Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, December 1

by Soap Central

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In the jungle, Peter rips the sink off the wall and is moaning and carryingon so that the girl and aman hear him. They finally get Peter to open the door and come out and he iscovered with sweat.The woman mentioned to the man that Peter had been bitten by a mosquito andthey both gotconcerned that he might have jungle madness. They said that this disease hadonly been in theislands and was very dangerous and if he went to the states it could be verybad for him and anyonethat comes in contact with him. He tells them he is OK and wants to knowwhere the plane is. Theytry to discourage him from leaving because he is sick but the plane finallyarrives and he heads off toget on it.

Billie, Bo and Hope all have dreams of conversations since their return fromRome and eachwonder what the future holds. Hope is looking at a picture of her, Shawn-D andBo when Shawn-D andAbby come in the room. Abby says she is thinking about her Mom and Dad andwant them backhome and together. Hope says she understands and sends Abby off the check onthe cookies theyare helping Alice bake. Shawn-D says he feels the same way - he wants his momand dad together.Hope says she does too but is not sure what will happen. They talk about Boand Billie and themisunderstandings that Hope and Bo have had and whether Hope thinks she andBo can get backtogether again. She tells Shawn-D that she doesn't think there is any future forher with Franco. Shawn-D asksif love is this much trouble and pain and Hope tells him no it's wonderfulit just takes a lot of work.They talk some more and both agree that they don't want to see Billie hurtand also realize that someone will get hurt no matter what.

At Titan, Kate is furious and tells someone on the phone to get over thereright away and little later we see Franco show up at her office. She saysshe was not thinking straight when she called and that she doesn't want todo anything permanent to Sami but needs to stop her. Franco says he wants tokeep Hope and will do whatever to make sure she and Bo do not get backtogether andthat she and Sami came to an understanding in Rome and he can get info fromher as to what she may be up to next. Kate warns him to be careful that Samiis very clever but he tells her that Sami isjust a child. Lucas shows back up after a visit with Sami that was not veryproductive and wonderswhat Franco is doing there. They cover and say he is there for his nextassignment and he leaves.Lucas tells Kate that he may have a way to placate Sami and next we see themheading to see her in Vic's office. They tell her they have decided to giveher a job at Titan - it is Director of Imaging and Personnel Development andconsists of finding and hiring new models, she will scheduling and creatingphoto shoots, coordinating and she will be in charge of developing Titan'scommercial image. They told her she proved she could destroy the company'simage they want to see if she can create one. She said it sounded good forstarters. Kate did saythere was a condition - she had to take Viv's old office she could not haveVic's. Sami tried to stay in Vic's office but Kate won that battle. WhenKate left Lucas asked for the blackmail pics but Sami said no way---she mightstill need them. Lucas tells Sami that she may be able to have done all thishonestly and not by blackmail. She doesn't think she could but Lucas toldher could have but that would have meant she was going to be honest and haveintegrity and that's impossible for her. She has dream that she can do itwithout blackmail but says it's a whole lot easier with blackmail.

At the police station, Abe says the DA is pressing for Billie to testify andBo finally tells him why Billie can't testify and her getting back on drugsin Rome because of Max. Abe says he understands and calls the DA to work outa deal. Bo comes home to Billie and tells her that they need her to testifyand that he had to tell Abe about her. He worked out a deal with the DA tohave Billie testify to the grand jury and have it sealed so no one willknow. She is reluctant and concerned that Max will go public about her butBo thinks he won't risk it because then he will have to admit he did thosethings. She agrees they go to the station to get it over with. Abe assuresit all will work out just fine.

In the Grand Canyon, Jen runs but Travis catches her before she can get toofar away and they finda cave to hide in while they wait for Peter. He keeps wondering when Peterwill get there and Jentells him that Peter may be coming from a long way away and that it may behours or days before hecan arrive. Travis is not too happy about this but knows it is probablytrue. Jack has hitched a ridewith an older gentleman named Cliff and introduces himself as Nick. He sayshe is on his way tomeet his wife for camping when his car broke down. Cliff has the radio onand they hear about Jenand Travis and that they found the car vacated and also about Jack. Cliffturns to Jack and saysyou're Jack aren't you and Jack admits he is but swears he's not dangerousand tries to tell Cliff thecondensed version of what is going on. All of a sudden they come on a roadblock and Jack pullsout a gun and tells Cliff he needs his hat. Cliff shows the officer hislicense and the officer notices aguy slumped over with Cliff's hat on and looks like he is sleeping in thetruck. Cliff says it's his son -he is on a college break and they are on their way home and shows theofficer a pic of him and hisson on a fishing trip. The officer buys the story and sends them on theirway. Jack thanks Cliff andhe says he knows that Jack is not dangerous because he could have shot himback when he firstpicked him up. They arrive about half-a-mile from the entrance to the GrandCanyon and Jack gets outto walk the rest of the way. Cliff tells him to keep the hat to help withhis disguise and wishes himluck. Jack heads off and says he needs to find a place to hide and spotswhat looks like an entranceto a cave and heads for it.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, December 2

