Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, December 29, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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At the hospital, Eric convinces Roman not to tell Marlena about his checkuptoday. Eric claims hedoesn't want to get his mom's hopes up if Roman's not recovering as fast ashe should be.

Sami is marching around her office when Kate storms in and asks Sami whatshe wants. Sami saysit's been 15 minutes since she summoned her, and Kate tells Sami she willnot be "summoned." Samitells Kate that she wants an invitation to Carrie's New Years Eve party forMike's favorite charity.Sami says it will be the perfect opportunity to get Mike and Carrietogether. Kate refuses. Kate excusesherself and Roman tells Sami that he just sensed a whole lot of tension andhopes she's not butting inplaces where she doesn't belong. Sami plays miss innocent and says that shejust wanted to makeher Daddy proud. Roman says he's surprised by the size of her office andasks how she got it. Samiclaims that Kate gave it to her because she want's Will to be proud of hismommy. Roman startslecturing Sami on making a new life for herself without Austin, and Samistarts crying. Roman asksher what is wrong and Sami says he shouldn't tease her about finding a mansince it's never going tohappen.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen is talking to her lawyer about the custodyhearing when Petercomes up through a secret passage. Kristen tells Peter he looks very bad,but Peter says he's fine.Peter says his first priority is to get to Jen and Abby and he needs herhelp. Kristen says she can'tbecause it would jeopardize her plan to get back together with John. Petergets angry and tries tostorm out, but Kristen hugs him and says she wishes she could help him.Kristen says okay and calls the hospital claiming to be Mike's secretaryand says she's looking for Mike's mother. The woman tells Kristen thatLaura has the day off and she's in Salem place.

At the hospital, Mike is talking to Nurse Bobby, who just got engaged. Mikewishes her his best and she hopes he finds the girl of his dreams. Mikesees Carrie approaching and says he already has. Carrie asks Mike about thenews on Jack and Jen, but he doesn't know anything.

Laura is shopping at Salem Place and stops to make a call to someone toconfirm a meeting thatJack set up. Laura leaves, and a man follows her. The next time we seeLaura she is talking withMike. After Mike and Laura walk off, Peter shows up disguised in a costumethat makes him look like a stalker.

Jack tells Mike his plan, but of course we do not hear it. Laura returnsand she tells Jack that she met with his man and got what he needs, fakeIDs, disguises, and a car.Laura tells Jack that she parked the car behind the Wilson's house and tookall the measures shehad to in order to get the FBI off her trail. Jack decides it's now or never and hetells Laura that he andMike already have a plan. Suddenly Jen shows up and asks what plan they aretalking about.

Peter, who followed Laura, figures out that Jen and Abby must be atAlice's along with Jack. Peter decides to go check out Alice's place, butsuddenly gets a jungle fever attack. Jack gets into the car and drivesoff, not knowing that someone is hiding in the car with him.

Susan receives the summons and says she is not giving up her baby. The mantells her if she doesn'tappear in court than she will be arrested, but she yells at him to get out.Susan grabs one of the nunsand tells her that she needs her help really, really bad. Susan claims shewants to become a nun, butthe nun says that would take a long time, the process is a complicated one.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, December 30, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Carrie arrives at the hospital at talks to Lexie about the benefit. Carrie tells Lexie she's doing this for Mike as a way to show him as a wayto thank him for everything he's done for her and Roman. Lexie and Carrietalk about Mike and Carrie asks Lexie if she knows who this woman that Mikeis in love with. Lexie knows Carrie is the woman, but she tells Carrie thatMike never talks about his personal life.

Mike tells Laura that he has to get over Carrie and decides to make it hisNew Years resolution.

Carrie and Lexie approach Mike and Laura and they talk about the party.Carrie tells Mike that theresponse she's gotten is overwhelming, small businesses are donating thingsto help and one place isgoing to raffle off a sports utility vehicle.

