Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

Monday May 17, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

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Ali is smelling the flowers at the hospital and playing he loves me he loves me not with them. She cheats so she can end up on he loves me. Claire shows up and tells Ali that her attorney is ready to sue Mike. Ali tells her mom that she's changed her mind. Claire tells Alison that it's too late. Ali says Mike is sorry for what he's done, but Claire says that an apology is not good enough. Ali says that everything has changed since Mike returned from Vegas, he's been rejected and she will be the woman who comforts him.

Ali tells her mom that she wants her to call Gregory and drop the suit, and draw up a prenuptial agreement. Claire says they are back to square one, and she tells Ali that Mike doesn't love her. Claire tells Ali that she does not love Mike, she is obsessed with him, this is a sickness. Claire says that she cannot stand by and let her chase after the man who drove her to suicide. She tells her that she will never have Mike's love, but if she sues him she will have her dignity and should think about her future. Ali says that her future is with Mike. Claire tells Ali that she will go through with this suit, but Ali tells her mom that it is not her choice. Claire tells Ali that this obsession will only lead to more heartache. Ali says that Mike is beginning to realize that he loves her, and then she stomps off.

Alice pays Mike a visit and talks to him about Carrie. Mike asks his grandma how she knows about Carrie? Alice tells her that she saw Carrie at the custody hearing today. Alice fills Mike in on the custody hearing and Lucas' new wife. Alice says she could sense the tension between Austin and Carrie, and she knows that he knows what is going on. Mike fills her in and Alice is not pleased by Mike's recent actions. Alice tells Mike that this is not just a moral matter, it is a matter of professionalism. Mike says that he has to keep his promise to love and make Carrie happy, but Alice asks what kind of happiness he and Carrie can have when it is built on Austin's pain? Alice says that this affair could hurt the hospital and the Horton name. She tells Mike that these things have a way of coming out, but Mike doesn't think anyone involved will make this public. Mike says that he loves Carrie and will forever. He tells his grandma that he won't let Carrie down like Austin has.

Ali runs into an upset Mike in the hall. She hopes that she didn't upset him. He tells her that as difficult as it is to believe, he has a life that doesn't involve her. Mike leaves and Claire sees the look on Ali's face.

Carrie tells Austin that she doesn't want to be with Mike, she wants to help him. Austin tells her that he doesn't need her help, he needs to be alone. Carrie tells Austin that she still loves him and what only happened occurred once. Austin tells her that doesn't matter, nothing will be the same between them. They argue about what Carrie did, Austin tells her that she should have never gone away with Mike when her sister was on trial. Carrie asks Austin if he is going to make her suffer for the rest of her life?

Austin refuses to let Carrie play the victim, Will and Sami are the victims here. He tells her that there are people who are suffering a lot more than her because of her! Carrie says that she feels bad about what happened, but she thought he gave up on their marriage. She says that she never stopped loving him. Austin asks if she is going to tell him that she doesn't love Mike? Austin says that she doesn't have to answer, it's written on her face. He tells her that he knows it has been going on for months, and tells her about seeing her and Mike at Tracey's cabin. Austin then tells Carrie about the email he got, someone in Vegas took pictures of her and Mike in Vegas. Austin then tells Carrie that they should end their marriage officially. Carrie tells him not to say that, but he asks why postpone the inevitable? Carrie pulls out Austin's wedding ring and says she was hoping he'd change her mind. Austin says no, it's over. Carrie sets the ring on the tables and leaves. Austin tells himself that he's lost his marriage, and Will, but won't let Sami lose her life. Carrie runs into Mike and tells him that she can't see him right now. Mike tells Carrie that he won't let her do this to them.

Sami is admitted into the prison hospital and overhears the doctor telling the nurses that Sami may need to be sedated when she wakes up. A nurse enters Sami's room to prepare a syringe. Sami listens to the nurses and hears that they go off duty in five minutes. She sneaks out of bed and looks out the window of her room. She sees that an armed guard is outside and sneaks up on her and grabs her from behind. Sami knocks the guard out with the sedative and puts her in her bed. The doctor and nurse return and wonder where the guard is. Sami covers the guard up and hides. The nurse looks in on Sami and finds that someone sedated the patient. Because the guard has long blonde hair, which Sami placed over her face, the doctor and nurse don't notice that she is not Sami. After the nurse and doctor leave, Sami grabs the guard's gun. Sami sneaks off in the guards outfit, but the other guard asks her where in the hell she thinks she's going? He tells her that she has to turn in her gun, and sign out. Sami manages to do both without blowing her cover. She finally makes it out of the ward, and wonders how to get out of the prison. She eventually makes it out, and then says now she just needs to get Will away from Lucas. Unfortunately, a bright light is pointed right at Sami!

