Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2024 on DAYS

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Fiona exposed Theresa. Everyone learned that Xander was Victor
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2024 on DAYS

Fiona exposed Theresa. Everyone learned that Xander was Victor's son. Andrew advised Theresa to confess. Jada and Stephanie believed that Everett was actually Bobby. Stefan reconciled with Gabi. Gabi signed a contract with Ava. Bobby pretended to have a breakthrough. Gabi caught Connie with Rafe. Abe and Kate secured the rights to their soap. Brady fell off the wagon. E.J. tormented Nicole and Eric. Nicole agreed to let Holly remain in Salem when Nicole moved to Paris. Xander learned that his mother had not abandoned him voluntarily. Theresa asked Maggie to help her turn herself in to the police.

Fiona exposes Theresa
Fiona exposes Theresa's lies and stuns her son

Fiona exposes Theresa's lies and stuns her son

Monday, July 22, 2024

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by Tiffany

In Horton Town Square, Fiona's arrival interrupted Xander and Sarah's ceremony. The crowd reacted as Xander identified Fiona as his mother. She walked down the aisle toward the couple and greeted Xander, who she exclaimed had "grown up." Xander bitterly attributed her surprise at his appearance to the time his mother had spent away from him. Fiona apologized for halting the ceremony and explained that she had not sent an RSVP due to the short notice.

A panicked Theresa tried to redirect attention to finishing the ceremony, to no avail. Sarah introduced herself to Fiona, and then Sarah and Xander introduced Fiona to Victoria. When Fiona learned the girl's name, she made a remark about the name being "appropriate." Theresa attempted another interruption when Maggie introduced herself as Victor's widow, and Alex introduced himself as Victor's son. Fiona assumed that Alex was Phillip, but Alex corrected her and revealed that he had only recently discovered that he was Victor's son.

Theresa looked stricken as Alex informed Fiona how he had discovered his true identity in a letter left by his mother. After she heard Alex's story, Fiona declared Alex a fraud, to the astonishment and anger of the gathering. A confused Xander chastised his mother for causing a scene, but she insisted that Alex show her the letter. Justin stood up and said that he had the letter, which he handed to Fiona. After glancing over the contents, Fiona announced that Alex's mother could not have written the letter to Victor, because Fiona herself had written it.

Furiously taking notes, a gleeful Leo exclaimed, "Now this is a Salem wedding!" At the crowd's protests, Fiona explained that she'd had an affair with her husband's brother, Victor, and that the affair had produced a child. She identified Xander as the "Alexander" in the letter, because she had always referred to her son by that name. As everyone digested the news, questions arose about who could have forged Angelica's signature.

Alex turned to Theresa and demanded she tell him the truth. He remembered Theresa having access to the briefcase containing the letter. Alex grew enraged and yelled at Theresa for answers. She eventually relented and confessed that she had tampered with the letter. An angry Sarah asked if Theresa had that much hatred for Xander, and Theresa admitted that she had not wanted to see Xander get everything.

Alex angrily asked if Theresa's entire charade had been about getting back at Xander, but she insisted that Alex was her primary reason. Alex scoffed and reminded Theresa how offended she had acted after Brady had accused her of knowing about the contents of the letter beforehand. He wondered if Theresa had ever cared about him or if it had always been about the money. Theresa attempted to defend her feelings for Alex, but the tide turned further against her after she was forced to admit that she had been working with Konstantin.

Maggie was hurt that Theresa had known about Konstantin's true nature the entire time, but Theresa implored Maggie to understand that she had not been aware of the extent of Konstantin's evil. Xander lashed out at Theresa for upending all of their lives. Alex replied that Xander had gotten the better deal, because at least he had not married the woman who had deceived him. A devastated Theresa took in all the glares directed at her and ran off.

Once the guests had dispersed, Justin, Sonny, and Bonnie rallied around Alex. Justin promised that he would help Alex get an annulment. Meanwhile, Bonnie reminded Alex that one good thing had come from the revelation: Justin was truly Alex's father. Alex smiled and agreed that it was a "very good thing." Sonny added that he had his brother back, for which Alex was also grateful. The group came together for a family hug.

Later, Justin and Bonnie shared a private moment, and he basked in the joy of regaining his son and of having his faith in Victor restored.

Across the square, Xander confronted his mother for having lied to him for his entire life. Fiona claimed she had kept quiet because she hadn't wanted to hurt her husband, Titus, by revealing the truth. Xander wondered why she hadn't revealed the truth after Titus had died. Fiona admitted that she had been deep into grief and alcohol after Titus' passing, and she had been in no position to deal with the issue then. Xander reminded Fiona that he had been grieving, too, and he refused to listen to any more of his mother's excuses.

After Fiona departed, Xander insisted that he and Sarah continue the ceremony. Sarah assured Xander that she was okay with waiting and suggested they go home. Xander encouraged her to stay behind with Maggie and left for some time to himself. When alone with Maggie, Sarah processed the developments and vowed that she would be there for Xander, no matter what would come next.

Leo approached Andrew and inquired about Theresa's role in the day's events, but Andrew brushed him off. Later, Leo helped himself to a big piece of Theresa and Alex's unused wedding cake and offered some to an offended Sonny and Paul.

Andrew found Theresa packing a suitcase in her room. He called her out on her true motivation for having helped Konstantin kidnap Victoria. Theresa tearfully asked if Andrew would expose her role in the kidnapping. He pledged he would not but made his disappointment in his sister clear.

At the pub, Brady received a check-in text from Paul, which he ignored. He was still drinking when Ava arrived from upstairs. Ava complained about needing a break from DiMera work, and she joined Brady at the table. She noticed Brady drinking and asked him if he should talk to his sponsor. Brady mentioned that his sponsor, Maggie, was at a double wedding that Brady had just departed.

When Brady confirmed that he had left after Alex and Theresa's vows, Ava correctly surmised that Brady still had feelings for Theresa. Ava admitted that she had been going through her own post-breakup issues, and she and Brady commiserated about their respective failed relationships. Ava eventually got up to return to her room, and Brady suggestively asked if he could join her. While tempted, Ava turned him down, citing the potential complications with her boss, Kristen.

Ava also believed that she and Brady would regret it later if they rebounded with each other. Brady understood, and he sat back down to drink after Ava left. A short time later, Fiona came into the pub and asked Brady if the extra seat -- and the drink -- were taken. Brady smiled and invited her to join him.

An emotional Alex sought refuge at the park. Stephanie tentatively approached him and offered her support. He gladly accepted her comforting hug.

