Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, November 3

by Soap Central

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The show opens at Jonesy's with the alarm blaring and Susan & Celeste in apanic. They make a mad dash for the door. Vivian rips off Susan's sheet andJonesy rushes up and says "Death, all of our lives are indanger!" They all look at him confused. He turns off the alarm and scolds them by saying "Curse ye who violates the sanctity of this room. It is the forbidden fruit which sticketh in your throat and choketh you"then collapses to the floor. Ivan helps him to the sofa and he falls asleep and Vivian explains he does this all the time. Viv wants to know why Susan and Celeste are there and Celeste explains her strange dream. Susan says she doesn't understand it all but Celeste had onof her "psycho vibrations" and they came to check it out. Celeste says they were opening the door to find a hiding place...and all are very curious as to what is behind thatdoor.

Later we see them munching on left over Halloween candy and Susanannounces that this is the best Halloween party ever. Celeste reminds herthey did NOT come there to party. Ivan is worried but Vivian poo-poo's theidea. Celeste says she feels the presence of little Elvis's father in thehouse and asks Ivan if HE is the father and he gives her this "what planetare you from?" look. He denies it (as does Vivian). Celeste looks atJonesy and Susan says " can just forget THAT!" Celeste examines the alarm system and says she has seen one like it before.

Jack is pacing his cell, flashbacking about Jen's getting caught. TC showsup with visions of whipping Jack's butt. He tells him how stupid he and Jenwere to do what they did. He calls in another guard and they inform Jack that they have a party planned for him. TC punches him in the gut and they haul him off to the basement. They inform him they intend to "mess with his head." Jack asks if Peter and/orStefano are involved. They show him a huge wicked looking machine and tellhim it is a machine press and that they are going to put his head in it andmash it until it looks like a squeezed grape then tell the Warden it was an accident. The next time we see him, Jack is tied down on this machine as he cries for Jen. TC says he willallow him one last thought of Jen before he kills him. Jack pleads for hislife...his wife and daughter need him, but TC assures him HE'LL take careof them!

On the plane, Carrie is asleep having these alternating dreams. First sheis with Austin, then with Mike, Austin, Mike, etc. She awakes yelling forAustin and Mike are both confused, as is Carrie.

In the bathroom, Sami gloats. Carrie decides she needs to freshen up so she heads to the bathroom as well. Mike and Austin talk about Roman's condition and Mike says with nocure there isn't much hope he'll survive. Sami overhears Carrie talking tostewardess and panics.

Getting tired of waiting, Carrie finally knocks onthe door and asks the sister if she is okay. About that time they announcethe plane will be landing soon, so Carrie heads back to her seat. Next wesee of all them, they are in customs. Mike, Carrie & Austin alltake off for the hospital, then Sami makes her move. The guard stops herafter looking at her passport and says there's nothing on it about herbeing a nun and that it's against the law to fly internationally in adisguise He says he must verify that she is really a nun beforeletting her pass and has called someone...oh, there she is now. Sami whirlsaround's Sister Mary!!

At St. Lukes the wedding is proceeding and looks like it may come offwithout a hitch. Kate and Lucas slip in the back door and Katecomments on how she wishes Carrie and Austin were there.

Abe tells Lexie how ironic it is that he has Stefano's pardon in his pocket and it'll never get used. Laura and Kate cut mean looks at each other. But she just can't help it... At the hospital chapel, the gang is wondering where everyone is. Kristen gives John thecell phone and says call her house. The phone is dead...John says thebattery is corroded by salt water. He calls on hospital phone and gets answering machine and they all panic. They ask a nurse if she knows anything and she tells them that Roman and Marlena left via cars, but doesn't know where they were headed. Kristensuggests he call Abe, but they tell him that Abe is at the hospital, soJohn pages him.

Back at the hospital, Abe gets a page but doesn't recognizethe number. Lexie tells him it's the hospital and it may be important. Abethinks it may be news from John about the cure and Lexie urges him to stopthe wedding. He does and Roman says they'll wait. Back at the hospital theyare all pacing around the phone waiting for Abe's call. As soon as the door swings shut...the phone rings (Abe calling) Abe is told there is no way of knowing who placedthe call. He tells them it was a false alarm and the wedding resumes. Romansays his "I do's" and then proceeds to have a coughing fit but tells FatherJansen to continue. He gets over it (Marlena urges him to return to thehospital, but he refuses) As they resume, John & Company burst through thedoors announcing they have a cure. He looks confused by the scene taking place and Marlena rushes to him, Roman looks confused and Kristen just grins. Roman is upset by the sight of Stefano and begins to yell and collapses with another attack. Laura points out that if the cure works, Marlena NOW has another problem.

