Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, August 18, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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Bo is still at the club Fortuna and decides to head back to the hotelbecause he thinks he's wastinghis time. Billie comes out of the ladies room and says she shouldn't havedone the drugs, but saysshe only had a little bit to ease the shakes. Billie talks to herself in themirror about how she's allalone. She decides to have a good time and party and says she'll kick drugstomorrow. Billie islooking around for a dance partner and she sees Bo. Billie asks Bo what he'sdoing here and hesays he's been looking for her. Billie doesn't know what to think and Botells her she doesn't look sogood. Bo tells her she looks tired and Billie says it must be all those latenight parties. Bo sayssomething isn't right and tells her they are going back to her hotel andtomorrow they're going backto Salem. Bo leaves to get a cab. Billie wonders if Bo has come back for herbecause he realized heloves her. Billie then recalls Max telling her that if Bo comes back for herthe tabloids will ruin his lifeand career because Billie is hooked on drugs. Bo returns to get Billie andshe tells him she's notgoing with him.

Outside the court room Mickey tells Jack the DA has let him have a few hoursto say goodbye toeveryone and Jen is angry with Stefano and Kristen for what they've done.Jen and Jack go backhome where Travis happened to be waiting and is startled to see Jack. Jenand Jack go insidewhere Alice is and she doesn't understand why Jack has to go back to Prisonfor the rest of his life.Travis overhears this and says he never should have doubted Stefano. Jacktells Jen she needs tostart worrying about her safety, and when Jen says the neighbor installed asecurity system Jack tellsher his ex-cellmate said anyone can crack them. Laura begins to worry abouthow easily Stefanogave up and everyone agrees that Stefano is up to something. Jen decides tocall Trent because shewants him to come talk to Jack before he leaves about the security systembut Trent says he will tryto come later. Franco offers to help Jen if she needs him and Jack tellsHope he's sorry he can't goto Rome to find out what's up with Billie and Bo. Jack gives Jen a list ofthings to do when he'sgone, and an upset Jen runs out of the house. Jack goes after her and shecries she doesn't need alist she needs him. Jack tells Jack to move on and find someone else but shecries that she doesn'twant anyone else. Suddenly the police show up for Jack and he goes in to saygoodbye to Abby.Jack goes in to see Abby and tells her goodbye, and they hug. Abby saysshe loves him andplease not to go, but he tells her he has to. Jen tells Jack she'll neverstop believing they'll betogether, and she'll never stop loving him. Jack tells her he loves her somuch and the cops come totake him away.

Inside the court room Kristen asks Stefano about the cure for Roman whenMarlena asks what evilthey are plotting now. John tells Marlena to get back to the house to bewith Roman, but Marlenadecides to call the house and see if Roman's okay. Later Kristen whines toStefano that it's not fairfor him to blame her for everything but Stefano laughs and says that hewanted to be arrested, it'spart of his plan. Kristen asks him to please let her help and he asks her ifshe's willing to do what hetells her, and she must trust him completely. A cop shows up to take Stefanoaway, and before hegoes he tells Kristen to come to the jail later, and to bring John.

Marlena and John discuss the situation, and Marlena feels Stefano is up tosomething. John tells hernot to worry because his cell is escape proof and John tells her to stopthinking about Stefano andenjoy their moments alone together. Marlena asks John to take her to thepenthouse and make loveto her when Marlena's cell phone rings. It's Eric and he wants to know ifshe'll be home whenRoman wakes up because Roman seems to do better when she's there. Marlenapromises to comeright home.

At the DiMera mansion Roman tells Austin and Sami how he always wanted towalk one of hischildren down the isle, and hopes Carrie marries Mike before it's to latefor him. Roman says he'sfeeling tired and Sami takes him upstairs. The phone rings and Austinanswers it, it's Marlena askingabout Roman. Austin says Roman is resting, and when he asks about Jack'shearing Marlena tellshim that Jack is going back to prison for life and she asks him not to tellRoman the truth, andsuggests he just tell Roman that Stefano is going back to jail for the restof his life. Eric shows upand Austin tells him Stefano's going to jail forever.

