Sarah's claim leads to an arrest; Days of our Lives recap for Friday, September 27, 2024

Jada attempts to wake up Brady
Jada attempts to wake up Brady

Alex stopped by Stephanie’s apartment to thank her for her help at the photoshoot. Stephanie mentioned that Eric had emailed proofs from the shoot, and she asked Alex if he wanted to stay and look at them with her. Alex accepted the offer.

“That’s a great one of you and Chanel,” Stephanie said. “Yeah. It looks like we’re actually in love instead of ready to kill each other,” Alex joked. Stephanie noted that making the love story believable was the point of acting. With a chuckle, Stephanie noted that Johnny would not like the photos. “Even though Chanel and I were just acting and that’s all?” Alex said. Stephanie smirked. Alex noted that Johnny would have to get used to it as the director.

“Well, you didn’t see his face when he walked into the shoot,” Stephanie said. “Chanel hates my guts, so there is really nothing for him to worry about,” Alex countered. Stephanie agreed, but she noted that Johnny was still jealous or insecure. Alex argued that Johnny would have to “get over it.” After a moment, Alex admitted he was surprised how well he had gotten along with Chanel during the shoot.

“Wait a second. You don’t think that’s going to ruin our on-screen chemistry, do you? The fact that we’re, like, seemingly getting along?” Alex asked. Stephanie disagreed. With a sigh, Alex thanked Stephanie for showing him the photos. “Get some rest. Big day tomorrow,” Stephanie said. Alex confessed that he was too excited about work to sleep. Stephanie invited Alex to watch TV with her.

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At the end of the episode, Alex started to talk about the acting in the TV show, but then he noticed that Stephanie was asleep. Stephanie dreamed that she had done the photoshoot with Alex instead of Chanel. “You and I, we have an amazing chemistry, don’t we?” Alex said in the dream. “It’s off the charts, baby. Which is why we don’t have to act. This heat between us, it’s real,” Stephanie said. Dream Alex told Stephanie that he wanted to ravish her.

Stephanie startled awake from her dream, and Alex laughed at her. “You were dreaming, obviously,” Alex said. “That was weird,” Stephanie said. Alex asked about Stephanie’s dream. Stephanie laughed nervously. Alex noted that Stephanie had smiled a lot in her sleep. “How embarrassing,” Stephanie said. Alex asked why. Stephanie lied and said her dream had been about a toy from her childhood.

At the DiMera mansion, Chanel and Johnny were getting ready for bed when Chanel saw an email from Eric with proofs from the photo shoot. “Let me see,” Johnny said excitedly. Johnny told Chanel that she looked gorgeous, but it was evident that Johnny was bothered by the ones with Alex. Chanel complimented Eric’s work. “From these photos, you would never guess that [Alex and I] can’t stand each other,” Chanel noted. “You sure couldn’t,” Johnny said. Johnny admitted that he had been thrown when he had seen Chanel and Alex together, and he complimented Chanel’s acting during the shoot.

“Thank you, Mr. Director. And I have to say, maybe Alex isn’t such a jerk, after all,” Chanel said. Chanel explained that she and Alex had agreed that it was too soon in the show for their characters to have sex. Johnny was surprised. “Yeah. And we both just wish that our head writer, a.k.a. Leo Stark, would postpone it,” Chanel said. Johnny admitted he had talked to Leo, but Leo had refused to make any changes.

“I cannot believe you did that. Damn it, Johnny! Why would you go behind my back like that?” Chanel yelled. Johnny reminded Chanel that he was the director of the show. Chanel asked Johnny when he had talked to Leo. “Why does it matter? And why are you so upset? You even said you weren’t happy with the scene,” Johnny argued. Chanel explained that the issue had been her problem to solve, not Johnny’s.

“Why do you keep saying I was going behind your back? I was having your back. I was trying to look out for you,” Johnny said. “By going to the head writer and asking him to change my character’s part of the script?” Chanel countered. Johnny asked Chanel why she was so upset. When Johnny noted that Chanel had commended Alex for agreeing with her but she was upset with Johnny, Chanel explained that she and Alex were the actors that needed to play the scene.

