospital, Tate hobbled out of the ER on crutches with Holly as they attempted to avoid anyone they knew. “We are so lucky Dr. Greene agreed to keep your secret,” Holly said. As Tate and Holly passed the nurses’ station, they ran into Brady. “Are you all right?” Brady asked. “It’s just a sprained ankle,” Tate said. Confused, Brady asked if Tate had gotten injured at camp. “And what is she doing here?” Brady said as he pointed at Holly.

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With a sigh, Tate told Brady that he had gotten injured on Smith Island. “What were you doing there?” Brady asked. Tate told Brady that he had never gone to camp and that he had been staying at the Horton cabin. “Why in God’s name would you do something like that?” Brady yelled. “You know exactly why I would do that. So I could spend time with Holly without anyone flipping out on us,” Tate explained. Angry, Brady noted that Tate had been lying to him all summer. Holly explained that she had been visiting Tate at the cabin. Brady asked for a word with his son, and Holly walked away.

“I know that you’re probably disappointed in me, and I’m really sorry. But I really care about Holly. This isn’t just some fling. I couldn’t stand to be apart from her just because Mom was being crazy and overprotective,” Tate said. Brady complained that he had been paying for Aaron to go to camp, but Tate pointed out that he had been uninterested in the camp. “At least [Aaron] is getting something out of it,” Tate said. Tate apologized.

“When Mom went to prison, I was this close to telling you the truth. But then you insisted that I go back to camp. And so, I kind of got the vibe that maybe you didn’t want me to come home,” Tate explained. “That is so not true,” Brady argued. “Haven’t you ever lied because you were scared of how someone would react?” Tate asked. Brady thought about when Kristen had told him that she had believed he had been the driver in the hit-and-run, and she had gotten rid of the evidence. “Stick to your story and stay calm,” Kristen had instructed Brady. As Brady zoned out in thought, Tate called his attention back to the present. Brady looked over at his son as Xander walked up behind Tate.

“I heard what happened to Sarah. And I just wanted to say that I’m sorry,” Tate said. Xander thanked Tate. Tate added that he hoped the driver got “exactly what they deserve.” Xander admitted that the police had a suspect. Brady averted his eyes.

In Sarah’s hospital room, Maggie fussed over Sarah. “I thought Xander would be back by now,” Sarah said. “What am I? Chopped liver?” Maggie joked. Sarah chuckled, and she assured Maggie that she was not bored by her mother. Sarah confessed that she was worried about Xander’s obsession with the hit-and-run driver.

Maggie talked to Sarah about her own experience with paralysis | Image Source: Peacock
Maggie talked to Sarah about her own experience with paralysis | Image Source: Peacock

Maggie told Sarah that she had been thinking about the car accident she had been in with her parents, when she had been the only survivor. “And there was a part of me that wished that I had died with them,” Maggie confessed. “You never told me that,” Sarah said. Maggie noted that she had not always been brave. “I was grieving, and I was scared. And I was very angry. It’s okay. It’s okay for you to be angry about what happened to you,” Maggie said. Sarah noted that Xander was angry enough for them both.

“I’m worried that if—when—they find the person that ran me over, what Xander is going to do to them,” Sarah said. Sarah asked Maggie how she had dealt with her own paralysis. Maggie recounted how she had awoken in the hospital; the doctor had told her about her parents’ deaths and about how Maggie’s legs had been crushed in the accident. “When I finally came to my senses, I felt like I owed it to [my parents] to keep the farm running,” Maggie said. Maggie explained that she had learned to live her "new normal” after the accident. With a chuckle, Maggie told Sarah about a dance she had gone to after the accident.

“I remember standing there on my crutches, feeling very awkward and frustrated. But I reminded myself that even if I couldn’t get out on the dance floor and show off, that I could still dance. In my heart,” Maggie said. Maggie added that if she had not had the surgery that had allowed her to walk again, she still would have had a good and full life without the use of her legs. Maggie climbed into bed next to Sarah, and she held her daughter in her arms.

“And that is my way of saying to you, don’t give up, my darling. So, no matter what the car accident took from you, no matter how your recovery goes, you’re still a wonderful doctor and mother and wife. And you’re my daughter. Sure, you know, if you don’t heal the way we want you to, some things will be harder. But I know, I know that you’ll remember how much you truly do have to be grateful,” Maggie whispered. Sarah said she was grateful to be so loved by her family.

