Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

Monday September 7, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

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Ivan and Celeste see the train pulling away and Ivan makes a desperate attempt to jump back onboard. Ivan misses the train and he and Celeste are stuck in the station. Celeste learns another train will be leaving in minutes and will arrive in Venice before the Empress Express, but neither of them have any money. Ivan tries to flag down a ride, but nobody will stop. Celeste then uses her feminine charm to get them a ride.

Ms. Faversham runs into Stefano and tells him he'd like to introduce him to someone. Ms. Faversham and Stefano run into a man from the art festival and she tells him she has a wonderful surprise for everyone there. Stefano learns that Vivian has collapsed and tells Ms. Faversham that he'll have to catch up with her later. Stefano goes to Vivian and asks her what is wrong and she tells him that she's so weak and is having hallucinations. Stefano asks Vivian to let him help her, but Vivian says she's always relied on Ivan. Stefano says that Ivan is just a servant and she can't trust him with her portfolio. Vivian says Ivan has always cared for her and Stefano says he cares about her as well. Vivian asks Stefano to get the train doctor to find out what is wrong with her. Stefano tell her all that she needs is some rest and his help. A man comes to see Stefano and he tells him that a family that owns the last Renet painting is onboard. Stefano says that he needs that painting to complete his collection. Stefano realizes what he has to do and he puts Vivian into an up mood. Vivian wants to go dancing and Stefano suggest they get a bite to eat first, knowing the people he wants to see is in the dining car.

Hope is recalling that she recognized a man from her past and thinks that she must have recognized him from a photo of Ms. Faversham's. Ms. Faversham shows up and sees Hope looking at a book about hot-air balloons. She asks her if she remembers winning a hot-air balloon race, but Hope only remembers being scared to death in a hot-air balloon with Bo. Ms. Faversham tells Hope she ran into Rudolpho, a.k.a Stefano DiMera, and tells her about him. Hope doesn't remember him and she tells Ms. Faversham that she does know that she is Hope, but was programmed to be Princess Gina. Hope says she has so many questions and wants to know what brought her to her. Ms. Faversham says she doesn't know, but she knows how she left. Hope asks how and Ms. Faversham says she vanished the night they were going to see "The Marriage of Figaro." Ms. Faversham says she just vanished into thin air and Hope says that it sounds like Stefano's work. Hope says she believes once her purpose was fulfilled, Stefano took her back to Maison Blanche. Ms. Faversham tells Hope that she'll help her find the answers she wants and then they'll make Stefano pay.

Bo's vision starts returning and he sees Swamp Girl and hugs her. Swamp Girl turns away from Bo, but he says he wants to look at her and she shouldn't be afraid. Swamp Girl runs off and Bo chases her. Bo says that at least he knows the answer to the question haunting him. Bo finds her and tells her that he believes fate brought them together. Bo tells her that she is very beautiful and we finally get a look at Swamp Girl's face. Swamp Girl has a scar running from her forehead to her chin, but it's a zigzag scar, not a straight one. Eric and Nicole are dancing and kissing at Sami's wedding. As Mike and Carrie dance, Carrie says "it feels so right to be in your arms." Carrie is shocked by what she said and apologizes, but Mike says it's okay.

John is frantic to call Hope and warn her that Stefano is on the train with her, but the train has left the station and he can't call her till the next station. Lexie asks John if he's talked to Vivian and John tells her she and Stefano went on a trip. John suspects that Stefano is up to something, but Lexie defends her father. Billie, who looks at her compact, realizes Bo has gone back to the bayou to find it. Billie runs into Kim, who gives Billie another dose of "wake-up" medicine. Billie tells herself that she has to get to the bayou to keep Bo from finding their baby. Later, Roman tells Billie that Stefano is on the train with Hope. Billie makes a joke out of it all, which Roman doesn't find funny. Billie says if she is really Hope, then Bo should know she's in danger and be on the way to rescuing her right now.

Austin wants to help Sami handle what he told her, but she says she knows what she's going to do. Sami says she's going to kill the bastard and runs off. Austin finds Carrie and tells her that he saw Franco with the stripper and he told Sami, who ran away. Carrie says this is Sami's problem, not his. Austin says he realizes both she and Franco don't care about Sami, but he does. Franco is about to kill Kate with a fire poker when he is shot. Kate turns around and finds Lucas holding the gun and she asks him what he's done. Lucas asks Kate why Franco was trying to kill her. All Kate can say is that Franco is dead. Kate tells Lucas to leave now and throws him out. Sami strolls into the living room, sees Franco, and then faints. Kate walks into the living room and finds Sami out cold on the floor. Kate wipes Lucas' prints off the gun and then puts it in Sami's hand. She then wipes the prints off the poker and returns it to the fireplace. Kate leaves and goes up to her room. Kate says she didn't mean for all this to happen.