Kate and Lucas are still bickering over Sami, who Austin asked to move backin with him. Kateand Lucas come into the mansion and Kate is delighted to overhear Eric tellAustin he thinkssomething is bothering Sami. Kate goes in to see everyone, and Eric andLucas leave to go seeSami. Kate can't believe Austin is going to ask Sami to move in with him,but he says his mind hismade up.

Upstairs Sami is worried about her dad. When she tells Lucas she wishes Dadcould walk her downthe isle she get's an idea, and plans to use her father's dying wish to getAustin back. Sami rushesdownstairs where Austin and Kate are still bickering. Austin asks Sami onceagain to move back inwith him but she says no, he doesn't love her and doesn't want to set a badexample for Will. Shealso mentions how much her Dad wants to walk her down the isle and she saysthat's not going tohappen, so she has to move on and find a new life for herself. Austin asksher to reconsider, andSami says she can't live with a man she's not married to. Austin leaves tothink and Kate calls Samia witch for trying to force Austin into marrying her. Sami smiles and saysthat's right, and Kate isgoing to help her. The maid brings Will downstairs and says he was cryingfor his daddy. Lucastakes Will and says he'll take him outside to where his daddy is and Samigets that worriedexpression on her face. Sami tells Kate she better tell Austin to marry herotherwise she'll dump thedirt she has on her. Kate says her relationship with Franco is professional,but Sami says bull. Katesays she and Franco will both say she's lying. Sami perhaps, but certainclients from her ex-call-girldays would be every upset with her if they were revealed to everyone.

Meanwhile Austin calls Carrie and learns she and Dr. Horton are driving upthe coast and areprobably spending the night in a romantic inn. Lucas takes Will to Austinand goes into his "Just likeCurtis" speech again and tells him he should prove he's not like Curtis bymarrying Sami. Lucas thengoes off about Carrie and Mike and how they are in love, and blah blah blah.Lucas asks Austin ifhe's decided what to do, and Austin says that he has but he needs to run itby Kate first.

At the Cabin in LA Mike realizes Carrie has a fever. Mike kisses Carrie andsays he'll be rightback, he just needs the cell phone from the car. When Mike leaves Carriebegins to stir. Mikereturns and he couldn't find the phone, and because his close are all wet hetakes them off to keepCarrie warm with body heat. Mike tells Carrie when the rain stops he'll gethelp to get them out ofhere. Carrie begins to dream about Austin, and Mike dreams about being withCarrie and telling herhe loves her. Suddenly the two sleepyheads begin to make out, not aware ofwhat they are reallydoing!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, August 19, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Bo tells Billie he's taking her back to Salem but Billie refuses to leaveand asks him why he'sinterfering in her life. Billie says his life is with Hope now, and asks whyhe's not with her. Bo justsays that he came here to find Billie as a favor to Kate, and Billie tellshim to go home to Hope.Billie grabs Dino and begins dancing with him. Later Dino tells Billie she'sin a much better moodnow, and that when his present wears off she should come see him again. Dinoleaves when awoman comes to see him and Bo tells Billie he doesn't like the man she waswith. Bo asks if thisisn't about "us", but Billie says there is no us and tells him to go home.Bo tells Billie if she needsanything to call him, and then he leaves. Outside the club Bo realizessomething more is going onwith Billie.

Marlena stumbles upon Hope at the playground, Hope is so upset aboutwatching Jack being takenaway by the police today. They talk about Roman for a bit, and Marlena saysshe's hoping for goodnews from Carrie and Mike. Marlena is still wondering why Stefano rejectedJohn's offer. Hopesays Marlena and John have helped her so much and it's time she repays themby going to talk toStefano.

