Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, September 22, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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The show opens with Jen all over Jack in his cell kissing him. He pushes heraway wanting to knowwhy she's there and she tells him that she is a guard at the prison now.Jack is upset and tells her toleave, but she refuses and tries to convince him that it is a goodidea...besides they can be aroundeach other a lot. The argue some more and Jen tells him how she got the joband Jack is appalledthat Alice helped her. They continue to argue some more (about how dangerousit is) as TC comesaround the corner and wants to know what is going on. Jack covers for herand tells him that theywere arguing over his messy cell and how she was trying to make him clean itup and he buys it.After he leaves, Jack tells Jen he is worried over her safety, but Jen keepsharping on him until heseems to reluctantly give in. After she leaves, Jack calls Alice (we don'tsee her) and says he doesn'tblame her for helping Jen, he knows how headstrong she can be, but to remindher how dangerousit can be and to be careful). Jen arrives at home with Trent/Travis lurkingoutside. He says to himselfthat he will make sure she stays away from that prison. Later, when heknocks at the door sheanswers. He wants to know where she has been and shestarts to tell him when the phone's Jack, telling her not to tellANYONE about this. TC tellsJack later that he has the hots for the new guard and is planning to ask herout and he taunts Jackand tells him to eat his heart out. Jack decides he must talk Jen out of herplan. Jen lies to Trent thatshe was working at the studio when she spies her hat on the sofa. Shescurries over and sitsin front of it. As they talk, she keeps it out of view and Trent never seesit. He gets paged and leaves. Outside, TC tells him that he will watch Jack(and everyone who comes near him) veryclosely.

Sami is wandering through the park (barefoot) pondering her next move whenOUCH...she stepson a nail. Since it broke the skin decides to go to the hospital to have itchecked out. Meanwhile, atthe hospital, Lexie overhears Mike telling a nurse that he is going to sellhis car and she wants toknow why. He says he doesn't need it anymore. She tries to talk him out ofit and finally realizes thathe is in love with Carrie. Sami comes limping in and while Mike goes to seeif an exam room isopen, you can almost see the gears turning in her head. After Sami goes onback, Mike & Lexietalk again. She tells him not to bury himself in his work, there's more tolife. Lexie tells him that thereare lots of nurses there who would love to go out with him, but he brushesher off telling her he justdoesn't have the time. Sami (eavesdropping) gets an idea. She returns andtells them that she wastaken care of (got a tetanus shot) and questions Lexie and Mike aboutgetting a job at the hospital.Lexie questions her motives and she tells them that she needs a job to throwherself forgetabout Austin. Then she goes into this poor me routine about how everyone inSalem hates her. ButL&M do not fall under her spell so easily...both seem to be disgusted withher as Mike walks off.Lexie leaves also and simply says "Well, good luck", with Sami leftwondering if they bought it. Samitells a nurse (Bonnie) about Marlena being her mom and how Mike is such agood family friend...isit possible she could get a job working for him? Nurse says "sure" and says shewill call personnel and have the papers sent up. Sami is ecstatic and headsoff to Mike's office. Sheis snooping around when Mike comes in and is startled to find her there. Shetells him she is there tohelp him. After LOTS of arguing, he finally gives in...BUT just for todayand puts her to work filinga pile of papers. She says she hopes they can become friends but Mikeassures her NO WAY.Later, Mike runs into Lexie and she tells him that she heard a rumor aboutSami working for him.He assures her it's just for today, besides what trouble can she get intoanswering the phone andshuffling papers? Maybe she can even help him sell his car...think again! Inhis office, someone hascalled inquiring about the car and Sami tells them that Mike has changed hismind that someone heloves is really attached to the car and he can't bear to part with it.

