Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, May 26, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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At Jennifer's everyone is looking through old photo albums. Austincan't seem to get Laura's words that Mike is better for Carrie out of hishead. Austin asks Carrie to speak in private with him and he asks her to tell him sheloves him. Carrie says of course she does and they hug. Mickey returns to tell Laura that Peter's body can be exhumed at anytime, but there's a cemetery strike. Laura says nothing will stop her from proving Peterisn't in that coffin. Laura says Jen can stop this if she learnsabout this, and says Jen will thank her afterwards. Mickey says it would benice to see Jen and Jack, and Austin and Carrie back together, but Laura says shethinks Mike is much better for Carrie. Mickey says Carrie only loves Austin, butLaura says that Mike is so much better for her. (A little matchmaking going on?) Laura says there has been such a change in Mike since he's been spending time with Carrie.Austin says to Laura, that he and Carrie were meant to be together, and Laura says even if Mike was out of the picture he still has Sami to deal with. Jen and Carrie come back downstairs and Laura leaves.

Lucas is shocked to think that the real Sami is back. Lucas asks what she remembers, and Sami says the last thing she recalls is her warning Austin not to drive his car, and the accident, but nothingelse. Lucas asks her if she remembers Austin, and Sami still thinks that they are in love and living together.Lucas asks her if she remembered how she got him, and she said they schemed together which is no big deal. Lucas tells her otherwise, and that is was a serious accident. Sami says she does remember the hospital, but after that it's fuzzy. Lucas helps her to stand up and get back into the chair. Sami decides to go see Will and Lucas wonders if this will affect his plan to win Carrie. Lucas says Kate redecorated the apartment to look for something she was blackmailing her with, and Sami says she remembers and begins laughing. Lucas asks what she has on his mom, and Sami says it's nothing for him to worryabout. Lucas tells her she's living in a fantasy world and he's not going to let her ruin his plan of pairing Carrie with Mike. Sami says it sounds like a good plan, but Lucas says she has to keeppretending to have lost her memory.

At the DiMera home, Susan sees Marlena on the remote and thinks she's been abducted by aliens.Meanwhile Marlena is shouting at Susan to save her, but Susan can't hear her, since the power is off. Susan tells her, that she saw Kristen and Vivian dig up Peter's coffin, but Marlena says she doesn't understand. She tells Susan to call the police, which Susan does eventually. Susan drops the mini-tv on the sofa and goes to call the police, but she forgets.

Suddenly John and Abe show up, and John says all he needs is one lead to find Marlena, not realizing the most important clue is on the sofa behind him. Marlena overhears John tell Abe that he loves Marlena more than anything, and Marlena begins to cry. John and Abe leave, and never see the mini-tv on the couch. Susan returns and finds the tv again and runs off with it.

Upstairs Susan watches the mini-tv, and remembers to call the police. Susan callsthe police and says some people are at the cemetery digging up the graves, butdoesn't give them her name. Marlena continues to shout at Susan to turn up the VOLUME, but Susan thinks she's talking about Vampires. Marlena finds a lipstick and writes on her pillow to turn up the volume.Susan finds the volume and turns it up. Marlena tells Susan to help her get out of the secret room. Susan says she's on her way to the basement to help her out, and Marlena thinks she's finally going to be rescued.

At the cemetery Vivian and Kristen tell Ivan to get Peter's body out of the coffin. Ivan all by himself, loads the coffin on the truck, when it pops open. Ivan faints. Vivian says if he doesn't put what's left of Daniel'sbody back into the coffin he can find another job. Ivan tells her that she'd never find anyone crazy enough to fill his position. A cop shows up, and asks what's going on. Kristen shows him the permit to dig up Peter, and claims that Vivian and Ivan are grave diggers helping her because of the strike. Abe tells him to take care of it himself, and the cop lets them continue. Kristen says she has to get back to the house, and ordersVivian and Ivan to cremate the body. Kristen returns home, and just misses Susan running downstairs to the cellar to rescue Dr. Evans.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, May 27, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Bo and Billie arrive in Rome, and will stay at the same hotel, that he stayed with Hope on their second anniversary. They were married 12 years ago today. Hope and Franco arrive also, and are staying at the same hotel. Both Bo & Hope have memories of their time together in Rome. Hope wonders if Bo even remembers it's their anniversary. They leave just as Franco and Hope come down from their rooms to go to the same restaurant per Franco's suggestion. At the restaurant, Bo & Billie sit outside as Franco and Hope sit inside. Bo talks about Hope and Billie reminds him she's safe and he needs to concentrate on the case as Bo's phone rings. It's King telling Bo it's not time to get the drugs and to relax and enjoy himself. Billieis thinking to herself if she can keep Bo away from Hope that maybe she canget him to fall in love with her again. Inside Franco's trying to cheer up Hope. He tells her finally that he loves her. Hope doesn't believe it, she's still in love with Bo, and can't return those feelings. As they leave, they just miss being seen by Bo & Billie.

