Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, November 17

by Soap Central

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In prison Jack tells Mickey that they have to help Jen. Jack asks Mickey to get him out of here so Mickey calls a guard and asks to see the warden. The guard tells them that she'll see what she can do. As Mickey and Jack talk T.C. listens in. Herb shows up and tells Jack that the warden has arranged for him to see the assistant warden. The guard returns and she takes Jack and Mickey away. T.C. says this is not good at all.

Jack and Mickey see the assistant warden who doesn't understand the entire Travis Maloy deal.Jack claims that Travis is working for Stefano and that T.C. is on the payroll as well. The assistant warden says he'll have T.C. questioned, and T.C. (who was listening at the door) runs off. The assistant warden asks the guard to take Jack back to his cell.

Jennifer has a dream that Jack came to rescue her, but Travis tells her to give up that dream. Travis tells Jen to accept the fact that she's never going to see Jack again. Jen has another dream about Jack getting out and proposing to her. T.C. shows up to see Travis and tells him everyone knows that Jen has been kidnapped. Jen tells Travis that she and T.C. still have time to get out of the country and T.C. says she's makes sense. Travis won't do it, he says they'll find a way to hide her.

Jack goes back to the cell and says he wishes he could escape. Herb says that's impossible but when Herb asks if he's ever tried it Herb keeps quiet. Jack demands to know what Herb knows and Herb tells him about a secret tunnel he was digging years ago when he hit a large stone and gave up.

Laura returns home when Mickey shows up. Mickey tells Laura that he has some bad news. Mickey tells Laura that she's afraid Jen has been kidnapped. Laura can't believe this has happened and Laura exclaims "that bastard (Stefano) is behind every evil thing that happens in this town!"

Susan wakes up and asks Stefano what he is doing to her baby. Stefano says he came to visit the baby and picks him up. Stefano tells Susan that he adores the baby and Susan cries for him to please put the baby down and leave. Kristen walks in and sees that Susan is awake. Susan demands Stefano to put the baby down and get out but he tells her that she isn't the one giving orders here. Suddenly Susan realizes the truth and says "Oh my lord!" Susan remembers being at an Elvis Fan Club gathering and becoming woozy after eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich, next thing she knew she was in a big with room with Elvis. Susan says it wasn't Elvis, it was you (Stefano)! Susan starts cry and asks Stefano how he could be so mean. Kristen asks Susan how she could be so stupid, Elvis is dead. Kristen says that she should be thebaby's mother and Susan cries no no no, I'd rather die then let you take my baby. Stefano assures her he is not going to take the baby so Susan asks why he came? Stefano says all that he wanted was a lock of the baby's hair. Kristen tells Susan she wants to hold Elvis right now but Susan says she's too mean to be a good mother. Susan asks why Stefano wants the hair and he says it's technical. Stefano says it's for someDNA work he's doing. Stefano tells Susan she was never supposed to find out about this, but nowthat she has he tells her that if she tells anyone about this he will come to take her baby away from her. Susan says she'll do anything he asks but asks him not to take her baby. Stefano and Kristen then leave. Susan tells Elvis that she won't let Stefano get his hands on him. Outside Stefano warns Kristen not to try to get that baby. Kristen says she won't take the baby, and when Stefano walks off she says "not yet anyways."

At the hospital John and Marlena are standing over a sleeping Roman. John wants to tell Roman the truth when he wakes up but Marlena doesn't want to hurt him. John asks her if she is having second thoughts about this and if she still loves him. Marlena assures John she loves him and wants to marry him so John says as soon as Roman wakes up they will tell him the truth. Roman begins to stir but Marlena says he's in a very deep sleep. John suggests they go out to get some air and they leave. John and Marlena take a walk and discuss telling Roman the truth. Marlena realizes that John is right and says they are destined to be together. John tells Marlena he has something for her and gives her a garnet necklace that represents "loyalty." John tells her that whenever she reaches up and feels the stones it will remind her of their love and destiny, and the loyalty they share.

Eric and Kim are talking and Kim tells Eric that Roman was her hero. They then start to talk about Stefano and how Stefano has robbed his family of so much. Eric tells Kim that he's angry with his mother for wanting to tell Roman the truth so Kim tries to tell him how Marlena feels. Roman begins to wake up and they all go to see him. Roman doesn't see Marlena and asks where she is.

