Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 12, 2024 on DAYS

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A drunken Fiona hit Sarah with Brady
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 12, 2024 on DAYS

Leo hung out with Hattie. Johnny coached Bonnie through an audition. Kate resented Abe's decisions. A drunken Fiona hit Sarah with Brady's car and framed him for the crime. A DNA test confirmed the mystery woman was Jack's daughter. Tate and Holly decided to wait to have sex. Kristen was suspicious of Brady. Sarah was paralyzed from the waist down. Melinda fired Connie. Gabi forced Kristen to confirm that Stefan had slept with Ava. Gabi confronted the lovers. "Abigail" spoke to someone about their "plan."

Gabi vows revenge on Stefan and Ava
Gabi vows revenge on Stefan and Ava

Gabi vows revenge on Stefan and Ava

Monday, August 12, 2024

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by Tiffany

At the DiMera mansion, Stefan raised a glass to Stefano's portrait. Stefan wanted to toast his decision not to tell Gabi about his affair with Ava.

In Horton Town Square, Johnny expressed his skepticism that Ava and Gabi could work together harmoniously. Ava insisted that her and Gabi's tensions were in the past. The talk turned to Johnny's new job at Body & Soul. He and Ava wished each other well on their new ventures, and Johnny left for a work appointment.

At the DiMera office, Connie blurted out that Stefan had cheated on Gabi. At first, Gabi assumed that Connie was referring to the gossip about Stefan and Ava that had resulted because of their pretend relationship. Connie agreed and tried to change the subject, but Gabi wanted answers after Connie stated that she had overheard something. Connie eventually admitted that she had listened to a conversation between Ava and Kristen in which Ava had confessed to having slept with Stefan.

Gabi threw a vase and insisted Connie had to have misunderstood. Connie said she was sorry and quoted word for word Ava's admission of the affair. Gabi grew enraged, and Connie asked if Gabi was mad at her. Gabi said she was grateful for the honesty. She stormed out and declared that she was going to confront the "lying, cheating son of a bitch" she had married. After Gabi left, Connie broke into a smile and hoped for Gabi to destroy her own life the same way that Gabi had destroyed Li.

Back in Horton Town Square, an approaching Stefan spotted Ava and confronted her about what she had told Gabi. Ava confirmed that Gabi still believed the indiscretion had ended with a few kisses. Ava couldn't understand why Stefan would consider telling Gabi about the sex. Stefan talked about his guilt and about how Kristen had dissuaded him from confessing. Ava agreed with Kristen that Stefan would not only hurt Gabi with the truth but would direct Gabi's wrath at both him and Ava.

Later, Gabi walked up and saw Ava and Stefan in the midst of a heated discussion. She angrily wondered if they were talking about their deception. Gabi marched up to the duo and, with a smile, asked if someone had said her name. Ava quickly covered and claimed that she and Stefan had been talking about how relieved they were that the air had been cleared. With a pointed look at Stefan, Gabi affirmed that there was nothing more to discuss.

Gabi kissed Stefan passionately and lied that she had come to thank him for the flowers and the dinner. She told Ava that she would see Ava at work, and she told Stefan that she would see him at home. Gabi left. An anxious Stefan asked Ava if she thought that Gabi knew the truth, as he believed Gabi had been acting "weird." Ava dismissed the idea and hoped that she and Gabi could be friends and put the past behind them. Stefan remained uneasy.

Back at the DiMera office, Connie wished that she could personally watch as Gabi's marriage went up "in flames." Later, Gabi returned to the office. Connie asked if Gabi had confronted Stefan, and Gabi said she wanted proof first. She hinted to Connie about her penchant for revenge by referencing the time she had almost "blown up" Julie's heart. With a vengeful smile, Gabi said she wanted Connie's help with exposing Stefan and Ava.

In the office for Body & Soul, Abe read a text from Kate. The text instructed Abe to tell Bonnie that Bonnie could not play Kassandra Lovegood. As Abe read the message, Bonnie flounced into the office and was eager to talk with her "favorite soap opera producer." Bonnie gave Abe a glamour shot she had taken years earlier, and she began rambling about how the picture showed her "good side." Abe tried in vain to speak, but Bonnie kept interrupting him.

Eventually, Bonnie settled down and said she was ready to listen and audition. Abe informed her that she would not be auditioning. When Abe cited Bonnie's lack of acting experience, she protested that Hattie did not have any experience, either. Bonnie claimed that she had done a great acting job when she had convinced the entire town that she was Adrienne. Johnny arrived and listened as Bonnie made her case.

Johnny cajoled Abe to give Bonnie a chance. Abe again told Bonnie that she wasn't right for the part. Johnny offered to direct her for the audition and said it could serve as Johnny's audition, as well. Bonnie got excited at the prospect but began rambling again, this time about her involvement in a school play called The Princess and the Pea. She begged Abe to let her try the audition with Johnny, and Abe finally relented.

Later, Bonnie paused as she started her audition because she had expected Johnny to say "Action!" Johnny encouraged Bonnie to keep the scene grounded in "real, raw emotion." Bonnie recited the lines but got distracted by one of the characters being named "Dagger." She kept pausing and berating herself for the bad line readings, but Johnny urged her to continue. When Bonnie claimed her tongue was swelling, Johnny stopped the audition.

Johnny prodded Bonnie to think back on a time when she had felt immense guilt. Bonnie opened up about how she sometimes still hated herself and didn't feel deserving of Justin's love because she had deceived him. Johnny encouraged Bonnie to channel those feelings into the scene. Bonnie restarted and delivered a more emotional speech in which her character expressed guilt for having caused a volcanic explosion that had wiped out an entire family.

Bonnie ended with a line about jumping in a fountain and declaring herself "the toxic tramp of Pineview." When she tearfully finished the monologue, Johnny called her performance amazing. Both Bonnie and Johnny anxiously looked to Abe, who concurred. Abe informed Bonnie that she had the part, and Bonnie jumped up and down with excitement.

Later, Bonnie gushed about landing the job. Johnny said he did have some notes to add "nuance" to Bonnie's performance. Bonnie suddenly began coming on to Johnny, which made him uncomfortable. Bonnie quickly backed off and exclaimed that she was acting and that she had fooled Johnny. He admitted that she'd had him going. He said he would see her at the first rehearsal. With exaggerated voices, they joked about their new business partnership.

At the Brady Pub, Kate vented to Roman about Hattie and Bonnie auditioning for Body & Soul. Roman reassured Kate that Abe would make the right decision. Kate hoped that Abe was rejecting Bonnie, but Roman defended the choice of Hattie. Kate believed Roman just had a "soft spot" for her because of Hattie's crush on him. Roman acknowledged Hattie's "good taste" and reminded Kate that Hattie had played a role in his and Kate's reconciliation.

Kate conceded the point but still drew the line at hiring Bonnie. Roman countered that Bonnie and Hattie were trying to turn their lives around, but Kate remained unmoved about bringing on Bonnie.

