Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

Eric broke up with Nicole. Greta met Hope and recognized her voice as Gina. Sami believed Kate about shooting Franco and learned the truth about why he wanted to marry her. Austin agreed to be Will's guardian but didn't consult Carrie.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

Monday October 5, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

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Eric helped Nicole up and wanted to take Nicole to the hospital, but Nicole refused to go. When Eric attempted to call the police, Nicole stopped him and said she was not filing charges. Eric asked why her cousin would try to rape her, and Nicole said he'd probably been strung out. Nicole said she wouldn't let Jay get away with it and knew someone who would take care of him. Eric asked Nicole what she meant, and Nicole said it was just something she'd muttered out of anger.

Eric warned Nicole about going after someone for revenge, but Nicole said she never wanted to see him again. Eric asked what had happened with Jay, and Nicole said that he had tracked her down and wanted money for drugs, but she'd refused, and he'd gotten abusive and tried to rape her. Eric didn't understand why her cousin would do that, but Nicole said she didn't want to talk about it. Nicole bent down to straighten up things, and Eric saw the "N+J Forever" tattoo. Eric confronted Nicole and said, "Jay isn't your cousin -- he's your lover!"

Nicole admitted to Eric that they had been lovers, but she hadn't wanted anyone to know about her past with a sleazeball boyfriend. Eric asked if Jay was even a drug addict, and Nicole said he was. Eric asked if he had gone to her for money or to sleep with her, and Nicole said both. Nicole said that she had refused to give him money, so he'd tried to rape her. Eric didn't know if he could believe her. Nicole swore that she was telling the truth, and she hadn't been with Jay in years; she only wanted to be with Eric.

Eric said trust was very important and that he couldn't believe she'd lied to him after he'd asked her the other day if there were anything he should know. Nicole said she wanted a future with him, but Eric didn't know if she meant it or was lying again. Nicole said it was easier to lie about Jay then to answer his questions. Eric said all he'd ever wanted was the truth, which she hadn't given him. Eric wondered, if she lied about Jay, what was to stop her from lying about something else. Eric walked out. Nicole blamed Jay for ruining her life and started smashing things.

Jay called the man in prison and said they had to talk in person. As he got ready to leave, Taylor saw him and asked what had happened to his face. Jay said he'd gotten into a fight and tried to leave, but Taylor stopped him and asked if he'd gotten into a fight with Eric. Jay said that wasn't what had happened and that he had gone to see Nicole, but she hadn't been much help. Jay told Taylor that Nicole had messed with his head for the last time, and he was returning to L.A.

Taylor asked if Jay had gotten the money, but Jay said it didn't matter because "he" was going to get out of prison with or without her help, and "Nikki" would be in big trouble. Taylor said she didn't want Nicole to get in trouble, but Jay told her to think about her own life. Jay told her she deserved a shot at the good life, unlike her stuck-up sister, and hoped her dreams were fulfilled. With those words, Jay left.

Bo and Hope were on their way to the hotel to meet Greta. Hope was excited to meet Greta, and she also told Bo about all the new talents she'd acquired as Gina. She also said that it almost seemed as if Stefano were accepting her as Gina again. Hope admitted that when she'd been face-to-face with Stefano on the Empress Express, she'd felt a connection. Hope then feared that maybe Gina and Rudolpho had had more than a platonic relationship. Bo told Hope that he was sure that had never happened, even if she hadn't had her memory.

Billie had succeeded in putting doubts about Bo in Greta's head. Greta felt that Bo had deserted her for Hope just like Billie had said he would. As she attempted to leave the hotel room, Billie caught her and asked where she was going and what had happened to her makeup. Greta told Billie that makeup wouldn't change who she was. Billie said that she was just upset that Bo hadn't returned, and if she ate, she'd feel better. Greta reminded Billie that she was the one who had told her Bo hurt others when he was with Hope, but Billie said he only hurt her.

Bo called from the car and told Billie that he and Hope were on their way over. Billie then panicked and feared that Hope might sweet-talk Greta into telling her the truth about the baby, which she couldn't allow to happen. Billie started telling Greta how beautiful Hope was and how she was a supermodel. She went on to tell Greta how Bo wouldn't be there for her whenever she needed him. Greta ran off, and when Bo and Hope arrived, Billie told them that Greta had just left. Bo went after Greta, and Hope told Billie that for some reason, she felt that was exactly what Billie had wanted to happen.

Stefano arrived home and talked with Rolf. Rolf asked about Vivian, and Stefano tried to hide the truth, but he couldn't lie to Rolf. Stefano told Rolf that he'd had to use the device to put Vivian into an up mood to keep her from going to the hospital. Rolf was upset, but Stefano said that he couldn't let the doctors find the device in her tooth, and Vivian would have figured it all out.

Rolf asked Stefano why he hadn't gotten Vivian to sign over power of attorney. Stefano said he'd tried, but Vivian had backed down at the last minute every time. Stefano feared that since John and Marlena were involved, he might never get his treasures back. He then remembered how much fun he and Gina had had stealing treasures.

Rolf was concerned about Hope's transformation back into Gina, but Stefano said he would be happy to turn her back into Gina so she could help him again. Stefano remembered back to Count Olenska's ball, and in the memory, "Gina" told Stefano it had all gone perfectly. Stefano told her that he wanted to give her something and handed her an emerald brooch. Gina jumped into Stefano's arms to thank him.

