Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, May 5, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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Austin gets news of Billie's arrest, and he and Carrie rush offout of Austin's apt. This leaves Sami to wondering. Lucas tries toconvince her that it's nothing, but Sami goes on to say thatCarrie needs a man, and wonders if she's in love with Austin, aman that she can't have? She convinces Lucas to take her to thestation. At the station, Hope tells them that she was arrested forcocaine possession. Austin won't believe that she's using againunless Billie tells him. Billie learns from Bo that she must spendthe night in jail, and that she must be careful, as there isanother cop on King's payroll.

Austin sees Billie in jail. They have a big discussion re usingdrugs again, being like Curtis, Austin's mess with Sami, etc...Austin doesn't understand Billie's motivation, but goes along. Hetells her that people will understand, meaning Carrie. Meanwhile,Hope and Carrie are discussing the same issues, i.e. Billies' druguse, and what's up with Bo & Billie? Well, Austin comes out, hugsCarrie, tells her that Billie's fine, when Sami and Lucas show up.Somehow, Austin and Carrie get in an argument since Austinbelieves Billie, and Carrie believes Hope. Well, somehow, Austinand Sami go home together, and Lucas takes Carrie home. hmmmm....

Bo tries to get the drug shipment come back in town, and JLagrees. He tells Hope to stay out of everything involving Billie.

Vivian and Ivan are trapped in the secret room, and Ivan gets aclaustrophia attack. Upstairs, Marlena and John are about to visitthe nursery and meet the baby nurse.Kristen thinks that Susan must be in the secret room, unaware thatshe's in the bathroom removing her Kristen makeup. Susan hearsthem all in the nursery, Kristen wants J&M to leave as quickly aspossible, Susan wants to call Dr. Evans, but realizes her phone isin the nursery. Kristen tells J&M that the nurse must be out, butJohn spots her purse, so Kristen changes her story that the nursemust be in the new playroom, so J&M head there. As they go,Kristen checks the pocket tv monitor, only to discover Viv andIvan in the room.

Susan eventually calls Marlena and they arrange to meet in heroffice. At the office, Marlena realizes that Susan's eyes are adifferent color.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, May 6, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

At the DiMera home, Kristen is panicking that Susan could returnat any moment. John is unaware that the next person to check on JJwill be whacked by Viv and Ivan. Kristen goes in his place,grabbed by IVan, until VIv determines that it is Kristen and notSusan in disguise. Ivan has another panick attack, and Viv takeshim to the hospital.

Marlena comments on Susan's eyes. She says that she had contacts,changed to a popular color. Marlena notices that her new eyecolor, reminds her of Kristen's eyes. Susan explains her feelingsabout being locked up, dungeons, dracula (Stefano), aliens andvampires. Marlena tries to calm her down, saying that aliens andvampires are fiction, and that an alien could mean someone fromanother country, not planet. She wants to admit Susan in thehospital, but Susan says she can't be away from Elvis. Marlenaalso suggests that she go see the Bad lady, but Susan says no,since she's not supposed to talk about the situation.

MIke Horton, tells Ivan that he's suffering from acute anxietysyndrome. He recommends that he go see Marlena, to gettranquilizers. Viv and Ivan, interrupt Marlena's session withSusan, not realizing who's in there. Marlena writes out aprescription for the tranquilizers at the office door, and willdrop it off at the pharmacy after this session is over. Marlena,gives Susan a rock which she explains is very special. WhenSusan's scared, she's to rub this stone, and it will calm herdown. Vivian and Ivan discover that Susan's Marlena's patient,when a nurse mentions that Marlena has a patient claiming aliensand vampires are chasing her.

At Austin's, Austin and Sami have a long conversation aboutBillie, Carrie, and memories. It seems that they are gettingcloser. A candlelight dinner, and honest talk about her feelingsregarding John & Marlena's affair goes a long way with Austin'sfeelings.

