Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, September 1, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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Kristen returns to jail to ask Stefano what Hope was talking about MansionBlanche and Stefano tells her it was nothing. Stefano tells her toconcentrate on John and helping to find a way to get him out of this cell,otherwise she'll be alone for the rest of her life, Roman will die, and hewill rot in jail forever.

At Abe's place John and Lexie apologize to Abe for what they did and Abesays he knows they wouldn't risk their marriage/friendship with him if theydidn't believe there was a cure. Abe still has his reservations and tellsJohn he's going to go with him, but Lexie tells him he can't! John tells Abethat Lexie is right and he says he'll stop him from going if it causes themtheir friendship. John says he has to do this alone, and if this is a traphe takes comfort that Abe is back in Salem looking after the people heloves. Abe tells him okay and wishes him luck. John leaves and Lexie thanksAbe for what he did. Abe tells her they need to talk about what she did, andwhat it means to their relationship. Abe asks why she couldn't talk to himabout this and says that she honestly believes there is a cure, and becauseshe's come to except the fact that she's a DiMera. Lexie says she hasStefano's blood in her veins and she has to believe that Stefano really hasa cure for Roman, otherwise she could become just like him. Lexie says ifStefano is true evil, he will come for her and god help Abe if he stands inStefano's way. Abe tells her that he loves her and not even Stefano can comebetween them. At the church Celeste gets a premonition about Stefano,meanwhile Susan says Salem's welcome sign should say a town with lots ofweddings, but most of them never happen! Celeste leaves to find Lexie andAbe and Austin asks Kate to watch Will for a few minutes so he can walk around.

Meanwhile Roman asks Sami if she really wants to go on with the weddingwithout Eric. Sami is positive and Marlena asks Lucas to go out and tell thepriest to begin again. Caroline ask Roman if he's okay and he tells her thetruth about his fainting spell. Sami tells Roman they are ready to begin andRoman realizes they are out of time. As the wedding is about to begin Lucasannounces that Father Jensen has been called away. Susan says I knew it, andsays she's glad she kept the sales receipt for the deep-fat-fryer shebought. Alice says maybe this is fates way of telling them this weddingisn't supposed to take place.

Laura tells Jen that she will make sure Jack is freed, the one thing she andKate agree on is that to a mother, your children's happiness is everything,which is why she hopes Mike doesn't help Carrie stop this wedding.

Kristen shows up at the church and tells Sami, in front of Roman andMarlena, that she's looking for her husband and hopes Sami will be as happyas she and John are. Caroline tells Sami maybe they should wait in thebride's room and Lucas hopes this is his chance to tell Sami what Carrie andEric are up to, but Kate asks him to look after Will. In the bride's roomCaroline suggests to Sami they reschedule the wedding but Sami won't hear ofit.

Laura and Kate have it out about which son is better for Carrie. Kate tellsher not to be so smug, this race isn't finished yet. Kate leaves and Laurawonders what she can do to stop Mike from helping Carrie stop the wedding.

Lucas gives Will back to Kate so he can check on Sami. Kate pleads with himnot to help Sami go through with this wedding but Lucas says he will losehis chance with Carrie if the wedding doesn't take place. Kate tells himthat proves he doesn't deserve Carrie's love, and that someone needs to stopthis wedding. Before leaving Lucas tells his mom it won't be him. Lucas goesto see Sami and tells her that Eric and Carrie have rushed off to thehospital. Sami says she has to marry Austin now, and to find another priest.Lucas asks what she is hiding and Sami says as long as she and Austin aremarried it doesn't matter what they find. Lucas says so there is something,but Sami tells him if he wants a shot with Carrie to find a priest. Lucasruns out and manages to find one, and Sami thinks she'll be Mrs. Austin Reedwithin minutes.