Jen is worried about Jack and decides to call Mickey and see if he can check onHim. At the hospital, Roman is rushed into ER as Mike, Carrie and Austin also arrive. Carrie rushes in to see her dad as Mike also goes to see if he can help (The crowd in the ER files back into the lobby as Johnsays now, they wait. John and Hope explain about all they went through toget the cure as everyone listens amazed at their tale. Stefano strolls inand everyone turns to stare at him. Abe tells him he is going to get whathe wanted and reluctantly hands him the pardon

John asks Marlena what was going on at St. Luke's but as she begins to explain, Mike comes out and tells them there is a problem. For the cure to work, they need the blood of someone who has used the serum before. Stefano steps forward and announces he is the only one who can save Roman's life...BUT he has a price...and it is a HIGH one...and then the credits roll.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, November 4

by Soap Central

In Rome, Billie surprises Bo with a special breakfast, it's his birthday.Billie tries to wake Bo, but he's having a nightmare and calls out Hope.Bo wakes up and senses something is wrong with Billie. Billie tells Bothat he was dreaming and asks if he recalls. Bo says he was dreamingabout someone who was in danger, and Billie tells him that he calledout Hope's name. Bo tells Billie he loves her now and is married to her.Billie decides to call Salem to see how everyone is.

At Salem Hospital Stefano offers his blood to save Roman, for a price. Hopeasks what the price is, but John interrupts and says if Stefano's blood doesn'tmatch then their one cure will be lost. Stefano says his blood has been testedin this hospital before, so Mike goes to get the records. Celeste shows up andhas a fir, Lexie takes her aside to talk. Abe shows up and Celeste tells themall that Stefano had a reason for bring the cure back. Lexie tells Celeste aboutStefano's pardon and Celeste freaks, she says nobody will be safe! Mike returnswith Stefano's test, he is a match. Stefano tells everyone that in exchange forhis blood he wants Marlena! Everyone gasps and Lexie says "No father, don't do this!"Stefano says they misunderstands, all he wants from Marlena, and all of them istheir friendship and forgiveness. Stefano says he was hoping that this would bea new beginning for himself, and for all of them. Stefano then goes on to say hispardon is meaningless unless they accept him, he is tired of living his life onthe outside. Stefano says he has decided not to live his life like that anymore, andthat he wants to become a productive member of society and live a happy life inSalem. John starts to tell Stefano what he can do with his conditions, but Marlenastops him and agrees to Stefano's condition. Marlena says she doesn't trust him, butshe will try to believe that he is a changed man. Stefano tells them even if Marlenadid refuse he would have given his blood. Stefano asks Lexie to take his blood andshe says she would be glad to. Celeste tells Abe this is what she feared, Stefanois drawing Lexie into his web. Abe assures Celeste that he will NOT let that happen.

Carrie and Austin visit Roman in the hospital. Roman tells Austin and Carrieabout his almost marriage, and he says if he does live and marries Marlena he'llhave John to thank. Meanwhile, At the Salem Airport Sister Mary says that Sami is a nun, but after they let her through customs Sister Mary demands to know what is going on. Sami tells Mary that she must get to the hospital, her father is dyeing. Sister Mary threatens to tell Marlena what Sami has been up to and she says no! Mary asks what sheis afraid of. Sami goes off about terrible people were trying to kidnap her andto force her to do terrible things. Sami says she was praying for guidance and sawa nun's habit and thought about her (Mary). Sami says she tried the habit on and nowshe wants to be a nun. Mary says that is like a fox wanting to be a chicken! Samipoints out that Mary Magdalene was a sinner and changed, she just wants achance to change to. Sami starts crying and sniffling so Mary tells her she willtake her to the hospital, but first she must remove the habit and then do penance.

Jen calls her uncle Mickey to learn how Jack is. Mickey says Jack is okay,but Jen has a terrible feeling that he is in danger.At the prison T.C. has strapped Jack to a printing press and starts the machinebefore leaving the room. Jack begins to fantasize about how Jen will react tohis death and then says he can't give up and tries to break free before he'spressed to death.

