Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, January 20, 1997

Due to the Presidential Inauguation, Days of our Lives did not air today. Regular programmingresumes on Tuesday.

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Due to the Presidential Inauguation, Days of our Lives did not air today. Regular programmingresumes on Tuesday.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, January 21, 1997

Sami wakes up. A few minutes later she goes back to sleep. Mike tellseveryone that it is normal. Carrie starts to wonder if her and Austin willbe together. Austin tells her that they will be together forever. Miketells them that Sami is doing much better and he takes her off of the oxygenand that she needs rest. Austin hopes that Sami will change after theaccident. Carrie disagrees with him. As they leave Sami's room she smile's.

Susan is at the hospital becuase she is a pain. John is with Kristen and istrying to call Marlena. Marlena is outside Susan's room. Kristen hangs thephone up on John as Marlena answers. Kristen tells John that she wants totalk about getting married.

Dr. Robbins comes out of Susan's room and tells Marlena that they think sheis in labor and they are going to hook a fetal monitor up to her. Marlenatells the nurse to asks Kristen if she can stay with her until John comes.The nurse tells Susan that a friend wants to see her but Susan says that shewants to be alone. Marlena acts shocked but decides to call John. Kristenunplugged the telephone at the house so Marlena thinks that no one is homeand assumes that John is on his way.

John promises Kristen that they will get married before the baby is born.John tells Kristen that is is surprised that she still wants to marry himbecause she will not let him touch her. Kristen says that it is because sheis nervous about the baby. John tells Kristen that he will do anything tomake them happy. She says that she wants to get married right away. Johnagrees but wants to do in Salem because of all of their friends and family.Kristen says that they can have a small wedding at the house and the staffcan be the witnesses and she will explain to their friends and family later.John eventually agrees. Shawn arrives and says that his car broke down andasks John for a lift. John and Shawn leave and Kristen plugs the phone inand tries to call Susan.

Carrie and Austin find Marlena and tell her about Sami. Marlena tries tocall John again. Kristen is drinking alcohol and drops the glass on thefloor. She does not answer the phone because she is trying to clean themess up. Dr. Robbins tells Susan that she is having a boy. The nurseleaves Susan's room and tells Marlena that Kristen is having a boy.

Meanwhile Kristen is at the church talking to Father Jansen about hewedding. She tells him that the wedding has to be kept quiet. FatherJansen asks her why and she decides to confess all of her sins.

John just got back from helping Shawn when Marlena arrives and asks him whyhe is not at the hospital. John asks about Sami and marlena tells him thatKristen might be in labor. John says that it can't be true because he wasjust with her. They decide that she must have went to the hospital rightafter he left.

Hope is at the airport telling Billie to stay because Bo will not be able todecide who he loves if she leaves. Hope says that Billie needs to stay andfight for Bo. Bo arrives and asks why she is doing all of this. Hope askswhy he is there. He says to say good-bye but Hope thinks it is to stopBillie from leaving. Hope tells them that they never ended theirrelationship. Hope tells them that Bo needs to find out how he really feelsfor Billie. She says that she is willing to wait even if it means loosingBo forever. Billie says that she has to go. Hope tells her not to gobecause this has to worked out. Bo tells Hope that he wants her and Billieshould go. Billie decides to leave because Bo has made everything clear.Billie then boards the plane.

Sami wakes up. A few minutes later she goes back to sleep. Mike tellseveryone that it is normal. Carrie starts to wonder if her and Austin willbe together. Austin tells her that they will be together forever. Miketells them that Sami is doing much better and he takes her off of the oxygenand that she needs rest. Austin hopes that Sami will change after theaccident. Carrie disagrees with him. As they leave Sami's room she smile's.

Susan is at the hospital becuase she is a pain. John is with Kristen and istrying to call Marlena. Marlena is outside Susan's room. Kristen hangs thephone up on John as Marlena answers. Kristen tells John that she wants totalk about getting married.

Dr. Robbins comes out of Susan's room and tells Marlena that they think sheis in labor and they are going to hook a fetal monitor up to her. Marlenatells the nurse to asks Kristen if she can stay with her until John comes.The nurse tells Susan that a friend wants to see her but Susan says that shewants to be alone. Marlena acts shocked but decides to call John. Kristenunplugged the telephone at the house so Marlena thinks that no one is homeand assumes that John is on his way.