At the DiMera mansion Austin tells Lucas he's going to talk to Kate aboutmarrying Sami, becausehe knows he can count on her to be honest with him. Lucas takes Will to thestables when Ericshows up looking for Sami. Eric senses something is wrong with Sami, andAustin tells him he toldSami everything and explains what's going on. Eric is sorry about whathappened, but says nowAustin and Carrie get married. Austin says no, it's to late. Eric asks if heloves Carrie, and he saysyes and that he thinks Mike is better for her. Eric tells him he should letCarrie decide who's best forher, and urges him to call Carrie. Austin pulls out his cell phone anddecides to call Carrie but getsno answer. Eric says her cell phone battery is probably dead but Austin saystheir relationship isdead. Eric says to give Carrie a few days but Austin says he has made adecision about the rest ofhis life. Austin says he's going to ask Sami to marry him. Eric doesn't likehis decision, but he sayshe will support him no matter what he does.

Inside Sami says people will be shocked that Kate got where she is bysleeping with rich andpowerful men. Kate tells Sami she's more evil than Kristen and Stefano andSami tells her that shebetter tell Austin to marry her. Kate says maybe it would be worth it toexpose her and Sami saysit's her call, but if she does she'll lose the love and respect of herchildren forever.

Sami goes up to see Roman who is weak and tired. Sami leaves Roman to restand Lucas asks herwhat is happening with Austin and his mom. Sami says she doesn't know, butshe fears she mayhave pushed Kate too far too fast.

Marlena comes home to find Kate there and they talk. Marlena says that ifKristen had any decencyshe'd leave town, but she won't because she loves John. Kate says Kristen isusing love as herexcuse, but Marlena says that's not a reason to hurt people. Kate wonders ifanyone involved withStefano is redeemable (A clue?) and they discuss Kristen, Celeste, Lexie,and even Vivian. Marlenasays Vivian is lucky she doesn't have children to bare the humiliation ofher actions.

Lucas comes to see Kate and urges his mom to tell Austin to marry Sami soshe'll leave her alone.Kate says blackmailers never leave their victims alone when Austin comesinto the room and asks tospeak with Kate alone. Lucas leaves and Austin asks his mom what she thinksabout him marryingSami. Kate says she wants is for her children to be happy, and Carrie makeshim happy. Austindoesn't think that he makes Carrie as happy as Mike, but he think he canmake Sami happy and hisson happy too. Austin asks Kate if he's wrong and she thinks long and hard.Kate says that Samidoes love him and she thinks Will does deserve a full time father. Katetells him if he marries her,which is his decision, she will accept Sami as his wife.

Austin goes out to the garden where Sami is and he tells her he's made adecision about their future.Austin says he knows she's not the women she once was. He tells her he knowsshe loves him, buthe doesn't think he could love another woman but the one he loves. Austinwants to tell Sami who itis, but Sami says she doesn't want to know. Austin can't promise Sami he'lllove her, but if theymarry he will make her happy. Austin asks Sami if she'll marry him, and shesays YES! InsideKate's heart breaks as she watches Sami jump into Austin's arms.

Marlena goes up to see Roman where Eric is. Marlena hugs him and tells himshe's so glad he'shome. Marlena tells Eric that both she and his dad are very proud of him.After Marlena leaves Ericsays he hopes he can become the man his dad wants him to be.

In the holding area at the jail Kristen tells Stefano she doesn't like beinginvolved in his games.Stefano says he knows what he's doing and to follow his instructions.Kristen says no, she can't gothrough with this! Stefano is shocked that she won't help him and Kristensays she'll help him only ifhe tells her his plan. Stefano tells her it is better she not know becauseshe has to disassociateherself from him in John's eyes and that if she knows what his plans are theshock and surprise in hereyes won't be real enough for anyone to believe. Kristen agrees to help andStefano asks her to gofetch John for him.

Hope comes to see Stefano, who calls her Gina Hopeasks what kind of man he is and he tells her he was a caring man, look atall he did for her. Hopeasks why he held her hostage at Maison Blanche and Stefano tells her thatnot many people get asecond chance so she should count her blessings. Hope asks what reallyhappened at MaisonBlanche, did she uncover a secret that could destroy him? Stefano says she'sfooling herself andHope tells him she won't let him hurt the Hortons or the Bradys. Stefanotells Hope he knows howmuch she loves Bo and will help her win him back. Hope asks why Stefano isso eager to buy heroff with Bo? What secret doesn't he want revealed? Hope then walks off.