Stefano returned to reality and said that was the Gina he wanted back, the one he'd trained Hope to be after he'd taken her from Ernesto. Rolf hoped Hope never learned she had never been scarred. Stefano said Ernesto certainly wouldn't talk, and the only other person who knew the truth, Greta, was dead. However, Stefano said that both Bo and Hope would pay for trying to uncover the secrets of Maison Blanche by turning Hope back into Gina again.

Roman told Kate that he had more questions to ask her about Franco and what she'd known of his immigration status. Once again, Kate told Roman that Lucas hadn't seen anything that night, and Sami just had to pay the price. Roman refused to believe that and told Kate that he knew Franco had been in danger of being deported and that he knew she'd known about Franco's green card status. Kate admitted that she'd known about Franco's status, but not until Agent Raskin had told her. Roman asked her why she'd withhold that information from Sami and if she had used it to hurt Sami.

Kate said that she'd assumed Sami had known the truth and that she hadn't known that Franco was cheating. Kate said that she wasn't the person who should have been protecting Sami, he should have been doing it. Kate told Roman that she'd told Sami that nobody could ever love her, and Roman called her a "cold bitch." Kate said she'd learned from the best, then asked Roman to leave. Roman left, and Kate said that Roman would never find out why Franco had been terrified to go back to Italy.

Sami caught Lucas in Will's room. Lucas told Sami that he was sorry for what he had done to Will, but he wouldn't let her go to prison for a crime she hadn't committed. Sami asked him what he meant, and Lucas told her that he knew she wasn't capable of killing someone in cold blood, and he knew what she was going through. Sami accused Lucas of trying to lay his guilt trip on her, and then she said she wished she had run into him instead of Franco because she would have killed him, and no jury would have convicted her. Sami told Lucas that he didn't deserve to be Will's father, and she was taking steps to revoke his rights as a father. Sami then took delight in telling Lucas that if she were unable to be with Will, Austin would have legal custody of Will.

Lucas refused to allow that to happen and called her a "lying two-faced bitch." Lucas said that he couldn't believe he had been planning to tell her what his mom had done. Sami's eyes widened, and she demanded Lucas tell her what Kate had done. Lucas covered quickly and said that his mom had hired a lawyer because she'd known Sami would do something like that.

Sami told Lucas that he didn't deserve to be Will's father, and she'd make sure Will hated him for the rest of his life. Lucas told Sami that she deserved much worse then rotting in jail and said that he knew why Franco had been sleeping around on her. Sami said she'd kill Lucas, and he told her to go ahead; it was only one more murder on her record. Sami told Lucas he was so right then began to strangle him.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, October 6, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Nicole was angry that "he" had sent Jay to spy on her, and she said it was all his fault. Nicole called the man in jail and told him that Jay had tried to rape her. The man called Jay a bastard and said he'd only sent Jay to get money to help him get out on parole. Nicole laughed and said he wouldn't get anything from her, and he could rot in jail as far as she was concerned.

Eric ran into Taylor at Titan, and she was concerned about him because she could see he had been in a fight. Eric told Taylor he'd had a lousy day, and he'd just found out that the woman he was involved with had been lying to him. Taylor told Eric that without self-respect and trust, there was nothing. Eric told Taylor that was pretty heavy for someone so young, and she told him that she'd had to grow up pretty fast.

Nicole showed up at Titan and ran into Taylor. Taylor told Nicole that Eric was in the photo lab then stormed off when Nicole got an attitude. Nicole walked into the lab and heard Eric wondering what else Nicole had lied about to him. Nicole told Eric the one thing she'd never lied about was how she felt about him.

Mike and Ali were dancing as Craig and Nancy watched. Craig and Nancy saw how sad Carrie was as she watched Mike and Ali dance. Carrie was still bothered that Ali had taken the credit for her party, and Austin sensed it. Austin asked Carrie if she liked Ali, and Carrie said Ali was very pushy and didn't give Mike any space. Austin thought Ali was crazy about Mike, and he thought Mike liked her. Nancy asked her husband if Austin could be so dense that he didn't realize how Carrie felt about Mike.

Craig told Nancy that denial wasn't just a river in Egypt. Craig then told Nancy he had a new scandal to involve Mike in, and Carrie would run to his defense, but it would be too late. Mike returned to the table and admitted that he was glad Ali had chosen a low-key way to celebrate his birthday. Mike was beeped. Mike went to check in with the hospital, and Craig asked Ali to dance. Nancy had no problem with it, so Ali danced with Craig. Nancy sat down next to Carrie and started telling Carrie that she didn't think Ali was right for Mike because she had stolen Carrie's party idea and lied to Mike. Carrie told Nancy it was no big deal and to let it go.

Carrie switched the topic and told Nancy she was going to schedule the charity boxing match Austin had suggested and that she could use Nancy's help. Nancy was touched and said she knew Carrie suspected them of setting up Mike. Carrie said that was water under the bridge, and she'd like Nancy to be her assistant. Nancy accepted the offer then hoped they could be best friends.

Meanwhile, Austin thanked Mike for being there for Carrie and hoped one day he'd have a relationship like he and Carrie had, and perhaps it could be with Ali. Carrie asked Austin and Mike what was going on, and Austin said he had just been thanking Mike, and he left to pick up the tab. Mike thanked Carrie for celebrating his birthday with him and observed how happy Austin seemed. Carrie made a snotty remark about Ali but then apologized.

