Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 15, 2024 on DAYS

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Jada found Rafe stabbed in the cemetery. Nicole filed for divorce, but E.J. refused to sign. Alex wed Theresa. Xander
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 15, 2024 on DAYS

Jada found Rafe stabbed in the cemetery, and he fell into a coma. Bobby was shocked that Connie had stabbed Rafe. Chad agreed to invest in Abe and Kate's soap. Bobby dumped Stephanie. Connie asked Gabi for a job. Nicole filed for divorce, but E.J. refused to sign. Sophia interrupted Tate and Holly's rendezvous. Xander gave his half of the paper to Jack. Sarah learned that Theresa had trashed the invitation for Xander's mother. Alex wed Theresa. Xander's mother interrupted the double wedding.

Rafe is rushed to the hospital
Rafe is rushed to the hospital

Rafe is rushed to the hospital

Monday, July 15, 2024

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by Tiffany

At the hospital, Kayla updated a shocked Stephanie on Abigail's exhumation. Stephanie wondered if the lack of a body confirmed that Abigail was alive. Kayla argued that Clyde could have had Abigail's body moved in order to back up his story. Stephanie lamented how much time Abigail might have lost with her family, and she admitted she'd been thinking about her cousin because of Everett's situation. Stephanie believed Bobby had been making it impossible to reach Everett.

Kayla asked if Stephanie had talked about the situation with her Aunt Kimberly, and Stephanie confirmed that she had sought Kimberly's advice. Stephanie was frustrated by how helpless she felt. When she received a call from Marlena, though, Stephanie's demeanor brightened considerably. After she hung up, Stephanie happily told Kayla that she was going to see Everett. Kayla warned that it might not be a good idea.

Kayla clarified that Everett might need time to "reacclimate." Stephanie contended that she had not seen Everett in over a month, and she needed to see for herself that he was back. Kayla noted how much Stephanie seemed to care about Everett, and she eventually wished her daughter luck.

Bobby sorted through clothes in Everett's room and snarked about Everett's lack of wardrobe choices. He poured a drink and muttered about the "freak" fulfilling her end of the bargain. As he drank, Bobby fantasized about Jada arriving at his door and confirming that she knew that he was Bobby.

In the fantasy, Bobby apologized for deceiving Jada, but she pushed him into the room and onto the bed, where she began kissing him passionately. When he emerged from the fantasy, Bobby toasted to "my dreams coming true."

Stephanie arrived at Everett's place and knocked on the door. A towel-clad Bobby answered as "Everett." She observed his seeming surprise and lack of enthusiasm at her arrival and asked who else he had been expecting. Stephanie waited while "Everett" changed. When he emerged from the bathroom, Stephanie excitedly approached him and hugged him. He quickly broke from the hug and asked Stephanie how she had found out about his transformation from Bobby back to Everett.

Stephanie told "Everett" about Marlena's call and said she had "so much" she wanted to tell him. "Everett" relayed that he wanted to tell Stephanie something, as well. She encouraged him to go first, so he took a breath and pronounced, "We can't see each other anymore."

Bobby, as "Everett," claimed that he needed to focus on his recovery without the distraction of a relationship. He feigned tears as he told Stephanie that he believed breaking up was the best move for both of them. Stephanie was disappointed but put on a brave face and claimed to understand. She wanted Everett to prioritize himself and to find happiness. She kissed him on the cheek, wished him well, and left.

After Stephanie shut the door, Bobby wiped away his "tears" and rolled his eyes. He exhaled as a satisfied smile spread across his face.

Outside the Brady Pub, Jada and Gabi shared a joyous reunion. Jada expressed how relieved Rafe had been when Gabi had been freed, and Jada attributed the successful release to both Rafe and Stefan's relentless efforts. Gabi was glad that the police had finally identified Li's real killer, but Jada hedged and suggested the killer could still be at large. Gabi confirmed that she had heard about Bobby's claims from Rafe. She asked if Jada had learned anything from Bobby, but Jada stated that Everett's return had put a stop to her search for answers.

Gabi understood how difficult dealing with alters could be, and she filled Jada in on her previous interactions with Abigail's "Gabby" alter. Gabi did wonder how the bloody fingerprint on Gil's book could be explained if someone else had been the killer. Both Gabi and Jada agreed that they did not like the lack of clear answers. Jada said she needed to find Rafe, and Gabi informed her that Rafe was at Abigail's gravesite.

On a phone call at the gravesite, Rafe updated Paulina about the exhumation. He promised Paulina that he would be careful, since "open graves can be dangerous." Just then, Connie stalked up behind Rafe and stabbed him in the back. Rafe groaned in pain and fell to the ground. As she stood over him, Connie smirked and said, "Looks like that open grave is the least of your worries."

Rafe roused briefly and attempted to reach for his phone, to no avail. Connie assured Rafe that it was nothing personal, but she reasoned, "a deal's a deal." She flashed back to promising to take out Rafe for Bobby in exchange for Bobby's silence. Connie remarked on her good luck as she prepared to push Rafe into the open grave. "At least no one can say I didn't give you a proper burial," she cracked.

Connie grabbed a shovel and outlined her plan to cover Rafe with enough dirt to obscure him. She would then rely on the crew to fill in the rest of the grave. Connie gleefully mused how she was starting to sound like one of her true crime podcasts. When someone suddenly called out for Rafe, a panicked Connie fled. Jada came on the scene and rushed to Rafe, who still had the knife protruding from his back.

Jada frantically pleaded with Rafe to wake up and asked who could have hurt him. She fumbled with her phone and made a 9-1-1 call.

Still outside the pub, Gabi called Ava and requested a meeting to discuss reviving Gabi Chic. Connie arrived as Gabi mentioned putting a team together. She asked Gabi where she could "sign up." Gabi ended her message to Ava and turned to Connie; Gabi was seemingly unaware of who Connie was at first. Connie reminded her that they had met prior to the press conference, when Connie had expressed her relief that Gabi had been exonerated.

Connie said she had overheard Gabi talking about reviving Gabi Chic. She schmoozed Gabi, called herself a "Gabi Chic stan," and implied that she wanted a job. Gabi encouraged Connie to send in a rsum. Connie exuberantly responded that, if hired, "You won't have to worry about me stabbing you in the back."

Later, Connie arrived outside Bobby's door. He hurried her in so she would not be seen. Connie confirmed that he was still Bobby, and Bobby confirmed that he would keep quiet about Connie as long as she honored their deal. Connie confidently told Bobby that the deed was already done. When Bobby expressed skepticism, she assured him that he would never have to worry about Rafe again.

Kate stopped by the Horton house to see Chad. He asked what investment opportunity she had wanted to pitch to him. Kate noticed Chad was distracted and asked what had happened. Chad told her there'd been a "surprise" at Abigail's grave. After Chad gave Kate the details, she cautioned Chad that Clyde might be manipulating him. Chad conceded that it was a possibility, but he had to get answers because not knowing the truth had been driving him crazy.