Austin walks in and hears Sami and Lucas arguing. She has a surprise and stands for Austin. He asks her if she also got her memory back and mentions that is she has it will change their lives and things can get back to normal. She remembers Lucas telling her not to tell Austin and then she passes out. Just then Mike and Carrie arrive home. Lucas tells them about Sami getting shocked by the iron, and Mike yells at him for not calling 911. With her still passed out they take her to the bed so Mike can examine her. She wakes up , and can't remember much exceptstanding for Austin. Lucas is relieved.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen lies and says she was at the garden center. John mentions that Stefano hasn't left a clue like he usually does and wonders if Stefano did indeed take Marlena. About then the phone rings and it's someone saying that a plane left the night Marlena disappeared with an unknown destination. So they hurry off to check it out. Kristen is relieved. With them gone she looks for the monitor as Eliana brings it in she found it in the hallway. Kristen checks in to see Marlena pacing and thinks that everything is fine, and heads to shower to get the cemetery dirt off her.

In the cellar Susan manages to move the bottle that has the window in it and Marlena motions her to move the bottle with the intercom buttons under it. She does and they talk. Marlena tells Susan to find the bottle that opens the door she needs to get out. Susan says she trying but is not having any luck. She keeps trying as Marlena is encouraging her. Kristen is done with her shower and checks in on Marlena and thinks she is talking to herself so she turns up the volume to hear what Doc has to say.

She realizes Marlena is talking to Susan and she has found the room!!! She rushes down there just as Susan finds the right bottle to turn. It's a few seconds before Kristen comes rushing in to slam the door shut. Kristen tells Susan she made a big mistake but Susan says she is going to let Dr. Evans out. Susan tells Kristen she is not scared of her anymore and that she lied about Stefano and that John needs to know how mean she really is.

They wrestle trying to get to the wine bottle that will open the door. Kristen tells Susan that Marlena wants John and if she lets her out she will take him away from her. Susan doesn't believe her she says John belongs to her as Kristen encourages Susan to ask Marlena. She does and Marlena says yes she loves John and John loves her and they belong together and they will protect Susan from Kristen and also help provide for her baby.

Susan realizes Kristen is right and she can't let Marlena out. Susan tells Dr. Evans that she just can't let her out. John comes in to replace the brandy that Vivian has used, and askes what they are doing down in the basement. Kristen lies and says she was showing Susan that it's nothing to be scared of in the basement. Susan heads upstairs and says to herself that she has big plans for Kristen. John goes to grab abottle of brandy as Kristen holds her breath hoping

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, May 28, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Lucas is looking up information about electric shocks on theinternet, when Kate comes in and asks what is he doing? Lucasclaims nothing, but Kate doesn't believe him. Kate knows he's upto something because he cleared the screen when shecame in. Kate asks him if he and Sami are up to something, butLucas says no. Kate says if Sami is faking, she will get theannulment shoved down her throat. Lucas assures her Sami doesn'tremember anything.

At Austin's place Sami wakes up and gets into her chair and findsAustin sleepingon the couch. Sami knows Austin doesn't love her and she vows tonever letAustin learn she has her memory back. Sami sneaks back into bedand lets Austincome back in and think he's fooled her. Sami begins to cry whenshe wakes up and says she's in pain. She also pretends to be soafraid for her mother and Austin says he's there for her. Katecomes over to see Austin and urges him to spend time with Carrie,but he says all he does is make her unhappy, and thinks she isbetter off with someone else, like Mike Horton. Kate asks who putthis idea in his head, and he says Lucas, and Laura. Austin tellsKate what Laura said, and she says she has to go.

