Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, March 31, 1997

by Nat

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Susan thinks that she's getting baby Elvis back very soon. She spends allday purchasing gifts for him, and at the end of the show is walking out tothe parking lot with tons of shopping bags. All for little Elvis. Sheruns into Carrie today; hmmm, anything there? They really didn't say much,except for when Carrie made a comment about the baby toys, and Susan said"yeah I am goin' to see ma baby." Later she ends up at Kristen and John'smansion to get Elvis. She demands that she's not leaving without him.

Meanwhile John and Kristen are interviewing nanny's for baby "Elvis."They talk to about 4 of them but have yet to make a decision. Just whenSusan knocks on the door, Kristen has a suspicion that she knows exactlywho it is and sends John to check on John Junior. He agrees and Kristenand Vivian (there for moral support once again!) send Ivan to go greetSusan. (they believe it's her) Ivan lets her in but tells her tobasically get lost. No, she demands, she's going to get her baby back. Shelightly punches Ivan in the stomach and heads for the living room.Kristenand Vivian are stunned. What now?

Sami is ready to leave but Mike tells her he thinks she should stay untilshe's fully recovered. Since Austin wants to go away with Carrie hecoerces Mike into telling Sami to stay. And since Mike has the right tokeep her there because she's not 100% better, he decides to help out. So Samibecomes very upset when she hears Mike's request. But after anotherdiscussion with a different Doc. , Sami just might get out. MeanwhileAustin and Carrie decided to get away and now is as good as time as ever.

Sami is having a recurring dream about a doll and being trapped in afire. Since her dreams continue to focus on this doll, is there apossibility that it might play a vital role in this entire scheme thatKate is involved with??

Lucas and Kate talk today but once again he is upset with her. He can'tquite figure out what Kate is holding back but he's suspicious because heknows she's covering for Sami. But why???

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, April 1, 1997

by Nat

Susan shows up at John and Kristen's and demands to bring her baby home .she's not leaving until she sees John either. So she takes a seat andwaits and waits... At one point during a scene she's catfighting withVivian and trying to get away since they are telling her to leave andgrabbing her arm. She yells, loud! John is upstairs with John Junior andhears the scream. "That sounds just like Kristen," he says as he racesdownstairs.

Meanwhile Kristen runs into John since she assumes he'll be racingdownstairs to question the scream. Literally they run into each other andshe tells him that Ivan had a fake snake there for A.Fool's day and itscared her. John gets annoyed and upset and tells her it's not fair thatIvan and Vivian keep coming over and that it upsets Kristen. He tells herto tell them to leave so they don't bother them anymore. She says ok, butwill she really? AFterall Vivian is helping her.

Meanwhile John at another point in the episode sees Susan. He is comingaround the side of the house and passes someone sitting in the livingroom. Realizing he's passing someone he doesn't know, he questions her.Susan looks happy and confused that finally she has John to herself. Willshe be able to say anything though?

Carrie and Austin argue because Carrie is fed up with the whole Samisituation. All she wants is to go away with Austin but now Sami isdetermined to go home. That is all she wants to do. And MIke Horton saysthat he has absolutely no medical reason to hold her at the hospital.HOwever after Austin and Carrie have their heart to heart chat abouttrying to get Sami to stay at the hospital, they go in to talk to her. Itis at that time that Sami explains how she realizes it is going to taketime, but although she appreciates everyone's concern and having Willthere with her she wants to go home, STILL. So Austin and Carrie do notknow what to do.

Hope pays Billy a short and sweet visit. "What's going on Billy, I amgetting mixed singles. Are you with Bo or not?" What wil lBilly say as Bocomes to the apartment. "I'm moving in Billy," Bo says. Hope, in thebackground, looks upset.

Kate and Billy have a talk. "So your back with Bo, you spent the nightwith him. Congrats." KAte assumes way too much. But Billy looks hurt. "NoMom, that's not how it is at all." "Oh, why is that?" Find out tomorrowon Days!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, April 2, 1997

by Nat

Hope approaches Billy and inquires about her and Bo's relationship. Hopetells her to tell the truth. She explains that she can't keep guessingwhat is happening and needs the truth. Billy feels terrible and decidesthat maybe it is time to confide in Hope. But just as she is about to dothat Bo shows up. He tells Billy that he needs help with something andthat forces Hope to leave very upset. she's very confused. But Billy andBo can not say anything. Bo then tells Billy she still can't say anything,not yet anyway.

HOpe goes to talk to Alice and starts to wonder why Billy told her shecouldn't say anything yet. HOpe begins to ponder what is going on. Whenshe talks to Alice, Alice woders the same thing. There's something up andthey know.

