Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

Monday October 27, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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At Jen's house Travis answers Jen's phone when he hears T.C. leaving amessage on her machine. Both men are confused and don't know what is going on, until Travis seesJen's prison name tag on the floor! Travis tells T.C. what is going on! T.C. and Travis put the cluestogether and figures out what Jen and Jack are up to. At the prison Jack is trying to convince Jen toquit her job but she refuses. Jen gives Jack a kiss and runs off. Jen goes to the wardens officeand attempts to break into the warden's computer. She eventually figure out that the password islockdown. Meanwhile Travis gives T.C. some orders and T.C. says he understands the plan, and isgoing to have one hell of a time doing it. Jen returns to Jack's cell and tells him the password islockdown. Jack doesn't understand, he thinks there is going to be a lockdown. Suddenly T.C.shows up and exposes Jen! T.C. tells them that they are in big trouble but Jen and Jacktry to play it cool, until T.C. yanks Jen's wig off. T.C. tells them it's over, he has friends who arewatching them and know everything they do. Jen threatens to expose T.C. to the warden for what he's done, but T.C. tells Jen that if she does he'll make Jack pay. T.C. then drags Jen off to hercar. T.C. returns to Jack's cell and tells him that the warden was very unhappy and cut off his phonecalls, visitors, and any contact with the outside world! Jack tells T.C. to leave Jennifer alone, butT.C. says Jen is in as much trouble as he is! Back at Jen's house Travis looks at a picture of Jenand tells her she will pay the price. Outside Jen approaches her front door and begins to unlock it.Jen goes inside and tells Trent about what happened. Jen says she needs to talk to Jack, there issomething he needs to know (the password). Jen thanks Trent for fixing the alarm and he leaves.Outside Trent says that it's time for the next stage of the plan.

In the jungle Dr. Rolf is still working on this cure. Suddenly an alarm goesoff and Stefano realizes someone is breaking into the storage closets, and knows it's John and Hope.John and Hope are picking the lock to the storage closet, Hope knows what is in there willtrigger memories of Maison Blanche and possibly destroy Stefano. Just as John is about to pop the lock,Stefano shows up and yells at them to get away from the door! Stefano tells them what is in thereis none of their business but Hope says that what is in there is her business because it could unlockthe secrets to her past. Stefano says she has a vivid imagination and John tells Stefano to just 'fessup as to what is in there. Stefano tells John he's right, he is hiding something in that closet. Johnand Stefano argue, Stefano says they have no time for this but John wants to help Hope. Suddenly aguard tells Stefano that the natives are about to break in and kill them all. Stefano tells John he has achoice, he can open the door or he can help keep the natives at bay so that Rolf can finish the cure.

John and Hope are working to hold off the natives, inside Stefano tellsKristen if John is hit with another dart he will die, the tea cure onlyworks once! Outside the natives are shooting darts at John and Hope, butthey continue to try to hold the natives off by securing the wall. Backinside Rolf finishes the cure, but there is no time to test it. As Rolfputs the cure into the cooler Stefano signals the helicopter that they areready to leave. Stefano and Kristen go out to the landing place, but Johnhas gone to check the back wall. Stefano damns him and says they have toleave now! John returns and they climb into the helicopter. As Hope climbsthe ladder John promises her they will return for the secrets.

At the hospital Eric tells Marlena that Roman wants to marry her before hedies. Eric asks if she could marry him again and Marlena is shocked. Eric tells Marlena that Romanmad him promise not to tell her, but he felt it was too important to keep from her. Marlenatells Eric she's glad he told her and now she has some thinking to do. In Roman's room, Caroline is talkingwith Roman about how precious life is, and she tells him that he made her and his father veryproud. Roman says he's made a lot of mistakes, and wishes he had the time to correct all the hurt hecaused Marlena.. Laura comes up to Marlena and asks her what is wrong.