Chad said he was in a "waiting game" while the video was being evaluated. Kate asked if she could wait with him, and Chad smiled. He wanted more information on Kate's "business proposition," since he needed a distraction. Kate hesitated, but upon Chad's encouragement, she asked him how he felt about soap operas. Kate filled Chad in on her idea to produce a soap, but Chad admitted he didn't know much about the genre.

Kate believed that despite the obstacles, she and Abe could build the audience and make a profit. Chad remembered having enjoyed working with Johnny on his ill-fated production project. After he thought it over, Chad told a pleased Kate, "Let's make some soap." Kate agreed to send Chad the paperwork and requested that Chad keep her up to date on the Abigail situation. She also reminded Chad that Abigail had come back to him once before, so perhaps another miracle was in the works.

Later, Stephanie stopped by to check in with Chad. She sympathized with him about Abigail, and Chad asked her about Everett. Stephanie remembered Everett's break-up speech from earlier and told Chad that while things with Everett hadn't worked out, she was comforted that Everett finally had control of his life again.

At Abe and Paulina's place, Abe entered the room while Paulina tried to reconnect with Rafe on the phone. Paulina was puzzled because the call had ended abruptly. She reasoned that Rafe would get back in touch if he needed her. Paulina then called a crew member and instructed the person to fill in Abigail's grave so that "some poor soul [wouldn't] fall in." When she ended the call, both she and Abe expressed disbelief at the circumstances, as well as pity for Chad.

Later, Paulina spied Abe reading about Body & Soul. She teased him, but he admitted that he had been researching the show for a business idea that Kate had pitched. Paulina was initially amused when Abe brought up potentially producing the show, as she hadn't known he had an interest in TV production. She warmed to the idea, though, and expressed her support. She reassured Abe that he had a built-in audience, and since he was such a big fan, it would be a "labor of love."

Abe expressed reservations about the workload, as the show had decades of history and "outlandish stories." He told Paulina about past tales that had involved "aliens, talking dolls, and split personalities." Paulina gushed at the prospect of being married to a "big-time TV producer" and excitedly speculated about attending the Daytime Emmys. Abe cautioned Paulina not to get ahead of herself, as he and Kate still needed to secure the rights. At Paulina's inquiry about moving to L.A., Abe assured her that they could shoot the show in Salem because of tax incentives.

Paulina wondered if the actors would be willing to leave Hollywood behind and uproot to Salem. Abe said that while he'd prefer to use the same actors, the roles could always be recast. He explained the commonplace practice to Paulina.

Paulina was happy that she and Abe wouldn't need to move, and Abe reminded her that a few weeks prior, she would have jumped at the chance to go to L.A. Paulina conceded the point, but since Chanel was staying in town, after all, Paulina wanted to be there for her daughter. Abe asserted to Paulina that he would never ask her to leave her family or her job. Paulina joked that her job could provide plenty of material for the soap, especially following the drama with E.J. Abe agreed that the goings-on in Salem were great soap inspiration.

Later, Kate arrived and announced that she had secured Chad as an investor. An excited Paulina offered to invest, as well, but Abe discouraged her, due to potential conflicts of interest with Paulina's job as mayor. Kate also informed the couple that she had arranged a meeting with the studio to discuss acquiring the rights to the show. Abe beamed at the news, and Paulina proclaimed, "You're going to bring Body & Soul back from the dead!"

Back at the hospital, Kayla and a nurse worked on Rafe, who had been placed on his side. A distraught Jada was also in the room and asked Kayla if Rafe would be okay. Kayla told Jada to step outside so the team could help Rafe.

Outside the room, Jada called someone and demanded they track down the person who had attacked Rafe. She hung up and thought back to when she had agreed to move in with Rafe. She remembered telling Rafe that he had made her believe in love again and that he was her "person." As Jada grew emotional, Gabi rushed off the elevator and asked what had happened to her brother. Gabi was shocked when Jada told her, and Gabi was at a loss as to who could have committed the crime.

Back in the room, Kayla informed the nurse that no spinal damage was apparent. Suddenly, the monitors began beeping. Kayla called to the nurse, "He's going into shock. We're losing him!"

Bobby is shocked by Connie
Bobby is shocked by Connie's actions

Bobby is shocked by Connie's actions

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

by Spalding

At the Brady Pub, Eric was fussing over baby Jude when Roman returned from Chicago. "Aren't you supposed to be in Paris?" Roman asked. "Change of plans," Eric said. Eric informed Roman that Jude was Roman's grandson. Eric explained what had happened. "Why didn't we know that Jude was your son before now?" Roman asked. "It turns out that we have her husband to thank for that," Eric grumbled. Roman was outraged.

"Don't tell me that you have already forgiven and forgotten?" Roman asked. "I won't forget. I want E.J. to pay for what he did, but at the moment, I have other priorities," Eric said. With a nod, Roman agreed that Jude was the priority. Roman told Jude that he was eager to spoil his grandson. "Since you've been reunited with your son, what about being reunited with Nicole?" Roman asked. Eric asked Roman why. Roman noted that there were no more obstacles between Nicole and Eric.

"I don't know for a fact that her marriage to E.J. is over," Eric stressed. Eric admitted that he had not spoken to Nicole much since the airport. "I can't imagine that she is ever going to forgive E.J. for what he did," Roman said. Eric agreed. Roman argued that it was inevitable for Eric and Nicole to reunite after the situation calmed down. As Eric stared thoughtfully into the distance, Roman announced that he needed to take over for his employee. Eric offered to help, but Roman refused.

"You got my grandson to look after," Roman said. Roman argued that there was plenty of time to hang out with Jude. "I don't know if I'm sticking around," Eric confessed. "What do you mean?" Roman asked. Eric explained that he still wanted to take the job in Paris. Confused, Roman asked Eric why he wanted to leave town, since he had a chance to be with Jude and Nicole. "I'm still figuring things out. I mean, this is all still so new," Eric said. Roman urged Eric to talk to Nicole about the best path forward.

As Marlena approached the DiMera mansion, her phone rang with a call from Leo. Marlena reminded Leo that he needed to make an appointment to talk to her. Leo explained that he was calling to invite Marlena to watch Drag Race with him. "I'll get back to you," Marlena said. At the Spectator office, Leo complained that he had been "too thirsty."

Nicole walked into the office and yelled at Leo for his part in Jude's switch. "You have caused our family so much pain for the last few months. And you think, what, we're just gonna be jovial co-workers? Like nothing ever happened? Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" Nicole asked. When Leo remained silent, Nicole complained that Leo did not care about anyone but himself.

