Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, March 3, 1997

by Dustin Cushman

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At the Snake Pit J.L. King and his henchman watch Brady and his two ex-wivesfrom a televisionmonitor, and he vows Brady will be sorry if this is all a deception.

At the Snake Pit Hope is determined to nail the drug king. Hope tells Francoto pretend he's looking to score some drugs and mingle the crowd. When Franco is skeptical she tellshim she knows what she's doing, and recalls past undercover assignments with Bo. Hope tellsFranco she thinks she and Bo can work it out, but then she sees Bo at the bar with Billie. Hope feelslike a fool because she thought Bo was over Billie, but she refuses to leave because she came herfor a purpose.

Billie has shown up and Bo tries to convince her to leave, but she won't. Boorders Billie to leave, and she agrees, but only if he goes with her. Bo tells her that he knows shethinks there may be a chance for them to be together, but that she's wrong. Bo then tells Billieto leave, and she does so but is stopped by Franco who overheard the conversation and urges her tocontinue to go after Bo no matter what he said to her. Franco tells Billie Bo is confused but Billieis tired and she doesn't want to be hurt again because Bo doesn't want her. Franco tells Billie shemust fight and make him love her just like he is doing with Hope. Eventually Billie decides to stayin Salem, and fight for the love of her life.

Hope then approaches Bo, and when she asks why he was with Billie and Bosays she just showed up. Bo tells Hope to take herself and Franco and leave, but Hope says thatsince they are no longer together he can't tell her to do anything anyone. Hope and Bo begin to argueand when Bo sees one of J.L.'s thugs he tells Hope to get lost. Bo then goes to see the guy, whotakes him to J.L. King. Hope is hurt and confused about her conversation with Bo, but she won't letit distract her from her plan.

Bo meets with J.L. King and gives him the file, and when Bo tries to leaveJ.L. says he has muchmore planned for him.

At the hospital Kristen and Vivian look at the baby and Vivian tells Kristenshe must keep Marlenafrom telling John the truth. Kristen tells Vivian she will stick close toJohn's side, but Marlena knowshow worried John is about the baby so she won't say anything for the timebeing. Vivian tries to talksome sense into Kristen but she won't listen to reason and just walks off.

In the hospital room a sleepy John reaches out, pulls Marlena into bed, andbegins kissing her. Johnwakes up and sees Marlena and wonders if this is a dream, and when Marlenasays it's real theycontinue kissing but then reality kicks in and he stops. John apologizes andsays he was dreamingand didn't realize what he was doing, and she says she understands. Marlenaalso thinks it's timeJohn knew the truth, and as she goes to tell John everything Kristen comesin and asks whyMarlena. is in bed with her husband. John fesses up to Kristen about whathappened, and sheunderstands. Then John leaves to check on "their" son, and Kristen accusesMarlena of trying toseduce her husband. Marlena warns Kristen not to argue with her over Johnand she refuses to lether manipulate John any longer. Marlena tells Kristen she has given her nochoice but to go to Johnnow and tell him the truth. Kristen pleads with Marlena not to tell Johnuntil after the operation, andMarlena agrees for John's sake. Marlena then tells Kristen she will not makelove to John, she willnot let him touch her, and she will not try anything behind closed doors.Kristen tells Marlena "She'ssuch a bitch" and Marlena comments "I was think the same thing about you!"

While John is checking on the baby he runs into Dr. Robins and asks himwhether it's too early tomake love? Doctor Robins says that he usually recommends they wait three orfour weeks. Johnthinks it's odd she wanted to make love so soon, and he also comments howshe's lost all herpregnancy weight so quickly, almost like she never even had a baby.

Outside the room Vivian and Ivan listen in an Vivian comments she doesn'tknow what to do.Suddenly John shows up and asks what mischief they are up to now. Vivan justsays she's there tosupport her family, and she wants to do whatever she can to help the baby,but John already has thebest doctors working for him.

Later Marlena is approached by Dr. Robins and is concerned about Kristen.Marlena asks what hemeans, and he says at times he felt like he was examining and talking to twodifferent people.