Later, Abe joined Kate at the pub. She asked him how Bonnie had taken the rejection. Abe reluctantly told an unamused Kate that he had given Bonnie the part of Kassandra.

In Leo's apartment, Leo reclined in his bed and wrote a scene for Body & Soul. The scene involved Charlemagne discovering she had a daughter whom Charlemagne had believed she had miscarried years earlier in a swamp. As Leo enthusiastically expressed his pleasure with the scene, he heard a knock on his door. He opened the door to Hattie.

Still believing Hattie was Marlena, Leo greeted "Marlena" and was surprised at her flashy choice of attire. Hattie reminded Leo that he had invited her to watch The Drag Races. An increasingly confused Leo corrected her about the title of the show and invited her in. "Marlena" held up a bag and proclaimed that she'd brought snacks. Leo complimented "Marlena" on her wardrobe, which he characterized as "80s sex worker meets Harley Quinn."

Leo was surprised that "Marlena" had arrived early. She mentioned tiring of playing the game "Doofus Drop," which earned another quizzical look from Leo. He mentioned that he would let her set the boundaries on their relationship. When "Marlena" stated she was just there to watch TV, Leo asked what else she thought might happen. "Marlena" looked toward the bed, perplexing Leo even more. He awkwardly invited her to join him on the bed so they could get settled before the show started.

"Marlena" threw Leo another curveball when she showed Leo the snacks she had brought, which included root beer and pork rinds. She noticed Leo's laptop and asked what he had been writing. When he referenced Body & Soul, "Marlena" exclaimed that she was the star of the show. Leo couldn't believe that "Marlena" would willingly give up her career to be an actor. "Marlena" launched into an audition scene and asked a flabbergasted Leo if he thought it was Emmy-worthy.

Later, "Marlena" and Leo broke out into laughter as the show ended. Marlena exclaimed that it was the "best time I've ever had with my clothes on," and Leo spit out his root beer. He marveled at how much he loved the new side of her, and "Marlena" added, "What you see is what you get." She talked up a new flavor of pork rinds as Leo gaped at her in puzzled wonder.

Holly and Tate discuss having sex
Holly and Tate discuss having sex

Holly and Tate discuss having sex

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

by Spalding

At the hospital, Jack visited Kayla in her office, and he noted that it was a strange coincidence that they had found John in Poplar Bluff. "I think it had something to do with our search for Abigail. I just don't know how it fits yet," Jack said. "So, you and Chad came home empty-handed," Kayla said. Jack said no. Kayla gasped. "Did you find Abigail?" Kayla asked. Jack admitted that he and Chad had located a woman that might be Abigail.

Jack explained about the woman's bad accident around the time of Abigail's death and the reconstructive surgery after that. "But she'd know if she were Abigail, right?" Kayla asked. "[She said] the accident left her with no memory of her past," Jack said. Jack asked Kayla for a DNA test.

In the hospital waiting area, Chad thanked the woman for accompanying them to Salem to learn the truth about the woman's past. "Please don't thank me yet. I'm starting to think this is a huge mistake," the woman said. "Why?" Chad asked. The woman said she was worried that it was a waste of time.

"I'm just worried that you and your father-in-law are setting yourselves up for a terrible disappointment," the woman said. "It's pretty hard not to get your hopes up," Chad admitted. Chad argued that with a DNA test, they would have an answer. "Let's say I'm this Abigail person. Then what? It's not like we can just be together. I don't know you at all," the woman said. Jack returned, and he confirmed that Kayla had agreed to run the test.

"No sense in turning back now," the woman said. The group went into Kayla's office, and she took cheek swabs from Jack and the woman. Kayla confirmed that she would have the results in an hour. When the woman said she was hungry, Chad offered to take her to a restaurant nearby. Jack stayed behind.

When Kayla returned to her office, Jack was alone. Jack explained that Chad and the woman had gone out to eat. "Although I think maybe Chad had a hidden agenda," Jack added. Jack called Jennifer with an update. After Jack's call, Kayla asked about Jennifer. Jack admitted that Jennifer was staying neutral so that she did not get her hopes up.

"It's too late for me to do that, obviously," Jack said. With tears in his eyes, Jack noted that if the Abigail story turned out to be a hoax, he would be devastated. "It's like you have to grieve all over again. And I'm not sure that Jenifer and I can handle that heartbreak," Jack whispered. Kayla asked about J.J., and Jack admitted that J.J. believed that Clyde was lying.

At the DiMera mansion, Chad escorted the mystery woman into the living room. Chad explained that he had texted the chef to set up a meal. "This is my family's estate. I lived here with my wife and our two kids," Chad said. The woman asked Chad if he had taken her there to see if the setting would trigger her memories. Chad nodded yes.

"Does anything seem familiar?" Chad asked. The woman looked around the room, and she noticed Stefano's portrait. Chad explained that Stefano was his father but that he had passed away. "He's very intimidating," the woman said. "He was," Chad said with a grin. Chad noted that Abigail had stood up to Stefano. "Go, Abigail," the woman said. The woman admired a vase, and Chad explained that Abigail had bought the vase when they had lived in Paris. Chad caught himself staring at the woman, and he apologized.

"I don't mean to be pressuring you. It's just," Chad said with a shrug. "You just need me to be Abigail," the woman countered. When the food arrived, the woman eagerly dug into her banh mi sandwich. Chad explained that Abigail had gotten the recipe for the sandwich from their favorite Vietnamese restaurant. "You like it?" Chad asked. "I do," the woman said.

When the results were ready, Chad and the woman returned to Kayla's office. Chad explained that they had lunched at the DiMera mansion. "You recognize anything?" Jack asked. The woman said no. Kayla walked in with the test results, and she handed them to Chad. "What does it say?" Jack asked.

On Smith Island, Tate and Holly talked over dinner about Sophia's threats. "Do you honestly think that's she's going to keep quiet?" Tate asked. With a shrug, Holly noted that Sophia was happy to get money and not have to work, so she would likely not tell anyone. Tate's phone rang with a call from Brady.

"I hope you're right. Otherwise, I'm going to be in some serious trouble," Tate said. Tate answered the phone, and he was relieved that his father was still in the dark about Tate's location. When Brady noted that it was hard to hear Tate, Tate lied and said that he was in a car headed out to the camp out in the woods. "It's kind of hard to hear you, too. Where are you?" Tate asked.

Brady looked around Small Bar, and he lied and said he was at home. "Really? There's a lot of noise in the background," Tate said. Brady said the noise was the TV. Brady told Tate that he was glad that Tate was back at camp, and he was pleased that Tate had been able to say goodbye to his mother. "Me, too. I just wish you would have let me stay in Salem," Tate said. Brady reiterated that Tate's place was at camp. Tate asked if that was the only reason that Brady had sent him back.