“And as I reminded you before, Chanel, I am the director. So I have every right to go and talk to the head writer about my take on a scene, any scene, including yours,” Johnny said. Chanel explained that she and Alex had agreed to talk to Kate instead of Leo. “And then we decided that we were going to wait,” Chanel added. Confused, Johnny noted that the scene was scheduled to shoot in three days.

“Did you change your mind? Did you decide that you and Alex were just getting along together so well and that the photoshoot was so much fun that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have a love scene with your new co-star?” Johnny asked. “Now I am even more insulted,” Chanel said. Johnny complained about how Chanel had run her hands over Alex’s body during the photoshoot. “That wouldn’t be the first time, right?” Johnny said. Johnny argued that Chanel had enjoyed fondling Alex for the camera.

“After all, what’s a little simulated sex between friends, eh?” Johnny said. Chanel scowled. “You know what, Johnny? You don’t even deserve an explanation,” Chanel growled. Chanel explained that she and Alex had agreed to wait until the morning to talk to Kate. “But if you prefer to think that it is because I want to jump Alex’s bones, then you go right ahead and think that. And I mean, I already feel disrespected enough, so why don’t you just double down and make it worse!” Chanel yelled. Johnny apologized.

“I’m an idiot,” Johnny said. “Finally, we agree on something,” Chanel countered. Johnny confessed that when he had walked into the room and watched Chanel and Alex paw at one another, it had reminded him that Alex and Chanel had slept together before.

“The only reason why Alex and I were touching each other was because we were giving Abe and Kate promotional material for the show. Okay? I was doing a job. The job I was hired for, the job that you recommended me for. It was your idea,” Chanel said. Johnny agreed. Chanel stressed that her interaction with Alex had been a performance and nothing more. “Me being pissed at you? It’s real!” Chanel yelled before she stomped into the bathroom.

When Chanel returned, she crawled into bed next to Johnny. Johnny apologized again. “The first scenes are tomorrow. I know that you are going to kill it,” Johnny said. As Johnny leaned in to kiss Chanel, she turned away. “I have an early call time tomorrow. See you on set,” Chanel said coldly.

When Fiona returned home from her evening at the Bistro, she went to Sarah’s room to say goodnight. “Where’s Xander?” Fiona asked. Sarah informed Fiona that Xander had told her about Fiona’s fling with Brady. Fiona stressed that she had not known about Brady’s relationship to the family or that he would drive drunk. “He seemed like such a good man,” Fiona said. “No, Brady is a good man. He just made a terrible mistake,” Sarah countered. Sarah told Fiona that she was grateful that Fiona had stopped Xander’s attack on Brady.

“I’m sure you know, as do I, that my son has a history of letting his temper get the better of him,” Fiona said. Fiona added that she was appalled by Brady’s behavior, and that her affair with him was over. “But that isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about,” Sarah said. Fiona asked what was wrong. Sarah explained that she had sent the police to Brady’s house to prevent Xander from any further attempts to harm Brady.

In Brady’s bedroom at the penthouse, Xander stared at a sleeping Brady. “Looks like the drug did its job. Now all I have to do is put this gun in your hand and pull the trigger,” Xander said. Xander told Brady that his only regret was that Brady would not suffer the same pain as Sarah. As Xander leaned toward Brady, Jada knocked on Brady’s bedroom door.

“It’s the police! Open the door!” Jada shouted. Xander tucked the gun into the back of his pants under his coat. Jada opened the door. “What’s going on here?” Jada asked. “I came by to offer Brady my support, and I found him all passed out like this,” Xander said. Xander asked Jada why she was there. Jada explained that Sarah had called her with shocking information. As Jada shook Brady, he groggily muttered at her. “Wow. He’s really wasted, huh?” Jada said. Worried, Xander asked Jada what Sarah had said. Jada said that Sarah had confirmed that Brady had been behind the wheel of the car that had hit her.