John promises Kristen that they will get married before the baby is born.John tells Kristen that is is surprised that she still wants to marry himbecause she will not let him touch her. Kristen says that it is because sheis nervous about the baby. John tells Kristen that he will do anything tomake them happy. She says that she wants to get married right away. Johnagrees but wants to do in Salem because of all of their friends and family.Kristen says that they can have a small wedding at the house and the staffcan be the witnesses and she will explain to their friends and family later.John eventually agrees. Shawn arrives and says that his car broke down andasks John for a lift. John and Shawn leave and Kristen plugs the phone inand tries to call Susan.

Carrie and Austin find Marlena and tell her about Sami. Marlena tries tocall John again. Kristen is drinking alcohol and drops the glass on thefloor. She does not answer the phone because she is trying to clean themess up. Dr. Robbins tells Susan that she is having a boy. The nurseleaves Susan's room and tells Marlena that Kristen is having a boy.

Meanwhile Kristen is at the church talking to Father Jansen about hewedding. She tells him that the wedding has to be kept quiet. FatherJansen asks her why and she decides to confess all of her sins.

John just got back from helping Shawn when Marlena arrives and asks him whyhe is not at the hospital. John asks about Sami and marlena tells him thatKristen might be in labor. John says that it can't be true because he wasjust with her. They decide that she must have went to the hospital rightafter he left.

Hope is at the airport telling Billie to stay because Bo will not be able todecide who he loves if she leaves. Hope says that Billie needs to stay andfight for Bo. Bo arrives and asks why she is doing all of this. Hope askswhy he is there. He says to say good-bye but Hope thinks it is to stopBillie from leaving. Hope tells them that they never ended theirrelationship. Hope tells them that Bo needs to find out how he really feelsfor Billie. She says that she is willing to wait even if it means loosingBo forever. Billie says that she has to go. Hope tells her not to gobecause this has to worked out. Bo tells Hope that he wants her and Billieshould go. Billie decides to leave because Bo has made everything clear.Billie then boards the plane.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, January 22, 1997

Kristen begins her confession to Father Jansen. Kristen tells him that shelost the baby and she wants to keep it a secret becuase Marlena and Johnlove each other. She tells him everything about Stefano and Peter and themkidnapping Laura. She eventually tells him about Susan. Father Jansen isvery upset about what Kristen has told him and tells her that he has to tellJohn. She asks for forgiveness but he says that he won't until she tellsJohn. He also says that he will not marry them.

John and Marlena are going to the hospital because 'Kristen' is in labor.Marlena says that she has noticed that Kristen has been acting strange sinceParis. John just says that everyone should understand becuase of the thingsthat she has gone through.

Susan tries to leave but the fetal monitor begins to beep when she takes itoff. Dr. Robbins comes back in and says that everything is okay and it wasjust false labor. He says that she can go home but should wait for John.John and Marlena arrive and the notice that 'Kristen' is gone. When Johnand Marlena go home Kristne is already there. They wonder how she got homeso fast. She does not understand what they are talking about. They ask herwhat went on at the hosptial. Her cell phone rings and it is Susan and shehangs up on her. Kristen says that is wasn't a big deal.

Bo is drinking at the Cheatin' Heart and he tells Abe everything. Abe tellshim to do what Hope asks and maybe it will show her that he loves her andnot Billie. Abe also says that he will think about putting him on the drugcase. Franco is sitting behind them listening to what they have to say. Boleaves to go the the gym and is boxing with another officer. The otherofficer starts making wise cracks about Hope. Abe breaks up the fight totell Bo that he is not going to put him on the drug case. Bo changes hismind. Bo leaves to call Hope.

Hope is at the docks and Kate arrives. Hope tells her what she did. Katetells her that Billie's plane has already left. Kate begins to get upsetbecause Hope says that she still is not going to be with Bo. Kate goes homeand finds Billie. Franco arrives on the docks to talk to Hope. Hope criesand Franco comforts her. They talk about Franco's love Angela. Hope gets acall from Billie saying that she stayed in Salem. Hope leaves and Francocalls his boss to tell them that everyone thing is going okay.

Kristen begins her confession to Father Jansen. Kristen tells him that shelost the baby and she wants to keep it a secret becuase Marlena and Johnlove each other. She tells him everything about Stefano and Peter and themkidnapping Laura. She eventually tells him about Susan. Father Jansen isvery upset about what Kristen has told him and tells her that he has to tellJohn. She asks for forgiveness but he says that he won't until she tellsJohn. He also says that he will not marry them.

