Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 29, 2024 on DAYS

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Leo told E.J. that Jude was E.J.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 29, 2024 on DAYS

Tripp and Wendy left for Hong Kong. Theresa was devastated to learn about Alex's night with Kristen. Chanel learned she was pregnant. Paulina worried about Chad's story on her. Maggie announced her engagement. Everett lied to Stephanie about why his therapy had ended. Dimitri dumped Leo. The Pawn stole Maggie's prenup on Konstantin's orders. Holly dealt with anxiety. Sloan lied to Eric about Leo's blackmail. Leo told E.J. that Jude was E.J.'s son. Sloan confirmed to E.J. that Jude was Eric and Nicole's baby.

Konstantin activates the Pawn
Konstantin activates the Pawn

Konstantin activates the Pawn

Monday, April 29, 2024

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by Tiffany

At Theresa and Alex's apartment, Theresa called to Alex through a closed door as she began to disrobe. She seductively talked about satisfying his "big appetite" with a "special breakfast." When he didn't respond, she said she'd be his alarm clock and opened the door to find an empty room. Confused, she sent Alex a text and asked if he had left for work early.

Theresa tied her robe and answered a banging on the door. She was irritated to find Konstantin on the other side. Konstantin barged in and immediately launched into a tirade about Maggie making him sign a prenup. "Smart cookie," an amused Theresa cracked. Konstantin raged that he had not come as far as he had to lose everything. He demanded Theresa's help.

An incredulous Theresa asked what Konstantin expected her to do. When she sarcastically suggested making the prenup go "poof," Konstantin affirmed that was exactly what he had in mind. Theresa mocked Konstantin's plan to have her break into the safe and reminded him she wasn't "Catwoman." She also reminded Konstantin that Maggie likely had a digital copy of the agreement.

Konstantin insisted he had signed the only copy and had witnessed Maggie place it in the safe. Konstantin warned Theresa of all she had to lose -- including the money, Alex, Brady, and the respect of her son -- if she did not help him. He then stormed out, leaving a worried Theresa behind.

Kristen and Alex continued to enjoy each other's company in the bedroom. After they finished, they remembered how they had spent the night actively engaged in various locations. Kristen had found the two rounds in the clawfoot tub especially challenging.

Alex made a move to get out of bed after Kristen mentioned Rachel coming in soon, but Kristen reminded him that Rachel catching them "cuddling" had been the plan. Alex smiled and moved in on Kristen again, agreeing they would have no trouble making their "passionate affair" real.

Later, Alex showed off the shiny red and black robe he'd put on for Kristen. She called it sexy, and he joked about wanting a velvet smoking jacket instead. Kristen believed that when Rachel saw Alex in "Mommy's robe," the girl would tell Brady all about it. Alex and Kristen shared coffee and kisses as they marveled at how they had both believed that Brady and Theresa, respectively, had been the only ones for them. They had enjoyed "the slight detour" of the night before and began another round.

Afterward, Kristen called Brady to find out why he hadn't arrived. Brady informed Kristen that he already had Rachel, and they were having breakfast at the pub. Kristen insisted Brady had to return because she had not signed Rachel's field trip permission slip. Brady was surprised because he had the signed slip, and he asked Rachel about it. The girl confessed that she had forged Kristen's signature.

When she hung up, Kristen realized her plan had been foiled. After she told Alex about her "little rascal," he called Rachel a "chip off the old block." Kristen concurred and lamented that they had missed their opportunity. Alex lightly wondered if the "cuddling" had been for nothing. Kristen gave a sultry smile and suggested they continue their "fantastic, life-altering, exciting time" together. Alex readily complied and carried Kristen to the bed.

After Alex left, Kristen reclined in bed as she left a message for him on his phone. She reminisced about his "gorgeous body" and his ability to "take control." While it hadn't gone as hoped, she believed Alex agreed it had gone "a whole lot better." She ended the message by suggestively telling Alex she wanted to see him "again and again and again and again."