Austin and Carrie find Franco and Sami on the floor and Carrie rushes to get her father. Roman shows up, (along with many other people). Abe asks Austin what happened and he says that he just found them like this. Everyone sees the gun in Sami's hand and Eric says "oh no, oh Sami, no." Austin begins to blame himself and Carrie tells him that she was the one who stopped him from going after Sami. Sami begins to come to and sees a priest giving Franco his last rights. Sami looks at the gun in her hands and wonders what she has done.

Lucas gets in his car and drives off. Lucas finally realizes that he killed a man, but he tells himself he did it to protect his mom. Lucas calls his mom and she tells him that she's taken care of everything and that he needs to go to the airport as planned. Lucas asks what she means when Will starts crying. Kate hears Will and tells him to turn the car around and bring him back. Suddenly, the car crashes and Kate hears it.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 8, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Bo looks at Swamp Girl, who he knows isn't Hope, and tells her that she is very beautiful. Swamp Girl asks why it was so important that he see her face and Bo says he wanted to know who she was because she's his friend. Bo tells her that she doesn't have to be afraid anymore, but Swamp Girl says that isn't true. Bo asks her if she'll tell him her name and she says it is Greta. Greta recalls Stefano warning her not to tell anyone who she is and what she knows, so she refuses to tell Bo anything else. Bo asks whom she is afraid of and she says a man that's all she'll say. Bo asks who the man is, but Greta tells him she can't say and runs off. Bo chases after Greta and end up in the dungeon of Maison Blanche. Bo finds John's initials and realizes where he is. Bo asks Greta how she found this place.

Hope explains to Ms. Faversham about her accident with the acid vat and how Stefano took advantage of her while recovering in the hospital. She also tells Ms. Faversham about her surgeries and how she doesn't know who completed them. Ms. Faversham says she thinks she knows how she can find out about her surgeries. Ms. Faversham tells her that there is plastic surgeon onboard, Dr. Philippe Renot, and he can look at Hope. Ms. Faversham also admits that he's done some work on her. Ms. Faversham introduces the doctor to Princess Gina and she leaves them to talk. Hope shows the doctor the picture of her scarred face and the doctor tells Hope that no plastic surgeon could restore her face to perfection, she was never burned and the picture she has isn't of herself.

Stefano puts Vivian into an up mood. Vivian asks where Ivan and Celeste are and Stefano says they got off in Milan. Stefano tells Vivian that he doesn't trust them and then tells Vivian that he found Celeste stealing a necklace Jonsey gave her. Vivian doesn't understand and Stefano tells her that Celeste and Ivan were going to sell it in Milan, but he got it back. Stefano leaves so Vivian can get ready and he goes to meet the Duke and Duchess to steal their Rennet painting. Stefano says he remembers stealing their last one and how Gina helped him.

"Rudolpho" goes to talk to Ms. Faversham and she tells him that she can't wait till he meets whom she's traveling with, she's an old friend of his. Rudolpho is intrigued and asks whom she is with. Ms. Faversham tells Rudolpho she wanted to surprise him, but oh well. She tells him that she's traveling with Princess Gina, which throws him for a loop.

At the mansion, Kate is talking with Lucas on the car phone when she realizes that Lucas has Will. Kate orders Lucas to bring Will back when Lucas crashes his car. Kate hears the car crash and screams. Kate wants to call Lucas back, but she can't because the call will show up on her phone bill. Kate calms herself down and goes downstairs and acts shocked that Franco is dead and that Sami killed him.

Sami wakes up to see Franco receiving his last rights and holding a gun. Sami then asks, "What have I done?" Roman tells Sami to drop the gun and she does so. Roman asks her what happened, but Sami doesn't know. Abe asks one of his cops to take the gun downtown and have it dusted. Kate walks in and acts surprised that Sami killed Franco. Sami is still confused and thinks she must have killed Franco. Kate begins to feel guilty and doesn't understand why Sami is admitting to killing Franco. Sami turns to Austin for support, which Carrie isn't very happy about. A man is measuring the bullet angle to tell how far away the gunman was and Kate realizes she did the right thing by moving Sami. Suddenly, Sami yells, "You lying bastard you deserved to die!" Roman asks what Franco did, but before she can tell him she faints again. Marlena, Eric, and Nicole decide to go with Mike to the hospital with Sami.

Roman talks with Kate because he thinks she has some answers since she was the only person in the house when Franco was shot. Kate tells Roman that she didn't hear anything and hadn't seen Franco since this morning. Kate plays innocent and says that Sami does whatever she wants, she can't control him. Suddenly, Caroline runs in and says "Will is gone!" Kate tells them all to settle down because Roz probably took Will out. Meanwhile, Shawn begins to wonder why Sami would shoot Franco. Austin shows up and tells them all that he knows why.