Eric calls John and tells him that Roman is awake and is asking for Marlena. John tells her they will be right over. Eric tells Roman that Marlena is on her way over. Marlena and John show up and John tells Eric they are going to tell him the truth. Eric says what they are going to do is cruel, but Marlena says to continue lying to him would be cruel. Marlena and John go in to see Roman. John tells Roman that they have to tell him something but Roman says he'd like to talk to John alone first. Marlena says she'll wait outside where she tells Eric about the necklace John gave her. Eric asks his mother who really deserves her loyalty, John or Dad? Inside the room Roman tells John he's anxious about marrying Doc again. Roman says he wants John to be his best man! John says there are some things he doesn't know about, things that will change everything and things he needs to know.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, November 18

by Soap Central

First at the hospital, the scene repeats where Roman tells John that he isgetting better and ask Johnto be his best man when he marries Marlena again. John tells him there issomething very importantthat he needs to know about him and Doc and John and Kristen. Marlena istalking to Eric andremembers the argument they had at her apt earlier. Then the doctor shows upand tells Marlenathat the test show that Roman is not 100% yet and any stress - physical oremotional - could causea relapse. Marlena rushes into Roman's room just in time to say stop andRoman wonders whatthey have to tell him. She sits by his bed and says that she wants to tellhim together with John andproceeds to say that they were discussing his future. He says his future isto get out of the hospitaland marry her. She tells him they need to get him well first and talk aboutwhere he will stay whenhe gets out. He assumed he would go back to John and Kristen's (Marlenacalled it Kristen's butRoman corrected her that it was John and Kristen's). She doesn't think thatis wise and he agreesthat maybe the lovers want to be alone. Someone suggested the pub but Ericsays it's too small. Ericthen suggested he move in the penthouse with Doc. She says no that Susan andthe baby are therebut Eric says she has plenty of room and so Marlena gives in much to John'sdislike. John ask tospeak to her outside but before they can get into why she stopped him hisphone rings - it's Abewith news of Jen's kidnapping. They don't tell Eric and Roman what's goingon just that they need toleave. With them gone Roman tells Eric how great things are - after all 2days ago he thought hewas going to die and Marlena was just marrying him because of that but nowhe's getting well andshe is still going to marry him.. He says how wrong he was to ever leave heryada yada yada. ThenRoman says how grateful he is to Kristen for bringing him back and that Johnis a lucky man to havesuch a wonderful person (even Eric looks like he could puck on thatcomment). Eric says that hethinks Roman and Marlena deserve to be together and from the looks of it heis going to doeverything he can to keep her and John apart.

At Jen's, Laura is doing a great job of being on the edge and about to gooff the deep end. Shewants to know what Abe is doing to find Jen and demands that they do more.Abe has all the roadsblocked and police at the bus station, airport and train stations. He alsohas someone atTrent's/Travis' to see if there is a clue there. Laura is very hystericalduring the whole show (shereally does a great job in situations of this kind). Jack in the meantimehas gotten his cellmate toshow him the tunnel. He takes him there and returns to the cell to keep theguard from finding outanything. Jack goes into the tunnel and it apparently connects to a roombecause Jack appears to bein a large room. He finds the wall that his cellmate was talking about andsays this is going to beharder than he thought. He has a vision of saving Jen and says to himselfthat he must get out andsave Jen. He starts chipping away at the wall and makes fast work of gettingthrough (his cellmatehas worked on the tunnel for 30 years and he gets through in 10 minutes?).Jack has another rockto move and has a lot of trouble with it. He starts to give up but remembersJen needs him and triesone more time. This time he gets the rock moved when he hears something -someone is coming!!At Jen's Marlena and John have shown up to offer their support. Laura isstill in a very frantic stateand saying the Trent/Travis is working for Stef. John and Abe talk and Abedoes not think Stef ispart of this - he fills Stef would not risk his freedom right now but theyare going to find him andquestion him as to where Trent may have taken Jen. Mike and Mrs. H are alsothere offeringsupport. Mike gets a beep from the hospital and says he will call and say hecan't come in but Lauratells him to go they will call him when they know anything. So he heads outthe door without calling. It could have just been a nurse calling about some medsfor a patient - shucks hemay make that trip for nothing. Abe can tell something else is botheringJohn and ask him what'sgoing on. John explains what happened at the hospital and wonders wherethings stand with him andDoc. He even manages to ask her why she stopped him from telling Roman thetruth but we don'tget an answer on that today. A cop comes in with a piece of paper and wefind it containsTrent/Travis' rap sheet. He is wanted in 3 states for aggravated assault,attempted murder and 4counts of kidnapping. Laura asks is the people were found and finds out thatthey never were. Shereally loses it now and is comforted by Marlena. At the prison the guard isdoing pre-lockdowncheck and wakes Jack cellmate. He hollers for Deveraux but no answer. Hehollers again but still noanswer. He goes over and grabs the blanket and finds Jack there - whew. Hiscellmate went intothe tunnel (that's who Jack heard) and Jack got back in time for cell check.With the guard goneJack prepares to leave and his cellmate says he is going with him besidesthere is one more obstacleto get by. There is a set of bars just before the tunnel dumps out onto thegrounds and there is also asolid door that will close if they think someone is trying to escape. Theywork on getting a bar looseso they can get through but it takes quite a long time but they do manage toget one free. Jack istrying to get through when they guard realizes Jack and his cellmate aremissing and rings the alarm.Jack gets through just as the door falls leaving his cellmate behind. Jackgets out on the grounds andruns for cover as the lights are searching and the dogs are barking. Jacksays he can't get caughtnow he has to find Jen