John and Marlena are going to the hospital because 'Kristen' is in labor.Marlena says that she has noticed that Kristen has been acting strange sinceParis. John just says that everyone should understand becuase of the thingsthat she has gone through.

Susan tries to leave but the fetal monitor begins to beep when she takes itoff. Dr. Robbins comes back in and says that everything is okay and it wasjust false labor. He says that she can go home but should wait for John.John and Marlena arrive and the notice that 'Kristen' is gone. When Johnand Marlena go home Kristne is already there. They wonder how she got homeso fast. She does not understand what they are talking about. They ask herwhat went on at the hosptial. Her cell phone rings and it is Susan and shehangs up on her. Kristen says that is wasn't a big deal.

Bo is drinking at the Cheatin' Heart and he tells Abe everything. Abe tellshim to do what Hope asks and maybe it will show her that he loves her andnot Billie. Abe also says that he will think about putting him on the drugcase. Franco is sitting behind them listening to what they have to say. Boleaves to go the the gym and is boxing with another officer. The otherofficer starts making wise cracks about Hope. Abe breaks up the fight totell Bo that he is not going to put him on the drug case. Bo changes hismind. Bo leaves to call Hope.

Hope is at the docks and Kate arrives. Hope tells her what she did. Katetells her that Billie's plane has already left. Kate begins to get upsetbecause Hope says that she still is not going to be with Bo. Kate goes homeand finds Billie. Franco arrives on the docks to talk to Hope. Hope criesand Franco comforts her. They talk about Franco's love Angela. Hope gets acall from Billie saying that she stayed in Salem. Hope leaves and Francocalls his boss to tell them that everyone thing is going okay.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, January 23, 1997

At Jennifer's house, Jack and Jennifer discuss Laura's seemingly wild accusationsagainst Kristen and her memories of Peter and Stefano. Upstairs, Laura hasdreams of her captivity at the Blake house and wakes up clear-headed. NurseLynn, who was supposed to give Laura her memory suppression pill, sleeps in.Jennifer goes up to see Laura, who insists she saw Peter and Stefano while shewas gone. Jennifer reminds her that Peter and Stefano are dead. Laura is upsetthat Jennifer does not believe her. Jennifer reminds Laura to take her pill, butLaura forgets.

John, about to bring Kristen breakfast in bed, runs into Marlena in the halland tells her about Laura's accusations against Kristen. Marlena'ssuspicions are aroused and she goes to see Laura.

Kristen blames Susan for the near disaster with the false labor. She warnsSusan to stay in constant touch and asks if there is anything else Susan hasto tell her about the false labor incident. Susan can't quite remember, butthinks there is something. John walks in and Kristen is forced to hang up.John tells Kristen that Marlena is headed to Laura's house. After heleaves, Kristen calls Lynn to make sure she has given Laura her pill, butLynn falls back asleep after she hangs up. When Marlena arrives at Laura's,Laura clearly remembers most of her experience at the Blake house. Butbefore she can tell Marlena the details, Lynn brings in her pill. The pilltakes effect quickly, and Laura's memories are too confused for Marlena tointerpret, although she finds it odd that Laura remembers Kristen and theBlake house, just as Celeste had foretold.

Downstairs, Jennifer overhears Jack telling Mickey that he is going to pleadguilty to Peter's murder to spare Jenn, Abby, and Laura the pain of a publictrial. When Mickey tries to change his mind, Jack declares he will doanything for his family because he loves them so much. After Mickey leaves,Jenn comes downstairs and tells Jack that if he really loves them, he willchange his plea to not guilty, because she doesn't want him to go to jail.They embrace emotionally, while a hidden photographer outside the housetakes pictures of them.

At Johnny Angel's, Bo tells Caroline about Hope's plan to have Bo date Billieto resolve their feelings for each other. Bo thinks it is a moot pointbecause Billie has gone back to Paris, but just then, Billie walks up to him.She tells him she didn't go back to Paris because she wants to try Hope'splan. Bo tells her that there is no point, because he loves only Hope, butBillie is determined to try because she wants Bo back.

Hope worries that Bo will choose Billie over her. She goes to Salem Placeand runs into Franco, who invites her to model with him for an extendedoverseas photo shoot. Hope is reluctant, but when she sees Bo and Billietogether at Johnny Angel's, she changes her mind and decides to go with him.Franco immediately calls his employer and says that they must allay Bo'ssuspicions about Franco so that he will not stand in the way of Hope going onthe photo shoot. When Hope tells Bo that she is going out of the countrywith Franco, Bo tells her that she can't go because Franco is dangerous.Just then, Bo gets a call from the station. He learns that there is astrong suspect for the island murder, and it isn't Franco. Although heremains suspicious of the timing of the call, he reluctantly backs down aboutHope's modeling shoot, and agrees to look after Shawn Douglas while she isgone. Bo impulsively embraces Hope, who then leaves with Franco.