Kristen begins schmoozing with Roman when Marlena asks to have a word withKristen alone. Marlena asks how she could show up here and Kristen says shehas to pretend to be married to John. Kristen tells Marlena that sheprobably doesn't even want a cure for Roman to be found, because if he diesshe can marry John. Marlena slaps Kristen when John shows up and stopsanything further from happening. John says they should just leave now thatthe wedding is over and Marlena tells him it hasn't even begun. John tellsMarlena to go inside and he confronts Kristen. Kristen claims to havereturned to hear his decision about Stefano and he tells her he's nottelling her a thing. Lexi and Abe return, and everyone but Kristen go backinto the church.

At the hospital records room Carrie and Eric are sure that this is where allSami's secrets are. Carrie asks Mike to please help her and he agrees. Mike,Carrie, and Eric go into the computer system and pull up Sami's records.Right as they are about to check Will's records a security guard stops themand kicks them all out, only doctors are allowed to see the records.Suddenly Mike sees Laura and asks her what she is doing here. Lauara tellshim she is here to stop him from one of the biggest mistakes of his life.Laura sent that security guard to stop him, but Mike says he won't letAustin marry Sami if she is hiding something, he owes it to Carrie. Laurasays she hopes when he does find what he needs it's too late! Mike tells hismom she disappoints him, she sounds like Kate. Mike returns to Eric andCarrie and tells them he got the permission they need to access the records.

The wedding is beginning once again. John swears on his life he'll return toDoc with a cure for Roman. Kristen says the next bride down the isle will beher, marrying John! Laura returns to the church and is happy to see thewedding is back on. Alice tells Susan there will be a wedding, but Susansays the bird seed hasn't been thrown yet!

Back at the hospital Mike, Eric, and Carrie learn the truth about Will! Miketells Carrie he needs a few minutes to print the records up, but Eric says afew minutes is all they have.

Celeste goes to see Stefano in jail. Celeste tells him she had a premonitionabout him using Lexie to do evil, and she will not let him use her daughterand destroy her life! Stefano says she is his daughter too, and he lovesher. Celeste won't let him ruin her life but Stefano doesn't want hisdaughter throwing her life away by being married to a common cop. Celestesays Abraham is a wonderful man and they both will protect her from theDiMera curse. Stefano says he has changed, he is trying to cure the ills hehas caused. Celeste tells him if he loves Alexandra as much as he claimsthan to free her from the DiMera curse. Stefano says that he would never doanything to harm Lexie but Celeste tells him that she will stop him, nomatter what she has to do. Celeste says Abe will keep Lexie safe, and aftershe leaves Stefano says "Abe Abe ABE!"

Vivian and Ivan return home from selling T-Shirts to screaming kids at amonster matinee, they are dressed as Frankenstein and his Bride! Vivian asksIvan to make her something to eat and he makes her a Tuna sandwich. Ivantells her to eat up because they are going to supervise people at a holidaypicnic. Ivan tells her that he's saved 250$ dollars, and Vivian says thatshe has an idea, she's going to invest the money in stocks and will be backon top. Ivan tells her this is the madam he loves, and she becomes excitedabout it.

Vivian and Ivan go to the park to take care of little kids from a daycarecenter. Ivan introduces them as Uncle and Ivan and Aunt Vivian. The kidswant to play space invaders and shoots a dart at Vivian's head! Later astrange old man watches Vivian and says it's her!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 2, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Rome Bo comes to Billie's room to help her but Billie says nobody can help her, she'sno good. Billie says she's a bad person and a burden to everyone, that's what Curtistold her. Bo tells her that Curtis is dead but Billie is sure he's real, she seeshim all the time. Bo tells her those are the drugs and that Curtis is in hell. Billietells Bo she loves him but her love hurts people. Bo tries to tell her thathe and the people who love her will help her. Bo wants to take Billie back to Salem and get her into a rehab program but Billie says that won't help her. Bo asks how she knows that and Billie says she tried before, they never worked. Billie said the only time that she stayed clean was when Bo helped her, and Bo says he'll help her again. Billie doesn't want him to make that type of commitment, and Bo tells her that Hope is with Franco now. Billie asks what happened and Bo tells her he isn't sure. Billie tells Bo she's sorry and he says there is nothing he can do about Hope, but he can help her kick drugs. Billie says she'll let Bo help her, but in Rome. Billie doesn't want her family to see her like this and if she's going to succeed she can only focus on her, not what her family thinks of her. Bo tells her okay and says she will get through this with his help.

