Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, December 8

by Soap Central

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Hope is helping Gran make her Christmas cookies and she decides to take someof the cookies toBo at the Station because he's working so hard to find Jen. Gran says itwould be wonderful if shecould reunite with Bo for the holidays. Hope says she has talked with Bo,but she now knows whyBo stayed with Billie in Rome. Hope swears her Grandmother to secrecy andtells Alice aboutBillie's drug problem. Alice feels bad for Billie, but Hope says perhapsonce Billie is better then Bomay come back to her (Hope). Hope admits that she never stopped loving Bo,and the fact that heput his life on hold for Billie makes her love him more. Alice convincesHope to go to the station andtalk with Bo. Hope says the only thing that is hard about this is hurtingBillie. Hope calls Abe andlearns that Bo and Billie are at Salem Place, so she decides to try to meethim there.

At Salem Place Bo and Billie run into Roman. Billie goes off to do someshopping and lets Bo andRoman talk. Billie tells herself she won't let Bo go without a fight, andshe knows just what she hasto do. Billie goes home and wonders if Bo will return home to her.

Meanwhile Bo and Roman talk and Roman goes on about how grateful he is toKristen and Johnfor giving him a second chance with Marlena. Roman then asks Bo if he knowswhat is going onwith John and Kristen's marriage. Bo says he hasn't seen John lately. Romanchanges the topic toBillie. Bo doesn't like this topic either and Roman asks about Hope. Botells Roman why he marriedBillie, and Roman says he doesn't look very happy about his marriage. Botells Roman the wholetruth, and asks him to not tell anyone. Bo tells Roman about his commitmentto Billie and his love forHope. Roman tells Bo that right now, Billie is most likely very vulnerable.Roman says if he (Bo)acts on his feelings for Hope, Billie will be hurt badly. Furthermore, Bomade a commitment toBillie, and he shouldn't break that commitment. Bo says he loves Billie, butnot like he loves Hope.Bo says he thinks Hope would like to reconcile and Roman blasts Bo forleading Billie on. Romansays he should think long and hard before making a decision. Right as Romanis about to leave,Hope shows up!

Also at Salem Place Marlena overhears Kristen telling another woman thatSusan is going to giveher(Kristen) her (Susan's) baby back . LaterKristen meets with a lawyer who give her the legal custody papers which onlyrequire Susan'ssignature. Kristen also tells the man that she wants to change the baby'sname back to John Jr.

Meanwhile, Susan is walking through Salem Place with Elvis when Stefanoshows up and asksabout his son. Stefano asks her if she's told anyone who Elvis' father, andshe says no and it's notlike she wants people to know anyway. Stefano tells Elvis that he is goingto follow in his footstepsone day, and the Stefano leaves. Susan decides to see a movie, but all themovie names turn to onesabout Hell and Demons. Susan thinks it's a sign and has this lame fantasyabout Stefano (dressed asa vampire) turns her little Elvis into a vampire! Little Elvis asks hismother to join them, and then hebites her on the neck! Susan's fantasy is interrupted by Kristen, who callsto inform Susan she isgoing to the convent to pick up the baby.

Kristen is back at her home dreaming about how John will come back to herwhen there is a knockon the door. Kristen answers it only to find out it's Marlena! Marlenaclaims that Roman left a bookhere, so Kristen goes up to his old room to get it. Marlena walks into theliving room and sees a treewith a gazillion gifts under it. Kristen returns with the book and Marlenaasks her what she's up to.Kristen claims that she bot gifts for Brady and Belle, but Marlena says someof these gifts are for atoddler. Kristen slips up and says it's for John Jr, but quickly says LittleElvis. Marlena asks whatshe has in mind for Susan's baby now. Kristen says she and Susan have becomefriends and thatSusan doesn't have the money to give him a luxurious first Christmas, butshe (Kristen) does.Kristen tells Marlena she has an appointment and sends Marlena on her way.Suddenly the doorbellrings again, Kristen wonders what the wicked witch of the east wants now,but this time it's Susan.Marlena realizes she left Roman's book at the house and decides to return.Hiding in the bushesMarlena overhears Kristen asking Susan where the baby is.

Lexie has come to the Station to see Abe when John shows up. John wants toknow how the talkwith Stefano went. Lexie tells John and Abe what she heard, which causesJohn to realize that Peteris at Stefano's compound. John decides to go to the compound now and callshis pilot. John hopson his plane and wishes he could have said goodbye to Marlena. John decidesto call Marlena butonly gets her machine. John leaves a message, but refrains from saying "Ilove you."

