Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 5, 2024 on DAYS

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Xander forgave his mother. Connie told Gabi that Stefan had slept with Ava. Abe and Kate hired Leo and Bonnie auditioned. Xander and Sarah remarried.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 5, 2024 on DAYS

Stephanie grieved. Xander forgave his mother. In Poplar Bluff, Chad and Jack found a captive John and a mysterious woman that might be an altered Abigail. Brady slept with Fiona. Abe and Kate hired Leo as a writer. Bonnie auditioned. Xander and Sarah remarried. A discovered Tate pretended to return to camp. Theresa got a six-month prison sentence. Jada closed Everett's case. Stefan struggled with his guilt. Connie told Gabi that Stefan had slept with Ava.

Chad and Jack don
Chad and Jack don't find Abigail, but do find John

Chad and Jack don't find Abigail, but do find John

Monday, August 5, 2024

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by Tiffany

At a bar, Brady drowned his sorrows, and Alex approached him from behind. Alex helped himself to the empty seat at the table and began lamenting about his bad week. He guessed that Brady was "back on the bottle" for the same reason as him: Theresa. Brady claimed he was drinking club soda but shared Alex's commiseration that it had been a tough time. Alex deemed himself "another loser" who hadn't merited a mention in Victor's will.

Brady toasted "to losers," and Alex included Theresa in the toast. Alex complained that he did not have a place to live. When Brady brought up Xander, Alex acknowledged that Xander's feelings were probably "complicated," but Xander still had the life that Alex had believed had belonged to him. Brady reminded Alex that he still had Justin as a dad, which was a good thing.

Alex agreed that regaining Justin's place in his life had been the one bright spot. Alex then chided Brady about potentially getting back together with Kristen. Brady characterized his relationship with Theresa as "toxic" and his relationship with Kristen as "radioactive." He insisted that neither relationship would happen again and declared a break from women. He doubted Alex when Alex made the same declaration.

Alex departed on good terms with Brady, and Brady offered to pay for both their drinks. Brady sent a text to Tate and left the bar.

A dejected Stephanie stepped off the elevator at the hospital. Kayla greeted her and immediately surmised that something was wrong. Stephanie tearfully informed her shocked mother that Everett had died. As Kayla comforted her, Stephanie opened up about what had happened and her feelings of guilt for not having been able to help Everett through his pain. Kayla urged Stephanie not to blame herself for Everett's mental health issues.

Stephanie confided that Everett had emerged before he'd died, and he had professed his love for Stephanie. Stephanie regretted that she had not had the time to say it back, and she sobbed in Kayla's arms. Kayla offered her daughter a room at her and Steve's home, but Stephanie refused and said she'd be moving back to the apartment she had shared with Chad. They discussed Chad and his inability to move on from Abigail. Both hoped for the best for Chad in his search for Abigail, especially since Chad would be in limbo without definitive answers.

Stephanie's thoughts turned again to Everett, and she expressed regret that Everett had ever tried to find her. Kayla responded that Stephanie shouldn't think that way but instead should remember the good times she had experienced with Everett. Kayla reminded Stephanie that she had even been willing to wait for him to recover. Stephanie again broke down and cried on Kayla's shoulder.

Chad and Jack arrived at a warehouse in Poplar Bluff and encountered a locked door. Chad insisted he would not waste "another second" if Abigail was there, and he kicked in the door. Chad and Jack rushed in and were shocked to find a gagged and seemingly unconscious John. Chad untied John as Jack roused him. A groggy John was surprised to learn he was not in Greece but in Missouri, and he was equally perplexed as to why Jack and Chad were there.

Jack gave John a phone so John could call Marlena. When Marlena answered, she assumed it was Jack at first but was relieved to hear John's voice instead. She wanted to know what had happened. John assured her he was fine and that he had made peace with Catharina's death. He promised to explain when he arrived home, and he ended the call.

Chad evaluated the room and determined that it had to be the same room as the one in the video. John again asked why Chad and Jack had arrived. John raised an eyebrow when Chad announced that he and Jack had been searching for Abigail. As Chad and Jack updated John on Clyde's claim, John expressed skepticism and warned the men not to believe Clyde. Upon Chad's inquiry, John could not remember anything about his kidnappers or any mention of a mystery woman.

When John mentioned that he wanted to wait for his kidnappers to return, Chad insisted that he and Jack stay, too. Chad hoped the kidnappers would have information on the mystery woman. John strongly advised against it, but Chad was unrelenting. After Jack took John to the hospital, Chad spotted a piece of jewelry on the floor. He examined it and wondered if it belonged to Abigail.

At Marlena's office, Marlena grew frantic as she confronted Steve about John's whereabouts. Steve stated he was sorry and reluctantly admitted that John was missing. Steve recounted having visited Catharina's grave and having found flowers as well as a blood-stained letter there. Marlena realized that Steve could not even confirm if John was alive.

After Marlena's call with John, Steve asked her why John was with Jack. Marlena filled Steve in on the events in Missouri. John had told her that someone had hit him over the head at Catharina's grave, but John couldn't identify the attackers. Marlena also commented on the oddity of where John had ended up and of Jack and Chad having found John. Steve believed that the location might be in relation to Clyde's assertion that Abigail was alive.

Kayla joined Marlena and Steve and was happy to learn that John had been located. However, Kayla grew melancholy as she prepared to tell Marlena about Everett.

In Fiona's hotel room Fiona pleaded with Xander for a second chance at rebuilding their relationship. When she affirmed her love for him, he appeared to be softening but got distracted when he noticed underwear on the floor. Xander picked them up and demanded to know the owner of the "knickers." Fiona remembered having told Brady to leave through the window. She then spun a story about meeting a man at "Naughty Bits" and sharing the night with the "charming gentleman."

Xander wondered who the man could be, since Fiona had just arrived in town. Fiona dismissed the notion that Xander could know the man and expressed her discomfort at discussing the subject with her son. Xander agreed the conversation was turning awkward, so Fiona resumed making her case to Xander that she had changed. She claimed that her distance from him had not been by choice and that she had worked hard to retain her sobriety. Xander assured his mother that he believed her.

Fiona asked if Xander had forgiven her. Xander remembered having always felt like the "black sheep" of the family, and he still couldn't come to terms with why Fiona had lied to him. Fiona tried to defend her actions and again invoked her sobriety. Xander acknowledged that he had been given many second chances, so he could forgive his mother. Fiona grew emotional and hugged him.

Xander cracked that he only had time to be mad at one parent at a time. Fiona defended Victor and proclaimed that Victor had tried to make amends by gifting Xander his fortune. She subtly asked Xander when he planned to claim his birthright. Xander expressed uncertainty because of the way Victor had treated him.