Sami choked Lucas. Roman rushed in and saved Lucas. Lucas wanted Sami arrested for attempted murder. Lucas said if Roman didn't do it, he'd call Abe. Lucas wanted Sami arrested, but Roman said that he'd provoked Sami and also violated the restraining order against him. Roman told Lucas if he had a brain in his head, he would shut up and stay away from Will. Lucas said his mom was right about Roman; Roman was in total denial about his daughter.

Roman returned to see Sami and asked her "what the hell" had been going through her head. Sami said she had just been upset after seeing Kate, and Lucas had started provoking her. Roman asked when she had seen Kate, and Sami told him she had gone to the mansion to get some clothes. Roman told her she should not have done that, and Sami said she knew because she finally knew what had happened.

Roman asked Sami what she remembered, and Sami said she remembered being furious with Franco and storming to the house to confront him. Sami said she had gone in, gotten the gun, and waited for him to show up so she could shoot him. Sami cried, and Roman hugged her and asked if that was what she remembered or if it was what Kate had told her had happened. Sami said that Kate had told her, so it had to be true.

Sami admitted that she didn't know what had happened. Sami said she didn't know why she got so crazy, like she had with Lucas, and like she had to have done with Franco. Sami said if she had only given Franco a chance to explain, maybe things would have been okay because he had wanted to marry her. Roman told Sami he wished that were true. Sami asked Roman what had happened, but before he answered, Austin showed up to see Will. Austin asked Roman what was wrong, and Roman told Austin he knew why Franco had wanted to marry Sami.

Nancy thanked Carrie for inviting her to Mike's party that night. She also told Carrie that she wouldn't be surprised if Mike and Ali arrived together in the morning. Carrie refused to believe that though. Meanwhile, Ali told Mike that she had a special birthday present for him at her place. Mike told her that he'd love to go to her place and asked what his gift was. Ali said it was easy to unwrap and was the gift that kept on giving, and then she kissed him.

Greta hopped in the truck, and Bo threw himself in front of the truck to stop it. The truck hit Bo and knocked him unconscious. Greta panicked and jumped out of the truck to check on Bo. Bo was all right; he'd just gotten the wind knocked out of him. Bo begged Greta to stay, so she stayed. Bo apologized for not returning sooner. He told her that both he and Hope wanted to help her, but Greta told him to forget about her and go back to Hope. Bo told Greta that he didn't want to forget about her then asked if Billie had said something to her to make her believe otherwise.

Greta remembered what Billie had said to her, and Bo asked once again if Billie had said something to upset her. Greta dodged the question and said that Billie had helped her leave the bayou and that she knew Billie loved him. Bo said he had loved Billie once, but Hope had always been his true love. Greta asked if that had been true even when Billie had been pregnant, which sent Bo for a loop because he hadn't known she knew about the baby.

Bo admitted he'd made a mistake, but Hope was who he loved. Bo asked Greta to return with him to see Hope. Greta agreed, but then she said she was going back to the bayou. Bo told her that it wasn't just about Hope; it was about her as well. Bo reminded her that he had promised her a life without pain, and he intended to keep that promise. Greta didn't say anything, and Bo asked her if she believed him.

Hope accused Billie of somehow forcing Greta to leave to cause problems. Billie told Hope she wouldn't make Greta run away because she'd helped Bo talk Greta into returning to Salem, and she gave Hope the short version of the story. Billie took delight in telling Hope that Bo wouldn't be there if it weren't for her help.

Hope remained cautious and told Billie that she suspected Billie was using Greta to cause problems between Hope and Bo. Billie just laughed it off, but Hope was serious and told Billie that she was sick of being blamed for every little thing that went wrong in her life. Billie told Hope that she was to blame; she was to blame for Billie losing Bo and her baby. Hope said the death of Billie's baby was tragic, but it was not the reason she wasn't with Bo.

Hope told Billie the truth was that Bo didn't love her, and she had to accept it and move on. Billie told Hope that she knew all about Bo's love for Hope, but she didn't think he'd feel the same passion for "Gina." Billie started saying how much she looked like Princess Gina. Hope laughed and said that she was not Gina; she was Hope. She said that Bo understood her search for the past, but he wouldn't understand her attempts to sabotage her search for the truth by sending Greta away. Billie screamed that she hadn't had anything to do with Greta running away, but Hope didn't buy it and wondered what was happening to her.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, October 7, 1998

by Carolyn Tong

Nicole told Eric that she'd never lied about her feelings for him. Eric knew that, but he was hurt that she hadn't been honest with him about Jay. Nicole asked for a chance to make it up, but Eric said he had given her dozens of chances to be honest. Nicole said she was being honest at that moment, but Eric said he couldn't tell. Eric said he wanted a relationship built on honesty and trust. Nicole told Eric she had no idea he hated her so much, and she deserved to be beaten up by Jay. Eric told her that nobody deserved to be beaten up and that he didn't hate her.