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, November 19

by Soap Central

Sporting her new chin length do, Billie and Bo are jetting their way back toSalem. She commentswhen he put the ring on her finger as part of the undercover act, she neverdreamed it wouldbecome real. He assures it is and not to have doubts, Franco is with Hopeand he is with her, nowand forever. At the hospital, putting fresh flowers in Roman's room, butflashes back to see Bo in bed with Billie in Rome and their discussionafterward where she told him to go. Roman and Eric walk in. Roman wanted totake a walk and looks full of energy.

Back to Jen's house, Laura continues to wail after learning of Travis' criminalrecord. Alice recommends that Laura go upstairs to rest, but Laura refuses.Mickey asks Marlena if she has something to give Laura to calm her down.John assures Laura they'll look for her. She spits back that Travis had 24hrs. to take her to Peter. She said she'd rather Jen be taken by Peter andStefano than fare the way Travis' other victims did (dead).

Stefano stops by the hospital to thank Lexie for her support at Chez Vousthe other night. Twoofficers come and handcuff Stefano to come in for questioning about Jen'sdisappearance.Completely taken by surprise, Lexie confirms that Jen's been taken, buttells them not to do anythingwith Stefano until she talks with her husband. The cops assure her they'reworking under HISorders.

At the motel, Travis is whacking the TV trying to get better reception. Allhe can muster out of it is that TV personality Jennifer was kidnapped fromher home and the signaldies. He shuts it off, stuffs a wash cloth into her mouth, gags her andsplits. Escaping from the prison, Jack is found and told to freeze and raisehis hands.

Billie asks Bo is Mike or Austin might tell anyone about why she and Bo werereally in Rome solong. He reassures her and tells her AGAIN they'll be together forever. Thestewardess comes totell her the phone is available to make her call. Bo has aflashback of Kate telling him Hope looks happier than she's seen her in along time and Billiereappears. Kate wasn't home, so she left a message. Billie tells Bo shemissed him SO much. Shelost him once, she won't lose him again and he said don't worry, she won't.

Back at the hospital Roman tells Hope not to give up on Bo. Look at him, hedidn't give up onMarlena and him reuniting. He tells her about what happened with thewedding, that he wouldn'tmarry Doc unless she loved him, not out of pity for him. Eric offers to makea cafeteria run andwhen asked, Hope said to surprise her. Roman said he's had enough ofhospital food and he can'twait to raid Doc's fridge for midnight snacks. Hope is surprised when shehears Roman is moving in with Marlena.

John and Marlena start to talk about Roman moving in with her and how thatcame about when thedoor opens and the cops bring Stefano in. Lexie is with him. So much forbaggage and customs at Salem International, Bo and Billie are automaticallyin Alice'skitchen, telling Shawn D that he missed them, they've been gone forever andmissed most of the soccerseason. Bo tells him they'll be at all of the rest of his games. SHAWN D said itmight be awkward with Hopethere too. SHAWN D tells Billie he's always liked her and as long as she makeshis dad happy, he's happy.Billie tells SHAWN D he'll always be welcome in their home and SHAWN D asks themillion dollarquestion: Where is there home? Duh, Bo And Billie look at each other and realize, wedon't haveone. Billie said her mom's got a whole wing they could have andBo said he needs a whole wing. SHAWN D sees a wrapped gift and asks if it's forhim. Heopens it to find the fishing pole Bo bought but a real Italian socceruniform (Pirelli). When heleaves to try it on, Billie tells Bo that SHAWN D made it easy for her to be partof their family. Bo offers her something to drink and sees a picture of Hopeon the fridge and looks lovelorn.