At the park Vivian is angry after a little boy throws water on her. Vivian isangry with Kristen, who didn't lose any of her money, and she's angry with Katefor telling the police about her hidden money. Ivan gathers the kids for a threelegged sack race and one kid chooses Auntie Viv as his partner. After the race Vivianand Ivan are both covered in mud. Vivian managed to get a paper out of the trashcan and reads it. Ivan notices the old man staring at Vivian and neither knowwho he is. The kids return, ready for the pool, and one of the little kids throwsa rubber snake at Vivian. Ivan takes the kids to the pool and returns shortly after.Vivian tells the spoiled little brat that has been picking her that she hasa surprise for him and asks him to close his eyes. Vivian holds a pie under his faceand screams there's a snake at his feet, and when he looks down his face lands in thepie! Ivan and Vivian return home and Ivan has made them another sixty dollars.Ivan makes Vivian dinner, hot dogs and ham burgers. Vivian remembers how she usedto eat hot dogs with Victor, but he called them frankfurters. Vivian says Victor wasthe love of her life and starts ranting about how she lost him. Vivian stops herselfand says she's not going to think about that, she needs to focus on rising back up fromthe ashes and showing the people of Salem she has what it takes. Vivian goes throughthe stocks and Ivan wonders about the weird old man they saw in the park. OutsideVivian and Ivan's place the old man shows up and says he knows she's in there.

At the hospital records room Carrie, Mike, and Eric put the pieces together aboutSami's secret. Eric calls the church to delay the wedding and when Mike wantsto print the records they get an error, they can't print any records without thesecurity disk. Mike goes to find another copy of the disk and Carrie wonders howSami could be so evil. Unfortunately Mike can't get another disk right nowand Eric tells them the wedding has started, and the women he talked to thought Eric was a prank caller. Mike and Eric try to find another security disk and they realize Carrie is gone! Eric says she must have went to the church to stop the wedding, and if they don't follow soon with the proof she needs she may not be able to stop it. Mike calls the head of computer security and he agrees to get him a disk now.

At the church Sami is walking down the aisle at last. Everyone in the church thinkssomething to themselves as Sami goes down the isle, it's nothing really importantthough. Roman lifts Sami's veil an kisses her on the cheek and gives her hand toAustin. Roman says he hopes Sami isn't hiding anything and Sami tells God she'll makeup for everything she's done once she is Austin's wife. Hope finds John and tells himthat Stefano is pretty sure he and Abe are going to let her out. Kate starts crying toherself about how she needs to stop this wedding but can't.

Carrie runs into the church when Austin is saying his vows and she says shecan't let him marry Sami. Carrie says Sami's memory is back and she has beenmanipulating him for months. Sami says it's not true and she pretends to be upsetthat Austin's other women is her own sister. Austin asks Sami if her memory isback and before Sami can speak Carrie tells her she's in a church, standing beforeGod, so she should stop lying and tell Austin the truth! Sami still claims shehas no memory of what she did, and Carrie tells her she's lying through her teeth.Sami starts crying about how much she loves Austin and asks him not to let Carrie dothis. Austin calls the ceremony off because he knows Carrie wouldn't stop theceremony if there wasn't a good reason. Austin tells her this isn't the place to discuss thisand they all leave the chapel. Laura tells Jen she should be proud her son is sodecent, but why couldn't he think of his own happiness just once. Kate smiles at Laura, who leaves to get some air. Susan says she hates to say I told you so, but she told them the wedding wouldn't happen. Alice tells Hope that this wedding wasn't meant to be, Carrie should be with Austin just like she should be with Bo. Alice apologizes but Hope says that it's all right, Bo is never far from her thoughts or her heart. Celeste tells Lexiethat Stefano is truly evil, but Lexie knows there is some good in Stefano, and if shedoesn't believe it there may be no good in her. Celeste says Stefano wasn't bornevil, but he learned evil. Celeste tells her that Stefano's children learned evil from Stefano, but Lexie wasn't raised by him so she is different. Celeste tells Lexie that she is a good person, who she is has nothing to do with Stefano. Meanwhile Abe asks John toabandon this silly quest for the cure but John refuses, and Kristen listens in with joy.