Alex returned to the apartment and found Theresa waiting for him. She testily remarked that he was in the same clothes as the night before and that he hadn't slept in his room. Alex asked why she cared, as they were only roommates. Theresa correctly surmised that Alex had been with Kristen and angrily lashed out about the things "that two-timing bitch has put me through."

Alex insisted that who he had been with was none of Theresa's business because Theresa had made it clear that Alex and she would remain "strictly platonic." Theresa admitted that while she didn't have the right to feel angry or jealous, she did. Alex's phone began ringing, and he ignored the call when he saw it was from Kristen. He dismissively told Theresa he had to go, and they would talk later.

Ava greeted Brady and Rachel, who were enjoying a "daddy-daughter breakfast" at the Brady Pub. They chatted about Rachel's field trip until John arrived. After she noted John's harsh look, Ava made a quick retreat. Rachel rushed to her smiling grandfather and gave him an enthusiastic hug.

John joined Brady and Rachel and beamed as Rachel happily told her granddad about winning a spelling bee. Rachel left the table to say hello to a friend she saw, leaving father and son to discuss Kristen. Brady was hopeful that Kristen had turned a corner, since she had been encouraging him to spend more time with their daughter. John wasn't convinced and wondered if Kristen's sudden turnaround was another ploy to get Brady back.

Brady didn't reject the idea but firmly stated that Kristen would have to get over it because they were "never, ever" getting back together. Brady reminded his father that Kristen had eventually given up on John, but John retorted that Kristen and he did not share a child together. Brady and John's talk was interrupted by the call from Kristen wanting to know about Rachel's permission form. While Brady was still on the phone, Rachel admitted that she had copied her mother's signature.

After he hung up, Brady scolded Rachel for her forgery. When Rachel asked if it would have been okay if she hadn't gotten caught, an exasperated Brady likened Rachel to her mother and explained that forgery was a crime regardless. He told Rachel she had to understand that her actions were wrong. Before John excused himself, he affirmed to "pumpkin" that her dad wanted what was best for her, and John urged her to listen to her father. John hugged Rachel and left.

Rachel turned the subject to Brady and asked if he had a girlfriend. Brady guessed that Rachel wanted to know because she had been hoping her parents would get back together. Rachel told Brady that her mom had a boyfriend. When Brady asked how Rachel felt about it, she shrugged and said Alex seemed nice.

Brady assured Rachel that even though Kristen and he weren't together, it had nothing to do with Rachel. Both her parents loved her completely. "You're the most important thing to me," Brady said. As they walked outside the pub, Rachel told Brady how happy it made her to spend time with him on the field trip. Brady smiled at Rachel and enthused that he was happy to spend any time doing anything with her. "Let's go see some fish," he said as they left, hand in hand, for the aquarium.

Tripp and Wendy arrived at Kayla and Steve's apartment to say goodbye. Kayla and Steve were sorry that Stephanie could not be there because of work, but Tripp assured them he had already said his goodbyes with her. Tripp promised that Wendy and he would be back.

Tripp updated Steve and Kayla on his plans once he arrived in China, which included learning Mandarin and volunteering at a clinic. Wendy joined Kayla when Kayla went to prepare breakfast, leaving father and son with alone time. Tripp assured Steve that Wendy had filled him in on common Chinese customs, such as never wearing shoes inside, never using someone's first name uninvited, and never leaving chopsticks straight up in food.

After joking about the chopsticks being good advice, Steve brought up Tripp and Wendy's "wedding" when they had been held captive. Tripp confirmed the story but said that when they'd had access to oxygen again, Wendy and he had realized they should take the relationship slow. Steve told Tripp how proud he was of his son and the man he had become. They shared a warm hug.