Austin can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. He hasn't had thisfeeling since Curtis wasalive. Carrie tells him that he grew up hearing Curtis tell him and Billiethat they were unworthy to beloved, but she tells him that he is and has the perfect way to prove it anddrags him off to the bed to...In the afterglow they talk and Carrie says they will be together FOREVERLater, they are strolling down the street trying to decide what sights to see.Austin stops dead in his tracks and says he has the feeling that he used toget right before Curtiswould beat him and Billie. Carrie says she has an idea and Austin asksher if she wants to do it...right there on the street! They end up in achurch and Carrie urges him topray to God to release him from Curtis's hold over him. He prays for God'shelp and thanks him forhaving Carrie in his life. He tells her that he feels like a weight has beenlifted off his shoulders but itwas Billie who suffered much more than him. Later, they are talking as theystroll down the street.Carrie has a handful of postcards, trying to decide who to send for Shawn &Caroline, one for Roman & Marlena, one for Kate, one for John (only if sheknew where to send it)and one for.....MIKE! Austin asks her what made herthink of Mike and she tells him she just saw a red car and automaticallythought of him and flashesback to the scene of when she first saw the car. Carrie suggests they goback to the hotel and checkto see if Bo & Billie have come by...Don't think so, Carrie...they're busyfighting over Billie's soul!

Meanwhile Bo's soul is preparing to fight Curtis (oh, brother!) over Billie.Curtis tells Bo he can'twin and they begin to fight. Curtis gets the upper hand and tells Bo he mayjust take him to Hell too.Bo breaks free and they continue to fight. Curtis gets Bo in a choke holdand tells him if he gives uphis soul...he can have Hope. Suddenly, Bo doesn't seem to be strugglingquite as hard. Bo considershis offer, then turns on Curtis and begins to choke him. Bo tells Curtis heis going to Hell...butALONE and slings him across the room. The last we see of Curtis, he isscreaming as he goes up inflames. Bo's soul returns to his body and he is staring at Billie.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 23, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Vivian and Ivan are at Jonsey's place and Vivian wonders how to convinceJonsey that she is hisFlora dora. Vivian thinks Ba Ba is Jonsey's grandmother and Vivian suggeststhey get Susan toimpersonate her, she's good at those things. Ivan pleads with Vivian toforget this and leave butVivian is not going to give up another fortune. Ivan tells her she's pulledoff some amazing things, butthis is too much. Vivian says he's right, the only one who could do this isStefano and he's not hereto help her. Suddenly gets an idea, and Ivan tells her he sees trouble inher eyes. Vivian tells Ivanthat they are going to have a seance to bring Ba Ba back back to Jonsey!

In the Park, Susan and Mary are talking. Mary tells Susan she's made somevery nice friends andSusan asks Mary what she and Marlena spoke about. Mary tells her they spokeabout her sacredvows to Roman Brady. They argue over Marlena and John and Susan says thatanyone who spendstime alone with John just can't help but fall in love with him.

Vivian and Ivan purchase Bertha's help. In the park Vivian give Ivan a listof items to buy and thenshe sees Susan with Little Elvis. Vivian tells Ivan to go buy the suppliesand meet her at Jonsey's.Susan and Bertha go over to talk to Susan and Susan recognizes Bertha asbeing a championwrestler from TV. Mary shows up and Susan introduces her to Vivian andBertha the Bruiser. Marysays she has met Vivian before, but not Bertha. Mary grabs Bertha's cigarout of her mouth and tellsher smoking is a filthy and disgusting habit. Vivian invites Susan to aparty and Susan asks Mary totake little Elvis to Dr. Evans place. Mary gets the address where Susan willbe from Vivian and shetells Susan to be home by 10!

Vivian, Susan, and Bertha go to Jonsey's where Vivian tells Jonsey she'sgoing to bring him his BaBa. Susan is ecstatic at the notion of being involved with a seance. Viviansets up a table with acrystal ball and introduces Madame Marais, Ivan's sister which is reallyIvan in drag. Ivan sits downand then pretends to fall into a trance. Back at the park Mary feelssomething is not right with thisVivian person's party.

In the jungle, John and Hope break into the Holy Shrine of Marlena. Hopeshows John the pictureof Maison Blanche to John and then begins to have memories of the past. Hopetells John she can'tstop thinking about Maison Blanche. Hope doesn't understand why Stefano kepther there and whyhe tried to take her when he tried to make his escape. Hope knows a secretabout him, somethingthat has him terrified. John says now that Maison Blanche is gone (burneddown) all the secretsprobably went with it. Hope says perhaps, but with the way Stefano has beenacting the secretcould be here! Hope thinks it is odd that after she came back to Salem thatStefano never made anyattempt to contact him. Hope says he is scared of her, because she knows asecret that can hurthim. Hope is sure that the secret is here, and she is sure Doctor Rolfrecognized her, possibly fromMaison Blanche. Hope says if she could only remember what happened she couldunlock so manypieces of her past, and god knows what else. Hope says if the secret toMaison Blanche is in thiscompound, it could be the secret to unlocking his (John) past as well. Johntells her he wants touncover some of his lost memories as well, but he warns her she is in for ashock if she goes downthis road. John and Hope then talk about love, and risking your soul for theone you love. John tellsHope he risked his soul to save Marlena from the Devil, and he knows that Bowould risk his forher (Hope).