"That's not true! I've been doing a lot of work on myself lately in order to give a damn about other people," Leo said. Leo explained that he had been working with Marlena to become a better person. "Does she know that you helped give birth to her grandchild and let us all believe that he was a DiMera and not her grandson at all?" Nicole asked.

"I didn't know that little Jude wasn't a DiMera. I swear. I'm being honest," Leo said. Nicole scoffed. Leo said he had believed that E.J. was the father because that was what he had been told. Nicole pointed out that Leo had taken a lot of money from Sloan for his silence. Leo admitted he had taken the money, but he had never known that Eric was Jude's biological father.

"So, you mean to tell me, all this time, you were convinced that E.J. was Jude's father?" Nicole asked. Leo said yes. "And I guess because that guy doesn't seem like much of a nurturer to me, which is putting it mildly, I think it's part of the reason why I thought Jude would be better off with Eric. Because he was obviously so in love with that little boy," Leo confessed. "His little boy. His," Nicole countered. Leo agreed, and then he gasped.

"I'm also finally realizing why E.J. paid me to keep my mouth shut," Leo added. Nicole demanded to know the details. Leo explained that in a drunken stupor, he had told E.J. that Jude was Nicole and E.J.'s baby. "I thought he would be delighted, overjoyed, even. But instead, he paid me to keep my mouth shut," Leo said. "And that didn't strike you as odd?" Nicole asked. Leo explained that when he had sobered up, he had decided to overlook the oddness because he had been desperate for E.J.'s money.

"Only now, it all makes sense. He didn't want to claim Jude as his because he knew that Jude wasn't really his. He was Eric's," Leo said. Leo apologized. "I know that I should have protected you, and I should have protected your son. I mean, I helped you give birth to that beautiful little boy, which is the proudest moment of my life, truly," Leo said. "If you really are sorry, Leo, then I think there is a way you can make it up to me," Nicole said. Leo eagerly agreed to help Nicole.

"Great. I want you to testify to all of this in court," Nicole said. Leo was hesitant to testify against the D.A. "[E.J.] broke the law. It's not enough to just divorce him. I want him locked up," Nicole argued. Nicole asked Leo again to testify to the payment. "I wish you the best, Nicole. And not just you, but you and Eric and that little boy. But I don't want any part of that," Leo said. Nicole promised to help Leo get immunity for his testimony.

"That's not why I don't want to take the stand," Leo said. Nicole asked why. "I guess I just feel like, hasn't that guy suffered enough? He lost his kid. He's losing his wife," Leo said. Nicole scoffed. "Because of his own actions," Nicole countered. Leo shrugged. "Wasn't he going to lose you both, anyway?" Leo asked. Leo explained that E.J. had likely kept quiet because he'd known the truth would strengthen Nicole's bond with Eric. "And now he's got to watch his worst nightmare come true," Leo added.

At the DiMera mansion, Marlena slapped E.J. "I suppose I deserve that," E.J. said. "You deserve that and more," Marlena yelled. Marlena reminded E.J. that he had remained silent when Eric had returned Jude to Nicole. "Even knowing that it was breaking [Eric's] heart," Marlena said. E.J. agreed that Marlena had a right to be angry with him. Marlena was taken aback.

"You're not going to give me some lame excuse?" Marlena asked. "There is no excuse for what I did. The only defense that I could come up with was that I was terrified of what would happen if the truth came out," E.J. confessed. E.J. admitted that he knew that he would lose his son and his wife. "My everything," E.J. said. "Spare me your self-pity," Marlena countered. E.J told Marlena that he had witnessed Nicole and Eric's "addiction to one another."

"Then why didn't you let her go? I mean, you can't believe that a lie of that magnitude would keep her with you," Marlena asked. E.J. admitted that he had been deluded. "I loved that life that we were creating together with Holly and my children. I just thought to myself, if I just had time, I would make her happy, and she would come to love me more than she ever loved Eric," E.J. said. Marlena smiled.

"Sometimes I forget who you are and how very much you are like your father," Marlena said. E.J. noted that Stefano had refused to give up on Marlena, even though he had known that John was Marlena's true love. "I'm not sure that it was about me, maybe just more about the desire to win," Marlena said. E.J. chuckled. "I'll admit that we DiMeras don't like to find ourselves with a losing hand," E.J. said. "So, you just try to stack the deck," Marlena countered. E.J. sighed.

"I'll admit that maybe my lying about Jude's paternity was about losing and that I've been especially terrified of losing because of the years I lost after the accident. And because I lost Samantha and the life we shared," E.J. confessed. E.J. admitted he had crossed the line in his desperation to hold onto the woman he loved. With a shrug, E.J. noted that it did not matter because he had lost everything, anyway.

"I don't feel sorry for you," Marlena said. "Just stating a fact. And as far as you're concerned, well, I've got my comeuppance, and hey, all is right in the world," E.J. said. Marlena smiled sadly. "I'm so glad the truth is out. And I'm so glad that Eric has his son. But as far as your comeuppance goes, and all is right with the world, because of the way you have hurt my family, I can only hope that your suffering has just begun," Marlena said. Marlena walked out.

After Marlena returned to the penthouse, Roman stopped by for a visit. Roman told Marlena that he had talked to Eric at the pub. "Our boy has waited for this for so long," Roman said. "[Eric] deserves to be happy," Marlena agreed. Roman asked Marlena if Eric and Nicole had a chance to work things out. "I think we have reason to be hopeful," Marlena said.

In Eric's room above the pub, Eric told Jude that he thought Roman was right about Nicole. Nicole knocked on the door then entered. Eric and Nicole smiled at one another. At the DiMera mansion, a courier delivered divorce papers to E.J. "Well, Marlena, I guess my comeuppance is coming faster than you thought," E.J. said.

In Everett's room, Connie told Bobby that she had eliminated Rafe. "When I make a promise, I keep it," Connie said. "How'd you do it?" Bobby asked with a chuckle. Connie told Bobby that she had stabbed Rafe in the back. Bobby's smile disappeared. "You stabbed the police commissioner?" Bobby stammered. Connie asked Bobby if he would have preferred poison or a gun.

"I didn't want him murdered at all!" Bobby yelled. "Well, you said you wanted me to get him out of the picture. How else was I going to do that?" Connie asked. Bobby appeared horrified. With a shake of his head, Bobby admitted that he should not have been surprised that Connie would have stabbed Rafe like she had stabbed Li Shin. "That was completely different!" Connie objected. Connie argued that she had not wanted to hurt Li, but Gabi and Melinda had forced the issue. Bobby shook his head in disbelief.

"If [Gabi and Melinda] hadn't hurt him, his heart would have been open, and he and I could have been together," Connie said. Connie smiled as she talked about Li's attributes. "Snap out of it!" Bobby screamed. Connie asked Bobby if he still planned to keep her secret. "There's gonna be a murder investigation. You know that, right?" Bobby said. "I never said that Rafe was dead," Connie clarified. Confused, Bobby asked Connie to explain.

