Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, April 7, 1997

by Nat

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Susan dreams that she is kissing John. Her dream begins with her in Johnstanding near the crib, near "Elvis." She is wearing her wig however theaudience thinks it is Kristen. (Of course it wasn't hard to guess, withthe way she was standing as well as "Kristen's" hair appearing different.)So they are standing there and as John is speaking to her, I think he sayssomething, and then "Kristen," she rips off her wig and the audience isleft wondering. All of a sudden she says, I'm not Kristen, I'm your wife,though, do you still love me? It's our baby. Then what do you know? Hetakes her into his arms and hugs and kisses her telling her of coursestill loves her since mainly because she's the mother of their baby. Thenthe audeience knows it is a dream. Because would John really ever do thatbefore having a heart attack? You decided. So she wakes up happily!

Bo, Hope and billy are at the hospital waiting to hear about Shawn D. Hedecides he is going to tell Hope the truth, and when he seees her he makesa comment about their future. Hope is ecstatic because he sounds positiveand believes he will make her happy again. Bo is all set to confess hisreal love for her and tell her what is happening. But before he gets achance, as he is standing outside is gets a gift from one of the hitmen.The gift is an engagement ring as a token for Bo since he's been such agood "liar." In other words the men are rewarding Bo with a ring for Billyso that now he can ask her to marry him. Since that's what they believe ishappening, that he is in love with Billy. Meanwhile Bo is furious becausejust as he is going to confess his true love for Hope, he now must proposeto Billy. So later in the hospital as he is about to talk to Hope, the menstand behind him making sure he does as he promised before. He returns onering to Hope, making Hope happy, because she thinks he is about topropose. He then turns to Billy in front of Hope and proposes to her.Billy looks confused but realizes the men are right behind Hope. Althoughthis is her dream, she can see the hurt in Hope's eyes. Hope stands therelooking completely hurt and confused. so does everyone else.

Austin and Carrie are in bed together kissing when Sami knocks on thedoor. She had used to wheelchair to go over to check on Austin since henever told her where her was going. But he escapes through the fire exitand Sami never sees him. Instead she asks Carrie where he is. Heapproaches her after a minute and Sami never suspects a thing. Carrie isextremely annoyed because she feels that she can never have private timewith Austin. Sami makes Austin promise her that he lets her know everytime he leaves so that she doesn't get worried. AFter walking out of theapartment together, Carrie tells Austin that she is upset because now theywill never be together on the weekends. But Austin t ells her they willstill be together on the weekdays. To Carrie that just isn't enough. Lucasoverhears everything and says aloud that he will make sure Carrie andAustin are not together as much during the day.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, April 8, 1997

by Nat

Sami is attempting, unintentionally, to get Austin to stay with her allthe time. Lucas is giving her an idea to get a computer so that he canstay at home with her more often. And she takes his idea and orders acomputer through Kate's business. Meanwhile Carrie and Austin aredumbfounded. They don't know what to do now that Sami has literally doneeverything she could, again unintentionally, to keep them apart. Carrie isfed up and tells Austin she can't take it anymore. They are falling apartnow.

Jack is in jail trying to figure out a way to get out and calling Abby andJen all the time to see how they are. He makes deals with other inmates sothat he can talk to them more over the phone. Jen is trying so hard to getout of jail but doesn't know what to do and Abby keeps asking about herDaddy. She wants him home just as Jen does, and Jen is starting to confessher love to him. Jack knows how she feels.

Billy feels horrible about what she and Bo are doing to Hope but she knowsshe can't say anything. Bo is at his wits end, he doesn't want to hurtHope any longer but knows he can get lots of people in serious trouble ifhe does tell her. She is becoming more upset about what Bo is doing andrealizes there's never going to be hope for her. She is angry and hurt allat the same time.

Other people are astarting to wonder what is up with Bo.

Shawn D is alright for now. But when he hears about his parents he may notbe so ok.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, April 9, 1997

by Nat

Billie told Kate that she was proposed to by Bo and Kate thought it wasgreat. Of course Billie wanted so much to tell her that it wasn't for realand that Bo wouldn't ever love her the way he loves HOpe, but Katecouldn't understand why Billie was so upset. "Cheer up," she said, "yourgetting married. This is your dream!" She can not get happy. She tellsCarrie that she feels bad for Hope but at the same time tries to lookhappy. Carrie is a little upset that her roommate is the one Bo chose, andwhen Billie shows her the engagement ring, Carrie gets more upset. But sheapologizes for her comments, she just wishes Bo and Hope were togetherlike they used to be.