In another hospital Susan is told she can go home today and be with herbaby, but Susan knows herbaby is with Kristen now. Susan decides as long as she knows her baby isdoing okay she can leavehim behind, and decides to check up on him. Susan decides to call thehospital to check up on thebaby, and when she learns her baby is in critical condition she heads forthe hospital. As she walksinto the hospital Susan says "My baby needs me."

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, March 4, 1997

by Dustin Cushman

n the hospital Sami is with Lucas and is waiting for her test resultsbecause she is anxious to gethome and continue her life with Austin and Will. Sami tries to find out someof Austin's likes, butwhen Lucas says he doesn't know much Sami thinks about asking Carrie. Tosave Carrie the painLucas tells her he's sure he could think of some things that Austin likes.

Outside Sami's room Mike has Sami's test results, she may never recover hermemory or be able towalk again. Kate shows up and suggest they tell her the truth, but Mike saysthat could cause her toregress. What everyone can agree on is that they need to tell her about hercondition, no matter howmuch it will hurt her.

Austin goes into the room where Lucas and Sami are still discussing Austin'slikes and dislikes, andAustin asks Lucas to leave. When Sami asks for some ice water Austin spillsit on her legs and shebecomes upset when she can't feel it. Sami asks Austin to get Mike becausesomething is wrong,and when Austin looks at her she can tell that he knows her paralysis isn'ttemporary. Sami begins toscream and cry and Austin tries to comfort her. Mike and Carrie come in andwhen she asks Miketo be honest he tells her the odds are against her, but with time andtherapy she may walk again, butSami doesn't believe him and wishes she was dead. Austin tells her thateveryone will be there forher but she says she can't live like this.

In another part of the hospital Dr. Robbins tells Marlena when he examinedKristen in the past she'sseemed like two different people. Marlena ask how she seemed different, andhe tells her whenshe's been in the office to see him she was always kind and interested, butoutside of the office shecouldn't care less what he thinks.

Kristen has a dream about Marlena revealing Kristen to be a liar to Johnafter they baby is safe, butthen John tells Marlena Kristen is his wife and the mother of his child sohe's staying with her.Kristen wakes up and John is with her, and comforts her and believes Godwill protect their child.John tells Kristen he's proud she didn't turn out like Stefano, and thenleaves her to get some rest.

Outside Kristen's room Vivian tells Ivan if Kristen doesn't pull this schemeoff it could meant the endof her "life" at Titan and with Victor. Vivian then go in to see a nappingKristen and tells her theyhave work to do. Kristen is sick of Vivian pestering her, and when Viviansays her future dependson Kristen's Kristen accuses Vivian of being selfish.

Susan has come to the hospital to see her baby and when she asks Dr. Robbinshow her baby is hetells her doesn't know what she means. Susan says he delivered her baby andwants to know how itis, but Dr. Robbins says she's mistaken and he will get her some help.Before Dr. Robins can say ordo anything else Susan takes off.

Marlena and John bump into each other in the hall, and they decide to go seethe baby together.Meanwhile Susan has come to the ICU to see her baby but is confronted by anurse when shewants to hold him, and another nurse calls Kristen and security. Back inKristen's room Viviansends Ivan to see what is happening, and up in the ICU the police havearrived and are draggingSusan off! Ivan returns to the room and tells Vivian that the woman is Susanand they rush up tokeep Susan from being arrested. Up in the ICU Susan demands John Black becalled so she can tellher story but before John is called Vivian and Kristen show up and clear her.

Kristen and Vivian take Susan aside, and Susan tell Kristen their deal isoff and she wants her babyback! However Kristen convinces Susan that the baby needs medical attentiononly a wealthy familycould afford, and if she truly loved the baby she would leave.

Before John and Marlena make it to the baby Carrie shows up and tells themSami needs hermother because she just learned she may never walk again. Marlena shows upand comforts Sami,who continues to ask for Roman. John leaves the room out of guilt and Carriefollows to comforthim. Later both Austin and Carrie comfort Sami and tell her she can walk ifshe believes she can.