On the pier, Mike is finishing talking on the phone with Jeremy,and runs into Carrie. They have a pleasant talk and Mike walks herhome. At home is another candlelight dinner. Carrie thinks it'sdue to Austin, but in reality it's Lucas. Mike asks Lucas if he'strying to take advantage of Carrie, and calling him littlebrother!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, May 7, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Austin tells Sami he thinks the accident has matured her,and affirms when asked that yes, it's a good thing. Katecomes to the apartment just hearing off the radio aboutBIllie's arrest. She is highly upset. When Austin tellsKate, that Carrie thinks Billie may be guilty, she getsupset. Sami on the ohter hand tells her that she feels thatBillie is innocent. Meanwhile, Mile and Lucas are discussingCarrie's happiness. Lucas feels that he can make her happyand Austin can't. Mike is asked to stay for dinner, but hasto go. She tells Austin , who she sees at the door thatshe'ssorry aboutBillie. He gives her the cold shoulder, and leaves. Lucascomforts a depressed Carrie.

Kate goes over to see Carrie and finds Lucas there. Katesays she doesn't understandhow Carrie could believe Billie is on drugs again and Carriesays she's sorry aboutthat. Carrie then decides to go check on Sami, and Kateconfronts Lucas about his romantic dinner he planned forCarrie. The two argue about the same old things, Austin,Carrie, Curtis, etc...

Austin and Mike are looking for Bo but have no luck. Austinconfides in Mike that he loves Carrie, but feels anobligation to Sami and will. Mike advises not to give up onCarrie. Austin doesn't see how this is possible withoutletting one of the them go. Austin says he wants to be withCarrie, but he can't neglect Will. Austin eventually returnshome and tells everyone he couldn't find Bo.

At the hospital Vivian and Ivan learn that Susan waspossible seen outside of Marlena's office. Vivian tries tobreak in Dr. Evan's office to confirm this when they getcaught. Vivian asks if he is a doctor, but he's only anintern. Then Ivan pulls a ruse to get the intern to leavethem alone. While alone, Viv finds a log book and rips apage out.

Downstairs in the living room of the DiMera mansion, Susanis rubbing her rock, and when she gets up to leave she dropsher rock on the floor. Suddenly Marlena comes into thefoyer wondering if she'll ever get the goods on Kristen.Both Susan and Marlena keep missing each other, as they walkin and out of rooms. Eventually John catches up withMarlena in the living room and Marlena tells him she's veryworried about her patient. She tells John about the rock shegave to her patient, but she needs medication and therapy.John tells her she spends to much time worrying about othersshe never thinks about herself. Marlena says she just caresso much about Susan and somehow Susan's fears remind her ofthe fears she had when she was with Stefano. John says hesenses something else is going on, and tells her he's hereif she needs to talk. Upstairs Kristen finds Susan, whodoesn't want Kristen anywhere near her. When Kristen triesto come closer, Susan says she'll scream. Susan doesn't buyher story, but realizes her rock is gone. She goes off tolook for her rock when Vivian calls Kristen. Before Viviancan tell Kristen the news Kristen hangs up on her..

John then comes in and asks her if she'll talk to Marlena,since she's upset over one of her patients and mentions thefact of the pet rock. Marlena is downstairs pacing theliving room when Susan goes to the car to look for her rock.Suddenly Marlena finds the rock she gave Susan on the floorand wonders what it could be doing here!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, May 8, 1997

by Diane Dix

Bo visits Billie in her holding cell. Nan brings her a blanket, but Abetells her not to give Billie preferential treatment. Bo and Billie try tofigure out who the King plant might be. Bo gives Billie the chance to backout of the deal, but Billie says if he can stand the sacrifice of not beingwith Hope, she can stand being labeled a junkie. Bo warns Billie that Kingwill keep testing their loyalty and to watch out for any cell mates she mighthave. Bo leaves and tells Abe that he has had enough of the way the case isruining people's lives. Abe tells Bo that Hope might do something foolish ifshe knew the truth and someone she loved were endangered by King. Bo decidesto tell her anyway. Meanwhile, Hope had spoken with Jennifer, who told hernot to give up on Bo. Just as Hope is fantasizing about getting backtogether with Bo, he calls her and asks her to meet him on the pier. WhenHope arrives, Bo is about to tell her about the undercover operation. Backat the station, Max had called Nan and told her to set Billie up for a scare.New cellmates were admitted to Billie's cell, and Nan slipped one of them awicked looking pocket knife. The lights went out and Billie was stabbed.Just as Bo is about to let Hope in on the undercover operation, Abe callshim and tells him Billie was stabbed. Bo arrives and finds that she ishysterical, but not seriously wounded. Bo tells her that King is sending amessage - not to cross him. Billie warns Bo that if he tells Hope the truth,she could be next.