Xander also argued that Sarah and Victoria had changed him for the better, and he wanted to spend time with them. Fiona scoffed at Xander becoming "Mr. Mom" and at his intention to turn down running a multinational corporation. She urged her son to stake his claim as "Alexander Kiriakis."

Xander wanted to focus on marrying Sarah, but he wondered if Fiona disapproved. Fiona insisted that she did not and that she had simply not wanted Xander to make a major life decision, given the recent events. He pledged that he could "multitask" if he decided to run Titan, so Fiona gave her support. Xander invited her to the wedding when it took place.

After Xander left, Brady showed up at Fiona's door, and she invited him inside with a suggestive smile. They joked about Brady's previous escape through the window, and Brady picked up his boxers to put them back on.

Fiona stopped Brady and reminded him that she'd said "third time's the charm" in regard to him staying in her bed. He responded by kissing her hard. Brady ripped off her shirt, and they fell onto the bed, laughing.

Alex walked into the Titan executive office and sadly began to clean off his desk. He was interrupted by Xander's arrival, and Xander offered to keep Alex on at Titan. Alex declined and replied that he thought Titan would be in good hands with Xander, since Xander had successfully run the company before. Alex also took off Victor's watch that Maggie had given him and offered it to Xander, as Maggie had wanted Victor's son to have it. Xander eventually accepted the watch, and he and Alex wished each other well.

Stephanie arrived at her apartment door and ran into Alex, who was again taking up residence across the hall.

Back at the Titan office, Xander slid on Victor's watch and sat down at the executive desk. He put his feet up on the desk and pondered his new circumstances.

Jada tells Gabi about Bobby
Jada tells Gabi about Bobby's actions

Jada tells Gabi about Bobby's actions

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

by Spalding

Outside Alex's apartment, he was surprised to see Stephanie in the hallway. "I thought you were moving out of here months ago," Alex said. "I was. But after Chad left, I decided to move back into our old apartment," Stephanie explained. Alex told Stephanie that he intended to move back into his old apartment across the hall. Stephanie noted the box in Alex's hand, and she asked if he had left Titan.

"Now that I'm not Victor's son anymore, I couldn't really make a case for keeping the CEO job," Alex said. Alex added that on his way out of the office, he had realized that he did not want to return to the mansion. When Alex worried aloud about the state of his apartment, Stephanie suggested that they go to the pub and grab a beer.

At the hospital, Gabi sat at Rafe's bedside, and she told him that if he did not wake up, she would employ tough love. "And you're not going to like that," Gabi said. "Because she's the toughest person I know," Johnny said as he walked up behind Gabi and placed a hand on her shoulder. Johnny explained that he had wanted to check on Rafe and Gabi.

"I know it would mean a lot to him to know that you came to see him," Gabi said. Johnny asked about Gabi, and she admitted that she was struggling. "I remember when my dad was in a coma. That feeling that at any moment you're just expecting him to wake up," Johnny said. "Only he never does," Gabi whispered. Gabi and Johnny agreed that it was tough to see someone as tough as Rafe in such a vulnerable state.

"He's gonna get through this. Just like he always does," Johnny said. "He fought so hard to get me out of prison," Gabi said. Johnny noted that Rafe and Stefan had both worked hard, and Gabi admitted that she was lucky to have both men in her life. "Neither of them ever lost faith in me," Gabi said. Gabi told Johnny that she knew that Rafe had loved being Johnny's stepfather as much as Johnny had loved having him as a stepfather. With a chuckle, Gabi mentioned Johnny's junior FBI jacket. Johnny admitted that he still had that jacket.

"I used to drive my dad up a wall," Johnny said. "It doesn't take much to do that, does it?" Gabi countered. Johnny agreed that E.J. loved to hold a grudge. "By the way, I wanted to say that I'm sorry, you know, for how long [E.J.] took to help you get out of prison. It was totally wrong of him to let you sit in there for something you didn't do," Johnny said. Gabi thanked Johnny. With a raised eyebrow, Gabi asked why Johnny was being nice to her after she had exposed Jude's paternity.

"I'm glad you did. Besides keeping you in prison, my God, he was keeping my Uncle Eric from his child. Letting Nicole believe a huge lie," Johnny said. Johnny added that he hoped E.J. would learn a lesson, since E.J. had lost almost everyone that he loved. "Even he and Stefan are on the outs," Gabi said. With a smile, Johnny wished Gabi a happy anniversary. "I know [Stefan] wanted today to be really special for you," Johnny said. "He succeeded," Gabi confirmed. Johnny noted that Stefan had been lonely and miserable while Gabi had been in prison.

In the Bistro, Stefan was surprised to see Ava walk into the restaurant instead of Gabi. Ava informed Stefan that Gabi had gone to visit Rafe at the hospital. "How do you know that?" Stefan asked. Ava explained that Gabi had called into work to confirm that she would be at the hospital for the remainder of the day. "So, I thought I would take this opportunity to talk to you alone," Ava said. Ava told Stefan that Connie might have overheard Ava and Kristen talking about Ava's one-night stand with Stefan.

"So, the nutjob heard you?" Stefan said. "I don't know. Kristen is pretty sure that she didn't," Ava said. Stefan worried aloud, but Ava assured Stefan that as a new employee, Connie likely had not understood what she had overheard. "Why were you even talking about this in the office in the first place?" Stefan asked. Ava said that Connie "seemed harmless." Stefan mentioned that Connie had stopped by with papers for Gabi to sign.

"Really? Because I was going to messenger those over. I did not ask her to have them signed," Ava said. With a shrug, Stefan noted that it could mean that Connie was an efficient employee. "Do you think [Connie] heard you?" Stefan asked. "I think that if she came here and she was acting normal, then we are safe," Ava said. Stefan was not comforted by Ava's theory. Stefan told Ava that he had confessed to Gabi that he and Ava had kissed twice.

"[Let's make a new rule] that we don't discuss this ever again, because it's done. And because I can't risk anybody hearing something that they shouldn't. Especially not Gabi," Stefan said. Gabi walked into the restaurant. Ava smiled. "Everything okay?" Stefan asked Gabi. Gabi kissed Stefan's cheek, and she noted that Rafe was the same. "What are you doing here, Ava?" Gabi asked. Ava explained that she had planned to deliver papers to Gabi, but Stefan had told her that Connie had already stopped by.

"[Connie] has not been my assistant for long, but she doesn't seem like the kind of person who sits around and waits for things to happen," Gabi said. With a nod, Ava noted that there was no reason for her to stay, and she wished the couple a happy anniversary. After Ava left, Gabi noted, "It seems a little below Ava's paygrade [to deliver papers]."