Outside Sami's room Marlena asks John to try to find Roman, but John sayshe's so deepundercover it could be difficult. John then takes off to check up on somethings and when he returnsto see Kristen he finds Vivian and Ivan outside her room, unaware that Susanand Kristen are insidetalking. Vivian says she is there just checking up on the baby, and knockson the door to alertKristen John is here. Kristen manages to slip out of the room and convincesJohn to go on a walkwith her, and Ivan and Vivian manage to get rid of Susan, or so they think.Susan hasn't left thehospital, she's in the lounge crying when Marlena approaches her and triesto help her! Susan tellsMarlena she knows what she has to do, and after Marlena leaves Susan saysshe has to take herbaby home!

Austin prays to God to let Sami walk again, and let him be with Carrie.Carrie who overheard theconversation says Kate might have found a way for both his prayers to beanswered.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, March 5, 1997

by Dustin Cushman

In his cell Jack fantasizes about being with Jen as Toni Braxton plays overJen's radio, who is alsofantasizing about Jack. Jack and Travis talk about Jack's family in Prison,and Travis comments he'dlike to meet her when she comes to visit, but Jack won't let Abby see herfather in jail.

Back at Jen's place Abby is missing Jack, and Maggie decides to take Abby tothe zoo. Jen tellsAlice that this is so hard on Abby, and she doesn't know how to tell her thetruth. Alice asks if she'sseen Jack yet, but Jen says she can't leave Abby alone right now.

Jen decides to see Jack in prison, and he's glad she did. Jack tries to hidefrom Jen that he has ablack eye, but she finds out and is shocked. Jack tells Jen that he got hitwith a basketball and thenquickly changes the subject to Abby. Jen gives Jack a drawing Abby made, andJack gives her aletter for Abby. Jen wants to bring Abby to see Jack, but he refuses to lether see him like this, andthen Jack's time is up and he has to go. Jen promises to come visit him realsoon, and he thanks her.

Later the crooked guard calls Travis out of the cell and tells him that Jenstill seems to love Jack,and Travis comments that Stefano won't like this. Travis calls Stefano andfills him in, and Stefano isfurious. Travis says that Jack is going to be put through such torture he'sgoing to wish he weredead.

Franco comes to see Hope because he was worried about how upset she was lastnight afterleaving the club. Hope says she's upset she didn't find the drug dealer, butFranco tells her he thinkshe was upset at seeing Bo with Billie. Hope says Bo explained the situationto her, and Franco saysthat maybe Bo asked Billie to meet him, thinking Hope would never see themat a place like theSnake Pit. Hope doesn't want to accept that Bo and Billie are dating, andshe asks Franco for sometime alone so she can think.

Billie has a dream that Bo comes to her room and tells her he loves her andwants her back. LaterFranco comes by to pay her a visit and encourages Billie to go after Bo, butshe has given up on Boand is thinking about returning to Paris. Franco can't let them happen andhe convinces Billie to stayin Salem and continue chasing Bo.

Bo and Abe meet, and Bo tells Abe he will get the evidence they need to nailKing. Abe tells Bo tobe careful, but Bo says if something goes wrong King will go after Hope andBillie, not him. Boexplains what happened at the club with Billie and Hope, and he tells Abe hehate's having to hurtthe people he cares about. Bo says that before he can go after King he hasto make sure Billie andHope are out of harms way, otherwise he'll have to drop this case because hecan't put them indanger.

Bo goes to drop off Shawn D.'s baseball mitt, and also to tell Hope to stayaway from the Snakepit. Hope says she can't do that because she is going after the drug kingand is going to take himdown, and nothing is going to stop her. Bo however says he is going to stopher, and tells her shewill not go through with this investigation. Bo and Hope argue over thesituation, and Bo tells her toleave it to the police and stay the hell out of it. Bo argues that innocentpeople and police officerslives could be at stake here, and she agrees to stay out of it. Hope thentries to make up with Boand kiss him, but all Bo can think about is J.L.'s warnings, so he pushesher away and leaves. Hopehowever knows Bo wanted to kiss her back, and she's not going to give up onhim.