Travis tries again to convince Jack to search the internet for a potentialmate for Jennifer. Jack is completely against the idea, but Travis is underorders by Stefano to do something drastic - to make Jack believe thatJennifer and Abby are not safe at home alone without a man. Stefano pays aman to try to break into Jenn's house. Travis arranges to get a cellularphone that Jack can use so that Jack will be on the phone when the break-inoccurs. But before then, Jennifer wonders if Kristen could help her get Jackout, and calls her. While she is on the phone with Kristen, Jennifer hears asuspicious noise. John immediately leaves Kristen to investigate. Kristenagrees to help Jennifer with Jack. After Jennifer hangs up, John arrives. He startslooking around to see if there is anything wrong. Just then, the phonerings, and Jennifer is startled to hear Jack's voice. As they are talking,Travis looks at his watch, knowing that any minute, the attempted break-in isscheduled to occur - but not knowing that John is on the premises.

Meanwhile, things are really heating up at Kristen's house. After Johndescribed to Kristen Marlena's patient with the pet rock, Kristen remembersthat Susan is somewhere in the house frantically searching for a rock to calmher down. Kristen begins to have the dreadful suspicion that Marlena'spatient and Susan are one and the same. At first, she laughs it off,thinking that if Susan were Marlena's patient, Kristen would have been nailedlong ago, as soon as Susan told Marlena the truth about the baby. But afterJohn leaves to go to Jennifer's, Kristen's suspicions multiply. Susan entersthe baby room after having searched the whole house for her rock and finds anervous Kristen. Kristen asks Susan where she got the rock, and what herfriend's name is, praying it's not Marlena. But after some prodding, Susanconfesses that her friend is indeed Dr. Marlena Evans. Kristen's worst fearsconfirmed, she nearly loses it and thinks of attacking Susan with astatuette, but Susan is too alert, and Kristen leaves in turmoil, determinedto find out just how much Marlena has learned. In the parlor, Marlena findsthe rock on the floor, and is astonished to discover it looks exactly likethe one she gave Susan. At first she dismisses it as coincidence, but as shebegins to make notes in her tape recorder about Susan's case, pieces start tofall into place. She remembers the references to "the evil woman", "thevampires", and "the monster", and begins to wonder if the descriptions couldapply to Kristen, Vivian, Ivan, and Stefano. Most troubling of all, shewonders if the father of Susan's child - the man she claims to have married -could be John. As Marlena begins to put the puzzle together, Susan nearlyencounters her several times while searching for her rock, but manages tojust miss her every time. Marlena toys with the idea that Susan could beJohn and Kristen's baby nurse. But then she realizes that Kristen would haveno need to buy a baby, and that there is no way John could have married Susanbecause she looks nothing like Kristen. Then she remembers the brooch ofKristen's she found in her office after Susan had left...and the bluecontacts Susan wore which made her eyes look just like Kristen's. Suddenly,horribly, the whole scheme clicks into place, and Marlena realizes exactlywhat Kristen has done, and just how evil she really is. Just then, Kristenenters the living room and finds Marlena staring at her in horror. "YouBITCH!" Marlena says. "It was all lies!" Kristen tries to feign ignorance,but Marlena tells her that she knows all about Susan and the horrible thingKristen did. Kristen, speechless for once, stares numbly at Marlena as herwhole tower of lies comes crashing down on her...