In the bride's room Roman is angry at Sami for trying to keep Austin and Carrie apartand he asks he if she has her memory back. Sami says she doesn't, she swears. Carriesays Sami has had her memory back for months and has pressured Austin into thiswedding. Sami says Carrie doesn't have proof of any of the terrible things she's saying, and Austin asks her if she has proof. Carrie says she doesn't have it right now and Sami says of course not, she's making it up. Carrie reminds everyone about Sami's walk to thehospital and she says she knows what the real reason was. Marlena asks why she was there but Carrie says she can't say right now. Sami says that Carrie needs to move on and get a life but Carrie says she won't let this ceremony happen. Austin leaves to talk to Carrie and Sami yells at her parents for favoring Carrie. Roman says if Carrie is wrong then why is she so scared?

Sami says that someone needs to tell her off, and she'll be that person! Outsidethe room Carrie tells Austin she has to tell him something that will hurt him, Willisn't his son. Suddenly Eric shows up with Will's records and Carrie shows Austinthe blood type discrepancies proving that Will isn't his son. Austin can't believe this,Will is his son. Kate and Lucas show up and Austin insists Will is his son. Samishows up and yells at Carrie that she isn't going to ruin the happiest day of her life!Carrie says she doesn't care about anyone but herself and Sami says she made Austinthe happiest man on earth by giving him a son. Carrie says, "Nope, Will isn't Austinson." She's known that for some time and now everyone knows it. Sami says she won't lose Austin but Carrie says she already has. Carrie tells Sami SHE'S won this time, and decks her! Sami goes DOWN!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, September 3, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Vivian is pacing around the apartment wondering if there is a better way to make money. As Ivan iscommenting about the weird man at the park, the man begins banging on the door and trying toopen it. Vivian grabs a pot off the stove and gives it to Ivan. Vivian opens the door and the old manruns in and he and Vivian fall onto the bed. Ivan pulls him of Vivian and he starts ranting about whathe and Vivian shared. Vivian has no idea who he is and the man swears she is a Zigfield Follies Girl.Ivan says that would make her 90, and when he asks if she's that old Vivian smacks him. Viviansays he must be mistaken, but Jonsey (the man) says she looks just like his Flora Dora. Ivan thinkshe's a bum and they should take him to a shelter but he tells them he has a home and will show themhow to get there. When they arrive at his home they are shocked to see the wealth of this man. Hegoes to rest on his couch and Vivian snoops through all the man's antiques. Vivian can't help butwonder who this man is.

Franco shows up at the church, late for the wedding, and Hope tells him the wedding was stopped.Franco says this must remind her of her wedding to Bo. Hope says that was the biggest mistake ofher life, if she had only married Bo when she had the chance he wouldn't be in Rome with Billie.Hope says that Carrie has been so courageous to fight for Austin and she's so happy for her. Hopesays she wonders if she misunderstood what she saw in Rome and decides she has to talk to Bo.Hope calls Bo, but he's not at the hotel. Franco says he's probably enjoying his honeymoon withBillie, and Hope says maybe she should leave it alone.

In the church garden Celeste tells Lexie she must stay away from Stefano, but Lexie wants to knowif there is any good in her father. Celeste says if she wants to know who she is she should look ather adoptive parents and stay away from Stefano, but Lexie says she can't do that. John and Abe are arguing in another part of the garden about Stefano. John says he's breakingStefano out tomorrow night.