by Soap Central

Maggie, Abby, Shawn D., and Hope are shopping at Salem Place when Johnshows up. Maggieand the kids go to see Santa and Hope and John talk. John is looking forwardto spendingChristmas with Marlena, but they still haven't told Roman the truth. Johnand Hope talk about theproblems plaguing John and Marlena's relationship, and how this ordeal withRoman is killing him(John). John asks Hope if she's talked to Bo, but Bo has been so busy withother things that shehasn't had the chance. Hope says she believes something was wrong withBillie which kept Bo inRome for so long, and she is determined to find out what.

Kristen is also in Salem Place. She believes that John will love her onceagain once Susan givesLittle Elvis back to her. Kristen sees Hope and John talking so she buttsin. Hope decides to leaveto let John talk with Kristen. Kristen asks John out for dinner but Johnsays nope. John says he hasto go to the cop shop to check up on Jen's whereabouts. Kristen hopes somenews arrives andJohn says if she'd tell them where Peter is it would make things easier.Kristen says she doesn'tknow and wishes he would believe her, but John says he doesn't know if he'llever be able tobelieve another word she says.

At the hospital Mike tells Roman that his health is improving. Eric askswhat his dad wants forChristmas, and Roman says he wants to marry Marlena. Roman decides to usethe phone in theroom to call Marlena, so Eric and Mike leave the room. Eric tells Mike thatthis is the happiest he'sseen his dad in a long time, but Mike says that once Roman is recoveredMarlena and John will bemarried

Roman and Eric leave the hospital and run into John and Kristen, who arearguing about Kristen'slies about Peter. Roman asks them if they'd like to go to dinner and Kristenquickly says they'd lovetoo. Roman, Eric, Kristen, and John all go out to dinner. Roman thanks Johnfor what he and Hopedid, and he will be indebted to him forever. Roman then proposes a toast toJohn and Kristen and inhopes they have many children. Kristen points out that she can't havechildren, so Roman says theycan adopt. Kristen says that she and John are actually discussing that. Johndecides to discuss itright now and asks Kristen to dance. As they dance John and Kristen bicker.Later Roman danceswith Kristen and John is stuck talking with Eric. John tells Eric that hewill tell Roman the truth assoon as he is well. Eric tells John that his love for Marlena isn't right,Marlena and Roman belongtogether and Eric asks John to back off and let them be happy. John tellsEric that he will marry hismother, whether he or Sami like it or not! Kristen and Roman sit down andwhen Kristen tells Johnhow Roman went on and on about Marlena, John walks out.

At the station a lawyer tells Max that Billie's testimony will be concealed,nobody will learn Billie is ajunkie. The lawyer tries to cut Max a deal for a reduced sentence, but Maxrefuses to go to prison.

In Abe's office Abe and Bo talk while Billie leaves to get them somesandwiches. Abe asks Bo ifthe reason he's working so hard to find Jen is to avoid spending time withBillie. Bo tells Abe that hissituation is so complicated. Bo explains that he only moved on with Billiebecause he thought Hopewas unavailable. Abe tells Bo he has some major decisions to make, and Bosays he has to resolveall this. Billie returns and Bo tells Billie that he's worried about Maxgetting off (Bo uses this excuseto explain the serious look on Bo and Abe's faces when Billie came in).Billie doesn't buy the storyand asks him why he is avoiding coming home with her. Bo tells her he has tobe here in case anynew leads come in. Billie then surprises Bo with the idea of buying a newboat for them to live on.Bo remembers buying the Fancy Face and he tells Billie that he needs tothink about it. Bo also tellsher if they get a new boat HE wants to pay for it. Suddenly Abe shows up andtells Bo that Travisand Jen were spotted near the Grand Canyon.