Roman tells Hope that he's sure that Stefano hasn't finished with him yet.Stefano tells the household he has no idea who Travis Malloy is (liarliar). Abe holds Laura backas she is about to lurch onto Stefano. Stefano shouts stay away from meand Abe has the copsundo Stefano's cuffs . The cops brought a ziploc bag from Travis' house andAbe smells that it hasether in it. He must have used this to drug Jennifer.

Although the guards gun went off in the bushes, neither he or Jack werehurt. Jack and the guardchanged clothes and the guard tells Jack he won't get away with it. See Jackrun. He flags down aman in a jeep and tells him there's a dangerous criminal on the loose and heneeds his car. So, heleaves the guy there on the road.

Eric surprises Hope, Franco is back in town. He and Roman get reacquainted.Franco tells Hopethat he ran into Bo and Billie in Rome and they looked very happy and inlove. Hope tells Francoit's ok. Marlena calls Roman to tell him she won't be back to the hospitaland what's going on. She'sover at Jen's house helping out. Roman tells Hope, Franco and Eric about itafter he hangs up andHope said she has to get over there. Franco offers to take her there (but ofcourse). As they roundthe bend Bo and Billie come from the other corridor, happy to see Roman.Roman welcomes themhome and Billie to the family. She goes off to call Kate while Roman and Bocatch up. Roman tellshim he has to thank John and Hope for saving his life. Bo asks him why Hopeand Roman tells himthat she stowed away on Stefano's plane and how she saved John more thanonce while theyfound the cure. Bo tells him about his feelings of Hope being in dangerwhile in Italy and Romanasks him if he felt that on his honeymoon with Billie?

John asks Stefano what he found out and Stefano says nothing yet. Stefanotells Lexie heunderstands why they blame him due to his past record. Stefano said heunderstands John's beingcynical after he lost Marlena. Stefano goes John, John, John, I'vegiven up on Marlena and you should too. Abe picks up the phone when it rangand learns Jack justescaped from prison. The rest of the people at the house , moan, and Laurafaintsinto John's arms. Next we see Hope, Alice and Marlena around Laura on thecouch. Hope offersher help to find Jen. Stefano gives Abe a piece of paper with places Travismight have takenJennifer. Lexie says she has to get back to the hospital. Abe gets a callsaying Jack overtook a guard and stole a car, they should have him back incustody later tonight.Laura says "NO, Jack doesn't have to follow the same rules they do to findJen." Jack is driving andturns on the radio. He hears a bulletin about his escape and there will beroadblocks on the majorroads and he decides to go OFF the major roads in his 4 wheel drive jeep. Heturns on the radio again later just in time to hear another bulletin , anddecides to ditch the jeep, determined to find Jen.

Hope confronts John about Roman's moving in with Marlena. John said he's notthe one to ask, andlooks at Marlena who's talking with Stefano. Marlena lashes out at Stefanothat he's personallyresponsible for the danger Jack and Jen are in right now. A drunk knocks onthe door to Travis' room saying he was looking for a blonde from the bar. Hepeers in and sees Jen tied up on the bed and congratulates Travis on hisgood luck.

Bo tells Billie he's going over to Jen's to offer his help and she wants togo too. Roman is frustratedas he wants to help too. Eric tells him the best thing he can do is rest andget better. Roman asksEric if they can go shopping and he can help him pick out some clothes sohe'll look good for hisMom. Eric happily agrees. Roman's sure Stefano is behind Jen's kidnappingand he hopes he'senjoying his freedom while he has it.

John confronts Marlena again about what happened at the hospital. She tellshim about Dr. Marcus'warning about Roman not getting stressed . Marlenatells him it was Eric's idea that he move in with her, not hers. Abe tellsHope how Travis' othervictims are dead. We next see Jack outside Jen's house lurking the busheswatching.