In the jungle Dr. Rolf is still working on Peter's Jungle Fever cure. Rolfasks Peter what he will dowhen he has Jennifer, and Peter says they'll live a happy life. Peter saysit will take a while for Jen toforgive him, but once she does they'll return to Salem and Peter will turnover a new leaf. Dr. Rolfcalls Stefano to let him no that Peter is at the compound and he has the"JuGlE mAdNeSs!" Stefanotells Rolf not to let Peter out of his site until he is cured, otherwisethe results could be catastrophic.Meanwhile, Peter has gone for walk in the jungle in hopes of clearing hisheadache . Peter realizes he's lost the necklace he bought for Jennifer andbegins to search for it. Suddenly a tiger appears!

Out at the Grand Canyon, Jennifer realizes there is a cellar below the cabinand thinks there may bea way out through it. Jen tries to convince Travis that Peter will doublecross him, but Travis says ifthat happens they are both dead. Jen starts asking about Travis' family, andhe tells her to shut up,shut up and never bring it up again. Travis then has a flashback aboutmurdering his parents. Jenniferoffers Travis some stew and he snaps at her. Travis ties Jen back up anddecides to leave for somefresh air. Jen realizes Travis is nuts and begins to prepare to escape.Travis returns before Jenescapes and asks her what in the hell she thinks she's doing.

At the militiaman's hideout, the militia man tells Jack that he isn't goingnear that cabin, and if his exis in there with that guy then she's in a whole lotta trouble. The man tellsJack that his real name isTrent, and he's a killer. The man tells Jack that ten years ago on ChristmasTrent killed his parentswith a shovel! Jack asks why he was never sent to jail and the man tellsJack that Trent split townand was never caught. Jack asks the man to take him to the Cabin, but theman says no way. Theman tells Jack that the only way to get to the cabin is to climb therockface, so Jack decides to gomountain climbing.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, December 9

by Soap Central

Marlena sees Susan go into the DiMera mansion and she wonders what Kristenis up to. Kristentells Susan she's worried about John Jr. and wants to call a doctor. Susansays his name is Elvis andthat it's just a fever, he will be all right. Kristen tells Susan they willgo back to the convent to pickup Elvis, but Susan says no way, she's not giving up her baby. Susan saysshe will take her baby farfar far away where Stefano will not find them. The doorbell rings andKristen tells Susan not tomove while she answers it. It's Marlena, she tells Kristen she forgot thebook. Marlena comes inand asks Susan what she is doing here. Kristen says Susan is visiting, shetold her (Marlena) theywere good friends. Marlena tells Kristen that she heard her (Kristen)talking with a woman in SalemPlace about getting her son back. Kristen tells Marlena perhaps she's alittle hard of hearing.Marlena then asks Susan if Kristen is trying to take her baby away again.Susan tells Marlena not toworry, she'll never, ever, ever let anyone take her baby again. Kristen tellsMarlena to leave, butbefore she goes Marlena says if she ever finds out that she (Kristen) istrying to hurt Susan or herchild she (Marlena) will make her (Kristen) pay! Marlena leaves and Kristenthanks Susan forsupporting her, but Susan says she meant what she said about never lettinganyone take her baby.Susan tells Kristen she plans to move far far away were nobody willbother her or Elvisanymore. Kristen says okay, she understands. Kristen fakes some tears andsays she was hopingthey could become friends again. Susan decides to leave, but Kristen stopsher by saying shebought all these toys for Elvis for Christmas and she doesn't want them allto go to waste. Susansays she guesses it would be okay to give them to Elvis.

Meanwhile, Celeste gets a bad vibe about Susan and Little Elvis. Celestefinds Marlena and tells herabout the premonitions she's been having about Susan. Celeste learns fromMarlena that Susan is atKristen's house. They talk about Elvis and his father, and Celeste tellsMarlena about the talk shehad with Susan about Elvis' father and what she should do if she knows thebabies father iseeeeeeevil. Celeste and Marlena discuss the father of Susan's baby and theywonder if Stefano isthe baby's father!

