Holly was caught red-handed; Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Tate (Leo Howard) busted Holly (Ashley Puzemis) snooping.
Tate (Leo Howard) busted Holly (Ashley Puzemis) snooping.

At the hospital, E.J. ended a call with his butler, Harold, who had wanted an update on Gabi’s condition. Holly stepped off the elevator and rushed to E.J. She hugged him and expressed her relief that he was okay. E.J. was touched by the embrace and asked Holly if it meant that he was forgiven. Holly smiled and said that just because she hadn’t wanted E.J. “blown to bits” didn’t mean that she was completely over E.J.’s secrecy about Jude.

E.J. understood and admitted that he still regretted some of his choices. Holly could relate, as someone who had made her share of mistakes out of desperation. She thanked E.J. for offering a listening ear after she had found out the truth about Eric. Since she and E.J. were on the subject of drunk drivers, Holly asked E.J. what he was doing to put Brady in jail. E.J. reminded Holly that he lacked evidence to prosecute Brady, and Holly angrily insisted that Brady needed to pay.

E.J. suggested to Holly that she might be displacing her feelings about Eric and Daniel onto Brady and Sarah. Holly admitted that some of her anger at Eric had been transferred to Brady. The thought of both Eric and Brady getting away with what they had done enraged her. She felt Eric had only received a “slap on the wrist,” and he got to live his “best life” with her mom as a result. Holly again offered to help E.J. find evidence against Brady, but he believed it best to let the police handle the investigation.

E.J. confided that he wanted justice just as much as Holly, and he called them “kindred spirits” in that regard. Holly concurred, thanked E.J. again, and left. Later, over the phone, E.J. lambasted someone at the police station for their inability to make a case against Brady. E.J. hung up and huffed that Holly could probably do a better job than the cops.

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At John and Marlena’s place, a shirtless Tate left another phone message for Holly. He implored her to call him back and then hung up when he heard a knock at the door. Tate opened the door, hoping to see Holly, but found Sophia instead. She looked him up and down appreciatively and then held up a bag of food she had brought him.

Later, a grateful Tate ate the food and thanked Sophia. Sophia noted that he had ordered the same meal of barbecue sliders every time he had gone to the Bistro, and Tate was surprised that Sophia had noticed. She replied that she noticed everything about Tate, and he got slightly flustered. Sophia also explained that she had wanted to offer him support, since Holly had been “freezing” him out. Tate defended Holly and claimed she had been dealing with a lot.

Sophia said she felt sorry for Holly and admitted that she wished she could be there for her friend. She stroked Tate’s shoulder and added that she felt sorry for him, too. Sophia showered Tate with compliments about his amazing qualities and insisted that if she had a great guy like him, she would never take him for granted. Take took in the compliments, but the moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Holly, who acted none-too-pleased when she saw Tate and a grinning Sophia together.

Tate pledged that nothing had happened, while Sophia told Holly she had stopped by to check on Tate. Holly sarcastically thanked Sophia for her concern and reminded her that Sophia had a shift at the Bistro that she couldn’t force on Holly anymore. Holly literally shoved Sophia out the door, turned to Tate, and offered an apology for the way she had acted toward him. However, when Tate accepted her apology and hugged her, Holly pulled back and suddenly claimed that she needed to use the restroom.

Once Holly got away from Tate, she made a detour for Brady’s bedroom and began looking through his belongings. She spotted a briefcase and went to open it. As she fumbled with the case, Tate walked in and asked Holly what she was doing.

At the pub, Eric ran into Brady. Eric explained that he had just finished a photoshoot. Brady caught Eric up on the attack on Ava and added that he had wanted to check on her. Eric hadn’t realized that Brady was friends with Ava, but Brady clarified they had gotten to know each other during one of Brady’s benders. Brady wished he had listened to Ava that night about drinking and again expressed regret about having hurt Sarah.

As Brady and Eric sat down at a table, Eric urged Brady to stop beating up on himself. Brady sarcastically countered that he could not simply forget that he had crippled a young mother. He told a shocked Eric about Xander threatening him with a baseball bat. Brady added that Xander’s mother, Fiona, had stopped Xander. Eric wondered why Brady had not tried to stop Xander, and Brady insisted that he had deserved Xander’s wrath.

Eric again pleaded with Brady to forgive himself, and he reasoned that Brady was a “good man” who had been battling a disease. Eric was thankful that Fiona had stopped Xander but expressed confusion, since she did not know Brady. Brady admitted that he and Fiona had known each other “in the biblical sense,” and Eric’s eyes widened. Brady added that he’d been drinking at the time and that he and Fiona had not discovered their mutual ties until later.