"It kind of felt like you couldn't wait to get rid of me," Tate admitted. "That's so not true. It's just that you made a commitment to the camp, and I think you should, you know, honor the commitment. That's all. But I can't wait for you to come home, because I miss you already," Brady said. After Brady ended the call, he sipped his drink.

At the Horton cabin, Tate confirmed to Holly that he was in the clear with his father. Tate added that he was expected home in a few weeks, so they did not have much longer together at the cabin. "Yeah, but hopefully we won't have to meet up in secret for much longer after that," Holly said. Tate agreed that the truth about their summer could destroy any chance they had at a real relationship.

Tate and Holly kissed, and he told her she was beautiful. When Tate kissed Holly again, she started to lift his shirt. "What are you doing?" Tate asked. "I think we should have sex," Holly stammered. With a nervous chuckle, Tate said he had not realized that Holly believed that they might be ready for that step in their relationship.

"Why wouldn't we be? Unless, do you not want to?" Holly asked. "Oh, my God, no, Holly. Of course I want to," Tate said. Holly kissed Tate, and this time, Tate pulled off his own shirt. Tate and Holly stumbled to the couch, and she started to untie her shirt. "Maybe we should talk about this for a minute," Tate suggested. Tate asked Holly if she had had sex before.

"No. Have you?" Holly asked. Tate said no. Holly sighed with relief. "We can be each other's firsts then," Holly said. As Holly leaned in to kiss Tate, he pulled away. "What about protection? I don't have any," Tate said. Holly reached for her purse, and she pulled out a box of condoms. Tate was surprised. "I didn't realize that you had this whole agenda," Tate teased. Holly blushed, and she said that Sophia had asked her about whether they had had sex.

"When I told her no, she gave me a hard time," Holly said. "Why would she do that? It's none of her business," Tate said. Holly agreed, and she said Sophia had reminded her that Tate had reserved a hotel room on prom night. "I rented the hotel room so that we could be alone together. I wasn't like, you know, trying to seduce you," Tate said. Worried, Holly asked Tate if he had changed his mind about her.

"No. You have no idea how badly I want to be with you," Tate countered. Holly kissed Tate, but he pulled away again. "This is a bad idea," Tate said. Holly asked why. Tate said that he did not like that Sophia had made Holly feel insecure. "I feel like if we do it, we'd be doing it to prove a point, and so in a way, it's like she's forcing us into it," Tate said. "Do you feel forced?" Holly countered. Tate said no.

"I don't like that Sophia made you feel like it was weird that we were waiting, and I don't want that to be the reason that we decide not to wait," Tate explained. "I get that. And Tate, I don't want that to be the reason, either. And when we actually do go through with it, I'd want to, like, you know, spend the whole night with you," Holly said. Tate and Holly kissed and then held one another.

In Xander and Sarah's apartment, they ate wedding cake with their moms. "So, how does it feel to be husband and wife again?" Maggie asked. "So far, for me, it's even better than the first time," Xander said. Sarah agreed, and she said that they were happy they could spend their wedding day with Maggie and Fiona.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It was just lovely," Fiona said. Fiona complimented Maggie's officiating job. "It was a joy for me to marry my two favorite people on the planet," Maggie said. Xander frowned as he looked at his phone. When Sarah noticed, Xander apologized, and he explained that he was concerned that he had missed work. Maggie argued that no one would begrudge Xander for having taken a day off for his wedding.

"I know, Maggie. But I did have a rather important meeting that I had to miss, and I was hoping that Brady could close the deal for me, but I just got a text saying that he never even showed up. I wonder what happened," Xander said. Fiona asked about Brady, and Xander called Brady his "idiot nephew."

"Be nice. Brady's a good person," Sarah cautioned Xander. "He totally flaked on helping me out today. I knew I shouldn't have left him in charge," Xander muttered. Maggie noted that Brady was usually reliable and that he likely had a good excuse. Sarah explained to Fiona that Maggie knew Brady better than most people.

"We've become quite close since I became his sponsor," Maggie said. "His sponsor? So, I assume you are in A.A., too, Maggie? Oh, sorry! None of my business," Fiona said. Maggie assured Fiona that it was fine. "We're family now," Maggie said. Maggie offered to go with Fiona to a meeting while Fiona was in Salem. Fiona said she would let Maggie know if she planned to attend one.

"I just got an alert that Theresa was transferred to Statesville earlier today, so that's probably why Brady didn't show up," Sarah said as she looked at her phone. Xander grumbled that Brady should have let him know if he had been unable to attend the meeting. After Xander and Sarah poured Champagne and cider, they made toasts. Fiona gave an old Scottish wedding blessing, and then Xander toasted to Sarah as his better half.

"[Sarah always] pushes me to make better decisions, even when I'm stubborn and refuse. If it wasn't for her, me and my mum never would have reconnected. It's no secret that I had some reservations about inviting you to the wedding, Mum. But Sarah insisted that family's important and that you should be a part of our lives. And Victoria's. I know we still have our issues to work out, but now, thanks to Sarah, we have that chance, and I'm just so grateful. So, here's to Sarah!" Xander said.

Fiona gulped down most of her cider, then she announced that she would get a refill. Xander offered to fill Fiona's glass, but she insisted that she would handle it. Once in the kitchen, Fiona poured Champagne into her glass. On the couch, Maggie offered to babysit Victoria if Xander and Sarah wanted to go on a honeymoon. Xander and Sarah eagerly accepted Maggie's offer, and they noted that they did not plan to stay away for more than a day or two.

"I can pitch in, too, if you'd like. I'd love to spend more time with my granddaughter," Fiona said. "Does that mean you'll be sticking around Salem for a while?" Xander asked. Fiona said yes, if Xander was okay with the idea. "Of course!" Xander said. Fiona's phone beeped, and she saw a text message from Brady that invited her to meet him at Small Bar for drinks. Xander asked Fiona if her text was from her secret beau. Fiona smiled coyly. Xander noted that the party was over, and he encouraged Fiona to meet up with her man.

At Small Bar, Brady smiled when he read a text from Fiona that she was on her way. "I guess this must be your home away from home," a waiter said as he cleared empty glasses from Brady's table. "I beg your pardon?" Brady said. The waiter said he had overheard Brady say on the phone that he was "at home." Brady asked the waiter if he made a habit of eavesdropping on private calls. The waiter pointed out that Brady was in a bar.

"I don't care if I'm in Grand Central Station. What I say on this phone is none of your freakin' business, is it?" Brady said. The waiter apologized and scurried away. "Jackass," the waiter muttered under his breath. Brady slammed his glass on the table, and he shouted, "What did you say?"

As the waiter told Brady to calm down, Fiona arrived. "What's going on?" Fiona asked. As Brady started to ramble about the waiter, Fiona shushed Brady. "I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Let's not spoil a good time before it even starts," Fiona said. With a nod, Brady returned to his table. Fiona apologized to the waiter, and she promised him a large tip.