At Salem Place Hope shows up to see Bo, so Roman makes himself scarce. Botells Hope theyshould talk sometime, so Hope suggests they talk now. Bo gets them some hotchocolate and Hopecracks out the cookies. Bo asks Hope what Shawn D. wants for Christmas andHope says hewants his parents back together. Hope tells Bo that she knows about Billieand she's very proud ofhim. Bo is confused and asks how she knows about Billie and him. Hope saysshe was at the stationyesterday and saw him and Billie there. She also tells Bo she spoke with Maxwho told her aboutBillie getting hooked on drugs at Rome. Hope asks why Billie got hooked backon drugs and Botells her about Max and what he did to Billie. Hope tells Bo that she knowsBillie needs him nowand she won't ask him to walk away from her. Hope says after this is overshe hopes they can moveon with their future, together. Bo is beeped by Abe and has to go to thestation. Before leaving, Botells Hope he missed her a lot. Hope tells Bo she missed him too and plantsa kiss on him.

Roman goes back to the penthouse and finds that he's all alone. Romanlistens to the message Johnleft on Marlena's answering machine and wonders why John would leave amessage for Marlenaabout following a lead on Jen. Roman wonders if there is something going onthat he doesn't knowabout. Kim drops by to see Roman. Kim senses somethingis bother her brother, and asks what is going on. Roman tells Kim about themessage and says itsounds like a message you leave someone you love when you go on a trip.Roman asks Kim if Johnis in love with Marlena, but Kim says she doesn't know about these things.Roman tells Kim that hethinks maybe John never stopped loving Marlena. Kim tells Roman that Marlenaand John wouldnever do anything to intentionally hurt him. Roman knows that and says whenhe gets a clean bill ofhealth he will marry Marlena. Roman says he knows things are being kept fromhim and whenMarlena gets home he's going to ask her what the hell is going on with John.Later a man deliversthe necklace John bought Marlena. The man says the clasp needed to be fixedand that the man(John) was supposed to pick it up today, but he never showed. Roman looks atthe necklace andwonder who bought it for Doc.

At the cabin Travis finds Jen trying to escape. Travis tells her to give upthe attempt to escapebecause she'd have to climb down the rock face. Jen tells Travis that sheknows Jack will come forher, but he just laughs and says "Is he going to sprout wings and learn tofly?" Jen starts talkingabout Travis' wonderful memories of this place, which causes Travis toflashback to the killings. Jenasks him to tell her about the memories. Jen starts telling Travis about howshe cherished spending time withher parents at the Horton cabin. Jen asks Travis about his parents and hesnaps at her and tells herto shut up. Travis ties Jen back up and says he's going to look for Peter,this place is getting to him.Jen breaks free and makes her way to the cellar.

Jack is busy climbing the cliff to get to the cabin when he slips and falls.Jack lives, but his ankle issprained. He begins to climb the cliff again, but his ankle hinders hisprogress.

John is on his plane and he's dreaming of being with Doc and that Roman hasgiven them hisblessing to be together. John is awaken by some turbulence, John's pilot(Steve) says they are flyinginto a dangerous storm and asks if they should land. John says negative, hehas to get to PeterASAP. Unfortunately John's pilot is unable to land the plane, so John tellshim to circle above thejungle and land when possible.

In the Jungle Peter, overcomes his junglefever attack only to have a tiger show up. Peter gets another headache (withthe psycho sounds),but he continues to walk on. Suddenly the tiger pounces on Peter! Peter isleft unconscious andbleeding in the rain storm.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, December 10

by Soap Central

Jenn manages to escape her bonds and makes her way into the Cabin's cellar.Unfortunately the exitout of the cellar is padlocked, so Jenn's still stuck. Jennifer finds a tornjacket on the ground which iscovered in blood, and well as a shovel covered with blood. Jennifer uses theshovel to try to break thelock on the cellar doors.

Outside Jack is still scaling the cliff, while Travis is beginning to makehis descent. As he makes hisway down, Travis falls. Travis lives, unfortunately, but he also sees Jackclimbing up the mountain.Travis thinks for a bit, then he decides to push a bolder down the mountain.Jack is knocked off andlays unconscious.

At Marlena's Penthouse Roman looks at the necklace John bought for Marlena.Roman wonderswho could have bought this and suspects maybe Eric. Suddenly John calls andthey talk about thelead he has on Peter, and about the progress to find Jack and Jenn. LaterJohn asks if Marlena isthere and if he can talk to her. Roman tells John that Marlena is not thereso John tells Roman to justtell Brady and Belle he loves them. John asks about Roman, and Roman sayshe's growing strongereveryday. John hangs up and hopes that they can tell Roman the truth byChristmas so he (John)and Marlena can be together. Meanwhile, Roman is wondering why John keepscalling for Marlena.He also speculates that John gave the necklace to Doc and that there couldbe more to theirrelationship.

