Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, August 25, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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In Rome, Bo is at the cafe wishing he could have talked Billie in to coming back to Salem with him. Billie watches Bo drink his coffee from a distance and says she's so sorry she lied to him, she wants to go home but cant. She begins to suffer more withdrawal symptoms. Billie walks off and runs right into Max. Max asks Billie if she could use some drugs, and she tells him she hates him for doing this to her. Max says that something is up, and asks what is wrong.

At the police station, Hope comes to see Abe and whines about how she can't get on with her life. Abe tells Hope there may be a cure for Roman's illness. Hope says that's great but Abe tells her Stefano is the one who says he has the cure and wants to be freed in exchange for it. Hope can't believe John wants to free Stefano and Abe says that this is just a trick of Stefano's. Abe says if he thought their was a cure he'd move heaven and earth, but Hope brings up the "what if" factor. Abe says Stefano wouldn't bring it back, he thinks Stefano wants to get John out of Salem, and when Roman dies he'll snatch Marlena again. Hope asks what if John decides to break Stefano out on his own and Abe says he'll have to stop him, because if he goes off with Stefano he won't come back alive. Later Hope recalls telling Stefano she won't let him hurt her family again and she recalls Stefano telling her she will get Bo back. Hope says Stefano is wrong, she won't get Bo back, but maybe she can help John.

Stefano is in his cell playing with his chess set and is gloating how he's played John's love for Marlena against him and that he knows what John will do.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen asks John if he's going to get Stefano out of jail. John asks Kristen what Stefano is offering her to convince John to let him out. Kristen claims she's only concerned for Roman, who will die if Stefano isn't let out. Kristen tells John that Roman's life is in his hands and asks what he's going to do. John thinks Kristen knows what Stefano is up to but she says she doesn't know. John wonders if this is a trick to get Marlena again, and they bicker over how Kristen is using Roman again. Kristen asks John what his plan is and John says he won't let Roman die and asks her to leave him alone. John ponders over what he should do, but realizes he has no choice.

Caroline comes to talk to John about the drugs Carrie's discovered that will buy Roman some more time. Caroline picks up on John's pain and asks what he's thinking about. John just says he's thinking about Roman, and Stefano. Caroline says she doesn't think she can lose Roman again and John tells her that Roman is lucky to have her as a mother. John says he would do anything he could to save Roman's life, and Caroline says don't do anything foolish, she doesn't know what the family would do if they lost him as well. John says he knows what he's doing and Caroline tells him to please be careful, and that she loves him. After Caroline leaves John says he will do what he has to to save Roman, even if it costs him his own life.

Kristen goes to see Stefano and says that she thinks John will free him. Kristen asks if Stefano will hurt John, but Stefano says that he promised Peter that he would have Jennifer and she would have John. Kristen asks if anyone could stop him, and Stefano thinks about his conversation with Hope in which she said he was hiding something, and Stefano says nobody could stop him. Stefano says that John's love for Marlena and his loyalty to the Brady's is his flaw. Kristen says she can't believe he's going to use John's goodness against him, that's why she loves John. Stefano tells her she must learn to use those qualities against him, that's what will make him win.

Hope goes to see John and tells him there is no proof there is a cure. John says he has to take that risk, and Hope tells him she will tell Abe what he is going to do. John grabs Hope and says what if she was him and it was Bo who was dying, he knows she'd do anything to help him. John tells her they both have felt the love of the Brady family, and he wants to pay the Brady's back for the love they've shown him, and he begs Hope not to stop him.

At the Kiriakis mansion, a package arrives for Sami and Eric wonders what it is.