Max is brought up into the station and he confronts Billie about her drugs.Max tells Billie that she'llbe back on drugs real soon, once a junkie always a junkie. Bo grabs Max andtells him it's time theslimy bastard paid the piper (Bo's words) Later, a shaken Billie tells Abeand Bo she can't testifyagainst Max.

Hope goes to the hospital to talk to Mike about Billie. Mike remembers hispromise to Billie, so hetells Hope that Billie just had a serious case a food poisoning. Hope thenasks if Bo talked about herat all in Rome, and Mike says she should ask Bo about that. Mike is thencalled off to see a patient.Hope decides to go to the police station, and of course she walks in on Boand Billie holding eachother.

Peter shows up at the Canyon and tries to explain everything to Jen. Peterclaims that it was allStefano's doing. Peter tells Jen he loves her, but Jack shows up and tellsPeter that Jen belongs withhim! Peter and Jack ask Jen to chose, and she chooses Peter. Of course thisis just a dream, Peteris really in the rain forest hospital, delirious with Jungle Fever.Eventually the woman watching Peterhas to leave to close up some shop, and while she's gone Peter wakes up.

Jack is exploring the park looking for Jen and Travis. Jen and Travis arehiding in a cave. When Jentries to beg Travis not to do this, Travis warns Jen if she tries anythinghe'll make sure she neversees Jack or little Abby again. When Park Rangers show up, Jen and TravisAND Jack are allforced to lay low until the rangers leave. Later Jack stumbles upon a manand his son camping. Jackclaims that he's looking for his friends because they were going camping,but the man asks him whyhe doesn't have any gear? Jack says he came strait from work and he asks ifhe can use their phone.The man lets Jack use his phone, so Jack calls Mike. Suddenly the ParkRangers show up again!The man covers for Jack for some reason and Mike tells Jack he should turnhimself in. Jack refusesand he leaves to search for Jen.

Back in the cave that Travis has stashed Jen in, Jen writes note in thedirt, but is caught by Traviswhen she tries to escape. Travis starts strangling the bitch (Travis's word,not mine). Travis stopsstrangling Jen and drags her out of the cave in hopes of finding Peter.Travis and Jen scale a cliff andend up at a cabin. Jen asks Travis what will happen if Peter doesn't come,but Travis says she betterpray that doesn't happen. Travis locks Jen in the cabin and leaves to getsome water. Jen tries toescape from the cabin before Peter shows up or Travis kills her. Meanwhile,Jack finds Jenmessage scribbled in the dirt on the cave floor. Jack recalls Travis tellinghim that his family had acabin in the Grand Canyon, so he decides to find it. Back at the cabin,Travis returns before Jen canescape.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, December 3

by Soap Central

Sami is pacing around her office dreaming about owning Titan with Austin at her side. Franco comes in and tells Sami that he is going to make sure she doesn't destroy his chance at happiness with Hope. Sami assures Franco that she will keep quiet, for now. Franco says that wasn't their deal, but Sami says she's changed their deal. Sami tells Franco if she decides she can use that information to her advantage then she will use it. Franco warns Sami that nobody double crosses him and gets away with it, and on that note he storms out of the office. Sami continues to fantasize about taking over Titan and how Austin is married and devoted to her. Later Sami tells her diary (a mini tape recorder) that she will expose Franco if she has to. Someone overhears this and begins to follow Sami.

At the police station, Hope shows up as Bo is holding Billie. Billie sees Hope, so she kisses Bo! Hope naturally walks off. Billie and Bo go to the pub and they talk. Billie agrees to testify against Max if he will be there for her. Bo assures her he will and Billie says that his love is giving her the strength to fight Max. Bo tells Billie she has a lot more strength that she gives herself credit for and he reminds her she has a loving family as well. Billie says she's just afraid that Max will tell someone the truth.

Back at the station a police officer ask Hope to watch Max while he goes do to do some type of cop thing. Hope tells Max he'll never destroy another family with his filthy drugs again. Max says that if he goes down he's taking Billie with him! Max tells Hope that Billie will probably go back to Europe so it's easier to do her thing, "dope." Hope doesn't know what Max is talking about, so Max tells Hope that Billie was a junkie in Rome. Max is carted off and Hope can't believe Billie was back on drugs.