At Titan, Kate is marching around her office huffing, puffing, andreflecting on her little confrontationwith Sami yesterday. Kate tells herself she can't take anymore threats fromthat damn little girl.Austin comes in and sees how upset his mom is and asks her what Sami hasdone now. Kate justsays she has a lot of things on her mind, but Austin doesn't buy it. Katesays that Sami working atTitan is the best thing for her right now. Austin and Kate talk aboutSami's obsession with him andKate says that Sami will never get over him unless another man sweeps Samioff her feet. Franco is in Salem Place and reflecting back on seeing Samicrying to her dad about how no guy has ever loved her. Meanwhile, Sami isbusy shopping for a dress for the New Years Eve party.Franco goes into the store where Sami is and says he's here to buy apresent, but he decides to help Sami pick out the right dress. Sami thenhas a fantasy about Austin seeingher in the dress and telling her that she is the most beautiful woman he'sever seen. Carrie shows upand asks Austin to dance, but Austin tells Carrie he wants to dance withSami instead. Francoawakens Sami from her fantasy and Sami says this new image will defiantlyget Austin's attention.

Austin and Carrie talk about Eric. Carrie says Eric refuses to accept thefact that Marlena lovesJohn more than Roman. Carrie admits that as much as she loves her dad, shecan't ask John to justwalk out on Marlena. They switch the topic and talk about the party. Carriepromises that she'llmake room for him at the event to be together and Austin says that is goodbecause Sami has thisidea that she was going to "bond" with him at the event while Carrie isworking. Carrie and Austintalk about Sami, Austin thinks one day Sami will leave them alone. Carriedoesn't agree.

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen is getting ready for the hearing and issaying how John will comeback to her once she gets her baby back. Kristen decides to get going, butshe's held up when Johncomes to her door. John tells Kristen he came to talk about Little Elvisand how he (Little Elvis) hasa right to be with his birth mother. Kristen says she has a very importantappointment this afternoonand John informs Kristen that he knows that. John tells Kristen he knowsall about the hearing andthat is why he has come here to stop her. Kristen tells John that she hascustody and that Susanknew exactly what she was doing when she signed those papers. Kristenstarts going off about howshe loves that baby so much and how much they both bonded with the baby andhow they couldbecome a family again. John tells Kristen if she has any hope that he willreturn then she won't takeSusan's baby. John tells Kristen that this is her chance to prove that sheisn't like the DiMeras andthat she can still be the woman he fell in love with.

Marlena and Susan are at the courthouse. Susan is panicking and Marlenatells her to just stick tothe plan. Mickey shows up and they go in to see the judge hearing the case.To their surprise,Kristen is not here and her lawyer asks if they could wait a few moreminutes for Kristen to show.The judge becomes irritated when Kristen doesn't show, so the judge asksSusan to state her partof the case. Susan starts wailing and crying about how she loves her littleElvis and Mickey asks forthe judge to please let Susan and Doctor Marlena Evans talk in privatefirst, Susan is overcome withemotions. The judge agrees and Susan leaves the room.

Kristen comes into the room and asks where Susan is. The judge says Susanwas overcome withgrief and Doctor Evans will speak on Susan's behalf. Marlena begins tospeak but Kristen interruptsand asks to please speak first. Kristen talks about how she loves that babyas if he was her own,but he's not. Kristen says she knows now that the baby belongs with Susanand she wants towithdraw the custody papers her lawyer filed. The judge declares the papersnull and void andorders Kristen to pay Susan's legal fees. Kristen's lawyer becomes outragedwith her and tells herthat he never wants to see her or any of the DiMeras ever again.

John shows up with Little Elvis and Susan takes out the Kristen teeth andtells John that it "really, really, really worked!" Kristen arrives at the courthouse and goes into seethe judge and ends upfinding Marlena sitting in his chair smiling.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, December 31, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Billie and Austin are in Salem Place and they buy some pearls for Kate. Billie says if she had one wish it would be for Victor to recover. Austin asks, "what about yourself" and Billie says she wished Bo loved her like he loves Hope. Austin asks Billie about her relation ship with Bo and he asks her what happened in Rome. Billie explains to Austin what happened. Billie says she wants more then a promise from Bo, she wants a connection. She also wants his eyes to light up when he sees her.

Bo is down at the docks missing the Fancyface and Hope. Bo says that even though he made a commitment to Billie, he shares a son with Hope. That bond is special, and he can't get Hope out of his heart.

Roman and Eric come to the hospital because Roman has come to get his checkup. Eric hopes his dad is better, but he asks Mike to hold off telling Roman the truth. Mike tells Eric he can't do that, it's not fair to Roman. Eric asks for just a little more time to convince Marlena she and Roman could be happy . Eric begs Mike for a chance to reunite his parents, but Mike tells Eric that there is no way they can know if Marlena and Roman will reunite. Eric tells Mike if they aren't given time then they may never know the truth.