In another part of the mansion, Sami gloats to Carrie over the phone about how she and Austin are renewing their vows, and Carrie puts down the phone. Lucas tells Sami she never should have told Carrie, but Sami says someone else would have and that would have keyed Carrie in on the fact that she has her memory back. Mike asks Carrie what is wrong and she tells him that Sami and Austin are renewing their vows. Carrie picks the phone back up and Sami continues to gloat. Carrie asks when she can speak to Austin about work and Sami says that Kate and Austin are out doing the paperwork. Carrie says she's already married to Austin, there shouldn't be any paper work. Carrie asks Sami point blank what's going on. Sami says the paperwork is for the church, the caterer, stuff like that. Sami asks Carrie if she's really stuck in L.A., and Carrie says yes. Sami says that's so bad since she wanted her to be her matron of honor again. Sami asks about the drugs for Roman, and then says goodbye. Lucas feels bad for Carrie and Sami says she has Mike to comfort her. Lucas says that's not what he wants and Sami tells her once Carrie has lost Austin it will be easy for him to get Carrie from Mike. Sami says everything is going great and Eric comes in with the package for Sami. Sami says it must be her veil and says she's going to go try it on. Sami tells Eric that Carrie called, and then leaves. Eric questions Lucas about Carrie's reaction to the wedding, and Lucas says not to worry about Carrie because she has Mike now.

Sami comes back downstairs in her wedding gown, and Caroline comes over and tells her that Sami looks beautiful. Caroline says that her mom is going to get the prescription for the medicine filled and that she (Caroline) will do the alterations instead.

In L.A., Carrie doesn't understand what is going on. Carrie wonders if Sami is lying, but then she realizes this is why Austin didn't call her back. Carrie says her greatest fears have come true, Austin's obligation to Sami and Will have come between them. Mike tells Carrie that Austin is a fool and she's better off without him. Carrie asks how he can say that and Mike says Austin has done nothing but hurt her over the past few months and he's always picking Sami over her. Carrie says Austin is a devoted father, but Mike says he is too and he understands what Austin is feeling but he doesn't need to something this drastic and hurtful to her. Carrie says he's right and Mike tells her she will get over Austin and find a man who loves her fully and completely. Dr. Brock returns, he couldn't get the fax through. Mike wants to try to call Marlena but Dr. Brock says he's still suffering from the snake bite, he'll call Marlena. Carrie thanks him and asks him to tell Marlena that she'll call later about dad and something else.

Carrie calls back to talk to Austin but gets Eric instead. Carrie asks if what Sami told her is true, but before Eric can tell her Austin and Sami's marriage was annulled Carrie's cell phone battery goes out. Carrie tells Mike that she wishes she could get back to Salem, she fears something is wrong. Doctor Brock tells Carrie there could be a way, if they go by train. Carrie says Mike is still to weak to travel, but Mike and Doctor Brock think he'll be okay. When Carrie leaves Doctor Brock asks Mike if he's in love with her. Mike asks how he knew and Doctor Brock how he knew and he says it's obvious. Doctor Brock even says it sounds like Austin is a jerk and she'd be better off with him! Later Carrie tells Mike if Austin marries Sami in that church, then she has lost Austin and will never get him back. Before they leave for Salem Dr. Brock tells Mike he hopes things work out for him and Carrie.

Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Eric listens in as Sami gloats to Caroline about her marriage. Later Caroline asks Eric if he senses something is going on with Sami, and Eric says yes, but he doesn't know what it is. Caroline tells Eric she feels they owe it to Carrie to find out if something is going on. Later Eric confronts Sami and asks her what she is afraid of and to tell him. Sami says there is nothing and to just drop it. Sami leaves and Eric vows to find out what Sami is hiding.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, August 26, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Rome Bo meets up with Mario and thanks him for saving his life on King'sboat. Mario wonderswhy Bo is back and he tells him he came back to find Billie. Bo asks Marioto keep an eye out onBillie for him, and hopes there isn't a problem. Bo asks about the status ofKing's men and Mariotells him all were rounded up except for Max. Bo leaves to catch his flightand Mario spotssomeone he thinks may be Max. Mario runs up to Max, who is with Billie. Maxthinks Billie rattedhim out and is taken away. Billie returns to her room and is suffering fromwithdrawal and says sheshould have gotten more drugs from Dino. Billie realizes she needs to fightthis but she says shedoesn't have the strength anymore. Billie starts going through her hugepurse and finds an old pictureof her and Bo and says she can't let Bo find out what's happened to her.