Hope goes back to Grant's place and Franco shows up to see Hope. Hope is troubled and she tells Franco what Max told her about Billie. Franco says it's not possible, he saw Billie and Bo in Rome and they were happy. Hope wonders if Bo stayed in Rome to take care of Billie, but Franco tells her that Bo was with Billie because they are in love, it's obvious that Max wants revenge on Billie and that's why he said that. Franco tells Hope he has to go to an appointment and he tells her to put this drug business out of his head. Hope can't get what Max said out of her head, and she realizes that Billie was on drugs.

Back at the Kiriakis mansion Bo is fantasizing about Hope and how perhaps they could be together. Suddenly Billie comes in a negligee and asks Bo to make love to her. Bo tries to avoid Billie but she won't take no for an answer and she's already filled up the hot tub. Suddenly the phone rings and Bo answers it. Lucky for Bo it's the station and he has to go track down a lead on Jen. Billie tells Bo she understands and she hopes the lead pays off. When Bo leaves, Billie realizes Bo is slipping away from her and wonders what she can do.

At the restaurant Roman asks Kristen if there is trouble with John. Kristen says no, John just had to go do something. Kristen excuses herself to go after John. Outside Kristen tells John they have to play the loving couple, but John could care less and says that's her dream, he's not going to live her dream. John says that he wants Roman to find out the truth, but he can't let Roman know until he is stronger and can take the stress. Kristen tells John that Eric wants his parents back together, but John says that won't change the fact that he and Marlena will marry. Kristen tells John that Marlena only committed to him because she thought Roman was dead, and she suggest if Roman came back earlier Marlena may have chosen Roman. John tells Kristen that he knows what she's doing and it's not going to work. John and Kristen bicker, John says that his and Marlena's love can't be denied, just like it couldn't be denied when Roman was here. Kristen tells John she loves him and will be there for him, and she walks off. John wonders if Roman had been healthy if he would have given him and Marlena his (Roman's) blessing.

Back inside Roman asks Eric what is going on with John and Kristen and if they are having problems. Eric ignores his dad and avoids the subject. Roman asks Eric if he noticed how tense John was and Eric says he's making to much out of this. Roman says he has a very strong feeling that things are being kept from him due to his illness.

Eric goes outside and apologizes to John for getting him so steamed up and he's sorry for coming down so hard on him. Eric tells John that it's important to him to have his mom and dad together. John says he knows that, but his mom loves him, end of discussion. Eric asks if John could just give his parents a shot. John tells Eric ENOUGH, but Eric asks if he's afraid that Marlena might actually love Roman again? Eric tells John that he never blamed him or judged him, and he even supported his mother's decision to be with John. However, Eric says while John was in the jungle he saw his mom and dad reconnect and he thinks they could get back together if given the chance. Eric asks John to back off and John says Eric has to back off. Eric and John argue and fight about how Roman walked out on Marlena. They argue and bicker about whether Roman and Marlena really did reconnect while John was in the jungle. Eric tells John he won't let him ruin the chance for his parents to reunite, but John tells Eric that decision is up to Marlena, and Eric should stay out of it. John walks off and Eric says he just can't do that.

Back in the restaurant Roman is recalling Marlena telling him she will marry him. However, he also recalls seeing John holding Marlena and wonders what isn't right, and he's going to find out what.

Roman leaves the restaurant and he tells Eric to go on home, he'd like to walk along the pier on his home. Eric says okay and returns home. Roman catches up with John on the pier. John apologizes for running out and he thanks Roman for dinner. Roman tells John he has a feeling that things are being kept from him, he feels he's being lied to and asks John if it's true. Roman asks John straight out if he and Kristen are happy, is their marriage strong, is their marriage real?