In the kitchen, Kayla shared an equally warm goodbye with Wendy. Kayla was happy that Wendy's parents would get to see and hug Wendy in person. Wendy was happy, as well, since her mother had wanted to meet Tripp. Kayla and Wendy agreed that Tripp was a wonderful man. Wendy said she was lucky to have him, and Kayla believed Tripp was lucky to have her.

Ava arrived for Tripp's goodbye, and after some initial awkwardness, Steve let her in. Ava hugged Tripp, who was grateful she could stop by. Ava offered to accompany Tripp and Wendy when they left for their rideshare.

Steve and Kayla jokingly told Wendy to keep Tripp out of trouble and asked that she give her parents their best wishes. Kayla approached Tripp and tenderly told him how proud she was of the person and doctor he had become. Tripp continued the lovefest by telling Kayla how proud he was to have had her as his mentor.

Tripp promised to video-chat and visit often. Wendy also assured Steve, Kayla, and Ava that they would always be welcome to stay at her parents' home. Hugs and declarations of love were exchanged all around before Tripp and Wendy departed, with Tripp giving Steve and Kayla a final loving look before he shut the door. Steve and Kayla grew emotional. "That boy has my heart; he reminds me so much of you," Kayla said with tears in her eyes.

Wendy, Tripp, and Ava walked through the square on their way to meet the rideshare. Wendy left briefly to get luggage trackers. When they were alone, Ava tearfully told Tripp she would miss him. She recounted how even though Tripp had been taken away from her, "ever since the day you were born, you were a big part of my heart." She called getting to know him "my greatest joy" and apologized for the harm that had come to him because of her.

Tripp reassured Ava he was proud of her for turning her life around. Tenderly holding his face, Ava told her son his love and respect meant everything. All she ever wanted for him was happiness and peace. Tripp felt the same way about Ava and asked her to stay out of trouble. She agreed to do so for him, and they hugged.

Wendy returned after Ava had left and asked Tripp if he had everything. Touching his chest, he confirmed he had everything he needed. When she asked him if he was ready, he said, "When I'm with you, I'm ready for anything." Tripp smiled as Wendy catalogued the movies they would watch on the plane ride, from Bridesmaids to a Korean movie about a zombie apocalypse on a train.

"Shall we?" Wendy asked Tripp, extending her hand. Tripp took her hand, and the couple strolled away.

Back at the apartment, Steve wondered if it might be a good thing for Tripp to be away from him. He updated Kayla on Konstantin blaming him for Catharina's death. Steve, too, believed he was partly to blame. Kayla reasoned that deep down, Steve knew he was not responsible and urged him to talk with John. Steve agreed he should "clear the air."

John sat at a desk in his office. When he heard a knock at the door, he told the person to come in. Konstantin entered and claimed to be looking for Steve. John told him Steve was at home, so Konstantin said he would be on his way. John's phone rang.

When John mentioned that the call was from Steve, Konstantin rushed from the door to John and pulled out the Pawn card. He put the card in John's face, and John doubled over. When John rose again, his demeanor had changed. "There you are, my Pawn," Konstantin said with a smirk. He told an expressionless John to listen carefully. Konstantin had "an extremely important mission" for John.

Chanel exhibits signs of radiation poisoning
Chanel exhibits signs of radiation poisoning

Chanel exhibits signs of radiation poisoning

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

by Spalding

Paulina sat behind the desk in her office and gleefully told Abe on the phone that Kayla had confirmed that she was radiation free. As Paulina ended her call, Chad entered the office. "What brings you here?" Paulina asked. Chad asked to discuss a tip sent to the paper.

"This person claims that you abused your power as mayor and put the public health at risk," Chad said. With a smirk, Paulina asked if the tip had come from E.J., because he had used the same language with her. "Did E.J. ask you to publish a hit piece on me?" Paulina asked. Chad shifted uncomfortably.

"I haven't spoken to him in quite some time," Chad said. Chad explained that he wanted to skip the gossip and hear directly from Paulina about what had happened at Smith Island. Paulina noted that her daughter had gone missing in a snowstorm. "You left the hospital against your doctor's advice and illegally commandeered a snowplow to try to find her," Chad said. Paulina stared at Chad. Chad asked for Paulina's side of the story on the record.