Abe returns to the office where the DA shows up to see the evidence he hason King so she can nailhim. J.L. King and his lawyer then show up to see the evidence that Abe hasagainst him. Howeverwhen Abe open's up his safe to get the file, it's gone of course. J.L. Kingleaves because they haveno case against him, and the DA is furious with Abe and plans to go to thecommissioner.

Meanwhile J.L. thinks Bo is on his side, and he's not letting him out of hisemployment now. Laterwhen J.L. meets with one of his goons he plans to use Billie and Hope asbackup insurance to keepBo in line. J.L. plans to arrange a charity party, and get Billie and Hopethere and he will find outwhich one he cares more for, and then that one will be the one he'll useagainst Bo.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, March 6, 1997

by Diane Dix

As the time for the baby's surgery approaches, John, Kristen, Marlena, andShawn Brady gather at the nursery for a brief baptism ceremony. Kristen ischagrined that Marlena is the godmother, and Marlena is disturbed whenKristen tells John she wants to name the baby John, Jr. - an obvious ploy tocement John's affections. Susan, who sneaked back into the hospital, triesto interrupt the baptism, but is hurried away by a nurse. After the baptism,John and Kristen learn that Dr. Bailey has been delayed in Boston and thesurgery is being postponed. Marlena takes John to the nurses' station for "asurprise"; Kristen and Vivian fret that she is going to tell John the truth.The surprise turns out to be Belle and Brady, whom Caroline brought tovisit. As they play with the children, John and Kristen learn that the babyneeds a blood donation for surgery. Kristen is terrified that if she has togive blood, it will be discovered she is not the baby's parent. But whenJohn learns that Kristen's pregnancy records show anemia, he forbids her togive blood, since his blood type happens to be compatible with the baby's.Kristen is furious that Susan never told her she was anemic. As John isgiving blood, Susan runs into Caroline, Belle, and Brady in the waiting room.Talking to Brady, she learns that he is John's son. When she overhearsCaroline saying John Jr. needs blood, Susan rushes to donate. John, in thenext compartment, hears that a strange woman has decided to donate blood tohis baby, and strikes up an unseen conversation with Susan. Kristen andVivian arrive at the blood bank in time to realize that Susan is about togive away the whole scenario. Vivian hustles Susan out just before Marlenadraws back the curtain to her compartment. John is puzzled that the womanran off. Kristen and Marlena exchange harsh words while John is checking onthe baby. Vivian pushes Susan out of the area, and learns that Susan hasnamed the baby, of all things, Elvis. As Susan rides the elevator down, shepromises she will come back for "Elvis."

Under the pier, Abe and Bo discuss the King case. Abe reminds Bo that Hopewould be endangered if they got back together. Bo frets that the case istaking longer than he thought to crack. Later, as Bo is walking his beat,Max approaches him and asks him to come see King at The Snake PIt, promisinghe will get the video tape. Bo goes to the Snake Pit, where King plies himwith drinks but does not hand over the tape. Back at Alice Horton's, Hope ischeerful, thinking of the way Bo nearly kissed her the night before. She isdetermined to get him back and thinks all he needs is time. While Alice,Hope, and Maggie talk in the kitchen, Shawn-Douglas and friends play catch inthe yard. The juvenile drug dealer, Bucky, comes into the yard and threatensShawn-Douglas, thinking Shawn-D ratted on him. As Hope and Maggie bringsandwiches out to the yard, they see the boys fighting on the ground. Theybreak it up and Bucky runs away, leaving drugs and paraphernalia behind,hoping to plant them on Shawn-D. Hope is furious, and calls Bo, but he tellsher he can't do anything about it. Just then, Hope gets an invitation to acharity fundraiser at The Snake Pit. Unaware that this is King's ploy tofigure out who Bo is attached to, Hope dresses up and goes, hoping to learnsomething about the anonymous drug kingpin. When Bo sees her there, he knowshe has to make it look like he's not interested in her. He approaches herangrily and demands to know why she is following him around. Hope is hurtand angry by his attitude.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, March 7, 1997