Hope and Jen talk as Kate listens in. Hope says perhaps Jack is in danger, sheand Bo used to have that connection and that she knows he no longer loves her becauseBo never sensed she was in danger, or even asked about her. Caroline thanks bothJohn and Hope for what they did, and Kristen just watches from the background.

Billie calls Kate, who tells Billie and Bo that John brought back a curefor Roman. Bo wants to return home but she tells him to stay, she'll call backif there is any change. Bo asks about Hope and Kate tells Bo that Hope is back fromher trip and looks happier than ever, but she says Hope just left to go home. Boand Billie say goodbye, and Kate vows to make sure Billie remains happy with Bo.

John takes Marlena aside to talk to about what happened at the church, but Miketells Marlena that Roman is asking for her. Mike tells Marlena that it is vital toRoman's recovery and asks that she go along with whatever Roman wants.John talks to Kim about what he saw, and he says that Marlena was about to promiseto marry and love Roman forever, and Marlena never breaks a promise. John asks Kimwhat was going on and Kim and Caroline tell John that Marlena was going to marryRoman because it was his last wish. Kristen suggests to John that perhaps Marlenais in love with Roman again, but he tells her that he and Marlena will be married!

Sami shows up at the hospital demanding to see her father, and she's taken tohis room. Carrie and Austin show up as Sami is visiting Roman. All the childrenleave and Roman asks Marlena to stay with him for awhile. Roman asks Marlena ifhe lives, does she still want to marry him? Marlena dodges the question so he asksher once again if she still wants to marry him. Marlena recalls what Mike toldher and she tells Roman that she still wants to marry him. John overhears thisand gasps, and Kristen smiles. Lexie overhears Celeste and Abe talking about Stefano. Lexie says that Stefano has proven there is good in him.

Austin decides to go to the pub to visit Will, and Carrie asks Mike howher dad is. Mike says that he should be okay and Carrie thanks Mike for helpingget the medicine that kept Roman alive long enough to wait for the cure. Sami smilesas she sees Mike with Carrie and Sister Mary wonders what she is up to. Carolineasks Mary if something is wrong, and Mary says she's wondering if a sinner has trulyrepented.

Mickey calls Jen and says that her that the warden's secretary said Jack is asleepin his cell. Jen says she still can't shake this feeling that Jack is in danger.What they don't know is that T.C. paid the secretary off! Jen approaches Stefanoto talk to him. Jen tells him that if he wants to be respected in Salem he will needthe Horton's help. Jen tells Stefano that she will put everything aside if he cangive her his guarantee that Jack will not be harmed in prison. Stefano says he has nocontrol over what happens to Jack in prison. Jen says she doesn't give a damnabout what he says, if he wants to be accepted in Salem he better make damn sure Jackstays alive.

Hope goes home to see Shawn D. and tells him about the cure for Roman. Shawn D.says she's glad she is back because it's dad's birthday. Hope says she completelyforgot and Shawn D. wants to call his dad. Shawn D. asks where his dad is, andHope says he's in Rome with Billie. Later Hope tells Shawn D. he should get ready forbed, and she kisses him goodnight. Hope goes outside and looks at "their" starand thinks of Bo, wondering if he feels her. In Rome Bo suddenly gets this strange feeling. Billie tells Bo she's sorry she didn't have a chance to get him a birthday present, but he says she is the best present he could have asked for.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, November 5

by Soap Central

At the Brady pub Kate, Shawn, and Austin discuss what Stefano did. Lisa (thewaitress) bringsPhilip and Will down to see Kate and Austin. Lisa says that Little Elvis,Belle, and Brady areupstairs sleeping together. Shawn apologizes to Austin for what Sami did tohim. Susan comes andwhen she doesn't see Carrie with Austin she wonders if that "mean, mean, mean"Sami did anything. Austin tells her no, Sami didn't try anything. Susan goes off onhow she wishes she could go to Italy to see "the big ole buckets of spaghetti sauce and big olemeatballs." Susan says she'smaking herself hungry so Shawn gets her a bowl of chowder. Austin talks toKate about the trip andhow wonderful it was. Kate asks how Mike's trip turned out and Austin saysit wasn't as good.Austin thought that perhaps Mike would develop a relationship with this girlDebra, but Mike isalready in love with a married woman in Salem. Kate asks if they know whothis married woman isbut Austin says no, but he thinks it might be someone at the hospital.Austin tells Kate that he usedto tease Carrie about playing matchmaker for Mike, but now he really wantsto help her find awoman for Mike.