"Whoever you got this tip from, I can guarantee you it's all been blown out of proportion," Paulina said. "Really? Because I heard the firefighters had to wear Hazmat suits to protect themselves from the dangers of the radiation," Chad countered. Paulina called the responders ill informed. Frustrated, Chad told Paulina that he knew she had been warned about the dangers of being in close proximity to people before her radiation levels had fallen. "They weren't down. The firefighters checked," Chad said. Chad noted that Paulina had returned to the hospital in a Hazmat suit.

"My numbers were going down. I felt the risk was minimal," Paulina said. "Then why didn't you notify anyone that you were leaving the hospital?" Chad asked. When Paulina remained silent, Chad said he had talked directly to the city employee that Paulina had strong-armed into giving her the snowplow. "How did you know how to drive it?" Chad asked. Paulina explained that she had driven bulldozers in her previous business, and a snowplow was not different.

"So, then you don't deny that it happened?" Chad asked. Paulina started to complain about E.J., but Chad argued that the D.A. did not matter. "No one is eager to slander you. The fact is, you left the hospital against medical advice, and you hijacked a snowplow. Somebody could have been seriously hurt. Now, I know you say you have experience on how to operate that vehicle, but you were in no shape to do so at that time. Not to mention, you don't have a license," Chad argued. Chad added that there had been no guarantee that Paulina would have found Chanel or that Paulina would not have been killed in the search.

"But it didn't turn out that way. Chanel is safe, and I'm doing just fine," Paulina countered. Chad said the outcome was a relief, but Paulina had known it was dangerous to be around people while she had been radioactive. "There is not a parent in the world who would not have done the same thing that I did," Paulina argued. When Paulina asked Chad if he would have done the same thing for his children, Chad called the question unfair.

"You know very well you would do the exact same thing I did, regardless of whether or not you put others at risk. Very minimal risk," Paulina said. "Minimal? Are you sure?" Chad countered. Paulina confirmed that no one had suffered any ill effects. "If you want to write a fair and balanced article about this, why don't you ask my daughter Chanel if she'd rather have been left to freeze in the snow?" Paulina asked.

In the pub, Everett thought about his last session with Marlena and how unnerved he had been by it. Marlena walked into the restaurant and said hello. "Would you mind if I join you?" Marlena asked. Everett said he did not have time to chat. "It won't take long," Marlena said as she sat at the table. Everett shut his laptop in frustration. Marlena asked Everett if he had changed his mind about giving up hypnosis.

"No," Everett said. Marlena nodded, then she asked, "Why did you lie to Stephanie?" Everett explained that he had not wanted to make Marlena out to be "a quack" in front of Stephanie. Marlena raised her eyebrows. "Hypnosis is a pseudo-science. It's barely a step up from a carnival act, in my opinion," Everett said. Marlena smiled. Everett noted that since he had signed the divorce papers, he was ready to move on with his life.

"Well, I'm glad about that for you. And uh, in spite of your disdain for hypnosis, I think you would still benefit from therapy. And if you don't want to continue seeing me, a quack, as you say, you might want to find a different therapist," Marlena said. Everett said he had no interest in therapy with anyone. "As I said, I'm ready to move on," Everett said. Everett walked out.

As Stephanie approached the bakery, she saw it was closed. Chanel ran into the square, and she apologized to Stephanie for her lateness. "I slept through my alarm this morning, and I was the only one on the schedule to open," Chanel explained. Johnny sauntered up behind Chanel. While Chanel ran inside the bakery, Stephanie explained to Johnny that she had wanted to pick up pastries for a prospective client. Stephanie said she had already had breakfast at a goodbye meal for Tripp before his flight.