Back in prison Jack is looking at a picture of Jen and Abby and says heneeds to convince Jen tomove on with her life. The guard then tells Jack his wife (?) is here to seehim. Abby and Jen arewaiting to see Jack, Abby is coloring a picture for him. Jen sensessomething is wrong with Jackand he tells her he doesn't want her to come visit him. Jen tells him hewill get out but Jack isskeptical. Jen says they can't have this conversation again, they will betogether. Jack tells her he stillworries about being in the house alone because Peter could come for her. JEnsays that she hasMike and her mom, and the security system Trent installed. Jack asks her howwell she can trustTrent and tells her she never knows who could be working for Stefano. Jen issure she can trust himthough. Time runs out for the visit and Jack warns her that Peter could becoming for her. Jen saysin a way she hopes Peter does come for her because it would prove he'salive. Before leaving Jackmakes her promise never to be alone, and Jen tells Jack that she and Abbywill visit him often.

Back at Jen's place Trent decides to test out his work and manages to breakthe alarm system andget inside. Unfortunately Laura has overslept and comes waltzing downstairs.Laura sees Trent andscreams. Laura asks how he got in and Trent claims that her heard somethingand thought someonewas inside and when he inspected a window he found a lose wire. Trent claimsthe backdoor wasunlocked and he wanted to make sure everything was okay and Laura thanks himfor his concern.Laura asks him if this system is safe and works because she knows Peter isgoing to come for Jen.Trent asks if they know where Peter could be and Laura says he could beliving next door for allthey know! Laura says the DiMera's are masters of disguises and are obsessedat getting what theywant. Laura vows to do whatever it takes to save her daughter before Petercan get to her. Laurasays if Peter does return he won't live long enough to get to Jen, she'llmake sure of that. Trentleaves and says that he may have to go to plan B.

Carrie knocks on Austin's door and tells him he can't marry Sami. Austinsays this is his decision, hehas to be there for Will. Carrie tells him he can still be a good father toWill and she loves him.Austin is delighted and kisses Carrie, but then Carrie wakes up from herdream to find she's still onthe train. Mike finally wakes up and Carrie says she has to get back toSalem before the wedding.Carrie is positive that Sami is back to her old schemes and she won't getaway with it. Mike sayshe's still skeptical about Sami faking her amnesia but Carrie says if Samiis faking Eric will find out.Carrie and Mike see another couple who are happy and they tell Carrie andMike they are eloping.Carrie wishes she and Austin had eloped when they had the chance. Mike asksthe conducted howlong till they reach Salem and he learns about an hour. Mike wonders if heshould tell Carrie how hefeels now before it's to late. Mike thanks Carrie for saving his life andCarrie says that she owed himfor saving her from the car accident. Carrie says she owes him so much andMike says that he'd doanything for her. Carrie then says the world's most dreaded words, you'vebeen a good friend.Carrie notes Mike is a bit down and he just says he's sorry their trip hascome to an end. Mike tellsCarrie he has something to tell her before they get to Salem. Mike tells herhe tried to tell her lastnight but she fell asleep. Mike says that this trip has meant to much to himand she's become a veryspecial person to him. Suddenly the conducted says they are at Salem andruins his chance. Carrietells him she knows what he was trying to say, and that she had a reallyspecial time as well.

Sami has a nightmare that Austin and Carrie learned the truth about Will andAustin told her henever wants to speak to her again. Suddenly a women from the hospital callsto tell Sami that sheand her fianc need to come in to get blood tests or they can't be married.Sami thinks this could bethe perfect time to change Will's blood type. Suddenly Lucas comes in andwhen Sami says she hasno time to talk he asks her what is up. Sami says she wants to get her hairdone so she looksbeautiful for her wedding and hopes nothing will go wrong. Lucas knowssomething has her worriedand asks her what is wrong but she says nothing is wrong and runs out.