Roman learns that he is cured from Mike and says he is going to celebrate with Marlena. Roman asks them to keep this news a secret, he wants to surprise Marlena by proposing to Marlena tonight!

Franco tells Hope he's made a New Year's resolution, he won't say anything negative about Bo. Franco loves Hope, but he tells Hope that he wants her to be happy with Bo. Later, Hope overhears Austin and Billie talking about telling Hope the truth about Rome, and Hope asks the truth about what? Billie says she misunderstood, they were talking about Marlena and John telling Roman the truth. Hope leaves and Franco grabs Billie and tells her that Hope is planning on telling Bo she wants to reunite with him tonight!

Lucas shows up with Lynn and Sami asks Lucas how he could be here with her! Lynn tells Sami that ratting her out to Kate is nothing compared to lying to Austin about Will's true father. Lucas tells Sami that she hit a new low by blackmailing his mother. Later, Sami wishes Austin a happy New Year, but Austin says it will be happy if she would stay out of his and Carrie's lives.

John and Susan are back at Marlena's penthouse. Susan goes to check on Elvis and John tells himself that as soon as Roman gets a clean bill of health then he can put the engagement ring back on Marlena's finger. John starts fantasizing about marrying Marlena. Susan returns and asks John what happens if they find out what really happened. John assures Susan that she will be safe, a limousine is going to take Susan to the private airfield where she will get on a plane and leave.

At the courthouse, Marlena tells Kristen that the hearing is over. Marlena tells Kristen that she was here earlier and told the judge she was wrong about the custody papers and wanted them withdrawn. Suddenly Kristen realizes what happened, Susan impersonated her. Kristen says that she won't get away with this! Kristen tells Marlena she had no right to take John and her baby from her, but Marlena sets her straight about John and Elvis. Kristen calls Marlena a bitch and she says she will never give up that baby.

Stefano shows up at the courthouse and asks Kristen what is going on. Kristen says she was trying to protect the baby from Marlena, who is sending Susan and Elvis far away. Stefano is furious and rushes off to try to stop Susan from leaving.. After he's gone, Kristen says it's about time Marlena gets knocked off her pedestal.

Kristen goes to Salem Place and sees a picture of Marlena, Roman, Santa, and the kids hanging on a wall. Kristen tears Marlena out of the picture and throws it in the trash can. Roman shows up and sees Kristen is upset and he tells her he'd like to help, so they sit down and talk. Kristen says another woman stole John away from him. Roman tells her that he fells her pain because he felt that way when he lost Marlena to John. Kristen decides to get revenge on Marlena when Roman asks her who came between her and John.

Stefano goes to the airport and catches John, Susan, Marlena, and Elvis and he tells Susan she is not leaving Salem.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, January 1, 1997

by Soap Central

Due to the New Year's holiday, Days of our Lives did not air today.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 29, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, January 2, 1997

by Soap Central

Carrie's fundraiser at the Penthouse Grill is going well on the surface, buttensions are raging underneath. For some reason, Carrie can't seem to keepher eyes or her mind off Mike and his pretty date. Austin is completelyoblivious. Carrie gets up on the podium and says that they are throwing thefundraiser in order to honor the favorite charity of one of her best friends,Dr. Mike Horton. Mike goes up to the podium and makes a moving speech abouthis inspiration, his dead grandfather Tom Horton. Carrie watches, obviouslyenthralled. Finally, Mike thanks Carrie and is obviously wrestling with hisemotions as he tells her how much she means to him. Everyone thinks it's justa sweet thank you to a friend, even Austin. Photographers from the Spectatormake Carrie take several publicity photos with Mike, which show them huggingand dancing. The whole time, they can barely keep their eyes off each other.

Bo kisses Billie and Hope kisses Franco when they New Year arrives, but Bo andHope only have eyes for each other. Hope tells Abe that Billie may stilldesire Bo, but now that her testimony is over, she doesn't need him any more.Hope says she plans to tell Bo tonight that she wants him back. Bo,meanwhile, is wrestling with his conscience, and knows that he has to tellHope that he and Billie have made love and that when he thought Hope was withFranco, he made a lifetime commitment to Billie. He takes Hope out on theterrace and they gaze longingly into each other's eyes before he sits her downto talk.Billie talks to Kate, who tells her that everything is going well, especiallynow that Sami is "handled." Kate asks her how things are going with Bo, andthey see Bo and Hope walk to the terrace. Kate is worried, but Billie tellsher that it's all right. Billie watches in despair as Hope and Bo talk on theterrace, obviously completely in love with each other. She walks away,looking sick, and then clutches her stomach and keels over in a faint...