Jada was working in her office at the police station when Paulina entered. "This is still Rafe's job when he comes back. But I am doing my best," Jada said. Paulina asked about the break in the case Jada had mentioned. "It has been confirmed that Everett Lynch is the one who attacked Rafe," Jada said. "Your ex-husband is the one who attacked Rafe?" Paulina said. Jada clarified that she believed that Everett's alter Bobby Stein had stabbed Rafe, and she updated Paulina on the sequence of events that had led up to Everett's death.

"I'm so, so, so sorry. But you're sure he's the one who attacked Rafe?" Paulina asked. Jada told Paulina about the suicide note and the gloves found at the scene. Paulina asked Jada if she was okay. Jada berated herself for not having realized sooner that Bobby was a danger.

"Stop! You can't blame yourself. You had no reason to suspect that your ex was capable of this kind of violence, right?" Paulina asked. Emotional, Jada ranted about how she had failed Rafe. Paulina reiterated that the situation was not Jada's fault. "I've been there. I was with a man capable of terrible violence, too," Paulina said. "You were?" Jada asked. Paulina told Jada about Lani's father, Ray. Paulina stressed that just like she had not been the cause of Ray's violence, Jada was not to blame for Bobby's.

"I guess I'm still in shock. Even with the gloves right there in front of me, I just can't believe that the man that I was married to would be capable of murder. That is not the man that I knew," Jada said. "You also never knew about his personality disorder, did you?" Paulina countered. Jada said she hoped that Bobby's secrets would not mean Rafe's death.

"So, the case against Everett Lynch is closed," Paulina said. Jada confirmed that Bobby had confessed to everything in his suicide note. Jada added that the only loose end was the identity of Li Shin's murderer. "You told me you had a new suspect, but you never said who," Paulina said. "Bobby never told me. He just said that it was someone other than Gil Carter. And he also claimed that he knew who attacked Rafe," Jada said. Paulina wondered aloud if Bobby could have stabbed Li.

"I'm not ruling that out. But it's a possibility," Jada admitted. With a shake of her head, Jada said she did not understand why Bobby would not have included Li's murder in his suicide note if he were to blame. "And plus, I don't know what his motive would be to kill Li Shin," Jada said. Paulina told Jada that she was thankful to Jada for her hard work under difficult circumstances.

"Rafe should be sitting here right now, and he's not because of a man that I brought into his life," Jada said. "You know when he wakes up, he won't see it that way," Paulina countered. Paulina encouraged Jada to go home. With a nod, Jada promised to go home after she called Gabi. "Does she know about Everett?" Paulina asked. "Not yet," Jada admitted.

After Paulina left, Jada called Gabi at the Bistro. "I got some new information, and I think it will bring you some closure," Jada said. Once Jada told Gabi the news, Gabi ended the call and told Stefan about Bobby. "At least [Bobby's] dead, though, right?" Stefan said. Gabi said she was not sure that the news helped her feel any better.

"It doesn't make Rafe any more likely to wake up. And to have it happen like this, a phone call out of the blue, it just feels so unsatisfying. Like I'll never get to see him brought to justice. I'll never get to confront him face-to-face," Gabi said. "He's dead. Justice was served in that respect," Stefan said. Stefan added that the most important thing was that the person that had stabbed Rafe could not hurt anyone else.

When Johnny returned home, Chanel was getting ready for bed. "I went to see Rafe," Johnny said. Chanel asked about Rafe's health, and Johnny confirmed that Rafe was still in a coma. Johnny talked about his conversation with Gabi. Chanel told Johnny that he was a good friend and a good person. With a grin, Johnny told Chanel that she inspired him to be a better person.

After Johnny and Chanel made love, they watched old episodes of Body & Soul in preparation for Johnny's new directing gig. Johnny and Chanel debated the wild storylines. "These people lead some crazy lives," Chanel said. "Well, are they any crazier than the days of our lives?" Johnny countered. Johnny reminded Chanel of the recent Jude baby saga, and Theresa's machinations to make Alex the Kiriakis heir. "I hope [Alex] has somebody to lean on," Chanel said.

At the pub, Stephanie and Alex sipped beers, and she asked him how it felt to no longer be the heir. "Takes getting used to," Alex admitted. Alex said the hardest part of the situation was the whiplash between being Victor's son and then not again. "It's not easy having your life flipped upside down twice in less than a year," Stephanie said. Alex nodded, and he asked Stephanie about her life. "You told me you and Everett broke up. I know that guy meant a lot to you," Alex said. Stephanie teared up, and she nodded yes. Alex asked Stephanie if she believed she might get back together with Everett.

"Everett's dead," Stephanie said. Stephanie told Alex about Everett's overdose. "I am so sorry," Alex said. Stephanie sniffled back tears and thanked Alex. "The guy you loved just took his own life, and I'm over here complaining about losing my inheritance," Alex muttered. "You didn't know," Stephanie said. Stephanie noted that it was particularly difficult because Everett had been attempting to get his life back on track. Alex asked if the suicide could have been accidental.

"He left a note. Well, his alter, Bobby, did," Stephanie said. "So, does that mean Bobby was the one who took the pills?" Alex asked. Stephanie nodded yes. "Somehow, that makes it even worse," Stephanie said. Stephanie told Alex that she did not believe that Everett had wanted to die. "He was a good person, Alex. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of this," Stephanie said through tears. Alex held Stephanie's hand.

After Stephanie calmed, she thanked Alex for having let her cry on his shoulder. "I guess we're even, since you were there for me the night my wedding absolutely exploded. Steph, I'm really sorry about Everett," Alex said. Stephanie thanked Alex again.

In Rafe's hospital room, Jada sat at Rafe's bedside, and she told him about what Bobby had done. "He obviously didn't want you around. God, I am so sorry, Rafe. I wouldn't have believed any of this if I hadn't lived it. I am so sorry," Jada said as she broke down in tears. Jada told Rafe that she wished she had been able to protect Rafe from her ex. "At least now we have the case closed. And he's gone. And now all I want to do is focus on you," Jada said.

Connie returned home to her imaginary version of Li with a bottle of wine and a smile on her face. "Everything's coming up Connie!" Connie said. Connie poured two glasses of wine as Li asked her about her first day at DiMera Enterprises. "I feel like I really hit it off with my co-workers. And Ava and Kristen are just fantastic bosses," Connie said. "And Gabi?" Li countered. Connie said that Gabi trusted her.

When Connie noted that she felt more comfortable than she had that morning, Li asked her if that was about work or the murder of Everett Lynch. "He left a suicide note, as in, he killed himself," Connie said. Li noted that Connie had written the note after she had poisoned Bobby's coffee. "Did I?" Connie said. "You did, Connie," Li said. With a groan, Connie argued that she had had no choice but to eliminate Bobby before he exposed her to the police. Connie blamed Stefan and Gabi for Li's stabbing, and she promised Li that she would make them pay for their crimes.

