Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

Monday, August 23, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

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Vivian and Kate shake and agree to work together, for now. Kate assures Vivian that very soon Victor will be back here working, and they will be married and she can't do anything about it! Kate says she already considers herself Victor's wife, but it will be wonderful to have it made official. Nicholas tells Billie that she is doing a wonderful job with Countess Williamena, and they end up going into her office to look at her European market expansion plans. Once they are gone, Kate tells Vivian that she has to hand it to her for conning Stefano. Vivian tells Kate that they have to face it, Stefano doesn't give loyalty and protection unless he wants something in return. She asks her what Stefano wanted from her?

Kate says a good return on his stocks. Kate doesn't think this will work, but Vivian says she wants this truce to work because Nicholas won't stay in Salem if she doesn't make peace with her. Kate asks if Nicholas means more to her than Victor? Vivian says of course she cares for Victor, and she still hopes he will forgive her one day. She mentions the progress she has made with him during their visits, and when Vivian asks a shocked Kate if Victor told her about their visits? Kate says that of course he did. However, Kate says Victor never once mentioned that he was on the verge of forgiving her.

Billie questions Nicholas about his motives. Nicholas flirts with her by telling her that she must get her beauty and business sense from her mom, he just hopes she'll let people get close to her, unlike her mother. Billie assures Nicholas that her mom will be fine once Victor comes home.

Billie goes back to see her mom, who is trying to stay positive. Billie tells her mom that she wants her to stay realistic about Victor's chances for recovery. Kate is sure that everything will work out. Billie leaves for the night and Kate gets a call from the hospital about Victor's test results.

Nicholas and Vivian go to their office and Vivian is furious with the idea of Victor marrying Kate. Nicholas assures his aunt that he will think of something. Later, Billie drops by and tells Vivian that she will be keeping an eye on her nephew. Vivian says "You and every other woman in Salem!" Billie makes it clear she is only protecting her mother, but Vivian says you can't fool Aunty Viv!

Back in Kate's office, Kate is in tears and asks the doctor if Victor will recover enough to leave the nursing home? We don't hear the answer, but it isn't good because she says she'll have to keep praying for that miracle. Nicholas drops by and asks Kate what is wrong? Kate says Victor might never come home. Nicholas comforts her and lets her cry on his shoulder.

Nancy tells Craig that her dad is very proud and impressed by him. Abe and Lexie show up for Craig and Nancy's celebration. Lexie says the board members invited them, she hopes Craig doesn't mind. Craig says of course not. Shawn, Caroline, Sami, and Austin show up to celebrate Sami's freedom, but Sami can't help notice the tension between Craig and Lexie. At another table, Ali tells Tony to go make sure Nancy gulps down her champagne instead of sipping at it like she is. Tony goes over to Nancy to talk with her. When she says she is celebrating her husband becoming chief of staff, Tony keeps toasting her and her husband so Nancy keeps drinking. Lexie talks with Craig and tells him that she hates what happened to Mike, but she hopes they can resolve their differences because she likes University Hospital and wants to stay there. Craig tells her that he only expects the same support that Mike received. Abe points out that the board invited his wife because they value her as a staff member. Brandon shows up in and ends up sitting next to a disguised Ali at the bar. When he flirts with her, she tells him that she is involved. The board members show up and everyone is shown to their table. Nancy is completely loaded at this point.

When she hands her empty glass to a waiter, she slaps him on the butt when he walks by. Claire shows up and the board members offer Claire a job at the hospital. Claire thanks them but says she is looking forward to getting back to Manhattan. Lexie ends up leaving to call the hospital when she becomes sick of Nancy's blubbering about how much Craig loves Mike. Lexie runs into Brandon, and she says she will call him about the job, WHEN she is free. Brandon can't believe the attitude he is getting tonight.

Back at the table, Nancy flirts with Mr. Lewis by rubbing his leg and telling him about her special Cajun cooking that sets men on fire. She then starts flirting with Abe, telling him that she loves big guns and asks to see his. Abe tells her that he never takes his gun out in public. The waiter brings the menus and Nancy asks the waiter to liven up the music, and then suggests and starts humming Stars and Stripes Forever. She then asks Craig to order for her, she sees some people she wants to talk to.

Sami and Austin can't compliment one another enough in front of Shawn and Caroline. Sami eventually runs into Brandon and invites him and his friend "Ali" to join them, but Brandon says she is not with him. Sami looks at Ali and notices something familiar about her. She asks him to join them again, but he says no thanks. She realizes he is here to talk to Lexie and offers to put in a good word, but he says he wants to get the job on her own. Back at the table, Nancy shows up and starts flirting with Shawn, telling him that she has a thing for older men and loves his silver hair. She begins massaging Shawn's shoulder, and Sami tells Nancy that she better return to the table if she wants to order something. Nancy yells across the restaurant "Craigy, order me something yummy!" Craig tries to get to his wife, but is delayed by people the board members want him to meet.