"I don't know if [Rafe] survived," Connie admitted. Connie explained that she had planned to dump Rafe in an open grave, but she had been interrupted by someone. "They didn't see me. I got the hell out of there as soon as possible," Connie said. "You're sure?" Bobby asked. Connie said yes. Connie told Bobby that she doubted Rafe would have survived his injury. "This is not what I wanted," Bobby growled. Confused, Connie asked Bobby what he had wanted.

"Poor Detective Hunter is going to be devastated, and she's going to need someone to console her. And you'll be there to pick up the pieces. How is that not what you wanted?" Connie asked. Bobby reminded Connie that he could not console Jada because he was pretending to be Everett. "That doesn't change our deal. I did what you asked. I cleared the way for you to get back together with your ex-wife," Connie said. Bobby laughed ruefully.

"By stabbing the police commissioner in the back," Bobby said. "For you, Bobby! So, whether you're calling yourself Everett or Dr. Jekyll or whoever the hell else you've got in there, I need to know that you're not going to tell anyone that you saw me in the park the night of Li's death," Connie demanded. Bobby swore not to tell anyone. Bobby added that Connie could never be seen with him.

As Connie exited Everett's room, Leo walked by. "Excuse me, aren't you Lady Whistleblower?" Connie asked. Leo smiled, then he asked if he had written anything bad about Connie. "Not at all. I love your column. I read it every day. People in this town are bat poop crazy, huh?" Connie said. Leo agreed. "It's always nice to meet a fan. Are you a friend of Everett's?" Leo asked as he nodded at the door. "Everett?" Connie said. Leo noted that Connie had exited Everett's room. Connie stammered that she and Everett "go way back." Connie said goodbye and hurriedly ran off.

At the hospital, Jada was in the waiting area when Gabi arrived. "Where's my brother?" Gabi asked. "They're working on him now," Jada said. Jada explained that someone had stabbed Rafe in the back. "Who could have done this?" Gabi yelled. Jada told Gabi that she had found Rafe in the cemetery, but she had not seen who had stabbed him.

"How bad is it?" Gabi asked. "[Kayla] made me leave the room," Jada admitted. Kayla walked over, and Gabi asked for an update. Kayla explained that the knife had pierced Rafe's lung and that he was in surgery to repair the damage. "I will come find you as soon as I know something," Kayla assured the two women.

Jada and Gabi grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down to wait for news. "None of this makes any sense. I was just with Rafe at the pub," Gabi said. "I know. You're the one who told me he was going to the cemetery. Good thing you did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found him there," Jada said. Jada explained that when she had arrived, Rafe had been alone with a knife in his back.

"Just like Li," Gabi whispered. Gabi asked Jada if there could be a connection between Rafe's stabbing and Li's murder. "But the assailant is dead," Jada noted. Gabi reminded Jada that Bobby had claimed that the real killer was still on the loose. "But that might have been a ploy to keep me close, to keep me wondering, just a reason for me to keep going back to visit him," Jada said. "What if it's true? And what if the person that stabbed Li is the same exact person that stabbed Rafe?" Gabi asked. Gabi argued that the situation did not feel like a coincidence. Gabi asked about the knife.

"I haven't had any time to even have the team come to process the trauma room yet," Jada said. "Then [the knife] must still be here. With any luck, you can prove who did this to my brother," Gabi said. Jada went to the trauma room, and she hesitated before she entered. The bloody knife was on the counter. Jada donned latex gloves, and she bagged the knife as evidence. Jada put the knife in her purse, and then she walked around the room. With tears in her eyes, Jada picked up Rafe's bloody shirt, and she cried into it.

When Gabi returned from the chapel, Jada was back in the waiting area. "Did you find the knife?" Gabi asked. Jada confirmed that she had sent the knife to the crime lab for examination. "Hopefully, they'll be able to find something that points to who did this to your brother," Jada said.

When Kayla exited surgery, she informed Jada and Gabi that Rafe had a pulmonary embolism -- a blood clot in his lung. "The surgeons have worked to remove it, but I'm afraid he has slipped into a coma," Kayla said. Gabi and Jada gasped. "I need to get back to him, but pray for him, okay?" Kayla said. With a nod, Kayla walked away. Jada and Gabi hugged as they cried together.

E.J. disrupts Nicole and Eric
E.J. disrupts Nicole and Eric's reunion

E.J. disrupts Nicole and Eric's reunion

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

by Tiffany

In Horton Town Square, Chanel hung the "Open" sign and a "Help Wanted" sign at Sweet Bits. Johnny called her and offered his help, but she assured him she would be fine. Theresa's arrival ended the call prematurely. Theresa apologized for the intrusion and explained that she needed Chanel's assistance. Theresa wanted an emergency wedding cake for that night.

Chanel agreed to the request, to Theresa's delight. They chatted about cake details, and Chanel left to get started on the preparations. Sophia walked by and caught Theresa's attention. Sophia wanted to speak with Theresa about Holly and Tate.

Theresa apologized to Sophia on Tate's behalf. Sophia said she blamed Holly, since Holly had been her friend. Theresa ranted about her hate for Holly and told Sophia that Holly and Tate would be spending the summer apart. Sophia flashed back to being in the park and overhearing Tate and Holly's secret plans. Sophia said that she had something to tell Theresa.

Before Sophia could expose Tate and Holly, Chanel returned with an update on the wedding cake. After Chanel went back inside the bakery, Sophia asked if Theresa was getting married. Theresa confirmed that her wedding was that day, but she wanted to know what Sophia had to say about Holly and Tate. Sophia claimed it wasn't important. She told Theresa to focus on her big day and left a puzzled Theresa behind.

Holly arrived at the Horton cabin and went inside. To her amusement, she discovered Tate rocking out to music while reading a book. Tate was startled but happy to see Holly. After Holly gave him a bag containing his burger "fix," he hugged her and joked that he'd missed her more than the burger. Later, the teens shared food and talked up the benefits of staying at the cabin.

Tate thanked Holly for saving him from "the worst summer of my life," and Holly agreed the summer would be perfect as long as their parents never found out. Holly updated Tate on the latest happenings with Jude, and he expressed his sympathy for what her family had been going through. Holly was happy for Eric and optimistic the developments might bring her mom and Eric closer, but she was also grateful to be away from the drama. Selfishly, she believed the timing worked in her and Tate's favor, since her mom was distracted. Holly wondered what she and Tate should do with their alone time.

Tate got slightly flustered and suggested a board game. He picked out The Game of Life, which Holly had played with Maggie as a child. Holly easily beat Tate at both the board game and a trivia game and boasted about her "competitive streak" she had gotten from her grandma.