Mickey comes to see Laura about Peter's body being exhumed today.Laura thinksshe'll finally prove she is not crazy. Mickey tries to reason withher but Lauraknows Peter isn't dead and that Kristen knows where Marlena is.Laura knows Mickey doesn't believe her, but this will prove allher claims. Mike says perhaps she should go back on her medicationbecause she seems tense, but Laura refuses. Lynn spikes Laura'stea with a pill, but Laura has already taken a tranquilizer. Katecomes over and confronts Laura about her interfering in herAustin's life. They get into an argument. Kate then goes to seeSami about whether she is remembering anything, and Sami gives hera dose of the old Sami.

Kristen has a nightmare and starts screaming "Don't let Marlenago." John wakes her up to ask what she meant. Kristen lies, andtells him about Marlena dangling over a cliff, and she couldn'thelp her from falling. Once John leaves to call Shane, Kristencalls Vivian and Ivan to make sure the body has been disposed of,and then tells them to come over.

Downstairs Susan goes to see Marlena and she says she can't letMarlena out, but shehas to put her plan into action for Kristen. Marlena warns Susannot to take Kristenon by herself and asks Susan to let her help her by releasing her.Susan goes back to her room and makes an appointment to be madeover like Kristen at some beauty parlor, and she thinks by timeJohn realizes the truth he'll be in love with her. Vivian and Ivancome over, and when Susan runs off Kristen makes Vivian and Ivanfollow her. Kristen goes downstairs and taunts Marlena a littlemore and then gives her food. Meanwhile Susan goes to the beautyparlor and says she needs to get the same treatments Kristen doesand wants her hair died to match Krsiten's and also to get hairextensions. Susan is taken to the back room and Ivan and Vivianshow up. As Susan is being given the works she fantasizes aboutJohn being dressed up as Elvis and singing to her. When Vivian and Ivan leave theyoverhear the women say that Susan signed her bill Mrs John BlackLaura and Mickey go to the cemetery and see that the coffin isgone! Meanwhile Kristen gets a call from the crematorium, thereare technical problems delaying the cremation of the body.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, May 29, 1997

by Diane Dix

Kate is elated to discover that Sami has her memory back, and immediatelystarts threatening her with what will happen when she exposes Sami to Austinand Carrie. Sami lets her enjoy her little revenge fantasy for a while, butjust as Kate is about to call Austin, Sami reminds her that she remembersEVERYTHING - including the blackmail information with which she originallybought Kate's cooperation. Kate thinks she's bluffing when Sami doesn'tproduce the papers, and when Austin enters the apartment, Kate tells him shehas great news, and is about to tell him everything. But Sami casuallyproduces the envelope from a magazine and waves it tauntingly at Kate whenAustin can't see, and Kate is forced to make up a lame lie about buyingAustin a laptop when he asks her what the great news is. Kate is literallygnashing her teeth when she leaves. But first, Austin tells Sami that he hasthings to do tonight and will be out quite late, and for once, he refuses tolet Sami bully him into staying. The truth is that he promised Carrie thatnothing in the world would stop him from getting away for the night so theycould return to the romantic spot where they first made love, Green MountainLodge. Carrie had been reluctant to believe at first, but when Austinreassured her, she happily accepted. As Austin and Kate leave the apartment,Kate tells Austin that she hopes he is meeting Carrie, and he lets her in ontheir plans. She tells him to go buy something for Carrie, and to haveCarrie pick up Will and bring him to Wendy's. Austin thinks it's a greatidea and runs off to arrange it. Kate is leaving the area when she runs intoLucas on his way to visit Sami. She harshly accuses Lucas of having knownabout Sami's memory returning, and warns him to watch his back, because Samicould turn on him at any time. Lucas goes up to see Sami and learns that herfainting spell and memory lapse were all an act. He makes her promise not tohurt Kate with the leverage she obviously has, and Sami agrees, but obviouslyis not that serious about it. Sami immediately begins plotting with Lucasabout the best way to break up Austin and Carrie permanently, and Lucas isamazed at how quickly scheming came back to her.

