"Abigail" met her children; Days of our Lives Recap for Monday, October 7, 2024

Thomas had questions for Abigail (AnnaLynne McCord).
Thomas had questions for Abigail (AnnaLynne McCord).

As Julie, Thomas, and Charlotte passed through Horton Town Square, Thomas expressed impatience to get home so that he could play an online game with a friend. Julie piqued Thomas’ curiosity when she informed him that he’d have to cancel his playdate because his dad had a “special surprise” for him. Julie played coy when Thomas inquired about the surprise. Just then, Leo walked up and told the kids how much their dad had bragged about them when Leo had worked for him.

Thomas wondered if Leo was still working as the tooth fairy, since Thomas had a loose tooth and wanted an “advancement” on his 50-dollar payoff. Leo admitted he wasn’t really the tooth fairy and changed the subject to congratulate Thomas on the “good news” about Thomas' mom. Julie was aghast, and Thomas asked what was so good about his mother being dead. Leo quickly backtracked and claimed that he had discovered Thomas and Charlotte’s mom had gotten her “angel wings” and had been promoted to “Chief Guardian Angel.”

Leo then proclaimed he was a fairy, after all, and gave both Thomas and Charlotte money for their missing teeth. Julie ran out of patience and ushered the kids away. Leo called, “Don’t forget to floss!” after them, and Julie shot him an exasperated look.

At the Horton home, Chad informed “Abigail” that he wanted to tell Charlotte and Thomas the truth when the kids arrived home. “Abigail” exclaimed that they could not tell the children about her return, and she protested that she and Chad had agreed to wait. Chad didn’t want to take the chance that Thomas and Charlotte would find out from someone else, like Rachel. He insisted that the kids had gone without their mother for long enough. “Abigail” argued that they should give it more time, since she had already started getting her memories back.

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Chad remained steadfast that the kids were smart and would understand more than "Abigail" believed they would. He challenged “Abigail” on whether she wanted her life back, and she responded that she did, more than Chad knew. Chad also reminded “Abigail” that her wedding memory had returned after she had seen concrete pictures of the ceremony. He reasoned that seeing the kids in person could unlock even more memories. “Abigail” wore a panicked expression as Chad insisted it was time to reveal the truth.

“Abigail” made one more desperate plea to Chad and claimed that she would not be able to live with herself if she disappointed the kids. Chad eventually relented and pulled out his phone so that he could alert Julie not to bring Thomas and Charlotte home. He was worried when he read a text from Julie stating that she was on her way with the kids. Just then, the door opened, and Julie, Thomas, and Charlotte entered. Thomas immediately looked at “Abigail” and asked “Who are you?” as Chad and “Abigail” stood speechless.

Noting Chad’s failure to respond, Julie prodded Chad to answer Thomas, who also wanted to know why the mystery woman was staring at him. “Abigail” found her voice and lied that she was a work friend of Chad. She hadn’t expected to meet Thomas. Chad backed up the claim and asked a reluctant Julie to take the kids into the kitchen while he finished his work meeting. When Thomas brought up the surprise he was supposed to receive, Chad told his son they’d talk about it later.

Once “Abigail” and Chad were alone, they discussed the turn of events, and “Abigail” confirmed that seeing the kids had not triggered any memories. She wanted to talk with Chad about an idea she had for getting more of her memories back. Afterwards, “Abigail” asked Chad how he felt about her idea. Before he could respond, Julie returned to the room and scolded Chad about lying to the kids again. Once Chad explained that he and Abigail had decided to wait, Julie calmed and excitedly introduced herself to “Abigail.”

Julie seemed taken aback when she opened her arms for a hug, only to have "Abigail" respond with a polite and timid “hello.” When “Abigail” said that she had presented Chad with a plan for restoring her memories, Julie wondered what would happen if the plan failed. “Abigail” assured Julie that she and Chad would then tell the children regardless. Chad revealed that "Abigail" wanted to go to Paris and to relive the couple’s time there. As Julie looked on skeptically, “Abigail” asked Chad if he accepted the offer.

At the Brady Pub, Roman told Ava that he had changed the locks after what had happened with Connie. He apologized for what the woman had done to Ava, but Ava assured him that it was not his fault. She, in turn, apologized for being behind on her rent and for walking away from the job Roman had offered her. Roman was surprised when Ava hinted that she had already lost the “better job” that she had taken. Ava sat down with Roman and filled him in on the latest with Stefan, Gabi, and herself.

After Roman listened to Ava’s woes, he encouraged her to take time and see where things stood with Stefan before she decided to work at the pub again. Ava profusely thanked Roman for his understanding and left, just as Leo entered the pub. He complained to Roman about the chaos of soap opera life and declared that it had nothing on real life. As Leo downed a drink at the bar, he told Roman about his slip-up with Chad’s kids. Roman said Leo shouldn't be hard on himself, as Leo had been able to cover his mistake.