Nicole said she'd thought he would have hated her if had had known about her and Jay. Eric asked why she had gotten involved with him, and she said she'd been young and nave, and Jay had been very charming. However, he'd gotten into drugs, and she had seen the dark side of him, which had caused her to flee to Salem. Nicole told Eric he was the only man she wanted to be with and asked if he wanted to be with her. Eric said he didn't know because he was looking for the perfect person, and Nicole said nobody was perfect. Nicole said she just wanted another chance and pointed out that he'd forgiven Sami for making tons of mistakes.

Roman told Austin that Franco had only wanted to marry Sami to stay in the country. Austin recalled Sami telling him that Franco had wanted to elope, and he realized why. Austin hoped maybe Franco had loved Sami, but Roman said Franco had been a con artist. Austin said that would devastate Sami, and Roman said he knew. Roman decided to tell Sami the truth, but Austin stopped him and asked him to let Austin tell her. Roman thought that Austin telling Sami was a good idea.

Marlena went into Will's room, where Sami was watching him. Sami said the worst was over for Will, but it was only beginning for her. Marlena told Sami to stay positive, but Sami didn't know if she could and said she couldn't make it through the ordeal without Austin. Sami told her mom that she planned to protect Will from Lucas and Kate by appointing Austin as Will's guardian. Marlena said they needed to stay positive, but Sami said she had to be realistic.

Marlena pointed out that Lucas was Will's father, but Sami said Lucas had lost his rights when he'd crashed his car with Will in it. Marlena asked Sami if she remembered what had happened, and Sami said she thought she knew what had happened but had no clear memory of it. Marlena told her that meant she might not have done it and was blocking out whatever had happened. Sami thanked her mom for giving her the benefit of the doubt, even if she didn't deserve it. Marlena told Sami she loved her and would always believe in her and stand by her.

Nancy went to Carrie's office and let her know that Ali had taken Mike home. Nancy went on and on about how it was not appropriate for Ali to hang all over Mike and then said at another hospital where Craig had worked, one of his colleagues had gotten involved in a terrible sex scandal. Nancy left, and Rose, the head nurse, stopped by. Carrie told Rose that Mike was saddened that she was leaving the hospital. Rose said that she was making a list of people she thought were qualified within the hospital to fill the position. After Rose left, Carrie hoped Ali wasn't on the list.

However, Carrie felt that Mike would hire someone older with more experience. Meanwhile, Craig told Nancy that the head nurse was retiring. Nancy realized that that Ali was seducing Mike to get the job. Craig told Nancy that they needed to change focus and make sure Mike hired Ali, the woman he was sleeping with, as head nurse. Nancy said the only problem was that Mike wouldn't hire Ali, and they weren't sleeping together. Craig said that was where they fit in. Nancy still didn't think the idea would work because Carrie wouldn't stand for Ali being with Mike. Craig told Nancy that was where she fit in; she needed to convince Carrie that Mike would never fall for Ali.

Mike went up to Ali's place and poured some champagne for them. Ali told Mike that she didn't think Carrie liked her much because of her feelings for him. Mike said that Carrie liked her, but Ali said she didn't think Carrie wanted anyone on staff to date him. Mike said that she was just being protective of the hospital's reputation. Mike said they could see each other; they just had to keep their relationship low profile. Ali said their relationship would be the best-kept secret then she excused herself to change into something more comfortable. She returned in a sleek black bodysuit and fed Mike some home-baked goods. Ali hinted to Mike that one day, she'd like to be head nurse.

Mike told Ali that he'd like to hear her plans for outside of work. Ali told Mike she'd like their relationship to move to the next level. Mike told Ali that he had feelings for her, which surprised her. Mike said that he liked being with her a lot then he kissed her.

Mike's cell phone started ringing, and it was Craig. Craig learned Mike was at Ali's, and he said he'd just wanted to tell Mike about Will's test results. Will had a tiny fever, and Mike became concerned and said he'd be right over. Ali told Mike that she wouldn't let him leave unless he promised to return the next night for a special dinner. Mike agreed then left. After he was gone, Ali wondered if there was any reason that she couldn't be head nurse and married to the chief of staff.

Austin went to see Sami and told her that he had bad news about Franco. Sami told Austin to spit it out, so he told her that Franco had been an illegal alien and had only wanted to marry her because he would have been deported. Sami freaked out and ran off. Will began to cry, and Austin tried to calm him down. Carrie found Austin and said she was ready to go home, but Austin said he needed to stay there and be with Sami then he left.

Nancy told Carrie that she had good news. Nancy said Mike wasn't falling for Ali, because he had been at her place but had used Will's fever as an excuse to leave her and return to the hospital. Austin found Sami, and Carrie overheard Austin tell Sami that she deserved to be loved, after Sami told him she didn't deserved to be loved.

Hope told Greta that for many years, she'd thought she had gone through horrible surgeries, but it hadn't been her. Hope told Greta that she was very sorry. Greta turned her back on Hope and asked her to leave; she said she didn't want anyone's pity and again asked Hope to leave. Hope wanted to ask Greta questions, but Billie stood up for Greta and asked Hope to leave. Hope told Greta that she might not have endured the physical scars Greta had, but she had endured the mental torment, and that was why she felt sorry for her.

Hope told Greta that they were both victims of Stefano's schemes, and they could help each other by taking down Stefano. Greta looked at Hope and said, "You're not Hope. You're someone I used to know." Greta had a flashback of Hope reading to her at Maison Blanche while she had been bandaged. Greta said she remembered Hope's voice and presence there and how she would read to her, play her favorite music, hold her hand, and take care of her.