"I overheard Ava talking to Kristen DiMera. And guess what they were talking about?" Connie asked. "The Cubs," Li said. Connie told imaginary Li that Ava had slept with Stefan while Gabi had been in prison. Li acted as if his mind were blown by the news. "That's a turn of events. Gabi being the cheatee as opposed to being the cheater," Li said. "I thought you'd like that," Connie said. Li asked Connie how she planned to use the information to blow up Gabi's marriage. Connie admitted she had almost dropped the news at the Bistro, but she had decided to wait until the revelation could do the most damage.

"I admit, I'm pretty anxious to reveal Stefan's infidelity to Gabi, but I'm not in a hurry. Revenge being a dish best served cold and all that," Connie said. "But do you really have the patience to wait?" Li asked. Connie noted that the longer she waited for the truth to come out, the worse it would be for Stefan when Gabi learned about the lie. Li rubbed his hands together eagerly.

"This is gonna be ugly. Especially now that Gabi and Ava are working together," Li said. "I think I'm going to help those two lady bosses get past their differences, learn to get along," Connie said. Confused, Li asked why. Connie explained that if Ava and Gabi grew close, the fallout from the reveal would be as dramatic as a soap opera.

After Connie put on her pajamas, she returned to the living room, and her imaginary version of Li had turned into a cardboard one. Connie picked up her cardboard cutout version of Li, and she carried him into the bedroom.

Xander and Sarah make it official
Xander and Sarah make it official

Xander and Sarah make it official

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

by Tiffany

At the Body & Soul production office, Kate marveled at how much work went into producing a soap opera. Abe was grateful that they had achieved a casting success, and he felt confident that their new Charlemagne was busy "honing her craft." Kate looked less than convinced. Abe defended Hattie as "bold, brash, and unpredictable." Kate agreed but added, "and she can't act."

Abe reminded Kate that Hattie had convinced the whole town that Hattie was Marlena, so he believed their new hire would "figure it out." Abe again proposed that Kate play the role of Lorna, but Kate balked and insisted they find someone else. "That sounds like my cue," someone replied from the doorway. Kate and Abe looked up and were shocked to see Leo, who was wearing a woman's wig. After he took digs at the office, Leo announced that he had arrived to read for Lorna.

Kate testily said that the reading wasn't for RuPaul's Drag Race, and Abe impatiently reminded Leo that Lorna was a woman. Leo exclaimed that he could play the part better than anyone, and he told Abe and Kate that during Shakespeare's time, men had played both male and female parts. Kate pulled Abe aside and suggested they humor Leo to avoid a gender discrimination lawsuit from the "litigious jerk." When they instructed Leo to begin, he started rambling about Shakespeare and vocal exercises, to Kate and Abe's chagrin.

Leo began the scene, which involved Lorna's lover "Thrust" confronting her about her infidelity with his various family members. Leo chewed the scenery with over-the-top gestures, and he stopped to inform Abe and Kate that he had changed lines in the "pedestrian" script. After Leo finished, Kate and Abe exchanged horrified looks, and Abe pleaded, "Please let it be over."

Leo asked for a review, and Kate declared the audition "terrible" and "painful." An offended Leo blamed the horrible script and asked who had written "this garbage." Abe explained that he and Kate were going to hire a new head writer. When Kate brought up Will, Leo snarked about Will and his potential to turn the show into a rerun of "that hideous Christmas movie." Kate was annoyed that Leo was insulting her grandson, so Leo backed off and countered that Will's fees would be too high.

Abe conceded that Leo had a point. Kate noticed Abe's expression and responded incredulously, "You can't be thinking of hiring Leo Stark?" Leo grew excited as Abe made the case for Leo as a writer. Kate sighed and gave Leo a breakdown. She explained that Leo should turn the breakdown into an actual script, and then she and Abe might consider hiring Leo on a trial basis. Leo complained about another "audition" but quickly changed his tune after Abe said, "Take it or leave it."

Leo confidently stated his intention to write a script that would rival the greats, like "Irna, Agnes, Bill, Betty, and Ted."

At the Brady Pub, Hattie read a script for Body & Soul. She awkwardly began rehearsing a scene in which she was asking someone to kill her husband. Bonnie overheard and rushed over. "Marlena, are you planning to kill John?" she gasped. Hattie rose from the table and proclaimed Bonnie "a sight for these old peepers."

Bonnie breathlessly asked "Marlena" if John had gambling debts or a younger lover. An irritated Hattie announced that she was not Marlena. "Satan!" Bonnie retorted, as she assumed Marlena had been possessed again. Hattie exasperatedly clarified that "for the love of pickled herring," she was not Marlena or the devil. With a grin, Hattie took off her sunglasses and declared, "I'm your old pal Hattie Adams!"

Hattie couldn't believe that Bonnie hadn't recognized her former "cell block sister." Bonnie expressed delight at first but grew concerned again and asked Hattie when she had gotten married. Hattie realized what Bonnie had assumed. She cleared up the misunderstanding by showing Bonnie her script. "I'm gonna be a soap star!" Hattie exclaimed, and she and Bonnie squealed excitedly.

Bonnie began perusing the script and happily chattered about all the plot twists, from "baby switches to weather machines." Hattie warned Bonnie not to divulge any spoilers before the show had aired, and Bonnie vowed to keep quiet. Bonnie advised Hattie to work on her selfie "poses" and asked her friend if she had met any castmates. Hattie explained that Abe and Kate were still casting major roles like Kassandra.

Bonnie's eyes widened with excitement, as Kassandra was her "favorite character of all time." Hattie told Bonnie about Kayla having turned down the role and mused about "one of Salem's finest citizens starring on a soap opera." Bonnie's smile grew bigger, and she dreamily said, "Just imagine."

Bonnie and Hattie posed for selfies. Bonnie reminded Hattie that Hattie had once been "slinging hash" in the pub, and soon, her name would be in lights and up for awards. Bonnie gushed about all the movie stars that had started in soaps, like Meg Ryan, Brad Pitt, and "that pretty lady from Our House."

Later, Hattie continued rehearsing her script outside the pub. She bumped into Leo, who invited "Marlena" to watch Drag Race with him later that night. Hattie exuberantly said, "Hell, yeah!" at the invitation and got Leo's room number. Leo seemed puzzled by the exchange as he departed. After he left, Hattie wondered, "Who the hell was that?"

Back at the production office, Kate remarked about the "motley crew of thieves and scammers" they had hired. Abe joked that there would never be a dull moment "on-camera or behind the scenes." Kate wanted to turn her attention to finding someone talented and "sane" to play Kassandra. Just then, Bonnie entered, dressed in flashy attire, and declared the "cattle call" over because she'd been born to play Kassandra Lovegood.