“I just hope that I am half the mom to Victoria that you are to me,” Sarah said. Maggie assured Sarah that Sarah was a good mother. In tears, Sarah wondered aloud how she could parent her daughter as a toddler. “How am I going to be able to keep up with her?” Sarah said. “I promise you, you’re gonna find a way,” Maggie assured Sarah. Holly entered the room as Sarah wiped away tears. With a chuckle, Sarah noted that she was lucky to have two visits from Holly in one day.

“Actually, I came because I have something to tell you,” Holly said. Holly told Maggie that Tate had been living at the Horton cabin over the summer and that she had been lying to Maggie about it. “I’m really sorry for lying to you, Grandma,” Holly said. “I don’t understand. I know I saw the key the other day,” Maggie said. Holly explained that Tate had accidentally locked himself out of the cabin, and she had had to borrow the key again.

“That’s why I couldn’t find the key the other night,” Maggie said to Sarah. Holly paled. “What night?” Holly asked. Maggie told Holly about Xander and Sarah’s plans to honeymoon at the cabin. Holly apologized, and Sarah assured her that the plans had been last minute. Confused, Holly asked why they had not gone to the cabin. Maggie explained that Sarah had been hit by a car when she had been on her way to retrieve the key for the cabin. Holly gasped.

“And if you hadn’t been on the way to Grandma’s because I took the key...” Holly stammered. Holly blamed herself for Sarah’s accident. As Holly’s voice rose with panic, Sarah told Holly to look at her. “This is not your fault. You had no way of knowing what would happen,” Sarah stressed. With tears in her eyes, Holly said, “If Tate and I hadn’t been sneaking around at the cabin, then you’d be fine.” Sarah shook her head no. Upset, Holly ran out past Xander as he entered the room.

“What was that all about?” Xander asked. Sarah told Xander what had happened, and he agreed that it was not Holly’s fault. “You might as well blame the flap of a butterfly’s wings for starting World War I, right?” Xander said. Xander admitted that he was angry, but the only person he blamed was the driver. Sarah agreed. Xander told Sarah that Jada had identified a suspect.

In the DiMera living room, Kristen made arrangements with someone on the phone. After the call, Kristen turned to her father’s portrait. “Mission accomplished. Brady’s car is now as flat as a pancake,” Kristen said. Kristen told Stefano’s portrait that she had had no choice but to protect the father of her child. “I did what I did to protect my family. Just as you would have done,” Kristen said. E.J. walked in, and he asked Kristen what she had done to protect the family.

Kristen explained that she had been forced to fire Ava. “Why did you fire her?” E.J. asked. “It was political,” Kristen grumbled. Kristen explained Gabi’s ultimatum. “If it were up to me, I would have sacked both those vipers,” E.J. said. “Well, it’s not,” Kristen countered. E.J. smirked. “Not at the moment,” E.J. said. Kristen argued that she was determined to do whatever it took to protect the family legacy.

“That was a shockingly unconvincing story,” E.J. said. Kristen encouraged E.J. to confirm the story with Gabi. E.J. advised Kristen not to spill her secrets aloud to Stefano’s portrait. “Besides, I’m sure he knows all already,” E.J. said. With a furrowed brow, E.J. wondered aloud what Kristen wanted in life, since she was the CEO of DiMera, then he smiled.

“Brady Black,” E.J. said. Jada walked into the room, and she asked to speak to E.J. about Sarah’s case. With a nod, Kristen left the living room, but she hid outside the doorway in the foyer so that she could eavesdrop. Jada told E.J. about the evidence collected to date. “The vehicle has vanished into thin air,” Jada added. Jada explained that the suspect had claimed that the car had been stolen, but he had not filed a report with the police.

“He claimed that the theft occurred before the accident. But I have an eyewitness that says she saw the car parked in the parking garage the night of the accident—in the wrong spot,” Jada said. “So, what I’m hearing is a lot of circumstantial evidence, albeit very compelling circumstantial evidence, and no absolute proof,” E.J. summarized. Jada nodded yes. Jada added that without the car, they might not have the proof they needed to move forward with the case.