Kristen calls Susan and tells her that she will pick up the baby tomorrow, and she assures Susan that only she can keep her baby safe from Stefano. Kristen tells Susan that if she loves her boy she will let her (Kristen) have him. Kristen hangs up and Susan cries and holds little Elvis. Susan looks at little Elvis and sees him turn into a devil dog and she declares that she will not let Mr. Stefano DiMera turn him into a devil dog. Meanwhile Kristen is getting the nursery ready for little Elvis and dreams about John returning to her.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, December 4

by Soap Central

Laura and Marlena consult on a difficult patient at the hospital andcommiserate with each other about their problems - Jennifer's kidnapping andMarlena's dilemma with Roman and John. Marlena leaves the hospital and goesfor a walk. Meanwhile, on the pier, Roman asks John what the deal is with hismarriage to Kristen - whether he is having problems and Marlena is acting as amarriage counselor. John tells him that is not the case, but he's right -there has been tension between him and Kristen. Roman says he feels thateveryone has been protecting him from the truth, and he wants to know, onceand for all, what it is. He is getting stronger every day and he can handleit. Just as John is about to tell him, Marlena walks up. When she finds outwhat they're talking about, she minimizes John and Kristen's problems and saysthat there's nothing strange going on. John looks at her with disappointment.Roman suggests they all go up to the penthouse for a nightcap. John tries tobeg off, but Roman won't take no for an answer, especially when Marlena tellsRoman what a comfort John was when she thought he (Roman) was going to die.Roman says John has been the best friend in the world. John is obviouslygetting increasingly uncomfortable with all the lying. In the penthouse,Roman goes to call Abe about Jennifer's case and John tells Marlena he can'ttake it any more. Marlena begs him to wait until Roman is fully recovered.John says he will if that's what she wants, but he can't stand being in thesame room with the two of them any more. He tells her to tell Roman he wentto the station. Before leaving, he gives Marlena a passionate kiss, leavingher breathless and anguished. Roman comes into the room and immediatelysenses there is something wrong. Marlena says that John went to the station,and she is just upset about Jennifer. Roman says he is, too, but they willfind her soon. Then he tells her they have to concentrate on their futuretogether, and that now that he is healthy, nothing will stop him from beingwith Marlena. He takes her in his arms.

At Salem Place, Sami hears ominous footsteps behind her. She begins to panicand starts calling out for the person following her to show himself.Suddenly, her brother Eric shows up and the person following her (presumablyFranco) melts back into the shadows. Sami is relieved, thinking it was onlyEric the whole time. They start talking about what they can do to get Johnout of the picture so Roman and Marlena can get together. It's about the onlything they can agree on. Sami asks why Marlena has to be so selfish, why shecan't just put aside her love for John. Eric says that's a ridiculousquestion, coming from her - why can't she just put aside her love for Austin,since he's married to her sister? Sami says that's different, and it willnever happen, especially now that she has this great job with Titan. Ericnarrows his eyes and asks how that happened anyway. Sami says Kate must havea lot of faith in her, and then changes the subject by offering to give Eric ajob. Eric says no thanks, he's not sure what he wants for a career yet. Samisays she thinks he doesn't know what he wants, period. Eric asks what that issupposed to mean. Sami says that she doesn't know what Eric is even thinkingany more because he's been so distant since they got back. She asks him whatsecret he's hiding. Eric gets very defensive and says there is no secret andhe wishes she would quit bugging him. Sami says that if there's no secret,why is he getting so angry? Eric says that he is naturally cautious becausehe has seen how his family has screwed up their lives acting on theiremotions. Sami says that he will end up alone if he doesn't learn to go forwhat he wants. Eric scoffs at her for offering advice to him when she hasalienated her entire family. Sami suddenly gets tearful and asks Eric to justgive his sister a hug. He does, and she asks how they can be close again.Eric says that first they have to focus on getting Roman and Marlena backtogether. They promise each other to work on ideas for keeping John busy, andgo their separate ways. And the man following Sami resumes his mission.

In the jungles of South America (presumably), Peter Blake stumbles around,half-crazed, after trashing his room and getting out of the way station wherethe tour guides had been treating him. He finally makes his way to theairfield, barely able to see, his head splitting with agony. When he seesthat the plane has already left, he nearly collapses in despair, but hisdesire to see Jennifer again motivates him to make his way to the phone. Hecalls the only person he can think of to help him out - Stefano.

The doctor, the male tour guide, and Tawny (the cute little female tour guide)open the door to Peter's room to find it a shambles, and Peter nowhere insight. They realize he has escaped. The doctor explains that this kind ofjungle fever gives some people superhuman strength and destructive tendencies,and that anyone who encounters him is in danger. Tawny cries out as she seesthe beautiful sapphire necklace that Peter had been intending to give Jenniferon the floor. She realizes that if he left it behind, he must be veryconfused and dangerous.