Inside the church Sami tells Carrie she won't lose Austin, Carrie says she already lost him, and shewins! POW! Sami goes down! Marlena and Roman come in and when Marlena gasps Carrie tellsher not to go near Sami. Carrie screams at Sami to get up because she's not finished with her yet!Sami says Carrie is going to pay, but Carrie says it's the other way around. Carrie exposes Sami'slie about Will, and everyone gasps. Carrie tells Sami she's a liar, a schemer, and is selfish and shewon't get away with this! Carrie goes to choke her sister when Marlena pulls Carrie off of her andsays a church isn't the place for this. Kate is in shock as is Lucas. Sami tells Austin that Carrie islying but Austin tells Sami to stop, he doesn't want to hear it. Austin says he can't talk about this andleaves. Sami runs after him and Eric tries to stop her but she breaks away.

Carrie leaves the church and when Marlena tries to go after her John tells her that Carrie needstime. Marlena says maybe Susan is right, weddings in this family are jinxed. John promises Marlenathey will be married. Marlena and John return to the church and Roman wonders what happened totheir daughter. Roman hugs Marlena and says thank God they have each other, they can help thekids get through this.

Roman and Marlena find Sami, who says she didn't do any of those horrible things Carrie said.Sami asks her dad if he believes her and he says he doesn't know what to believe. Sami swearsshe's only "been" with Austin and Marlena says this isn't the first time she's lied, and Marlena asksSami if she has her memory back. Sami says it's not true and Roman tells Sami she must be honestwith him and tell him the truth. Roman asks if she has been faking her amnesia and Sami says yes,but only to keep her family together. Sami says she just wanted everything to be like it used to bewith Roman, Marlena, Eric, and Carrie. Sami cries that she only wanted to feel so secure like shedid then, and she didn't want her son to suffer the pain she felt when John and Marlena had theiraffair. Sami cries for her dad to please forgive her. Roman tells Sami he forgives her and says whathappened to their family wasn't any of their faults, but what she did was wrong. Roman says theperson ultimately responsible for all of this is Stefano DiMera, and now he's locked up in Jail wherehe will remain for the rest of his life. A guilty Lexie leaves the room and tells Celeste that she has tofind out if there is any good in her father. Meanwhile Kristen asks John if he's still going to breakStefano out, which he is.

Eric thinks all this hurt is this fault, and despite Shawn and Caroline's explanation that Sami has donethis to herself.

Out in the garden Kate comforts Austin, who is in shock at the news. Kate tells Austin he shoulddeal with this with Carrie. Austin has no idea what to even say to Carrie, he's really hurt her. Katetells Austin that he can make Carrie happy and there is nothing standing between him and Carrienow, so he should go to her. Austin leaves and Lucas shows up and both of them can't believe thatthey aren't related to Will (ha!). Lucas says Sami never told him about this and wonders what elseshe is keeping from him. Kate wonders if Sami could try to get revenge on her by telling hersecrets. Lucas asks if it's that terrible and Kate says it could cost her everything. Later Francoapproaches Kate about their secret and Kate says she expects Sami to drop the bomb any minutenow.

Lucas returns to the church and looks at the medical print out and cries it can't be! Lucas realizesthe truth and runs into the bride's room and screams at Sami "I'm Will's father! You've known allalong!" Sami cries and Kate gasps.

Laura tells Mike to go to Carrie now and tell her he loves her, before Austin decides he wants herback. However when Mike and Laura go out to the garden they find Austin with Carrie. Austin tellsCarrie he's so sorry that he didn't trust her. Austin says she's the only woman he's ever loved andthought he was doing the right thing for Will and for her. Mike tells Laura they should go but shetells her son this is his future they are dealing with. Austin tells Carrie that he feels he's not only lostWill, but he may have lost her as well. Carrie tells Austin she loves him and they both hug. Austintells Carrie he'll never let her go again and he proposes to her. Laura tells Mike to tell Carrie heloves her before it's to late.