Eric and Kate argue about Nicole's choice in husbands. Eric asks Nicole what Kate did to make her marry Lucas. Eric orders Nicole to tell him why she married Lucas, but Kate won't let her talk. Kate eventually tells Nicole to speak for herself and tells Eric why she married Lucas. Nicole says she wants to tell him alone, and Kate eventually agrees to leave. Kate leaves and Eric asks Nicole to divorce Lucas.

Nicole tells Eric that she is sorry, but Eric says it is okay and holds her. Eric asks Nicole to take off Lucas' ring and put his back on. Nicole can't, and Eric doesn't understand what is wrong. Eric tells her that he's even put a down payment on the house. Nicole says he shouldn't have done that. She tells him that he needs to make a fresh start, without her. Eric asks what about the promises she made, she said she loved him and wanted to marry him? He asks what he did to make her change her mind? Eric says Kate isn't here, she can be honest with him. He asks her if she was forced into this marriage? Nicole tells him that no one forced her to do anything, she wanted to marry Lucas.

Lucas arrives home with Will. Lucas shows Will all the toys he bought him, and he even bought him a pony. Lucas is in an extremely good mood and says only one thing can make the day better, and only his mom can get it for him. Later, Lucas reads Will a book about a prince who moved in with his daddy the king and his new mommy. Lucas says they will live happily ever after. He knows that Nicole doesn't love him, but she does care for him and he can help her. Lucas then starts feeling guilty about what he did to Sami and how it was wrong to frame Sami. He says he can't let Sami be executed because he doesn't know how he would explain it to Will.

Kate shows up and Lucas is upset to hear Nicole is with Eric, but then realizes that Nicole is probably just letting Eric down easy. Kate asks Lucas how he changed Nicole's mind? We then see a flashback from Chicago. Nicole returns to the hotel and tells Lucas that she needed time to think about what she wanted from her life. Nicole tells Lucas that he can give her what Eric can't, and she accepts his proposal. She tells him that she wants to feel safe and protected, and he doesn't judge her because of her past. She tells him that she may not love him the same way he loves her, but Lucas says in time she will. The flashback ends and Kate tells Lucas that she doesn't think he should push the total honesty bit. Kate tells Lucas that he shouldn't tell Nicole about what they did to Sami. Lucas tells mom that he has a problem that has to do with Sami. Kate says to forget about Sami, she wants to talk more about Nicole and why she married him. Lucas says that he can offer Nicole the protection and understanding she needs

Later, Lucas tells Kate that he wants to talk about Sami again. He says they can't let Sami be executed. Kate tells Lucas that Sami won't die, the appeals will go on for years. Lucas says that he has everything he wants, except Sami off death row. He refuses to let Sami be punished for a crime he committed.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

Tuesday, May 18, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Nancy and Craig return to the hospital from LA. They are greeted by Claire, who wonders what her poor Alison will do when they leave this hospital when Craig accepts an offer from another hospital. Nancy assures Claire that they wouldn't abandon Ali, not when she is about to sue Mike. Ali shows up and tells Craig and Nancy that she's not going to sue Mike, she has a real chance with him now that he and Carrie are history. Ali walks off and Nancy wonders if Ali does have a chance with Mike? Craig apologizes to Claire and says that must be the champagne talking. Claire says that she is going to sue Mike anyway, with or without Ali's permission. They talk about what happened in LA between Mike, Austin, and Carrie. Claire says that Mike seems to specialize in unforgivable behavior. Craig tells her that he believes that Mike will fight for Carrie. Claire makes a phone call and then tells Craig and Nancy that Mike is about to be served.