Fiona rejoined Brady, and he asked about the wedding. "Lovely, except I was white knuckling it the whole day," Fiona confessed. Brady chuckled. "I would, too, if I had to spend that much time with your son. No offense," Brady said. Fiona noted that Xander was not fond of Brady, either. "[Xander] was quite angry that you blew off that business meeting," Fiona said. Brady furrowed his brow in thought, and then he laughed.

"The meeting! I ran into my kid," Brady said. Confused, Fiona asked if Brady's son was no longer at camp. Brady explained that Tate had returned home and that Brady had sent Tate back to camp. Brady added that he had also needed to visit his father in the hospital. "Is he all right?" Fiona asked. Brady said yes, but that was why he had missed the meeting. "But what I really needed was [a drink]," Brady said. Fiona ordered another round.

After a couple drinks, Brady told Fiona the history of Tate's birth. "So, Tate is your son by one of your exes. But the other one gave birth to him?" Fiona said. Brady chuckled and nodded yes. Fiona shook her head, and she wondered aloud why Kristen had not stolen the baby after birth instead. "Maybe she shouldn't have stolen the baby at all," Brady muttered. With a grin, Fiona suggested they go to her hotel room. Brady declined because of his family, and he kissed Fiona.

At Xander and Sarah's apartment, Maggie noted that Fiona had been delightful company. "You wouldn't say that if you met her back when we lost my father. I mean, my dad, Titus," Xander said. With a shake of his head, Xander noted that he had not seen that side of his mother since his childhood. "It's like I got my real mother back," Xander said. "Well, I'm glad she's got herself together now. And you did it all, Sarah," Maggie said. With a grin, Sarah noted that she was pleased with herself. Maggie suggested that Xander and Sarah go to the Horton cabin for their honeymoon.

"Johnny and Chanel, they spent their honeymoon earlier this year there," Maggie noted. "Yeah, but didn't Julie show up and kind of ruin the romance," Sarah said. Maggie laughed, and she promised that Sarah and Xander would have the cabin to themselves. With a grin, Sarah suggested that they catch the next ferry and start their honeymoon.

After hurriedly packing a suitcase, Xander and Sarah walked through the square on their way to catch the last ferry of the day to Smith Island. "I don't know why you packed all these clothes. Because you're definitely not gonna need them," Xander said. Sarah grinned. Maggie called Sarah's phone to tell her that the key to the cabin was missing. Sarah noted that she had returned the key to the desk drawer after Johnny had returned it. "It's not there," Maggie noted. Sarah told Xander to buy tickets to the ferry while she ran home to look for the key.

A drunken Fiona drove home from the bar with a passed-out Brady in the passenger seat. "Sorry, darling. There was no way I was going to let you drive home. I mean, dear God. Look at the state of you," Fiona said. As Fiona stared over at Brady, Sarah exited the square. Sarah screamed as Fiona's car headed straight for her.

The mystery woman is identified, and Sarah takes a hit
The mystery woman is identified, and Sarah takes a hit

The mystery woman is identified, and Sarah takes a hit

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

by Tiffany

In Leo's room, Leo and Hattie, who Leo still thought was Marlena, finished watching Drag Race. Leo remarked about how much "Marlena" had seemed to enjoy the show. When "Marlena" lamented that she had never seen the show before, Leo gave her a quizzical look and mentioned that they had watched it together previously. "Marlena" wondered if she had been drunk at the time, then suddenly jumped off the bed and claimed that she was "bloated" from the pork rinds. She told Leo that she had a fitting for the show the next day, so she needed to go.

"Marlena" exuberantly said that she'd had a "blast" and would talk to Abe and Kate about making Leo the head writer of Body & Soul. Leo thanked "Marlena," and she in turn thanked "Lenny" for the good time and rushed out the door. After she left, a confused Leo pondered the name mix-up and the "junk food, flashy clothes, and working on a soap opera." He mused on what could be happening to "Marlena."

Later, Leo settled on a bench in Horton Town Square and called Gwen. When he got her voicemail, he left a message confiding that he had wanted to talk to her even though she hated him. He started to ramble about his therapy with Marlena but got distracted when he spotted a concerned-looking Xander across the square. However, Leo temporarily forgot about Xander and ranted to the voicemail about how his latest encounter with "Marlena" had left him "shook" and how he could use Gwen's advice. Although he didn't expect to hear from Gwen again, he ended the call by telling her that he loved her and missed her "something terrible."

In the Square, Xander tried to reach Sarah by phone but couldn't get a response. He left her a voice message hoping that she had been able to find the key and that she hadn't lost her phone in the process. He added that they were about to miss the last ferry ride for the day. Xander sat at a table and left another message assuring Sarah that they could wait to go to the cabin. He only wanted to spend his wedding night with her and show her how much he loved her.

As Xander ended the call, Leo sauntered up and cheekily chided Xander about his declaration of "love." Xander impatiently informed Leo that he had been talking to Sarah, and he updated Leo about his new marital status. Leo was surprised that the wedding hadn't gotten interrupted again, and he mentioned the possibility of Gwen showing up. Leo admitted that the thought was wishful thinking because of how much he missed his former "BFF." Leo then brought up to Xander how Leo's therapist had morphed into "Ellie Mae Clampett."

Xander's confusion at the statement prompted Leo to begin rambling about The Beverly Hillbillies, but Xander snapped that he didn't "give a damn" and needed to find his wife. Leo expressed his surprise at Xander and Sarah's compatibility, as he'd thought their relationship had mainly been about "mad sexual chemistry." Xander defended the relationship, and Leo acknowledged that Xander and Sarah made a beautiful couple. Leo then compared Sarah to movie actors, which made Xander impatient again. He affirmed how much he loved Sarah and needed to find her; Leo wished him luck and left, but not before jokingly offering to take Sarah's place at the cabin should she remain a no-show.

Xander received a call from Maggie informing him that Sarah had not been by the mansion. Xander assumed Sarah might have experienced car trouble.

Fiona drove and spoke to a passed-out Brady in the backseat. She smiled and said Brady had not been in any condition to drive himself home. While Fiona's head was turned, Sarah appeared in the glow of the headlights and screamed. Fiona jerked around and frantically tried to put on the brakes, to no avail. A bloody Sarah lay unconscious on the ground.

Back in the car, a frightened Fiona tried to rouse Brady. She stammered that she believed she had hit someone, but Brady just mumbled incoherently. Fiona got out of the car and rushed over to Sarah, who was facedown. When Fiona knelt and tried to help the woman, she realized with horror that her victim was Sarah. Fiona panicked that she had hurt her son's new wife, and she was relieved when she felt a faint pulse from Sarah.

Fiona rose and backed away. She stumbled around the scene, asking herself what she would tell the police. Suddenly, Fiona heard Xander's voice call out for Sarah. Fiona raced away just as Xander arrived. He saw Sarah on the ground and rushed to her aid. As Xander frantically tended to Sarah, he heard an engine revving and tires squealing in the distance.