Sami's hairdresser calls the mansion and says he's on his way over. Lucassays Sami lied andwonders what she is up to. Sami goes to the hospital lab for her blood testsand learns that thecomputer in the blood lab is linked to the one in the records room.

At Austin's place Eric comes over to see Austin. Austin tells Eric that hewas trying all night to callCarrie and Eric tells her he talked to Carrie last night and fills him in oneverything with Roman.Austin learns Sami told Carrie about the wedding and Austin says he wisheshe could have toldCarrie, but what difference does it make now because she's in love withMike. Eric tells Austin hethinks it would matter to Carrie very much. Austin is convinced Carrie lovesMike and why bothereven telling Carrie about the annulment. Austin asks if Carrie will be backfor the wedding and Ericsays it's doubtful, and even if she could she probably wouldn't want to bear the wedding. Eric asksAustin if Carrie didn't love Mike would he still marry Sami, but Austin justsays it's too late. Austinthinks this is best for everyone but Eric says he gets the notion thatsomething is bothering her.Austin asks why he would think that and Eric says radar, he just gets thefeeling she's hidingsomething. Austin asks if he think Sami has her memory back as well and Ericsays he's not sure.Suddenly Lucas calls asking if Sami is there and he says she's probably atthe hospital getting bloodwork done. Austin says he needs to get there as well and because his car isin the shop he asks Ericto drive him.

At the hospital Sami's blood work is done and she claims she feels a bitweak so the nurse offers toget her some orange juice. Once she's left Sami hops to the computer andgoes to work. Austin andEric arrive and the nurse returns and she tells Austin that Sami doesn'twant to see Austin before thewedding. Eric offers to take the juice into Carrie while the nurse dealswith Austin's blood work.Eric walks right in on Sami when she's on the computer and asks her what sheis doing. Sami actslike she's so happy to see him and she wasn't playing on the computer. Erictells her he saw her andSami tells him she was just checking to see if she was still anemic. Samitells Eric to distract Austinso she can leave, but Austin comes to the door and says he needs to talk toher. Austin asks Samihow Carrie was after she learned about the wedding. Sami says she thinksCarrie was fine and isprobably having a fabulous time with Mike. Sami looks over at Eric and askshim what his problemis, and he says he'd like to know what hers is. Sami says she doesn't havetime for this and that theyboth need to leave and get ready for the wedding. Eric becomes curious as towhat was on thecomputer so Sami drops her purse and asks him to help her pick the contentsup. While he's busypicker up her junk Sami deletes the screen contents on the PC. Sami thentells Eric she has to goknow, and Eric is positive Sami is up to something now.

Back at the Kiriakis mansion Lucas spends time with Will because he wascrying for his mom and she wasn't there. Carrie and Mike return to Salem andwhen they go to see Austin he's preparing for his wedding to Sami.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, August 27, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Rome Petra asks a police officer stop Bo from leaving and bring him tothe station. At the stationMax is brought in and Bo is happy to see him in custody and hopes he rots injail. Petra tells Bo thatthey are working on the extradition papers to have him taken back to theStates. Bo asks Max whyhe stayed in Rome and he says he had to take care of Billie. Bo asks himwhat business he has withBillie and he says he'll figure it out when he sees her. Bo tells Max thathe saw Billie and she lookedfine, and she will testify against King. Bo goes to find Billie and Maxsuggests he try Club Fortuna,or Club Roma, because he saw her there earlier because she needs a fix! Boasks for a minutealone with Max and asks Max if he hooked Billie on drugs. Max says he shouldhave seen her, itwas beautiful. Bo punches Max and calls Petra to take him away.