Meanwhile Stefano is desperate to leave and tells Dr. Rolf to hurry up andprefect the cure.Kristen knows something is bothering Stefano. Stefano claims that thenatives don't like the idea ofhim being here but Kristen says that's not it, he doesn't want to be aroundHope! Stefano talks toDoctor Rolf again, who panics at the thought that Hope could remember whatthey did to her atMaison Blanche. Kristen looks at a table and goes to remove a tarp off of itwhen Stefano freaksout. He tells her not to touch the table and orders some men to remove it.Kristen is clueless andasks what is under the tarp and Stefano says it doesn't matter. Kristen asksif the secret he fearsHope will uncover is linked to that table, but he says he's not hidinganything. Stefano asks Kristenwhy she is so concerned about this and asks if she really thinks John andHope may end uptogether. Kristen says she wants John to end up with her, not with Hope,Marlena, or anyone else.Stefano says she's a s determined to get John as Sami is to get Austin.Kristen says the onlydifference is that Sami lost and she is going to win! Stefano laughs andsays Sami probably still has afew cards to play.

Stefano and Kristen go to the Holy Shrine of Marlena and find John and Hopethere. He doesn'tcare how they got in but he shows them a vial and tells them they have thecure. Stefano guaranteesthem that the cure will work and everyone seems thrilled. John tells Hopehe's sorry they don't havethe time to figure out her secrets, but Hope says she will learn it one day,and if it's as bad as shethink it is she'll make Stefano pay!

In Rome Bo asks God to please save Billie. Bo tells Billie he needs a firstmate when he gets a newboat and he won't go back on his promise to make her a better sailor. Bopleads for Billie to comeon back to him and her life and she wakes up. Billie tells Bo she had astrange dream that Bo wasfighting Curtis for her soul, but now he (Curtis) is gone. Billie tells himshe feels like she's beenreleased from something, she feels like she can make it now. Bo tells her ofcourse she will make itand he will be there with her every step of the way. Bo feeds Billie somesoup and Billie tells Bo herisked his soul for her, but Bo says it was just a dream. Bo tells her assoon as she gets better he isgoing to take her back to Salem and make her his first mate on his new boat.Bo tells her Salem isher home and it is where the people who love her live.

Also in Rome Austin and Carrie celebrate their one day marriage anniversary.Carrie says theyshould have been celebrating their one year anniversary, today was when theyshould have marriedin Paris, but he married Sami. Austin tells her not to think about that,they are married now.

Back in Salem, Sami is celebrating her anniversary to Austin and Lucas tellsher she is completelycrazy. Eric goes to the Kiriakis mansion to see Sami, but talks to Kateabout Austin and Carrie.Kate asks about Roman and Eric says he's fine. Eric tells Kate that it mustbe tough having Samiliving here but Kate says she wants to do what is best for Will and Lucas.Kate thanks Eric fordoing what he did and Eric says he was only doing what was right. Kate thentakes Eric upstairs toSami's room. In the room Lucas tries to give Sami a dose of reality aboutAustin when Eric andKate come in. Kate looks around and Eric asks what the party is for. Lucastells them the Queen ofDenial is celebrating her anniversary to Austin. Lucas, Kate, and Will leaveand Eric talks to Sami.Sami offers him a piece of cake but he tells her she's gone off the deepend. Sami tells Eric both heand Lucas are wrong! Sami asks if he has talked to Austin and Carrie, whereare they, how arethey? Eric tells her he won't tell her where they are and Sami accuses himof loving Carrie more thanhe loves her, his own twin. Eric tells her that is not true but Sami tellshim that Austin will never be ashappy with Carrie as he was with her, and their mother will never be ashappy with John as she waswith their dad. Eric tells Sami she needs help big time. He tells her shehas lost her way and hehopes she'll let him help her find her way back to the good side, for herson's sake as well as herown.