Marlena tells Laura about Roman's wish to remarry her. Marlena admits thatshe loves Roman, but John is her future. Marlena knows Roman is dying, andshe thinks that John has lost the cure, so there is no way to save him.Marlena tells Laura that she has the ability to make Roman happy before hedies and says she can't deny his last wish. Roman tells Marlena he knowswhat Eric did and he tells Marlena to forget about it, it was just a dream.

Roman says he's just happy to have her in his life anyway he can. Lauracomes into the room and tells Marlena that someone needs to see her. Marlena doesn't want to leave,but Roman tells her it's okay. Marlena leaves the room and talks to one of Roman's doctors. Thedoctor says Roman's condition is growing worse and they should begin to make the necessaryarrangements. Marlena thinks about John and Roman, and how both of them want to marry her. Marlenaknows what she has to do, she goes into Roman's room and tells him that she will marry him.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, October 28, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Rome it's morning and Billie and Bo are just waking. He says I love youin his sleep and Billie wonders if he is dreaming about Hope. He wakes andtells her that he loves her and will spend the rest of his life with her.She is happy and they talk about knowing each other's thoughts and that theywant to rent a car and go into the country side and find a quiet inn tospend the night.. Bo leaves to go get a car and runs into Mike havingbreakfast. They talk about Bo being able to put Hope behind him and move onwith Billie as Mike tells him it didn't work out with Debra. He explainsthat he just can't get over this other woman like Bo did and that she doesnot know he loves her which is even harder to get over her. In the meantimeCarrie had a weird dream and she tells Austin about it. It involved Mike,Debra him and her but she's not sure why it was bad. He tells her to dismissit that dreams don't always make sense but she says hers usually do. Theytalk about everyone is in love and decide to forget the dream but Carrie hasthat look on her face like she's not convinced of Austin's words. He leavesto see Billie and she heads for the shower and when she is done she turnsthe radio on in the room just in time for "the song" to begin playing. Shecan't understand why it bothers her so and has flashbacks of her and Mike.She tries to call Mike's room but gets no answer and thinks he and Debrahave headed out for the day.

Outside Sami and Franco are still lurking (yep she's still in the nunoutfit) and arguing about the factthat Franco thinks she should give up. He's a good match for her as hedoesn't take much crap offher. She says she is going to keep pushing until Carrie realizes she lovesMike but Franco warns hershe is going to push too hard one day and Sami seems bothered by his words.He leaves and callsKate in Salem to tell her where he is and what's going on. Kate tells him tobe careful as he tells herthat he understands why she is leery of Sami and that she is pure evil.Franco is telling her whatSami is up to and that he is helping Sami - well sort of he says - at leastthat's what Sami thinks. Allof a sudden from behind Sami grabs the phone and spits out some rough wordsto Kate threateningher and then hanging up the phone. She then threatens Frankie (as she callshim) and says he betternot do that again. He does not back down and I think Sami realizes she can'tpush him around. Shesays she has figured out the perfect person to tell Carrie that Mike lovesher just as Debra walks upand gazes at Mike from a distance. She approaches Debra and asks if she isan American andexplains that she is too. She says she can see she's in pain and asks if itis about love. Sami says thatshe knows about that kind of pain but Debra says she is too young andbesides she's a nun to havethat pain. Sami tells her that she just became a nun recently (that's true)and that she had a great love and lost it and that's when she became a nun.She says to have faith and asks to hear Debra's story maybe she can help.