Things got a bit awkward when Holly attributed her expansive movie trivia knowledge to her previous crush on Johnny. Tate assured Holly that he already knew about the crush, since Johnny had been all Holly had talked about when Tate and Holly had first met. Holly brushed off her feelings for Johnny as a "stupid fantasy," unlike what she shared with Tate. She kissed Tate.

A sudden knock at the door interrupted Tate and Holly's moment. They panicked about who could be outside. On the other side of the door, Sophia proclaimed, "You're so busted."

Brady dropped by the Kiriakis mansion to check on Maggie. Alex greeted Brady and informed him that Maggie would have something positive to celebrate that night. In addition to Xander and Sarah's wedding, Alex and Theresa would be getting married, as well. Brady was shocked that the nuptials were happening so soon, and he also expressed confusion since Alex and Xander hated each other. Alex said Bonnie and Maggie had brought the couples together and helped them work things out.

Alex suggested that if Brady felt uncomfortable, he should not attend the wedding. Brady surprised Alex by taking him up on the suggestion. Brady apologized for insinuating that Theresa would only marry Alex for his money. He listed Alex's positive attributes, and Alex thanked him for the "ego boost." Alex believed Brady should attend the wedding, after all, unless Brady had another reason for being "uncomfortable."

Brady claimed that Theresa might have an issue with him being at the wedding. Alex argued that both Brady and Theresa had moved on, which prompted Brady to think back to his previous romantic encounter with Theresa. He told Alex he had changed his mind. "We're family," he declared. After Brady stated that he'd "love" to be at the wedding, Alex hugged him.

A pained expression crossed Brady's face during the hug, and he unenthusiastically muttered, "Great." Later, Theresa returned to the mansion. She was happy to hear that Brady would be at the wedding and assured Brady that he was welcome there. Alex hoped that the event would bring the family closer together.

Alex excused himself to get ready, and Brady offered awkward congratulations to Theresa. He complimented her "huge heart" and called Alex "a lucky guy." Theresa said she regretted things not having worked out between her and Brady. She suddenly exclaimed that she had forgotten about Tate. Theresa insisted to Brady that she could not get married without her son's presence.

Johnny found E.J. drinking heavily in the DiMera main room. When Johnny asked what papers E.J. had been mulling over, E.J. informed his son that the documents were divorce papers from Nicole. Johnny believed E.J. shouldn't be surprised, and E.J. admitted that the divorce had been "inevitable." E.J. assumed that Johnny was upset with him, as well.

Johnny conceded that in addition to feeling bad for Nicole and his Uncle Eric, he had been looking forward to having a brother and to him and E.J. raising their new babies at the same time. E.J. expressed remorse for hurting Johnny, but Johnny wondered if E.J. felt the same regret for hurting Eric. E.J. rolled his eyes at the mention of Eric and said he would not justify his actions. Johnny shot back that E.J. had no justification. Johnny knew how E.J. had felt when E.J. had expressed disappointment in him during Johnny's childhood.

Johnny backed off and acknowledged that E.J. had lost a great deal. He affirmed that he would always be there for his father, just as E.J. had always supported him. E.J. thanked Johnny and apologized for his initial lack of support for Chanel's pregnancy. He asked Johnny if the couple was still considering moving out. Johnny admitted that he and Chanel hadn't discussed it.

E.J. offered Johnny and Chanel residence at the mansion for as long as they wanted. "In fact, it would mean a great deal to me," he added. Johnny promised his father that he would remain a part of E.J.'s life, no matter where Johnny and Chanel lived. When Johnny mentioned going to see Chanel, E.J. bemoaned his lack of success at being a good husband. Johnny believed E.J. hadn't found the right person yet.

Johnny comforted E.J. and encouraged him to sign the divorce papers before departing. E.J. gave the papers a lingering look after Johnny left.

Later, Chanel was happy and touched when Johnny arrived at the bakery. She gifted him a kiss. Chanel wanted Johnny to follow his dreams with directing, even if it meant them moving to L.A., after all. Johnny insisted he was staying put, which he felt would be beneficial to his father, since E.J. was "lonely." Johnny updated Chanel on the divorce and expressed his hope that E.J. could move forward.

At Eric's place, Nicole arrived to pick up Jude. Eric happily informed her that Jude had slept through the night. Having his son back with him had felt like a dream. Nicole fussed over Jude as she and Eric shared a smile. He asked Nicole how she had been doing.

Nicole said she needed to find a new place to live. Eric wondered how Holly had taken the news about Eric being Jude's father, and Nicole affirmed that Holly was happy for Eric but still mad at Nicole. Eric reassured Nicole that Holly still loved her. He was taken aback when Nicole mentioned divorcing E.J. When Eric suggested that Nicole might need more time, she contended that Eric hadn't wasted any time in divorcing Sloan.

Nicole equated Sloan's wrongdoing with E.J.'s wrongdoing, and she needed to ensure her son didn't experience any more upheaval. Nicole mentioned a custody arrangement for Jude and inquired about Eric's plans for Paris. Nicole understood if Eric needed to get away, but Eric said his initial reason for leaving had been Jude. He believed he could start over in Salem with Jude...and with Nicole. Nicole was elated that Eric was going to remain in town.

Eric confided that he'd also wanted to leave to put some distance between himself and Nicole. She knew what he meant, since they had never seemed to "get it right" when they had been together. Nicole thought E.J. had sensed her and Eric's continued connection, and that was why he had gone to such extremes. Eric asked if Nicole had also been aware of her lingering feelings. "In my heart of hearts," she confessed.

Nicole admitted that she would have left E.J. if she had known the truth sooner. In return, Eric admitted that he had always wished that he and Nicole could be a family with Jude. As they moved in for a kiss, someone knocked at the door. It was E.J., and he glared at the couple. E.J. snarked that he'd known where he would find Nicole.

Nicole demanded to know what E.J. wanted. He handed her the divorce papers, and she noted that he hadn't signed them. "Nor do I plan to," he replied. E.J. vowed that if Nicole and Eric thought he was going to let them "go wandering off into the sunset," they were "sadly mistaken."

Bonnie drops a bombshell on Sarah
Bonnie drops a bombshell on Sarah

Bonnie drops a bombshell on Sarah

Thursday, July 18, 2024

by Hope Campbell

Leo sat in his Salem Inn room, experiencing writer's block. He was surprised when Bonnie arrived, ready to give him "the story of the century." Leo was suddenly all ears, but he was quickly disappointed that she just wanted to talk about the double wedding. Bonnie reminded him that double weddings could be fascinating -- like the one in 2022 when he'd nearly married Craig Wesley.