Lexie eventually tells Nancy that someone wants to meet her, so she leaves. Lexie tries to drag Nancy into the ladies room to throw some water on her face. Unfortunately they never make it because Nancy spots Brandon and says she has to dance with this hunk. She then begins dirty dancing with a shocked Brandon. Nancy shakes all her goods, bumps her rump, and begins undressing herself and Brandon! Ali decides to go at this point, and Craig apologizes to the board members for Nancy. Craig tries to calm Nancy down, but she only grabs a feather boa and shouts "Here comes mama!" Everyone is watching Nancy performs with the male help, and Sami even stands on her seat for a better view! Craig tells his wife to stop it, but all she does is bump and grind him.

Craig drags Nancy into the bathroom, and everyone gossips about Nancy. Mrs. Winston says that she is regretting hiring Craig as COS. In the bathroom Nancy wants to make love in a stall, but Craig tells her to sober up. Sami shows up and tells Craig that something is going on in Nancy's head besides champagne. Craig looks into his wife's eyes, sees she has been drugged, and exclaims "Ali!" Sami returns to her table and tells her family that someone drugged Nancy's drink. Shawn asks what makes her think that? She just says you'd be amazed what you can learn in prison. They all toast to the future.

Mike thinks maybe he should pack his bags and get the hell out of town because he's already cost her her job and marriage. Carrie asks how he can give up? Mike doesn't want to hurt her, but Carrie says he hasn't. Carrie says they have to beat Ali at her own game, they can't let her win. Mike is afraid that Ali will think she (Carrie) stole him from her again if they go through with this, and he is afraid that Ali might hurt her. Mike doesn't want his job back at the expense of her safety. Carrie doesn't think she is in danger, and Mike tells her that she is not being objective. Carrie thinks that if they expose Ali she will get help for her problems and will no longer be a danger to anyone.

Carrie urges him to clear his name for his grandfather's sake. Carrie tells him that the only way they can be safe from Ali is to expose her mental instability, otherwise she will just haunt them for the rest of their lives! Mike agrees to go through with it. Carrie pulls out a small tape recorder and gives it to Mike so he can tape Ali's confession. Mike tells Carrie that he will do everything he can to protect her, but Carrie says the important thing is to expose Ali.

Ali is planning her move to the southwest with Mike and the style they will live in. Someone rings her doorbell and she thinks it is Mike, but it's Craig. Ali asks what he is doing here? Craig tells her that nobody hurts his wife and gets away with it! Craig grabs Ali by her neck and begins to choke her!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

Tuesday, August 24, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Bo is undergoing more computer brainwashing. Stefano tells Gina that it is time to prepare her and Bo to acquire the last Rennet for him. But, Stefano says he must make sure Bo is ready. Gina can't believe how much Stefano enjoys this. He tells her that he relishes every bit of controlling a man who hates him. Rolf tells Bo to get on his feet, but he doesn't obey. Stefano tells Bo to do as Rolf says, and Bo snaps to. Gina asks what is going to happen? Stefano says they are going on a field trip.

Gina asks if it will be dangerous, Stefano says of course, and then asks if he detects a bit of concern in her voice? She says no, and he says good. Stefano tells her to come with him, and they leave. They end up on a street corner, and Gina asks what they are doing here. Stefano says they are waiting for lightening to strike. A man mugs some woman, and Stefano tells Bo to sick! Bo goes after the man and beats him to a pulp. The cops show up and Gina tells Stefano to do something! The cops ask Bo what he has done, what is his name? Bo just stands there like a mindless zombie, and is eventually arrested!

At the castle, Greta is alone in the dark asking if someone is there? She screams her head off when a candle held by a white arm approaches her. It is of course Eric, who brought her some food. The blanket, which was over his arm, is for her, and Eric laughs at her because she thought he was a ghost. Eric decides to light the fire and wishes Kurt was around because he could use his help. Kurt is spying on them and realizes that they are becoming dangerous and he has to get rid of them.

Eric starts a roaring fire, which soon goes out in a minute. Eric wonders what happened. Greta says this place is haunted, that is what happened! Eric tells her it was probably just a draft, but Greta thinks something is going on. Eric goes to start the fire again, but his matches are missing! Kurt reached through a secret door and stole them. Eric leaves to get some more matches, and Greta begins hearing creepy creaky noises. Kurt sneaks up behind Greta, but she thinks he is Eric. She doesn't turn around, she just asks for the matches, which he hands her. Kurt sneaks off through another secret passage, and Eric returns. He asks where she got the match? She says he just handed it to her, but he says he didn't.