In the Kiriakis mansion living room, Holly tried to call Tate. As she said his name over the phone, Maggie walked into the room and startled Holly. Holly attempted to distract Maggie by pouring her grandmother some tea. Maggie accepted the drink but pressed Holly about the "urgent conversation" she'd overheard. Holly lied that she had been talking to Sophia, but Maggie wondered why Holly had called her friend "Tate."

Holly confessed that she had been talking to Tate and begged Maggie not to tell her or Tate's parents. Maggie admitted that she would not have reacted as strictly to Holly and Tate, but she believed the teens' parents had a right to be upset, since Holly and Tate had broken their trust. Holly complained that the restrictions had been unfair. Maggie urged Holly to rebuild the trust by being honest, and then things would get better.

Holly agreed not to be dishonest with Maggie again, and she thanked her grandmother for agreeing to keep quiet. After Maggie left, Holly attempted to call Tate again. She was ecstatic when he unexpectedly showed up in the room. While Holly was happy, she cautioned Tate that he shouldn't have come. Tate explained that he had locked himself out of the Horton cabin, and he needed Maggie's key to get back inside.

Holly chastised Tate for losing the key, but Tate argued that he had been going "stir-crazy." Holly insisted he leave, as her grandmother could come back at any time. Tate asked for the key again, but Holly said she had a better idea. She suggested she come back to the cabin with Tate so they could spend time together. Tate smiled at the idea and kissed Holly.

In the Titan executive office, Xander placed a placard with the name "Alexander Kiriakis" on the desk. Sarah entered and remarked that Xander was making himself "at home." She lightly wondered if he had time for her, and he answered with a kiss. Sarah explained that Justin had told her Xander was at the office, and she had presumed Xander had decided to stake his claim on his legacy. Xander responded in the affirmative and asked Sarah how she felt about his decision.

Sarah assured Xander that she wanted him to be happy, but she had wondered why he had changed his mind. Xander attributed his newfound acceptance of his legacy to his "mum." Sarah asked hopefully if Xander had reconciled with his mom. Xander admitted that he still had difficulty accepting Fiona's abandonment and lies, but he was open to rebuilding their relationship. A smiling Sarah mused that all the good news had made her more determined to get married.

Xander agreed, and Sarah clarified that she wanted to tie the knot "today." Xander was speechless, so Sarah prodded him to "speak now or forever hold your peace." Xander burst into a big smile and declared that he couldn't wait to marry Sarah, and "the sooner the better." Sarah wanted to go home and get ready, and she expressed that she couldn't wait to marry "the love of my life."

Later, at Sarah and Xander's apartment, Maggie greeted Sarah. She offered to watch Victoria while Sarah slept, since her daughter had pulled a double shift at work. Sarah announced that she had other plans for the day and updated a happy Maggie on her intention to marry Xander. After she settled Victoria, Sarah sat with Maggie and informed her mother about Xander's decision to become head of Titan. She credited Xander's mother with helping him let go of his anger, and both Sarah and Maggie were hopeful for Xander's personal and professional reversal of fortune.

Sarah turned the subject back to the wedding, and she asked Maggie to officiate. Maggie gladly accepted and embraced her daughter.

Brady awoke in Fiona's hotel room with a hangover. He looked over and saw Fiona staring at him with a smile on her face. With a groan, he asked Fiona if it had really happened that time. Fiona took offense that Brady kept referring to her as Xander's mother. She sensed that Brady had a problem with Xander.

Upon Fiona's continued inquiry, Brady decided to forego being tactful and said Xander was a "total creep." He added an unapologetic "sorry" to his declaration. Fiona insisted that Brady tell her what Xander had done for Brady to have such a "low opinion" of him. Brady hedged but eventually told Fiona that, "for starters," Xander had shot Brady and Brady's stepmother, who had almost died as a result. Fiona absorbed the news and seemed taken aback.

Fiona apologized for the hurt Xander had caused and blamed herself for his misdeeds. Brady stopped her and said that parents made mistakes. He opened up about his own troubles with Tate and his attempts to repair his relationship with his son. He and Fiona commiserated over the guilt of being an absentee parent. Brady suggested that Xander was trying to turn his life around, and with Sarah and Victoria's help, Xander could succeed.

Fiona thanked Brady for his comforting words and offered him use of her shower. Later, Fiona answered a call from Xander. He started to invite her to the ceremony, but they were interrupted when Brady stepped out of the shower and loudly declared it free for Fiona. She quickly shushed Brady as Xander asked who had been talking.

Fiona demurred that she had spent another "delightful evening" with her new friend. Xander was eager to change the subject and again invited Fiona to his and Sarah's apartment for the wedding. He said she could bring her "friend," but Fiona deemed it too early to introduce the man to her family. She assured Xander that she would be there with "bells on" and ended the call. Brady panicked when he received a call from Xander a moment later, and he wondered if Xander had recognized his voice.

Brady answered the call and snapped at Xander when Xander asked where Brady had been. Xander recommended Brady "lose the attitude," since he and Brady would be working together again. Fiona was pleased when she heard Brady confirming Xander as the new CEO of Titan.

Xander requested that Brady attend a Titan meeting in his place, since Xander would be getting married in a small ceremony at the time of the meeting. Brady agreed and snidely said that it was his "wedding present." He was quick to clarify that he was doing the favor for Sarah and Maggie and "anyone else unfortunate enough to love you." After Brady hung up, Fiona approached him, relieved that their secret was safe. Brady said the previous night had been "great," and he thanked Fiona for the company.

When Fiona suggested she and Brady get together again sometime, Brady responded with a kiss.

In Horton Town Square, Tate and Holly walked hand in hand. Holly said she'd find out about the next boat launch to the cabin's island and kissed Tate goodbye. Shortly thereafter, Tate literally ran into Brady, who was stunned to see his son back in Salem.

Xander arrived back at his apartment and warmly greeted "my favorite girl" Maggie. He asked if she was ready to marry him off, and Maggie said she had been waiting to fulfill the honor. They briefly discussed Victor before Fiona's arrival. Xander expressed gratitude that his mother had come. Fiona mentioned Xander moving into the mansion after the nuptials, and then Sarah stepped out of the bedroom in her wedding dress. Xander gazed at her adoringly and declared that he didn't need a mansion because his "true home" was in Sarah's heart.

Sarah echoed the sentiment, and Maggie jokingly demanded that Xander stop "gaping" and get ready for the ceremony.

After Xander changed into his kilt, Maggie assembled everyone in place. She confirmed that Xander had wanted to say a few words. During his personal vows, Xander talked about receiving "God's grace" because Sarah had forgiven him so many times. Although he couldn't promise that he would never mess up again, he vowed to always put Sarah and Victoria first.