Sami is taken to Kates to see if she can remember anything before theaccident. But Kate has cleaned it up. She apologizes that she cleaned itbecause there's nothing around that Sami could remember. As Sami clutchesher doll, Kate cringes. Sami says "I remember when I was younger and usedto hide so many secrets in this doll, but that was a long time ago. Idon't hide secrets anymore." And with that she laughed a little. But shereally has so no idea that what she just said holds a lot of meaning. AndKate knows just that, a big secret is hidden. Could it have to do with thedoll?

Susan and John are talking with KRisten present. Susan tells John that shehas to tell him something about the baby. But there are two interruptionsbefore susan can even get a word in. Then Kristen interrupts Susan whenshe's finally attempting to confide to John. Kristen decides at the lastminute to explain to John that Susan is going to be there nanny, and atthe same time makes sure it is ok with Susan, who had no idea this wascoming. when Susan finds out that she can see John Junior everyday and cansleep there, she is ecstatice, yet John does not realize this. so Susanaccepts proudly. At first John is skeptical but after talking with Kristenoutside the room, he agrees; but he decides he's going to talk to Marlenab/c he can not figure out why Kristen would want to hire someone likeSusan with no experience.

When Kate mentions to everyone, but especially Austin, that he and carrieneed to go to a titan meeting, Sami looks upset. Since Kate's real reasonfor saying this was to get Austin and Carrie together, everyone hopes Samiunderstands. But Sami protests claiming that since it is her and Austin'sfirst night together away from the hospital, that it is only fair if theyspend it together. Everyone believes Austin will still go and tell Samithat it is just for one night, but instead he is taken by her plead anddecides to stay with her. Kate reminds them how important this is and Samireconsiders. Austin isn't so sure it's right. Then Sami requests thatlucas go with Carrie instead. Carrie says ok, she's upset that Austinwould say that. So she figures she's just go with Lucas. Everyone isshocked.

Days finally did a turnaround and shocked us all. That's what we needguys, some twists and turns!!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, April 3, 1997

by Diane Dix

Austin is stunned that Carrie agreed to go to the Titan charity ball withLucas, but Lucas is overjoyed. Carrie leaves to change clothes. She goesout on the rooftop for air, and Marlena comes after her. Carrie vents toMarlena that she is sick and tired of making sacrifices for Sami, and istempted to just tell her the truth about her marriage to Austin. Marlenaconvinces her not to, but Carrie's patience is obviously wearing thin.Carrie despairs that she will never be with Austin. Marlena tells her tokeep the faith. She tells Carrie that John called and asked her (Marlena) tocome over. Carrie asks if Marlena thinks Kristen was exposed, but Marlenasays no, assuming it's about the baby. Marlena leaves. Austin, still at theapartment, wants to go after Carrie, but Sami needs his help. Sami remarkson what a cute couple Carrie and Lucas make, and Austin has to bite histongue. As Austin is about to go after Carrie, Shawn arrives with Will.Sami is ecstatic that Will is home, and they can be "a real family" again.Kate puts on a smiling face, but privately is disgusted that Sami is takingAustin away from Carrie. After helping Sami bathe Will, Austin and Kate talkalone in the living room of the apartment. Kate tries to convince Austin tospend more time with Carrie, but Austin points out that since he causedSami's accident, it is his responsibility to stay with her until sherecovers. Unbeknownst to both of them, Lucas is just outside the doorlistening. Kate talks about her troubles with Vivian, and Austin assures herthat when Victor recovers, he will throw Vivian out on her ear. Austin addsthat he wishes Victor would get rid of Lucas, too, calling him a "weasel."Kate doesn't exactly defend Lucas, but asks Austin to try to get along withhim. Sami calls Austin for help finding her lipstick, and Lucas confrontsKate. Overhearing Austin's nobility toward Sami and his contempt towardLucas made Lucas hate him more than ever, and Lucas also resents the factthat Kate didn't really defend him against Austin. Lucas also resents Katefor not confiding in him about the blackmail secret Sami had on her, but hetells her he hopes she finds what she's looking for. Lucas tells Kate he'sordering up a limo for Carrie, and Kate replies that a limo won't make herlove Lucas instead of Austin. Lucas retorts that he doesn't care, becauseCarrie deserves only the best, and leaves. After Kate leaves, Sami noticesthat Austin is a million miles away while listening to a romantic song. Hetells her it reminds him of dancing under the stars, but not that it isCarrie he is remembering. Sami assumes it's their song and is touched.Carrie, getting ready for her date with Lucas in her apartment, hears thesame song and has the same memory of a lovely evening on the rooftop withAustin. Sami tries to set a romantic table for her and Austin, but doesn'thave any candles. Austin seizes the opportunity to go out for candles, andstops by Carrie's apartment. Carrie opens the door wearing a sexy eveninggown. Austin tells her she looks beautiful, and then begs her not to go outwith Lucas.