He tells her to forget it and suggests they get some sleep. Eric sleeps on the floor and Greta takes the couch. When the storm outside rages, Greta ends up joining Eric on the floor because the place gives her the creeps. Eric asks Greta if she is okay with "this?" She tells him not to get the wrong idea, she is not looking for romance, she just wants to sleep tonight and wants to stay as close to him as possible. Lightening crashes again, and Greta says this is a day she's never going to forget. She tells Eric that her mother's spirit is haunting her. She tells Eric that she needs him, and asks him to hold her. Eric hold Greta, and the two fall asleep. Peeping Kurt watches them from behind the wall .

Austin finds Nicole pouring herself a drink. Nicole is upset because all she did on her trip is shop because Lucas had business to tend to the whole time. Austin asks where Lucas is? Nicole says he had to go over to Titan. Austin tells her that married life probably isn't going as she expected. Nicole looks at Austin and tells him his certainly didn't. Austin says talking about his problems won't solve hers. Nicole says she has everything she wants, but Austin says "but love." Nicole tells him that he is nobody to give her advice. Austin knows she is still in love with Eric. Nicole goes for another drink, and Austin tells her that it must be hard living with someone you don't even love. Nicole pours herself another drink and tells Austin that he is one to talk, he is living with Sami when he is obviously still in love with his wife. Nicole offers Austin a drink, but he says he doesn't need the booze to forget about his problems. Nicole tells him of course not, he and Sami are saints! She tells Austin that for his information, her life with Lucas is a dream come true. Austin tells her that this game she is playing will wear thin soon, and soon the high she is feeling will turn into a dull ache. Austin urges her to go after Eric before it is too late.

Carrie worries about Mike and wishes he would call her and let her know what is going on. Carrie looks at her date book and realizes tomorrow is her wedding anniversary. She asks herself how things could have fallen apart like this. She looks at her divorce papers and says she knows it is over, but she can't bring herself to sign the papers. Suddenly, Roman shows up at Carrie's door. He tells her that he came back because he heard about her and Mike. Carrie lets Roman in and he says he has not come here to condemn her, he loves her. Carrie says she knows she has hurt and humiliated the family, she has ruined everything. Roman tells her that there is always a way to repair things, but Carrie says not this time.

Roman tells her to fight, but Carrie says Austin has given up on her, it is over. Roman says it is never over if there is still love. Carrie admits she still loves Austin, but she also loves Mike. Roman tells her that she has a choice to make, he just hopes it isn't the wrong one. Carrie asks if the wrong choice is leaving Austin? Roman says he doesn't want her to run out on her marriage. Carrie asks what about Mike? Roman says Mike is not the victim here. Carrie says Mike never meant to hurt anyone, but Roman says he did hurt people. Roman tells Carrie that he hopes Mike can work out his life, but it should not be with her. Carrie says that he and Marlena are forgetting something, Austin has a say in this too and he is through with her. Carrie tells her dad that it is over. Carrie says Austin has started a new life with Sami and Will, and she can't keep him in this limbo. As she goes to sign the divorce papers, Roman grabs them before she can.

Mickey is glad to see Mike is happy and he says that Tom would be proud of him. Mike tells Mickey that he will be vindicated very soon, but can't tell him how. Maggie and Alice show up, Alice is walking with a cane. Both Mickey and Mike are shocked to see her with a cane. Mike asks since when does she need help walking? Alice looks at him and says "since I had my stroke." When they go to help her, she tells them that she is not helpless, she can sit her behind on the sofa by herself! Alice tells them that she did not know about the stroke until after it happened, she blacked out. Maggie says that Alice called her and she took her to the hospital for some tests. Alice says she had a mild stroke, and she didn't want anyone to know until she could deal with it herself. She also didn't want them hovering over her and worrying about her. Maggie tells them that Alice is working very hard to recover. Alice says she has joined a gym and is working with a therapist. Mickey tells his mom that he knows she likes her independence, but no more secrets from now on.

Alice apologizes and says her only excuse was she didn't want to see the concern in their eyes, but now that she has, it is a comfort. Alice changes the topic and asks Mike what he is going to do about Ali? Mike says after tonight he hopes to close that chapter of his life, and he might take a vacation with Carrie afterwards. Maggie says she is still married. Mike says he is committed to Carrie and he will clear the Horton family name, but he can't tell them how. Mike leaves and is armed with Carrie's tape recorder.