Billie is talking about how she needs a fix and couldn't find Dino. Billiestarts to cry and says she hasto fight this and she deserves a good life, but then she cries that shedoesn't deserve a good life.Curtis shows up and Billie asks him if he has something to help her, just alittle something and thenshe'll quit. Curtis tells her she'll never lose her taste for the high-life,she was born for it and will diefor it. Billie says she should have gone back to Salem to be with Bo, butCurtis tells her nobodycares about a druggy. Curtis tells her that she only causes misery to Bo andeveryone else she getsnear. Billie says he's right and Curtis says daddy's always right. Curtistells her to back to ClubFortuna and get her new lover from Dino, the drug. Billie says Curtis isright, nobody will ever loveher so what difference does it make what she does.

Bo finds Billie, who screams at him not to look at her but he tells her he'snot going anywhere. Botells Billie he knows what Max did to her and this isn't her fault. Billiesay it is and that Curtis saysshe's a no good druggy. Bo tells her she is none of those things and he'sgoing to take her back toSalem to help her. Billie says Curtis will help her and she runs off.

Lucas and Kate argue over what Austin is doing, Lucas thinks it's noble andthat as long as Austinhas Will he has everything he needs. Kate says this marriage is only aboutSami getting what shewants. Kate says she wishes there was some way to stop this and was hopingEric would learn thetruth.

At the DiMera mansion Marlena tells Roman about what Carrie and Mike did forhim. Suddenly thewhole Brady clan comes in to celebrate Roman's birthday. Roman commentsabout Will and sayshe hopes she is keeping a baby book about him. Sami says she isn't andCaroline says she thoughtshe saw one. Sami then says she was keeping one but didn't have the time tokeep it up, whichcauses Eric to wonder even more. Later Roman tells Sami that she must alwaysbe honest, honestyis loves companion.

Outside Eric and Caroline talk, Caroline knows Eric is worried about hissisters. Eric says he fearsSami is afraid of losing Austin and wonders what would make her lose Austin.Caroline tells her ifanyone knows it would be Lucas. Eric says that if Sami is deceiving them hehas to find out forCarrie's sake. Eric says he's going to take Caroline to the pub, then he'sgoing to talk to Lucas.

Kate comes to see Sami and offers her a check for 250,000$ and a necklaceworth a small fortunein exchange for the information Sami is using against her and that shedoesn't marry Austin. Kategoes into her sob story about how Curtis stole her children and now that shehas them back shecan't lose them. Kate begs Sami not to ruin the lives of the people sheloves, because some daySami will find a man who loves her as much as she loves him. Kate begs herto let Austin be happywith Carrie and be honest and admit what she is doing will make everyonemiserable. Sami tellsKate that her love for Austin isn't for sale for anything, however she doesthink the sapphirenecklace would be her perfect something blue. Kate tells Sami that one dayshe'll regret this, she'llmake sure of it.

Eric talks to Lucas about what he did, and Lucas says that he's very ashamedof what he did. Hesays he was obsessed with Carrie but they've all made up. Lucas says he'sglad Sami hasn't gottenher memory back because he likes the new Sami a whole lot better. Eric asksher if the new Sami isback. Lucas asks if he think she has her memory back but Eric doesn't know.Eric asks whereWill's baby book is and Lucas says it's upstairs. Sami comes in and is allhappy. Eric tells Sami notto go through with this if she's hiding something. Sami asks how he couldsay such a thing and leavesto go to the church. Later Lucas talks to Sami and tells her that he knowsshe's lying to her and hethinks that Eric is on to her. Sami says the only person who could stop heris Carrie, and she's noteven in town.

As Roman and Marlena prepare for Sami's marriage Roman tells Marlena heshouldn't have let hispride get in between them. Marlena says that it was her affair with Johnthat hurt them, but Romansays it was Stefano's fault and now he's going to jail for ever. Roman tellsMarlena that if tomorrownever comes he wants her to remember how happy he was today, and how happyall these lastdays have been for him. Marlena cries that she's not giving up on him andwill do anything to find acure.