Xander stormed into the Kiriakis mansion and rushed to the decanter. He poured himself a drink and turned to Victor's portrait. Then, Xander toasted to "Father" and hurled his glass at the portrait.

Jada is puzzled by Everett
Jada is puzzled by Everett's behavior

Jada is puzzled by Everett's behavior

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

by Spalding

Kristen was working in her office at DiMera Enterprises when Ava walked in. "I heard about your encounter at the pub yesterday," Kristen asked. "I knew I should have said something to you," Ava muttered. Ava asked Kristen how she had learned about what had happened. "Gabi left a message last night," Kristen said. "Gabi?" Ava said. Kristen explained that Gabi had told her that she had pitched a reboot of Gabi Chic to Ava.

"Why didn't you tell me about this offer?" Kristen asked. "Because it's a terrible idea," Ava said. Ava reminded Kristen that Gabi did not know that Ava had slept with Stefan. "She hates me. There is no way I'm going to be sitting side by side next to her," Ava argued. Kristen smiled. "Actually, that's exactly what you are going to do," Kristen said. Kristen noted that Gabi Chic was an important asset to the company.

"And it will give us a chance to compete with Basic Black," Kristen added. Ava smirked. "So, this is about Brady," Ava said. Kristen argued that, unlike Ava, she did not let her personal feelings prevent her from pursuing a good business opportunity. "I want you to track [Gabi] down and get her to sign with us today -- before she changes her mind," Kristen ordered. Ava reminded Kristen that Rafe was in a coma, and Kristen shrugged.

"You and I both know that [Gabi] has no problem setting aside her emotions in order to get what she wants," Kristen said. Kristen added that if Ava wanted to keep her job, she needed to get over her hesitancy to work with Gabi. "I will make her an offer today," Ava said. Kristen handed a contract to Ava for Gabi's signature. "For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea," Ava said. "For the record, I don't care," Kristen countered.

At the pub, Bobby read a story about the attack on Rafe. "Sorry, Commish. I didn't think crazy Connie would take it that far. Nothing I can do about it now. And I see no reason to waste this golden opportunity to get closer with Jada," Bobby murmured. Bobby noted that he needed to leave for the hospital. "Everett?" Stephanie said. Bobby was stunned.

"Did you say you were heading over to the hospital?" Stephanie asked. Bobby nodded yes, and he said he was going to therapy. Bobby lied and said that he had been making progress. "I'm so glad to hear that," Stephanie said. "Well, don't get too excited. I don't want you to think we're getting back together," Bobby said. Stephanie looked disappointed, and she said she had not thought that. With a nod, Bobby walked out.

At the DiMera mansion, Gabi crept around her bedroom as Stefan slept. Stefan woke up, and Gabi apologized. "I just needed my rosary before I headed back to the hospital to see my brother," Gabi explained. "How's he doing?" Stefan asked. Gabi confirmed that Rafe was still in a coma. Tired, Gabi told Stefan that she did not have the energy to fight.

"I don't want to fight with you, either. I just need you to stop pushing me away," Stefan said. Gabi attempted to walk past Stefan, but he stopped her. "I didn't say a word when you told me not to come to the hospital last night and certainly not when you decided to move out of our room. But now I need you to stop being so stubborn and let me be there for you," Stefan pleaded. Gabi asked Stefan if he was still mad at her for having exposed E.J.

"All that matters now is that your brother is fighting for his life. So, please, let me help you through this," Stefan said. With tears in her eyes, Gabi whispered, "I'm scared I'm gonna lose him." Stefan hugged Gabi as she cried. After a moment, Gabi noted that she was not used to her big brother being helpless. Stefan asked about the assailant, and Gabi noted that there were no suspects yet.

"I just keep thinking about the way it happened; stabbed in the back," Gabi said. "Like Li," Stefan noted. Gabi nodded yes. "What if there is a connection?" Gabi said. Gabi informed Stefan that Everett's alter, Bobby, had hinted that there was an unknown killer. "Do you think he's telling the truth?" Stefan asked. Gabi shrugged. "But if he is, that means that the person that murdered Li is still out there," Gabi noted. Stefan reminded Gabi that Rafe had believed that Gil was the killer.

"Maybe this is just some horrible coincidence?" Stefan suggested. "Maybe. All I know is I just want my big brother back," Gabi said. Gabi hugged Stefan, and she thanked him. "I know I've been trying to push you away. But it feels really good to have you here with me," Gabi whispered. "I will always be here for you, whenever you need me," Stefan said. Gabi asked Stefan to make love to her.

After Gabi and Stefan made love, Gabi apologized for having caused problems with E.J. "How do I know you actually mean it?" Stefan asked. "Well, I'm not sorry Eric got his kid back. And yes, it was very satisfying to screw your brother over after he sent me to prison. But I'm sorry I betrayed your trust. I really am," Gabi said. Stefan accepted Gabi's apology. "I'm sorry I got so mad at you," Stefan said. Stefan admitted that he had been foolish to let his anger divide them after their long separation.

"You were hurt. And I don't blame you," Gabi said. Stefan sighed. "When it comes to other people, we can lie, cheat, steal. But you and I need to be able to trust each other," Gabi said. Gabi took Stefan's hand in hers, and she swore to never keep a secret from him again. "From now on, honesty and trust," Gabi said. "Honesty and trust," Stefan agreed.

In Rafe's hospital room, Jada held Rafe's hand as she sat by his bedside. Kayla encouraged Jada to go home and sleep, but Jada refused. Jada admitted that she was scared to leave Rafe's side. "You can't think that way. He's a fighter. You know that," Kayla said. "But the machines, they're still breathing for him. And there is no sign that he is getting any better," Jada said. "That doesn't mean that he won't," Kayla said. Jada asked Kayla to give her an honest assessment about Rafe's chances.

"There really is no way of knowing," Kayla said. Kayla reminded Jada that Rafe had been attacked before and had survived. Jada was surprised to learn about the prior attack. "Things looked pretty dire back then, but Rafe had a strong spirit," Kayla said. Kayla noted that there was no reason to believe that Rafe would not pull through. "I hope you're right. Because he has a lot left to do in this world," Jada said.

After Kayla left, Jada resumed her vigil. "I know that you deserve a little rest, but I'm going to need you to wake up. Not just for me, but for everyone at the department. For your friends. Your family. Gabi. I want you to know that the whole community is praying for you. I hope you can feel that. I hope you know how much I love you," Jada said. Jada told Rafe that their time together had been the happiest of her life.