In the park in Salem, Stefano meets with Bart and asks him if he has heardfrom Peter at all. Bart reluctantly admits that he has, that Peter called andasked for Travis' number, and that he gave it to him. Bart looks worried thathe did something wrong. Stefano berates him for not calling first, butdoesn't get too angry. Stefano says that although he wants Peter to be happy,he can't be linked in any way with Peter's plan to kidnap Jennifer because itwill destroy his plan to be reinstated in Salem society. Stefano impatientlytells Bart to get out of his face. Just then, John Black, moody from hisencounter with Roman and Marlena, walks up to Stefano and demands to knowwhere Peter is. Stefano says he has no idea. John doesn't know whether tobelieve him or not, but tells Stefano that if he wants to be accepted in Salemsociety again, he had better call Abe the minute he hears from Peter. Justafter John leaves, Stefano's phone rings. It's Peter, sounding desperatelyill and delirious. He tells Stefano that he is stuck in the jungle with noplane, that he is sick, and he doesn't know what to do. Stefano tells him tomake his way to the DiMera compound in the jungle, but just then, the phonegoes dead.

At the Grand Canyon National Park, Jack kicks a dumpster in frustration. Heknows that Travis has probably taken Jen to his parents' cabin, but has noidea where that might be, and knows that just walking around the park, he islikely to miss them or get caught. He decides that the only person who canhelp him pin down the location is Laura. He calls her at the hospital and sheis delighted to hear from him. He asks her to break into Travis' house andfind some information on the cabin. Laura says there is still a police guardthere. Jack says she will have to distract him. Laura agrees, saying shewill do anything for Jennifer. She goes to the house and tells the officerthat she saw a strange man down the street. When he goes to investigate, shesneaks into the house with a penlight and begins looking around. Suddenly,the room is flooded with light. The officer is back, and very suspicious. Heasks Laura what she is doing there.

Jack waits near the ranger cabin to call Laura back. Just as he turns aroundto make the phone call, he hears someone say "Freeze!" and he sees a rangerpointing a gun at him.

In the cabin, Jennifer notices that Travis is unusually tense. She asks whatmakes him so nervous. He starts to tell her that it's his family's cabin andhe hasn't been there since...he abruptly breaks off and tells her to mind herown business. He ties her up and leaves to go check on the rendezvous point.Jen tries to escape her bonds and screams herself hoarse, but Travis comesback before anyone can find her. He tells her that Peter isn't there yet, butthey can wait. Obviously, waiting is driving him nuts, and Jen asks againwhat it is about the cabin that he hates so much, but Travis gets angry andtells her to shut up.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, December 5

by Soap Central

John Black is sitting alone at Johnny Angel's, moping in his coffee. Marlenaarrives to sit with him and he moans about how long it's been since they'vebeen together. Marlena says that it will be just a little while longer, untilRoman is healthy and they can tell him the whole truth. Marlena says that ifKristen hadn't lied in the first place, they wouldn't be going through thisnow. John says that he feels a little bit sorry for Kristen, now that she'salienated everyone in town. Marlena says she brought it on herself, and thateverything she does is self-serving - even her love for baby Elvis. John saysthey shouldn't waste their precious time together talking about Kristen. Thenhe notices that Marlena isn't wearing his engagement ring any more. Marlenasays that she had to take it off once Roman moved into the penthouse becauseshe didn't want to make him suspicious. She takes it out of her purse andasks John to hold it for her, temporarily, until she can wear it openly againand with pride. John takes it, but is obviously upset at this latest symbolof their separation. They go their separate ways.

At the convent, Susan continues packing for Kristen's arrival. Sister MaryMoira brings her a phone call from Kristen, confirming that she will bearriving today to pick up little Elvis. Susan is obviously having secondthoughts. Sister Mary can't figure out what's going on and calls Celeste, whois shopping with Lexie, to come and try to get the truth out of Susan. Susangoes to the chapel to pray for guidance, or a sign of some sort that what sheis doing is the right thing. Celeste comes and Susan freaks out, thinkingthat she is an agent of Stefano. Celeste wonders why Susan is so afraid ofStefano, and what he has to do with her life. Celeste tries to draw Susan outabout her plans, but Susan keeps asking questions about when Alexandra wasborn, and why Celeste gave her up for adoption. Celeste says that she wantedto protect her daughter from Stefano's evil influence, and that it was themost loving and selfless thing she had ever done. Susan thinks that maybethis was the sign she was looking for.