In Abe's office John is angry that Jack is going back to jail and howKristen is using Roman to drivehim and Marlena apart. John feels really bad and says when Roman dies theguilt could tear him andMarlena apart. Celeste and Lexie show up at the station and Celeste says shehad a premonition that an enemy of Stefano's will free him. Suddenly Kristenshowsup and says that Stefano would like to see John. Hope comes into the roomwhen Kristen is aboutto leave. Before leaving to see Stefano John calls the D.A. to learn aboutKing's trial. Lexie wants togo see Stefano but Celeste refuses. Hope asks Kristen how she could sendJack back to jail, andhow could she sleep at night. Kristen says she's just trying to hold on toher man, and she tells Hopeshe lost Bo because she didn't fight for him, a mistake she isn't going tomake with John.

John goes to see Stefano, who says he has an offer to make to John. Stefanotells John he has abargain for him, about Roman's life.

In L.A. Mike realizes he was kissing Carrie when he wakes up, but he thinksit was probably just adream. Carrie is still shivering and Mike promises to find a way back to thecar when the rain stops.Mike says he has to get Carrie out of here, but says does he really want totake her back to Austin?Later Mike has a dream in which he asks Carrie to marry him, and sheaccepts. Carrie has a dreamabout being with Austin on their wedding night. Carrie kisses Mike in hersleep, and says she loves him.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, August 20, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

At the cabin Carrie is telling Mike, who she thinks is Austin, she wants to be with him forever. She says she's so thirsty and when Mike gives her a bottle of water she thanks him and calls him Austin. Carrie eventually comes around and Miketells her what happened. Carrie says she's okay, a little tired but okay. She askswhat happened to her clothes and he tells her he had to take her out of her clothesbecause he was afraid she was going to get pneumonia. Mike apologizes for undressingher, butit was the only thing he could do to help her. Carrie says that she had some wonderfuldreams about being with Austin, but that somehow she felt Mike was there. Carrie saysthe onething she does remember is kissing Austin, and how it was the most beautiful kiss.Carrie says kissing Austin was so real, so passionate, it was like nothingshe's ever experienced before. Mike remembers kissing Carrie, and she says she doesn't understandwhy it was so different. Carrie says if only reality could be like her dream and doesn'tunderstand what happened to them. Mike gets up and walks over to the window and confessesto Carrie that he was the one that kissed her, and that he has fallen in love with her.

At the DiMera Mansion Marlena and Kate can't believe their eyes when they see Samiin Austin's arms. Kate tells Marlena she fears Austin is growing closer to Sami andMarlena says no! Out on the patio Lucas spies on Sami when she agrees to marry Austin. Austin tellsher he's only marrying her for Will's sake and Sami says maybe one day he can growto love her. Austin wants to go to tell Roman to make him feel better, but Sami sayssince he thinks they are already married they should tell him they are renewing theirvows. Sami and Austin go inside, where Kate, Marlena, and now Lucas are. Sami announcesher engagement and Sami says she's so happy and wants to get married tomorrow! Samisays she really wants to hurry because of her dad's condition. Marlena asks to talk toAustin and Sami grabs her mom and hugs her and says she's so happy about this. Austingoesoutside with Marlena and she asks what the hell is going on here. Austin tells Marlenaabout theannulment, but he never told Carrie because he thinks she's in love with Mike. Marlena saysCarrie doesn't love Mike and tells him that the hotel was full, they had to share aroom.Austin says he talked with someone at the hotel, and that he said that Carrie haddumped her boyfriend for Mike. Austin says Mike can give her what he can't, and hisplace is with his son and to be as good of a father as he can. Marlena wonders if Samiis orchestratingthis, but Austin is sure she's not the same person she was. Austin says this was hisdecision, notSami's. Marlena says Carrie has never spoken of any feeling for Mike, but Austin knowsMike loves her and he thinks Carrie loves him as well. Austin says Mike will loveCarrietotally and won't hurt her the way he has. Austin says he won't have his son grow upresentinghis father for leaving him and he won't be like his father. Marlena says he's nothinglikeCurtis and Austin says that he is marrying Sami to provide Will a good home. Marlenasayshe doesn't love Sami and Austin says he's explained that to Sami. Marlena tells himhe'smaking a big mistake, but Austin says what he is doing is right. Austin says if itwasn'tfor Carrie wouldn't she want him to marry Sami and take responsibility. Marlena saysthere must be another way but Austin says this is the best way.