"We have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of us," Jada said. Jada pleaded with Rafe to wake up and help her find his assailant. Bobby appeared in the doorway, and he watched Jada kiss Rafe's hand and weep. Bobby gently knocked on the door. "Everett. What are you doing here?" Jada said. "Everett" said that he was sorry to hear the news about Rafe. When Bobby asked about Rafe's status, Jada explained that Rafe might never wake up.

"That's terrible. Do the police have any leads?" Bobby asked. Jada noted that the police had processed the scene, but there were no leads yet. Bobby feigned empathy, and he offered his assistance to Jada if she needed anything from the staff at the paper. "Thanks, but I think it's best that the police handle this," Jada said. "Everett" told Jada that he was there to support her.

Confused, Jada noted that she and Everett barely knew one another. "True. But I was in a coma for a year, so I have a lot of sympathy for the situation," Bobby said. Jada told "Everett" that she did not want to interfere with Everett's attempts to get his life back on track. "You could never be [an imposition]," Bobby whispered. Jada turned, and Bobby leaned away.

"The truth is, you know, I've been continuing my outpatient therapy with Dr. Evans and the integration process has been like, really successful so far," Bobby said. "That's great," Jada said. "Everett" explained that his therapy had made him realize that Bobby was part of his identity. "Already?" Jada said. "I've got a long way to go, but yeah. I don't know, like, I think I'm starting to remember some of Bobby's life," Bobby said. Jada asked "Everett" if he had any memories about Li's murder. Bobby said no.

"And just to clarify what I said before about remembering Bobby's life, I meant I'm starting to feel what he's feeling now, especially when it comes to you," Bobby said. Bobby placed his hand on Jada's shoulder, and she gently pushed it off. "If you're suggesting that you're developing feelings for me," Jada started. Bobby said no. "I know that Bobby really cared about you. And I guess I'm starting to feel that affection. I just wanted to come and offer my support. As a friend," "Everett" said. With a nod, Jada noted that the important thing was for Everett to get healthy.

When Jada noted that she was hungry, Bobby offered to get her takeout. "No, I could use the fresh air," Jada said. "I understand. If you need anything, just call. I'm just trying to busy myself other than work. I'm just trying to stay busy now that I'm alone," Bobby said. Jada raised an eyebrow. "What about Stephanie?" Jada asked. "We're not seeing each other anymore. That had to end," Bobby said. Bobby walked out.

Connie was cutting vegetables in her apartment as she talked to her imaginary version of Li. "I wore gloves. No one is ever going to know it was me," Connie said. "Unless Rafe wakes up from his coma," Li countered. Connie said she did not believe that Rafe would recover. "And if he does?" Li asked. Connie noted that she had attacked Rafe from behind. Li called Connie cold-hearted. Connie argued that she had had no choice but to help Bobby.

"What if Bobby doesn't hold up his end of the bargain?" Li asked. "What reason does Bobby have to double-cross me?" Connie countered. Li noted that Bobby might identify Connie as the killer in an effort to ingratiate himself to Jada. "This plan of yours could possibly just blow up in your face," Li said. Connie said she was not worried. "[Bobby] is shrewd," Connie said. "So is Jada Hunter. And Bobby's her ex. What if she figures out he is faking?" Li asked. Connie dismissed the possibility.

"I hope so. Because if [Bobby] is caught, Bobby will have no reason not to throw you under the bus," Li said. After a moment, Connie admitted that Bobby was a liability. "I guess if it comes to it, I'll have to get him out of the way. Just like I did the commish," Connie said.

At the hospital, Ava stopped Gabi in the hallway. "I know this is a really bad time. I'm very sorry about Rafe," Ava said. "Sorry you're not the one who did it?" Gabi countered. Ava gaped. Ava argued that despite the way her relationship with Rafe had ended, she cared about him. "So, what do you want?" Gabi asked. Ava explained that she had talked to Kristen, and they had agreed that they wanted Gabi to revive Gabi Chic at DiMera.

"Kristen forced you to come to me, huh? It couldn't have been easy for you," Gabi said. "Look, we completely understand if you need to concentrate on your brother right now, but it is a standing offer, so if you'd like to take a few months," Ava said. Gabi shook her head, and she noted that the doctors did not know when Rafe would recover. "Jumping in at Gabi Chic would be a welcome distraction," Gabi said. Gabi noted that in her last conversation with Rafe, he had encouraged her to get her life back on track.

"It's almost like he gave me his blessing," Gabi said. Ava handed Gabi the contract, and Gabi reviewed it. "Feel free to have your lawyers take a look at it," Ava said. Gabi noted that as CEO at DiMera, she had reviewed similar contracts. "Seems pretty standard," Gabi noted. Ava asked Gabi if she was ready to dedicate all her time to the company. "Are you trying to talk me out of this?" Gabi asked. Ava said no, but she was concerned about Gabi's focus on Rafe.

"You're worried I might not be up for it," Gabi said. "I didn't say that," Ava protested. Gabi assured Ava that if she could run DiMera, she could handle the workload of her brand. Gabi signed the contract. "I know you have your personal doubts, but I can promise you that neither one of us are going to regret working together," Gabi said.

In Kristen's office at DiMera Enterprises, Stefan signed paperwork. Stefan noted that he was eager to leave before he ran into Ava. Kristen told Stefan not to worry. "[Ava] is off trying to convince your wife to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera," Kristen announced. "Why the hell would you do that?" Stefan asked. Kristen explained that it had been Gabi's idea. "But she didn't realize that she'd be working with the woman who slept with her husband," Stefan said.

"It's good for business," Kristen stressed. Stefan asked Kristen if she wanted to get back at him and Gabi. "You mean [for] the way you made it look like I was abusing my own daughter?" Kristen countered. Stefan nodded yes. Kristen said she was willing to let go of the past, because she and Stefan were united against E.J. Kristen assured Stefan that she was not going to tell Gabi about Stefan's fling.

"I wouldn't do that to Ava," Kristen said. "What about Ava?" Ava asked as she walked in. Kristen explained that she had informed Stefan about Ava's work with Gabi. "It's a done deal," Ava said as she placed the contract on Kristen's desk.

At the pub, Kayla and Stephanie chatted over breakfast. "I really thought that [Theresa] had turned a corner," Kayla said. Stephanie agreed. Stephanie told Kayla that she had comforted Alex after the wedding, but he had been a mess. Kayla asked about the possibility of Stephanie rekindling her romance with Alex, and Stephanie stressed that their romantic connection was in the past.

"That's right. You and Everett are back together now that he's been released from Bayview, right?" Kayla said. "Actually, that's history, too," Stephanie noted. Stephanie explained that Everett had told her that he was not ready for a serious relationship. "That's understandable. He might just want to focus on his mental health," Kayla said. Stephanie agreed, and she noted that she was disappointed.