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 5, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, May 9, 1997

by Diane Dix

Jack gets through to Jennifer on the cellular phone. As they are talking,John comes in and tells Jennifer that the place checks out and he will beleaving. As Jennifer is explaining to Jack what John is doing there, she hearsthe sound of a struggle outside, and a sudden scream from inside. Jennifer dropsthe phone and rushes upstairs to Laura. Outside, John ambushes the prisonguard whom Stefano hired to scare Jennifer, but before he gets a chance toquestion him, John hears Laura's scream and lets the guard go as he runsupstairs to help. Jack, meanwhile, is going crazy wondering who screamed andwhat is happening. But the prisoner whose cell phone Jack borrowed comesback demanding his phone, and Jack is in agony wondering what is going on.He begs God to keep Jennifer safe that night and promises that if He does, Jackwill do all he can to help Jennifer find someone to protect and love her andAbby. John and Jennifer and Nurse Lynn, meanwhile, rush to Laura's side.Lynn was already nervous because Laura had refused to take her pill earlierin the evening, claiming it upset her stomach. As her memory cleared, Laurahad her recurring nightmare about Kristen. As John enters, Laura is tellingJennifer that John needs to be with Marlena, who loves him, and dump Kristen,who is evil and standing in the way of his true happiness. But just as Laurais about to explain what she means, Lynn casually injects her with a sedativewhich knocks her out immediately. When John and Jennifer angrily demand toknow what she is doing, Lynn says Laura was agitated and she was just tryingto calm her down and do her best for her patient. John and Jennifer ponderwhat Laura could have meant. Both decide that her claims against Kristen arecrazy, but John privately wonders whether the part about Marlena is true.Pensive, he starts driving home.

At Kristen's house, all hell is breaking loose. Marlena, who has justfigured out the whole Susan fiasco, is at first stunned, and accuses Kristenof being a bitch and a liar. When Kristen tries to deny it, an infuriatedMarlena tells her not to even try it, and that she knows everything - aboutSusan, and about the baby, who is not Kristen's or John's. As Kristen triesto maintain her composure, Marlena loses control and flies at Kristen,attacking her. Kristen manages to fight her off and bring Marlena to hersenses by saying, "You're hurting me!" Marlena backs off, saying that shewill not sink to Kristen's level. Vivian and Ivan burst in, coming to warnKristen that Susan is Marlena's patient, but Marlena tells them it is toolate and that she figured out their scheme. Marlena demands to know whattheir part in it is, and figures out that Vivian blackmailed Kristen. AsMarlena begins putting the pieces together, she comes to the realization thatJohn is not even married - his marriage to Susan was a fraud because hethought it was Kristen. Kristen becomes hysterical and admits what she did,but begs Marlena for pity, saying she will lose everything. Marlena refusesto be moved, saying Kristen has taken advantage of her kindness once toooften. Kristen immediately turns vicious. Marlena begins searching thehouse for John while Vivian, Kristen, and Ivan frantically try to come upwith a plan. Upstairs, Marlena finds a sleeping Susan next to "Elvis", andcompassionately reassures her that she will be with her baby now. Marlenafinds the wig, teeth, and makeup, confirming her suspicion that Susan dressedup as Kristen. She comes back downstairs, and while she is accusing Kristen,she figures out that all of Laura's memories must be true. Kristen confirmsit by screaming that Stefano wanted to kidnap Laura, but they did a laserprocedure instead. Marlena is horrified by that, and by the fact thatStefano is still alive. Just then, she realizes that if Stefano is alive,then maybe Peter is, too. Kristen's silence confirms it, and Marlena isstunned anew by the enormity of Kristen's evil - that she would allow Jack torot in prison for life for a murder that never even took place. Vivian andIvan quickly find an excuse to be gone, as Marlena warns them they will payfor their part in the scheme. Kristen and Marlena exchange more harsh words,and Marlena finally stalks out of the room and stands outside the front door,secure now in the knowledge that John will soon be home and she will be ableto tell him everything. "Hurry home," she says, staring out at the road.

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Edited by SC Desk