Craig is still choking Ali who tries to beg for her life. Craig asks why she would drug Nancy? Ali can't answer, and Craig tells her to speak up or he will have to kill her. Ali gasps out that this isn't funny. Craig eventually lets her go, and she asks him if he is crazy? Craig says unlike some people I know? She can't believe he tried to kill her. Craig tells her next time he will do it! Craig tells her that he knows she drugged Nancy to embarrass him, and if she tries to blackmail him again he will finish what he started! ALi tells him that they were all his toys, her, Mike, Carrie, the board, everyone! Ali claims that she was just tired of being pushed around by him and Nancy.

Craig says next time she pulls anything like this, he'll push her off a cliff! Craig tells her to pack up and get out of Salem. Ali tells him that he can't kick her out of Salem! Craig tells her to try him! Nancy shows up and ALi tells her that Craig is going crazy. Nancy says "you think he's crazy?" And then Nancy decks Ali, who falls to the floor. Nancy and Craig threaten to take Ali's millions away from her and expose her if she doesn't leave them alone. Nancy and Craig leave, and Mike shows up with a bottle of champagne.

Craig and Nancy drive home. Nancy is feeling nauseous, and Craig fears Ali has ruined everything. Nancy tells Craig to pull over because she's going to be sick! Nancy gets the poison out of her system, and then asks Craig to slow down! Craig says he is not concerned about the car, he is concerned that he might lose the Chief of Staff position.

Ali has a huge red mark on her cheek, and Mike asks what happened? Ali says she ran into a door, that is all. She asks what the champagne is for? He says he thought they'd toast to their new venture, the clinic they will open. Ali downs the champagne in one gulp, and Mike asks if she is okay? She says she is fine.

Mike says he is packed and ready to go, but Ali says she's not ready. She asked if he said goodbye to Carrie? He said no, there is no reason to. Ali is very quiet and Mike asks her if she is sure everything is all right? Ali says she is just thinking about their new venture and she wants it to work so badly, she wants to get out of Salem. Mike says he wants to get away as well, but it's kinda funny that they are leaving together. Ali says she feels bad about the accusations, but Mike says he realizes that he mislead her and he was wrong. He says he should have given her the job, he brought it up and she didn't know her name was on the list. Ali tells him to let it go, but he says he doesn't know if he will ever be able to. However, he says he wants them to start fresh because know if this venture will work if there are unresolved past issues between them. Ali gets up and pours some more champagne, and Mike turns on the tape recorder. Mike says he's glad she has forgiven him, she has been nothing but wonderful and he was a jerk. He says anything can be forgiven, if a person confesses. Mike says he is ready to go and wants to help her pack, but she asks him to wait. Ali tells Mike that not everything is resolved. Mike asks her what she means? Ali tells Mike that she has a confession to make.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

Wednesday, August 25, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

John is on the phone at the penthouse trying to get an order to exhume Gina's body. Marlena and Belle walk in and listen to John on the phone. After he hangs up, John explains to Belle that they are trying to find out if Greta's mother is buried there, and how she died if she is there. Belle thinks this is so cool, her brother is trying to solve a real life mystery. Marlena tells her that this is not cool, Eric could be in danger. John says everything is okay and legal, but Marlena says he knows Stefano is in Paris and doesn't want anyone to know the truth about Gina. John says they will handle it, and then tells her that he talked with Bo earlier and he sounded odd. John is afraid that Bo might be going up against DiMera alone. Belle suggests he go to Paris to help Bo, but Marlena says that is out of the question!

John says that Bo helped her in Hawaii, and now he may need his help. Marlena says she thought he wasn't going to get involved in searching for his past again? Marlena turns to a listening Belle and asks her to leave them alone and fix some lemonade. When she says "why don't I bake an apricot pie, that will take longer," Marlena tells her to fix her attitude and do what she asked! Belle leaves and Marlena tries to talk some sense into John. John tells her that their love will defeat Stefano, and he will not get drawn back into his past. He says someone should be there to help Eric and Bo. Belle walks back in the room with some lemonade and says she agrees with Dad, he should go to France to help Eric and Greta.

Marlena looks at Belle, and then at John again. Belle tells her mom that dad really should be there for Eric. John tells Marlena that Eric could be asking for trouble, and Marlena knows that Eric is in danger. However, she says if he goes he will be in danger too. John tells her that he isn't the kind of man who will sit around and do nothing. Marlena knows that, and John hopes she understands why he has to do this. Marlena says she does, and Belle tells her mom not to worry because "Dad is the man, he'll come through." John tells Marlena not to worry, he will not be drawn into his past. Marlena hugs him and holds back the tears. She tells him that she understands why he has to go, and she will pray to God to keep both him and Eric safe.