Shawn D. is very happy is parents are both there. But Bo knows he mustleave so he storms out leaving Hope bewildered. Later as he talks to ShawnD. again, and Hope is standing by the door, he confesses his love for hisfamily and especially for Hope. She smiles but wonders why he is marryingBillie. She knows something is up.

Bo tells Abe about what happened with King and the ring he gave Bo. Abecan not belive what Bo had to do in front of Hope. Bo really wants toconfide in Hope and tells Abe he doesn't think Hope will ever understand.

Jack and Jen meet at the jail and Jen confesses her true love for Jackonce again. AFter several years!!! She tells him that she wishes she hadtold him earlier that she loved him. Now Jack really belives he will begetting out because of her. While she is there with Jack and Uncle Micky,Micky get a call. This is the answer about Jack they have been awaiting.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, April 10, 1997

by Diane Dix

Sami is ecstatic about her new plan to keep Austin at home by setting up acomputer link to Titan. Naturally, Carrie, Austin, and Kate are less thanthrilled. Austin assumes (correctly) that the whole idea was Lucas', butLucas was subtle enough that even Sami doesn't know he planted it the idea,and Austin ends up looking like a jerk for accusing him. Austin bows down toSami again because of his guilt over her accident and his haunting fear thathe will be as bad a father as Curtis. Carrie finally has enough and tellsAustin that she's not willing to put her life on hold any longer, and thatuntil Austin stands up to Sami and stops catering to her every whim, theyhave no future. Kate tells Austin the same thing, but his guilt and fear arestronger than his fear of losing Carrie. Lucas is, naturally, pleased at theturn of events, and wastes no opportunities to be a shoulder for Carrie tocry on. Carrie is forced to go to work without Austin, and grows closer andcloser to Lucas. Austin connects to the office via telelink, and is jealousto see that Carrie and Lucas are getting closer by the minute.

Hope confronts Bo about telling Shawn-D that he loved her and wanted to be afamily again. Since Bo claimed he could never lie to either Hope or Shawn-D,Hope assumes he must be telling the truth about loving her. Bo is on theverge of telling Hope everything, but Abe begs him not to. Bo ends uptelling Hope that he lied to Shawn-D to help him recover, and Hope is moredisillusioned than ever, vowing that she will never let Bo hurt her again.Franco is right there to comfort her. Meanwhile, Bo learns that Abe has thename of a suspect in Shawn-D's shooting, a street punk called Viper. Max andKing are furious that Viper was named as Shawn-D's assailant, and pay him toget out of town, but he stays to score one last hit of drugs. Bo goesundercover as a thug, posing as Viper's brother, and manages to track himdown. Bo chases Viper into an abandoned warehouse and finally corners himafter a vicious fight, and demands some answers about Shawn-D's shooting.

Jennifer is now fully open about her love for Jack. Mickey enters the prisonand Jennifer hopes that Jack's appeal overturned his conviction, but her hopesare dashed. Mickey tells them that the decision was upheld. Jennifer isfilled with anger and confusion, wondering why the judge can't see that Jackis no cold-blooded killer. Behind the scenes, Travis and the guard discussthe case, and reveal that Stefano had actually gotten to the appeal judge andbribed or threatened him not to overturn the decision. Jack loses hope, butJenn is more determined than ever to get him out of jail. Jack despairs thathe will never see Abby again. Jennifer disappears and Jack talks to Mickey,telling him to take care of Jennifer and help her get her life back together.Jennifer returns - with Abby. At first, Jack won't even face her because heis ashamed he is in jail, but finally he turns to her. Abby is overjoyed tosee him, but confused that he is behind the glass and can't hug or kiss her.Mickey appeals to the sympathies of the female guard, who allows Jack to bein the same room as Jennifer and Abby for a few minutes. The reunion betweenJack and Abby is heartbreaking, especially when Abby assumes Jack will gohome with her. Mickey finally takes Abby away to give Jack and Jennifer a minutealone. Jennifer surprises Jack by kissing him passionately, until the guardtells her time is up.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, April 11, 1997