Downstairs Lucas tells Kate he is going to force Sami to leave and will sueher for custody but Katetells him she knows from experience that it's not a good idea. Marie (fromTitan?) calls Kate tolearn where Austin and Carrie are, but she doesn't know. Eric says he knowsand almost tells Katewhen she suggests he write it down, she doesn't want Sami to overhear. Ericwrites down wherethey are and gives the paper to Kate while Sami spies from the doorway andsmiles. Eric then sayshe needs to go check on his dad and leaves.

Kate calls Austin and they talk about Roman and John, to ease Carrie'sfears. He also asks if Katehas spoken with Bo and Billie, but she hasn't. Austin hopes to see Bo andBillie before they leave,he thinks they've taken a short trip somewhere. Eventually they say goodbyeand Sami realizes shehas to get the phone number from Kate. Sami confronts Kate, who crumples thephone number upand tells her sorry. Kate and Lucas leave and Sami uses the automatic redialon the phone andlearns Carrie and Austin are in Rome at the Hotel D'oro! Sami then goes upto see Will and tells himshe has to send his daddy and wife-stealing aunt Carrie a wedding present.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, September 24, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Sister Mary is in the park and tells Elvis that she is going to go toVivian's party and protect hersister.

At Jonsey's place Vivian is telling Bertha about her plan to convince Jonseyshe is his Flora Dora andshe will bring him his Ba Ba. They all sit down and Madame Marais begins theseance. MadameMarais (Ivan) starts humming and chanting when Jonsey asks what she isdoing. She tells him she'sentering the line of spirits, and continues to chant. As Madame Marais callsto the spirits Susanstarts screaming how exciting this is. Madame Marais suggests they contactElvis but Susan startssaying that's not possible because Elvis isn't dead! Vivian says thatElvis's spirit is everywhere andSusan says she's right! Madame Marais asks everyone to close their eyes andVivian slips away.Madame Marais says that Elvis is here, and she grabs Susan's glasses fromher. It's not Elvis, it'sVivian dressed up as Elvis! Vivian performs and Susan screams "Elvis you aremy King!" Berthastarts saying that this guy is hot, real hot (She doesn't know it's Vivian!)Suddenly we see Marypeaking out from behind a curtain. Mary comes out from behind the curtainand yells that theyshould all be ashamed of themselves. Bertha tells Mary that this guy ishers (Elvis) and she shouldbeat it. Mary grabs Bertha's cigar and tells them that if they all want togo south after they die so beit, but she won't let them take her sister with them. Vivian tries to sneakoff but Mary grabs her andtells her she has a few choice words for Mr. Elvis. Susan tells Mary to benice to the King but Marytells her this whole thing is a shameful sham. Mary grabs the wig off ofVivian and tells Susan thatElvis has left the building, he is DEAD! Susan tells Mary no way, Elvis isher baby's father and sheruns out. Bertha is angry with Vivian, if she knew that Vivian was Elvis shewouldn't have tried tojump her bones! Vivian says everything is lost now, but Ivan points out thatJonsey fell asleep! Hedoesn't know anything that happened!

In Rome, Billie tells Bo she needs to get some fresh air but Bo tells hershe needs to rest. Billiethanks Bo for what he's done, she's no longer craving for another fix. Bosuggests they go back tothe Hotel D'Oro, this room they are in now is scanky. Billie tells himthat's a good idea, but shewants to take a shower first. Bo goes shopping and returns in a new outfitand a new dress forBillie. Bo then tells Billie that Austin and Carrie have finally gottenmarried, and she tells her aboutWill and Lucas. Billie wants to get back to the Hotel D'Oro and call Austinbut then she realizeseveryone thinks they (Bo & Billie) are on their honeymoon. She tells Bo thatnobody can know shewas back on drugs, they'll see her as a failure. Bo tells her she's not afailure, her family will love herand support her no matter what happens. Bo suggests they go back to thehotel and deal with thetruth when and if it comes out.