Bonnie assured Leo that the wedding would also have fireworks. After all, one of the brides was a gold-digger and was only marrying the groom because he was the heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Leo was confused when Bonnie begged him not to put the rumors of Theresa's motives in his column, but he agreed to behave. He admitted that he liked Theresa because she reminded him of his former bestie, Gwen.

Leo's ears soon perked up when Bonnie mentioned that there might be a surprise guest. He was shocked when Bonnie told him who it was. "Xander's mother? I didn't even know he had a mother," Leo said. He was further intrigued when Bonnie mentioned that Xander and his mom had been estranged for years because she had a drinking problem.

Sarah arrived at home and found a shirtless Xander doing pushups on the living room floor. He was preparing for their big event that night -- their wedding. Sarah realized she had a ton of things to do before the ceremony. Xander wasn't thrilled about a double wedding, but Sarah reminded him it was too late to back out. Xander just wanted to make sure Alex the heir picked up the tab for everything. Xander admitted that he no longer aimed to be filthy rich. "I just want to make a good, honest living so my wife and my daughter can be proud of me," Xander said.

Sarah and Xander ended up having sex on the couch, recalling their other weddings that had never really happened. They then prepared for the big night by going over the guest list. Xander noticed his mother had never sent an RSVP. Sarah assumed that his mother had moved and that Sarah had the wrong address, but Xander thought his mother just didn't care. Sarah apologized for even suggesting inviting her.

Theresa soon arrived with her gown so she and Sarah could get ready together. When Xander left the ladies alone, Theresa thanked Sarah for letting her and Alex "crash" their wedding to turn it into a double wedding, but Sarah had no problem with it. Bonnie arrived next to help them become beautiful blushing brides. Bonnie also stunned Sarah when she mentioned that Sarah had thrown the invitation to Xander's mom in the trash. Sarah denied doing that, and Theresa tried to play innocent.

As Alex readied for the wedding, Justin stopped by his room to talk. Alex didn't want to hear any more bad talk about Theresa, but that was not why Justin was there. Justin wanted to perform Theresa and Alex's wedding ceremony. Since Maggie would be officiating Sarah and Xander's wedding, he thought he could take care of Alex and Theresa. He admitted that he was hesitant about Theresa, but he wanted to be supportive of Alex.

Alex was suspicious and thought Justin was trying to trick Alex, just as he had with Konstantin and Maggie. Justin was offended by the accusation, so Alex apologized. Justin assured Alex that he had no ulterior motives. Finally, Alex agreed to let Justin officiate as long as Theresa was okay with it.

Before Theresa ended up at Sarah's, Brady questioned her about why she suddenly wanted Tate at her wedding when he was already in lacrosse camp in New York. Theresa was ready to send the Titan jet to get him, but Brady worried that was too extravagant. As Theresa dialed to tell Tate the plane would be there soon, Brady grabbed the phone. He didn't even think Tate cared about the wedding and pointed out that they were on a time crunch, anyway.

After Brady got Theresa to drop the Tate subject, they reminisced about their own quickie wedding in Vegas years earlier. They also remembered when they had said vows to one another in their bedroom before their almost-wedding when Theresa had left Brady standing at the altar. "We are always good for a while, but we can't seem to make it last," Theresa lamented.

Brady admitted that he was the cause of a lot of his and Theresa's problems. "I was stubborn and unforgiving," he said, and Theresa agreed. She was touched when Brady told her he was rooting for her and Alex to have a happy marriage. Theresa told Brady she had something to confess, but before she got a chance, Alex walked in and planted a kiss on his fiance.

After Brady left, Alex asked Theresa if she was fine with Justin officiating the wedding. She said she had no problem with it. Alex promised to be the best husband he could be. Justin was happy when Alex told him the news, but then they argued about Victor. Justin had no idea how Alex could keep defending a man who had lied to them for decades.

Brady and Theresa remained unaware that Tate was not at camp at all but was instead at the Horton cabin with Holly. They were kissing when Sophia suddenly knocked on the door. Holly let Sophia in and wondered how she had even found them. Sophia explained that she had overheard their plans to trick their parents while Holly and Tate had plotted in the park on the Fourth of July.

Sophia taunted Holly and Tate for a bit, implying that she would tell Brady and Theresa exactly what Holly and Tate were up to. Holly wanted to make sure they were still best friends, but Sophia practically laughed in her face and said "the BFF deal" had ended on prom night. Sophia admitted that the only reason she hadn't told Theresa about Tate's lies was because Theresa was getting married that night.

When Tate heard the news about his mother's wedding, he was shocked. He'd known his mother had gotten engaged, but he'd had no idea when the wedding was. Sophia hadn't wanted to ruin Theresa's day but threatened to tell Tate and Holly's parents the truth. Holly asked if Sophia really wanted to hurt them so badly. "Well, yeah, that's why I ratted you out the first time," Sophia said.

Holly and Tate were confused until they realized Sophia was the one who had led Theresa to their Salem Inn room on prom night. Sophia explained how humiliated she had been to know Tate hadn't really wanted to be with her. Tate apologized to her and said he'd thought she would end up with Aaron and that everyone would be happy. Holly begged Sophia to keep their secret, so Sophia offered to let Holly have her job at the Bistro -- as long as Sophia collected the pay. Holly reluctantly agreed to do it.

The double wedding has a shaky start
The double wedding has a shaky start

The double wedding has a shaky start

Friday, July 19, 2024

by Spalding

Brady returned to the penthouse. "You and Theresa, you were never good for each other," Brady said. Brady thought about his steamy night with Theresa before her reconciliation with Alex. "How am I going to get through this wedding?" Brady said. Brady glanced over at the liquor cabinet. Brady pulled out a bottle of vodka.

"What you up to there, bro?" Paul said. Brady glanced over, and a tuxedo-clad Paul was standing in the front doorway. Brady smiled and hugged his brother. "I had no idea you would be in town," Brady said. "Well, my boyfriend's sister is getting married, and Dad always says you have to show up for family when you can," Paul said. Paul glanced over at the vodka, and he asked if Brady was "off the wagon."

"No. But I was thinking about it," Brady confessed. "Is it because Theresa is marrying someone else?" Paul asked. Brady stressed that things were over between him and Theresa. Paul asked about Tate. Brady explained that Tate was at lacrosse camp and that Theresa was upset that Tate could not attend her wedding. "I still don't understand why there was such a rush," Brady said. Paul hinted that Theresa was after Alex's money, and Brady agreed that he had thought about that.

"But [Theresa] did agree to sign a prenup," Brady noted. "Oh! So maybe not. If, big if, Theresa still has feelings for someone other than the very wealthy guy she's about to marry," Paul started. Brady shook his head. "Theresa and I are over. We've been over for a long time," Brady said. Unconvinced, Paul said he got the impression that there were residual feelings left between Brady and Theresa.