Carrie tells Mike that she doesn't want to see him, but Mike won't let her beat herself up. Carrie says Austin hates her, but not as much as she hates herself. Mike wants to help her, but Carrie says that they have done enough. Mike says that now that everything is out and over, they can be together now. Carrie says that she can't think about the future when she's brought misery to so many people. Mike tells Carrie that she can't blame herself for Austin losing Will. Carrie talks about all the people she has hurt. Mike asks when she gets to think about her own feelings? Carrie says that she lost the right to be happy. She tells Mike that she's not ready for this, but Mike says he is. He tells her that he loves her and knows she loves him, and they can make it through this together. Ali is spying on Mike and Carrie. She says that she won't let Carrie have Mike. Mike tells Carrie that he loves her and won't let her go through this alone. They eventually hug, which boils Ali's blood.

Eric asks Nicole how much money it took for her to say I do? Nicole tells Eric that sooner or later he would feel the same way about her as he does Lucas. Nicole says he doesn't know her, she's done things that Lucas can understand and accept. Eric asks her what this big secret is that has caused her to sentence herself to a life with Lucas? Nicole says that there is no point going over this again and again. Eric asks Nicole how far back do the lies go? Was she lying when she told him that she loved him? Nicole says she did love him and wanted what he promised, but he will thank her for what she's done some day. Eric doubts that because he believed her when he promised to marry him. Nicole says she never officially accepted, she never said yes. Eric asks Nicole if the reason she didn't accept his proposal was because she was holding out for a real rock. He asks if it has been her and Lucas all along? Nicole tells Eric that it wasn't like that, but Eric doesn't know what to believe anymore. He tells her not to bother explaining anything else, he'll figure it all out on his own. Nicole tells Eric that if he wants to know the truth, the truth is that their relationship wouldn't work because he is clean cut and she has done everything wrong under the sun. She tells him that is why she married Lucas, and he should get over it. Nicole runs out and Eric vows to find the truth out, he knows Nicole is lying.

Lucas and Kate continue to argue about Sami's execution. Kate once again tells Lucas that Mickey will file appeals to keep Sami from dying. Lucas says that the appeals will run out, and he'll have to explain the truth to Will. Kate asks Lucas what he wants her to do? Lucas tells her to do whatever it takes to make Sami's sentence go away. Kate tells Lucas to get a handle on his guilt, otherwise he'll be on death row in Sami's place. Lucas tells his mom to get Sami off death row, period. Kate asks if she's supposed to dial 1-800-FREE-SAMI?

Lucas tells his mom that she got them into this, she should get them out. Kate tells Lucas that she has done everything for him, and slips up and says he wouldn't even be married if it wasn't for her. Lucas asks her what that is supposed to mean? He doesn't give her a chance to answer, he answers for her and says he made Nicole his wife, not her. Kate says that she just meant it was her that hired Nicole to work at Titan. Kate tells her son that she only wants him to be happy, so Lucas tells her to get the charges against Sami dropped. Lucas decides to go see his son, and so he leaves. Kate calls the hospital and learns that there is no change in Roberto's condition. She says she has to act quickly before Lucas does something disastrous.

Tracey picks Sami up at the prison. Tracey tells Sami that she hasn't done anything this exciting since the sixties. Tracey tells Sami that this will hurt her appeal, but Sami says that the system has failed her, she's taking things into her own hands. Sami has a plan, but refuses to tell Tracey because she doesn't want her to get into even more trouble. Tracey refuses to just drop Sami off until she tells her what she is planning. Sami says that she is going to the Kiriakis Mansion to rescue Will. Sami arrives at the mansion and climbs into Will's room and wakes him up. She tells Will that they need to play the quiet game. As she is about to leave with Will, Sami hears Lucas and Henderson talking outside Will's room.

Vivian is delighted to see Nikki. Nikki asks if she is really dying, and Vivian tells him not to think of such things. Meanwhile, a snooping Stefano wonders how a dying woman could run into her nephew's arms with such zest. Nikki says that she doesn't look like she is dying, and asks her if she is really dying? Vivian tells Nikki not to think about such morbid thoughts, she just doesn't have the same get-up-and- go. Stefano walks in and tells Vivian that the way she galloped across the room made her appear to be as healthy as a horse. Vivian says that the surprise of seeing her nephew renewed her strength. She then introduces them to one another, but Nikki says that they already met. Stefano says she was jabbering about her party so much that didn't get a chance to tell her.