In Rome Billie is ashamed of what she's done and Bo tells her to stop blaming herself, Max andKing are responsible for this. Bo says if anyone is to blame it's him, he shouldn't have gotten herinvolved. Bo tells her he's going to help her get clean again and he'll be there every step of the way.Billie gets the chills and Bo hugs her to warm her up. Bo puts Billie in bed and tells her she shouldeat to keep up her strength. Bo asks Billie what drugs Max gave her and she says heroin, but she'snot sure what else she took. Bo looks through Billie and Max's things and finds a needle and pillsand yells "Dammit!" Billie asks what it is and he tells her that Max used a combination of drugs, whichwill make it very hard for her to kick. Bo says he'll have the drugs analyzed and asks Billie one moretime to come back to Salem, but she refuses. Billie says she can deal with this and he should goback to Salem to be with Hope. Billie asks if he still love Hope and he says he always will, butHope has moved on with Franco. Billie says he should be with Hope but Bo says he's with her now,and will be with her as long as she needs him.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, September 4, 1997

by Diane Dix

At Jonesy's house, Vivian is stunned by the art treasures and antiques shefinds casually strewn about under sheets and covers. While the eccentricmillionaire sleeps on the couch, she and Ivan begin a search to ascertainthat the house and its belongings do belong to Jonesy. They finddocumentation in a strongbox, and Vivian ecstatically tells Ivan that this isthe break she's been looking for. When Jonesy wakes up and begins callingher his "Flora Dora girl" again, Vivian kisses up to him and he goes to getcentury-old brandy to celebrate. He also serves a snack on crackers -assuming it's pate de foie gras, Vivian takes a big bite, but immediatelyscrews up her face - just as Jonesy remembers that he mixed up the spreadwith the cat food! Vivian gulps brandy to wash the taste out, but whenJonesy leaves the room, she tells Ivan she'll tolerate the cat food if itmeans having a chance to manipulate Jonesy's fortune.

Back in his lonely prison cell, Jack daydreams that Jennifer comes to tellhim that he's free. Jack thinks there has to be a way to make that happen.Later, he receives a phone call from Jennifer telling him the news - thatLucas, not Austin, is Will's father, and Carrie and Austin will be togetherat last. Jennifer says that's a sign for her and Jack - that they, too, aremeant to be together.

Mike and Laura watch in despair as Austin proposes to Carrie on bended knee.Laura drags Mike away and makes her usual meddling "you have to fight forCarrie" speech. Mike tells her it's too late, and if she loves Austin, he'shappy for her. Laura tells him to at least give Carrie the chance to make achoice by telling her that he loves her. Mike says he'll think it over,depending on how Carrie responds to the proposal. He wanders back into thechurchyard just in time to hear Carrie say yes to Austin. They embraceenthusiastically, and Austin says he'll go tell everyone. Carrie tells himnot to. Austin asks why, and Carrie, for once in her life taking the bull bythe horns, says that since everyone is gathered for a wedding, she and Austinshould get married NOW. Austin is worried about logistics, but agrees.Together they rush into the church to tell everyone while Mike watches, hisheart breaking.

However, things have been happening in the church. Lucas stares at Sami inhurt, anger, and disbelief and demands to know if it's true - is he Will'sfather? Sami tries to run away, saying she can't deal with it, but no onewill let her go without answering the question. Finally, Sami blurts outthat yes, Lucas is Will's father. Lucas is furious and stunned beyondbelief. Kate tries to hold him back, but he unleashes on Sami, telling herwhat a horrible person she is to withhold that kind of information. Samiturns to her family for understanding, but they're all looking at her indisappointment and shock. Finally, she says that everyone hates her, andRoman says they could never hate her, but they need time to absorb the newinformation. Lucas starts to rail at her again, and Sami asks that theydiscuss it in private. Everyone else leaves and Sami lashes back at Lucas,telling him that he was perfectly willing to lie and cheat before, and ifthey stay focused on their goal of keeping Austin and Carrie apart, theycould still win. Lucas says, "Are you insane?" and tells her that she hasnothing to work with any more. In the nave of the church, Marlena, Roman,and John are having a hard time dealing with Sami's deceit. Marlena blamesherself, but both Roman and John tell her that Stefano is to blame. Marlenatalks to John separately and says she wishes they could tell Roman about thembeing together right away, but John tells her he's had enough shocks for oneday, and if they can find a cure, they can be together.