Sarah beamed and recited her vows, in which she stated her belief that she -- not Xander -- was the lucky one because she had found someone who would willingly do anything for her. "Both legal and illegal," she added with a chuckle. Sarah couldn't promise that she would never get mad at Xander when he messed up, but she could pledge that she would always fight for their life together and their love. "Because you're worth it," she finished. The couple exchanged smiles, and Maggie continued with the traditional vow recitals.

Maggie pronounced Xander and Sarah husband and wife. At Xander's brief pause, Fiona prodded, "What are you waiting for?" Without further hesitation, Xander took Sarah into his arms and shared his first kiss with his new wife.

Chad and Jack find the mystery woman
Chad and Jack find the mystery woman

Chad and Jack find the mystery woman

Thursday, August 8, 2024

by Hope Campbell

In Poplar Bluff, Jack held the bracelet he and Chad had found. Chad was sure the bracelet had once belonged to Abigail. At first, Chad couldn't remember if she had been wearing it the night she'd died, but he didn't see any other explanation for finding the bracelet. "This proves it. The woman in that video is Abigail," Chad said.

Jack felt they needed to leave the room because they were in danger. He worried that the people who had been holding John captive might return. Chad didn't care. He was certain the woman he believed was Abigail would be back, so he was going to wait for her.

Jack also believed that the bracelet could have been there because of Leo. Jack said Leo had stolen some of Abigail's jewelry and fenced it through Clyde. He speculated that Clyde could have planted the bracelet there as part of a hoax to make them believe Abigail was still alive. "Just because you found a bracelet that belonged to Abigail doesn't necessarily mean that Abigail was ever really here," Jack said.

Before Jack and Chad could talk further, they heard someone at the door. The blonde woman who had been listening tried to run away, but Chad caught up with her, calling out "Abby." When the woman turned around, she did not have Abigail's face. She didn't seem to know who Jack and Chad were but insisted that Chad had her bracelet.

Chad told the woman the bracelet had belonged to his wife, and he asked how she had gotten it. The woman said she didn't remember how she'd gotten it. She also didn't remember anything about her life and who she was. She explained that she had been in a bad accident two years earlier. When she'd awoken, she'd had no memory. She had also had a disfigured face and had needed to undergo plastic surgery.

Chad told the woman that he and Jack might know who she was. The woman was surprised that she could be someone named Abigail. She told Jack and Chad that there had been a man with her when she'd awoken from the accident. His name was Clyde. Chad showed the woman a picture of Clyde. She said that was the man she had met.

The woman told Chad and Jack that Clyde had told her that bad people had been after her, so he'd brought her to the room they were in to keep her safe. A woman had taken care of her, so Chad guessed her name was Goldman. The woman said that was her name. When Goldman had seemed to disappear, the woman had taken off to find her but hadn't had any luck. When Jack mentioned finding John in the room, the woman had no idea who John was.

The woman was surprised when Chad asked her to return with them to Salem. The woman was hesitant. "How do I know that this isn't some trick, that you aren't the ones who Clyde warned me about to begin with?" she asked. Jack and Chad insisted they didn't mean her harm, so the woman agreed to go with them.

Marlena was thrilled when she walked into her living room and found John standing there. He said he hadn't been able to wait to get home and surprise her. However, Marlena's joy turned to alarm as she noticed that John wasn't steady on his feet. She insisted they go to the hospital to get him checked out.

Once he was in an exam room, John insisted he was fine. He noted that the doctors in Poplar Bluff hadn't found anything wrong. Marlena just wanted an explanation for what had happened to John. John and Marlena went over the situation and wondered if his kidnapping had had nothing to do with Konstantin. They wondered if it could have something to do with Abigail and Clyde. John told Marlena about the video Chad had found but admitted that the woman in it could have been anyone.

In their Salem Inn room, Andrew gave Paul a massage and commented on how tense Paul was. Paul told Andrew that John's plight gave him anxiety. Andrew reassured him that John was fine, but Paul said he just wanted his dad home. Paul was also worried about Brady and his sobriety. He wondered if he should have told Marlena more.

Paul said he didn't want Marlena to worry, but Brady hadn't actually drunk what had been in the glass. Andrew didn't think there was anything to tell Marlena just yet. After they made love, Paul and Andrew said they were grateful for the support they gave one another.

Holly and Tate strolled through Horton Town Square, arm in arm. She kissed him goodbye as she advised Tate to stay out of sight as she got tickets for the Smith Island ferry. Tate ran right into Brady, who was walking out of the Salem Inn. A shocked Brady wondered what his son was doing there, considering Tate was supposed to be at lacrosse camp in New York.

Holly watched from a distance as Brady demanded to know if Tate was in town to see Holly. Just then, Sophia tapped Holly on the shoulder and asked why Holly was lurking. She then spotted Tate and suggested they say hi. "How about we not?" Holly said before grabbing Sophia by the arm and dragging her from the area.

Holly and Sophia didn't hear Tate tell Brady he was there because of his mother. He said Theresa had called him from police custody, and Tate was worried about her. Brady apologized for not telling Tate the news himself, but Tate was incredulous and asked for an explanation. Brady said he'd meant to tell Tate, but he had been busy. "What could be more important than telling your son something that completely changes my life?" Tate asked.

Brady admitted that he hadn't handled Theresa's lies and arrest well. When she'd returned to town the previous year, Brady had really hoped Theresa had turned her life around, but obviously, she hadn't. Tate realized Brady still loved Theresa. Brady avoided that topic. Instead, he lamented some things that upset him, including not having custody of Rachel.

After Tate heard about his father's many emotional problems, Tate suggested he return from camp for good to be there for Brady. Tate was surprised and disappointed when Brady didn't agree. As they argued, Andrew and Paul interrupted.

Brady explained that Tate was worried about Theresa, but Andrew had good news. E.J. had agreed to the deal, so Theresa would only have to serve six months in Statesville. Andrew asked Tate to join him at the Salem Police Station to see Theresa before she was transferred. After he said goodbye to Theresa off-screen, Tate called Brady from Horton Town Square and said he was at the airport, ready to head back to camp. When Brady and Tate hung up, Holly found Tate so they could head back to Smith Island.

Meanwhile, Holly took Sophia to outside the Brady Pub. Holly reminded Sophia that she and Tate couldn't be seen together. Holly also pointed out that she had held up her end of the deal to make sure Sophia didn't rat her and Tate out. Sophia agreed that was true but wanted to know where her money was, including tips. Holly handed over the cash.

Sophia pointed out that Holly had to really be into Tate if she was willing to work at the Bistro for free just so Sophia wouldn't rat them out. Sophia asked if Holly and Tate had had sex yet, but Holly told Sophia it was none of her business. Sophia knew that meant no and wondered what Holly was waiting for.