Vivian tells Nikki that she is planning a fabulous goodbye party. Nikki asks who is leaving, and she says she is. She tells him about all her plans, but Stefano changes his mind about allowing her to have her party. Vivian exclaims "I thought you wanted to make me happy!" Stefano says he doesn't see how throwing this party will make her happy, but Vivian says it will. She says she is going to throw this party! Stefano says very well, and then he leaves to take care of business. Nikki tells Vivian that he has to tell her something about Stefano. He says that he has a bad feeling about Stefano, he doesn't have her best interest at heart. Vivian says she forgot how brilliant he is, and decides to tell him the details. Meanwhile, Stefano vows to stop Vivian DEAD, whatever it is she is doing.

Gina is looking at the compact and is positive it will trigger John's memory. John shows up and asks "Hope" what it is that she wanted to show him? Before she can show him the compact, Billie shows up and asks what they are doing out here? "Hope" hides the compact and tells Billie that she didn't know they needed a reason, it's just so beautiful out. Billie says that she didn't expect to see her out late after being mugged. John is shocked and asks if they talked to the police? Billie says she talked to Bo, and he wanst to talk to them both. "Hope" says that it is a waste of time and the tax prayers money. John offers to drive Billie home, since she is so upset about her purse, but Billie says she will be okay. Billie leaves and John asks "Hope" where they were? "Hope" suggests they sit down, but then tells herself that perhaps this isn't the best time to show John the compact. She suggests they go get a cappuccino.

Later, Gina remembers one of her and John's missions and how John was shocked when she pulled out his compact to fix her face. John returns with some cappuccino and has a terrible migraine. "Hope" helps him get over it and asks if the headaches are getting worse? John says no, they've just been occurring more frequently. John says that it seems his search for the past is causing these headaches, but he's not going to give up his search for his past. When John jokes that nobody lives forever, "Hope" says "Don't say that, I don't know what I'd do without you!" She then covers and says she means without his help searching for her past. She then remembers Stefano warning her that John could actually die if he keeps searching into his past. When John asks what she wanted to tell him, "Hope" tells him that she just wanted to tell him about a memory she had of them. "Hope" tells John that she better get back home, but she drops her compact and John picks it up and tells her that she dropped something.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

Wednesday, May 19, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Claire, Nancy, and Craig are waiting for the process server to show up and serve Mike. Unfortunately, Mike and Ali aren't around. Nancy says Ali better not do something stupid. Claire says her daughter is not stupid! Nancy apologizes and says that when it comes to Mike, Ali is a bit irrational. Claire says yes, I'm just glad I got to Vegas in time. Craig asks Claire is something happened in Vegas that they don't know about? Claire just says that Ali was on the verge of making a complete fool of herself.

Craig and Nancy say that they have been trying to help Ali realize that Mike doesn't love her, but she won't listen. Claire says they have been good friends to her Ali and she will make sure they are not implicated in the law suit. Nancy says that when Mike is hit with the suit, the hospital might force Mike to resign. Claire says that Mike is going to get exactly what he deserves, the job should have gone to someone like Craig. Craig says that thought never occurred to him, but he is flattered.

Mike tells Carrie how much he loves her and that together they can get through this. Carrie runs into his arms, which angers Ali. Ali says she won't let Carrie destroy Mike's life like she did Austin. Carrie tells Mike that someone emailed Austin photos of them in Vegas. To herself, Ali says that Austin should thank her for showing him what a lying, cheating, slut his wife is. Ali eventually realizes that Mike has destroyed her life, and he has to pay. She says that Carrie also has to pay for stealing Mike from her. Mike wonders who would want to hurt them like that, but Carrie says it was Austin who was hurt. Mike and Carrie decide to return to the hospital, but Carrie suggests they go in separately.

Mike returns to the hospital and the process server shows up and serves him with the law suit! Craig and Nancy watch as Mike reads the papers. Back in the park, Carrie is walking around talking to herself. She says she can't forgive herself for hurting Austin, but is still in love with Mike. She asks God how she will get through this. Ali says Carrie shouldn't worry about the future, her days are numbered!

Kate runs into Roberto's sister Rosa. She asks about Roberto's condition, and Rosa asks Kate why she is so interested in her brother? Kate lies and says that Roberto's statement is important because it could free the mother of her grandchild. Rosa cries and says that Roberto's coma was the result of foul play. Kate tells Rosa that she knows she is afraid for her and her family's safety, and she doesn't think that Captain Brady can be trusted. Rosa says that if Roberto doesn't testify, nobody will protect them and the Moronis will come for them. Kate tells her that she can give her family money and protection. Kate asks Rosa to call her when Roberto wakes up. She says she only wants to help, and then leaves.