Kate and Laura exchange nasty words every time they run into each other,making it clear that they are both willing to use the anguish of theirchildren as a battleground for their ancient war (such nice mothers). Kateprays that Sami will not expose her secret.

John talks to Abe and Lexie and says that no matter what, they have to getStefano out of jail to look for the cure. Celeste overhears them and ishorrified to realize that Stefano is indeed using his own daughter to attainhis evil ends. She tries to convince Lexie not to help him, but Lexie saysshe has to find out for herself if Stefano is completely evil.

Austin and Carrie burst into the church with big smiles on their faces andannounce to everyone that they're engaged and that they want to get marriedTODAY. Sami, still in her wedding dress and looking pathetic, runs towardAustin hysterically, pleading with him not to do this thing. Austin finallylets loose on her, telling her that she has no right to expect anything fromhim. He reminds her of all the horrible things she's done, worst of allletting him believe that Will was his son. Lucas walks into the room andsays, "That's not the half of it." Sami pleads with him to keep silent, butLucas is too emotional and angry to listen. When Austin asks him to explainhimself, Lucas announces to everyone, "Will's not my nephew...he's my son!"Austin is overcome with shock and hurt. He tells Carrie they can getmarried right away. Maggie comes in with Will and is unsure whether to givehim to Will or Austin. Austin takes Will and holds him close while Samilooks on hopefully, but Austin tells Will that while he loves him and willalways be there for him, it's time that he met his daddy. Lucas takes Willand kisses his hand gently. Sami begs Austin to tell Will that he's hisfather and to take them both back. Marlena finally tells her that's enough ofher lies, and it's time to face her responsibilities. Sami hisses that she'sa fine one to talk about honesty when she hasn't even told Roman that she andJohn are only waiting for him to be out of the way so they can be together.Roman walks by and asks what they're talking about. Sami tells him they'retalking about secrets, lies, about John and Marlena.

Mickey comes to Austin and Carrie and tells them that their old marriagelicense is valid for one more day. Carrie asks Marlena to be her matron ofhonor. Lucas solemnly tells Austin that since they both have a lot toabsorb, under the circumstances he'd probably better find another best man.Austin agrees, but doesn't know who to ask. Then he gets an idea andwhispers in Carrie's ear. Carrie smiles and says, "Perfect!" Austin asksJohn to take care of the rings while Kate takes care of the dress. Carriegoes to the bridal room to get ready and dances around, euphoric that she'sgoing to be married to Austin at last. Kate comes in to congratulate her,and tell her the dress is on the way. Carrie asks her to do one more favor -tell Mike she wants to speak to him. Outside, Jennifer is consoling Mike onlosing Carrie. Laura finds them and starts harping about how Mike shouldfight for Carrie again. Jennifer tells her it's his choice, but Laura says shebets Carrie is sitting alone right now wishing Mike would tell her he lovesher. Just then, Kate shows up and tells Mike that Carrie wants to see him.Laura smiles triumphantly, but Kate tells her not to get too excited. Mikegoes to see Carrie, who is dressing behind a screen. While he waits for her,he reminisces about all the great, special moments they've had and fantasizesthat they are getting married. When Carrie emerges from behind the screen inthe dress he pictured, it takes his breath away. She says she has somethingimportant to tell him, and he says he does, too. Carrie tells him to gofirst. Mike tells her he has been trying to tell her something important fora long time, something about fate and destiny. Carrie asks him what it is,and Mike opens his mouth, about to tell her.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, September 5, 1997

by Diane Dix

Sami is about to tell Roman about John and Marlena, but Marlena takes heraside and tells her Roman is sick and has had enough for one day. Just thenRoman starts coughing, and Sami decides not to tell him. Marlena thanks her,but Sami tells her she did it for Roman, not for Marlena and John. Ericwalks in and Sami yells, "Traitor!" Eric tries to defend himself and theyget into a good, old-fashioned sibling shouting match, right in the middle ofthe church, still in their wedding clothes. Roman and Marlena make themstop. Roman tells Sami he knows she wanted to talk about John and Marlena'saffair, but that since he has forgiven them and John is such a good friend,so should she. Later, Roman asks John to take care of Marlena when he dies.John is touched, but feels guilty. He promises he will, and tells Abe theyneed to get Stefano out because finding a cure for Roman is more importantthan ever.