Kristen is crawling around on the floor of the mansion installing baby-proofingin the electrical outlets. Stefano barges in and asks what she is doing.Kristen says she lost an earring. Stefano tells her he is worried aboutPeter. He tells her about the phone call, and Kristen says that if Peterheard his suggestion, he would go to the compound and Dr. Rolf would help him.Stefano is still worried, but decides to try to focus on his other children -Lexie, Kristen, and little Elvis. Kristen smiles to herself. She goesshopping at Salem Place for little Elvis. There she runs into Marlena, whoasks her why all the baby gifts. Kristen says they're for Belle and Brady,since they were her stepchildren and she has to maintain the appearance ofmarriage to John until Roman is clued in on the truth. Marlena says that willbe very soon. Kristen says that her plans may change, and cheerfully wishesher a merry Christmas. Marlena is very suspicious. Kristen runs into a womanwith a baby, who sits down next to her and starts chatting. Marlena happensto be sitting a few feet away and out of sight, and is startled to hearKristen tell the woman that she has a baby about the same age as the woman's.Kristen goes on to say that she and her husband had adopted a child, but thenatural mother took the child back. The woman says that must have beendevastating. Kristen says everything will be all right, because today she isgetting her baby back. Marlena looks like she just swallowed a cow.

John meets Lexie at Salem Place and asks her to try to get Peter's locationout of Stefano. Lexie says she doubts Stefano would share that kind ofinformation with her, but John convinces her that she's their best hope ofhelping Jennifer and Jack. Lexie goes to Stefano's place and invites him toher medical school graduation. Stefano is very touched. She also asks if heknows where Peter is, and he tells her honestly that he does not know, but isvery worried. Bart comes in and asks to speak to Stefano. They go outside,and Bart tells Stefano that Peter's hideout in on the island is empty, and thelast anyone heard, he bought a sapphire necklace for Jennifer and then justdisappeared. Lexie eavesdrops on all this.

In the jungle, Peter stumbles around the airfield. A worker tells him thatthe next cargo plane isn't coming for days. Peter gets another blindingheadache and makes his way to the DiMera compound. Dr. Rolf holds a gun onhim until he realizes who Peter is. Dr. Rolf quickly diagnoses the junglemadness, brought on by the mosquito bite, and tells Peter that if he doesn'tget it treated, he may die. He also tells him that making the antidote willtake a few days. Peter is upset because he knows that Jennifer is waitingwith Travis for him. He decides to call Travis.

At the Grand Canyon, Travis and Jennifer hear sounds outside the cabin.Travis says that if it is Jack, he'll kill him. Travis takes a gun outsideand Jennifer prays that if it's Jack, he'll be careful. Suddenly she hears agunshot and she screams in fear. Then the phone starts ringing, but she can'treach it to answer it. Travis comes back in and says, "Jack is dead!"Jennifer starts sobbing uncontrollably, until Travis says, "Jack-rabbit!" andshows her the rabbit he killed. Jennifer tells him he is a sick person. Hetells her he hasn't had jackrabbit stew since...he starts daydreaming, and hasa bad flashback of some sort where he hears voices screaming. Jennifer askshim what is wrong, but he tells her to mind her own business. The phone ringsagain. It's Peter, telling Travis he'll be detained. He asks to speak toJennifer. Jennifer pleads with Peter not to do this, to let her go home.Peter says he loves her and plans to make up for all the time they spentapart.

Jack finds himself the prisoner of a mountain militiaman. The man takes Jackto his tent and says he is going to turn him over to the police for the rewardmoney. Jack notices his weapons and figures out that he is a militia type whodislikes the justice system and the government. Playing on that fact, Jacksays that he was set up by an evil man to take a fall for a crime he didn'tcommit, and that man has his ex-wife. Jack says that if the militiaman turnshim over to the system, he will only be supporting the very thing he despises.Jack pleads with him instead to help him find Jennifer and Travis, saying thathe will receive a much greater reward if he helps Jack than if he turns himin. The man thinks about it and finally agrees. Jack tells him about Travisand the cabin in the Grand Canyon. The man asks to see Travis' picture andJack pulls out a clipping. Suddenly, the militia man back away and says hewouldn't mess with that man and that cabin for all the money in the world.

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Edited by SC Desk