Roman pays a visit to Marlena, who has the flu. He tells her how Sami lost it in prison when she heard the verdict. Roman gets a call from the reverend and learns that Sami collapsed and is in the hospital. Roman wants to come see her immediately, but the reverend says he can't see her until tomorrow. The reverend promises Roman that he will stay with Sami.

Roman relays the news to a worried Marlena. When it gets late, Roman decides to leave. However, Marlena says John is not here and he can stay if he wants. Roman asks if something is wrong? Marlena tells Roman that John is having headaches and she thinks they are due to "Hope" pushing him to remember his past. Roman asks if this worries her? Marlena says that she is concerned about "Hope's" motives in pushing John to remember. Roman tells Marlena not to worry, John loves her very much and always will.

"Hope" drops her compact and John picks it up and gives it back to her. John asks if it is what she wanted to show her? Is it her missing compact? Gina tells herself that she wants John to see it, but remembering could kill him. John tells "Hope" to give it to him, he wants to see it. "Hope" says it's not the compact, it's a duplicate she had made to try to trigger her memory. John asks if it worked, but she says no. John wants to try, but "Hope" tells him that it is too dangerous and something terrible could happen. John demands that she hand him the compact. She eventually gives it to him and he studies it. Unfortunately, John doesn't remember it, and doesn't think it is what he gave to Gina. She asks if he remembers Gina using it, and he says no.

However, he asks her if she does, and she says yes. Gina remembers when she had to use the compact to fix her face because John's kisses smeared her lipstick. "Hope" tells him about the memory, but leaves out the kissing part. John remembers seeing Gina using it to put on lipstick, but he doesn't remember much else. "Hope" asks him what else he remembers about his relationship to her? He has memories of making out with Gina and becomes upset. "Hope" tells John that she thinks he was the love of Gina's life, and he has to feel it too. John is in tears at this point, and Gina wipes them from his face. John studies the compact further, "Hope" tells him to open it and look into the mirror. John does it and "Hope" tells him to see the face of the woman he once loved. John begins to remember more and more about Gina. He looks at "Hope," and sees Gina and remembers kissing her. Gina pulls him in close and kisses him in the present!

Sami is about to sneak out with Will when she hears Lucas talking to Henderson outside Will's room. Sami hides in the closet and Lucas finds Will standing in the middle of the floor looking at the closet. Lucas asks if he wants something in the closet? Will just says mommy, "I want my mommy." Lucas tells him that he knows he misses his mommy. He puts Will back in bed, and Will continues to say "I want mommy. Lucas promises Will that he will be the best Daddy he can " be, and she has a new Step-Mommy Nicole now. In the closet, Sami says she won't let that lying bitch Nicole near her son. Will continues to say "I want my mommy," and Sami prays that Will doesn't blow it for them. Lucas tells Will that his mommy will be a part of his life someday. He then tells Will that tomorrow they are going to Animal Park.

Kate returns home and tells Lucas that she thinks she has convinced Rosa to side with them over Roman. Lucas asks what she has done to free Sami? Kate says she doesn't know how to save Sami, so Lucas tells her to figure something out. Kate says that Sami won't be executed as long as she behaves herself. Back upstairs, Tracey places a ladder against the mansion and Sami and Will crawl out the window and down the ladder.

At the prison hospital, the reverend asks a nurse if he can sit with Sami until she wakes up. The revered prays to God and asks for Sami's freedom, he believes in her innocence. The reverend eventually sees that the guard is in the bed, and wonders where Sami is? Later, the reverend calls Roman and tells him that Sami has escaped!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

Thursday, May 20, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

In the park, John is looking at the compact and Gina is asking him what he remembers. John flashes back to his kissing scene with Gina, and dancing with Gina and laughing with Gina and he tells Gina that his heart belongs to Gina. The two kiss. She is ecstatic and says that he does remember. John comes out of his reverie and says that Gina is dead and in the past. He loves Marlena and the kids. Gina says No, she's not dead. When John looks at her, she covers saying that Stefano programmed her for those four years. Gina continues saying that her lips are the same ones that John used to kiss and her body is the same one he could never get enough of. John is shocked to hear this and yells at Hope that Gina is dead. He is going to marry Marlena because his future is with her.