John warns Stefano to worry about himself because he'll be back in hisstate of the art cell playingchess with himself before long. John said he'll celebrate Thanksgiving nextweek in Stefano's honor and Stefano thanks him. Marlena offerstranquilizers to Laura. Laura accepts if Marlena promises to come get her ifthey learn anything and heads upstairs.

Standing out front, Hope hugs Franco thanking him for helping her when Boand Billie walk up. Jenasks what would happen if he can't get hold of Peter. She offers him moneyand he said he knowstheir phone must be tapped by now. They start shouting at each other aboutwhose fault this was. Ifshe hadn't been snooping in the warden's office. Holdinga gun on her, theyhear a car peel up and Travis looks outside and begins to worry. One ofSalem's finest sees a wet muddy footprint on the rug in Jen's house near anopen window. We nextsee Jack waking Laura up in bed and she hugs him.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, November 20

by Soap Central

At Jen's house, Jack is in with Laura and saying that he will do whatever ittakes to find Jen. Laurais so happy to see Jack and feels that maybe Jen will be found. In themeantime a cop sees themuddy footprints and informs Abe. He orders the house be searched for Jackand says that if Jackis found he would have to return him to prison being there is no proof yetthat Peter is alive and Jackdid not kill him. When the cop goes to Laura's room she acts like she wasasleep and the cop wokeher up. Then she notices a window open (smart move Laura - she opened it)and says that maybeJack was there and left before she'd arrived. The cop buys the story while Jack ishiding under the bed(of course). With the cop gone Jack asks Laura to get him some of hisclothes so he can change.Marlena has come to check on Laura when she was about to go in Jack's roombut she explains toM that she was just going to check and see if Jack was in there since sheheard he might have beenin the house. Marlena buys her story and offers to sit with Laura but shesays she's OK so M leavesher to return to the others. Laura gets Jack some clothes and a flashlightso he can go to Travis andsee if he can find any clue to Jen's whereabouts. He is snooping around when2 cops come in tocheck the place out again and Jack hides under the desk. When both cops goupstairs he snoopssome more and finds a piece of paper (we can't see what's on it) and feelsthat this may lead him toJen.

While all this is going on Kristen has been sitting in her nursery beingvery delusional to herself. Shethinks that all she has to do is get the baby back and John will comerunning back to her. And afterall she says since Stefano is the daddy she has more right to raise the babythan Susan. She is just hoping that Susan willnot tell anyone that Stefano isthe daddy because she will never get John back then. All of a sudden theradio gets loud and shehears that Jen has been kidnapped and Jack has escaped so she feels she mustgo over to see aboutJen.

Back at Jen's, Hope and Franco are met by Bo and Billie and things arepretty tense. They say theproper hellos and ask when Bo and Billie got back to town. Bo says just alittle while ago and hehad stopped to see Roman and found out about Jen so he hurried over to offerhelp. (with all thecops in the family you would think they would have found her by now). Theyhead inside and checkon the latest news which is nothing. Somehow Hope goes outside and Bomanages to follow her.He wanted to thank her for helping save Roman's life and they begin to talk.It comes out about herwalking in on him and Billie in bed and they finally get the truth out - hesays nothing happened. Hesays he tried to tell her when he returned but she said it was over andwouldn't listen him (yep it'syour fault he's back with Billie now). He says that he realizes now thatHope was the one in dangerhe felt while in Rome. He says that he returned to Rome to help Billiebecause she was in troubleand when he found her she was sick so he stayed to get her well. They getall the rest of the truthout and Hope ask Bo if he loves Billie now. Before he can answer John comesout and says theymay have a lead on Jen. TC came by to see Travis and he used TC's cell phoneto place a call toPeter only he got Bart and Bart called Stefano with the number. See Stefano hadinstructed Bart to not givePeter any messages. When Stefano hangs up with Bart he says he may have anumber that will lead toJen. Abe sets it up for Stefano to place the call and just before callingKristen comes in. Laura hascome back downstairs now to distract everyone so Jack can get over to Travisand when she turnsand sees Kristen she goes ballistic. She demands that she get out of thehouse but Kristen says Jenis her friend and she is worried about her. Laura doesn't buy her story andkeeps shouting for he toget out. They get Laura calmed down so that Stefano can make the call and heuses the speaker phoneso all can hear. Travis asks why Stefano is calling and Stefano demands Travis torelease Jen to him. Travissays he is not working for him and he does not have to listen to him now.Jen screams out for helpand Laura screams Jen's name when she hears her. Travis cuts the phone offand says they will haveto leave now - they can't stay there now. It was not long enough to tracethe call but Stefano remindsthem that Travis acted alone. Laura takes the opportunity to threaten bothStefano and Kristen sayingthat if anything happens to Jen she will make them pay dearly. (is this afuture storyline?).