Stefano is at Salem Place and is talking to Rolf on the phone. Stefanoorders Rolf to find Peter,cure him, and get him back to the states so he can get Jennifer. Stefanoalso says he has to makesure everyone in Salem believe he is a changed man, only then can he moveonto phase two.

At Salem Place Marlena and Celeste have figured out that Stefano is thefather of Susan's baby.Marlena tells Celeste about her suspicions about Kristen and her plan totake Little Elvis. Marlenaand Celeste decide it's time to pay Kristen and Susan a little visit. Asthey go to leave Salem Placethey run into Stefano. Stefano claims to be shopping for his family. Marlenaasks if he's shopping forhis entire family. When Stefano says yes, Marlena asks if she's shopping forhis new addition to thefamily. Stefano says he has no idea what she is talking about so Marlenasays flat at, your son bySusan. Stefano laughs and says that is outrageous. Marlena warns Stefanothat if he tries to take thatchild then he will be very sorry. Celeste and Marlena walk away, both ofthem knowing that Stefanois indeed Elvis's father. Celeste says as long as the baby is at the conventthen he is safe. Celestetells Marlena she's on her way there now and she'll call Marlena with news.

Marlena goes home to the penthouse and Roman gives her John's messages.Marlena sensessomething is wrong and Roman tells her he needs to know what is going onwith her, John, andKristen. Roman tells Marlena that he felt tension between John and Kristen,and now he knowswhy. Roman says that he wonders if John wants to share more with Marlena,aside from their child.Marlene says she doesn't know what to say. Roman tells Marlena that hethinks John wants her andasks if the necklace that was delivered is from John.

Back on his plane, John decides to chance the storm and asks his pilot toland the plane.Unfortunately the airstrip is underwater and there is no way they can land.John says at least thatmeans Peter can't get to Jenn, so John tells the pilot to go back to Salem.

Laura and Maggie are also in Salem place and they are talking about Jenn.Laura is a wreck andMaggie tries to calm her down. Maggie has to go to a meeting but she doesn'twant to leave Laura.Laura assures her she'll be all right, she has to for Abby's sake.

At Kristen's place Susan is looking at all the baby toys Kristen has boughtfor Elvis. Kristensidetracks Susan by asking her about her childhood Christmas memories. Susantells this storyabout how her mom baked Christmas cookies and sold them so she could affordto get presents.Susan also says Christmas is about love and that her family had more lovethan the stars in the sky.Susan then says she wants to give that kind of love to her little boy, allthe love in her heart forever.Susan accepts Kristen's gifts because she says that she'll never see Elvisagain once they leave town.Kristen offers Susan some eggnog, and Susan just loves eggnog.Kristen tells Susan toopen a present because it's for her (Kristen tells herself "It's really forthe maid, so what the hell")Kristen pours Susan a glass of eggnog and then spikes it. Susan has openedher present, it's a beigesweater. Kristen hands Susan the eggnog, which she guzzles down. Kristenquickly calls someoneand tells them to get over here right away. Kristen continues to serve Susanthe drugged eggnogwhen the doorbell rings. It's the lawyer and Kristen tells him to follow herlead. Susan eventuallybecomes crocked and Kristen and her lawyer trick Susan into signing thecustody papers. Thelawyer tells Susan it's a legal agreement that will keep the baby's fatheraway from Little Elvis.

Stefano calls Kristen and tells her that Marlena and Celeste figured out thetruth, luckily there is noway to prove the baby's paternity. Stefano tells Kristen to make sure Susankeeps her mouth shut!Kristen begins to wonder how she will get the baby out of the convent, andrealizes just what to do.Kristen dresses up as Susan and goes over to the convent to get LittleElvis. Suddenly Celesteshows up at the convent right when Kristen is trying to take Little Elvis.