Sophia suggested Tate might be gay. She needed an explanation for why Holly and Tate had not been intimate yet. Holly insisted Tate was not gay and that Tate was going through a lot at that moment and not thinking about sex. Sophia said that Holly might have to make the first move.

Connie makes a startling confession
Connie makes a startling confession

Connie makes a startling confession

Friday, August 9, 2024

by Spalding

Stephanie found a necktie in her apartment hallway, so she knocked on Alex's door to ask if it was his. "Yes. That is my go-to power tie. Thank you," Alex said. Alex joked that his tie had made a break for it to return to Titan in search of someone with power. Stephanie asked about the move, and Alex explained that he had never had time to clear out the apartment.

"Easiest move ever," Alex said. "Put me to work," Stephanie said. With a chuckle, Alex told Stephanie that he would not waste her time. Stephanie said she had taken a mental health day. "And yet, it turns out sitting in an empty apartment, staring at the walls, thinking about the man you loved who died, not a great prescription for mental health," Stephanie said. Alex invited Stephanie to talk, but she was reluctant to bother him.

"I told you last night I was here for you. Any time," Alex said. With a sigh, Stephanie started to talk about Everett's attributes. "It's hard for me to imagine that he did what he --" Stephanie said before she stopped herself. "What he confessed to doing? But it was Bobby who stabbed Rafe, right? Not Everett?" Alex asked. Stephanie noted that Bobby was a part of Everett. Alex reminded Stephanie that Everett had been keeping secrets all his life, even from himself.

When Stephanie called herself stupid for not having seen the signs, Alex argued that he was dumber. "Part of me knew damn well I should have never trusted Theresa, and yet, I ignored my gut," Alex said. Alex wished aloud that Theresa's family would not secure her a reduced prison sentence. Stephanie grimaced, and she told Alex that Theresa had been sentenced to serve six months in prison. Alex laughed ruefully.

"Six months for ruining my life," Alex said. Alex fixed a snack with the little he had left in his kitchen, and he told Stephanie that the plates had been a housewarming gift from Theresa. "Somehow, she parlayed these little ugly plates into an invite to move in," Alex said. With a shrug, Alex noted that Theresa had been homeless and that she had had nowhere to go. Stephanie told Alex that she felt for him, but she also felt for Theresa.

"[Theresa] self-destructed. It makes me more sad than angry," Stephanie admitted. "I'm just plain angry," Alex countered. Stephanie apologized for having been too preoccupied with her own life to have noticed Theresa's schemes. "It's not your job to rescue me from Theresa Donovan," Alex said. Alex told Stephanie that he was sorry for her situation. To cut the tension, Alex joked about Theresa's plates and that he could afford new ones.

"And I'm still proudly half Greek," Alex added. Stephanie appeared confused, and Alex explained that he wanted to practice his favorite Greek tradition. Alex grabbed a plate, and he smashed it on the floor. "That felt amazing. You need this right now," Alex said. Alex handed Stephanie a plate, and he ordered her to break it. Stephanie threw one to the ground. "You're right! That felt amazing!" Stephanie said. Alex and Stephanie happily smashed the whole set.

In the police commissioner's office, Jada was working at her desk when Paulina entered the room. Paulina explained that her constituents were thrilled that Everett was no longer a threat. Jada confessed that she was bothered by Everett's suicide note. "Bobby was the one that allegedly wrote this," Jada said. "What do you mean, allegedly?" Paulina countered. Jada confessed that she had a nagging feeling that something was not right.

"This doesn't sound like Bobby. I don't know, just the phrasing of it...Anyone can type a note," Jada said. Paulina asked Jada if she had an alternate suspect. With a shake of her head, Jada noted that the case was too personal, and she should close it. "I don't even know if I can trust my gut right now," Jada admitted. Paulina blamed herself. "I wanted the best person possible to take over for Rafe. But maybe I just asked too much of you," Paulina said. Jada shook her head no, and she said that she wanted to be the person to deliver justice.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just looking for someone to blame. Because I think the real person at fault is me," Jada said. Paulina stressed that Jada was not responsible, but Jada disagreed. Jada argued that because she had accused Bobby of the stabbing, she had cornered him into a desperate act. Paulina took Jada's hands in hers. "Honey, he took his own life because of the things he did, not because you were onto him," Paulina said.

"I wish I believed that. And I wish that I'd never let him go," Jada countered. "You had nothing to hold Bobby on. You were following the law," Paulina said. Paulina reiterated that Jada had no responsibility for Bobby's actions. "I know you're right," Jada conceded. Paulina advised Jada to close the case. Reluctantly, Jada agreed, and she thanked Paulina for her counsel. After Paulina left, Jada started to close the case file, but she abruptly stopped.

Jada texted Stephanie to meet her at the precinct, and Stephanie rushed over. "Sorry to drag you all the way down here again. But I just noticed a few minutes ago that you never signed your witness statement," Jada said. Stephanie looked at her statement, and she sighed. "I didn't think I'd be reliving all this when I got your message," Stephanie said. Stephanie signed the form. Jada confirmed that the case was closed.

In the DiMera living room, Stefan was pacing when Kristen walked in. When Stefan made a quip about Kristen's work ethic, she explained that she had returned home to have lunch with Rachel. "And since she is going to be running the place one day, I consider it company time well spent," Kristen said. Kristen asked why Stefan was home instead of at the Bistro. Stefan admitted that he had been thinking about how to deal with his guilt.

"The only cure for what's eating me up inside is telling Gabi the truth. So, maybe I need to bite the bullet and do just that," Stefan said. Kristen laughed. Stefan told Kristen about his anniversary with Gabi and the conversation they had had about their time apart. "You confessed to nearly everything," Kristen noted. "A lie of omission is one thing. But lying to my wife, to her face on our anniversary? It just feels wrong. It is wrong. And I need to make it right," Stefan said. Kristen smirked.

"What do you think is going to happen when you tell Gabi everything?" Kristen asked. Stefan said he knew it was a volatile situation. "But we've made it through worse," Stefan said. Kristen disagreed, and she noted that Ava had told her all the details of that night. Stefan groaned. "Why the hell would she tell you everything?" Stefan yelled. Kristen reminded Stefan that she and Ava were friends. "If you had a friend, maybe they would talk you out of this lunacy," Kristen advised Stefan. Kristen warned Stefan not to tell Gabi the truth.

Kristen suggested that Stefan role-play a conversation between Stefan and Gabi with her. Reluctantly, Stefan agreed. "After you spill it all, don't forget to say why I should forgive you. I mean, good luck with that one," Kristen said. Kristen playfully flipped her hair and smiled. Stefan attempted a couple of confessions, and Kristen shot him down both times. Frustrated, Stefan accused Kristen of having offered to help in order to toy with him instead.