Xander shakily kept repeating "What happened?" as he attempted to rouse Sarah. She began to stir, but he urged her not to move. He then pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance. After slipping the phone back in his pocket, a tearful Xander snuggled close to Sarah and pleaded with her to hang on.

In Kayla's hospital office, Jack greeted Chad and the mystery woman. Chad told Jack that he had taken the woman to his family home. When Jack hopefully asked if anything had seemed familiar, the woman replied in the negative. Kayla arrived with the DNA results and started to hand them to the woman, but the woman insisted Chad read them instead. As Chad opened the folder and scanned the results, Jack anxiously asked what the test had revealed.

Chad looked up and responded that the results showed a 50 percent match between the woman and Jack. The woman seemed taken aback and stuttered out a question about what the results meant. Kayla informed the woman that the tests confirmed that Jack and the woman were father and daughter. "And that you're Abigail; you're my wife," Chad added as he gazed at her. Jack was ecstatic and tried to hug the woman, but she recoiled and demanded he stop.

Jack stepped back and apologized for overwhelming "Abigail." He expressed his unbelievable happiness at seeing his daughter again. The woman took several steps back and shouted that she did not know any of them and that they were all strangers to her. While she understood how they felt, she believed it would be best for her to go back to Poplar Bluff. Growing emotional, Chad begged her not to go.

Kayla stepped forward and told the woman that she was with family, which included Kayla. The woman was stunned even more to learn that Kayla was her aunt. She continued to insist on going, but Chad affirmed that although she might not recognize them, she knew them on a deeper level. He asked that she "go home" with him. Chad quickly clarified that his home was no longer the "bougie mansion," which elicited a small smile from the woman.

Chad further explained that he had moved into Abigail's family home with his and Abigail's kids. Chad showed the woman pictures of Charlotte and Thomas on his phone, but she did not recognize either of them. When he mentioned having her see the kids, the woman immediately rebuked the idea. She claimed it would be "traumatizing" for both the children and her. Chad tried to say that he could explain the situation to Thomas and Charlotte, but the woman couldn't see how the kids could possibly understand.

Chad acknowledged that the woman was right, so he pleaded with her to go somewhere else with him. He just wanted to be with her. Jack tried to talk up the Horton house, but the woman contended that it was a strange place and that she would be uncomfortable because of that and because of the kids. Chad suggested they go back to the mansion instead, and the woman seemed receptive to the idea. Chad requested that Jack explain to the kids that Chad would be staying at the mansion for the night.

Kayla received a phone call about a hospital emergency. Before Kayla left, she offered to provide "Abigail" a listening ear at any time. Jack promised "Abigail" that he would be there for her, too, and again expressed joy that she was back with them. The woman thanked him, and she and Chad left for the mansion.

Later, Jack called Jennifer and told her he had news about Abigail.

At the DiMera mansion, Chad and the woman entered the main room. She took in her surroundings, and her appraisal settled on Stefano's portrait. Chad jested that the picture was more "harmless" than his father. He offered to have their room prepared but swiftly corrected himself and emphasized that they would be sleeping in separate rooms. She reticently thanked him, and the awkward tension continued until he went upstairs.

Once the woman was alone, her expression changed, and she sighed. With another glance at Stefano's portrait, she announced, "So, I guess Abigail's home."

At the hospital, Marlena checked in with John following his doctor's appointment. He declared himself "fit as a fiddle" after the ordeal. Marlena was relieved and updated John about Chad and Jack having located the mystery woman in the video. Given the woman's apparent plastic surgery and lack of memory, John and Marlena wondered if the mystery woman could really be Abigail. John also speculated that the woman could potentially enlighten him as to why he and she had been held in the same room.

Marlena cautioned John about pressuring the woman, but John said the questions could wait because his priority was getting out of the hospital. She exclaimed how happy and relieved she was to have him back, and the couple shared a loving kiss.

Later, Marlena and John settled down at the Brady Pub for dinner. Marlena gave John the letter that Steve had found on Catharina's gravesite. Marlena wondered if John had found closure. John admitted that being at the site had reminded him how he had taken an innocent life.

Marlena pledged that she and John would navigate the tough road ahead, no matter how long it took. Just then, Leo arrived in the pub and saw Marlena. He happily greeted her and expressed surprise that she had changed clothes so quickly. Marlena was confused, especially after Leo mentioned her having eaten pork rinds. John jokingly asked Marlena if she had sneaked a bag of pork rinds from the vending machine, but Marlena insisted she had not. She became even more perplexed after Leo replied that he had just watched "our show" with her.

John left to get his and Marlena's order, so Leo took his seat and asked Marlena why she hadn't wanted John to know that she had spent the entire night at Leo's place, watching TV. Before Marlena could respond, Leo guessed that Marlena hadn't wanted to acknowledge that she'd been "fraternizing with a patient." Marlena contested that she had "no idea" what Leo was talking about, but Leo insisted that her secret was safe with him, and he left to get his own table. When John returned, a puzzled Marlena called the exchange with Leo one of the strangest she had ever experienced.

Because the kitchen was closed, John and Marlena decided to go home. Marlena wished Leo goodnight as they passed him. He winked at her and added, "goodnight, for the first time." Marlena shook her head at John, and he raised an eyebrow as they departed.

Later, Hattie walked through the door at the pub. Leo saw her and was bewildered that "Marlena" had once again changed clothes. She asked him what he was talking about, and Leo countered with questions about whether "Marlena" was subjecting him to some form of "radical therapy" or "gaslighting." He wondered if "Marlena" had "ditched" her husband to see him again. "Marlena" asked, "What husband?" Leo gaped at her.

"Marlena" brushed off the question and excitedly told Leo that Roman had offered her a room above the pub. She wished "Lenny" good night and left to get settled. In astonishment, Leo watched her go and snarked that the situation was just like what had been happening with Everett. He wondered if it was "contagious," and his mouth dropped open. "Dr. Marlena Evans has a split personality!" Leo gasped.

Fiona stopped the car in the parking garage of John and Marlena's apartment building. She told a still-slumbering Brady that he was home, and she tried again to awaken him. Fiona then attempted to convince herself that she had done the right thing in fleeing the scene, because Xander would look after Sarah. She fretted about what she should do, then answered a call from Xander. He told her that something had happened and that he needed his "mum."

Later, Marlena and John arrived in the parking garage. Marlena wondered why Brady had parked in her space. However, the couple did not notice Brady, alone and slumped over in the car.

Back at the hospital, Xander stood by Sarah's bedside at the hospital. He held her hand and pledged that he was there for her. Kayla entered the room, and Xander erratically tried to explain what had happened. Kayla gently insisted that he leave so she could work on Sarah. Xander declared his and Victoria's love for Sarah and promised her he would be just outside the room.

Later, Fiona arrived and comforted an upset Xander, who updated her on the night's events. He vowed that when the hit-and-run driver was located, he would "tear that bastard limb from limb." Fiona hugged her son, with guilt and worry washing over her face when she embraced him.