by Diane Dix

Marlena is having nightmares about Roman's safety. Distraught, she callsJohn at his house. John tells her he hasn't heard anything yet, and invitesher to come over to wait for a while. Marlena gratefully accepts.Meanwhile, Kristen tries to bond with John Junior. As John thinks aboutMarlena, the doorbell rings. Kristen opens it to find the contractor Stefanosent to build the secret room for hiding Susan if the need arises. Kristentells John the man is there to enlarge the baby's playroom, and promises shewill handle everything. Just then, Susan comes downstairs and says she isgoing shopping for "Elvis." Kristen gives her a big wad of money and tellsher to stay gone for a long time. Marlena arrives shortly afterward, barelymissing Susan. John comforts Marlena about Roman while Kristen and Bart, thecontractor, discuss plans for the secret room. Meanwhile, Susan goesshopping at Salem Place, and runs into Celeste staring into her tea leaves.Intrigued by the notion of a "gypsy", Susan begs Celeste to tell herfortune. Celeste senses turmoil, and remembers Susan from the hospital asrecently having given birth. While talking to Susan, Celeste has flashes ofan Elvis Presley song, and tells Susan about it. Susan is stunned, and tellsCeleste that her baby's name is Elvis. A little later, Caroline Brady seesSusan emerging from a store, and thinks she looks familiar. Caroline hearsthe store clerk mention the Blacks, and asks Susan if she knows John andKristen. Upon learning that Susan is the new baby nurse, Caroline suggeststhat she meet Susan at a friend's house to go through Brady Black's old babyclothes so that they don't have to buy so many new ones. Susan agrees, notknowing that the friend is her psychiatrist, Dr. Marlena Evans. When Susanreturns to the house, she finds Kristen with the contractor. Kristen isobviously annoyed by Susan, especially since Susan is much more successful atcalming the baby than Kristen herself is. Kristen tells Susan to get lost,so Susan goes to Marlena's penthouse, where Caroline is waiting. Together,they begin to go through Brady's clothes. Meanwhile, Marlena leaves John'shouse after he promises to call her the minute he hears anything from ShaneDonovan or the ISA, who are tracking Roman. Marlena is totally unaware thatSusan had been within a few feet of her in the DiMera house. Marlena returnsto her penthouse and finds Caroline there. Caroline explains about the babynurse, and Marlena starts heading up the stairs, eager to meet her. Back atthe DiMera House, Celeste arrives with a gift for the baby. John pressesKristen to take her upstairs to see the baby, although Kristen is obviouslyuncomfortable, fearing what Celeste might guess. As soon as Celeste seesBart, the contractor, she recognizes him as a former employee of StefanoDiMera. Although Bart swears he has been "clean" since Stefano died, Celestedoes not believe him. When Celeste goes in to see the baby, she hears theElvis song again, and is puzzled. Although Kristen tries to mislead andridicule her, Celeste is suddenly struck with the truth, and tells Kristen,"This is not your baby!"

John finally gets the call he's been waiting for. Although he hopes for goodnews from Shane about Roman, it is obvious from the expression on his facethat he does not get it. John hangs up after telling Shane that he will passthe news on to Marlena.

At the hospital, Billie talks to a sleeping Shawn-D, telling him she hopes hecan be happy someday. Hope overhears and asks to speak to Billie. Hopetells her that they have to try to be friends if Billie is going to beShawn-D's stepmother. Billie is uncommunicative, unable to tell Hope that itis very unlikely the marriage will ever take place. Hope begs Billie to tellher what is wrong with Bo, and why he has changed. Billie tells Hope thatshe will have to ask Bo. Just then, Shawn-D wakes up, and asks Hope if hismemory of Bo telling him they would be a family again was a dream. Hopetells him it was. Billie takes Hope aside and asks her not to tell Shawn-Dabout the engagement, knowing it will only cause him unnecessary pain. Hopeagrees, telling Billie it's not the right time. Billie leaves to visit Bo atthe station. After Shawn-D falls back asleep, Hope angrily tells Franco thatshe can't rest while Shawn-D's attacker is out on the streets, and vows to goback to the Snake Pit to track down the supplier. Franco follows her.

Meanwhile, Bo and Abe begin their interrogation of Viper at the policestation. King and Max find out that Viper was taken in, and King is furiousand apprehensive. King vows that if Viper cracks, he will go directly afterBillie and Hope to gain leverage on Bo. He tells his Salem PD plant, Nan, tokeep an eye on the interrogation, but she is unable to hear anything. Shedoes manage to convince Bo to tell her the minute the suspect cracks,inventing a sob story about a brother who was killed by dealers. Viper tellsthem that he is dead if he reveals the name of his supplier. Bo goes to takea break and Billie arrives, telling him how upset Hope is. That only adds toBo's frustration. Billie then tells Bo she has an idea - since she used tobe part of the Salem drug scene, she could look up some of her old contactsand trace down the supplier. Bo tells her to forget about it because it'sway too dangerous. Billie ignores him and decides to pursue it anyway. Boreturns to the interrogation room and puts serious pressure on Viper,promising to dog his every waking moment unless he reveals the name of hissupplier. Viper finally cracks and reveals the name of his boss: "King...Iwork for King." Bo clenches his fists in triumph and says, "Gotcha."

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Edited by SC Desk