"Everett is a great guy, and I'm going to miss him. Even if it seems he won't miss me," Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that Everett had been happy to end things. "What are you talking about?" Kayla asked. Stephanie told Kayla about her conversation with Everett before Kayla had arrived. "He was so dismissive. So cold," Stephanie said. Kayla encouraged Stephanie not to take Everett's behavior personally.

"I'm sure it is just really disorienting to be back, you know?" Kayla said. Stephanie agreed. "I'm glad that Everett is himself again. He deserves to live a life he chooses for himself," Stephanie said. Kayla expressed her pride in Stephanie. With a groan, Kayla noted that her break was over.

When Stephanie exited the pub, she ran into Jada. "I'm so sorry about Rafe. How are you holding up?" Stephanie asked. Jada said she was okay. Jada mentioned that Everett had told her about his breakup with Stephanie. "I'm surprised he told you about that, considering all you're going through," Stephanie said. "Well, he was acting very weird," Jada said. Stephanie asked for details.

"He just wasn't acting like himself at all," Jada said. Stephanie gasped, and she locked eyes with Jada. "Do you think it's possible?" Stephanie asked. "That Everett really isn't Everett? Yeah, I do," Jada said.

At the hospital, Kayla ran into "Everett." "I was so glad to hear about your breakthrough and that you're doing better," Kayla said. Bobby fidgeted and looked around. "I am. Thank you," Bobby said. Bobby started to walk away, but Kayla asked to talk about Stephanie.

"I'm sure she told you; I really need to focus on my recovery," Bobby said. "Yeah, but she was also very upset about how dismissive you were with her earlier," Kayla said. Kayla said that although it was none of her business, she asked if "Everett" could be more sensitive to Stephanie's feelings in the future. "You're absolutely right. It is none of your business," Bobby said. Bobby stared coldly at Kayla.

Down the hallway, Connie crept into Rafe's hospital room, and with a gloved hand, she reached for the ventilator. Gabi opened the door, and Connie pulled her hand back. "What are you doing in here?" Gabi asked.

Kate and Abe score a major acquisition
Kate and Abe score a major acquisition

Kate and Abe score a major acquisition

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

by Tiffany

At Abe and Paulina's place, Paulina vented to Abe after ending a call with Everett's office. Everett had been harassing her for a quote about Rafe's stabbing. Paulina lamented the lack of leads in the stabbing and the urgency of finding an interim police commissioner. While she had thought of appointing Jada, Paulina believed that Jada would want to stay by Rafe's bedside. Paulina then convinced herself that Jada might want the extra responsibility so that Rafe's attacker could be found.

Paulina decided to ask Jada about the job, following an appointment with Kayla, while Abe made Paulina promise to keep her blood pressure down. After Paulina left for her appointment, Kate arrived with news about Body & Soul. She reported to Abe that the producers had expressed interest in her pitch. Abe expected a caveat, but Kate happily proclaimed there were none and that "Body & Soul is ours!" An overjoyed Abe hugged her.

Kate cautioned Abe that a potential complication could upend the deal. The producers of the show had informed her that three actresses had refused to relocate to Salem. Abe was disappointed because the three actresses in question were the "iconic" leads. He believed it wouldn't be the same show without them. Kate suggested recasting the parts or reimagining the show to be set in the future with new generations of characters, but Abe insisted it wouldn't work. Kate bemoaned the big "learning curve" ahead of them, including securing a crew and writers.

Abe conceded he had a lot to learn, but he was confident that his enthusiasm would make up for his lack of experience. With a glance at Kate, he suggested he already had someone in mind to fill the role of "Lorna." Kate scoffed at Abe's insinuation that she play the role, and she reminded him that they still had two more important roles to cast. Abe grinned and said he had prospects in mind for those parts, as well.

At the hospital, Everett testily told Kayla that his treatment of Stephanie was none of her business. After noting Kayla's offended expression, he immediately apologized and attributed his "rude" response to the stress of dealing with his mental illness. He also stated that Stephanie's feelings weren't a "top priority" for him and flippantly apologized again before excusing himself for a therapy appointment. Kayla looked perturbed at the exchange.

A gowned-up Paulina sat in a hospital bed and scrolled through her tablet. When Kayla entered, Paulina inquired about Rafe, but Kayla had no news to report. Attention turned to Paulina's test results, which Kayla confirmed were good in regard to Paulina's cancer treatment. However, Paulina's relief was short-lived after Kayla stated that she did have one concern. She assured Paulina that the problem was minor and that they had caught it early.

At Paulina's impatient insistence for more information, Kayla informed Paulina that her cholesterol levels were high. Paulina mentioned that "Big Mama" had dealt with the same issue, and she was 93. Kayla recommended treatments like a low-fat diet and statins, but Paulina vehemently rejected the idea of taking meds. When Kayla reiterated the safety and effectiveness of the no-pills-needed treatment, Paulina apologized for her strong reaction, as Paulina hadn't wanted to be stuck taking more pills. Paulina also hadn't wanted to bother Abe with the news, since he was preoccupied with his new business venture.

Bobby entered Marlena's office and complained to himself about having to "play" Everett. Marlena arrived in the middle of his rant and asked "Everett" with whom he had been talking. Bobby smiled and admitted he'd been talking to himself and jokingly called it "the first sign of insanity." As they sat down for the session, Bobby immediately tried to get out of the therapy early by claiming he needed to deal with work. Marlena pushed back and questioned his commitment to his recovery.

When Marlena mentioned that she understood the importance of his work and his relationship with Stephanie, "Everett" coldly replied that Stephanie would not be a problem anymore because he had broken up with her. The revelation surprised Marlena, since Everett had told her previously that Stephanie had been a major motivation for him to leave Bayview and get healthy. "Everett" explained that he didn't believe asking Stephanie to wait while he worked through his issues would be fair to her. He also admitted that he had begun to absorb some of Bobby's feelings.

"Everett" further surprised Marlena by declaring that he wanted her to hypnotize him again so that he could confront his past. Later, Marlena placed "Everett" under hypnosis and asked him about his mother. "Everett" recalled his fourth birthday and asking his mother, "Why did you do it?" Upon Marlena's gentle prodding, he clarified that he was asking his mother why she had allowed his father to hurt him. "Everett" began to sob as he remembered his father's belt buckle.