For a short while Bo, Billie, Franco and Hope are sitting down eating andtalking about Roman andMarlena and John and Hope commented that Marlena was about to marry Romanand that she andRoman got closer while John was out looking for the cure and Billie says toHope that maybe theyfound love again like she and Bo did. Hope gets upset and leaves and Bo asksBillie why she saidthat. She apologizes but Bo says it's OK. Franco uses the opportunity totell Bo that Hope hasmoved on with her life. Then later he and Hope are in the kitchen alone andthey comment on howthey are still connected especially being he sensed her in danger while shewas helping John. Theyhug and Billie and Franco open the door to see this. Franco comment toBillie earlier that Bo andHope had been outside alone and they can't let that happen anymore.

Stefano and Kristen go outside for air and she tells Stefano that John will neverlove her if they keep lyingand maybe they should tell everyone that Peter is alive. And Jen is leftalone with TC so she decidesto try to seduce him and see if she can escape. She ask him to untie herand he asks why what's init for him. She says something he wants - her

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 17, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, November 21

by Soap Central

John and Abe wish they had more time to trace Travis', Laura joinsthem (now dressed) and suggests they look for Peter too. They informed herthey have contactedInterpol. "Interpol? We don't need them," Laura rants. "All we need to do is make Stefano tell uswhere Peter is." Outside Stefano and Kristen rehash all that Stefano did tohide Peter so that heand Jen can be reunited again one day. Stefano said Jen would be fine andKristen tells him tolook her in the eye and say that. Only way she'll get John back is for Johnto trust her. Kristen tellsStefano to tell Peter that Jen doesn't and won't love him again and he'llgive up on her. Stefanofires back with.."John doesn't love you, will that stop you?" "Of course not,"Kristen says. Stefanotells her she'll regret it if she doesn't keep her mouth shut.

Dr. Mike joins the group at his house. Bo fills him in on what's going onand then Mike goes tocheck on Laura. Bo tells Billie that Jack shouldn't have escaped, but he'sgoing to tell Abe (thecommander) to order the cops not to hurt Jack if/when they catch him. Billietells Franco she can'tthink about herself right now, her best friend is in danger.

Jen taunts T.C. to untie her so she can get away. She tells him sheunderstands that he's not reallylike he acts, he needs someone that will really care about him. TC starts tobuy it, but then says youwant something. Jen tells him she wants him to protect her from Travis andPeter. (he is a cutey,would be nice if he redeemed himself, who can we pair him with?) Jen tellsTC that she'll be hisfriend, more than what Travis is to her. Jen promises to tell her friendsand family if he helps her andthat's a promise. She asks for his help. He hopes he won't regret it. Justas he goes to untie her,Travis walks in. Jen said her ropes were too tight and he was checking them.Travis has a couplebags with disguises in them as their pictures are plastered all aroundSalem. He tells TC to split, he'snot going along.

Salem's finest are re-searching Travis' house for Jack. Hiding under thedesk Jack realizes he needsto create a diversion. The cops had left a light on to make it look likesomeone was in the house, soJack goes and plugs and unplugs the light, then tries to open the window. Thecops see it, then figurethe light bulb burned out

At the hospital, Carrie and Lexie talk about Jen and how terrified she mustbe. Lexie supportsStefano's innocence. Lexie finally says right out that Stefano is herfather and she's got to believethere's some good in him. Carrie tells her no way! (BTW, Carrie is now in ared suit).

Hope tells John what Bo said about what happened in Rome. She's feelingpretty good about herand Bo and John encourages her to go talk with Bo NOW. She goes over andtalks with Bo andthey both want to clear stuff up. Wouldn't you know that good old Abe comesup andinterrupts..assigns Bo as lead investigator (WORK?) on the case and theyneed to go to the copshop and interrogate Stefano. Abe tells Billie and she said she'll be ather mom's. Franco said he'lldrive Hope home to rest up from the jungle, hey, he might even take her tothe mountains for a fewdays (he doesn't know Hope..she won't leave with Jen being kidnapped!). Bowants to saysomething, but Abe rushes him out the door. Franco tells Billie he'll dowhatever he can to get Hopeaway from Bo.