In Salem, Marlena is in with Roman and says she will marry him but he asksher if she would saythat if he was healthy and had a long life ahead of him. Before she cananswer his question there's aknock at the door and it's Kimmy!!!!! After talking to Pop yesterday shejust had to get the firstflight to Salem. She told Pop it was not what he said it was what he didn'tsay and then she spotsEric - my goodness she says you were just a child last time I saw you andknow you are a fullgrown human being - haha why didn't she say man?! While in with Roman he hasa coughing spellbut Marlena helps him with it and everyone leaves for Kim and him to catchup. Outside the roomKate and Laura have been around making snide remarks and looks at each otherand Kate rubs inthe fact that Austin and Carrie are having such a wonderful time on theirhoneymoon. They do talkto each other nicely long enough to express their concern for Roman and hisfamily. Abe and Lexiecome by to check on Roman and let Marlena know that the governor agreed toStefano's pardon butwith the condition that John return alive and there's a cure for Roman.Marlena says there is on cureand Abe says he knew Stefano was lying but she says that no there was a curebut something happenedwhich makes Lexie happy that Stefano was not lying. All of a sudden nursesand a doctor come aroundthe corner with machines and head into Roman's room. Kim comes out cryingsaying that they weretalking and he just passed out. She is very upset as the doctors are tryingto bring him back. Theymanage to get him back but the doctor tells Marlena that he probably won'tsurvive the next arrest.Kim says well we will just have to pray extra hard for the cure. Katesuggest they call the kids (shewants to get Sami out of Rome) but Marlena says NO she promised Roman shewouldn't do that.Laura if she has thought about Roman's other wish and Kim asks what that is.Marlena explains thatshe agreed to marry Roman but he wants to know that she would marry him ifhe were healthy andshe can't lie to him being that her true love is John. Kim says she knowsall about what is gong onbut she wants to make one comment. She hates to be crude but she says howlong will Roman beher husband - a couple of hours maybe a day or two and then he would die ahappy man. Shethinks that John would understand Marlena telling Roman a lie and marrying him

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, October 29, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Bo and Billie are in hot springs talking about poor Mike as they cuddle up.Having a little water fightin the hot tub, Bo sees a vision of Hope in danger (in the jet). He tellsBillie and she said that Katetold her Hope and Franco went off together and how nice Franco is Whilethey're kissing in the hot tub drinking wine, an Italian lady walks upwith apples and gives them one apple to share. The legend of the hot springsis for lovers to sharean apple in the hot springs and their marriage will last forever Boputs the apple in his mouth and Billie takes a bite out of it. They laughand kiss.

Carrie and Austin watch Mike waiting for Debra. Austin suggests they doubleand plan a BIGevening together, but Carrie said no. She feels they might want to be alone.Instead Austin suggeststhey go shopping to buy presents to take home and she agrees. As they leave,Mike watches withhis puppy dog looks. Meanwhile, Debra is pouring her heart out to Sister Sami.Those who seek shall find and those who ask shall receive her. Sami spouts something about walk while you have the light or darknesswill find you dribbleand Debra thinking about it, walks away. Carrie goes to pick up a wallet and someone else is too, guess who? Yup, Dr.Mike. He apologizes about last night, bad timing. She tells him she thinks shecould make him happy, but he has to get over Carrie first. Debra says thatCarrie herself is the onlyone who can help him now. He apologizes for being slow, but how can CARRIEhelp him get overher? She suggests he tell Carrie so he won't spend the rest of his lifewondering what might have been.Mike would like to try to stay friends, how about lunch? Mike goes offto book flight home.Sami and Franco are disappointed, but then Carrie walks up. Carrie asks ifDebra knows thename of who Mike loves, with Sami and Franco silently encouraging her totell Carrie it's her.Before Debra says anything, Mike and Austin come around the corner and tellher that they have togo home, her father doesn't have much longer to live. Sami cries out NO inthe bushes. They all look at the bushes.