While still under hypnosis, "Everett" raised his hands as if to ward off an attack. He shouted, "No, Dad, no!" and "Stop!" Marlena removed "Everett" from the hypnotic state, and he wiped away his tears. He claimed to remember that his father had "terrorized" him. He further claimed that he felt like a "complete person" and didn't need Bobby anymore. "Everett" declared Marlena "a miracle worker."

Kayla stopped by Marlena's office after "Everett" had departed. Kayla wanted to talk about the unsettling interaction she'd had with Everett earlier. Without going into details, Marlena revealed that she'd had a session with Everett that she'd had felt had gone "too well." Kayla suggested Everett might have been putting on an act, and Marlena didn't dismiss the idea. She wondered if she had made a "serious mistake" in releasing Everett.

Gabi caught Connie in Rafe's hospital room and demanded to know why Connie was there. Connie spun a tale that she had felt like she knew Rafe because of his public service, so she had wanted to see what she could do to help him. Gabi told Connie to "cut the crap" and reveal the real reason for her presence. Connie lied that she had wanted to see Gabi and hand-deliver a rsum for Gabi Chic. Gabi got hostile and called Connie's sudden persistent presence "creepy."

An incredulous Gabi further declared that "I don't have time for a stalker in my life." She commanded Connie to leave her brother's room, but Connie replied that she "couldn't do that." Before Gabi could have her thrown out, Connie quickly clarified that she wanted to alleviate some of Gabi's burden and stress by becoming her assistant. When Connie mentioned that she would work for free because Gabi was her role model, Gabi gradually warmed to the idea. Connie left to fetch some coffee for Gabi as a test of her assisting capabilities.

Gabi sat at Rafe's bedside and chastised herself for not showing more interest in his life. She admitted how much she loved Rafe and how proud she was to call him her brother. She thanked him for being "kind, funny, and sweet" and for always believing in her, even when she had disappointed him. She vowed to find his attacker so that she could "wipe that scum right off the face of the earth."

In the hospital corridor, Connie called Gabi a "diva bitch" and spit in Gabi's coffee. She pledged to take care of Gabi once she had eliminated Gabi's brother.

When Connie returned to the hospital room with the coffee, she stammered for Gabi to reach out to her if Gabi needed anything, and she started to leave. Gabi stopped her and complimented Connie's rsum as well as the ideas she had presented about the company. Gabi admitted she could use the help and offered Connie an assistant position on a trial basis. An ecstatic Connie promised that she would not let Gabi down.

Later, Gabi ran into Paulina in the hospital. Paulina assured Gabi that "justice will be served" for Rafe.

Bobby went into Rafe's room and apologized for having let "wacko" Connie hurt him. He insisted that he hadn't wanted Rafe dead, just "out of the way."

Outside the pub, Stephanie and Jada shared notes on Everett's odd behavior. Realization dawned for both of them that Bobby could have pretended to be Everett in order to be released from the hospital. They believed Bobby could have fooled Marlena with some convincing acting, but they were stuck on why he would have chosen that specific time to put on an act. Jada said she had an idea.

Jada believed that her going to see Bobby might have rekindled his feelings for her. Stephanie agreed that Everett's sudden breakup with her and his renewed interest in Jada might be attributable to Bobby. Jada also remembered that Everett had supposedly reemerged while she had been questioning Bobby about Li's murder. She speculated that Bobby might be trying to hide his knowledge of the crime. When Stephanie questioned why Bobby would want to withhold the information, Jada responded that perhaps he had been attempting to keep her coming back for more visits.

Jada received a call from the department updating her about Everett's persistent phone calls. She instructed the caller not to give Everett any information and hung up. Upon learning about Everett's latest strange actions, Stephanie hesitantly suggested that Bobby might be anxious to learn about the investigation because he had been involved with the crime. Jada was forced to admit it might be possible because she had never really known Bobby's true nature. Both realized that they could not establish an alibi for Bobby.

Stephanie grew more disturbed after recalling that Bobby had been in the shower when she had visited him. The timing had been after Rafe's stabbing. "Or maybe I'm reading too many murder mysteries," she surmised. Jada added that Bobby had been reading a murder mystery when she had visited him at the hospital. They agreed that instead of getting carried away with speculation, they needed definitive answers.

Jada swore Stephanie to silence because she did not want anyone else finding out their suspicions about Bobby and his role in Rafe's attack. A lurking Connie overheard the exchange.

Eric asks Nicole to move to Paris
Eric asks Nicole to move to Paris

Eric asks Nicole to move to Paris

Thursday, July 25, 2024

by Hope Campbell

Holly arrived at the Horton cabin for her rendezvous with Tate. She was touched when she saw Tate had made her lunch. She was also pleased he had assembled a bouquet made from flowers he'd picked himself. Tate said he'd been bored, but he was pleased that Holly had had no trouble sneaking away. Just then, Nicole called. Holly tried to ignore it, but Nicole kept calling and wouldn't give up.

Holly finally answered and claimed she was at work at the Bistro. Nicole insisted she needed to see Holly after work. They had to find a new place to live as soon as possible, and Nicole wanted Holly to look at some apartments with her. Holly lied and said she was working a double shift, so Nicole underlined the urgency. She wanted to apartment hunt with Holly as a break from it all, so Holly agreed to meet Nicole between shifts.

Holly and Tate chose to make the best of the time they had, so they enjoyed lunch, knowing nobody could bother them for a few hours. Tate said he was enjoying his time in the cabin and even felt like he had his own place. He noted that they even had enough privacy to make out, which they did until Holly had to leave to meet Nicole. When Tate was alone, he read on his tablet about his mother's latest scandal.

Eric angrily arrived at the DiMera mansion, demanding that a bitter E.J. sign the divorce papers. Eric had several things he wanted to get off his chest, starting with the fact that E.J. had stolen his son. E.J. claimed innocence, reminding Eric that Eric had brought Jude over himself. Eric accused E.J. of knowing the truth that night and of helping Sloan get away the next day.

E.J. denied Eric's accusations, which only made Eric angrier, telling E.J. that he was going to suffer the same way Eric had. E.J. claimed innocence, but Eric didn't buy it. He insisted that Sloan wasn't strong enough to knock E.J. out, so the logical conclusion was that E.J. had faked that incident as he'd helped Sloan escape justice. Eric told E.J. he was determined to find proof and put E.J. behind bars.

Eric returned to ordering E.J. to sign the divorce papers, but E.J. refused, tearing them up in front of Eric's face. E.J. said he was going to delay things as long as possible to make Eric and Nicole's lives hell. A cocky E.J. said Eric better leave E.J. alone, or E.J. would prosecute Marlena for assault -- after all, she had smacked him across the face.