Stefano runs into Laura, who tells him to go to hell. Stefano asks aboutJack and Jennifer and she startssaying "how dare you, you disgust me, etc.." Stefano assures Laura that ifhe knew where Peter orTravis was he would have told the police. Some very brave, and dumb, boycomes to Laura's aidand offers to take care of Stefano for her. Laura thanks him all the samebut says no. Laura startslecturing Stefano about all he's done wrong and accuses him of kidnappingJenn and delivering her toPeter. Laura warns Stefano that if Jennifer isn't returned to her family,than she will take care ofStefano herself!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, December 11

by Soap Central

Billie puts the finishing touches on a romantic dinner for Bo. She isdetermined not to let him slip away to Hope. Meanwhile, Bo walks the pier,thinking of his promises to Billie and the fact that Hope doesn't know aboutthem. He wonders what he is going to do. He finally heads back to Kate'smansion and finds the romantic dinner and Billie is a sexy gown. He asks whatall the fuss is about and she tells him she wanted to do something special forher husband because he is working so hard on Jennifer's kidnapping. Sheimmediately senses that he is a million miles away and asks him what is wrong.Bo tells her that Hope knows she was addicted to heroin in Rome. Billiefreaks out and asks if he told her. Bo says of course not; Max told her atthe station. Billie says that if Max told Hope, he could tell everyone. Shegoes into a panic and clings to Bo, telling him that if he ever left her, shewouldn't know what to do. Bo looks increasingly uncomfortable, but promiseshe will always be there for her. Billie says she just wants things to be likethey were in Rome. She asks Bo to dance to a romantic song and then sits himdown on the couch to rub his shoulders. Bo turns toward her and she startskissing him, whispering that she knows exactly how to make him feel better.

Hope comes back to Mrs. Horton's house smiling. She keeps thinking about herconversation and her kiss with Bo. Alice says she is glowing, and Hope tellsher that she thinks she is getting back together with Bo. Alice is ecstatic.The doorbell rings, and Hope answers it to find Franco there. She invites himin and tells them both the story of how Max kidnapped Billie and got herhooked on heroin, and Bo only stayed with her to help her kick the addiction.Alice says she is so glad they got it all worked out. Franco, who sees Hopeslipping away, asks her if she is sure the marriage is not real. Why is Bostill with Billie? Hope says that he will stay with her until the trial andtestimony are over. Franco says they don't need to be living together for Boto provide support. Hope says she can wait a little longer. Franco says thatwhen he saw them in Rome, they looked like they were in love. Hope tellsFranco to stop being so negative; she is sure that Bo loves her as much as sheloves him. Franco says that he has seen her get her hopes up before, only tohave them dashed, and he doesn't want to see it happen again.

Roman asks Marlena why John would give her such an expensive, specialnecklace. He wonders if John gave it to her after he left Salem. Marlenaadmits that John actually gave it to her quite recently, when Roman was dyingin the hospital. Roman says he is confused, and asks Marlena if garnetssymbolize loyalty. She says that they do. Roman decides that John gaveMarlena the necklace as a gift of friendship for her loyalty to John andKristen during their marital difficulties. He gives Marlena a big hug andtells her that he is ashamed for having suspects something was up between herand John. Marlena is obviously filled with remorse that she has to keep lyingto Roman. Eric walks in while they are hugging. He asks if he isinterrupting anything, and Roman says no. Roman gets a call from Abe todiscuss strategy in locating Jennifer and Peter, and goes to the other room totake it. Eric asks Marlena what really happened, and she tells him about thenecklace. Eric asks her what she will do when Roman finds John's engagementring. Marlena tells Eric that she gave it back to John. Eric misinterpretsthat to mean that Marlena broke up with John, and he immediately hugs her withjoy. Marlena tells him that he misunderstood; she only gave John the ringback for safekeeping, so that Roman wouldn't find it. Eric is visiblydisappointed, and asks Marlena why John won't back off so they can be afamily. Marlena tells Eric that John isn't the only one keeping that fromhappening. She says that she has a right to live the life she wants, and shewants to be with John. Eric asks her how she could be so selfish and hurtRoman so much. Roman comes back in the room when they are still tense andemotional and asks what is going on. Marlena says they were talking about theholidays. Roman says that they don't look happy, and Eric says they are sadabout Jennifer and Jack. Roman says that is tragic, but the holidays are atime to be joyful, and he has so much to be grateful for - his health, hisfamily, and being back together with Marlena. Eric leaves them alone, butresolves that he will make his father's Christmas dream come true, and heknows just how to do it. In the apartment, Roman hugs Marlena and apologizesonce again for suspecting her and John, assuring her that he will make this aChristmas they will never forget.