At Austin's place Carrie and Austin talk. Carrie asks Austin why he ismarrying Sami and he saysbecause he has a responsibility to his son and because he's lost her toMike. Carrie tells Austin thatnothing happened between her and Mike, and tries to explain everything aboutCraig and how shepretended to be Mike's boyfriend. As for the romantic get-away to themountains it was to find acure for her dad. Carrie says that Mike is her friend, but she loves him.Austin says he loves her aswell and Carrie suggests they tell Sami the truth and get an annulment.Austin tells her he got theannulment and Sami knows about it, and everything else. Carrie is shockedand is now certain thatSami has her memory back. Austin says Sami doesn't have her memory backbecause he never toldSami that Carrie was the women he loved. They get into a huge argument andCarrie says the onlything that matters is them, and they should be the ones getting married.Austin looks at Carrie andtells her he can't marry her. Austin says their love isn't enough, they grewapart. Austin asks Carrieto sit down and he tells her that if he marries her he'll always be tornbetween his responsibilitiesbetween her and Will. Carrie says they can make it work but Austin says it'snot like that for him.Austin says if he turns his back on Will he'll be just like Curtis, andnobody can understand what hedid to him and Billie. Carrie tells Austin that this fear of being likeCurtis is taking over his life, butAustin says the fear is real and that it will eat at him, and her, and theirchildren if they were tomarry. Carrie asks if that's why he's rejecting her and Austin tells her no,he believes that Mike is thebetter man for her. Carrie says that Sami is playing them both, can't he seethat. Austin says that hewill always love her but she's much better without him in her life. Carriesays that she used to knowhim so well, and Austin tells her the is the best way for everyone and thatone day she'll thank him.Carrie cries and Austin leaves.

Mike arrives home and Laura tells him he looks awful. Mike tells her whathappened and she'sconcerned about him. She hopes her good news will brighten him up and shetells him Austin ismarrying Sami. Mike tells her he knows, that's why he and Carrie rushedhome. Mike tells his momCarrie is trying to stop the wedding right now and Laura says she wishes hecould have kept her inCalifornia a few more days. Mike admits he thought about doing that, butfeels it wouldn't havebeen fair. Laura tells him nonsense, he is the right man for Carrie. Mikechanges into dress clothesand Laura tells him how she wishes Carrie could be with him. Mike tells himmom he realized hislove for her, but Carrie has made it clear that her heart belongs to Austin.Later when Mike thinkshe's alone, Laura is on the stairs listening, he talks to a picture ofCarrie and says if Austin can makeher happy he'll be happy for her. But the minute Austin marries Sami he'stelling Carrie he loves her.

At the church Austin asks God to watch over Carrie and let her findhappiness with Mike. Ericcomes back to Carrie's place and sees that Carrie is back and is upset.Carrie can't believe Austinis marrying Sami and says it's over, but Eric says maybe not, he's sure Samiis up to something!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, August 28, 1997

by Diane Dix

Laura tells Mike she had a feeling about him and Carrie and is glad he'sgoing to tell her that he loves her. Mike tells her he will only confess hisfeelings after Austin and Sami get married, because if the wedding doesn'thappen, he won't stand in the way of Carrie's love for Austin.

At Austin's apartment, Eric tells Carrie he is sure Sami is up to something,but he can't figure out what. Carrie says she's been trying for weeks andhas come up with nothing. She cries on Eric's shoulder, telling him it'sreally over for her and Austin.

Everyone starts gathering at the church. Roman and Marlena arrive, and Romansays he's feeling better than he has in a long time. Marlena starts cryingand Roman tells her it's supposed to be a happy day. Abe and John come in,and Abe asks Roman what he'd do if Stefano offered to do some great good inexchange for his freedom. Roman tells them that Stefano's promises areworthless, and nothing is worth letting him go. Roman says he can die happyknowing that DiMera will never bother his family again. Marlena agrees, andtells John privately that she is happy Abe and the DA won't let him releaseStefano. Roman, talking to Abe, asks him what is wrong, and Abe confessesthat he's worried that Stefano will get to Lexie. Roman tells him to becareful, because Stefano won't hesitate to use her.