John and Kristen discuss their planned elopement. John tells Kristen he hasa surprise for her, but won't tell her what it is. Just then, Father Jansenarrives. When John tells Father Jansen that he and Kristen have somethingserious to discuss with him, Father Jansen assumes Kristen has confessed herdeception, and expresses relief to John that Kristen has told him everything.John is obviously confused, but as Father Jansen tries to decide how toexplain without breaking the seal of the confessional, Kristen enters andsmoothes things over. But when John asks Father Jansen to perform themarriage for him and Kristen, Father Jansen refuses and leaves withouttelling John why. On the way out, he sees Marlena and tells her to keep thefaith, and that she will prevail. Kristen tells John that Father Jansen isprobably reluctant to perform the ceremony because John used to be a priest,but John remains upset. As Marlena enters Kristen's house unseen, Kristentries to distract John by talking about the baby. John wonders what sex thebaby is, and Kristen says she can't wait to find out. Marlena overhears anddemands to know what Kristen means, since Marlena learned at the hospitalthat Kristen was having a boy. Kristen is stymied because Susan forgot totell her the baby was a boy.

Friday, January 24, 1997font face="arial" color="#804080" size="-1">by Diane Dix

At the Kiriakis mansion, Vivian is outraged to discover Kate has moved heroffice at Titan to a sub-basement, and that Kate is calling a board meetingto have Vivian ousted from Titan altogether. Kate calls Vivian a "loser" andthey almost come to blows, but Ivan steps in between them. Vivian threatensto find out what Sami has on Kate and to expose her, but Kate feels secure inknowing that Sami is in a coma and may not awaken for months or years.Vivian and Ivan go to Sami's hospital room and try to use music to awakenher, but Kate and Mike Horton catch them and throw them out. Kate is alarmedto notice Sami's hand moving on her blanket. Outside the room, Kate tries toconvince Vivian that Sami has nothing on her, but Vivian doesn't believe herand promises to expose Kate as soon as possible. Kate tells Vivian Sami willnever wake up before the board meeting, but just then, Ivan reports that Samiis regaining consciousness.

Carrie dreams that Sami has regained consciousness and is more determined tohold on to Austin than ever. When she awakens, Austin reassures her that nomatter what Sami's attitude is after her near-death experience, nothing willstand in the way of finalizing the annulment. Austin calls Mickey to makesure Sami cannot stand in the way of his marriage to Carrie once she wakesup, and Mickey is reassuring. Carrie and Austin go to the hospital todiscover that Sami is opening her eyes and regaining consciousness. Mikewarns them that Sami may say or do unusual things when she wakes up. Austinand Carrie stand at Sami's bedside as Sami opens her eyes.

Marlena's suspicions are aroused when she hears Kristen tell John she doesn'tknow the baby's sex. Marlena, who heard the baby was a boy from the nurse,points out that the doctor and nurse told Kristen what sex the baby was andchallenges Kristen to tell John. Kristen is completely clueless becauseSusan, who had been disguised as Kristen during the false labor incident,never told Kristen that she knew the baby's sex. Just then, gifts Marlenaordered for the baby are delivered early, and their blue wrapping cluesKristen in on the baby's gender. John is overjoyed to learn he is having ason, but Kristen, shaken by her close call, claims she is upset that Marlenaspoiled her surprise by revealing the baby's sex to John. Kristen, sayingshe is going out for some air, goes to Susan's house. Kristen is furious withSusan for forgetting to tell her about knowing the baby's sex, and makesSusan write down details for the labor and delivery. She tells Susan to goto a private hospital where she is not known, and not to call John andMarlena until the baby is delivered and Kristen has taken Susan's place.Kristen frets that she and Susan are not the same blood type, but Susanreminds her that since Dr. Robbins has only taken blood from Susan, it won'tbe a problem. When Kristen leaves, Susan shows signs of instability. Shetalks to herself and sings to a baby doll, calling it her little girl.