Sarah wakes and can
Sarah wakes and can't feel her legs

Sarah wakes and can't feel her legs

Thursday, August 15, 2024

by Hope Campbell

At the hospital, Fiona poured coffee for a worried Maggie and Xander as they waited for word on Sarah, who had been in surgery for five hours. Maggie blamed herself for what had happened. If she hadn't misplaced the Horton cabin key, Sarah wouldn't have returned to her car to drive to the Kiriakis mansion to help Maggie find it. Xander assured Maggie that the only person to blame was the one driving the car that had hit Sarah.

After Xander threatened revenge on the driver, a nervous Fiona urged her son to think positive thoughts for Sarah. While Fiona flashed back to the moment she'd realized she had hit someone, Kayla arrived with news about Sarah. Despite extensive internal injuries, Sarah's condition was stable. "Assuming that there's no complications, I think she will absolutely fully recover," Kayla said.

Maggie allowed Xander to visit with Sarah first while Fiona tried to be a comfort in the waiting room. Maggie was still dazed about what had happened. "Who would leave someone in the street, bleeding and alone, and not call for help?" Maggie asked a guilty-looking Fiona.

When Jada arrived, Kayla asked her to wait a bit to talk to Sarah. Maggie asked Jada if the police had any leads. Fiona looked frightened when she heard Jada tell Maggie that she hoped Sarah could identify the driver of the car that had hit her. Fiona continued flashing back to finding Sarah after the accident.

Sarah came to just as Xander walked into the room. Xander told her what had happened and assured Sarah that she would be fine. When Xander asked if there was anything Sarah needed, she said she just needed him. Xander promised Sarah the honeymoon of her dreams. Sarah was a little alarmed when she learned that Bonnie was watching Victoria, but she soon drifted off to sleep.

Xander left the room to let Sarah sleep, and he spoke with Jada in the waiting room. Jada told Xander that the city cameras didn't have footage of the accident, but she hoped to find footage from local businesses' security cameras. Jada asked Xander for any information he had about Sarah's whereabouts the night before, so he told her that Sarah had been going to help Maggie look for the Horton cabin keys. Xander had become alarmed when Sarah hadn't returned quickly, and he'd gone looking for her after Maggie had told him that Sarah had never even made it to the mansion.

As Jada and Xander spoke, they realized the driver had still been there when Xander had found Sarah, which had been about 20 minutes after Sarah had left Horton Town Square. They deduced that the driver had tried to help Sarah but had fled the scene when they'd heard Xander arrive. When Jada mentioned that she was going to see Sarah, Fiona piped up and said she didn't think it was a good idea.

Xander asked Fiona why she wouldn't want the police to question Sarah. Fiona said that Sarah had just been through a traumatic experience, and it wasn't the right time for her to answer questions. Jada argued that Sarah's doctor had said it was fine to question her and that the sooner Jada did it, the better chance they had of finding the driver.

Maggie was sitting with Sarah when Xander and Jada walked in. Jada asked Sarah what she remembered. Sarah said she'd heard a car coming, so she'd turned to look, but the next thing Sarah remembered, she'd been on the ground. Sarah said she thought the car was gray, but she didn't remember much more.

Kayla arrived just as Xander put warm blankets over Sarah's legs because she said her body was freezing. However, Sarah was alarmed when she realized she couldn't feel the blankets. As Xander touched Sarah's legs, she said she couldn't feel his hands. Sarah also couldn't move her legs. When Kayla checked Sarah's reflexes, Sarah felt nothing.

Brady woke up in his building's parking garage, sitting behind the wheel with a headache and not remembering what had happened the night before. He flashed back to drinking at Small Bar and was horrified to realize he might have driven drunk.

Before she got to the hospital, Jada was at the scene of the accident and told a fellow officer that they needed to keep the street closed while the Salem PD did a reconstruction of the accident. When Paulina stopped by, Jada told the mayor what had happened and assured her the police were on it.

Jada told Paulina that they didn't have an ID on the driver and that there were no witnesses, but the Salem PD was asking anyone who knew anything to come forward with information. They were also going to use footage from the security cameras. Both women were relieved when Kayla called to tell Jada that Kayla would be okay.

Marlena was surprised and excited when she opened her door and found Kristen standing there with Rachel. Kristen explained that Rachel had woken up crying and insisted she had to see Brady as soon as possible. "I had a nightmare that something bad happened to Daddy," Rachel said.

Marlena asked Rachel to tell her about the dream, but Rachel said she only wanted to see her daddy. Marlena assumed Brady was sleeping in his room, so Marlena suggested that she and Rachel make breakfast while they waited for him. After Marlena and Rachel left for the kitchen, a groggy Brady walked in the front door.

Brady was shocked to find Kristen sitting there. "Why do you look like a deer caught in the headlights?" Kristen asked. After Brady wondered why Kristen was there, Kristen told him that Rachel wanted to see him.

Brady was happy to hear that Rachel was in the kitchen with Marlena but lied to Kristen about what he'd been doing all night. He told Kristen that he had been working all night to cover for Xander. Brady also warned Kristen that Basic Black was making a comeback and would be new competition for Gabi Chic.

After Brady left the room, Marlena reentered, looking for Rachel. The little girl finally emerged to tell them that Brady wasn't in his room and hadn't slept in his bed the night before. Kristen told Rachel that where Brady slept was none of her business. Kristen suggested they leave. A defiant Rachel insisted she wasn't going home until she saw her father.

Just then, Brady walked into the living room. Rachel flew into his arms, relieved that he was okay. Brady told Rachel he had slept in his bed, but he had made the bed as soon as he'd awoken. Rachel didn't buy it, since that had never been Brady's habit, so Kristen tried changing the subject. Kristen told Brady that Rachel had had a nightmare that something bad had happened, so Brady assured Rachel that he was just fine.

Rachel asked to spend the day with Brady. He was all for it, but Kristen put the kibosh on the idea because she and Rachel already had plans. As Rachel said her goodbyes, she told Brady that she was glad he hadn't been "smushed by a giant steamroller," which was what she had dreamed about.

After Kristen and Rachel left, Marlena told Brady how upset Rachel had been when she'd arrived. Marlena told Brady she had also been worried about him, considering how late he had been returning home recently. Brady assured Marlena that he was fine, so Marlena left the room to give John his painkiller. Once Brady was alone, he called Fiona with one question. "What the hell happened last night?" Brady asked.

Brady told Fiona he remembered drinking at Small Bar, but he didn't remember driving home. Fiona told him that he had to have driven home if he had woken up in his garage. Fiona lied and said she'd tried to get him to take a cab, but he had insisted he could drive. Fiona wanted to get off the phone, so she told Brady that she couldn't talk because Sarah had been in an accident. After Fiona hung up, Brady heard the sound of a crash in his head. Brady was further alarmed when Marlena gave Brady details about what had happened to Sarah.

