Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, May 12, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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Mike drops by Carrie's place, with dinner. They discuss theSami situation and the repurcussions to her and Austin'srelationship. Mike tells her not to give upthat things will work out. She still believes that thingswill work out, and hopes Austin keeps his promise. Over atAustin's though, Sami asks again for Austin to sleep withher. Austin agrees, thinking that this may jar her memory.They're in bed when Sami has some pains and starts screamingwhich Carrie & Mike hear. Carrie lets her and Mike in, andwhen she sees Austin in bed with Sami, she gave Austin alook! Mike asks for an ice pack, Austin sends them toCarries' becausse he doesn't have much ice on hand. Austinstarts apologizing the minute they get out the door butCarrie is so upset she doesn't want to hear it. She says Ibet you would even have sex with her if she asked!!! Austinsays he just wants Sami to get hermemory back so they can be together. Sami mentions what acute couple Carrie and Mike make, and Austin looks shocked.Sami mentions that Mike is a great catch, and that he wasCarrie's first crush.

At Victor's Viv is preparing for her departure, and goes tosay bye to Vic. Kate walks in and wants to know what'shappening? Viv says she's leaving and Kate is ecstatic. Shesuggests to throw a good bye party. Viv wonders if she isdoing the right thing as she heads upstairs to pack herbags. Lucas comes to visit and asks her advice on theAustin/Carrie situation. Viv tells him that how can he besure that Carrie won't fall in love with Mike and then he'llstill lose Carrie. Lucas claims he's smarter than that - hecan manipulate Carrie and Mike from falling in love, whilestill managing to get Austin out of the picture. He leavesand Viv calls Kristen to invite her to join them on the jet- it's leaving in one hour. Shortly, though, Vivian decidesto stay in Salem.

At the DiMera mansion, things continue between Marlena andKristen. They go back and forth about how evil Kristen is and aDiMera more than just name. Viv calls to say goodbye toKristen, and mentions that they almost got away with it - ifthey had just gotten Susan in the room - things would befine. All of a sudden you see the light go on for Kristenand she says she knows what she has to do. Kristen tellsMalena that she's joining Viv and leaving. Marlena issurprised that Kristen is giving up so easy and even lookslike she doubts her but Kristen does leave out the frontdoor. It's then that you see Kristen's face, and know thatshe's up to no good.

Meanwhile, Susan wakes up and wonders what Kristen is up tobut stays in the room. She has a daydream that Elvis comesto visit again and that he returned for her. Elvis pulls offhis sideburns, - It's John. Susan pulls off her Kristengetup, and they kiss.

Marlena is pacing waiting for John who got pulled forspeeding but got off with a warning. She hears a downstairsand thinks it's John. She rushes downstairs to find him andgoes into the wine cellar. Kristen is hiding and sneaks upbehind Marlena with a tarp and throws it over Marlena. Theywrestle, fight and Kristen pushes her into the room. Marlenareaches out and grabs the wall trying to keep the door fromclosing. In the meantime Susan heard the noise and comesdown to the front door to investigate. She hides behind thedoor as John comes home. He manages to avoid being hit bythe bat, tells John that she heard noises, and he goes tocheck it out.

Susan begs John not to go - there's a dungeon down there. Ashe approaches Kristen hears him, and bites Marlena to gether arm loose. She gets the door slammed shut and grabs abottle of wine just as John opens the door to the cellar.She lies to him and suggests they head upstairs. John tellsher that he ran off the prowler at Jen's and had Abe sendsomeone to watch the place. He also mentions what Laurasaid.He asks where Doc is but Kristen says she's not home yet.And as this is going on Marlena can see them and she alsorealizes this is the dungeon Susan w as telling her about.Before heading to bed Kristen checks in on Marlena. Kristenthen turns off the monitor and calls someone to tell Stefanothat she has what he wants and to come and get it.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, May 13, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Hope and Franco discuss Billie's arrest. Franco inquires aboutBo's reaction, and Hope told him that Bo was furious, not atBillie but at her. Franco again tries to get Hope to see that it'sover with Bo, but Hope doesn't believe it's possible.