E.J. reminded Eric that he could hurt Eric in any number of ways. "I'm curious. Does Holly know that you killed her father? While she's aware a drunk driver killed her father, I wonder how she'd feel when she finds out that drunk driver was you."

Eric reminded E.J. that that information could ruin Holly and Nicole's relationship, but E.J. didn't care. Eric begged E.J. to think of Holly's feelings. She had never done anything to E.J. and did not deserve to be hurt. E.J. finally agreed to keep the secret, but he still planned to give Nicole a hard time with the divorce. E.J. then gleefully informed Eric that Eric was still married to Sloan because E.J. had conveniently forgotten to file the divorce papers.

After his confrontation with E.J., Eric returned to the Spectator office to see Nicole and Jude. Eric told Nicole that E.J. had torn up the divorce papers and threatened to tell Holly that Eric was the drunk driver who'd killed Daniel all those years earlier. Eric assured Nicole that he had talked E.J. out of it, but he warned her that E.J. planned to drag out their divorce for years. Nicole wondered what they should do, so Eric suggested they leave Salem. Eric could take the job in Paris, and Nicole, Holly, and Jude could go with him.

Later, when Nicole met up with Holly, she shocked her daughter by suggesting they look for apartments in Paris rather than Salem. Holly was horrified at the idea and insisted she wasn't leaving town.

Brady woke up in a Salem Inn room, hungover and surprised to realize he'd slept with Fiona. He tried to thank her when she brought him something for his headache, but he couldn't remember her name. They went over what had happened the night before, with Fiona noting how strong the martinis were at the Brady Pub. Brady was soon relieved to learn they'd only slept together and done nothing else.

However, Brady's relief turned to horror when he learned that Fiona was Xander's mother. Fiona explained how she and Xander had lost touch, but he'd invited her to his wedding, so she'd had to be there. Fiona then detailed the dramatic events of the night before, shocking Brady. "I guess the secret's out now. Xander is Victor's long-lost son," Fiona announced.

Brady was stunned to hear that, but learning that Theresa was the one who'd forged the letter didn't seem to shock Brady at all. As Brady got dressed to leave, Fiona asked that he not mention that she had been drinking, as she was supposed to be sober. Brady admitted that he was, too, so he promised not to say a word.

After Brady left, Sarah stopped by. She wanted to discuss the revelations from the night before but also invite Fiona to the small wedding she and Xander planned at the Kiriakis mansion. Fiona didn't think that was a good idea, because she didn't believe Xander should be getting married.

Sarah walked into the Kiriakis living room and found Alex having a drink and staring at Victor's portrait. She wondered how Alex was doing. He seemed despondent when he said, "I just found out my whole life was a lie...again." As Alex continued to drink, he and Sarah sat down to talk it all over. Alex admitted he felt stupid for not seeing that Theresa had been lying to him the whole time. He also felt guilty for how horribly he had treated Justin all those months. "Maybe the worst part was being just not who I thought I was," Alex said.

Alex said he had gotten used to the idea that Victor had lied to him his entire life, and he'd since learned that Theresa had told him the worst lie of all. He admitted that his whole life had been turned upside down again. Sarah told Alex that Xander felt the same way. She reminded Alex how Victor treated Xander horribly most of his life, throwing him a glimmer of hope that he'd be accepted as part of the family, but then always snatching any chance away. "Other than that, all Victor did was make him feel unworthy and unwanted," Sarah said.

"Maybe because that's true," Alex countered. An angry Theresa told Alex that he sounded a lot like Theresa at that moment. Alex finally calmed down and told Sarah he was grateful to her. If she hadn't invited Fiona to the wedding, he might have never learned the truth and would be starting a life married to a woman who had lied to him

Theresa arrived at the airport, looking for the earliest flight out of Salem, but she didn't get far. Xander found her looking for answers. He was furious at Theresa for forging the papers that had "proven" Alex's paternity and denied Xander his, and wanted to know why she'd done it. "Do you really hate me that much?" Xander asked. "And then some," Theresa venomously replied.

Xander knew Theresa had done what she had because she hated him -- and because she was after all that money. "You saw an opportunity to steal from me and hand it to Alex so you could still enjoy your spoils yourself, right?" Xander said. He pointed out that Theresa's plan would have gone off without a hitch if Bonnie had never mailed that invitation to his mother.

A tearful and bitter Theresa pointed out that she had, and Theresa was left with nothing. That was when Theresa's flight to New York was called, but Xander tried to taunt her some more with what she had done. As Theresa tried to sidestep him, Xander warned her that she wouldn't get away with it. It also hit him that Theresa was the woman in the hoodie who had kidnapped Victoria.

Theresa denied the accusation, but Xander didn't believe her. He could tell she was lying, and he was grateful his mother had shown up when she had to expose Theresa's lies. As Theresa did her best to escape, Xander grabbed her by the arm to haul her down to the Salem Police Station. Theresa reminded Xander that he had no proof, so he let go -- but he warned her that she wouldn't get away with it. "No matter where you run, you can't hide from me," Xander said.

Once alone, Theresa struggled with the decision of whether to get on the plane. Later, she showed up at the Kiriakis mansion to see Alex and Brady.

Xander's next stop was the DiMera mansion to see E.J. Xander told E.J. that he wanted Theresa charged with kidnapping his daughter. E.J. agreed to issue an arrest warrant.

Theresa makes a plea to Alex and Brady
Theresa makes a plea to Alex and Brady

Theresa makes a plea to Alex and Brady

Friday, July 26, 2024

by Spalding

At the Salem Inn, Fiona argued to Sarah that, as a new heir, Xander needed to come to terms with his new reality before he settled down. Sarah laughed. "Oh, I see. You think I'm after his money," Sarah said. "Sarah, dear, you misunderstood. I didn't mean to imply that you're some kind of gold-digger like that Theresa person," Fiona said. Confused, Sarah asked why Fiona objected to the marriage.

"I just don't think he should be making any major life decisions right now," Fiona said. Sarah told Fiona that she and Xander had been in love for years and had a daughter. "Victoria and I provide Xander with stability, which he desperately needs," Sarah said. With a shrug, Fiona noted that she wanted to look out for her son's best interests.

"Now, after all this time, you're suddenly oh so protective and full of motherly advice," Sarah said. "I have no right to act like his mother, given how I lied to him and abandoned him," Fiona admitted. Sarah asked Fiona why she had stayed away from Xander. "Look, I know I have no right to ask you this, but maybe he'd listen if it came from you," Fiona said.