Stefano and Rolf are drinking to their success. Gina asks how he can call this a success, Bo has been arrested! Stefano tells her not to worry, Bo will do the honorable thing. Stefano assures her that he is confident that Bo will be just as good of a mercenary as John. Gina asks what if Bo tells the police everything! Stefano tells her not to worry, relax, have a drink. Gina says no, she wants to go for some air. Stefano suggests that since she is so worried she should go to the station and get him. Gina takes the passport and leaves. Rolf asks Stefano if he is sure Gina will remain loyal? Stefano says she knows Bo is out to destroy her and he is the only person she can trust. Outside, Gina wonders what is happening to her.

The French police are interrogating no-brain Bo. They are in a dark room and even have a spotlight on him! They ask him if he speaks such-in-such language until they finally realize he speaks English. Bo says he is from the United States. When they ask why he hurt this man in the street, Bo says the man stole a woman's purse and he did the honorable thing. The cops ask if he has been drinking? They ask him to take a breathalyzer test, and he passes.

Gina shows up at the station and just walks into the room where Bo is being interrogated! Gina tells them that this is her husband, and she hands them his passport. They ask her if her husband is on drugs, he seems almost catatonic? Gina pulls out a pill bottle and says he is on antidepressants, but missed his last dose. They release Bo into her custody and then leave them alone. Gina asks Bo if he knows where he is? Bo stands up and just says "My name is Bo Brady, I must complete my mission." Gina is shocked, and then remembers the sci-fi like operation she went under when she was given Gina's memories. Gina gets a call from Stefano, who wants to know if she has rescued Bo? Gina says yes, and he has not given them away. Stefano tells her to bring Bo back immediately. Gina says they are on their way, but when she hangs up, she says "We'll just see how much power you have over me!"

Gina and Bo go back to the house, and Stefano tells Bo that tomorrow he begins his life as his mercenary. Stefano asks Gina if she is ready for her new partner? Gina says it doesn't matter what she wants, she will do what she is told. Stefano tells her that is right, if she is not a loyal soldier than she will suffer the consequences. Rolf tells Stefano that the potion is wearing down and Bo will come out of it soon. Stefano and Rolf gather up the equipment and leave, but not before Stefano puts Bo at ease. After they leave, Bo comes to and has another headache. He looks at Gina and asks her what happened, he's lost hours again. Gina says he was asleep, but he doesn't believe her. Bo turns into Stefano and tells her that if she betrays him, she will suffer the consequences. Gina damns Stefano, and Bo says "You've seen Stefano!" Bo asks what the bastard is up to now? Bo grabs her and asks her what is happening to him, but then realizes she's working for Stefano and would never betray him. Bo goes to leave, but she asks him not to leave, she is terrified. Bo asks why, and she says there is no one else she can trust. Bo asks her if Stefano told her to say that? Outside, Stefano tells Rolf that after Gina and Bo steal the painting, he will send them both to Salem to wreak ungodly hell on the town.

Roman tells Carrie that she will regret it if she signs the divorce papers. Carrie says she has no choice, Austin wants the marriage ended. Roman asks Carrie if she is signing them for Mike? He tells her that he wants the truth, are she and Mike planning to be together? Carrie says they have made plans, and she is waiting for him to return tonight. Carrie admits that she and Mike are trying to get Ali to admit that she was out for revenge. Roman asks how they are planning to get Ali to confess? Carrie explains their plans to him and how Mike is trying to get Ali's confession on tape. Roman tells Carrie that he doesn't like what she is doing. Carrie says she knows she has hurt Austin, but he has Sami and Will now. Roman says Austin cares for Sami, but Carrie interrupts and tells her dad that she thinks Austin is in love with Sami. Roman says it is not a romantic love, and they are just together for Will. Carrie disagrees. Roman asks if she is using Austin's friendship with Sami as a reason to run out on her marriage and be with Mike? Carrie is in tears and says she guesses she deserved that. Roman asks if she is ready to give up Austin? Carrie says there will always be a part of her that loves Austin, but it isn't the same as her love for Mike. Roman tells her that when his marriage to Marlena ended, he went through so much pain, and he doesn't want her to go through that. Carrie says she has made up her mind to be with Mike. Roman says he doesn't have to like her decision, but he will respect it. He tells her to at least think about what he said, kisses her on the forehead, and leaves.

Austin has set up the pool patio with all sorts of lights as a surprise for Sami. Sami asks him what he has done? Austin tells her that she needed to be pampered. Sami is about to say this is so romantic, but says it is so wonderful of him. Austin tells her that he decided to bring the tropics to them, since they can't go to the tropics. Sami asks him about Carrie. Austin says he'll always love Carrie, but he has to move on. He tells her that he went to the office to see if she had changed her mind about Mike, but she ended up rushing out the door to meet him after he called. Austin says he doesn't want to talk about Carrie, he wants to have a good time. They talk about Will and how he is not as shy as he once was, Austin attributes it to being around Sami, and Sami thinks its because he is around Austin. They decide to go swimming and Austin picks her up to throw her in. She screams, so he says they will jump in together. Austin and Sami play around in the pool, and are on the verge of kissing when Carrie shows up and sees them.