"I never thought that I would feel that Theresa was the one that got away," Brady said. Paul advised Brady not to attend the wedding if it was too difficult, but Brady insisted that he attend. Paul glanced at the vodka, and Brady noted that it had been a weak moment. "I don't need it," Brady said. Brady said he was glad to see Paul.

In the Kiriakis living room, Alex berated Justin for having bad-mouthed Victor. "What he did was indefensible. And I for one don't know how you can stand there, waxing sentimental about him!" Justin yelled. "Because he was my father," Alex said. "So was I, damn it!" Justin countered. Alex blinked. "But you're not anymore. And it's about time you accept that," Alex said. Justin reminded Alex that Alex had promised that they would always be father and son.

"I didn't mean to lash out like that," Alex said. Justin asked Alex what he had meant. "I think it's time for you to get over your anger at Victor," Alex explained. Alex reminded Justin that they did not know why Victor had kept the secret. "I'm sure he had his reasons," Alex said. Justin asked for one, but Alex refused to answer.

"A man that I considered my second father has pitted us against each other, and he's doing it from his grave!" Justin yelled. With a shake of his head, Alex asked if Justin saw him as the enemy. "If that's what you think, Justin, you thinking it's all his doing, then you probably shouldn't be officiating my damn wedding ceremony tonight," Alex argued. Justin agreed. Sonny walked in.

"I come at a bad time?" Sonny asked. Alex shook his head no. "I just didn't think you'd be able to make it," Alex said. "Are you kidding me? You're my brother. Or cousin. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Although I'll always see you as my brother, no matter what," Sonny said. Alex said he felt the same way. With a nod, Alex left to get ready.

"I'm not sure what I just walked in on," Sonny said. "Don't worry about it," Justin whispered. Sonny asked if Justin was okay. Justin said no. "I'm so grateful you're here, because I'll be honest, I'm having a hard time," Justin confessed. Sonny admitted he felt the same way about the situation with Victor.

"I mourned him. I missed him, but I will never forgive him for this," Justin said. "I won't, either," Sonny agreed. Justin noted that Alex had forgiven Victor -- and it felt like a slap in the face. With a sigh, Justin fished out Anjelica's letter from his pocket, and he confessed that he had read it repeatedly because he could not believe it. "I'll always be your son, no matter what. I love you," Sonny said. As Sonny and Justin hugged, Alex returned to the room. Justin attempted to leave, but Alex stopped him.

"I thought about what I said earlier, and I am truly sorry. If I'm being honest with you, I would be grateful to have you marry Theresa and me today, if you're willing," Alex said. With a nod, Justin said, "It would be my honor."

The town square was decorated and ready for the double wedding when Xander arrived. As Xander stared at the scene, Jack approached. "Nice night for a wedding," Jack said. "Jack! I didn't know you were back in town," Xander said. Jack explained that Abigail's body was missing from her grave. "It seems my daughter may be alive," Jack said. Shocked, Xander asked how that was possible.

"It's complicated. I don't want to talk about it," Jack said. Xander said he understood. "Well, I pray that it's true," Xander said. Jack noted that Abigail had never had a chance to realize her full potential as a mother or as the head of the newspaper. "That was her birthright and legacy. You know the one I mean. The one you stole from us," Jack grumbled. Xander started to respond, but Jack cut him off.

"I do hope that this double wedding goes better for you than your last," Jack said. Jack made repeated jabs about Xander's theft of the paper, and he cut off Xander every time Xander attempted to respond. Jack admitted that he still read the Spectator. "Jack, wait," Xander said. Xander asked Jack to take back his half of the paper.

"I was angry, I was desperate and leaning into my worst impulses. And I regret it now, profoundly," Xander explained. Xander added that Jack had ended up better off than him. "How's that?" Jack asked. "You got the paper, but I lost my best friend. Maybe the only one I've ever had," Xander said. Xander argued that the paper belonged to Jack's family.

"What will you do for money?" Jack asked. "I'll figure something out," Xander said. Xander noted that Sarah's income would provide for the family. "But I don't want the Spectator anymore. I mean it," Xander said. Xander informed Jack that he would have Justin send Jack the paperwork. "I'll keep an eye on the mail," Jack said with a small smile. Jack sent his love to Sarah. "What exactly did she see in you?" Jack asked. Xander agreed that it was a mystery. "Well, you got a good one. Earn it," Jack said.

Xander walked into the Salem Inn, and he went up to Leo's room to dress for the wedding. "Anything for the boss," Leo said. "Well, I'm not really your boss anymore. You know, I just gave my half of the Spectator back to Jack," Xander said. Xander blamed an attack of his conscience. "What about having an attack of looking after me?" Leo yelped. Jack assured Leo that he would keep his job. "I'll be downstairs, where I'll be covering the wedding for my ex-boss," Leo said as he walked out.

When Maggie arrived at Xander and Sarah's apartment with the bouquets, Sarah, Bonnie, and Theresa were staring silently at one another. "Is everything okay?" Maggie asked. "Yeah. We're trying to solve a mystery. When the wedding invitations went out, Xander's mother's ended up in a trash can," Sarah said. With a shrug, Bonnie said she had assumed that Sarah had thrown out the invitation. Sarah stressed that she had not tossed it.

"Well, then, who did?" Bonnie asked. Bonnie noted that she had knocked over the trash can, and she had seen the invitation in the mess. Theresa thought about when she had stolen the invitation to throw it away. "I just assumed that Theresa got into Sarah's head," Bonnie said. "Theresa?" Maggie asked. Bonnie explained that Theresa had vocally advocated for Sarah not to invite Xander's mother to the wedding.

"That's right. She did go on and on about it. And I didn't change my mind," Sarah said as she turned her gaze on Theresa. "Well, if you didn't do it, then who did?" Maggie asked. Bonnie looked at Theresa, and Theresa confessed that she had thrown out the invitation. "How could you do such a thing?" Bonnie asked. Theresa explained that she had been concerned that Xander's drunken mother would ruin the wedding.

"Or she's sober now and would have loved to see her son and meet her granddaughter. I can't believe you did that, Theresa. It's really awful. It's appalling, actually," Sarah said. "It is. I'm really sorry," Theresa said. With a smirk, Bonnie noted that there was no harm done. "Because I mailed the invitation myself," Bonnie said. Bonnie noted that it had not been her place to send the invitation.

"But I figured Sarah would thank me later," Bonnie said. "And I do thank you, Bonnie. It was very kind of you," Sarah said. Sarah lamented that Xander's mother had not responded to the invitation. Theresa apologized, and she suggested that it might have been for the best. "I don't see it that way. And you should be sorry, Theresa," Sarah said. Victoria started crying. Maggie went to check on the baby while Bonnie escorted Sarah into the bedroom to dress for the wedding. "That woman better not show up, or I am screwed," Theresa muttered.