SALEM Father Jansen gives last rights to Roman and tells Kim that he knows herbrother is comforted byher presence, and then leads her out of the room . Roman stutters to Abethat he loves himlike a brother and always has. He tells Abe he's going to miss him and healso tells Marlena hecan't die 'til she answer his question, would she marry him if he weren'tdying. Eric tells Roman thatMom loves him and would marry him, no matter what. Abe suggests he and Ericwait outside. Eric& Roman say they love each other and he steps outside. Not to be put off,Marlena tells Roman it'snot a fair question. He asks her if she loves him and starts a coughing fit.She injects some moredrugs into his iv and tells him to rest as he falls asleep. Marlena tellsAbe she has to talk with Johnfirst before answering Roman. Abe tells Marlena to follow her heart. The Dr.tells Father Jansen thatRoman does not have long and he goes in and sees Roman. Roman thanks him forhis prayers andFather tells him he senses Roman has something on his mind, want to talkabout it? Roman tells himhow blessed he is with wonderful parents. He has also made mistakes andsinned. There is one sinthat he can't forgive himself for (gasp, cough). Marlena listens at the doorand hears Roman tells himit's for divorcing Marlena. She's been the one true love in his life. Heshould have tryed harder tounderstand and should have stayed to work things out. His pride got in theway though and he leftSalem. Instead he blamed John for stealing his wife and for Marlena forbreaking their vows, but itwas Stefano who was responsible. He should have had the faith and charityto forgive both Johnand Marlena. He hurt his children even more and made their lives even harderdue to what he did.He can't forgive himself, but he can show her how much he loves her and givehis kids the gift ofseeing their parents married before he dies. Father asks if Marlena agreesand Roman said, yes, butout of pity, not love.

Kim joins Abe, Caroline and Shawn. She is upset and says it's cruel to justget her brother backand then lose him again. S&C feel at least they were able to say goodbye.They tell Eric about theletters Roman sent John and Marlena forgiving them. Eric hopes that Mom willmarry Dad. Shawnholds Eric's shoulders and reassures him that Marlena will make the rightdecision. Marlena decidesto do what's best for Roman and goes to tell him. She tells him let's stopTALKING about gettingmarried, and let's do it, right now!

JUNGLEApparently the chopper ran into a tree (a nasty storm showed up awfulquickly). John's losing hispatience wanting to know when the plane will arrive to take them backto Salem. Guess Rolf didn't survive the crash as he's no longer with them.As they argue over whohas more invested in Roman's staying alive, the plane lands outside (soundslike a 747). The junglecrew are jetting back to Salem and John tells Hope he's sorry she didn'tlearn more about her pastwhile they were there. John goes to talk with the pilot and Kristen andStefano talk. John brings back the flight map and learnsthey're going to fly through the Bermuda Triangle. Stefano hears that andorders the pilot to changetheir course John doesn't want to sleep so he can watch Stefano,who is having a drink with Kristen. Stefano tries to call Abe on cell phone,but too much interference. The plane bounces around and Hope falls on John.Do they buckleup, nah! Lightning strikes and the lights go out...John get up and throwndown as the plane jerksagain. The plane is going down! The plane must've crashed as the next scenewe see them in theirlife vests floating. Guess the pilots didn't make it either, but the Salemcrew isn't worried about that.Stefano's leg was hurt, but otherwise the four of them are all ok. Stefanostill has the cooler in hishands and John swims a few feet to get the life raft. . Stefano pullsKristen in the life raft, but dropped thecooler in the process of getting in the raft. John is too busy looking forHope, but Stefano keepsyelling to find the cooler

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, October 30, 1997

by Diane Dix

Mike and Austin tell Carrie that they have to return to Salem immediatelybecause Roman is running out of time. They hear an anguished cry nearby, andMike goes to investigate, but Franco drags Sami off before Mike can find her.Carrie is deeply upset by the news, but before she leaves to pack, she asksDebra what she was going to tell her. Debra is about to respond with therevelation that Mike is in love with Carrie, but Mike stops her and says thatnothing is as important as Carrie's crisis. Mike also tells Carrie thatsince his conference is over, he will head home on the same flight as shewill. Carrie leaves, and Debra tells Mike he shouldn't have stopped her -Carrie needs to know so she can make an informed decision about who she wantsto be with. Mike says the decision was already made when she married Austin,but Debra says she doesn't think Carrie would have married Austin if Mike hadtold her that he loved her. In their room, Carrie remembers when Mike toldher about Roman's illness, and how he comforted her. Austin comes in andsays he booked a flight, and he hold Carrie close and tells her that he issorry about Roman. They head to the airport, where they say goodbye to Debra.Mike gives Debra a hug and she tells him that she still believes the onlyway he can be happy is to settle his doubts about Carrie once and for all bytelling her that he loves her.