by Diane Dix

Austin sits with Sami in her hospital room, trying to comfort her after thedepressing news about her paralysis. Carrie and Lucas enter with good news -Kate has found a top rehab facility in Hawaii and has offered to pay all ofSami's expenses. Sami is filled with hope, and everyone is happy for her,but Austin and Carrie are especially happy that Sami will be going away andthey can start living their lives together. They pray the rehab will enableher to walk and recover her memory, so she can get on with her life and theycan get married. But Sami, reading the brochures, has a surprise of her own- she discovers that the facility has apartments available for the familiesof the patients, and expects Austin and Will to come live with her in Hawaii.Austin pretends to be happy, but is privately in turmoil about the news.

At the Snake Pit, Bo is alarmed to see Hope talking to King. Determined toprotect her from association with himself, Bo approaches her and demands toknow why she is following him around. Hope says she was invited, but askswhy Bo is treating her so cruelly. Bo calls her a loser and tells her toquit hassling him. Hope tells him to look her in the eye and tell her hedoesn't love her any more. Bo avoids the question, but is so vicious to Hopethat King and Hope are both convinced that she doesn't mean anything to him.Franco and Billie, who showed up in hopes of running into Bo and Hope there,hear the last part of the exchange. Franco runs out after Hope and comfortsher on the pier. After crying on his shoulder, Hope tells Franco she is sureBo is hiding something, and she decides to go talk to him in the club andfind out what it is. Meanwhile, Billie is sorry that Hope was hurt, butencouraged that maybe Bo is rejecting Hope because he has feelings for her,Billie. Just as she is about to approach Bo, Billie overhears Max and Kingtelling Bo to meet them up in his office. Then Billie overhears King and Maxdiscussing Bo, and concludes that Bo might be in danger. Billie rushes up toKing's office, trying to discover what they might be planning to do to Bo.Hearing voices approaching, Billie is forced to hide in the closet. Sheoverhears King offering Bo a job on his payroll as a full-time spy. Borefuses, and King threatens him. Bo starts to waver, and Billie desperatelywishes that she could tell him not to do it. Just then, her hand slips onthe coat rod, making a loud noise. King, Max, and Bo hear the noise and goto the closet. When they open the door, Bo is stunned and horrified to seeBillie standing there.

At the hospital, John Jr. undergoes surgery. Caroline and Shawn, Abe,Lexie, Celeste, Vivian, Ivan, Laura Horton, and Marlena all gather to lendsupport to John and Kristen. Laura asks Marlena why she hasn't told Johnabout Kristen yet. Marlena promises she will tell him as soon as they knowthe baby is okay. Celeste watches Kristen suspiciously, and tells Lexiethat Kristen does not have the aura of a woman who has just given birth.Lexie dismisses it as psychic mumbo jumbo, but Vivian realizes Celeste issharp, and begins to make plans to neutralize her. Caroline mentions thatthere is another woman whose baby is having surgery, but Lexie checks theschedule and tells her that John Jr. is the only one. Caroline, rememberingher conversation with Susan, finds that very odd. Vivian figures out whathappened and tells Kristen that they had better eliminate the threat of Susanquickly. Just then, Kristen sees Susan exiting the elevator and headingtoward the nursery. Making an excuse, Kristen runs after her. She findsSusan crying in a stairwell. Susan tells Kristen that she overheard someonesaying the baby was going to be all right. Although Kristen is relieved, sheis furious with Susan for showing up at the hospital, and demands that sheleave Salem immediately. Susan tells her she is never going to leave withouther baby. Meanwhile, Dr. Bailey comes out of surgery and tells the familythat John Jr. is fine and will recover fully. Everyone is filled with joy,especially Marlena, who no longer has a reason to delay telling John sheloves him and that Kristen is evil. Marlena takes John aside into a privateroom. Vivian and Ivan, passing by, see them together and are filled withalarm. Marlena tells John that she has something very important to tell himthat will change their lives forever.

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