Carrie, meanwhile, goes shopping at Salem place for a special dress to wearon her date with Austin. Seeing a beautiful, clingy metallic gown in a storewindow, Carrie fantasizes about dancing with Austin to a romantic song. Mikesees her woolgathering, and congratulates and encourages her about hermending relationship with Austin. Carrie buys the dress, and runs intoAustin as she is leaving the shop. He asks her to pick up Will so he can runan errand, and she gladly agrees. Austin buys a lovely bracelet for Carrieand a stuffed toy for Will, happy that he is finally going to spend time withthe woman he loves. Carrie picks up Will and is heading over to Wendy's onthe pier when she hears a sound above. She sees a crate over her head in anet looking none too sturdy, and instinctively sets Will down and pushes himout of the way. A split second later, the crate breaks loose and crashesdown on her. Carrie is not seriously injured, but is dazed for a few minutesas a horrified dock worker comes over to see if she is all right. Carriepanics immediately because she doesn't see Will anywhere. As she is tryingto get her bearings, Will totters over to the edge of the pier. Carrie hearsa splash and sees Will go into the water and screams in terror as the dockworker tries to restrain her.

Kristen is livid when she discovers that Daniel Scott's body has not yet beencremated. When Ivan and Vivian show up, she yells at them for not followingthrough, but Vivian reminds her that she had them tailing Susan to the spa.Kristen calms down a little, but tells them to get over to the crematoriumimmediately and to make sure the body is cremated before Mickey and Lauratrack it down. Vivian tries to interrupt her and tell her how oddly Susan isbehaving, but Kristen brushes it off, saying that Laura is a much biggerproblem now than Susan. She shows them her new supply of memory repressiondrugs which Lynn will use to keep Laura in the dark. Just then, Laura burststhrough the door and flies at Kristen, calling her a bitch and accusing herof having the body removed. Kristen hurriedly sends Ivan and Vivian out ontheir errand, all the while accusing Laura of being crazy. Marlena, watchingon the monitor in the secret room, is glad to see Laura, but troubled thatshe seems so out of control. Laura continues to rant at Kristen, eventuallygetting so worked up that she has to take deep breaths to calm herself.Kristen seizes the opportunity to slip a couple of the memory repressionpills she got for Laura into a glass of brandy. Marlena is horrified,realizing that the mixture of alcohol and drugs could be very dangerous forLaura. Laura at first refuses the drink, but seeing Kristen drinking herbrandy, she eventually accepts it to calm herself down. Of course, themixture has the opposite effect, and soon she becomes even more excited andirrational. Kristen subtly taunts her, goading her to greater heights ofemotion. As Laura works herself up to an incoherent frenzy, while Marlenawatches with sadness and horror, Ivan and Vivian burst through the door withan urn, presumably filled with Daniel Scott's ashes. Kristen capersgleefully around the room with the urn, taunting Laura that now she willnever know. It turns out to be all the stress Laura needs to have ahysterical breakdown. Kristen watches coldly while Laura begins sobbing andranting and loses control of even her physical movements. Laura ends up onthe floor, completely out of control.

But upstairs, while Kristen gloats over her neutralization of Laura, Susanapplies her beauty regimen, chuckling that soon she will be able to getKristen out of the way and take her place for good.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, May 30, 1997

by Diane Dix

Laura continues to rant at Kristen, Vivian, and Ivan while they watch hercarefully. When Kristen suggests that they call the hospital, Laura becomesenraged and picks up a letter opener and starts threatening them with it.Kristen is alarmed to see Laura so unhinged, even though she drugged Lauraherself. Marlena, watching helplessly from the secret room, is both sorryfor Laura and coldly furious at Kristen for her role in unbalancing Laura.Laura suddenly realizes what she is doing, and in a moment of clarity ishorrified by her loss of control. As she is alternating between rage andconfusion, Mike, Jennifer, and Lynn enter. Kristen is thrilled that theyhave a chance to witness Laura's seemingly crazy behavior. They manage todisarm Laura and calm her down, but when Laura accuses Kristen of havingPeter's body exhumed and cremated, Jennifer is shocked. Kristen quicklycovers by reminding Jennifer that she told her about the papers. Jennifer is toodistraught by Laura's condition to pursue it much further, and Mike andJennifer and Lynn bring her to University Hospital for observation. WhileLaura lies sedated in her hospital bed, Jennifer begs her not to lose her sanityagain, because she loves and needs her mother too much. Lynn is starting tohave second thoughts about her involvement in Laura's deterioration, and isready to back out, but Vivian convinces her that it will be worse for Lauraif she remembers and defies the DiMeras. Lynn reluctantly agrees to drug heragain to prevent her from talking, not realizing that in addition to themedication she slipped into Laura's tea earlier, Laura had also taken atranquilizer and had been separately drugged by Kristen, who mixed themedication into alcohol. Mike, at Laura's bedside, receives a phone calltelling him Carrie was in an accident, and he rushes away to find out whathas happened. Vivian and Ivan distract Jennifer while Lynn injects moremedication into Laura's IV.