Austin stands in the church garden, disconsolate because he knows he isgiving up Carrie forever. Kate hears him confess to God that he will alwayslove Carrie. She agonizes at her inability to help Austin make the rightchoice because of Sami's blackmail information. Austin sees her and theyembrace, and he tells her how much it means to him that she will support himregardless of her feelings about Sami. Austin sees Lucas and tells him thatCarrie is back, but that he's going to go through with the wedding anyway.Lucas tells him he's doing the right thing. When he tells Sami that Carriehas returned, she panics, but he tells her Austin has decided to marry heranyway. Sami is ecstatic, feeling that nothing can stop the wedding now, andshe can wait to change Will's blood type records after the wedding.

Mike and Carrie run into each other at the church. Carrie cries on hisshoulder, as usual, and tells him that Austin thinks they're lovers and shecan't convince him not to marry Sami. Mike gets beeped and has to return tothe hospital, but tells Carrie he has something very important to tell herafter the wedding.

Roman goes in to see Sami and notices the tension between her and Eric. WhenSami leaves, Roman presses Eric until he tells him that things are not asthey seem - Carrie is still in love with Austin and Sami is almost certainlyup to something shady. Roman says if he feels that strongly, the weddingshould be stopped, but Eric says he has no proof, and won't be able to getany in time...if only he had a few more hours.

Lexie goes to the jail to see Stefano. Kristen, who is already there, asksher why she didn't heed the warning to stay away from Stefano. Stefanodismisses Kristen and starts to work on Lexie. Lexie tells him she needsto know if there is even a seed of goodness in him. Stefano says he can'tchange his past, but he can try to redeem himself by retrieving the cure forRoman, if only John and Abe will let him. Lexie doesn't believe him aboutthe cure, but Stefano tells her that there must be some good in him to havefathered someone as wonderful as she is. Abe shows up and tells Stefano toleave her alone and takes Lexie back to the church, telling her he doesn'tlike her seeing Stefano. Lexie can't stop thinking about what Stefano saidand excuses herself. She finds John in the garden, where he is trying tothink of a way to help Roman, but he knows he can't free Stefano without thesecurity code, which only Abe has. Lexie blurts out that the code is inAbe's notebook computer, which he left at home. She says she needs to knowif Stefano is capable of good.

In the church, the wedding is about to begin. Susan, decked out in her usualgaudy attire, remarks that she can't believe a Salem wedding is actuallygoing to take place (don't count your chickens yet, Susan!). Marlena putsthe finishing touches on Sami and declares that she looks beautiful. Samisays she knows Austin doesn't love her now, but hopes he will someday. Shegoes out to meet Roman, and they share a touching father/daughter moment, andRoman has a hard time believing she could be up to something. The musicstarts and they prepare to go down the aisle.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, August 29, 1997

by Diane Dix

John stares at Lexie in amazement, and tells her he is going to forget whatshe just said to him about the security code. Lexie pleads with him to freeStefano because there must be some goodness in him, and if a DiMera can beredeemed, anyone can. John tells her she's fooling herself, that Stefano hasmanipulated her. Lexie says she's not gullible, she knows when someone isscamming her, and she believes Stefano is sincere. She gives John a housekeyand tells him to let himself in while Abe is at the wedding. John tells herhe's going to have to forget what he heard because he doesn't want to riskher relationship with Abe. Lexie tells him she'll deal with that.

Hope sneaks up behind Mike at the hospital and they hug. Mike tells her shelooks gorgeous and assumes she's going to the wedding. Hope says yes, butshe has some errands to run first. She tells Mike she ran into Laura at thehairdresser's and knows all about his adventures in LA with Carrie, and thathe loves her. She tells him Austin is a fool to let Carrie go, and shethinks Mike would be terrific for her. Mike says he has to wait until afterthe wedding to tell Carrie he loves her. Hope wishes him luck.