Kristen returns home to find John and Marlena discussing her odd behaviorabout learning the baby's gender. Kristen apologizes to Marlena foroverreacting when Marlena spoiled her surprise, and they all go to thehospital to check on Sami. On the way up, they run into Dr. Robbins, whoasks how Kristen is feeling. John points out that Kristen did not want toknow the baby's sex in advance. Dr. Robbins is flabbergasted, since Susan,disguised as Kristen in the labor room, seemed very eager to know the baby'ssex. Kristen explains it away as waffling, but Marlena is suspicious. Dr.Robbins then remembers that he never took Kristen's blood while she was atthe hospital the previous day, and asks her to go to the lab to have blooddrawn. Kristen panics, remembering that Susan's blood type is on record ashers, and the doctor will certainly notice the difference. Kristen claimsshe is too queasy to have blood drawn, but Dr. Robbins and John insist, whileMarlena looks on with increasing suspicion.

At Jennifer's house, Jack and Jennifer discuss Laura's seemingly wild accusationsagainst Kristen and her memories of Peter and Stefano. Upstairs, Laura hasdreams of her captivity at the Blake house and wakes up clear-headed. NurseLynn, who was supposed to give Laura her memory suppression pill, sleeps in.Jennifer goes up to see Laura, who insists she saw Peter and Stefano while shewas gone. Jennifer reminds her that Peter and Stefano are dead. Laura is upsetthat Jennifer does not believe her. Jennifer reminds Laura to take her pill, butLaura forgets.

John, about to bring Kristen breakfast in bed, runs into Marlena in the halland tells her about Laura's accusations against Kristen. Marlena'ssuspicions are aroused and she goes to see Laura.

Kristen blames Susan for the near disaster with the false labor. She warnsSusan to stay in constant touch and asks if there is anything else Susan hasto tell her about the false labor incident. Susan can't quite remember, butthinks there is something. John walks in and Kristen is forced to hang up.John tells Kristen that Marlena is headed to Laura's house. After heleaves, Kristen calls Lynn to make sure she has given Laura her pill, butLynn falls back asleep after she hangs up. When Marlena arrives at Laura's,Laura clearly remembers most of her experience at the Blake house. Butbefore she can tell Marlena the details, Lynn brings in her pill. The pilltakes effect quickly, and Laura's memories are too confused for Marlena tointerpret, although she finds it odd that Laura remembers Kristen and theBlake house, just as Celeste had foretold.

Downstairs, Jennifer overhears Jack telling Mickey that he is going to pleadguilty to Peter's murder to spare Jenn, Abby, and Laura the pain of a publictrial. When Mickey tries to change his mind, Jack declares he will doanything for his family because he loves them so much. After Mickey leaves,Jenn comes downstairs and tells Jack that if he really loves them, he willchange his plea to not guilty, because she doesn't want him to go to jail.They embrace emotionally, while a hidden photographer outside the housetakes pictures of them.

At Johnny Angel's, Bo tells Caroline about Hope's plan to have Bo date Billieto resolve their feelings for each other. Bo thinks it is a moot pointbecause Billie has gone back to Paris, but just then, Billie walks up to him.She tells him she didn't go back to Paris because she wants to try Hope'splan. Bo tells her that there is no point, because he loves only Hope, butBillie is determined to try because she wants Bo back.

Hope worries that Bo will choose Billie over her. She goes to Salem Placeand runs into Franco, who invites her to model with him for an extendedoverseas photo shoot. Hope is reluctant, but when she sees Bo and Billietogether at Johnny Angel's, she changes her mind and decides to go with him.Franco immediately calls his employer and says that they must allay Bo'ssuspicions about Franco so that he will not stand in the way of Hope going onthe photo shoot. When Hope tells Bo that she is going out of the countrywith Franco, Bo tells her that she can't go because Franco is dangerous.Just then, Bo gets a call from the station. He learns that there is astrong suspect for the island murder, and it isn't Franco. Although heremains suspicious of the timing of the call, he reluctantly backs down aboutHope's modeling shoot, and agrees to look after Shawn Douglas while she isgone. Bo impulsively embraces Hope, who then leaves with Franco.