Austin and Kate are walking by the pier when they notice a commotion. A dockworker tells them that a girl jumped off the pier to save her nephew, andtells them the boy was named Will. Austin panics and jumps in while Katelooks on in horror. Carrie and Will are pulled from the water, but both areunconscious. As paramedics rush to the scene, Kate calls Sami. Sami, whohad been discussing her schemes with Lucas, at first taunts Kate on thephone, but when Kate tells her there was an accident, Sami is shocked. Lucaspicks up the phone and Kate tells him to rush Sami down to UniversityHospital to meet the ambulance. Lexie Carver is in the ER and Carrie andWill are quickly treated while Austin, Kate, Sami, and Lucas wait anxiously.The doctor tells Sami and Austin that Will is fine, and they joyfully go tosee him. But Austin wonders how Carrie is doing and says he wants to checkon her. Sami immediately plays on his fear of being a bad father by askinghim what Will was doing with Carrie in the first place, and what could Austinhave possibly had to do that was more important than his son? Kate isfurious to hear Sami playing on Austin's emotions, but is helpless to tellAustin about Sami's memory returning. Lucas reminds her of the blackmailinformation Sami has. Mike Horton arrives at Carrie's bedside when sheregains consciousness. Her first thoughts are for Will, and Mike assures herthat Will is fine. Then she asks if Austin is there. Mike tells her he'swith Will, but says he will go and get him. As Sami and Austin are facingoff about whether Austin should check on Carrie, Mike enters and tells themthat Carrie is fine, but she wants to see Austin to explain what happened.Sami knows it is a ruse, and sweetly but determinedly tells Austin thatCarrie can wait and his duty is with his son. Kate finally has enough anddecides to blow the whistle on Sami regardless of the consequences toherself. As she tells Austin she has information that will make his decisiona lot easier, Sami gives her the evil eye.

Meanwhile, after Jenn, Mike, Lynn, and Laura leave, Kristen gloats about hervictory. Vivian tells her that the reason Mike and Jennifer showed up whenthey did is that Vivian called them, and Kristen thanks them. But beforethey can bask in their glory, Kristen tells them to get to the hospital andmake sure Lynn keeps Laura sedated. Meanwhile, Marlena, sickened by what shewitnessed, comes up with a plan of her own. Kristen turns on the monitorafter Vivian and Ivan leave, and taunts Marlena. Marlena tells her it doesn'tmatter because she is breaking out. She holds up a piece of metal she priedfrom the bed frame and tells Kristen she is digging a hole in the wall whichshe can scream through, or at least hope that John hears the scraping.Kristen thinks she is bluffing, but realizes she can't afford to take thechance. She heads down to the cellar. Little does she know that Susan, whohas been covertly listening to the drama with Laura all day, is moredetermined than ever to take her place. When Susan sees Kristen heading downto the cellar, she follows her quietly. Kristen looks into her monitorbefore she opens the door and sees Marlena set down the tool, apparentlyexhausted, and head into the bathroom for a shower. Kristen takes theopportunity to open the door and creep into the room. Marlena, of course, ishiding in the bathroom, ready to escape or overpower Kristen if necessary.Kristen sees the tool on the bed, but notices immediately that there is nohole in the wall. Just as she realizes that Marlena has laid a trap for her,Marlena springs out of the bathroom and Kristen screams in frustration. Butbefore either of them can reach the door, it slams ominously shut behind themas Susan seizes her opportunity to get rid of Kristen. Kristen is horrifiedbeyond belief and begins panicking and screaming for Susan to let her out.Marlena, although disappointed at her own missed opportunity, is coldlyenjoying the site of Kristen getting a taste of her own medicine. As Kristenfinally realizes she is not getting out, Marlena tells her that she is goingto kill her for all the awful things she's done to Laura and everyone else,filling Kristen with fear.

Susan runs triumphantly up the stairs and puts on her Kristen disguise. Allshe can think about is that she has outsmarted Kristen and taken her place,and is only a few steps away from winning John for herself. She slips intoone of Kristen's lacy negligees and climbs into bed, practicing her seductiveKristen mannerisms. When she hears John's voice, she calls out, "John, I'mhere!" in Kristen's voice, and waits excitedly for him to join her.

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