When Xander returned to his apartment, he was surprised to see Maggie was babysitting. "Where is Sarah?" Xander asked. "She just said she had to take care of something," Maggie said. Concerned, Maggie asked if something was wrong. Xander told Maggie that he believed Theresa had been Konstantin's accomplice in Victoria's kidnapping.

"Did [Theresa] admit to being the accomplice?" Maggie asked. "No. Not in as many words. But it all adds up," Xander said. Xander admitted that he had been unable to force Theresa to go to the police, but he had asked E.J. to issue an arrest warrant. "[Theresa's] just unbelievable," Maggie said with exasperation.

"At least my mum had the guts to finally tell me. Whereas, Victor, he only acknowledged me in death. Coward couldn't face me," Xander grumbled. "I know you're hurt, Xander. But for what it's worth, he was planning on telling you when he got back from Greece. He said so in his will," Maggie said. With a shake of his head, Xander noted that Victor had treated him horribly.

"How could he do that to his own son?" Xander asked. "Victor was very hard on you, Xander, but like I told you before, you reminded him so much of himself," Maggie said. "Turns out people were right about me all these years when they called me a bastard," Xander joked. Maggie smiled.

"Well maybe that's another reason why you reminded him of himself. Why he was so hard on you. And because of his own failings, how he betrayed his own brother," Maggie said. "Which is why he could never accept me. Which sadly was all I ever wanted from him. For him to be proud and to respect me," Xander said. Xander confessed that he had wanted Victor to know that he was not a disappointment.

"I'm not going to condone what he did, but I'm certain Victor loved you, Xander. Why else would he give half his fortune to you?" Maggie said. "Guilt," Xander countered. With a shake of her head, Maggie said that she believed that Victor had wanted "to make things right." Xander's eyes welled with tears, and he asked Maggie if she really believed that Victor had loved him. "Yes, honey. Just like I do. And I can't wait to be your mother-in-law again," Maggie said.

As Maggie and Xander hugged, Sarah returned home. "We were just talking about Victor," Xander said. Maggie and Xander smiled at one another. After Maggie left, Xander asked Sarah where she had been. "While you were with my mom, I was with yours," Sarah said. When Sarah explained that she had gone to extend an invitation to their wedding, Xander was incensed because Fiona had lied to him.

When Sarah noted that Fiona had had a drinking problem, Xander argued that if anything, alcohol should have made Fiona tell the truth. "Trust me, she has had multiple opportunities over the years to drunkenly blurt out this information," Xander said. Xander added that when he had needed his mother, she had abandoned him.

"Well, she didn't exactly abandon you," Sarah said. "What do you mean?" Xander asked. Sarah told Xander that Fiona had been committed to a mental institution after she had suffered a breakdown. Xander was taken aback. Sarah explained that Fiona had worked to get sober, and when she had been released, she had been unable to find Xander. "She looked for me?" Xander said. Sarah nodded yes.

"And eventually, she learned that Victor had put you to work, so she backed off. She thought that Victor would look out for you," Sarah said. "With all the illegal stuff Victor had me doing?" Xander argued. Sarah noted that Fiona could not have known about the work. With a shrug, Sarah noted that Fiona had not wanted Xander's love for Titus to be undermined by the truth.

"I did love Titus. But I could have handled it. She should have known that," Xander said. "The bottom line is that Fiona thought that she was doing what was best for you," Sarah said. Xander sighed, and he noted he had no reason to trust Fiona. "She did seem sincere," Sarah said. Sarah apologized for having overstepped, and she said she hoped Xander and Fiona could repair their relationship. Xander thanked Sarah for her help.

"I don't know. It's going to take a lot for me to trust [Fiona] again," Xander said. Xander added that Sarah could invite Fiona to their wedding. "Thank you for at least being willing to try," Sarah said. When Sarah mentioned Theresa, Xander gasped. "You don't know the half of it. Theresa didn't just pull off an identity switch. She did something horrendous. To both you and me," Xander said.

At the Salem Inn, Fiona poured a drink. "Xander needs to understand. I hope Sarah can get through to him," Fiona said. Fiona gulped her glass of liquor. Fiona typed up a text message, and she said with a grin, "I hope that did the trick."

In the square, Holly told Nicole that she refused to move to Paris. Nicole explained that E.J. had vowed to make Nicole and Eric's life a living hell. "So, what, you're just going to let E.J. chase you and Eric out of town?" Holly asked. Nicole told Holly that E.J. had threatened the whole family.

"How is he going to hurt me?" Holly asked. Nicole avoided the question, and she argued that the move to Paris would be the best way to start fresh. Holly said she understood that moving to Paris was the best thing for Nicole and Eric. "But I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here," Holly said. Nicole told Holly that she could not bear to be away from her daughter.

"I hate the idea of us living apart, too. But, Mom, we always knew I was going off to college, and that's only a year away," Holly said. "Exactly! And I thought that was one more year I'd have with you close to me," Nicole said. Holly pleaded with Nicole to let her stay and finish school. When Nicole argued that Holly could attend prom and graduation in France, Holly countered that she wanted to experience those moments with her friends.

"And by friends, do you mean Tate?" Nicole asked. When Holly reminded Nicole that Tate was at lacrosse camp, Nicole noted that Tate would return to Salem. Holly argued that the situation was a matter for the adults, not her. "Why should I suffer for it?" Holly said. "I see your point. But if Eric, Jude, and I move to Paris, where will you live?" Nicole asked. "How about with me," Maggie said as she walked over.

Nicole explained the situation with the move. Maggie told Nicole that Holly was welcome to stay with her. "You are saving my life. Literally," Holly said as she hugged Maggie. After a moment, Holly's smile disappeared. "Oh, no. Tate's mom lives with you. And she hates my guts," Holly said. Maggie said that would not be a problem, and she explained what had happened with Theresa.

After Maggie left, Nicole said she hated to leave Holly, but she was comforted by the fact that Holly would be with her grandmother. "You and Eric, you deserve a chance to finally be happy together," Holly said.

At the Brady Pub, Justin and Eric talked about Alex's parentage. "I am very grateful that it turned out to be one big terrible lie," Justin said. Justin noted that both he and Eric had suffered an emotional crisis with their sons. "At least it's over now," Justin said. "No, not quite yet," Eric admitted. Eric told Justin about E.J.'s threats, and he asked Justin for help with Sloan.

"I'll get you divorced in no time," Justin promised. "It's just that I wish Nicole's divorce could be that easy," Eric lamented. Eric told Justin about his plan to move to Paris with Nicole. Justin said he understood why. "While you're away, would you like me to see what I can do to push through Nicole's divorce?" Justin asked. Eric declined. Justin wished Eric good luck with his move.