Greta said sometimes she had been there, sometimes she hadn't. Hope asked if she had been there the whole time and if she knew what she had been doing for Stefano. Greta said she didn't remember anything about her and Stefano; she just remembered that she had been very kind to her and would comb her hair with a beautiful comb. Hope realized the comb was the one from Lugano, and she asked if Greta remembered a compact. Greta remembered the compact, but she didn't remember anything about it. Hope started asking if she knew anything about Lily Faversham, Count Olenska, but Greta didn't remember anything. Greta was tired, and Hope offered to stay with her, but Billie said she'd stay with Greta.

Hope told Greta that she'd see her the next day then she and Bo left. After they were gone, Billie thanked Greta for not saying anything about the compact. Greta told Billie that she remembered Hope and that she had been a very nice and compassionate woman. Billie disagreed. Billie told Greta the only way to have Bo in her life was to get rid of Hope. Meanwhile, Bo told Hope that they would take down Stefano by finding the secrets of her past -- together.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, October 8, 1998

by Carolyn Tong

At Marlena's penthouse, Mickey and Sami were discussing what her options were -- plead guilty to manslaughter or go to trial for murder. It turned out the D.A. wanted to go to trial in a couple weeks. Sami wanted to delay the trial, and Mickey said he'd try. He left, and Sami was left alone. She saw the picture of Austin and Will in her purse. She only wanted the best life for Will. That was why she'd lied about the paternity, and about Lucas hitting Will, and even being taken in by Franco. She'd just wanted him to have a loving mother and father. But she couldn't see any way out of the mess that she was in.

Carrie arrived at home to give Mike a birthday present: a pocket watch with the inscription "With Love, Carrie." The two kissed then Austin walked in. He was furious and told Carrie to choose between the two. Carrie woke up to Austin leaning over her, giving her a kiss. She looked at the clock and saw that she was late for work, but Austin told her to take the day off. No, she said, because she had too much work.

Austin asked Carrie if there was more to it. She denied there was anything else and told him that she was planning the charity boxing match. Austin bowed out, saying that he did not have the time. That was when Austin dropped a bombshell on her. He had agreed to be Will's guardian if Sami went to jail.

Carrie was stunned that Austin would make such a decision without consulting her. Austin wondered if she had a problem with raising Will, and Carrie said she did not, but Will had a father who wanted to raise him too. Austin said that Lucas had lost his rights the moment he'd kidnapped Will and crashed the car while drunk. Carrie continued to defend Lucas, saying that he had problems, but he loved his son. Austin wouldn't be dissuaded and continued to harp on Carrie about her not wanting to start a family.

Carrie told Austin that was not fair; she did want to start a family, but she was not ready yet. Austin wondered if she would ever be ready. Carrie told him that raising Will was a huge responsibility. Austin played "let's suppose" that Sami got off and they didn't have to raise Will -- he asked if Carrie was ready to try to get pregnant. She did not answer, and Austin surmised that she did not want to have a family. He was disappointed, and he left. Carrrie felt guilty for what she had done.

John and Stefano were in Vivian's townhouse, talking. John was trying to figure out what Vivian had that Stefano wanted. Ivan and Celeste walked in and tried to dissuade Stefano from waiting for Vivian, as she would be at the hairdresser -- really Marlena's office -- for many hours. Stefano flashed back to a conversation that he had seen with Vivian and Ivan taking about seeing Marlena, and he figured out that Vivian was seeking professional help. In the foyer, John, Celeste, and Ivan were confirming that Vivian was with Marlena.

Ivan tried to rush Stefano out, but he wouldn't leave. Ivan got some papers for John to look over, and John informed Stefano that he was taking over Vivian's business dealings until she was better. John was leaving for the hospital, and Stefano wanted to go too. Ivan jumped in and said that he couldn't, and Stefano was confused -- a minute before, Ivan had wanted him to leave, but suddenly Ivan wanted him to stay. Ivan covered by saying that Celeste needed to talk to him.

Celeste told Stefano that she knew about the planted necklace. Stefano laughed it off, but Celeste was onto him. She knew first-hand that he lived by the adage "The end justifies the means." She just wanted to know what the ends were. Stefano said that he was a changed man. Celeste would believe that just like everyone believed that she was 29. Stefano said she could pass for that, even knowing that she had a grown daughter.

Celeste got upset, saying that he only mentioned Lexie when he wanted something, and he did. He wanted to invite the two to dinner. He called Lexie to invite her for dinner. She agreed, and the two hung up.

Vivian was confused as to why she was in Marlena's office. She was exhibiting strange mood swings, ranging from paranoia to giddiness. Marlena was looking at her strangely and asked if Vivian remembered their conversation from the previous night at the Penthouse Grill. Vivian was nervous and got up to get a glass of water. Her hands were trembling, and Marlena rushed to help her. Marlena wondered when Vivian first remembered having those symptoms.

Vivian spied a rose on Marlena's desk and asked if it was John who had given it to her. Marlena confirmed it and asked her question again. Vivian said that Celeste and Ivan believed it was when she'd had dinner with Stefano a few months before. That prompted Marlena to ask her what her relationship with Stefano was. Before she would say anything, Vivian wanted to be assured that their conversation was confidential. Marlena said that it was, but she would like to tell John what they discussed. Vivian agreed and said that she had a huge secret about Stefano and did not want it to go any further.