At the prison, Stefano tells Kristen not to worry, because John's not hisonly hope for getting out. He's sure that Lexie will help him, and he hasalready planted the seed to drive a wedge between Lexie and Abe, as well asbetween Abe and John. Kristen says it will never work, that Lexie is notcorruptible. Stefano tells her she should never underestimate him. Justthen, Hope walks in and says that Stefano's right...and she will neverunderestimate him. But when she remembers everything about Maison Blanche,she'll go straight to John and Abe and make sure he never gets out of prisonagain. Kristen demands to know what she's talking about, but Stefano tellsher she's bluffing. Hope tells him to get used to his cell. Stefano saysthat he won't be there long - John and Lexie will betray Abe. Hope says itwill never happen. Stefano tells her it already has. Hope and Kristen leavetogether.

At the church, Lucas and Austin stand at the altar while Marlena, Sami, andRoman gather in the vestibule. Carrie, standing just outside the door, is inshock and in tears, unable to believe that Austin is actually going to gothrough with it. Marlena makes sure Sami is ready and then walks down theaisle. But Roman can't stop thinking about what Eric said - that Carriereally loves Austin and that he needs a few more hours to prove that Sami isup to something. As he walks Sami into the church, he notices that nobodyexcept Sami is smiling, and gets the sense that something is very wrong withthe wedding. As they approach the altar, Roman suddenly falls to the ground,to everyone's horror. Marlena urges Eric to call 911, but Roman gets upslowly and says he just lost his footing and needs to rest. When Eric handshim a glass of water, Roman tells him that he faked the fall, and that he hasjust bought Eric a little more time to investigate Sami. Eric doesn't askquestions and leaves the church, while Roman claims he's all right, but needssome time to rest.

Outside, Eric runs into Carrie and tells her what Roman did. Carrie isastonished, but clings to the hope that they can find something to prove thatSami is not what she seems. Remembering the night that she and Austin foundSami at the hospital, she decides to start the investigation there. Eric andCarrie find Mike at the hospital and tell him the wedding has been delayed.They start brainstorming with him to figure out what Sami could have beendoing there. Mike tells her that the hospital records are kept on thatfloor, and Carrie remembers that Sami had asked Maggie for a job working withcomputers. Eric then remembers Sami freaking out when Lucas looked at Will'sbaby book. Carrie wonders what the connection is and knows they're on tosomething. Just then, Laura calls Mike and tells him the wedding ispostponed. Mike says he knows, because Carrie and Eric are there trying todig up dirt. Laura warns Mike not to help them if it means sacrificingpossible happiness with Carrie. Mike cuts her off, and asks what he can doto help. Carrie asks if he can get them into the hospital records. Mikepauses, knowing that it's unethical and also that it could end up making iteasier for Carrie and Austin to get together...

Roman does his best to delay the wedding, but he's running out of excuses.Meanwhile, Abe remembers that he left his notebook computer with thesecurity code at home. He excuses himself from the wedding, telling Romanhe'll feel a lot better if he has it on his person. Meanwhile, John has usedLexie's key to get into Abe's house and is accessing the security code. Abewalks in and discovers John. He is furious and hurt that John betrayed himthis way, and tells him that he should have John arrested for breaking andentering. Lexie walks in and says Abe would have to arrest her, too. Abecan't believe the two people he trusted most would betray him this way. Hewalks away to think while John and Lexie apologize to each other. When Abecomes back, he tells them that he hates what they're doing, but his concernfor Roman is going to force him to look the other way and let John use thecode. John tells him he won't regret it. Abe says he'd better not.

Lucas overhears Laura talking to Mike, and deduces that Carrie and Eric areat the hospital. He isn't sure what it means, but decides to warn Sami.Sami comes out to talk to Roman and tells Lucas he can wait. Roman tellsSami that if she's ready, they can resume the wedding, but they should waitfor Eric. Sami says it's okay, she'd rather get married immediately.

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Edited by SC Desk