Sami is so upset by the news about Roman that she books a seat on the firstflight back to Salem. Franco tells her not to forget about her promise tohelp him get Hope back, and that no matter what Kate does, she must neverreveal his connection with Kate to Hope and Bo. Sami says she won't, that nomatter what Franco has heard, she is not a malicious person; everything she'sdone for Austin she has done out of love. She cries on Franco's shoulderabout Roman, and he is surprised to find that she really does have a heart.But as Sami is about to get on the flight, she spies Austin, Carrie, andMike in line ahead of her! She wonders how she'll get on the flight withoutbeing recognized. She falls back on her trusty old habit - nun's habit, thatis. Carrie sees a nun getting into first class (shouldn't that set off alarmbells? Are nuns supposed to fly the friendly skies in luxury?) and thinks shelooks like the nun Billie spoke to, but can't be sure. Mike, sitting acrossthe aisle from Carrie and Austin, can only pine for Carrie, wishing he werethe one to comfort her.

In Salem, Roman is thrilled when Marlena says she will marry him, but onceagain he asks her if she is doing it out of pity. Marlena says that sherediscovered her feelings of love for him in the cabin, and that she doeslove him and always will. Roman is ecstatic, and they call the family in totell them. Everyone is very grateful to Marlena because they all know thesacrifice she is making for Roman's happiness. Kimberly assures her thatJohn will understand. Roman says that he wants to be married at St. Luke's,just as they were the first time. He also says he has no wish to come back tothe hospital - that he would rather die at home among the people he loves.Although everyone wonders if he's strong enough, they decide it would bebest to grant him his dying wish, and Marlena goes to make the arrangements.Caroline gets permission from his doctor, and Eric gets the tuxedo. Shawncontacts Mickey to get an emergency marriage license (are there such things?)and tracks down Father Janssen. Marlena does some praying at St. Luke's andasks God to help her get through this experience. She remembers the day shewas going to remarry John and Kristen came in with Roman. Kimberly comes into make sure she is all right, and tells Marlena she can't bear to lose herbrother again, but if she has to, she will do everything she can to make hislast hours special. She thanks Marlena for giving him the one thing that hewants the most. They return to the hospital and Eric comes out of Roman'sroom and tells Marlena that Roman is ready. She enters, and is stunned tosee Roman out of bed and dressed in a tuxedo, looking healthy and handsome.She embraces him and tells him she is ready to marry him.

In the boat in the Bermuda Triangle, Kristen and Stefano look aroundfrantically for the cooler carrying the cure for Roman, but John, still inthe water, is only concerned about finding Hope. Hope is a few feet away,struggling to hold on to the cure while waves and rain lash her face. WhenJohn finally spots her, she is face-down in the water, but holding on to thecure. John drags her and the cooler back to the boat, where Stefano eagerlygrabs the cooler while John hoists an unconscious Hope aboard. Once heclimbs aboard, John immediately performs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation onHope, begging her to remember Bo and Shawn-D, to live. Hope has a memory ofbeing aboard the Fancy Face with her son and Bo, and fights back to life.John is so relieved when she starts breathing again that he holds her closeand strokes her face while they share a moment of thankfulness. Hope tellsJohn that hearing his voice talking about Bo and Shawn-D is what pulled herback, and John tells her that he was merely repaying her for saving his life.Kristen watches their exchange and is almost cross-eyed with jealousy, butStefano tells her to let it go. Kristen tells Hope that she should never giveup on Bo - unless, of course, she has feelings for someone else. Hope saysthere is no one else, and John tells her that Kristen is right about notgiving up. John fires off some of the emergency flares Stefano finds aboardthe boat. Suddenly, they see a light in the distance, on something thatlooks like a boat. John fires off the last flare so the boat can locatethem. John and Hope sob in relief that they are saved and can bring the cureto Roman. Stefano is ecstatic that he can now put his plan into action.Kristen asks him what that plan is, and Stefano says that she should trusthim - it will change all their lives forever.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, October 31, 1997