The secret was that Vivian and Stefano were going to pull off the business coup of the century -- taking over Titan from Kate. Marlena wondered if Stefano might have an ulterior motive, and Vivian remembered the vision of Jonesy telling her not to trust anyone. She was not sure if Stefano could be trusted, but he had been with her through all the strange moods and was concerned enough to want her to sign a power of attorney.

Marlena perked up when she heard that and asked if Vivian had done it. Vivian said no, and Marlena asked if Vivian was having hallucinations. Vivian got defensive, saying Jonesy was her guardian angel, and if Marlena couldn't embrace the idea, that was her problem. Vivian was skeptical, believing that Marlena thought she was crazy. She got up to leave, opened the door, and walked right into the closet.

Vivian emerged holding a hanger and quoted from Mommy Dearest: "How many times have I told you, Christina, no more wire hangers." Vivian laughed off the whole incident, and Marlena said that she thought Vivian had a problem. John walked in and told Vivian that he had made arrangements to move into the office suite. She agreed and wanted to leave. Marlena didn't want her to stay, and Vivian jokingly asked if Marlena wanted her committed. Vivian turned paranoid again and said that John and Marlena had tricked her into going, that men in white coats were going to drag her off.

Vivian saw a vision of Jonesy and started talking to him, in front of John and Marlena. She told Jonesy to tell John and Marlena that she was not crazy, and Jonesy affirmed it. Vivian looked at John and Marlena and said, "See, you heard it right from his mouth."

At the hospital, Ali was remembering her kiss with Mike, as Nancy walked up. Ali left, and Craig joined his wife. They started talking about how essential Ali was to their plan to oust Mike as chief of staff. If Ali and Mike were intimate, and Ali got the head nurse's job, then they would claim the chief of staff had shown favoritism to his lover. The two hoped that Mike and Carrie would give in to their feelings for each other, but they were too noble.

Nancy was going to make sure that Ali's name was high on the list of candidates. "Oh, no," Craig said; he had found a flaw in their plan. Carrie would screen the list of candidates and tell Mike not to promote Ali. Nancy told him that Carrie would not interfere in hospital business; it would be too obvious.

Craig and Nancy saw Rose and, not too subtly, asked if Ali was on the list of replacements. Rose had not even thought of her as a candidate, and the devious duo started singing Ali's praises. Rose was hesitant but finally agreed to consider Ali for the job.

Kate assured Lucas that even if Sami went to trial and remembered that she had not killed Franco, it would just look like she was lying. Nurse Ali was checking on Lucas when he said that she deserved all the pain that he was getting. Kate was looking on, shaking her head to stop saying anything. Ali left, and Kate blasted Lucas for acting guilty.

Lucas was worried that Sami's case would go to trial, and the two would have to testify. He wondered what would happen if they slipped up and their lies were exposed. Kate was confident that it would never get to that point. She said if Sami's case went to trial, she risked being put on death row. But if Mickey cut a deal for her, she'd be out in 10 to 20 years and still have a life. They wondered about Roman, and Kate said that Roman could speculate all he wanted. They were the only ones who knew how Franco had died.

Mike and Lexie were talking about what Mike had done after the party. Lexie was not happy that Mike and Ali were getting closer. She questioned if that was what Mike really wanted. Ali walked up with the case of a patient with symptoms that appeared to be meningitis. Lexie and Mike were stunned when Ali said that she'd read an article on Lyme disease, and the symptoms mimicked those of meningitis. Mike ordered a test to confirm the diagnosis. He was impressed that Ali was reading the AMA journals. "Just another plus for getting the head nurse job," Ali thought. The two confirmed their date for that evening.

Sami arrived to check on Will. She held him in her arms and hugged him. They had a man-to-mom talk. She told him that giving birth to him was the best thing she'd done in her life. She told him to always believe that she loved him, no matter what anyone said. Sami said that she probably did not have much time left with him, and she wanted to make sure that he was taken care of, so Uncle Austin would be taking care of him. Sami vowed that there would be nothing Kate or Lucas could do about it.

Sami told Will that he would have many fun times with Austin. She was sad that it might be one of the last times he would see her. Lexie walked in to give Will his medicine. Sami thanked Lexie for all she had done to take care of Will and proceeded to tell Lexie her court options. Sami then asked Lexie a personal question. Since Lexie had just found out about her mother a few years before, Sami wanted to know if Lexie thought Will could find it in his heart to be with Sami.

Lexie assured Sami that she had bonded with Will for three years and that she was close with her parents. Sami was still not sure, but Austin walked in and said that he would take care of Will. Sami and Austin went outside and talked. Austin was supportive, and Sami told him that Mickey suggested pleading guilty. Austin thought that Sami should take Mickey's advice, but Sami was not sure -- she did not remember pulling the trigger. She wondered if she'd even killed Franco. Kate listened on, worried.

Carrie arrived and asked Nancy if she had seen Mike. Nancy took the opportunity to tell Carrie that Ali had been bending Mike's ear all morning, trying to get the head nurse's position. Carrie was shocked, saying that Ali was not qualified. Nancy planted the seed that since Mike and Carrie thought alike, that wouldn't be a problem. Mike saw Carrie and walked over.