Lucas climbs out of his car and then saves Will moments before the car catches fire. Eventually, Lucas passes out.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, September 9, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Vivian is revitalized when she starts getting light headed again. She considers lying down, but is determined to have a good time tonight, even if it kills her. In the corridor, she runs into the Duchess and Duke and asks how they like her outfit, she thinks it's divine. The Duchess, being diplomatic, says it's "unique". Vivian offers her a banana, but says they're waxed and very un-a-peeling, The Duke said very amusing. Vivian asks why they're traveling by train instead of their Bentley. She starts getting dizzy again and the Duke & Duchess help her into her room. She refuses to lie down and starts dancing the cha cha down the corridor. They comment how she's changed, she's gone around the bend as Vivian dances her way down the train corridor.

Stefano can't believe Lilly's Princess Gina is the same one. Lilly tells her about Gina showing up at her house in Lugano. Lilly is surprised how Gina has not changed in the slightest. It's just like old times she says. Stefano asks how much of the "old times" does Gina remember? She tells him not much at all. Her servant Lucille doesn't believe it's her. Stefano patronizes her and tells her there are many people who want to take advantage of nice and wealthy people like her. Lilly says she KNOWS this is her darling Gina. If he met her, he'd know. When he asks where she is, she tells him the parlor car and off they go to it.

Hope can't believe Dr. Renault when he tells her she NEVER had plastic surgery. He is a little insulted and insists he's one of the best in the country and tells her she was never burned. Hope tells him that the plastic surgeon in New Orleans gave her the photograph. He tells her it's impossible for any plastic surgeon to achieve that kind of miraculous transformation on her face, it's impossible. The woman in the photo is NOT HER! He tells her if she was the woman in the picture, she would have required skin grafts and her face would be rough in places from the scars. The only ones he found on her were behind her ears and her hair line. She asks if they could have been put there deliberately and he says yes, but why would someone try to make her think she's had plastic surgery? Hope remembers Stefano telling her it took 4 years with all the surgeries at Salem Place.

Lucille asks if she's ok and Hope excuses herself to get some fresh air. Lilly and Stefano enter looking for her and she sees Lucille and goes to ask her where Gina is. Lucille tells her outside for air when Vivian makes a grand entrance. She tells them it's not a funeral car, but a parlor car and asks everyone to party. Stefano is surprised at what she's doing and pushes her normal button. Vivian is surprised at what she's wearing and exits the car embarrassed before Lilly and Lucille see her. Stefano escorts her back to their room and then will come back to see Princess Gina. Hope stands on the back of the car and remembers the explosion years ago.

Greta tells Bo she watched Maison Blanche burn down from the bayou. He asks if she knows the man who owns this place. She doesn't answer, but he does and tells her he does, he's Stefano DiMera, an evil man. She asks how he knows this Stefano DiMera. Bo tells her that Stefano has a vendetta against his family. He took his brother Roman away from his wife and kids for years, took John Black and sent him to Salem in Roman's place. After a while everyone believed he WAS Roman. Then Roman came back. Stefano will pay for all he's done to Hope and she asks if she's the woman he loves and he tells her yes. He tells her about the explosion that happened right in front of him and how he had to tell his son his mother was dead. They were both devastated. It took years before he believed she was dead and then learned she wasn't. Bo said DiMera claimed he found a Jane Doe and didn't know it was Hope. After all those surgeries he HAD to know it was Hope, instead he made them believe she was dead. He tried to escape with Hope the night Maison Blanche burned down, but John Black saved her. That's why he and Hope had come back down to find out the answers to those questions.

Greta asks if he did and he tells her no, that's why he came back. He thinks he found the person who can help him, her. He goes to find a picture of Stefano in the library... he know what a vain man Stefano is, so there must be one there. Greta remembers Stefano's warning in the hospital again and tells herself, if he knows I'm alive. Bo returns with a picture of Stefano and shows it to Greta. He can tell she remembers him. He asks if she was in the hospital with Hope. She tries to leave and he grabs her, promising to protect her from him. Please, will she help him? His and Hopes' future depend on it.

Stefano kept him and his family apart for four years. He destroys everything he touches and she tells him she knows that. He asks if the man she's afraid of is Stefano. He keeps asking her what he did to her and she's afraid to answer. The only way to get over your fear is to confront it, just like the fire. She tells him he (Stefano) destroyed her life too.

Lucas is carrying Will in his car seat in the woods. Lucas is bleeding all over and stops to check on Will. Will isn't breathing. He does what looks like CPR while Will's still in his child's seat and he starts breathing again. A car goes by and stops with his headlights on Lucas. A man rushes out and asks what's going on and helps by picking up Will's child seat with Lucas following, to leave.