Bo knocks on Victor's door and apologizes to his father for not visiting more often. Victor wonders what is up. Bo starts out saying that he can't forgive Kate for hiring Franco to break up him and Hope. Victor says that was a long time ago, but Bo says that Hope still feels betrayed. Bo starts to steer the conversation toward Vivian, saying that his and Vivian's plans are inter-twined. Bo asks if Victor could ever see his way clear to forgiving Vivian. Victor is adamant that he never wants to see that woman again. Bo, knowing that Vivian won't help him, tells his father that if he wants to prove his love for Bo, he will do this one thing for him: attend Vivian's party.

At the DiMera mansion, Vivian and Nicholas are talking. Nicholas can't believe that she would marry Stefano. Viv tells him that Stefano once loved her, but now he just used her to gain those possessions. Then Vivian lets her nephew in on her secret....she's not dying. Nicholas is relieved, and Viv continues to say that Bo is helping her get back in with Victor. At the mention of Bo, Nicholas reacts, saying that he does not trust the man.

At the townhouse, Stefano is upset to see that Gina hasn't accomplished anymore painting. Rolf suggests that she might be with John, but Stefano thinks he put a stop to that. Stefano tells John what he told her about John dying if he tries to remember the past. Later the two discuss Vivian and Nicholas. Stefano wonders what he is after. Rolf suggests he came to Salem to get what his aunt is leaving to him in her will, but Stefano says there is something more that he wants.

Carrie is waiting at the crosswalk, remembering her talk with Mike in the park. Ali is in her car, waiting for Carrie to cross the street. When the signal turns green, Carrie starts, and Ali guns the car. Carrie turns to see headlights, when a stranger pushes her out of the car's path. Carrie just stares at the car and says the driver must be crazy. Ali pulls over and says that Carrie won't be so lucky the next time.

Mike is staring at the lawsuit papers. He leaves his office to find Ali, when Austin comes up. He's furious at Mike and at Mike's suggestion to talk in his office, Austin asks if he's worried that he'll punch his face again. Mike starts to say that he and Carrie love each other, but Austin cuts him off and tells him never to say "Carrie and I" again. Austin says that Mike can't keep his hands off his wife and to leave her alone. Mike says that Carrie spent most of their business trip checking her answering machine for messages from Austin. The two move into Mike's office, with Austin telling Mike that he used the trip to LA to seduce Carrie. At this point Carrie walks in, and Austin snidely asks her "Guess what we're talking about." He tells her that he is going out of town and for her to get her things out of his apartment tonight. He storms off and Mike asks if she's OK. Carrie is worried about what Austin will do when Mike's phone rings. It's Roman looking for Carrie. Roman asks if Carrie has seen Austin; she tells him he just left, but that he is going out of town. Roman sighs and the two hang up.

At the elevator, Ali walks up to Austin and asks how he's doing. Then she asks if he's glad his wife is home. All Austin says is that she should stay away from Mike because he is a lying, cheating piece of scum.

Alone, Mike looks at the lawsuit papers and says that he can't talk to Carrie about this....he'll have to handle it himself.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Kate and Lucas are wondering when Nicole will show up when there is a knock at the door. It's Roman, and he barges in wondering where Will is. Henderson comes running down the stairs saying that Will is gone. Roman has to break the news to them....Sami has escaped. Lucas and Kate are frantic, and Abe arrives. The set up their command post at the mansion. Roman says that the police, FBI and other enforcement agencies are coming and that road blocks have been set up. Roman suspects that Austin is helping again. Roman says that he's tried Titan, his apartment and the gym, and he's not there. Lucas agrees, but Kate doesn't think Austin would do this again. Roman calls Carrie and learns that Austin is going out of town. The police find tire tracks in the backyard, and Roman has a hunch.

At the train station, Tracey gives Sami her new ID and tickets to Canada. Sami thanks the woman for all her help and Tracey leaves. On the train, Sami says that being Will's mommy is the best thing she's ever done and that's why she's doing what she's doing.

Back at the mansion, the police bring Tracey in to see Roman. He questions the woman, saying that Sami escaped. Tracey acts shocked, but Roman tells her to cut the act. He asks her where Sami is.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 17, 1999 on DAYS

Friday, May 21, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

Stefano decides to cancel Vivian's party, but Nicholas steps up and says that this is what his aunt wants. Stefano relents and says that he'll take care of the arrangements, including getting the staff to clean the mansion. Vivian drops the bombshell that she wants to have the dinner party at the townhouse. Stefano says no, but Nicholas reminds Stefano that it is Vivian's house, not his. Seeing that the two won't give up, he agrees to have it at the townhouse then asks Nicholas to have dinner with them. He agrees, and Vivian is happy again. Outside the foyer, Stefano questions Nicholas as to why he is here. Nick just says that he's seeing his aunt before she dies, but Stefano thinks otherwise.