Inside Sami tells Kate she has won and everything is so perfect. Kate leaves and Lucastells Sami she will need her help getting Carrie away from Mike. Sami says that shouldn't be too hard, Carrie isn't as close to Mike as Austin thinks.

Marlena goes in to see Sami and talks so her about what's happening. Sami says thismeans a lot to her and that she doesn't know how things will work out, but she's willing to try.Out on the patio Austin sulks and says he is doing this for Carrie. As he talks Kate overhears her son and asks God to forgive her.

In Roman's room Roman is talking to Eric, and Eric tells his dad he admires and respects his father. Eric tells Roman he wants to be there for his dad and hefeels so bad he's been gone so long and missed out so much. Eric wishes he could bestrongerfor his dad but Roman tells him he's proud of him. Roman says he wants to grow old,see his children married, play with his grandchildren, but that's not going to happen.Roman says he's accepted this and then falls asleep. Eric says he won't accept it, hedoes not want him to die, he needs him now more than ever.

Sami and Austin go upstairs and tells Roman she and Austin are renewing their vowsat Saint Luke's. She asks Roman to walk her down the isle and Roman says he'd lovenothing more. Roman tells Austin this means a lot to him and thanks him. Roman thenstartscoughing and Sami tells Roman they will get married tomorrow. Roman is happy he'sgoing to get to walk his little girl down the isle, and he thanks Austin for makingSamifeel happy and loved. Roman says he wants the very best for Sami, and Austin saysit's the best for everyone. In her head Kate says this isn't the best for Austin, and saysshe's so sorry. Lexie comes to see Stefano, but the guard tells her to wait while he checks with his supervisor. Kristen shows up and she tells Lexie they are sisters,she's just like her. Lexie tells Kristen she's nothing like her, what she has done is horrifying. Kristen says she had no choice and she tells Lexie she is a fortunate person, she has a loving husband and has never had a threat to her relationshipso she shouldn't judge her. Lexie says she'd never stoop to evil, but Kristen asksher if she's ever been tested. Kristen says she's always thought she was always a good person, but when she began to lose John she did everything she could to holdonto him. Kristen says at first the lies were small ones, but they got bigger andbiggerand she couldn't turn back. Kristen says that's when Stefano came along and made heran offer, and she had no choice but to accept it. Lexie asks her what type of loveis that, and Kristen says that it wasn't her choice to become the town outcast. Lexiesays she will never have anything to do with Stefano, but Kristen asks her what sheis doinghere then? Lexie says she needs to talk to him about some questions that have beenhauntingher. Kristen says she's opening her door to him and she says that Stefano will manipulator her. Kristen says if she wants nothing to do with Stefano she will leave.Lexie says Stefano is going to be in jail forever but Kristen assures her that Stefanowill get out of prison. Kristen warns Lexie one last time to stay away from Stefanoor she'llend up just like her.