At the DiMera house, John is still in shock that Kristen would hire someoneas obviously unbalanced as Susan to care for their child. He hopes that whenDoc arrives, she can do something about the situation. Susan continues tobehave in her weird fashion, asking John and Kristen if there is a cassetteplayer in the baby's room, so she can play Elvis tapes to the baby. Kristentakes Susan up to see the baby while John answers the door, hoping it'sMarlena. It turns out to be Abe Carver, resplendent in his full dressuniform. Abe tells John that a reliable contact has come up with a lead onRoman's whereabouts, and will be calling shortly. John tells Abe thatMarlena is on her way, and they discuss whether Marlena and Roman are likelyto get back together. Abe, remembering that Marlena told him that she lovedJohn, thinks it's unlikely, but John thinks Roman is the love of Marlena'slife, and that Marlena thinks of him, John, as only a friend. Upstairs,Susan tries to nurse John Jr. Kristen tells her she's insane, and that Johncould walk in any minute. Susan insists that's the way "Elvis" likes to befed. While they are arguing, John brings Abe up to see the baby. Theyintroduce Abe to Susan, who asks if he is going to a costume party as Col.Parker (Elvis' manager). Abe, obviously thinking Susan's a wacko but beingpolite, says that he is wearing his dress uniform because he is a commanderin the police force, and is going to the Titan charity ball. Susan remarksthat it's nice to know a policeman, looking meaningfully at Kristen, and asksif "Officer Carver" is on the Salem PD. John reminds her that it's CommanderCarver. Susan leaves to pack her things, saying, "It was nice to meet you,Colonel Carver." Abe leaves, obviously confused about why Kristen would hirea nut case like Susan. John tries once again to talk Kristen out of hiringSusan, but she is immovable, saying Susan is "sweet", and trying to chalk herbehavior up to awe at the luxurious surroundings. Vivian and Ivan drop by,and John tries to get rid of them, but Kristen takes them up to "see thebaby", but really, to get their advice. Vivian tells Kristen that Susan as ababy nurse is a disaster, and that she has to fire her and trust Stefano totake care of her. Kristen agrees, and Vivian provides her with an excuse toleave the house - helping with the seating arrangements for the charity ball.Kristen grudgingly expresses respect and gratitude for Vivian, who tells hernot to forget it. Meanwhile, Susan goes home to pack, ecstatic that she willbe with her little Elvis. Marlena drops by, and Susan tells her that she isgoing to live with her husband and her husband's mistress, but does notmention she will be the baby's nanny. Marlena is obviously concerned aboutthe situation, and tries to convince Susan to seek legal advice, but Susanrefuses. After Marlena leave, Kristen arrives. Kristen tells Susan never tocome to her house again. She shows Susan an article about Stefano, implyingthat if Susan crosses her, she just might disappear as so many others whocrossed the DiMeras have. Kristen leaves, hoping she's convinced Susan tostay away, but Susan remains determined to get her Elvis back. Doc finallyarrives at the DiMera house, and John tells her about Susan, but not by name.He then tells her that he may have news about Roman.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 31, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, April 4, 1997

by Diane Dix

Austin tries to talk Carrie out of going to the Titan charity ball withLucas, but Carrie insists that it's business, and since Austin doesn't wantto go, she has to go with Lucas. Austin tells her that of course he wants togo, but Sami needs him. Carrie says that's fine, but she's not going to sitaround moping while the man she loves has a romantic dinner with her sisterdown the hall. As they're arguing, Sami shows up and asks Austin why he'snot out getting candles. Austin says he's talking business with Carrie.Just then, Lucas shows up in his tuxedo. He offers to take Sami back to herapartment. When they are alone, he thanks Sami for helping him get togetherwith Carrie. Lucas goes back to Carrie's, and Billie shows up to change forthe ball. Billie had met with Abe and Bo, and learned that King expected herto go to the ball with Bo to schmooze with the higher officers. Bo, knowingHope would be there, was upset at having to cause her more pain, but Billiewas elated to have a chance to go out with Bo. When Billie shows up at theapartment, Carrie takes her aside and tells her what's going on with Austinand Lucas. Lucas taunts Austin by saying, "Isn't your wife waiting for you?"Austin nearly punches him, but Lucas tells him to back off and remember thatnone of this was Lucas' fault. Lucas and Carrie leave together, and Billietries to comfort Austin. Austin goes back to the apartment to have dinnerwith Sami. After changing, Billie shows up in her ball gown, and Sami andAustin tell her she looks beautiful. When Sami hears she forgot herearrings, Sami offers to lend her a pair that Marlena gave her which would goperfectly with Billie's dress. Billie is taken aback, unaccustomed to thesweet amnesiac Sami. She borrows the earrings and then leaves. Sami andAustin have dinner, and Sami remarks how lucky she is to have a husband likeAustin and a sister-in-law like Billie. She says she thinks it's great thatBillie is dating her Uncle Bo, and that Lucas is with Carrie. Austin has ahard time biting his tongue. Sami looks in the TV listings and learns that acable channel is broadcasting the Titan ball. She turns on the TV and theysee Carrie and Lucas dancing and laughing together. Sami insists on havingAustin tape the whole thing.