John and Kristen discuss their planned elopement. John tells Kristen he hasa surprise for her, but won't tell her what it is. Just then, Father Jansenarrives. When John tells Father Jansen that he and Kristen have somethingserious to discuss with him, Father Jansen assumes Kristen has confessed herdeception, and expresses relief to John that Kristen has told him everything.John is obviously confused, but as Father Jansen tries to decide how toexplain without breaking the seal of the confessional, Kristen enters andsmoothes things over. But when John asks Father Jansen to perform themarriage for him and Kristen, Father Jansen refuses and leaves withouttelling John why. On the way out, he sees Marlena and tells her to keep thefaith, and that she will prevail. Kristen tells John that Father Jansen isprobably reluctant to perform the ceremony because John used to be a priest,but John remains upset. As Marlena enters Kristen's house unseen, Kristentries to distract John by talking about the baby. John wonders what sex thebaby is, and Kristen says she can't wait to find out. Marlena overhears anddemands to know what Kristen means, since Marlena learned at the hospitalthat Kristen was having a boy. Kristen is stymied because Susan forgot totell her the baby was a boy.

Friday, January 24, 1997font face="arial" color="#804080" size="-1">by Diane Dix

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 20, 1997 on DAYS

At the Kiriakis mansion, Vivian is outraged to discover Kate has moved heroffice at Titan to a sub-basement, and that Kate is calling a board meetingto have Vivian ousted from Titan altogether. Kate calls Vivian a "loser" andthey almost come to blows, but Ivan steps in between them. Vivian threatensto find out what Sami has on Kate and to expose her, but Kate feels secure inknowing that Sami is in a coma and may not awaken for months or years.Vivian and Ivan go to Sami's hospital room and try to use music to awakenher, but Kate and Mike Horton catch them and throw them out. Kate is alarmedto notice Sami's hand moving on her blanket. Outside the room, Kate tries toconvince Vivian that Sami has nothing on her, but Vivian doesn't believe herand promises to expose Kate as soon as possible. Kate tells Vivian Sami willnever wake up before the board meeting, but just then, Ivan reports that Samiis regaining consciousness.

Carrie dreams that Sami has regained consciousness and is more determined tohold on to Austin than ever. When she awakens, Austin reassures her that nomatter what Sami's attitude is after her near-death experience, nothing willstand in the way of finalizing the annulment. Austin calls Mickey to makesure Sami cannot stand in the way of his marriage to Carrie once she wakesup, and Mickey is reassuring. Carrie and Austin go to the hospital todiscover that Sami is opening her eyes and regaining consciousness. Mikewarns them that Sami may say or do unusual things when she wakes up. Austinand Carrie stand at Sami's bedside as Sami opens her eyes.

Marlena's suspicions are aroused when she hears Kristen tell John she doesn'tknow the baby's sex. Marlena, who heard the baby was a boy from the nurse,points out that the doctor and nurse told Kristen what sex the baby was andchallenges Kristen to tell John. Kristen is completely clueless becauseSusan, who had been disguised as Kristen during the false labor incident,never told Kristen that she knew the baby's sex. Just then, gifts Marlenaordered for the baby are delivered early, and their blue wrapping cluesKristen in on the baby's gender. John is overjoyed to learn he is having ason, but Kristen, shaken by her close call, claims she is upset that Marlenaspoiled her surprise by revealing the baby's sex to John. Kristen, sayingshe is going out for some air, goes to Susan's house. Kristen is furious withSusan for forgetting to tell her about knowing the baby's sex, and makesSusan write down details for the labor and delivery. She tells Susan to goto a private hospital where she is not known, and not to call John andMarlena until the baby is delivered and Kristen has taken Susan's place.Kristen frets that she and Susan are not the same blood type, but Susanreminds her that since Dr. Robbins has only taken blood from Susan, it won'tbe a problem. When Kristen leaves, Susan shows signs of instability. Shetalks to herself and sings to a baby doll, calling it her little girl.

Kristen returns home to find John and Marlena discussing her odd behaviorabout learning the baby's gender. Kristen apologizes to Marlena foroverreacting when Marlena spoiled her surprise, and they all go to thehospital to check on Sami. On the way up, they run into Dr. Robbins, whoasks how Kristen is feeling. John points out that Kristen did not want toknow the baby's sex in advance. Dr. Robbins is flabbergasted, since Susan,disguised as Kristen in the labor room, seemed very eager to know the baby'ssex. Kristen explains it away as waffling, but Marlena is suspicious. Dr.Robbins then remembers that he never took Kristen's blood while she was atthe hospital the previous day, and asks her to go to the lab to have blooddrawn. Kristen panics, remembering that Susan's blood type is on record ashers, and the doctor will certainly notice the difference. Kristen claimsshe is too queasy to have blood drawn, but Dr. Robbins and John insist, whileMarlena looks on with increasing suspicion.

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Edited by SC Desk