Eric calls Carrie to give her a progress report on their dad, and Carrieasks how their witch of asister is. Eric tells Carrie that Sami claims she is trying to become abetter person, but he tells Carrieto enjoy her honeymoon, he will take care of Sami. Carrie says Rome is sobeautiful and she tellshim she wants him to be happy. Eric says he knows a way, but it's out of hisprice range. Carriedoesn't understand and Eric tells her that Mike is selling his sports car.Carrie is confused and saysgoodbye to Eric. Austin returns and they talk about Bo and Billie, who stillhaven't returned to thehotel. Austin says Kate has talked to them but he can't shake this feelingthat something isn't right.

Carrie and Austin go walking and site seeing in Rome (The song playing isSay a Little Prayer, Idon't know who it is by though it's played on the radio a lot). Bo andBillie are walking back to thehotel and they stop at the cafe. Bo tells Billie about Petra and what shedid for her. Suddenly apolice officer calls out Billie Brady! Austin and Carrie show up and are sohappy to see her, Austinsays he asked some of the cops to keep a lookout for her. Austin tells herhe's so happy to see herand when she says she's happy to see him he tells her no she's not,something is wrong. Billie justtells Austin that she's had some nasty food poisoning, that's all. Bo goesoff to get some drinks forthem all and Carrie tells Billie that Hope has gone off on a vacation withFranco. Billie is shockedand she tells Austin and Carrie that she has to be honest with them. Boreturns and then tells themtheir trip has been wonderful, he's never been happier. Bo then proposes atoast to true love. Carriesays she's hungry and Austin and Carrie decide to go check out the menu. Botells Billie he didn'twant Austin to know the truth because it may ruin his honeymoon. Austintells Carrie that somethingis wrong with Billie, she looks terrible. He wants to have a doctor look ather and Carrie says thatit's too bad Mike isn't here.

At the hospital Kate learns that Sami is working for Mike for the day. Kateis upset and tells Mikethat Sami hasn't changed, she's trying to track down Carrie and Austin.Laura comes to see Mikeabout a patients file and she also learns that Sami is working in Mike'soffice.

In Mike's office Same is trying to find a way to send Mike to Rome as well.A man delivers somemail for Mike and Sami begins to file some of it. One of the pieces of mailis an invitation for Miketo speak at conferences, and one is in Rome! Sami says if there was justsome way to get him toRome for the conference and book him in Carrie's hotel! Sami calls theAmerican liaison for themedical conference in Rome and tells her that Mike Horton may be able toattend the conferenceand suggests she ask Mike herself, he would be embarrassed if he learned thehospital is promotingtheir talented doctor. When Sami hangs up Laura comes in and finds her atMike's desk! Laura tellsSami that she can come to her for help with this fixation with Austin. Samiis angry but Laura tellsher she only wants to help her get by this problem. Sami says she lovesAustin with all her heart andLaura asks if it this same way Stefano loves her mother? Sami says as longas they are on the topicof obsessions how about her obsession with Carrie and Mike? Laura says thatAustin and Carrieare married now, but Sami says Carrie does love Mike, she just doesn't knowit. Sami asks Laurato team up with her so everyone can be happy, but Laura refuses to help her.Sami tells Laura she'sdisappointed in her, Kate has worked so hard to make sure Austin and Carrieended up together,she guesses Laura just isn't as dedicated as Kate is. Laura walks out andtells herself she'd never allyherself with Sami. Inside Sami laughs and says "That psycho help me?"

Sami begins talking to herself when Eric shows up. Eric wonders why she istalking to herself andwhat she is doing in Mike's office. Sami says she's working and trying toget on with her life. Ericsays what life, you just celebrated an anniversary that of a marriage thatdidn't happen. Eric leavesto find Mike when the phone rings. It's the woman about the conference inRome and Samidisguises her voice and transfers the call to Mike. Eric returns and asksSami why is she disguisingher voice? Sami says she's just playing a game and Eric tells her he's notgoing to let her hurt Carrie.Sami tells Eric one day he will need her help!

Kate confronts Laura in the hall and begins to gloat about her son'shappiness, and she's also happythat she (Laura) isn't Carrie's mother in law. They argue about Austin andLaura tells Kate thatAustin's marriage to Carrie won't work, Carrie needs someone who will puther needs first. Katesays if that is so then why didn't she marry Mike? Laura gets pissed andtells Kate that Austin wentafter Carrie just like she went after her husband! Kate says that if she wasthe kind of wife Billneeded he wouldn't have come after her! Laura tells Kate that one day shewill get what is comingto her, perhaps it will be sooner than she thinks, especially now with Samiliving under her roof!