Mike is about to tell Carrie he loves her, but she starts going on about howgrateful she was for his friendship, and how she and Austin might never havegotten back together if it weren't for him. Mike decides to just ask her topostpone the wedding. Carrie is upset with him, and tells Marlena what hesaid. Marlena says it might not be a bad idea, since it's been such amind-numbing day. Carrie is obviously troubled, but says she will considerit. When Roman comes in to walk Carrie down the aisle, she is stillundecided.

Mike tells Laura that Carrie is still in love with Austin and he made a royalfool of himself by asking to postpone the wedding. Laura is heartbroken forhim, and Mike says he won't stick around for the wedding. Just then, Austinfinds him and asks Mike if he'll be his best man. Mike tries to refuse atfirst, but Austin says he was silly to ever be jealous and he's sorry, andsince Mike is such an important part of Carrie's life, he should be best man.Mike says he'd be honored. When Austin leaves to check on the rings, Lauratells him there's no way he should do this, because he's in love with Carrie.Mike replies that that is exactly why he is doing this.

Austin and Lucas have a moment of awkwardness about Will. John walks by andtells them that the important thing to focus on is that they both love him.Later, Lucas walks around with Will and encounters Sami and Eric, who arestill squabbling. Lucas asks Sami how she could be so cruel, but then tellsher that this is not the time to talk about custody and visitation - he's tooangry and he doesn't want Will to pick up on it.

John runs into Susan in the churchyard, and takes a minute to hold littleElvis. Susan warns him to watch out for Stefano and Kristen, because they'rejust bad news. Later, Susan runs into Kristen and Celeste in the garden.They start asking her questions about the baby's father, and she insiststhat it's Elvis Presley himself. They try to tell her that's impossible, butshe won't listen. Celeste picks up the baby and detects a familiar presence,something very important...but she can't quite figure it out.

Abe heads to the jail to see Stefano. Stefano gloats that John will get himout. Abe warns Stefano not to hurt any of the people he loves, or Abe willhunt him down and destroy him. Just then, Lexie comes in. Stefano says hewants to talk to her, but Abe drags her away. Later, Lexie comes back (justin time to see an unfamiliar police officer leaving the area). Stefano tellsher that he's grateful for her loyalty. Lexie insists it's not loyalty.She's just trying to get a cure for Roman, and find out if Stefano has anygoodness in him.

Maggie tells Jennifer that Caroline wants Abby to be a flower girl. Jennifersays she still has the dress from the last wedding attempt and rushes Abbyhome to change her. She finds Trent in her house fixing a faucet. She tellshim again how grateful she is that he's there to help her, especially whenshe needs to talk about Jack. Jennifer says she's still holding out hope thatJack will be with her one day. Trent thinks it's time to talk to Stefanoagain. He dresses up as a police officer and, without any apparent trouble,waltzes into Stefano's high-security jail area. He asks Stefano what's up,and Stefano tells him not to worry. Trent leaves just in time avoid Lexie.

Kate catches Laura praying that the wedding won't happen. They exchangetheir usual nasty words, each vowing that her son will win Carrie.

John and Marlena steal a moment of comfort in the vestibule, hugging andwondering if they should tell Roman about their love. Roman almost catchesthem, but assumes John is just comforting Marlena about Sami's deceptiveness.

Mickey comes to tell Austin that the license is ready and the ceremony canproceed. Mike, Austin, and John line up at the altar. They see Marlena andAbby coming down the aisle, and John smiles at Marlena. Lucas and Katewonder where Sami is. Just then, everyone hears an animal howl outside thechurch, and they're all treated to the pathetic sight of Sami hammering atthe stained glass window with a pitiful look on her face, yelling "No!" toAustin. They ignore her and proceed with the ceremony.

But where is Carrie?

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Edited by SC Desk