"Flight? What are you talking about?" Johnny asked. Stephanie explained that Tripp and Wendy had decided to take an extended trip to Hong Kong to spend time with Wendy's parents. "I can't believe Wendy would have left without saying goodbye," Johnny said. Chanel returned and announced that whatever Stephanie wanted was on the house. "I only got here two minutes ago. I'm happy to pay for my pastries," Stephanie said.

While Stephanie went into the bakery, Chanel asked Johnny if he could help her set up a display table. Chanel noticed that Johnny was distracted, and she asked if he was okay. "I'm fine," Johnny said. Johnny asked Chanel if she wanted him to go apartment hunting without her. Chanel encouraged Johnny to go alone, since she was still tired. Johnny admitted he was embarrassed to admit to landlords that he didn't have a job.

"Maybe I should have given my dad's offer a little more thought," Johnny said. Chanel disagreed. "Pursue what actually is your dream," Chanel said. With a shake of his head, Johnny said the work was in Los Angeles and New York, and he would never ask Chanel to leave her mother and the bakery. "Your whole life is here. My whole life is here," Johnny said. Chanel asked Johnny if he was sure, and after a moment, he said yes.

Paulina walked over and hugged Chanel and Johnny. "I do have a favor to ask of my new son-in-law," Paulina said. Paulina told Johnny that she believed E.J. was pushing a story for the paper about her trip to Smith Island.

"I think your papa is out to get me. Anything you can do to help?" Paulina said. Johnny asked for details, and Paulina explained that after the fight, Chad had appeared in her office the next morning to ask questions about the trip. "It sounded almost exactly like what your father said to me last night," Paulina said. Johnny apologized. Paulina said she hated to put Johnny in the middle, but she asked if he could speak to Chad. "I will," Johnny promised. Paulina encouraged Johnny to tell Chad that she had saved Chanel and that she had kept her distance from everyone.

"I was trying to be as responsible as possible. You both know that, don't you?" Paulina added. As Chanel nodded yes, she started to groan and clutched her stomach. "You okay?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, I just suddenly feel queasy," Chanel admitted. Chanel gasped and ran into the bakery. When Chanel returned, she said she had called someone in to take her place at work.

"You were tired yesterday and this morning," Johnny noted. "There's stuff going around," Chanel said defensively. Johnny reminded Chanel that Kayla had asked them to follow up if they experienced any symptoms of radiation poisoning. Paulina gasped. Chanel assured Paulina she was fine. Johnny and Paulina insisted that Chanel go to the hospital.

Maggie arranged the roses in her living room. Julie walked in and announced that she was cleared to leave isolation. "No radiation in my system!" Julie said. Maggie rejoiced. "I feel so guilty that I didn't go to the cabin with [Doug]. I thought I would just be away for one night, and it turned out because of radiation to be days and days. And, you know, at this time of our lives, every day together is so precious," Julie said. Maggie promised that they had taken great care of Doug in Julie's absence. Julie said she was grateful.

Julie admitted that she had spent her time in isolation, thinking about the time capsule. "I just know [my grandparents] are having a good chuckle over my frustration," Julie joked. Maggie told Julie that she had news. "Konstantin and I are getting married," Maggie announced. Maggie explained that Konstantin had lost too much in his life and that his life in Salem had brought him some comfort. "And you know, his presence, it's a comfort to me," Maggie said. Maggie explained that Konstantin could only remain in the US if he became a citizen through marriage.

"You probably think I'm crazy," Maggie said. "I think it is an example of your enormous generosity," Julie said. Maggie thanked Julie for her understanding. "I hope you're going to protect yourself going into this marriage," Julie said. Maggie confirmed that Konstantin had willingly signed the prenup agreement.

"He knows if I predecease him that the entire Kiriakis fortune goes to Victor's children," Maggie said. Julie was relieved. "I support you in this decision completely," Julie said. Maggie thanked Julie for her friendship. As the two women hugged, a look of unease crossed Julie's face.