Mike takes the call and is offered a free trip to Rome if he will only speakat the medicalconference. Mike accepts the trip and tells his mom he's going to Rome. Backin Mike's officeTerry, the woman offering the trip, calls Sami and Sami tells her that shewill make sure DoctorHorton's travel plans are taken care of. Eric learns that Mike is going to amedical conference, hejust doesn't know it's to Rome. Laura asks Eric to keep an eye on Sami butEric thinks with Mike,Austin, and Carrie out of town there isn't much she can do.

At the Salem airport Mike boards the plane and Sami watches. When asked ifshe is on this flightshe tells the women that she was just making sure her sisters weddingpresent was deliver. Whenthe women asks Sami what she's sending her sister Sami tells her a man!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, September 25, 1997

by Diane Dix

At the DiMera mansion in Salem, Roman tells Marlena once more how much heloves her and that he knows why she's not ready to commit to him - she hasalready lost him once (once???) and it was so painful to say goodbye that hecan't ask her to fall in love with and lose him again. Roman remarks that ifonly he weren't dying, they would be free to fall in love again. Marlena istorn between her love for John and her feelings of obligation toward Roman.Laura Horton stops by and Roman goes to get them something to drink.Marlena breaks down in front of Laura and says she can't lie to Roman anymore, that she has to tell him about her and John. Laura tells her thatthere's no point in telling Roman anything because of his condition. Sheasks Marlena what she will do if by some miracle there is a cure and Romanlives. Marlena says that no matter how much pain it might cause her andJohn, she wants Roman to live more than anything (nice girl, isn't she?).

Mike's thoughts are full of Carrie as he flies to Rome. He calls Laura fromthe plane and mopes about Carrie, and she tells him that she's very sorry hedidn't win Carrie, but he's a good-looking, wonderful man and he should findsomeone else to love. Mike says thanks, he already got that speech fromJennifer, but if it will make her feel better, he'll think about it. He saysthat he'll pick up Jeremy in Israel on the way home to Salem and Laura saysit's great that he'll have a chance to spend time with Jeremy.

At the outdoor cafe, Carrie and Austin remark on how great it is to seeBillie and Bo so happy, but Austin continues to be concerned about Billie'shealth. At the table, Billie shudders with leftover withdrawal symptoms andtells Bo that maybe they better disappear before Austin figures out what'sgoing on. Austin and Carrie come back too quickly for them to go anywhere,and Austin continues to question Billie about her condition, but she passesit off as food poisoning. Austin and Carrie's song comes on the music systemand Bo admits that he requested it for them. Everyone dances and catches upon the news about Sami, Will, and Lucas, but Billie and Bo still don't tellAustin and Carrie about her drug problem and the fake marriage because theydon't want to ruin Carrie and Austin's honeymoon. They agree to meet up thenext day if Billie's up to it, and on their way back to their rooms, theypass within feet of Mike Horton, who is registering at the hotel with hisback turned to them. Carrie and Austin go up to their room for champagne,courtesy of Bo, while Mike stands outside their door chatting with thebellboy, who tells them the people in that room are happy honeymooners whorarely leave the room. Mike thinks wistfully of Carrie (not knowing she'sjust feet away) and goes into his room.

In the uncharted jungle, where Stefano's fortress is, Hope knows that thesecret she learned at Maison Blanche is hidden somewhere nearby. She getsJohn to agree to cover for her while she looks for it. Armed with a pistol,a flashlight, and the sexiest safari suit you ever saw, Hope slips into thelab and starts exploring. She has flashbacks to Maison Blanche and a timewhen Stefano was telling Dr. Rolf they had to move her before she figured outwhat was going on. She finally finds the locked door to the room with themysterious draped table, and just as she is trying to pick the lock, thelights come on and she spins around, pistol in hand. Fortunately, it's onlyJohn, who tells her that the natives are in revolt and have killed a guard,and Stefano knows she's not in her room where she's supposed to be. Hopesays she doesn't care, she's sure the secret is in the locked room. Johntakes out his trusty Swiss Army lockpicker and gets the door open - just asStefano and armed guards bust into the room. Stefano tells them it's badform to spy on one's hosts and shoos them out. Hope looks back and vows tofigure out what secret Stefano is hiding. Stefano tells them they're readyto take off and holds up the precious vial filled with Roman's cure. Hetells a lab assistant to package it carefully for the trip. Naturally, thelab assistant promptly drops the vial, spilling all the fluid. Stefano goesberserk and tries to hit the assistant, but John stops him and tells him tofill another vial so they can take off. Stefano roars that that was the onlyone they had. John tells them they better brew up another batch fast.Stefano looks at Hope, realizing that now she has more time to snoop, andbites his knuckles.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, September 26, 1997