Celeste and Lexie are also at Salem place, and see Hope & Franco.Lexie wistfully asks Celeste that she could look in her crystalball, and tell what's in store for Hope & Bo. Celeste tells herthat her powers aren't a blessing but a curse. As they discussthis, Celeste gets a vibration of a great shadow over Salem, andan evil presence.

Bo gives King an ultimatum. If he ever hurts any of his loved onesagain, he'll find another crime mob to work for instead of his.With this, Kind trusts Bo completely, and he would not havethreatened him otherwise. Billie gets paid a visit in jail, byHope, who goes on and on about the drugs, asking questions, andannoying Billie. Meanwhile, upstairs, Franco provides an alibi forBillie, getting her off the hook.

Over at the DiMera mansion, John wakes up, and wonders if Marlenareally loves him. Upstairs, Susan worries about John and thedungeon, and tells Elvis, that they will go shopping. Kristentaunts Marlena on the monitor, Marlena says John will find her,but Kristen tells her not before Stefano comes to take her away.In the garden,later, we again see Kristen taunting Marlena on themonitor. Marlena hears John tell Kristen about Laura, and knowsthat Laura could be her ticket to freedom if she does in factconvince John. John and Kristen also discuss Susan's weirdness,and John thinks that if he shows her that there's nothing to fearin the basement, she might relax.

John discovers Marlena wasn't home last night, neither did sheshow up at work, and panics. He calls Abe, and tells him to calmdown. They start to search the house from top to bottom.

Lexie, and Celeste are still talking at Salem Place, when Susanshows up. Celeste asks Susan, without beating around the bush, IfJohn Jr. is her baby. Lexie is shocked that she could ask such athing, Susan evades giving an answer. Celeste later explains toLexie, that she feels Susan is connected to Stefano. Meanwhile,Susan tells Elvis that they must stay away from Celeste, as she'llinterfere with Susan's plan to take Kristen's place.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, May 14, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Mike stops at Carries' place on his way to check on Sami'scondition. He encourages Carrie to keep communication lines openwith Austin. Meanwhile, next door Sami and Austin wake uptogether. Sami tells Austin she slept so well with him there withher. Austin said it feels right and leans over and kisses Sami.This is only a Sami dream. Austin, quietly crawls into bed beforeshe wakes up. Sami wakes up and says it's just like her dream.Austin jumps up to make coffee and when Sami tells them they'reout, he tells her he's going next door to Carries for some.Mike comes back and Carrie gives him a cup of coffee with milkand honey, just like he likes it. Austin watches, a littlejealous. Carrie leaves to see Sami, and she tells her that Austinspent the night with her. Mike tells Sami that he wants to takeSami to the park so he can observe her progress. Austin tellsCarrie why Sami said that, about sleeping together, and explainswhat really happened. Carrie doesn't know who to believe now. Whenshe asks about Sami saying he kissed her (confusion from herdream), he denies it. At Salem Place, Lexie and Celeste are still shopping. Celestestill feels a connection between Susan and Elvis.Viv wakes up with a killer hangover. She doesn't know that she'sstill in Salem, and surprised that John hasn't come after them.She decides to leave Salem again, and Ivan asks where are theygoing to go? Ivan has a fantasy, of being on a tropical beach.Lucas arrives as they're leaving. Lucas again wants to discuss hisplan to separate Austin and Carrie. (Get a life!)John and Abe are about to check the cellar, when Kristen tellsthem she's looked down there, and nothing is there. They say okand head off for somewhere else to search. Kristen rubs all ofthis in Marlena's face. John tells Abe what happened over at Jen'sthe night before. John's overwhelmed at the thought of him andMarlena. He again tells Abe that he loves Kristen. She's given hima beautiful son. Kristen comes down and throws a bag of food intoMarlena saying it's feeding time for the animals. When Marlenaasks if it's poisoned, Kristen said no, she's got to keep her fatand sassy til Stefano picks her up. Kristen and Marlena go at itverbally, for a while. Marlena dreams about find a magic buttonto open the door and as soon as she finds it, John comes rushingin. Abe had airports and bus stations checked. John's worried aboutMarlena, he just can't go on without her and looks surprised athis statement. Kristen calls and tells Viv to get over to herhouse now. Celeste and Lexie show up. Celeste wants to warn Johnabout Susan. Kristen tells Celeste and Lexie that Marlena ismissing and Stefano's involved. Kristen later calls Bart, to tellStefano, to come and get "his queen of the night." Bart doesn'tknow where Steph is and Kristen doesn't like that.John wants to know what the Hell's going on and Ivan startssaying it's all Kristen's fault, they were just following orders.He's willing to talk if John's easy on them.