At the Black Patch offices, Konstantin showed the red card to John, and he changed into the Pawn. "Now listen closely to every word I say. Because I have an extremely important mission for you," Konstantin said. "What do you need me for?" the Pawn asked. Konstantin asked the Pawn to retrieve the prenup agreement from the Kiriakis safe.

There was a knock at the door. "Ask who it is," Konstantin whispered. "Who is it?" John yelled. Through the door, Marlena announced herself. "Why is the door locked?" Marlena asked. Konstantin flashed the red card at the Pawn, and he reverted back to John. Confused, John opened the door for Marlena.

"Why was the door locked?" Marlena asked. "I didn't know it was," John said. Marlena saw Konstantin, and she asked if she had interrupted something. John stammered, and Konstantin said that he had stopped by to invite John to his wedding. "Your wedding?" Marlena asked. Konstantin asked Marlena to feign surprise when Maggie invited her to the wedding.

"I can't imagine that she minds you telling us," Marlena said. Konstantin forced a smile, and he noted that he would be in touch. After Konstantin left, a suspicious Marlena yelled, "My God! What is Maggie thinking?" Marlena asked John what Konstantin had told him. John struggled to remember the conversation.

"I don't know. It's so strange. He said something about Maggie. I can't remember exactly," John whispered. After a moment, John admitted he could not remember the full conversation. "This isn't the first time this has happened!" John said. John told Marlena about the previous foggy conversation he had had with Konstantin.

"Doc, what the hell is going on with me, honey?" John lamented. Marlena suggested that John's guilt over the death of Catharina made him shut down when he was alone with Konstantin. "Your subconscious is trying to protect itself," Marlena said. "So, you think that's why I can't remember any of my conversation with him just now?" John asked.

After a moment, Marlena noted that there could be more to the story. "Something's not right here. I don't know what it is, but I'm glad you showed up when you did," John said. John admitted that he felt disoriented. "Let's get you home," Marlena said.

Stephanie walked into the office at the paper, and she saw Everett working at his desk. "Is Chad around? I have something to drop off for Thomas and Charlotte," Stephanie said. Everett confirmed that Chad was out conducting an interview, and he was working on a frustrating article about May Day.

Stephanie asked Everett if he had any regrets about having signed the divorce papers. Everett stressed that he did not care about the marriage, but he had been bothered by the forgery element of it. "But thanks to you, I got over that reluctance," Everett said. Stephanie said she was glad. Everett thanked Stephanie for having helped him put Robert Stein behind him.

Chad returned from the mayor's office, and Stephanie told him about the gifts she had dropped off. When Stephanie mentioned Chad's interview, he admitted he was not sure the story would pan out. Chad thanked Stephanie for the toys, and he asked when she could visit and play cards with Thomas. "This weekend?" Chad asked. Stephanie told Chad to let her know when.

After Chad left, Stephanie asked Everett to expand on what he had meant about putting his past behind him. "I think it's time to forget about Bobby Stein and move on with my life," Everett said. Stephanie looked unsure. "But Everett, you still don't really know what happened in your past. There are still so many unanswered questions," Stephanie said. Everett waved Stephanie off, and he said he had no interest in wasting more time.

"Don't you have to understand your past to be able to live fully now?" Stephanie asked. "I feel like that could just be a bunch of psychobabble," Everett said. Everett added that he was comfortable with not knowing the answers to the questions about his past. "You can't live your life in the past," Everett argued. Everett lied and said that Marlena had discharged him from therapy. "I thought you were making progress," Stephanie said. Everett noted that it was possible that he would never recover his memories.

"[Marlena] and I agreed that the best use of my time and hers would be to focus on the here and the now. Moving forward," Everett said. "I see," Stephanie whispered. Everett explained that after the accident, he had learned to accept that he would never recover his memories. With a shake of her head, Stephanie reminded Everett that he had freaked out after his hypnotherapy. Everett said that Marlena had told him that was a normal reaction.