At Stefano's cell Stefano tells John there is a cure for Roman's illness. John doesn't believe Stefano when he says he has the cure and accuses himof lying. Stefano tells John that by turning his back on him he's really turning his back on Roman. John says if he did have a cure how would he get it and Stefanosays he is the only one who knows how to get it, for a price. Stefano tells John he'llgive him the cure, for his freedom. Stefano tells John he knew every move he and Abewere making and said he would never let John and Abe catch him and put him in thiscell unless he was absolutely sure they'd release him. John tells Stefano he's ontohisgame, he can't help Roman and he is done talking with him. Stefano then says if he'sso sure he won't mind taking the chance away from the Bradys, Roman, MARLENA. Stefano says that he could care less if Roman dies and will sleep great when he dies. However, he asks John how he will sleep knowing he could have saved Roman? Hesaysthe Bradys will hate him, and so will Marlena.

John leaves and Kristen comes to see him. Kristen asks what happened and Stefano says as he anticipated John didn't believe him. However, Stefano says he knows soonJohn will come back to him and take his deal to protect Marlena. Stefano says when hedoes, checkmate, and he looks at the queen piece of his chess set. Stefano says Johnloves Marlena so much he would sell his soul to him, and he promises Kristen he'llbe out of jail sooner than she thinks. When John returns to the DiMera mansion he hears Marlena tell Eric if there was someway to save Roman she'd give her life for it.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, August 21, 1997

by Diane Dix

John tells Marlena that Stefano claims he can give them a cure for Roman'sillness on the condition that he is released. Although John is skeptical,Marlena insists that they must be willing to take any risk if there is even asmall chance that Roman could be saved, or she would never forgive herself.Remembering Stefano's words in the prison cell, John is forced to considerthe request. Finally, he tells Marlena that the only way they can ensurethat Stefano comes through with the cure is for John to go with Stefano.Marlena is horrified at the thought.

Roman is thrilled that Sami and Austin are "renewing" their vows for hissake. He has a heart-to-heart with Eric, telling him how proud he is of hisson. Eric starts thinking about whether Sami is up to something or not, anddecides to track her down.

Sami is thrilled when Austin tells her the wedding plans can go forthimmediately. She spends some time gloating with Lucas, but accidentallyleaves Will's baby book, containing the crucial blood type information, onKate's sofa. Sami goes shopping for a gown and encounters Susan at thedepartment store. A clerk tells Susan that her child looks nothing like her,and Susan says it's because he looks like his father. Sami is reminded ofLucas holding Will and Kate saying that Will has Lucas' eyes. Dread fillsher as she realizes she left the book out where it could be found. As sheturns to run out of the store and go home, she bumps into Eric. When he asksher what's wrong, she doesn't even take the time to make up an excuse - shejust runs out. Eric knows something is up.

Kate keeps trying to talk Austin out of marrying Sami, but finally he tellsher he just needs her support, since his mind is made up. Kate gives up,although her heart is filled with regret because she can't speak out againstSami. Suddenly, Austin gets an overwhelming feeling that Carrie is indanger. He tries to call, but her cell phone is dead, and the hotel says sheis still out with Mike. Austin decides he has to forget about Carrie.

At the cabin, Carrie wakes up, not knowing that Mike has just spilled hisguts to her. She tells him she had a wonderful dream that someone wastelling her he loved her, and assumes it had to be Austin. Mike keeps hisfeelings to himself, and doesn't confess about the kiss. Mike goes to theroad to get Carrie's cell phone while Carrie dresses in her dry clothes,unaware that a deadly rattlesnake is in the cabin with her. Mike finds thephone is dead, but hails a passing motorcyclist, who promises to send a towtruck. Mike returns to the cabin and they prepare to leave, but they disturbthe snake who begins rattling and hissing. Carrie screams and Mike jumps infront of her. While attempting to cover the snake again, Mike is bitten onthe arm.