by Diane Dix

Jack worries about Jenn's cover as a prison guard and trades a week long workdetail with Harry for use of his cell phone. He calls Laura and begs her toget Jennifer to quit. Laura is furious that Jennifer would endanger herself thatway and promises to help Jack. She runs off to find Jenn, who is with Abbyin the park, talking to Roman and Marlena. Roman offers to watch Abby whileLaura and Jennifer talk. Laura tries to talk Jennifer out of her plan, asking whatwill happen to Abby if Jennifer goes to jail, but Jennifer promises to be careful andnot to get caught. Laura reluctantly agrees not to turn her in. Jennifer getsbeeped to go back to work, and Laura takes Abby over to Mrs. Horton's. Jenngoes home to change, barely missing Travis and TC, Stefano's lackeys, whohave broken into her house looking for evidence that she is trying to helpJack. They don't find it, but TC nearly sees the picture of Jennifer, whichwould surely reveal to him who the "hot new guard" named Hope Williams reallyis. They slip out the back when Jennifer comes home, and Travis sees hertake off again with a garment bag a few minutes later...he wonders what she'sup to. Back at the prison, after doing a grueling day's work at the motorpool, Jack is allowed to take a shower alone while his guard checks up onsomething. While soaping up, Jack fantasizes about getting freed and cominghome to Jennifer. Suddenly, he feels a tap on his shoulder...and then,REALITY WARP...Jennifer is there and Jack is a different actor (first time,to my knowledge, that a soap has switched actors for a character in theSHOWER). They immediately start kissing passionately (welcome to the show,new Jack!).

Marlena and Roman wander around the park, where they run into Jennifer and Abby,which reminds Roman of all the times they used to take Eric and Sami there.Roman starts reminiscing about the old days, and tells Marlena that he wantsto live, if only to have a chance with her. Marlena tells him that he hasmany reasons to live besides her. Roman admits that he is a lucky man. WhenLaura comes by to talk to Jenn, she gets a few minutes to talk to Romanalone. She tells Roman it's obvious that he really loves Marlena. He sayshe never stopped loving her, and since Kristen told him that Marlena hadn'tbeen with anyone else since breaking up with John, it must mean she stillloves him. Laura just has to bite her tongue. Marlena wanders away to tryto contact John on his cell phone, but gets an "out of range" message. Then,standing alone, she shivers, sensing that John is in trouble...

In the jungle, at the DiMera compound, Hope has a nightmare that sheremembers what happened at Maison Blanche and Stefano and Dr. Rolf areinjecting her to make her forget. She wakes up screaming and John is thereto hold her (how touching). They start speculating again about what could behidden under the tarp on the table in the lab. John promises to help herfind out. They go down to the lab together to discover Stefano in a furybecause the one vital ingredient to the cure, an extract from a very rareorchid, is gone, and they have no way to get it - unless someone goes to thewaterfall in the jungle 10 miles away. Since the natives are resisting theencroachment of civilization and have already killed one guard, Stefano saysit's impossible to get the orchid. Kristen is furious because it means thather plan to save Roman's life and get Marlena out of the way won't work.Stefano and Kristen and Dr. Rolf lock up the lab. Kristen tries to staybehind to figure out what's on the table, but Dr. Rolf shoos her out andlocks up. John and Hope immediately break in and lift the tarp on the table,only to find a dead guard. Hope is positive that something else had been onthe table the day before. She and John resolve to figure out how to get theflower and to figure out Stefano's secret together. John finally accepts heras a partner, and Hope is happy to be taken seriously. They go upstairs andsee Stefano offering his guards $20,000 to go out and get the flower. Theyall refuse, saying it's not worth their lives. John says that he will go getthe flower. Kristen and Hope protest, saying it's too dangerous, but Johnlooks determined.

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Edited by SC Desk