At the DiMera house, John tells Marlena there is bad news about Roman. Hehad taken a dangerous undercover assignment and failed to report in asexpected, and no one was able to locate him. Marlena is devastated, assumingthe worst. John comforts her lovingly, and Kristen walks in. Kristen isfrustrated because she was again unable to contact Stefano, but left amessage for him that she had handled the Susan situation. Seeing Marlena inJohn's arms, Kristen is at first suspicious, but John explains about Romanand Kristen acts sympathetic. To get her mind off the topic, Marlena asksabout the new baby nurse. Kristen and John have a mild disagreement aboutit, and then Kristen remarks that the nurse is late. John says he hopes shedoesn't show up so they can hire the English nanny. Kristen smiles, thinkingthat since she warned Susan to stay away, her problems are over. But Susanis right outside the door. Just as she is about to knock, the cook sees herand guides her to the back servant's entrance, so she can enter withoutdisturbing the Blacks and their guest. Kristen serves tea to John andMarlena, and just as John is about to happily give up on Susan and call theEnglish nanny, Cook tells him that she let Susan in the back. John insiststhat Marlena meet the new nurse, none of them aware that the nurse is Susan,Marlena's patient. When they get upstairs, Susan is in the shower. Marlenaleaves, but first she warns Kristen that she is being watched and better notscrew up. John stays with the baby, and suddenly, Susan's cellular phonerings. John looks at it, wondering whether to pick it up.

At the Horton's, Hope dresses for the ball. Franco shows up to be herescort, and notices she is depressed. Hope says that Billie and Bo moved intogether, and that if she weren't on the organizing committee for the charityball, she wouldn't even go. As they are leaving, Shawn-D comes downstairsand asks if he can go to the movies with his friends Joey and Charlie. Hopesays absolutely not, because he is still getting over the flu. Shawn-D triesto argue, but Hope tells him the subject is closed and to stay home.Meanwhile, at the Titan ball, Maggie and Caroline and Jennifer decide to tryto get Hope and Bo to dance together. Jennifer is depressed because ofJack's imprisonment, but is covering the ball for her TV show. When Carrieand Lucas arrive, they enlist her help as well. Hope and Franco show up,followed by Bo and Billie. Maggie arranges for Hope and Bo to havecorresponding tickets for the supposedly random "Get to Know You" dance, andthey are coerced into dancing together to the romantic song "Because YouLoved Me." While they are dancing, Hope asks Bo how everything went sowrong. He is torn apart by the pain in her eyes, and she senses hisconflict, but doesn't understand why he doesn't reach out to her. Bo ends upwalking away abruptly, leaving Hope more hurt than ever. Billie watches themdance sadly. Bo goes to Abe and tells him it's over, and that he is going totell Hope the truth. Lucas, dancing with Carrie, admits that he arranged fortheir tickets to match so they could dance the special dance together. WhenLucas says he knows she'd rather be dancing with Austin, Carrie says thatAustin isn't here, and she likes dancing with Lucas. Lucas smiles insurprise and joy.

Back at the Horton house, Shawn-D's friends arrive and knock on the door.Shawn-D tells them they weren't supposed to knock, because his mom told himnot to go out and his grandma is still upstairs. Quietly, they sneak out togo to the movie. But they get off at the wrong bus stop and get lost in thealleys on the wrong side of town. The three boys stumble across twosuspicious looking men completing a drug transaction. The hoodlums panic andstart chasing the boys. Shawn-D and his friends run desperately down thealley, only to find a dead-end at a high chain-link fence. As they turnaround to face their attackers, yelling in desperation, one of the thugspulls a gun - and fires. Shawn-Douglas reels back against the fence, a lookof surprise and pain in his eyes...

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Edited by SC Desk