Celeste knows something weird is going on, but can't figure outwhat. Viv finds the remote TV transmitter in Kristen's jacket andsees Marlena. Marlena starts shouting for Vivian to help her, butwe don't hear it on Viv's end. John goes over to check what she'sdoing, and the show ends.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, May 15, 1997

by Diane Dix

Austin and Sami watch out the window as Carrie and Mike sit close on a parkbench, laughing and obviously enjoying each other's company. Naturally, Samithinks Mike is perfect for Carrie and tells Austin so. Austin refuses tobelieve they're more than friends, but Lucas, realizing this fits inperfectly with his plan to use Mike as a smokescreen to make Austin give upon Carrie, tells Sami and Austin that although he is in love with Carrie,he's willing to give up on her if Mike is the right guy. After Sami leavesto check on Will, Lucas really goes to work on Austin, telling him that Mikeis a Horton and a doctor, and that the Hortons and Bradys have always had aclose connection. Lucas says that Austin and he come from a dysfunctionalfamily, and that any Horton has to be better for Carrie than the son ofCurtis Reed. Austin, who is already hypersensitive about his connection toCurtis, wonders if Lucas is right. Carrie and Mike chat about old times atthe Horton/Brady picnics, and Carrie tells Mike that he was always able tomake her smile. Mike tells her not to lose faith in Austin and to beware ofLucas; if she gets lonely, Mike offers to be her surrogate for Austin untilAustin is free of his obligation to Sami. They head back upstairs and runinto John, who looks grim. John takes them in to Sami's apartment, where hetells Sami, Carrie, Lucas, Austin, and Mike the bad news - that Marlena ismissing and Stefano is probably involved. Naturally, Sami is hysterical andhas to lean on Austin. Carrie asks Mike to walk her back to her apartment.Austin tries to go after her, and gets in a heated discussion with Lucasabout Mike's intentions. As they approach Carrie's door, they overhear Miketelling John that he is prepared to "take Austin's place." Just as Austin isabout to go in and talk to them, he hears Sami cry out. She had a nightmareabout Marlena being angry with her, and woke up confused and needy. Lucasgloats quietly in the background when Austin says he is confused, too.