"And actually, [Marlena] considered it a breakthrough of sorts," Everett lied. Everett said he trusted Marlena's judgment, and he was excited to make new memories. "Hopefully with you," Everett added.

When Konstantin returned home, Maggie was still talking to Julie on the couch. "Julie! What a pleasant surprise! Released from isolation, huh?" Konstantin asked. Julie nodded, and she congratulated Konstantin on his engagement. "When is this big day?" Julie asked. Maggie admitted that they had not decided.

After Julie went into the kitchen to get breakfast, Konstantin asked Maggie if Julie had been concerned about the engagement. "Actually, she was very supportive of my decision," Maggie admitted. Konstantin asked Maggie if she had told Julie about the prenup. "Because I want her to know that all I want is to be here in Salem, close to you, and nothing more," Konstantin said. Maggie confirmed that she had told Maggie about the prenup When Konstantin fretted about his visa, Maggie assured him that they would have everything settled before the deadline.

Chad returned home. "I meant to ask you. Did you find that thing you were looking for?" Chad asked Konstantin. "Yes, I did. Thank you very much," Konstantin said. Maggie noted that the item had been a missing playing card that Konstantin had misplaced. Konstantin explained that the card had reminded him of his daughter. With a nod, Chad told Konstantin he was glad the card had been found.

As Chad headed upstairs, he ran into Julie in the hallway, and he asked about the renovations. "Won't it be wonderful when we can go home again?" Julie said. "It's going to be amazing," Chad agreed. Chad changed the subject to Smith Island, and he asked Julie if she would be willing to answer questions. "Ask away," Julie said. Chad asked Julie how she felt about the mayor having exposed Julie to radiation.

"I understand completely her compulsion to find her missing daughter, and I'm still very upset that everybody had to go into days and days of isolation because of her rash behavior. She is the mayor of the town, I would think she would be protecting her people rather than putting their lives at risk," Julie said. "So, then, you feel she did put your lives at risk?" Chad asked. Julie said it was a fact, but she was thankful there had been no adverse effects.

In the Kiriakis living room, Konstantin was alone. Konstantin took out his red card to stare at it. "It was not meant to be, not today. But don't worry. I will get what I want next time," Konstantin said.

Several Salemites receive shocking news
Several Salemites receive shocking news

Several Salemites receive shocking news

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

by Tiffany

Sloan loudly rustled papers at the apartment, which prompted Eric to hush her because the baby had been sleeping. Sloan snarked, "At least someone's getting some sleep." She then angrily handed over the papers, which were financial documents, to Eric and demanded he look through them, since he did not trust her. When she snapped that she would "never give another dime to Leo Stark," Eric said that didn't resolve the issue. He wanted the truth.

Eric was perplexed as to why Sloan would give Leo money when their family was struggling financially. Sloan defended her actions by claiming she wanted to help a friend and be a better person. She remembered how Nicole had once told her that Nicole had felt she was not good enough for Eric. A hurt Sloan let Eric know she was beginning to think she wasn't good enough, either. "Maybe no one is," she added before leaving.

Later, Eric answered a call from Chad, who wanted to talk with Eric at the office about a job. An excited Eric agreed to be there right away. When he hung up, he realized that he had no one to watch Jude. He decided to take the boy with him to the interview.

Leo arrived at the newspaper office, armed with a basketful of snacks. He handed the basket over to Chad and prompted Chad to read the attached card. The basket was from "the esteemed mayor" as "a token of appreciation." Chad gave the snacks back to a happy Leo and told him to share them with the rest of the employees. Leo brought up the reporter position Chad had offered him. Chad told Leo he had already given the position to Nicole.