At the Brady Pub, Roman talked to his sister Kim on the phone about Theresa's wedding. "You'll be missed," Roman said. Roman stressed that he would be there to represent the Brady family. Andrew walked up behind Roman. "Let's make it two, just so we're covered," Andrew said. Roman promised to give Kim's love to Andrew. After Roman ended the call, he hugged Andrew.

"Theresa will be thrilled you came," Roman said. "I hope so," Andrew said hesitantly. Concerned, Roman asked Andrew why Theresa would not be happy to see her brother. Andrew thought about when he had confronted Theresa about her part in the kidnapping of Victoria. Andrew shook off the memory, and he admitted that his visit was a surprise.

"Andrew!" Stephanie squealed as she entered the pub. "Theresa is going to be so happy to see her big brother. She always worshiped you, you know," Stephanie said. Andrew said he was eager to catch up with the family, but Stephanie explained that her parents could not attend the wedding. Roman added that Kate would be absent because she was in L.A. on business.

While Roman returned to work, Stephanie worried aloud about Brady's emotional state over Theresa's wedding. "I'm sure Brady's fine," Andrew said. Andrew asked Stephanie how she felt about Alex's wedding. Stephanie stressed that things were over with Alex, and she was happy for him and Theresa. Andrew asked Stephanie about her love life. Stephanie admitted that her most recent relationship had ended.

"It wasn't meant to be," Stephanie said. With a chuckle, Stephanie noted that it was funny that she had been serial dating when "wild child" Theresa was settling down. "She's settled down a few times. Let's just hope this one sticks," Andrew said. "You must be happy she turned over a new leaf," Stephanie said. Andrew nodded.

After Theresa dressed in her gown in Sarah's living room, there was a knock at the door. Theresa was shocked to see Andrew. "I can't believe it!" Theresa shrieked as she hugged her brother. "You look gorgeous," Andrew said. Andrew noticed Victoria napping, and Theresa noted that she was watching Victoria nap while Sarah dressed.

"Oh! The kid you kidnapped. Ironic," Andrew said. Theresa slapped Andrew's arm and told him to shut up. Andrew reassured Theresa that he had not told anyone about her actions. "I'm assuming that you've been staying on the straight and narrow like you promised," Andrew said. Theresa said yes. With a smirk, Andrew noted that Theresa had misjudged Konstantin. "He could have killed you, you know," Andrew said. Theresa admitted that she had been terrified.

"Thank you for covering for me," Theresa said. "Yeah, I still don't feel great about it," Andrew admitted. Andrew informed Theresa that Sarah had reached out to him to ask about leads on the case. "I hated not being able to tell her --" Andrew started. "Not being able to tell me what?" Sarah said as she exited the bedroom with Maggie. Andrew said he was sorry he had not been able to provide any leads.

"The trail's gone cold," Andrew said. Andrew explained that the ISA believed that Konstantin had hired a local thug who would not cause trouble, since Konstantin was dead. Sarah admitted that it was disconcerting that the accomplice was still out there. In an effort to change the subject, Theresa asked Andrew if he could walk her down the aisle.

"I must say, I'm so glad that the two of you are going to be sharing the stage tonight. I mean, you've both grown up so beautifully, and you make me so proud. I love you. And I'm beyond thrilled for you both," Maggie said to Sarah and Theresa.

In the square, guests started to arrive for the wedding. Sonny groaned when Leo said hello. Leo noted that Will was related to both brides, and he asked if Will's absence was a sign of a troubled marriage. "Does that question earn you a punch in the nose?" Sonny countered. Leo mocked astonishment. Paul walked over. "Oh. Here is another of your exes. Hey, you two made such a better couple," Leo said. Leo advised Sonny to get back together with Paul.

"Is that a fact?" Andrew asked as he walked over. Andrew kissed Paul, and Leo smirked. "Sorry, Sonny. I tried," Leo said as he walked away. Across the square, Stephanie congratulated Alex. Nearby, Maggie informed Brady that Victoria had fallen asleep before she could act as a flower girl. Maggie reminded Brady that she was there for him if he needed anything.

Justin arrived with Bonnie, and he confided to her that Alex had almost fired him as an officiant. "Alex and I, I guess we're just destined to be a work in progress," Justin said. "Oh, honey. I hope one day Alex realizes how lucky he is to have a father like you in his life," Bonnie said.

Maggie announced the start of the wedding, and the two grooms took their places at the front. "The heir and the spare," Xander joked to Alex. "That's a cute skirt. You ready to do this?" Alex asked. Xander frowned. "Share the spotlight with Victor's billionaire bastard? Can't wait," Xander said.

After the guests took their seats, Andrew escorted Theresa down the aisle. Next, Maggie escorted Sarah down the aisle. "Who's getting married first?" Bonnie said. The couples paused the wedding to discuss the matter off to the side. Theresa suggested that Xander and Sarah go first, since it had originally been their wedding plans. "Maybe that's why they should go second, because you're like the opening act to their star attraction," Bonnie countered. Sarah noted that it did not matter to her. Bonnie announced that Alex and Theresa would go first.

The wedding resumed, and Alex and Theresa stood before Justin first as Xander and Sarah took a seat in the front. When Justin asked if there were any objections, Brady and Theresa shared a look, but they said nothing. Justin moved on to the vows. Alex talked about how he had changed his ways after several changes in his life.

"The biggest one of all was realizing that I was Victor Kiriakis' son. That turned my world upside down, to put it mildly. Theresa, I would never have made it through that if it weren't for you," Alex said. Alex noted that Theresa had helped him accept his identity. Theresa cast her eyes down as her eyes filled with tears.

"I just have one thing I want to say to you. And it is I just want to make you happy, and I will, Alex. Because you deserve that," Theresa said. Alex and Theresa recited their formal vows and exchanged rings as Brady looked on. Justin pronounced Alex and Theresa as husband and wife. Overwhelmed, Brady walked away. Paul chased after Brady, but Brady assured Paul that he was going to a meeting. "I'm fine. Please stay," Brady said. Andrew saw Leo watching, and he ordered Leo not to print that encounter between Brady and Paul.

Xander and Sarah took their place at the front with Maggie as the officiant. "I'm blessed to have known Xander for many years and watched him come into his own and be changed by my daughter's love. It gives me great joy to see them walk through the fire and emerge stronger, with a beloved daughter, my granddaughter, who is named after my beloved husband who we lost recently. I know that Victor, he would be very happy that his family has come together in this way tonight. So, if there is anyone here who knows any reason why these two should not be joined in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," Maggie said.

At the back of the square, a woman in a gold dress appeared. "I'm so sorry I'm late," the woman said. Xander gaped. "Mum?" Xander said. Leo's eyes went wide.

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Edited by SC Desk