Mike turns his tape recorder on and hides it in his pocket. Ali tells Mike that she has a confession to make. Mike tells her to go ahead, they can't work together if they have secrets. Ali admits to Mike that she knew before she slept with him that she was on Rose's list. Mike asks "So you set me up?" Ali says she is sorry and says she knew what she was doing all along. She says she put on the outfit, got him to joke about the job, and then used it against him. Mike asks how she could do this to him? Ali says she loved him and wanted to pay him back for falling in love with Carrie. Mike realizes someone tipped Ali off about the list. Ali asks why he would think that? Mike asks her if she did this on her own, or did someone help her? Ali remembers Craig threats, and says that one of the other nurses told her. Mike remembers the call she got that night, and Ali says that is when she learned about making the list. ALi says from then on it was a trap. Mike becomes angry with her and asks how she could betray him like this! Ali asks him not to be upset.

Mike says he is so mad at her that he can't even speak to her! Ali looks at him and asks if this means their trip is off, is he going to turn her in? Mike says he is angry, but wants to get past it. Ali's face brightens and she thanks him. Ali says she wants to leave right away, she wants to leave tonight. Mike says okay, so Ali goes to wash her face. Once she leaves, Mike pulls out the tape recorder and listens to the confession. Unfortunately, he shouldn't have done that because a spying Ali sees him! Ali asks Mike what that was, and he says it was his pager. Ali seems to buy it, but becomes suspicious when he says he forgot a few medical journals at the hospital and he has to go get them. Mike leaves, and Ali thinks he is telling her the truth. Later, Ali finds her Carrie Barbie and tells her that tonight she loses Mike for good, but there is one more thing she has to do to her. Ali twists Carrie's head to the point of it almost popping off, and then she call's Carrie, and Mike answers!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

Thursday, August 26, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

In the castle, Kurt shows Eric and Greta around by candlelight, because of the storm the power is out. Greta insists on seeing her mother's room, and Kurt reluctantly obliges. He leaves the two alone in the big bedroom, and Greta is awestruck that she is in the room that her mother was in. An imposing portrait of Princess Gina adorns the wall. Greta begins looking in the drawers when they come upon an armoire that is locked. Eric tries to pick the lock, but Greta has a better solution....the key. They unlock the door and inside are beautiful gowns. Greta takes one out and says that these are definitely the style that her mother wore. Greta wistfully wonders what it would be like to live in the era that her mom did, and Eric says Why Not. Greta dons a gown and Eric magically finds a tux with tails. The two start giggling, unaware that someone is listening outside the closed door.

In the soundproof, hidden chamber, Gina is trying to scrape away more wall, when she becomes frustrated and says that she needs to find a better way out. Never fear, Gina's got a plan. Kurt arrives in the room and sees what appears to be Gina sleeping in her bed. He recalls when she almost got away from him the last time by sucker-punching him and making a beeline for the door. Kurt is just thankful she's asleep now. As he goes to check on her, he pauses, and pulls the covers off the bed....its just pillows!! An astonished Kurt meets the business end of Gina's right hook and is down for the count. Gina exits the room and is happy to finally be free. Now she's going to find John herself.

Gina starts to open her bedroom door, when she hears the laughter of people in her room. She can't believe someone is in there. Well, she's going to find out who it is right now.

In Paris, Bo is putting together the pieces of the past few days. Hmm, he ponders. Every time I wake up with a splitting headache and time missing, it's after having drinks with Hope. Therefore, Hope must be drugging him!! He tells "Hope" about his theory, and she tries to make him think he just can't hold his liquor. Give it up, he says. You're drugging me and it's because I'm getting too close to the truth. You and DiMera do stuff while I'm passed out. Hope laughs it off, but Bo tells her again that if he does not help her, she's going to go crazy and die just like the real Princess Gina. Bo has had enough of Gina, and says that he's going to leave, but Hope, recalling Stefano's mission for Bo, convinces him to stay in Paris and help her out with her past. In fact, she's got the perfect way...the Duke and Duchess (who own the last Renet) have invited both of them to a party. She asks Bo if he'll go with her, and he smiles and says whatever she wants. Bo leaves for his hotel room, and alone, Gina hears Stefano's and Bo's voices saying that she'll end up crazy. She shouts to no one in particular that she is not going crazy! At his hotel room, Bo vows to get Hope back, and recalls the first time they made love in New Orleans. Back in reality, Bo is sure that he's scared her, and must turn her against Stefano now.