"That doesn't matter, anyway, because this world-class idiot is going to go with his gut and confess," Stefan said. Kristen shook her head. Stefan mentioned that Ava had told him that Connie had overheard her conversation with Kristen about the fling. "What if Gabi had almost walked in?" Stefan said. "I am the soul of discretion. Ava is the one who can't keep her mouth shut about it," Kristen countered. Stefan argued that Ava felt as guilty as he did and that he would not wait for Gabi to learn the truth from anyone but him.

"I don't get you. I mean, you come back from the dead, miracle of miracles. And then, you and I, we bust our asses to get Gabi out of prison. And you finally have her back, and I mean, it's clear sailing for the rest of your natural lives. And instead, you just wanna throw it away," Kristen said. "Question. Which one of us knows Gabi better? You or me?" Stefan asked. Kristen reminded Stefan that Gabi was a woman. "Don't say I didn't warn you," Kristen said.

At the caf in the square, Johnny read an article about Everett. As Johnny fumed silently, Chanel walked over from the bakery and asked him what was wrong. Johnny complained that Jada's jealous ex had stabbed Rafe in an attempt to reconcile with Jada. "It must be so difficult for Jada to work this case," Chanel said. "I'm sure part of her feels responsible," Johnny countered. As Chanel argued that no one was responsible except the "psycho" that had stabbed Rafe, Connie walked over.

"Shut your mouth! The person who stabbed the commissioner was no psycho," Connie said. "I'm sorry, who are you? And why are you defending this guy?" Johnny asked. Connie explained that Everett had suffered from mental illness. "Your words were dehumanizing and uncalled for," Connie said. Chanel admitted that she should have chosen her words more carefully.

"Still, whoever stabbed Rafe was clearly disturbed. I mean, you'd have to be to try and murder a completely innocent man," Johnny argued. Connie agreed that Rafe had not deserved to be stabbed. "I just pray he gets better soon for his poor sister's sake," Connie added. Confused, Johnny asked Connie why she cared about Gabi. Connie explained that she was Gabi's assistant. Johnny introduced himself and Chanel. With a grin, Connie told Chanel that she was a big fan of Chanel's bakery. Connie apologized for her previous gruffness, and she asked Chanel if she could buy a biscuit for Gabi.

"Gabi's been through so much. With her brother in the hospital, not to mention how horribly she's been betrayed by those closest to her," Connie said. "What do you mean by that?" Johnny asked. Connie thought about the conversation she had overheard between Ava and Kristen. "Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything. Especially to you," Connie said. Johnny guessed that someone from his family was involved. "Oh. You're E.J. DiMera's son. Yes. That's what I was talking about," Connie said. Connie excused herself, and she walked away.

At DiMera Enterprises, Ava delivered flowers to Gabi. Gabi noted that she was a lucky woman, and she thanked Ava for having let her skip out of work to celebrate her anniversary. Gabi's smile fell away, and she noted that she and Stefan had talked about his relationship with Ava while Gabi had been in prison. "I just felt like I had to know everything about it," Gabi said. Ava started to apologize, but Gabi interrupted to say that she knew about the two kisses.

"And I was gonna say that I am sorry," Ava said. "It's okay. Really. I know it was just about keeping Harris from being suspicious about all the time you had been spending together," Gabi said. Gabi stressed that she was ready to move on, since she knew the whole truth. Ava forced a smile. Gabi said she had noticed that Ava had been uncomfortable around her, and she hoped that Stefan's confession would help Ava be more at ease with her. Ava agreed. With a nod, Gabi asked Ava if they could put the situation in the past and build a working relationship.

"Frankly, after everything I've been through and my brother still in the hospital, I just want peace and harmony, you know?" Gabi said. Ava assured Gabi that things were good between them. "I wouldn't have been so eager for us to work together if I thought it was gonna be a problem," Ava said. Gabi was taken aback. "I assumed Kristen forced you into it," Gabi said. Ava noted that Kristen did not like Gabi. Gabi smirked, and she said that Kristen needed her and Ava to make the company successful.

"Where is she, by the way?" Gabi asked. Ava said that Kristen had gone home for lunch. "Unlike Kristen, I'm a workhorse. And I know you are, too. And lucky for us, so is Connie," Gabi said. "Your surprising new hire," Ava noted. Gabi admitted that Connie had been an unusual choice, but Connie had proven to be a dedicated employee. As Gabi and Ava toasted their coffees to a new beginning, Connie returned. Ava excused herself and left.

In the square, Chanel told Johnny that Connie had ordered a dozen biscuits the day Talia had drugged them. With a grin, Johnny noted that maybe there had been a lasting effect on Connie. Chanel called Connie eccentric, and she wondered aloud if the soap needed a character like Connie.

"Did I hear Body & Soul? Abraham's been talking about that show morning, noon, and night. I need a break," Paulina said. Chanel asked Paulina to taste-test her new heart-healthy muffins. While Paulina followed Chanel into the bakery, Ava walked over and said hello to Johnny. Johnny asked Ava about her new job. "I think it's all going to turn out just fine," Ava said.

At DiMera Enterprises, Connie asked Gabi about Rafe's condition. "The same," Gabi said. Connie asked Gabi about her toast with Ava. "You may have heard the rumors going around a while ago about my husband being involved with Ava while I was in prison," Gabi said. Connie played dumb. Gabi explained that she and Ava had agreed to put Ava's history with Stefan behind them, since "nothing had happened."

"Nothing happened between them? Are you sure about that?" Connie asked. "Why would you ask me that?" Gabi said. Before Connie could answer, Gabi's cell phone rang with a call from Stefan. "I wanted to hear your voice," Stefan whispered. Gabi told Stefan that she loved his flowers. Stefan asked about her day, and Gabi told Stefan that she had talked to Ava. "We're in a good place. And honestly, I cannot imagine relaunching Gabi chic without her," Gabi said. Stefan sighed. After a moment, Stefan told Gabi that he loved her, but he did not confess to the affair.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen handed Stefan a glass of liquor. "Was that a practice run?" Kristen asked. "I couldn't do it," Stefan said. With a chuckle, Kristen asked Stefan if he was admitting that she was right. Stefan said yes. "Gabi can't find out. It would break her heart," Stefan whispered.

At DiMera Enterprises, Gabi told Connie that she liked Connie, but she did not appreciate Connie's personal questions about Gabi's husband. "Of course, my husband was telling me the truth," Gabi growled. As Gabi asked Connie to take a memo, Connie shouted out, "I don't want to be the one to have to tell you this." Gabi asked if Connie wanted to quit. Connie shook her head no. "Your husband cheated on you," Connie said.

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Edited by SC Desk