Celeste and Lexie discuss Celeste's psychic visions as they walk aroundSalem Place. Celeste can't shake the feeling that Marlena is not withStefano, although Stefano is alive and there is great evil in Salem. Celestehas the strong feeling that Susan Banks is somehow involved with Marlena.Susan, meanwhile, has a weird encounter with an Elvis impersonator, thinkingthat he is the real thing. The impersonator, thinking she is nuts when shestarts talking about little Elvis being his baby, and vampires in Salem,tells her to call her shrink. Susan tries to call Marlena and gets theanswering service. Just then, Lexie and Celeste spot her and head over toask a few questions. Susan, thinking that Celeste can read her mind abouther plan to impersonate Kristen, tries to block them out with annoyinghumming. Lexie finally gets through to her that they are looking forinformation on their missing friend, Dr. Marlena Evans. Susan says she knowswhere Marlena is - the vampires have her. Then she walks away, leavingLexie and Celeste more confused than ever.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen is frantic as John heads over to where Vivianis staring at Marlena's image on the handheld monitor to the secret room.Kristen does some fast talking and tells John that it's a pocket televisionand that Vivian was just surprised to see Marlena's disappearance alreadyreported in the news. Vivian recovers enough composure to back up Kristen'sstory, and John is upset that Marlena's disappearance is already public.Vivian, confused and off-balance, sends Ivan to the wine cellar for somebrandy. John rushes out to confer with Abe. Kristen plants an anonymous tipabout Marlena's disappearance with a news station in order to back up herstory. Kristen finally confesses to Vivian that she has Marlena locked inthe secret room, and Stefano doesn't have her yet. After a while, Vivian andKristen realize that Ivan has been gone an awfully long time. Worried thathe might discover Marlena and release her, they rush down to the cellar. Infact, Ivan had a panic attack while down in the cellar, and decided to openthe secret room to see if he could face his claustrophobia and prove toVivian that he was not a coward. When he opened the room, he ran right intoMarlena, startling both of them, but before Marlena could escape, Vivian andKristen rushed in, pushed Ivan out, and closed the door to the room onMarlena. Kristen promises Marlena that next time the door opens, Stefanowill greet her personally. Kristen threatens Ivan and Vivian that if theybreathe a word about Marlena's whereabouts, Stefano will go after thempersonally. They head back upstairs and discuss neutralizing Susan byconvincing her that they're her friends. Susan comes home and is terrifiedof them, telling them that she knows they abducted Marlena in a space shipand not to touch her and Elvis. Susan rushes upstairs and gloats to herselfthat they have no idea what surprises she has in store for them.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 12, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, May 16, 1997

by Diane Dix

Sami and Carrie are devastated by the news of Marlena's kidnapping, andAustin's obligation to Sami drives him and Carrie further apart. Mike Hortonis there to support Carrie, which fits in exactly with Lucas' plan. Samialmost tells Carrie about her memory of Marlena being angry at her, but Lucasonce again convinces her that it's a bad idea to upset Carrie and Austin overwhat is probably a fantasy. Lucas tells Mike he is going to take Carrie todinner to get her mind off of things, but Mike, feeling Lucas is a badinfluence, offers to take Carrie to dinner instead. Lucas overhears Mikemaking reservations for Chez Vous, Austin's favorite spot with Carrie. Lucasreturns to the apartment with a rubber duck for Will, and while Austin bathesWill, Lucas drops a hint that Chez Vous was Sami's favorite restaurant withAustin. When Austin comes out, Sami asks for some pasta from Chez Vous, andAustin obligingly goes to get it for her. When he arrives, he hears thesound of Carrie's laughter, and walks in to find Mike and Carrie seated at anintimate dinner, apparently having the time of their lives.

Vivian and Ivan try to stay clear of Kristen's latest scheme of imprisoningMarlena, but Kristen lets them know they're in it up to their eyeballs. Shedeliberately taunts Marlena by video, as Marlena prays for John to find hersoon. John also prays, asking God for guidance to find Marlena one moretime. Meanwhile, Kristen neutralizes Susan by telling her that Marlena'sdisappearance is her fault - that Stefano kidnapped Marlena as a lesson toteach Susan to keep her mouth shut. Furthermore, Kristen says, if Susansteps out of line again, Stefano will burn Graceland to the ground. Susan ishorrified by the thought of Elvis' home going up in flames. Vivian is awedby Kristen's manipulative talents. But Kristen realizes that if Marlena doesget free, she will lose John if she does not take some preventive action.Vivian tells her that if Marlena ever tells John what she did, she can claimshe was brainwashed by Stefano. Kristen thinks that is brilliant, but thereis still the problem of her fake marriage to John. Therefore, with Vivian'shelp, Kristen convinces John that a lavish ceremony to cement their vowswould be just the optimistic lift everyone needs while the search for Marlenagoes on. John finally agrees, and Kristen and Vivian go forward with theirplans for a wedding and honeymoon. Upstairs, Susan is having some fantasiesof her own. As she exercises frantically to get her body to look likeKristen's, Susan fantasizes that someday she and John will be together.

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Edited by SC Desk