Eric scoffed after Brady said that he had continued the affair even after discovering that Fiona was Xander’s mother. Brady insisted that the relationship had ended, and he snarked that “nothing kills a new romance faster than crippling your lover’s daughter-in-law.” Brady wanted to change the subject and asked Eric how his meeting with Holly had gone. Eric replied that Holly had already learned the truth about Daniel, courtesy of Brady’s son Tate. Brady was sorry for the way Holly had found out, but he encouraged Eric to keep reaching out to Holly.

After Brady left for an A.A. meeting, E.J. entered the pub and saw Eric. He walked over to the table and began making snide comments about Eric and about Holly having discovered Eric’s role in Daniel’s death. Eric only responded that while he and Holly were in a bad place, he was not giving up on her. E.J. sneered that Holly would likely never trust Nicole or Eric again. E.J. then insinuated that he would continue to lend Holly a comforting shoulder, since she had no one else.

In Xander and Sarah’s bedroom at the Kiriakis mansion, Xander carried a protesting Sarah to the bed. She scolded Xander for not allowing her to move herself from the chair to the bed. Xander claimed he wanted to “dote” on Sarah. She countered that if he wanted to put her at ease, then he would promise not to go after Brady again. Xander insisted that he wanted justice for Sarah, but Sarah exclaimed that she didn’t want it.

Sarah reiterated that she wanted both Xander and herself to focus on Victoria and on navigating Sarah’s new reality. She stressed to Xander that his vendetta against Brady was causing her anxiety. She needed Xander to forgive Brady, not for Brady’s sake, but for hers. Xander promised to help Sarah and Victoria in any way he could but refused to forgive his nephew. Sarah attempted to extract a pledge from Xander about Brady, but they were interrupted by a phone message for Xander.

Xander checked his phone and claimed that he needed to attend a Titan meeting. Sarah was skeptical due to the lateness of the hour, but Xander promised that he was not leaving to confront Brady again. Xander suggested that Sarah work on her physical therapy while he was gone, then he kissed her and departed. Sarah looked on with suspicion and worry.

Xander (Paul Telfer) got a gun.
Xander (Paul Telfer) got a gun.

In the park, Xander met with a man about a mystery assignment. The man pulled out a gun and handed it to Xander, who confirmed with the man that the plan for Brady was a go. The man pronounced that Brady would never know what had hit him.

At the Bistro, Maggie thanked Fiona for her dinner invitation. The women chatted about Xander and Sarah, and Fiona admitted that she had wanted to tell Maggie about why Xander was upset with her before Maggie found out from another source. Fiona explained how she had met Brady shortly after arriving in town, and she eventually worked her way up to confessing, “I slept with the man who crippled your daughter.” Maggie was taken aback.

Maggie couldn’t understand why Fiona had lied to her about knowing Brady. Fiona conceded that the situation had been “awkward” but stressed that she and Brady had not realized their family connection at first. Maggie directly asked Fiona if the relationship had ended, and Fiona insisted that it had. She called the hit-and-run “unconscionable.” Fiona opened up about how she had kept quiet because she had not wanted to harm her fragile relationship with Xander.

Maggie inquired if Xander had ever found out about Fiona and Brady. Fiona confessed that she had told her son the truth and that he had been very upset. She hinted that “something good” had arisen from her revelation then stunned Maggie by disclosing that Xander had attacked Brady with a bat. Maggie expressed relief that Xander hadn’t hurt Brady. She confided that although she was angry at Brady, she still loved him and considered him family.

Maggie thanked Fiona for everything she had done to help the family. She smiled and said she enjoyed the friendship she had been building with Fiona. The women embraced, and Maggie left Fiona with warm regards. Fiona looked guilty as she watched Maggie leave.

Later, Sophia approached Fiona’s table in her waitress uniform and asked the woman if she needed anything else. Fiona ordered a cheesecake and a martini. After Sophia brought her the drink, Fiona eyed it and then took a gulp.

Maggie arrived back at the mansion with food for Sarah. She was puzzled when she saw that her daughter’s bed was empty.

Back in the park, Xander, who was alone, was caught off-guard when Sarah rolled up in her wheelchair. She sarcastically noted that the business meeting had to have been canceled, then she revealed that she had asked their driver to follow Xander. Sarah demanded to know what her husband was hiding.

Brady passed through Horton Town Square on his way to his A.A. meeting. He bumped into the man from the park. Brady was confused that the man seemed to know him.

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Edited by Lisa