Back in the States, Carrie has walked in on an intimate moment between Austin and Sami. Carrie wants to speak with Austin alone, but he adopts his beligerant tone and says whatever she has to say, she can say to both of them. Sami realizes this is not a good situation to be in and goes inside. Austin asks if she has signed the divorce papers (which she has in her hand), and she says No. Carrie continues by saying that tomorrow in their anniversary and that she truly meant the vows that she took two years ago. Austin could care less. But, Carrie says, she has made a decision. She's going to be with Mike. Austin is hurt, but he puts on his macho mask and says just sign the papers so he can get on with his life. He returns with a pen, and Carrie signs them. She says that she is really sorry, but Austin says for her to get out. Without another word, she leaves the Kiriakis mansion.

While this is taking place, Sami is in the house, when Brandon wanders in. He was under the impression that she and Austin were in the pool, and Sami laments that Carrie ruined the moment between them. Brandon then imparts some wisdom on Sami. He says that he knows she is in love with him (which she does not deny), and says that in the short term they may become a couple, but since Sami is the rebound woman, Austin will not stay with her forever because as soon as the hurt over losing Carrie is gone, Austin will find someone else. See, the rebound woman will have seen the man at his lowest point, and the man's ego won't allow for him to have a woman see his most low point. Sami doesn't believe this, because Austin is not the egotistical type, he is sensitive. Brandon just shrugs his shoulders.

Seeing that Carrie has left, Sami goes outside to try to comfort Austin. When he tells her that he just wants to be alone, Brandon gives her an "I told ya so" look.

Ali is seething because Mike has answered Carrie's phone. She puts two and two together and realizes that the two lied to her...they never broke up. She takes out her Carrie doll, rips the head off, and throws the doll down and begins stomping on it. At Carrie's, the doorbell rings a little's Ali. Mike is confused and Ali begin yelling at him about how he lied to her. This proves interesting to a neighbor, who is watching the two. Mike pulls Ali into the apartment and blasts her for lying about the whole lawsuit. Ali is not listening, except to say she did it all because she loved him. Mike's heard enough, and opens the door to throw her out, when Tony is standing there. Who are you, demands Mike. Tony tells him that's not important. Mike, sensing danger, tries to hit him, but he ducks and whips out a gun! He tells Mike not to do that again. The trio leave and run into the same neighbor. She asks if everything is OK, and Mike says that it is. In Carrie's apartment, at the foot of the couch, is the tape recorder with Ali's confession. In the alley, Tony is holding Mike at gunpoint, when he pushes the hitman into Ali and makes a break for it. Tony rushes after him, firing the gun. Ali screams, "No!!"

Ali is driving in her convertable, saying that this time will be different...this is the roadtrip of a lifetime. In the back seat, on the floor, is Mike, bound and gagged!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on DAYS

Friday, August 27, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

In a rare sighting, Nicole and Lucas are in the back of their limo, just having left the country club fundraiser. Nicole is bummed because she does not fit in...she heard two women gossiping in the ladies room about Nicole being a social climber and a golddigger. An infuriated Lucas swears he's going to kick those women out of the club, and Nicole's eyes sparkle at the thought. Lucas says that money can buy happiness, and Nicole recalls a steamy moment with Eric. She looks back at her husband, but is still thinking of Eric.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Brandon and Sami are talking. He says it's too bad that she's so hung up on Austin, because things might be different between them. When Sami asks how, Brandon says he might have asked her out on a date. Sami can't even remember what a date is, so Brandon tells her what his ideal first date is....they would go to a movie. Sami figures it would be a kung-fu or slasher movie, and Brandon says if that is what she wants, OK, but he would also see a chick flick. Brandon continues, saying at the movie he would buy her popcorn and maybe slip his arm around her during the film. Sami is enjoying this attention and wonders what would happen after the movie. Brandon says that he would take her out for coffee or a late dinner. Then, he would see her home and if he were lucky....AHA says Sami, knowing what he'll say next. Brandon continues that if he were lucky, he would get a goodnight kiss and that would be it. Sami says that she likes his idea of a date, but he's got one strike against him....he's Nicole's brother and Sami can't stand what she did to Eric.

Lucas and Nicole walk in. Sami immediately get catty and starts in on Nicole. Nicole pours herself a drink and lets the insults go by. Sami picks up on how unhappy Nicole is and wonders if she should tell the family court judge that there is trouble in paradise. Lucas steps up and says that Nicole is fine, and that they are going to celebrate their marriage by throwing an elaborate party. Nicole says that she's been to so many formal affairs, she wants a casual party at the mansion. A pool party to celebrate the end of summer and their love, which is eternal. The two share a kiss, as Sami and Brandon look on. Little Will comes in, unable to sleep. Lucas offers to read the boy a story and tuck him in, but Will wants his mommy, too. As they tend to their child, Brandon questions his sister about Eric. She tells him to back off, so he mentions that she's been drinking a lot lately. Nicole is short with him, saying she is tired. And that she is trapped. Brandon can't believe this...she has everything. Money, servants, diamonds. What else is there. Nicole tells him that she fell victim to the careful what you wish may come true!