“Are you ready to indict based on what we have?” Jada asked. E.J. asked about the suspect. “Does it matter?” Jada said. “It might,” E.J. admitted. Jada said the suspect was Brady. E.J. smirked. “By all means. Arrest him,” E.J. said. In the foyer, Kristen gave a frustrated sigh. “I’m sensing that you have some type of bad blood with Brady?” Jada said. E.J. argued that his long-standing feud with Brady had not colored his judgment of the case. “From what you’ve told me, the preponderance of evidence suggests we may be able to win a conviction,” E.J. said. E.J. told Jada to arrest Brady, and she agreed.

As Jada exited the house, Kristen pretended to be looking at her phone. Kristen asked if Jada had any leads in Sarah’s case. “I think you already know the answer to that,” Jada said. Kristen played dumb, but Jada said she knew Kristen had been eavesdropping. “You can’t blame me for being curious,” Kristen said. Jada started to ask if Kristen had any information, but Kristen abruptly said no.

After Jada left, Kristen rejoined E.J. in the living room, and she asked about E.J.’s conversation with Jada. “Something tells me you knew exactly what was going on,” E.J. said.

At the nurses’ station, Tate muttered to Brady that the hit-and-run driver was a psychopath. “I’m just glad they have a suspect,” Tate said. Tate noted that Brady was distracted, and he called Brady out on it. Brady assured Tate that he had been listening. “What I hear, son, is you trying to change the subject,” Brady said. Tate apologized again, and he pointed out that he and Holly had spent the summer together without anything bad having happened. Tate pleaded for Brady to not keep him apart from Holly.

Brady’s phone beeped with a text from Kristen. “Police are about to arrest you. RUN!!” the text read. Worried by Brady’s strange behavior, Tate asked Brady if he was okay. “I’m okay. Can Holly take you home?” Brady asked. Tate said yes. Brady advised Tate to ice his ankle, and he left.

When Holly rejoined Tate in the hall, he thanked her for giving him time alone with his dad. “I thought I was getting through to him, but then he started acting really weird. It’s like his brain was somewhere else. Honestly, I have no idea if I’m in trouble or not,” Tate said. Holly appeared stricken. Tate asked what was wrong. “It’s our fault, Tate. What happened is our fault,” Holly said. “What are you talking about?” Tate asked.

Marlena returned home to the penthouse, and she thought about her conversation with Jada about Brady’s stolen car. As Marlena settled on the couch, John returned home. “I got your message saying you wanted to talk to me. Everything okay?” John asked. “No. Not really,” Marlena admitted. Marlena told John about Brady’s car and her conversation with Jada about the timeline.

“Why would the acting police commissioner be involved in a run-of-the-mill car theft investigation, anyway?” John asked. John wondered aloud if Jada’s questioning was connected to Sarah’s hit-and-run. Marlena asked John if he believed Brady could have been involved in the accident. “I pray I’m wrong, but something’s not adding up here. I mean, come on. Why wouldn’t Brady say a word about his car being stolen?” John asked. Marlena noted that Brady had told Kristen about the theft. John shook his head.

“Unless he wanted to get rid of evidence by disappearing the car, yeah, Kristen could do that,” John said. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, okay?” Marlena said. Marlena noted that Brady had been shocked when she had told him about Sarah’s accident. Marlena argued that Brady would not have left Sarah to die if he had hit her with his car. “Unless he’d been drinking,” John said. Marlena sighed.

“While you were in Greece, I will admit that I had a few concerns,” Marlena said. John asked for details. Marlena explained that Paul had talked to Brady and that Brady had been struggling with his sobriety. “What’s your gut telling you?” John asked. Marlena said she was reluctant to jump to conclusions, especially after what had happened with Eric’s car accident.

“I should have learned from that. I should have sat Brady down and had a serious talk with him before it was too late,” Marlena said. John made Marlena look him in the eyes. “You are not in any way responsible for what happened,” John said. John noted that if Brady was to blame, he would have to claim responsibility. Marlena agreed. “He hasn’t done that yet,” Marlena said. “And that’s why I’m going to have to confront him,” John said.

At the police station, Jada made arrangements to arrest the suspect in the hit-and-run. “There’s no need for that, Detective. I’m here,” Brady said as he entered the bullpen.

Next on Days of our Lives:

  • Brady makes a confession to Jada
  • Justin overhears an admission from Fiona
  • Tate and Holly discuss the fallout from their lies

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Edited by Lisa