At the reception, Roman asks Austin WHY Sami shot Franco. Franco said it was his fault, he's responsible for Franco's death. He tells Roman and John about seeing Franco at the club with the stripper, but took Kate's and Carrie's advice to get proof before saying anything to Sami. He followed Franco this morning and got all the proof he needed. Austin says he told Sami before she married Franco, after all he was going to be Will's stepfather too. Sami was really angry Austin said, and went after Franco. Kate is thinking Sami even has a MOTIVE now to herself. Roman asks how in the Hell he could drop a bomb like that on Sami and let her go.

Carrie tells Roman it's HER fault as she stopped him from going after Franco. She tells Roman she had no idea that Austin had just told Sami that Franco had been cheating on her, she thought he just wanted to talk to her about the wedding. Sami has caused a lot of tension between her and Austin lately. Roman and Abe said they're going to find out what REALLY happened. Kate remembers planting the gun in Sami's hand. She has to find Lucas to tell him what she's done for him. An undercover cop (in a tux) comes up to tell Abe about his wife calling to tell him that Lucas Roberts and his son were in a car accident and in the hospital.

Caroline verbally attacks Kate about her telling them Will was with his Nanny and Kate tells her she just assumed that's what happened. Shawn decides they best get to the hospital. Kim offers to look after the kids and for them to leave. Roman stops Kate saying he has some questions to ask her first. Roman feels she must have helped Lucas with all the people around the house. She denies seeing Lucas in the house and no idea Will was missing. He won't let her go because he doesn't believe her. Before Lucas and Will arrive at the hospital, Mike and Lexie are overheard talking about what happened at the hospital when Craig listens in. Lexie tells him that Abe is still at Kate's and hasn't found anything. Craig tells them he's only met Sami a couple of times. He thought she was an emotional lady, but murder? He sure hope another scandal doesn't hurt his family. The bright side is, Craig says, is the scandal doesn't involve anyone in HIS family.

Sami tells Marlena, Eric and Nicole that Franco deserved to die after Austin told her the truth about him. Sami can't believe Franco did that on her wedding day. Marlena asks what he did and Sami tells them again about Franco having sex with that stripper on her wedding day, the bastard. Nicole remembers to herself about Kate telling her it was their secret about her hiring the stripper. Kate must have known at that time. Sami tells them that Austin had a feeling about Franco's not being faithful, but waited for proof before saying anything.

Sami then remembers Roman telling her Franco wasn't good, and Eric feels bad he swayed Dad back to trusting Franco. Sami tells them Franco will never betray her again! She tells them she walked into the living room and next thing she remembers is waking up with the gun in her hand and the priest giving last rights. All of a sudden we hear shouting HELP, SOMEONE HELP ME and Sami recognizes Lucas' voice. Mike is holding Lucas in the hall asking Mike to save his son. He gave his son mouth to mouth and asks Mike to help him. Mike hands Lucas over to Ali and Craig rushes Will's gurney down the hall. Sami sees Will on a gurney going by and launches off the bed after him. Mike pulls her back in the room and tells her that Craig is an excellent Dr. Lucas is weaving around and walks into Sami's room when she comes after him asking the "drunken bastard" what he did to her son. Lucas is a bleeding mess at this point, staggers and collapses on the floor.

Sami is terrified for her son and gasping like crazy. Caroline, Austin, Carrie, John and Shawn arrive. John takes Marlena off to the side and tells her about Austin telling them what he told Sami. Marlena (wiping tears from her eyes) tells him about what Sami told them and not remembering the shooting. She feels it was so awful for Sami to remember when she passed out. Marlena can't believe she shot him in cold blood. John said maybe it was in self defense. He holds her to comfort her.

Mike comes out of the room and Sami asks him for news. He tells her that Lucas is still unconscious has several broken ribs and internal injuries. She tells him she doesn't give a damn about Lucas, it's all his fault. She hopes that drunken bastard dies after what he did to Will. They wheel Lucas away on and Sami yells at him. Trying to figure out why Lucas took Will, Carrie said she suspects Lucas was afraid he'd never see Will again after Sami and Franco got married. Sami confirms that Lucas WILL never see Will again. Craig walks out and tells them Will had a cat scan and got severe head trauma. It's too soon to tell what will happen. Sami asks to see Will and Craig said not right now. Sami tells Mike she doesn't like that Dr. and wants Mike. Mike assures her that Craig will do everything he can to help Will. She rushes to be with Will and Austin stops her. He assures her that they'll be the first persons Will sees when he wakes up and she prays that Will be ok.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, September 10, 1998

by Soap Central

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, September 11, 1998

by Soap Central

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