Upstairs, Will is finally asleep. Lucas comments how happy the boy is because both of his parents are not fighting; the joint custody is working because they both got what they want. Sami says Lucas bought a wife and got away with murder. Lucas tells Sami to forget the past, she has Austin and he has Nicole. Sami tells him to wake up. Nicole is miserable, and it's written all over her face!

In Paris, Greta and Eric are in their elegant clothes, when the wind howls. Greta says that she should not be scared; she lived in the bayou all those years, but being at her mom's house, with all the memories is pretty spooky. Eric decides to take her mind off things, and finds a radio in the dresser drawer. The batteries still work, so he tunes it to the local classical music station. The two begin waltzing together.

Meanwhile, Princess Gina is outside, about to enter, when she realizes that she is not armed. She returns moments later, hefting a sword. She's going to take care of the pesky teenagers! Then, she hears the waltz, and lays down the sword. She is imagining she is waltzing with John.

Inside the room, as the two dance, Eric looks down at Greta, but sees Nicole! Taken aback, he stops dancing and turns off the radio. He declares that he is tired and will turn in. After making sure that Greta will be OK, he kisses her on the cheek and leaves. He does not see the real Gina, who is hiding. As Eric leaves, Gina decides to see who is in her room.

Alone, Greta sits at her mother's table and brushes her hair. She sees a jewelry box, and upon opening it, discovers a picture of a young Greta with her mother and a ribbon. The ribbon, Greta remembers, was what Gina gave to her when she was frightened. Gina said that the ribbon symbolized that she would always be there for her. Back in reality, Greta takes the picture and the ribbon to bed. She falls asleep with the ribbon around her hand.

At this point, Gina sneaks in and sees someone in her bed. She spies the picture on the nightstand table, and peers at the young woman in bed. Gina gasps and wonders if this could be her dear daughter, all grown up.

In his room, Eric looks at himself in the mirror. He imagines Nicole behind him and turns around saying that she is so beautiful. Of course, no one is there, and Eric says that he has to get Nicole out of his mind and focus on Greta.

At her apartment, Carrie is worried that Mike is not back yet. She still does not see the tape recorder by the couch. The doorbell rings, and thinking it's Mike, answers it....oops, it's Austin. He figures that she was expecting Mike, which she admits. He says that he had some things left to say and that he did not want to end their marriage on an angry note. He enters, and sees their wedding picture. He recalls their vows, and Carrie says that it was a happy time for them. Austin starts getting defensive and says that he really came over to get some toys that Will wanted. He returns with a box of toys and asks Carrie if this is what she wanted. She says that she wishes she could have done things differently, but she can't. He then asks if she and Mike have made plans, but she says no. Carrie mentions that he's moved on with Sami, but Austin is quick to point out that he and Sami are just friends. Carrie looks at her watch, and Austin wonders what is up. Carrie tells him that Mike went to get a confession from Ali. The confession will prove that Ali set the whole thing up, and will vindicate Mike. Austin says that if Carrie had this much faith in their marriage, things might have been different. Realizing that Carrie is thinking only of Mike, Austin goes to leave, when he sees the tape recorder on the floor. Carrie is really worried now, because she doesn't know how it got there. The two listen to the tape and hear the confession. Austin can't believe that Ali duped him like that. Carrie calls Mike's cell phone, but gets no answer. She tells him that she thinks Mike is in terrible danger.

Actually, he's in Ali's car, bound and gagged. Ali is doing all the talking, saying that they are going to start all over and that he's being punished for being a bad boy. She says that once they get to their destination (which she does not disclose), Mike will write a "Dear Carrie" letter. He'll say that he does not love her anymore and that he's gone away, alone, forever. Mike tries to shout that Ali won't get away with this and that she's crazy, but it comes out all muffled. Ali yells at him not to speak with his mouth full, so shut up. This time, she'll make Mike fall in love with her, even if it takes her entire life. Sirens begin wailing, and Mike hopes for a moment that the police have found him. But, the cop speeds past them. Ali says not to worry, that guy Tony she hired is right behind them. Tony has been invaluable....he's the one that roughed up Carrie in the hospital parking lot and arranged for the banner to be flown around Salem. Mike is feeling hopeless, and Ali says that Mike will never see Carrie again. She waves some cash in front of him and says that she got the $3 million in cash, so they will never have to worry about money. She is confident that Mike will fall in love with her this time.

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Edited by SC Desk