At the hospital Sami, Carrie, and Eric all discuss Stefano. Sami says thatmaybe they should starttrusting Stefano and Carrie says "Leave it to you to trust Stefano" and shegoes on to say she(Carrie) would trust him as much as she'd trust Sami. When Mike walks byCarrie thinks of him andSami smiles, she knows Carrie loves Mike and she's just now realizing it.Sami says Carrie looks alittle pale, but Carrie says it's jetlag. Eric asks Sami how she knew tocome home and to the hospitaland Sami claims she just felt the need to return. Eric warns Sami to stayaway from Austin andCarrie and Sami says she didn't go anywhere near them. Carrie decides totake a walk, but Samiconvinces Carrie to stay with Dad because she wants to go see Will.

Sami calls Franco and tells him she lied to a nun to get home. Franco asksabout Carrie and Mikeand Sami says that Carrie is realizing she's falling in love with Mike.

Jen tells Laura what she told Stefano about keeping Jack safe. Laura saysshe'll never trust Stefano,but she hopes her talk worked for Jack's sake. Laura tells Jen that ifStefano really wanted tochange he would bring Peter back to release Jack, but Jen says that she justwants Jack to be safefor now.

Laura and Jen talk to Carrie, and when Mike makes himself scarce Jen decidesto give Mike a peptalk. Laura asks Carrie to make sure Mike gets something to eat later. Jentalks to Mike and Mikesays he has to find a way to get over Carrie.

In another part of the hospital Stefano calls Travis and tells him to callT.C. and to make surenothing happens to Jack. Travis says it's to late and he tells Stefano whathappened, and that theyhad him killed! Stefano sits there with his mouth open and just says "mygod!" Stefano asks Travisfor T.C.'s number and he quickly calls T.C.. At the prison Stefano callsT.C. and asks when Jackwas killed and where is his body. T.C. says that he's in the press room andStefano calls T.C. anidiot. Stefano tells T.C. to go check on Jack's condition immediately andcall him back. Stefanowarns T.C. if Jack is dead they are all dead! In the press room Jack managesto break one arm freeand tries to pull his head out from under the press. T.C. and the otherguard come into the room andsee Jack is still alive, but the press is jammed. T.C. and the other guardpull him out just in time.Stefano calls T.C. and demands to hear Jack's voice. When he hears that Jackis okay he tells make sure nothing happens to him. Jack asks who was on the phone but T.C.tells him not toworry about that. Jack tells T.C. that he is going to take them down, butT.C. says not to get anybright ideas, he has people who can keep him from talking. Jack is takenback to his cell where hethanks God for saving him. Jack asks God to grant him the strength andcourage to expose thecorruption in the prison system, to allow him to prove his innocence, and tokeep Jen and Abbysafe. Jack asks another inmate, Herb, who it was that Travis was on thephone with, but he doesn'tknow. He thinks perhaps Travis could help him, if he could only find him.Jack offers 1000$ toHerb if he could help him get a message to Jennifer. Herb accepts and Jackwrites a note to Jenniferand gives it to Herb.

Back at the hospital Stefano tells Jen that Jack will be okay. Laurasuggests that Stefano shouldsave Jack, and that if he doesn't bring Peter back to Salem and free Jackthen everyone will see himas the same evil man he's always been.

Caroline asks Carrie what is troubling her. Carrie says she's not troubled,but Mike has been on hermind a lot. Carrie tells Caroline about the song that was played in Romethat reminded her of Mike.Caroline just says that he's just a friend and Carrie says Caroline isright. Carrie says Mike is a greatfriend and a great man and he's done so much to help her dad, that's whyshe's been thinking abouthim so much. Caroline says yes, that probably is why, but you can tell fromher expression shedoesn't believe it.

Jen returns home where Maggie is watching Abby. Jen fills Maggie in on thecure and Jack's safety.Maggie says that Stefano has no conscious, but Jen says for some reason shebelieved him when hetold her Jack would be safe. Jen tells her Aunt Maggie that she has to finda way to get Jack thepassword to the warden's computer. Jen thinks she could ask Mickey, butMaggie says thatMickey wouldn't do that because it would jeopardize his integrity as alawyer. Maggie leaves andJen wonders how she could get the password to Jack.