In Horton Town Square, Rachel chowed down some baked goods and admitted to Kristen that she'd tossed Marlena's pancakes in the trash. "I love Grandma, but she can't even make cereal taste good," Rachel said.

When Paulina happened by, she mentioned that she was there for a police investigation. Kristen asked what had happened. Paulina told Kristen there had been a hit-and-run. Paulina relayed that Sarah had been hit by a gray car, and the police believed that the driver had been drunk. Once Paulina was gone, Rachel said, "Lots of people have gray cars. Even Daddy."

Gabi forces Kristen to confirm Stefan
Gabi forces Kristen to confirm Stefan's affair

Gabi forces Kristen to confirm Stefan's affair

Friday, August 16, 2024

by Spalding

Melinda met up with Ava at the caf� in the square to discuss Connie. "Connie Vininski is a total fraud," Melinda said. Melinda explained that because of the timing of the acquisition, DiMera HR had not formally vetted Connie. Melinda added that Gabi should have completed the work, but Connie had made herself indispensable. "Gabi loves her," Melinda said. Melinda noted that Gabi had been swamped between work and Rafe.

"According to Gabi, she says Connie's an oddball, but it doesn't interfere with her work. In fact, she says she is outstanding," Ava said. Melinda informed Ava that she had followed up on Connie's history at Saxton's, and she had exaggerated her position. "But she was memorable enough that [the manager] knew exactly who I was talking about," Melinda said. Ava laughed. "She's not the first person to exaggerate her r�sum�," Ava said. Melinda shook her head.

"Overzealous and psychotic were the two words that came up the most," Melinda said. "I'm sure worse has been said about me," Ava countered. Melinda told Ava that within two weeks, Connie had threatened a lawsuit until the manager at Saxton's had given her a reference. "What do we do?" Ava asked. Melinda noted that under company policy, Connie needed to be terminated.

"I will break the news to Connie. I need you to break the news to Gabi," Melinda said. "I'm not sure which of us drew the shorter straw," Ava muttered. Melinda argued that Gabi would get over it because she had more important issues on which to focus. Melinda called Connie's cell phone, and she got a voicemail stating that Connie would be out of the office for the day.

Gabi was working in her office when she glanced over at a photo of Stefan. Gabi slammed the photo down on the table in disgust. Connie called in sick, and Gabi wished her well. Connie asked about Gabi's plan for revenge. Gabi said she wanted to wait for proof that Stefan had slept with Ava. Kristen entered the office. "And I know just how I'm going to get it," Gabi said. Gabi ended the call.

At Connie's apartment, she grinned as she hung up her phone. "Lose my number, Gabi. I may miss some fireworks at the office today, but that's fine by me. I played hooky so I can spend a glorious day with you," Connie said to her cardboard standee of Li Shin.

At DiMera, Kristen reached over and righted Gabi's picture. "You must have knocked it over by mistake," Kristen said. "Must have. What can I do for you," Gabi said. Kristen asked Gabi if she had worked all night, and Gabi nodded yes. "I appreciate that work ethic. Especially since I anticipate profiting from it," Kristen said with a grin. Kristen encouraged Gabi not to neglect her marriage.

As Gabi continued to work, Kristen talked about how she and Rachel had walked past the crime scene where a car had hit Sarah Horton. "God, do they know who did it?" Gabi asked. Kristen mentioned that the car had been gray. Gabi thought for a moment, and then she stifled a smile. "You know, I think Ava drives a gray car," Gabi said. With a smirk, Kristen asked if Gabi believed that Ava was the hit-and-run driver.

"Nah. She was too busy sleeping with my husband," Gabi said. Kristen's smile faltered, and then she forced a laugh. "What?" Kristen said. "You heard me. Though apparently, it was a one-off, so likely not going on now," Gabi said. Gabi told Kristen that she knew for a fact that Ava had slept with Stefan while Gabi had been in prison. "I just don't buy it. I'm sorry," Kristen said. "Really? You haven't heard any rumors?" Gabi asked. Kristen said no.

"The one thing that I do know is that Stefan loves you, and he's never stopped. I think your imagination is just running wild," Kristen said. With a nod, Gabi told Kristen that Connie had overheard Kristen talking to Ava about the affair. "Connie? I think she misunderstood," Kristen said. Gabi recited word for word what Connie had heard Ava say. Kristen stared daggers at Gabi, and she advised Gabi not to call her boss a liar.

"Do you like your job?" Gabi asked. "Excuse me?" Kristen snapped. Gabi reminded Kristen that she was helping Kristen keep control of DiMera. "On what planet?" Kristen asked. Gabi explained that under her contract, she could leave at any time prior to the relaunch of Gabi Chic. "If I were you, I'd stop with the games before I take my company to your biggest competitor," Gabi threatened. Kristen stared in silence.

"Do you want to lose everything because your brother was a cheating idiot?" Gabi asked. Kristen sighed. "You're right. Everything you said was true. Stefan and Ava slept together," Kristen said. Tears welled in Gabi's eyes. "I know that Stefan and Ava hate themselves for what they did. But listen, Gabi, it was just one time," Kristen said. "It should have been zero!" Gabi countered. Gabi said she was offended that they had only confessed to the kisses.

"They didn't want to upset you if it meant nothing," Kristen said. "You wouldn't buy an excuse like that. You'd go nuclear. Why shouldn't I?" Gabi asked. Gabi argued that Stefan and Ava had not lied to protect her but to keep her from "wringing their necks." Kristen noted that Stefan and Ava had been drunk and lonely. Gabi grumbled that that was not a good reason.

"Stefan loves you. Do you want to lose him? I know that you love him, Gabi. And guess what? You also have to work with Ava," Kristen argued. "Oh, do I?" Gabi said. As Kristen nodded yes, Ava walked into the office. "We were just talking about you, Ava," Gabi said. Gabi lied and said they had been talking about their excellent work relationship.

"I see no reason why Gabi Chic would not be at DiMera for many years to come," Gabi said. Kristen smirked and nodded in agreement. Gabi offered to take Ava to lunch. Ava started to tell Gabi about Connie, but Gabi said they would talk at lunch. Gabi asked Ava to wait outside while she finished talking to Kristen. With a nod, Ava walked out. "What the hell are you going to do?" Kristen asked. "Patience. You'll find out. In the meantime, if you want this launch to happen, you'll do exactly what I tell you," Gabi said.

At Connie's apartment, Connie smirked at the caller ID. "Melinda Trask. I wonder if she's calling to tell me what a bore she is," Connie said. With a shake of her head, Connie noted that Melinda had treated Li badly. When Li did not respond, Connie asked him why he was giving her the silent treatment. Connie told Li that she was his retribution. Connie dismissively waved away her plans for revenge, and she suggested a game of charades.

As Connie played charades with her Li cardboard standee, Melinda knocked on the door. With a frown, Connie whispered to cardboard Li, "Give me a minute, and I'll get rid of this moron." Connie opened the door a crack, and she pretended to be too sick to let Melinda inside. "I'd rather talk to you in private," Melinda said. Connie argued that she only wanted to have work conversations at work, but Melinda noted that Connie did not need to return to the office. "You're terminated. Effective immediately," Melinda said.