by Diane Dix

It's a wacky Halloween in Salem. Celeste and Susan stand in front of Jonesy'smansion as Celeste tries to convince Susan that they key to her son'spaternity is somewhere in that house. Susan says there's no way, because thisis the house where Vivian held that fake seance, and the only man there isIvan, who is just not her type. Celeste says she is rarely wrong about thesethings. Susan says if there is no other way to convince Celeste that ElvisPresley is her baby's father, she will get Celeste into the house so they caninvestigate. They run off together, and just as they leave, Vivian and Ivanshow up outside the house. Ivan tells Vivian that he thought she was throughwith costumes, but Vivian says that Halloween is Jonesy's favorite holiday,and she's sure she won't regret dressing up to please him. When Vivian andIvan finally do show up in costume, Vivian is dressed as a very elaboratelymade-up giant queen bee, while Ivan is in some bizarre eight-legged alien buggetup. Vivian is grumpy that they couldn't get anything more glamorous, butIvan says these were all that was left at the costume rental store. Viviansays that since Jonesy is nowhere to be seen, maybe they can check and seewhat is behind the mysterious cellar door. But no sooner does Vivian put herhand on the knob than they hear Jonesy scream threateningly, "Don't touch thatdoor!" They spin around in horror to see Jonesy in a dead-on replica of theNorman Bates-as-mother disguise from "Psycho," brandishing a wicked lookingknife! Ivan is sure he is going to kill them, but Jonesy laughs and showsthem that the knife is fake, assuring them he would never harm his Flora Dora.Vivian begs Jonesy to tell her what's in the cellar, but, remembering hisphone conversation with the unseen owners of the mansion, Jonesy tells her hecan't. They hear the doorbell ring, and Jonesy gets excited that trick-or-treaters are here. Vivian opens the door to admit several neighborhoodchildren and parents - and, tagging along at the back of the group, Celeste ina sexy witch costume and Susan in a tacky bedsheet disguised as a ghost.Vivian asks if they aren't a little big to be trick-or-treating, but shedoesn't recognize them. Jonesy takes the children on a tour of his hauntedhouse, but Celeste and Susan hide behind a vampire statue so they can get alook around. Vivian and Ivan notice the "big children" are missing and startsearching for them, but don't see them. Susan finds a pair of aviator shadesand is convinced that Elvis left them behind. Finally, the trick-or-treatersleave and Jonesy falls asleep on the couch. Celeste and Susan creep over tothe cellar door to hide, but as soon as they touch the knob, an alarm startsshrieking and Vivian and Ivan turn around to find them standing there. Jonesywakes up from his slumber, hears the alarm, and shouts, "Death! Danger!"