Carrie shows up at the house (hope they have a big coffee pot!) andapologizes to Laura & Mikethat she just heard, she was in Chicago. She gives them both a big hug.Mike closes his eyeswhile she wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him. Laura said she'stired and going up to rest(again?). Mike tells Carrie she'll probably want to get home to Austin andCarrie said he went out oftown too. She's staying there with him. After all, he stood by her when shehad problems. She leadshim into the kitchen to get something to eat. Bo and Billie both stepoutside for air and talk aboutJen. Hope tells Billie she hopes she doesn't leave again. Just as Billie wasgoing to tell her about herand Bo being married, Mike comes out and tells them about the stolen car inthe neighborhood,maybe it's Jack.

Lexie calls to check with Abe. He tells her they're questioning Stefanonow. She really wants himto turn good. (Why is Kristen with Stefano during questioning? ) John (nowin his black leatherjacket ladies) and Bo walk out of the room in disgust. Bo tells John hewished he was in the junglewith them and John said he wished he was too. He tells John about themarriage wasn't a rouxanymore and he made a commitment to Billie. Abe interrupts AGAIN and tellsthem about a carthat was stolen a few blocks away from Jen's house.

Travis comes out dressed as a blond geek. He tells Jen to go change now. Hedoesn't need to go inthe bathroom with her as the window won't open wide enough for her to getthru. She goes in andturns on the shower (hey, I'd use that toilet first after being tied up forso long) and opens thewindow about a foot or so. TC goes to Rosie's apartment and surprise! .Jack isthere. Travis comes inand catches Jen trying to escape. He points the gun at her and tells her tochange and put the wigon, this time the door stays partially open. Jack socks TC in the gut andalthough he doesn't likeviolence, he needs answers...NOW! TC finally tells him he'll take him to Jen.

While they're eating, Mike pulls out the watch Carrie and Austin gave him tocheck the time. Carrieis happy he's using it.

John shouts at Stefano to tell them where Peter is so they can findJennifer (what authority doesJohn have??). Bo asks John what's going to happen with him and Marlena. Hetells Bo they're in thesame boat. Marlena feels committed to help Roman and he's committed toBillie, but wants Hope.

Laura is feeling confident that Jack will find Jen before the cops do. Shedenies seeing Jack andgoes to make tea. Billie and Mike are alone and she thanks him for his helpin Rome again and giveshim a long hug. Hope walks in and sees it.

Jen is now in a brown wig and clothes (sweater and jeans). The motel managerknocks on the doorand comes to warn them their neighbors are having a party later. Travis saidmaybe we'll join themand Jen's mouthing call the police to the manager. He asks what she's sayingand she says nothing.The motel manager didn't understand what she was saying and leaves.

TC is driving Jack to the motel. He tells Jack that Herbie's in solitary andnot a trustee anymore. Hesays Herbie told the warden Jack threatened to kill him if he didn't helphim and Jack's glad aboutthat. TC warns Jack he'll be in solitary a lot longer than that if caught.

Lexie comes to the station and talks with Stefano while he's by himself..She said to prove to herhe's not the monster everyone says he is. He's really puzzled what to donow. After a minute ofthinking, he tells her that Peter is alive. We see Peter looking at apicture of him and Jen. He'sshirtless and on an island somewhere. He said soon he'll get Jen and Abbyand bring them therewhere they can be together forever.

The phone rings at Jen's's Maggie. Maggie tells Laura that Abby'supset as she hasn'theard from Jen. They told Abby Jen was on a business trip. Laura asks forsomeone to drive herover there and Hope offers. Carrie refuses to leave. The phone rings again.It's a nurse at thehospital, Roman's cardiologist wants him to come over. He and Carrie leave.

Jack busts into the motel room, but it's too late...Jen and Travis are gone.As Jen and Travis aredriving sirens are behind them and Travis panics.

Peter logs onto the internet for news. He sees that Jen's been kidnapped,but only her and notAbby. Stefano hadn't told him he planned to take Jen yet. Lexie brings herfather into Abe's officeand Stefano said Peter's alive. Lexie gets beeped back to the hospital andKristen walks in.Stefano's cell phone rings, guess who? Yup, it's Peter.

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Edited by SC Desk