Celeste walks into Susan's room at the convent where she sees Kristendisguised as Susan, but Kristen keeps her face turned away, so Celeste doesn'trecognize her. Celeste asks "Susan" what is wrong with her, and Kristen saysshe has a cold, and speaks in a low voice so that Celeste won't notice heraccent is different from Susan's. Celeste asks "Susan" if Stefano is herbaby's father. Kristen shakes her head and tells Celeste that she needs torest. Celeste tells her to call if she needs anything and says goodbye, surethat there is something wrong. Kristen waits until she's gone and then leavesthe convent with baby Elvis. Meanwhile, at the DiMera mansion, Susan wakes upto find her glasses, coat, and scarf gone. She quickly figures out thatKristen has gone to kidnap Elvis, and calls the police. While she is on thephone, Kristen comes in with the baby and tells Susan to hang up the phone.Susan is relieved, thinking Kristen just went to bring the baby over. Shehangs up and asks Kristen to give Elvis to her. Kristen gives her back herglasses and tells her that Elvis is now John Junior, and he is Kristen's sonlegally. Kristen shows Susan her signature on the legal document handingElvis over to Kristen. Susan remembers signing something, but she says shethought it was to protect Elvis from Stefano. Kristen promises she willprotect Elvis, but assures Susan that the baby is now legally hers. Susangets down on her knees and begs Kristen to give the baby back, but Kristentells her to think of what's best for the baby, and that maybe she shouldleave town for a while. She practically kicks Susan out the door, not evenletting her kiss the baby good night. Kristen exults when Susan is gone,telling baby Elvis - now John Junior - that daddy John is coming home soon,and they are going to have a wonderful Christmas. Outside her door, Susan isin agony, and wonders how she is going to live without her little boy. Shedecides there is no way she can live without him.

Celeste, troubled about Susan, lays out her tarot cards, looking for answers.She gasps in horror when she turns up the Death Card.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 8, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, December 12

by Soap Central

In the Brady kitchen, Caroline and Eric sit together reminiscing and eatingcookies and milk. Eric says that although he loves Marlena's family, some ofhis best memories are of him and Sami sitting there when they were children.Caroline says she felt sorry for the twins because their parents weren'taround. She says that although they had a traumatic childhood, that isn't anexcuse for Sami to behave the way she does. Eric says that's true, but heunderstands her feelings of isolation and her need to fight for what shewants. Caroline asks Eric how he was affected by their childhood. She saysthat he is just the same as he was when he was a child - very private abouthis feelings. He would never cry because he didn't think it was manly. Ericsays that although he desperately wants his parents to get back together, hewon't cry about that either. He will do something about it. Caroline triesto explain that Marlena is in love with John, but Eric is convinced that ifJohn would stop putting pressure on her, she could fall back in love withRoman. He asks Caroline where a box of his parents' old things is. Hefetches it and Caroline says she understands what he is trying to do, butisn't sure it will work. Eric says it's worth a try, that maybe the thingsfrom their marriage will make Marlena remember why she fell in love withRoman.

At Titan, Carrie and Austin try to figure out why Kate would give Sami such acushy job, especially after the way Sami spilled the story of the corporatetakeover to the Intruder tabloid paper. They are convinced that Sami must beblackmailing Kate. In her new office, Sami happily sets up family pictures ofher and Austin and Will. Kate walks in and remarks that she looks as if she'ssettling down. Sami says she plans to be there for a long time and there isnothing Kate can do to stop her. Kate tells Sami that she has shot herself inthe foot, because now that the corporate takeover is off because of Samispilling to story, Titan will not make the millions of dollars it stood tomake from the acquisition, and Will, who is Lucas' heir to Titan, willeventually lose out. Sami looks disconcerted for a minute, but tells Katethat by the time Will inherits, Kate will be out of the picture and everythingwill be better for everyone. Kate tells Sami that as much as she hated Vivianbeing in this office, she would welcome her back with open arms if it meantSami was out. Sami tells her that is never going to happen, so give it up.Sami arrogantly tells Kate to run along and fetch her a secretary. Furious,Kate vows to find a way to make Sami stop pressuring her. At that moment,Carrie and Austin walk in and demand to know what's going on. Sami leaves itto Kate to explain. Kate says that she gave Sami to job to keep Titan in thefamily, since Sami is the mother of her grandson Will. Austin is about toquestion her about it when Kate takes Sami away to introduce her to some otheremployees. Carrie and Austin are more convinced than ever that Sami hassomehow coerced Kate. Carrie gets Sami alone in her office and demands toknow if she is blackmailing Kate. Sami says that she should ask Kate thatquestion, and claims that although she will always love Austin, she wants toget on with her life and stop making a fool of herself over him. Carrieobviously does not believe her, and tells her that if she finds out Sami isblackmailing Kate, Sami will have to answer to her (Carrie). Carrie says sheloves Kate and won't let Sami destroy her or Titan. In Kate's office, Austintries to get the truth out of Kate, but she tells him to drop the matter, forher sake. Austin says he will, but promises her that he is going to keep hiseyes on Sami and he will get to the bottom of her secret eventually.