Carrie told Mike that she and Austin had had another disagreement, but she was worried that she was becoming a burden to Mike, as she was always telling him her problems. Mike assured her that she could never be a burden. He was her friend and wanted to help. In Mike's office, Carrie told Mike that Austin wanted to start a family. She told him that she was not ready yet, but Mike remembered them talking before, and she'd seemed happy at having a baby. "What's changed since then?" he asked. Carrie was not sure, but she loved Austin and knew it would make him happy, but she wondered why she couldn't say yes to getting pregnant.

Craig and Nancy were reveling in their plot to take down Mike. They couldn't wait to see Carrie's face when she learned that Mike and Ali had slept together. And, they couldn't wait for the outcry from the other nurses when they learned that Ali had slept her way to the position of head nurse. Mike and Ali would have to resign in shame, leaving the door open for Craig to step in as the new chief of staff.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, October 9, 1998

by Carolyn Tong

John and Marlena were sitting in Marlena's home, eating breakfast with Belle and Brady, having a grand old time. Belle asked where Sami was, and Marlena replied that that she was sleeping in. Sami was having a nightmare about confronting Franco. In her dream, Franco was taunting her that sleeping with Candy was much better than sleeping with her and that the only reason he was marrying her was to get his green card. Sami got mad and shot him then fainted. Sami woke up, convinced that was what had happened.

John and Marlena discussed Vivian. John said it was possible that Stefano was involved. John was going to talk to Celeste about Vivian's company to help relieve some business pressure. Sami walked down and told Marlena about her nightmares. The kids entered, and Brady asked if Sami would stay there forever. Before Sami could answer, the nanny took the kids to the park.

Sami started telling John and Marlena that they had been wonderful to her. John gave her a hug and left. Marlena and Sami started talking about Will and said that Austin should raise Will. Marlena was concerned because Carrie and Austin wanted to start a family, but Sami told her that Carrie was too wrapped up in her career, and Austin had promised to take care of Will. Sami was glad that she could count on Austin; Franco had never loved her, and since she would be going to jail, she would never know what it was like to be loved.

Mickey arrived with the guardianship papers for Sami. Marlena left to go to work. He told Sami that the court would make the final decision, but Mickey had every confidence the judge would allow it. Moving on, they talked about Sami's defense. It was not a strong case, Mickey conceded. He started to talk about their strategy, when Sami told him that she remembered.

Sami told Mickey how she and Kate had been talking about that night, and Sami relayed the story Kate had fed her. Again, she was asked if she really remembered that or if she just thought she remembered. Sami said it had to be true, and Mickey told her to plead guilty -- to manslaughter. The sentence time would be less, but admitting to the crime had to be her decision.

While Greta was taking a shower at the Salem Motel, Billie returned with coffee for Bo. Bo thanked Billie for returning Greta to Salem. They started talking about Greta and how strong she was for leaving the bayou and going to Salem. Billie steered the conversation to Bo's future and asked if he had made any plans. Bo said that his future was on hold. He had to concentrate on Hope. Billie started throwing the fact that Bo had made many promises to her when she had been pregnant in Bo's face.

Bo was obviously getting upset, but he calmly told Billie that he had gone to the bayou to grieve and that Billie should do the same. Billie started in on Hope, wondering how she could grieve and put it behind her when every time she saw Hope, she was reminded of the argument that had made her lose her baby. Bo told her that she couldn't keep blaming Hope. Billie was getting spiteful and said that when she'd seen Hope in Europe, it had been very strange, because Hope had been so immersed as Princess Gina.

Billie's comments raised many questions for Bo, and he wondered why Billie had been in Europe anyway. Countess Wilhelmina, Billie said. Bo was suspicious -- Europe was a big place, but Billie covered by saying it had been a coincidence. She again steered the conversation to how Hope had really gotten into the Gina persona. In fact, Billie said, Hope preferred being Princess Gina; she did not want to be Hope Brady.

Bo was getting angry, saying he was sick of all the lies and manipulations keeping Bo and Hope apart --Ernesto and Stefano conspiring to keep Hope, and Kate hiring Franco. By finding Hope's past, they could get control of their lives back. Billie then posed the question of what he would feel if Hope had been married or had even had a child during that time.

Bo conceded that it was possible, but he would deal with it. Billie was worried about him because she loved him. She told him that maybe they could get back together and have another baby. At that, Bo turned to her and told her, in no uncertain terms, that there was no future for the two of them. Even if things did not work out with Hope, Bo would never be with Billie.

Billie left and ran into Hope, who was wondering if Bo and Greta were inside. Billie sneered and said yes, they were, stating, "He's all yours, Princess," and she stalked off. Inside, Bo told Hope that he'd had a talk with Billie. He updated her on what the two had talked about. He loved Hope, and his future was with her. Bo then told her he had a way to stop Stefano for good.

In the Horton kitchen, Hope was reunited with Shawn D as Alice looked on. Shawn D noticed Hope's new hairstyle, and both commented on how they liked it. Hope said that she was still Hope Williams -- and was about to say Brady -- but changed it to, "I'm still your mother." Shawn D hinted that since she and Bo were back, they might get back together. Hope decided to plan a family dinner, and Shawn D was happy about that. He left for school, leaving Alice and Hope to discuss what had happened the night before. Alice asked the $64 million dollar question: if Bo and Hope were getting back together.