Stefano confronts Travis on the docks and tells him that if Jack was killedthen all his plans wouldbe destroyed. Travis said he did what he had to do, and if he ends up backin jail because of Jack'sexpose then he's taking Stefano with him! Stefano punches Travis and tellshim never to threaten himagain. Travis runs into T.C. and he tells him they can't let Stefano or Jackpush them around. Travisgoes to Jen's house and watches her from outside. Travis says he needs tostart looking out forhimself.

Sami goes to the pub and sees Will. Sami says Will is so happy to be with"them" (Sami andAustin). Austin tells her to stop it but Sami tells Austin she really doeslove him and she will be therefor him if things don't turn out with him and Carrie. Austin tells Sami thathe will spend his life withCarrie and asks her if she is planning something. Sami says she isn'tplanning anything, but she willalways love him.

Back at the hospital Mike shows up and tells Carrie and Caroline that Romanis responding to thecure. Caroline leaves to tell Shawn and Mike asks Carrie what is botheringher. Carrie asks to talkto Mike in private, so they go out to the terrace. Sami returns and rushesto spy on Mike andCarrie, but she's caught by Caroline, who wants to talk to the young lady.Caroline warns Sami thatshe better walk the straight and narrow, she is not going to let her destroyAustin and Carrie'shappiness. Out on the terrace Carrie tells Mike she's been thinking a lotabout him lately, but Mikeis called away to check on a patient. Meanwhile Sami has positioned herselfon another terrace soshe can overhear Carrie and Mike's discussion. Mike returns and tells Carriehe's all hers.

Back at the pub Stefano watches Susan and Little Elvis through the window.Stefano says my son,you have my heart and soul, and one day you'll have the world. Susan andLittle Elvis leave the puband Stefano watches them leave. Stefano says he will be there for his son.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, November 6

by Soap Central

Vivian and Ivan finally decide they have had enough of Jonesy and his weirdhouse. They're headed out the door, but it gets stuck. Vivian bangs on it,and suddenly, a panel in the wall next to the door comes open, revealing theonly thing that could make Vivian stay - a treasure trove of exquisitejewelry and mounds of cash. Vivian grabs a big handful and goes intoecstasies. Ivan almost convinces her to leave again, especially after Jonesywakes up muttering about death and danger again. She decides to take Ivan toChez Vous, using some of the cash, so she can eat caviar and drink champagne,which will help her to think clearly. They go and pig out, but while theyare gone, Jonesy wakes up looking for his Flora Dora. When he doesn't findher, he decides to go out on the street looking, but he has the same troublewith the door, and the secret panel falls open again. Jonesy immediatelynotices that some of the jewelry and cash is missing. He panics, thinkingthat the man who owns the house will not like this at all. Vivian and Ivancome back and find him walking around muttering. Vivian shows him thejewelry and money she took and says she was just putting it away forsafekeeping. Jonesy is relieved to find her safe and with the money andjewels, so he falls asleep again. Ivan tells Vivian they should get outwhile they can. Vivian actually has one foot out the door, but the treasurecalls her back. She decides she can't leave this much money alone.

Susan walks through the park with little Elvis, with Stefano and Bart a fewshady steps behind. Stefano tells Bart that they've followed her far enough,and that Bart needs to make himself scarce because he doesn't fit in withStefano's clean new image. But Bart is to be on call 24 hours a day to doStefano's bidding. Bart assures him he will be, and they go their separateways.

Lexie, Abe, and Celeste also go to Chez Vous. Lexie is upset becauseneither Celeste nor Abe will believe that Stefano might possibly be turningover a new leaf. Things don't improve when Stefano suddenly shows up in therestaurant. Two police officers see him and immediately move to arrest him.Lexie begs Abe to do something. Reluctantly, Abe gets up and tells theofficers that Stefano was pardoned and is free to go wherever he wants.Stefano thanks him and comes over to the table to talk to Lexie. He asksif he can join them for dinner. Abe and Celeste look indignant, but Lexiesays that yes, of course he can. Stefano sits down and fields a few nastycomments from Abe and Celeste. Then Susan comes in, saying her strollerwheel broke and she needed to find a phone. Abe offers to go outside and fixit, since he needs a break from Stefano anyway. Susan starts rambling, andsuddenly notices Stefano, who is looking very amused, sitting there. Shescreams "Vampire!" and starts to run, but Lexie tells her to calm down -it's only Stefano. At first Susan is very suspicious of him, but Stefanocharms her by telling her how beautiful Elvis is. Susan tells him that thebaby's father is Elvis Presley. Stefano laughs and says the baby looksexactly like his father - like a king. Celeste watches the exchange veryclosely, certain that something is wrong. Susan decides that maybe Stefanois all right after all, and returns to the table. Stefano tells Lexie thathe has to call it a night, but soon they will make up for all their losttime. Lexie says she is looking forward to it, and looks uncomfortable whenStefano kisses her on both cheeks. They head outside, where Abe has fixedthe stroller, and Susan is able to head home.