Jada roused Brady awake, and she asked if he had been drinking. “I don’t do that anymore. I don’t drink and drive,” Brady said. “Yeah, right,” Xander muttered. “That’s what Tate said, but I’m sober. As a judge,” Brady said. Jada announced that she needed to take Brady down to the station. Confused, Brady asked why. “I’m placing you under arrest for Sarah’s hit-and-run,” Jada said. Xander smiled.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Sarah explained to Fiona that she had remembered the night of the accident, and she had clearly seen Brady’s face in the car. “And he was in the driver’s seat?” Fiona asked. Sarah said yes. “As soon as I remembered, I called the police and told them that I would testify to that fact and that they should go and arrest Brady immediately before someone else got hurt,” Sarah said.

Xander walked into Sarah’s room, and he stopped when he saw Fiona. “I was just telling your mom how the memory of seeing Brady behind the wheel the night of the accident just came back,” Sarah said. “I just learned about that myself,” Xander said. Xander asked Fiona if she could check on Victoria so that he could talk to Sarah. After Fiona left, Xander explained that Jada had told him about Sarah’s testimony.

“I was so scared she wasn’t going to show up in time,” Sarah said. Xander asked Sarah if she had honestly remembered that Brady was behind the wheel. “No. I was lying. I had no other choice. I had to stop you from killing him,” Sarah said. Xander admitted that he thought the timing was too coincidental. “I’m surprised you were able to bring yourself to lie to the police,” Xander said. Sarah noted that Xander had not left her any choice.

“After I accepted the fact that you were determined to punish Brady, I realized that if I just remembered seeing him behind the wheel, then the police would have no choice but to go and arrest him. Then Brady wouldn’t die, you wouldn’t go to prison for the rest of your life for murder, and we would get the justice for me that you are so desperately seeking. It’s the only way that I can save you and Brady both,” Sarah said. Sarah noted that it was easier to live with a lie than to live without Xander. Xander confessed that when Jada had arrived in Brady’s room, he had momentarily believed that Sarah had ratted him out to the police.

“The thought did cross my mind. But I realized I can’t do that to you. You’re my husband. The father of my child. I just realized all I could do was call Jada and just hope that she made it there in time to stop you,” Sarah said. “But what if she walked in right as I was putting the gun in his hand?” Xander asked. Sarah shrugged, and she said it was a risk she had had to take.

When Fiona returned to Sarah’s room, she stopped in the hallway and eavesdropped. Fiona overheard Sarah admit, “I don’t feel good about lying to the police. But as much as I hate having Brady arrested on false pretenses, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s guilty.” Xander assured Sarah that she was doing the right thing.

“It’s not like I’m framing an innocent man, right?” Sarah said. Xander agreed. Sarah asked Xander to stop his crusade to get justice against Brady. “That’s all I wanted, was for the person that hurt you to get what they deserve,” Xander said. In the hallway, a look of guilt crossed Fiona’s face.

At the police station, Eric rushed in and asked Jada about Brady’s arrest. “I arrested him for Sarah’s hit-and-run,” Jada said. Jada explained that Sarah had remembered who had been behind the wheel. Eric entered the interrogation room, and he asked Brady why he had gotten drunk. “I didn’t! You were with me at the pub. You know I wasn’t [drinking],” Brady said. Brady explained that he had gone home after he'd left the pub, and he had felt strange. Eric asked if anything had happened on the way home.

After a moment, Brady remembered he had run into a man that had claimed to know him from A.A. Brady told Eric about the handshake. “He cut my hand with his ring. It wasn’t deep, but yeah, it hurt,” Brady said. “And then you went straight home afterwards?” Eric asked. With a nod yes, Brady said that by the time he had arrived at home, he had been out of it. “[Tate] accused me of drinking. He had to even help me to bed,” Brady said. Brady said his next memory was when Jada had woken him up. Brady’s eyes went wide, and he noted that he was pretty sure that Xander had been in the room.

Eric returned to the bullpen to ask Jada why Xander had been at the penthouse. “He said he came by to talk to Brady, and he found him out cold on the bed,” Jada said. While Jada stepped aside to take a call, Eric wondered aloud why Xander had been in Brady’s room.

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Edited by Lisa