At Alice's house, Franco tells Hope she is making a big mistake by beingoptimistic about her relationship with Bo. Hope tells him that she is surethe only reason Bo is with Billie any more is that he feels obligated to helpher through Max's trial. Franco says that she is naive if she thinks theynever made love in Rome. Hope says that she asked Bo about the night she sawthem, and he said they didn't. Franco asks her what about all the nightsafter that? Hope looks uncomfortable and says that Bo's feelings for Billieare caring and paternal, and that's the end of it. Franco reminds Hope thatshe once said that she could love him (Franco). Hope says she thought shecould, but she knows now that her heart belongs to Bo, now and forever.Franco is furious and tells her that she never gave them a chance. He says hewon't stand by and watch her get trampled on again. He takes her arm roughly,and Hope tells him he's hurting her. Franco says he's sorry, but he thinksshe's being a fool. Hope shows him to the door and they say good night.Franco curses himself for falling in love with Hope, instead of just takingthe money for a job he was paid to do. Hope asks herself if she is being afool to be so optimistic.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Billie kisses Bo and immediately realizes there issomething wrong. She tells him that she knew his kiss wouldn't lie, andobviously he does not feel the same passion for her that he once did. Bolooks uncomfortable and admits that he is having second thoughts. Billiepushes him to admit that he is thinking about Hope. Bo says it's true, andBillie looks devastated. Bo says that when he found out Hope went with Johnto the jungle to find a cure for Roman, instead of being off having fun withFranco as he had believed, it reminded him once again of the kind of woman sheis. More importantly, he felt her fear when she was in danger, even throughall the miles, and he wanted to be with her. Billie says John told her Hopedid just fine on her own. Bo says that is true, that Hope is a strong,resourceful woman who is coming into her own. Billie says that's true, butlooks hurt. Bo says that Billie is a very strong, brave woman, too, and thathe owes her so much for saving his life, Hope's, Shawn-D's, and Mrs. H's.Billie's eyes fill with tears and she tells Bo that he doesn't owe heranything, that he has more than made up for it since, and they should call iteven. Bo agrees. Billie then asks the big question: where do we go fromhere? Does he still want to be with Hope? Bo says it's not that simple; hewants to do what is right.

Jack lies at the bottom of the ravine, knocked off the cliff by Travis'boulder. Travis thinks he's dead and paces the top of the cliff, buteventually he decides to make sure by calling in a tip to the park rangers.He tells them that he spotted the escaped convict Deveraux on the South Rim,and they had better come get him. The park ranger grabs his gun and heads out,determined to catch Jack. Jack, meanwhile, tries to make it up the wall andfalls again. His ankle is getting badly swollen, but he keeps thinking ofJennifer in the hands of the maniac, Travis, and he wills himself to go on.When he is near the top, he looks up and sees a hopelessly sheer cliff face,and wonders how he will ever get up there.

Jennifer looks at the bloody shovel and clothes in the cellar of Travis' cabinand wonders what happened. She finds some old photographs, obviously ofTravis and his parents, but the parents' faces have been burned out. Sheshudders, thinking that the person who did this had to be very sick. Shekeeps remembering asking Travis about the cabin, and how furious it made himwhen she asked about his parents. Finally, she opens an old trunk and sees adiary. As she reads the entries, she realizes with cold horror that it is arecord of Travis' feelings toward his parents, and of his intent to kill them.She reads that he killed them, finally, with a shovel, on Christmas Day. Sheis terrified and realizes that Travis is a maniac who won't think twice aboutkilling her, if he killed his parents already. Just as she is trying todecide what to do, she hears footsteps outside the cabin. She realizes thatTravis is coming back, and if he finds her in the cellar, he will kill her forsure.

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Edited by SC Desk