In prison, Jack remembers TC exposing Jennifer's disguise and telling themthat he has friends watching Jennifer. Jack wonders who those friends couldbe, and worries that Jennifer may still be in danger. He is frustrated thathe can't get out to help her, and that he didn't hear her whisper the warden'spassword so he can access the computer to find information about Stefano orthe judge that sentenced Jack. Jack bribes Harry to use his cellular phone.Meanwhile, at Jennifer's, Travis/Trent knocks on the door and Laura lets himin. He asks Jennifer how she is feeling, since her scheme to get Jack releasedwas exposed. Jennifer says she is still angry, and can't figure out how she wasexposed, but she has a feeling she may still be able to free Jack. Travisasks what the scheme is, but before Jennifer can answer, Abby trots down thestairs in a fairy princess costume. Everyone tells her how cute she is, andMaggie and Mickey take her out trick-or-treating. Travis asks Jennifer what herplan is, and Jennifer says that all she can tell him is that she feels better thanever about getting Jack out. Travis is sure she is up to something. Justthen, he gets a call from TC and goes outside to take it. TC says that Jackis getting to be a nuisance, and maybe they should do something about it.Travis tells TC that Jennifer is up to something, too, and says he will callback after talking to Stefano to give TC advice. In the house, Jennifer getsa call from Kimberley saying that Roman is worse and the ceremony has beenmoved from St. Luke's to the chapel at the hospital. As they are about tohead out, the phone rings again. It's Jack, and Jennifer is relieved to hearfrom him. They discuss getting him freed, and Jack tells Jennifer that althoughhe can still access his laptop, he didn't hear the password. Just as Jennifer isabout to tell him, TC takes the phone away and hears Jennifer say, "Lockdown." TCsays, "Yes, Jack is in lockdown," not realizing that that was the password.He tells Jennifer that Jack's phone call has him in more trouble than ever. Jennbegs to be allowed to talk to Jack for just a few more minutes, but TC says noway, and hangs up on her. Jennifer hopes that Jack heard the password. Jackdidn't, but maybe he can figure it out from TC's response (well, we can hope).TC tells Jack he just bought himself some time in solitary, where TC can beatthe hell out of him without anyone knowing. Jack says that when he gets out,TC will pay for all he put Jack and Jennifer through. TC tells him he will neverget out alive. TC's phone rings, and he goes down the hall to take it. It'sTravis telling him he couldn't reach Stefano. TC says Jack is getting to be abig problem. Travis tells him to just take care of Jack, and to make it looklike an accident. TC tells him he will, but don't hurt Jennifer. Travistells him to mind his own business. TC says that by tonight, Jack Deverauxwill be a dead man.

At the hospital, Marlena helps Roman get up from the bed, but he immediatelycollapses. Lexie and crew get him stabilized, but tell Marlena that he istoo weak to go to St. Luke's. Eric and Marlena convince Roman that it will bejust as good to get married in the hospital chapel. Roman agrees, and Kimberlycalls everyone to announce the change. Marlena and Roman each send Eric on anerrand, and are surprised when he returns, because Marlena sent him to get thewedding ring Roman gave her, and Roman sent him to get the wedding ringMarlena gave him when they were first married all those years ago. Each issurprised and touched to find that the other kept the ring, and Roman takes itas a sign that they never gave up hope on each other. Caroline gets FatherJanssen, who tells Marlena that he can't marry her to Roman unless he knowsthat she is taking her vows seriously - that if a miracle happens and Romansurvives, she is committed to spending the rest of their lives together.Marlena says that whatever happens after the wedding is in God's hands.Father Janssen agrees to marry them, and they get a wheelchair and startheading out. But apparently Roman feels strong enough to go to St. Luke'sinstead of the chapel, because they end up in their family church (speaking ofwhich, with all these changes in plan, where ARE their families?). FatherJanssen starts the ceremony, but all Marlena can think of is John, andeveryone telling her John would understand.

On the ship that rescued them from the water, John and Hope and Kristen andStefano find out they are closer to Salem than they thought (weird, becausethey went down over the Bermuda Triangle and Salem is in the Midwest...butokay, let's not be cynical). Kristen telephones her mansion and talks to themaid, who tells her that Roman was hospitalized and may already be dead. Johnand Hope and Stefano are devastated by the news (although for vastly differentreasons), but cling to the hope that Roman may still be alive. John asks forthe phone to call Marlena, but Kristen says there is no way she will let him,because if Roman is already dead, it would be cruel to tell Marlena they havea cure and came so close to rescuing him. John finally agrees. Stefano saysthat it's all irrelevant anyway, because they can't have the cure unlessStefano gets his pardon. John personally guarantees Stefano that he will getthe pardon, which is good enough for Stefano. They dock in Salem and rush tothe hospital, only to find a nurse cleaning up Roman's room. They thinkthey're too late, but the nurse says that Roman is alive, and that his familytook him to the chapel. John, Hope, Stefano, and Kristen rush to the chapel -to find it empty.

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Edited by SC Desk