Caroline is waiting in the hospital when Sister Mary Moira approaches her andasks where her granddaughter is, so she can give her a rosary. Carolinereplies that that is very sweet, and Carrie is on the terrace. Sister Marysays that she wants to give the rosary to Caroline's OTHER daughter,Samantha. Caroline is clearly startled, but says that perhaps a rosary wouldbe a good thing to help Sami get back on the right path. Sister Mary saysthat she remembers the decisions that led her to become a nun, and althoughSami is approaching it from a different angle...Caroline interrupts her andsays she doesn't understand. Sister Mary says that they must be very proudof Sami's decision to become a nun. Caroline is shocked and asks Sister Maryhow she got that idea. Sister Mary says that Sami herself told her.Caroline says that as far as she knows, Sami has no intention of becoming anun. Sister Mary realizes she's been had. She then tells Caroline that shelearned this from Sami while Sami was wearing a nun's habit at the airport.Caroline, with a premonition of trouble, asks where the flight was from, andSister Mary lets her know it was from Rome. Caroline is clearly furious, asis Sister Mary, who goes off in search of Sami.

At the hospital, Sami listens eagerly as Carrie tells Mike that their time inRome forced her to reexamine her feelings for Mike. Mike holds his breathand asks her what she means. Carrie says that although she is happilymarried to Austin, she has just begun to realize all that Mike has done forher, for her relationship with Austin, and for her father. She tells Mike heis more than just a good friend, and she would like to remain as close to himas she has been for the past few months, because he means a lot to her. Miketells Carrie she means a lot to him, too, and they embrace. Suddenly, theyhear a shriek and rush inside to see what happened. They find Caroline,Sami, and Sister Mary Moira having a confrontation. The shriek was the soundof the nun dragging Sami off the terrace by her ear. Sister Mary tells Samishe is wicked, and makes her admit she never had any intention of becoming anun. Sami admits it, and sees Caroline there. Caroline begins scolding her,and Sami tries to deny she has anything to hide, but Caroline yells, "I knowyou were in Rome!", just as Austin, Carrie, and Mike show up. Carrie isshocked and fuming. She suddenly realizes that Sami manipulated her onceagain. She tells Sami that she is wise to her little trick, and suggestsvery forcefully that they go have a private talk. Austin is left wonderingwhat Sami did. On the terrace, Carrie shouts that she knows Sami read herdiary and played that song to try to get Carrie to think of Mike. Sami triesto deny it, but Carrie tells her it is time to get real and face the factthat Austin can't stand her, will never love her, and will be married toCarrie forever. Sami says she will never give up. Carrie says, "you bitch!"Sami shrugs and says that she will never give up on Austin, no matter whatnames Carrie calls her. Carrie stomps inside with a warning that Sami betternot mess with her any more. Sami smiles after she leaves, thinking thatsooner or later, Carrie's feelings for Mike are going to come out, whetherSami helps the situation along or not. Carrie tells Austin that she hashandled the situation and that Sami's tricks won't work. Austin is stillconfused, but says that Sami can never undermine their relationship becauseshe can't change Carrie's feelings. Carrie agrees, but a little hesitantly.They head off to Chez Vous for their romantic dinner arranged by Kate.While they are there, Mike wanders in and sees them dancing and kissing. Hewalks away, looking depressed. Sami, meanwhile, has to face her punishment.Caroline threatens to tell Roman and Marlena what she did. Sami begs hernot to, saying she will do anything, but her father is too weak and to betold of Sami's deceitfulness will break his heart. Caroline reluctantlyagrees, and leaves Sami's punishment in Sister Mary Moira's capable hands.Sister Mary has the perfect penance - making Sami handwash nuns' habits inthe basement of the convent, and iron them afterward. Sami protestsfuriously, but is stuck. She pretends she is repentant, but inside, she isjust biding her time until she can put her next plan into action...

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on DAYS

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Edited by SC Desk