At the nursing facility, Bo is still pleading with Victor to go to the party. He goes through the whole history of Stefano turning Hope into Gina and all the bad things that she did for him. He relents and tells his father of his alliance with Vivian and Victor tells him he's made a deal with the devil. Bo says that it is just a couple hours, but Victor counters saying that Vivian won't be happy with just those hours, she'll want more and more. Bo sighs and says to brush her off after that, but to please make the appearance. Victor decides to go to the party, but he's bringing Kate. Bo is thankful and calls Vivian with the good news. Nicholas answers the phone and tells Vivian it is the "caterer" as Stefano is still in the room. Bo is surprised to learn from Vivian that Nicholas is in town, but tells her that Victor and Kate will be there and asserts that the "ball is in her court now."

Gina's reverie is disturbed by Rolf. Rolf says she looks sad, and she covers by saying she's going to miss the masterpiece that she's painting over. She then recalls being held at gunpoint with the stolen masterpiece, but John saves her and the two dash off. Back in reality, Gina tells Rolf that she wants John back in her life but the scientist claims that it is impossible. Gina wants to know if what Stefano told her about the headaches is true....he'll die if they continue. Rolf confirms it and says that even if John stop looking into his past, he'll always have the headaches. The only way to get rid of the headaches is for the suppression device in his brain to be deactivated. But that would mean that John would turn back into the person Stefano programmed him to be...and Rolf won't cross Stefano. He leaves, and Gina says that it must be done.

John returns to the penthouse and Marlena rushes to him, wondering where he was. She tells him that while he was gone, Sami escaped. John admits that he was with Hope and Marlena gets more furious. John assures her that he told Hope that she's obsessed with the past, but he wants nothing more to do with it. Marlena is glad to hear it, but does not believe that Hope will give up on John so easily. John says that his present and future is with Marlena and the kids. John hugs Marlena and while he tells her that he can't do anything more for Hope, but he thinks to himself that he also can't stop thinking about her.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Lucas yells at Tracey, saying that it was her fault for him losing his son. He continues to lose his temper when Tracey says at least she was doing what was right for Will and not putting him in danger like Lucas did. Roman orders Lucas out, and Kate follows. Outside, Lucas says that he's going to hire as many PIs as necessary to find Sami. He storms off, with Kate trailing behind. Back inside, Roman is playing nice cop with Tracey and she talks with Roman about the commune she lives on. It is full of nice people whose motto is "Live and let live." Roman tells her that she is free to go. Abe questions Roman's tactic, but he tells him that Tracey have him a lead that he's going to follow up on. He takes off. Later, Lucas and Kate come back in. Lucas wonders if Tracey was arrested, but Abe says no. Lucas is furious, but the phone rings. Kate answers it and gives it to Abe. It's Carson Palmer, the DA, who just learned about Sami's escape. Abe assures him that they're on it, but Carson says it's Abe butt on the line. In fact, a concerned citizen just placed a $500,000 reward for Sami's capture. Off the phone, Abe's furious when Lucas leaks that Sami escaped from prison.

On the train to Canada, Sami is asked to produce a document from her son's father which gives her permission to take the boy across the border and out of the country. She's relieved to find just such a letter in the envelope Tracey gave her. When she finally settles down for the trip, she is shocked to find her seat mate is Roman.

Carrie was *this close* to finding out that Ali filed a lawsuit and sent the photos to Mike, when Nancy intervened and Ali covered.

Meanwhile, in Mike's office, Mike wonders if Craig has seen Ali lately. Craig denies it and Mike says that the woman is out to ruin his life and his career. Craig assures Mike that he is there to support him. He meets up with his wife and she fills him in on Ali's extracurricular activities in Las Vegas. Nancy was shocked to learn about the photos and later demands to Ali that she give them the photos and negatives she shot in Las Vegas.

Carrie is about to knock on Mike's office door, when Ali spots her. Ali vows to make Carrie pay. Inside, Carrie sees that Mike is upset and he asks her to hold him.

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Edited by SC Desk