"Fired? Does Gabi know about this?" Connie asked. "No, not yet," Melinda said. Connie argued that Gabi would not let that happen. Melinda explained that she had checked Connie's references, and her r�sum� had been full of lies. "Company policy is very clear and leaves me with no alternative," Melinda said. Melinda demanded that Connie turn over her badge and laptop. "No way in hell!" Connie said. Connie argued that Melinda did not have a right to show up at her apartment. Melinda threatened to call the police.

Gabi arrived at the Bistro with Ava, and she noted that Stefan had provided Champagne at their table. "I'm a very lucky woman," Gabi said. Ava agreed. Gabi asked Ava what she had wanted to talk about. Ava started to explain that Melinda had planned to fire Connie, but Gabi interrupted to call out to Stefan. "I asked Stefan to join us," Gabi said. "What are we celebrating?" Stefan said. "My relaunch, of course. Professionally, personally, my whole life is about to change -- and so much for the better," Gabi said. As Stefan poured the Champagne, he told Gabi that she deserved success.

"We all deserve a little something," Gabi said. Gabi added that she hoped having dinner together was not awkward. "It doesn't have to be awkward," Ava said. "I am so glad that we put everything behind us. Got everything out in the open, right?" Gabi said. Gabi toasted to Ava. "For taking a chance on me and reviving Gabi Chic. Even if it was out of guilt," Gabi said. Confused, Ava asked what Gabi meant. "To being the lying, cheating bitch who slept with my husband," Gabi growled.

At the Horton house, Julie welcomed Jack home, and she asked about his trip. Jack smiled. "It was Abigail [in the video]. Truly, she's alive," Jack said. Julie gasped with delight. Jack told Julie everything that had happened. "It's overwhelming," Jack said. "For her, too, of course," Julie said. Jack noted that Chad was proceeding with caution. "Abigail is a virtual stranger to herself," Jack said. With a shake of her head, Julie noted that they needed to tell Thomas, Charlotte, and the family the good news. Jack confirmed that Jennifer was on her way.

"I'm here! I'm here! And I need to see my daughter," Jennifer yelled as she ran into the house. Jack hugged his wife, and he cautioned her not to push Abigail. "If you hadn't already seen our daughter, would you let anything keep you away?" Jennifer asked. Jack smiled. "I'll call Chad," Jack said.

Abigail made her way down to the living room in a bathrobe, and she frowned at Stefano's portrait. "Why do you always look at us like you know something the rest of us don't?" Abigail said. Chad walked in with a breakfast tray. Abigail admitted that she had slept better than she had in a long time. "That's Abigail's favorite breakfast I take it," Abigail said. "No. Abby wasn't much of a breakfast person. Sorry, you weren't much of a breakfast person," Chad said. Abigail admitted that she did not care for breakfast.

Stefan walked in the room, and he was surprised to see Chad there. "I slept here last night," Chad said. Stefan furrowed his brow, and he noted that Chad's houseguest was wearing one of Gabi's robes. Abigail apologized. "It was in one of those bathrooms," Abigail explained. "You gonna introduce us?" Stefan asked Chad. "You've met. This is Abby," Chad said. Stefan scoffed. Chad explained that the woman in the video was Abigail, and a DNA test had confirmed it.

After Chad explained the whole story, he introduced Abigail to Stefan. "So, were we close?" Abigail asked. "Let's just say that we had a complicated relationship," Stefan said. "That would be an understatement," Chad added. Worried, Abigail asked if there was something she should know. With a sigh, Stefan noted that he was happy that Abigail was back. Abigail relaxed, and she noted that she was glad, too.

After Abigail went upstairs to shower, Stefan asked if Chad was okay. "If she needs any help with coming back from the dead, you can send her to me," Stefan joked. Chad held his tongue. As Stefan started to thank Chad for not telling Abigail about their past history, Chad interrupted and said, "I didn't do that for you. I did that for her." Chad noted that Abigail was not ready to meet the kids, much less hear about her past traumas. Stefan said he understood.

"You might want to fill her in on some things, because being back here might trigger some memories that she's not quite prepared for," Stefan advised. Chad said he had not forgotten, and he yelped, "I'm doing my best!" Stefan nodded, and he asked if Chad knew if Rolf had been involved in Abigail's survival. Overwhelmed, Chad said he had a lot of unanswered questions.

Upstairs, Abigail passed by a doorway, and she stopped. Curious, Abigail entered the room. As Abigail looked around, she picked up a photo of Chad with Abigail. Abigail crossed to the bed, and she sat down. Chad walked in. "What are you doing in here?" Chad asked. "I don't know. Something drew me in here," Abigail said. Reluctantly, Chad admitted that he and Abigail had lived in that room.

"Why didn't you take me here last night?" Abigail asked. "Because it's also where you were stabbed," Chad said. Abigail stood up and backed away. "I found you lying right there on the bed," Chad said. Abigail asked about the assailant. Chad told Abigail that Clyde had stabbed her. Abigail was stunned.

"Clyde Weston? The man who took care of me, who helped me with all my surgeries and watched over me all this time? I don't understand," Abigail said. "I don't understand, either," Chad admitted. Chad called Clyde a sociopath who had hated Abigail for her involvement with Clyde's son. "If you knew the circumstances of your death, you wouldn't believe that you are standing here right now," Chad said. Abigail looked around the room.

"So, it happened in this room?" Abigail said. Chad swallowed his emotions. "It's not an easy thing to remember or think about," Chad whispered. Chad told Abigail that he wanted her to regain her memory, but he was thankful that she did not remember what had happened in the room. "Some things to look forward to then?" Abigail asked. "There's gonna be a lot of surprises. And I promise you, most of them are going to be really beautiful," Chad said. With a grin, Chad noted that the first surprise was that Abigail's mom had flown in from Boston.

"I told them they could come over. If it's gonna be too much for you, I can call them," Chad said. Abigail shook her head no, and she said she wanted to meet her mother. "I guess it's time to figure out where I come from and where I belong," Abigail said.

At the Horton house, Julie went upstairs to check on Thomas and Charlotte. Jack told Jennifer that he needed to prepare her for the situation. "Our daughter does not look like Abigail. She has no memory of her life, and she doesn't recognize me or Chad," Jack said. "I'm aware!" Jennifer countered. Jack said he knew that Jennifer hoped that Abigail's memories would flood back when she saw her mother. "But I want you to be ready, just ready that this reunion may not be everything you want or need," Jack cautioned.

When Jack and Jennifer arrived at the DiMera mansion, Chad greeted them in the living room. "Where is she?" Jennifer asked. "She'll be down in a minute," Chad said. Upstairs, Abigail called someone on her cell phone. "It's me. Everything's going to plan," Abigail said.

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Edited by SC Desk