Hope told Gran that things were complicated, but the phone rang. It was Lili, who had called to check up on Hope. They talked a bit, and Hope mentioned Vivian's name. Lili got an angry look on her face. Hope inquired as to Lili's health, and Lili said she was fine and was still planning to visit Salem. Hope was very happy to talk to Lili. When Lili hung up the phone, she commented that it was sad that Gina lived in the same town as that awful Vivian Alamain.

Hope admitted that she would never have a love like she had with Bo, but Stefano had taken her away. Hope informed Alice that she had never been in the cage during the explosion and that Bo had found Greta, who had confessed to the illusion. Alice was confused about the whole situation, but Hope straightened her out. They just couldn't figure out the birthmark.

Alice was thankful that Bo and Hope were working together on the mystery. Hope told her not to get her hopes up, but Alice said to have faith. Hope started talking about feeling responsible for Billie's loss. Alice said that Hope couldn't keep feeling guilty; it had happened, and it was time to move on. Hope said it went farther back; Bo had betrayed their love by sleeping with Billie.

Alice then told Hope that Franco was dead. She was shocked and felt bad for Roman and Marlena. They returned to talking about Bo, and Hope told her Gran that she would love to be a family again, but she needed to find out about her four missing years. Alice assured her it was meant to be. Hope left to check on Bo and Greta but told Alice that she worried what would happen if Stefano ever found out that Greta was alive.

Ivan entered Vivian's place, carrying a tray of Vivian's favorite pastries. Vivian was out of sorts, asking Ivan to give her a cup of coffee as she was holding one already. She was dazed and started rambling about how she had too much jewelry and that she didn't care that Ivan and Celeste had stolen a necklace. Ivan told her again that they'd had nothing to do with that; it had been Stefano.

Stefano, meanwhile, was looking on through his closed-caption television with Dr. Rolf, worried that Vivian was so despondent -- and he had not used the device on her. Perhaps he should put her in an up mood. Rolf chastised Stefano, telling him that he used the device too much. Stefano was lamenting that Vivian had not signed the papers because Hope had interrupted his plans. Stefano vowed that it would not be long before Hope's family did not even know her.

Vivian was upset that Ivan had deserted her, and Ivan told her again that it had been Stefano's plan all along to get rid of them. Vivian defended Stefano, and Ivan told her that he was glad she was seeing Marlena. Stefano was upset that Vivian was going to see Marlena. He decided that he needed to take matters into his own hands. John arrived, and Vivian told him that she did not need to see a priest; she was not ready for her last rites. He said that was good because he was not a priest anymore.

Vivian asked what the scoop was with Hope masquerading as Princess Gina. Gina was the name Stefano had given Hope, John explained. Vivian slyly asked about the old dame that Hope had been traveling with. Lili and Gina had been close, John explained. Vivian told John and Ivan that it had been a lot of fun traveling on the Empress Express, seeing old friends, and others that she hoped she would never see she remembered Lili.

Vivian got woozy and started babbling about all the crazy escapades she had done in the past couple months. John was concerned and said that Marlena should check her out. Ivan said that Stefano could not find out where she was going; Stefano walked in asking why not.

Ivan and John made up a story that Vivian needed to see her hairdresser, meaning Marlena, but unknown to them, Stefano was wise to their game. Vivian was still out of it, babbling about Jonesy. Stefano insisted that Vivian looked ravishing and that he had plans for her for the day. Ivan whisked Vivian away, and John kept Stefano from following.

John informed Stefano that he would be moving his office next to Vivian's to protect her interest. John warned Stefano that he had his eye on Stefano. Vivian was at the hospital to see Marlena. She implored Marlena to help her. Inside Marlena's office, Marlena began by asking Vivian about her relationship with Stefano.

Lucas was going though physical therapy at the hospital, and the therapist told Lucas to focus on seeing his son again. Lucas said, "Why bother?" He said Sami would have her way and make it so that Lucas would never see Will again. He might as well give up. Kate was standing at the door and told him over her dead body.

Lucas was depressed about his situation, but Kate told him that she would protect him. Kate assured him that Will would be in both of their lives. Kate figured that once Sami was in jail, Austin would change his mind and see that Lucas was rehabilitated. Lucas liked the idea of Sami behind bars, and Kate was pleased that Lucas did not harbor guilty feelings. Lucas told Kate that his change of heart had occurred when Sami had tried to kill him.

Kate was horrified but then thought that it confirmed what she knew -- Sami was a natural-born killer. Lucas admitted that he had been about to tell Sami the whole truth after having another attack of conscience, but after what Sami had done, he wanted to see her behind bars. Kate tried to perk Lucas up, saying that he needed to heal. Lucas was still dwelling on Sami when Kate assured him that she would be spending her life in a cell. Their plan, Lucas said, hinged on Sami's memory. He asked what would happen if she suddenly remembered not shooting Franco.

Kate assured Lucas she had taken steps to make sure Sami was convicted by telling Sami the story of how she'd shot Franco. Lucas realized that Kate had known the whole story about Franco's deportation. Lucas was confused as to why Franco had freaked out about being deported. Kate did not tell Lucas the other part of the story -- that Franco's life had been in danger if he had gone back to Italy. Lucas told Kate that Sami truly believed she'd killed Franco.

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