Leo admitted that he also felt bad about having to write Hattie off the show and having not informed her. He explained that he’d feared how Hattie would react, and Roman acknowledged that Hattie wouldn’t have taken the news well. Leo considered Hattie a friend, and he bemoaned how telling a lie—even if for seemingly good reasons—never turned out well.

At Abe and Paulina’s place, Paulina was irritated to find E.J. at her door. He invited himself in and stated that he’d made a “house call” for personal business: his brother. E.J. handed Paulina a signed statement from Stefan and proclaimed that his brother would no longer be a problem. Paulina scanned the papers, in which Stefan had recanted his statement about E.J.’s involvement in the baby switch. E.J. beamed and declared that Paulina no longer had a reason to fire him.

Paulina retorted that E.J. had given her plenty of reason, but she acknowledged that she did not have a replacement in line. Paulina wondered how E.J. had gotten Stefan to take back the claim. E.J. hinted that he had something on Stefan, and Paulina goaded E.J. on what he would do when he and Stefan ran out of blackmail material. E.J. assured her that both brothers had an “endless supply” of blackmail, and he departed with a smirk.

Stefan (Brandon Barash) and Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) said goodbye.
Stefan (Brandon Barash) and Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) said goodbye.

In Gabi’s hospital room, Stefan announced that he had filed for divorce. He observed Gabi’s reaction and asked why she had seemed surprised, since she had vowed to take everything from him. Gabi recalled how Stefan had once told her that he would fight to the end for their marriage, and she challenged him to admit why he was in a rush to divorce. Stefan replied that he and Gabi had been making each other miserable, and he wanted the cycle to end.

Both Gabi and Stefan further admitted that they could not get the mental images of the other’s betrayal out of their heads. Stefan believed they had nothing left to fight for, and Gabi appeared hurt at the suggestion. She confessed that when she’d believed she'd been about to die, the one regret she'd had had been that she had not told Stefan one more time how much she loved him. She had believed that “staring death in the face” could mark a new beginning for them, but after she’d found out about his attempt to sleep with Ava again, the anger had taken over.

Stefan reiterated that nothing had happened between him and Ava that time, and Gabi added that nothing had happened between her and E.J. a second time, either. Stefan said he knew that Gabi had tried to seduce E.J. after the first encounter and that E.J. had turned her down. Gabi admitted that she had wanted to hurt Stefan, just as he had wanted to hurt her. She believed that two people who truly loved each other would not be so willing to inflict pain. Gabi also opened up about how gutted she had felt when she had believed Stefan had been dead.

Gabi had felt restored when Stefan had returned, and he remembered how he had wanted nothing to do with her at the time. Then, when they had finally been happy, circumstances had driven them apart again, and Gabi had been sent to prison. Gabi had gotten through the experience because of Stefan, only to learn that he had betrayed her. Stefan called the infidelity the “worst mistake of my life,” and Gabi acknowledged that she had “screwed it up even more.” Stefan responded that he’d never loved anyone as much as Gabi, and he teared up as he recited the poem he’d written her for their anniversary.

Gabi said she would also file for divorce, and both agreed that they no longer had any fight in them. They apologized to each other and tearfully said goodbye. When Stefan left, Gabi broke down in sobs.

Later, E.J. arrived and ended a call with Johnny before approaching Gabi. After Gabi told him about her and Stefan’s breakup, she indicated that the divorce was happening because of E.J. Gabi called E.J. out for having taunted Stefan about Gabi’s proposition to E.J. She reminded E.J. of what Johnny had asserted about E.J.’s need to punish Stefan and Gabi for Nicole’s departure. Gabi congratulated E.J. on his success.

E.J. expressed remorse for his role in Stefan and Gabi's divorce, but Gabi confessed that ultimately, she was to blame. She credited E.J. for having acted like a gentleman when she had propositioned him. E.J. lightly took the compliment but grew serious when he urged Gabi to fight for her marriage if that was what Gabi wanted. Gabi sighed and said that she and Stefan had agreed that the fight was over and that they were “truly dead" as a couple.

At the Bistro, Stefan stared sadly at his wedding ring. Ava entered and approached Stefan about possibly getting her job back. She wanted to know if Stefan and Gabi had reunited, as she didn’t want to stir up more drama between them. Stefan proclaimed that he and Gabi were over for good. Ava stated that she cared about Stefan and that she didn’t want him to give up prematurely. Once Stefan affirmed that he and Gabi could not get past their hurt, Ava conveyed her regret.

Stefan assured Ava that he was the only one to blame for the end of his marriage. He recalled a quote that related to him and Gabi: “Nothing that burns so bright can ever last too long.” He invited Ava back to the Bistro and assured her that his behavior would be “immaculate.” Ava thanked Stefan and commiserated that she would gladly go back to the pub if it meant Stefan and Gabi could work things out. Stefan thanked Ava in kind for her words.

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Edited by Lisa