Franco tells Kate that he plans to distract Sami from her quest to break upAustin and Carrie by making her feel attractive and paying attention to her.Kate is reluctant at first, but agrees. Franco talks to Sami and tells herthat the best way to get Austin's attention is to let him see her getting onwith her life, especially dating other men. Sami dances with Franco andnotices that Austin is watching her. She thinks Franco's plan may be startingto work and gazes at him with new respect...and possibly the beginnings of acrush. Lucas, seeing Sami and Franco together, decides to be nice and askSami to dance with him, but Kate distracts him by asking him to dance with hismother, not wanting Lucas to interfere with Franco's plan to distract Samifrom Austin.

Lucas and Lynn, obviously a little tipsy, walk up to Eric, who is glumlylooking for Marlena. They tell him to cheer up and stop thinking about hisparents. Lynn introduces Eric to a pretty friend who has had her eye on Ericall night long. Eric reluctantly dances with her, but obviously his heart isnot in it. Later, he talks to Sami, who asks him why he has always been soprivate about his love life. He tells her that he has dated lots of girls,but none seriously, and that's the whole story. Together, they pledge that1998 will be the year the Brady twins finally find real love.

At the airport, Stefano confronts Susan, Elvis, Marlena, and John, who areabout to board the Alamain jet. He tells them they have no right to takeSusan and the baby away. John asks Stefano what right he has to say whathappens to the baby. Stefano says he has the rights of a father. Marlena andJohn are not really surprised, and they tell him that regardless of whether hefathered Susan's baby or not, no judge would ever give a monster like himcustody, and they intend to see to it that Stefano never sees his son again.John tells a security guard to take Stefano away and boards the plane withMarlena, Susan, and Elvis. Stefano immediately overpowers the security guardand takes his gun. He then waylays the pilot and forces him to take off hisuniform. Stefano dresses as a pilot and boards the Alamain jet, walking rightpast John and Marlena, who don't appear to notice that it's Stefano. He goesup into the cockpit and tries to start the plane, but it won't start. Stefanomutters that there must be something wrong. Suddenly, John and Marlena enterthe cockpit and tell him that there is something wrong - the plane is notfueled. They tell Stefano they expected him to try something like this, andSusan and Elvis are taking off on another plane, which he can see lifting intothe air as they speak. Stefano is furious that they outwitted him, and vowsto find the child. John and Marlena stay on the plane for a few stolenmoments together, while Stefano gets off the plane and calls Kristen.

Kristen and Roman sit together at Salem Place. Roman sees how glum Kristen isand tries to convince her that her marriage to John is not over, using theexample of his resurrected relationship with Marlena. Kristen, who knows thatRoman's happiness is an illusion, is very strongly tempted to tell Roman thatMarlena and John are in love, just to hurt Marlena. But while she iscontemplating spilling the beans, she gets a call from Stefano. Stefano isenraged that Susan and Elvis got away and blames Kristen and her interferencefor it. Kristen says she is still plotting to get John back. Stefano tellsher to forget it, because Marlena and John are together on the Alamain jetright now having a romantic tryst. Kristen hangs up and thinks to herselfthat since her life is destroyed and she is destined to be miserable, shemight as well make Marlena miserable with guilt. She tells Roman that she wasplanning to whisk John away on the Alamain jet tonight, but since things aretense between them, why doesn't Roman use the jet as a setting to propose toMarlena? Roman thinks that's a great idea, especially since Marlena isalready at the airport. As Roman runs to the airport, Kristen smugly dressesand goes to the Penthouse Grill party. Drinking champagne, she pictures thelife of guilt that Marlena will have to endure when Roman catches her in anadulterous embrace with John for the second time. "Happy New Year, you lousybitch!" she says, smiling.

Roman races out onto the tarmac toward the Alamain jet. He glances up at theplane and stops in his tracks. Outlined against a window, John and Marlenaare passionately kissing. Roman stares at them with hurt and disbelief.

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Edited by SC Desk