Kristen runs into Susan and they have a semi-normal conversation. Kristentells Susan she's trying to become a better person, and offers to spend theday shopping with her and Elvis. Susan agrees, and in the pricey departmentstore, they run into Vivian Alamain, who is trying to convince the clerk thatshe is still the rich Mrs. Kiriakis. Susan unwittingly blows Vivian's coverwhile Kristen looks on in vengeful amusement. The clerk humiliates Vivianand demands all the free samples back. Vivian and Kristen exchange hostilewords, and Kristen tells Vivian she'll never work with her again. Viviangoes home to her cruddy apartment with Ivan, where he has an assortment ofdisgusting foods for her to eat. Vivian collapses dramatically onto herbed...which promptly folds her up into the wall!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, August 22, 1997

by Diane Dix

Marlena tries to talk John out of accompanying Stefano to get the cure forRoman, but he tells her if he doesn't, Stefano will just disappear. Finally,Marlena agrees to let him try, although she is very fearful. Roman calls herinto the room and they chat about Sami's wedding, while Marlena conceals thetruth about Sami and Austin and Carrie. Roman asks Marlena to lie down withhim. She falls asleep and dreams about John...first an erotic dream, andthen a nightmare that he is in danger. Roman wakes her up and tells her shewas calling John's name, and that she sounded frightened. Marlena tells himshe just had a nightmare, and Roman comforts her.

John goes downstairs and runs into Kristen, who grills him about whether he'sgoing to release Stefano. He tells her he will try, even though he doesn'ttrust her or Stefano - he'll try for Marlena's sake. Abe stops by and Johnasks him if he can get Stefano released. Abe reacts with uncharacteristicanger and says that it's another trick and Stefano will never get out ofjail. Kristen asks him whether his anger has anything to do with Lexie, andAbe tells her that Lexie wants nothing to do with her father. John tellsAbe not to let his anger get in the way of a chance to help Roman. Abe saysit's out of his hands anyway and the DA would never agree to the deal. Hemakes the call, and the DA tells him to forget it. Abe leaves, and Johntells Kristen that although Abe's hands are tied by rules and regulations,John's are not...

Carrie is horrified to see Mike bitten by the snake, but Mike manages tomaintain his composure long enough to shoo the snake out the door. Then hecollapses in agony as Carrie applies all her knowledge as a candy striper tominimize the effects of the venom. While Mike is delirious, he tells Carriehe loves her. Carrie only hears the words "love you." The tow truck driverarrives and takes Mike to the doctor's cabin. The doctor injects Mike withan antivenin and tells him that Carrie's quick thinking probably saved hislife. Then he tells them that he's had a chance to study Roman's file andthe only thing he can offer is a drug cocktail which could enhance andprolong his life, but would not cure the infection. Carrie is ecstatic andthe doctor writes the prescription for her. She tells Mike that now she canfocus on the other parts of her life, such as her relationship with Austin.Mike is disappointed, but hides it. Carrie tells him he was talking aboutlove in his sleep, and that when they get back to Salem, she will help himfind the woman of his dreams. Carrie decides to try to call Austin one moretime. Getting no answer at the apartment, she calls Kate's to see if he'sthere.

Back in Salem, Eric follows a frantic Sami back to Kate's. He asks her whatshe's hiding and she claims it's just wedding nerves, but he obviouslydoesn't believe her. Sami bursts into the living room to find Lucas and Willreading the baby book. Sami says, "Oh no" before she can stop herself. Shesnatches the book from Lucas and tells him to quit reading her privatematerial. Lucas asks her what the heck her problem is, and tells her hefound something disturbing in the baby book. Sami dreads that he noticed theblood type discrepancy, but actually he just noticed that she misrecordedWill's time of birth. Sami relaxes and says she'll fix it and hurriesupstairs. Eric tries to confront her again, but she dodges him. Eric takesa look at the baby book himself when Sami is gone, but sees nothing out ofline. He vows to find out what Sami is hiding. Sami goes downstairs todrink champagne with Lucas, celebrating her victory with Austin. Lucas tellsher not to get too comfortable, because Carrie could call any time and if shefound out about the annulment, she'd probably stop the wedding. Just then,the phone rings and Sami picks it up. It's Carrie, and Sami panics, butCarrie tells her she's stuck in the mountains with Mike for another night orso and to tell Austin she won't be back to work right away. Sami takes theopportunity to tell Carrie that she and Austin are renewing their vows.Carrie is devastated.

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Edited by SC Desk