Alex and Brady talked in the Kiriakis living room about Theresa's scheme to name Alex as the Kiriakis heir. "I can't say I'm shocked that Theresa took off. It's what she does. She makes a mess, and then she leaves it for everybody to clean up," Brady said. Alex agreed. Theresa walked in. Confused, Alex asked why Theresa had not left town.

"I did consider fleeing town. I made it all the way to the airport gate, and I realized I couldn't do it. I had to come back and take responsibility for what I've done," Theresa said. "What's your angle this time, Theresa?" Alex asked. Theresa said there was no con. "I had to come back, and I had to explain myself, most of all to you," Theresa said. "You destroyed my life! Do you understand that? You're sick!" Alex yelled. Alex argued that Theresa had given him an identity crisis.

"So, please, tell me what possible explanation there is for what you put me through?" Alex asked. "I know what I've done to you. And you may not believe this. I honestly thought I was doing you a favor," Theresa said. Alex asked how. Theresa explained that when she had read the will, she had believed that Xander had not deserved the fortune. "You are a good and decent man, and I thought you deserved the inheritance," Theresa said. "That was not for you to decide," Brady said. Alex shook his head with disappointment.

"Either way, you weren't thinking about me. You were thinking about number one. As always," Alex said. Theresa argued that from her point of view, they'd both been getting what they'd wanted. "I never wanted you to get hurt," Theresa said. "Don't pretend you care about my feelings," Alex countered. When Theresa told Alex that she loved him, he screamed that she did not know how to love someone. Alex called Theresa a con artist that had only pursued him for his uncle's money.

"I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear from you ever again," Alex said. With tears in her eyes, Theresa reached for Alex. Alex pulled away. "Just so you know, I'm getting an annulment. Immediately. And it's going to be like this marriage never happened. I only wish I could say the same thing about this entire relationship," Alex said. With a shake of his head, Alex walked out.

"I suppose you hate me just as much as Alex does now?" Theresa asked. Brady shrugged. "I don't hate you. I'm just so disappointed in you. I'm really concerned about how this is going to affect our son when he finds out that his mother screwed this family and was working and scheming with the very man that killed his great-grandfather, my grandfather," Brady said. Theresa told Brady that when she had met Konstantin, she had believed he had only been after the money that Victor had owed him.

"If I would have known he was this psychopath, I never would have accepted his help on forging the letter. I wouldn't have gotten involved with him in the first place," Theresa pleaded. Brady groaned. "Do you hear yourself? If I would have known he was a killer I would have found another way to defraud the family," Brady said. Theresa admitted that she had been reckless and dishonest.

"Do you want to know why I went to such extremes, Brady? It's because of you," Theresa said. Brady scoffed. Theresa reminded Brady that she had attempted to rekindle their romance after Victor's funeral, but Brady had rejected her. "So, I took the cynical route, and I chose money and security over love," Theresa said. Brady admitted that he had wanted Theresa. "I rejected you when you first came to town, because I was in complete denial about my feelings for you," Brady confessed. Brady argued that instead of working with him to figure out their relationship, Theresa had dumped him for Alex.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to be with you. We hurt each other so much in the past. I didn't want to get hurt again," Theresa said. Theresa took Brady's hands in hers, and she told him that she still loved him. "I always have, and I always will," Theresa confessed. Theresa lamented that she could not go back in time.

"As much as I do still love you, probably always will, Theresa, this is just another sign that we were not meant to be. Goodbye," Brady said. Brady sniffled back tears and walked out. Theresa looked at Victor's portrait. "I really screwed things up, didn't I?" Theresa said. "You did," Maggie said as she walked in. Theresa apologized.

"You have no reason to forgive me, but I'm gonna just say it, anyway. I never should have let Konstantin go after your money. I swear, I didn't know he was planning to kill you. I didn't know he was that dangerous," Theresa said. "You're pretty dangerous yourself, Theresa. I mean, after all, you helped him kidnap my granddaughter." Maggie countered. Theresa averted her eyes in shame.

"I didn't want to help Konstantin kidnap the baby. I was just so in over my head. I just didn't have a choice," Theresa said. "Because you didn't want him to expose your own nefarious plot," Maggie countered. Theresa assured Maggie that Victoria had been safe during the ordeal. "Even so, what you did was reprehensible," Maggie said. "I know. And you've been so good to me. You even helped me get sober. And this is how I repay you," Theresa said as she cried. Theresa said she understood if Maggie could not forgive her, and she asked Maggie for help.

"You can't be serious," Maggie whispered. "Could you drive me to the police station so I can, for once, do the right thing and turn myself in?" Theresa asked. Maggie's eyes welled with tears. "Can you come with me so that I don't change my mind?" Theresa pleaded.

Alex went to the pub, and he hesitantly approached Justin. "I got your text that you'd be here if I wanted to talk," Alex said. Alex apologized for his behavior toward Justin. "Theresa is the only one to blame," Justin said. "You tried to warn me, and I thought I knew better because I was Victor Kiriakis' son," Alex said. Alex admitted he had acted like "a pompous ass." Justin agreed.

"I was so caught up in the man I thought was my father, and I forgot all about the man who actually raised me. A good, honest man, who I always looked up to," Alex said. Alex apologized, and he asked forgiveness from his dad. "Only if you can forgive me," Justin countered. "For what?" Alex asked. Justin noted that he had taken his anger out on Alex instead of having been patient.

"You tried to be there for me, and I wasn't having it. I know how much that must have hurt you," Alex said. Justin said he had understood why Alex had lashed out. "What I couldn't understand was how Victor could lie to me all those years, but now, it all makes sense," Justin said. Justin laughed. Justin told Alex that he hoped they could rebuild their relationship. Justin and Alex forgave one another.

After a healing talk with his father, Alex announced that he needed to clean out his office at Titan. "I'm going to have to find another job," Alex said. "Maybe [Xander] will keep you on in some capacity," Justin said. Alex scoffed. Justin offered to help Alex return Victor's money and deal with any other complications. "I love you, Dad," Alex said. "I love you too, son," Justin said.

In Eric's room above the pub, Nicole told Eric that Holly planned to stay behind to finish her senior year with her friends. "I totally understand that; it just breaks my heart," Nicole said. "Where is Holly going to live?" Eric asked. Nicole said that Holly would live with Maggie. "I need to respect what Holly wants," Nicole said.

Brady went to Fiona's room at the Salem Inn after she texted him. "I could absolutely use a drink," Brady said. "Wonderful," Fiona said. Fiona and Brady toasted, "To hell with it."

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Edited by SC Desk