Chad believed Nicole would bring a fresh perspective to the paper, and he quickly reassured Leo that he would keep Leo in mind for future positions. Leo asked for a raise instead, in honor of his "amazing work." Leo claimed he wanted money to take care of Dimitri after Dimitri was released from prison because Dimitri was "all beauty and no brains." Chad said they'd discuss a raise at the next meeting, so Leo sighed and said he'd settle for selling his needlepoint pillows on eBay to make extra money. An amused Chad watched as Leo snatched most of the employee snacks for himself and then departed.

Leo had returned to his hotel room and was eating snacks when he heard a knock at the door. Sloan barged in when he answered and began begging Leo not to reveal the truth about Jude. Leo said he didn't owe Sloan anything, since he was cut off from her money. She implored Leo to think about Eric and Jude and how much father and son needed each other. Leo accused Sloan of laying it on thick, but she insisted she was right.

Sloan urged Leo to consider what kind of parents E.J. and Nicole would make. Leo agreed that he was invested in Jude's well-being, but he was certain Eric was close to finding out the truth. Sloan reiterated that she had things under control and pleaded with Leo to take Dimitri and leave town to start a new life. Leo admitted the idea was tempting, and Sloan and he mulled over possible destinations. She wished him well on his new beginning, and she left.

After Sloan's departure, Leo pondered how he could make more money. He considered ideas ranging from "underwear model" to "selling organs" before settling on E.J. Leo asked himself what the information he possessed might be worth to E.J. Leo considered the pros of telling E.J., the chief of which would be "being set for life." He grew reluctant as he thought about tangling with the DiMeras and about taking Jude away from Eric.

A frazzled Leo wished he could remove his conscience, and he decided to go for a walk to think it through. He arrived back at his room a short time later and sorted through his mail. He was ecstatic to find a letter from Dimitri. When he began reading it, his light mood darkened.

Dimitri explained in the letter that he had met someone in prison and realized Leo and he weren't right for each other. He hoped Leo could be happy for him and wished for Leo to find happiness. Leo broke into a sob as he finished the letter, which ended, "Goodbye forever, Leo."

In the Horton Town Square, Sloan called Melinda and updated her about the talk with Leo. Sloan was hopeful that Leo and Dimitri would leave town together and lessen her worries.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole gushed about the meal that had been prepared for her before her first day of work. She was curious as to why E.J. had changed his tune about her rejoining the workforce. E.J. noted that he could see the "spark" in her eye and affirmed, "whatever makes you happy makes me happy." A touched Nicole hugged and kissed him.

Later, E.J. exasperatedly ended a series of calls for DiMera Enterprises business. He apologized to Nicole, who assured him she knew she married a busy man and loved him for it. The couple admired each other's good qualities and shared happy kisses. "There's nothing we can't do together," E.J. said with a big smile.

Nicole later greeted Chad at the office and expressed her excitement for her first day of work as a reporter. Chad was certain she'd do great. She asked Chad what he had been working on, and he confirmed it was the tip Nicole had given him about Paulina. They agreed the story could be trouble for Paulina. Chad asked Nicole about how she had gotten the information. She demurred that she couldn't reveal her sources, but Chad let her know the rule didn't apply to her editor.

Nicole made an excuse about overhearing something Johnny had said. She asked that Chad keep the story "honest and fair" out of respect for Abe. Chad concurred and proceeded to help Nicole get set up for her first day.

Soon, Chad warmly welcomed Eric and Jude into the office. Eric explained why Jude was with him, and Chad updated Eric about the photography work, which Chad said would begin as freelancing assignments. After Chad left the office to get Eric's paperwork, Nicole walked in and was surprised to see Eric. Things grew awkward when Eric told Nicole that he, too, would be working at the paper. They got more awkward when Chad returned and informed Nicole and Eric that they would be working together on their first assignment.

E.J. was busy at the DiMera offices when his executive assistant, Rita, arrived. He brusquely asked for his coffee. Unimpressed, she told him "please" and "thank you" went a long way. E.J. backed down, and they began talking business. Rita wasn't sure E.J. could handle everything on his plate because he was just like the other men in his family who had held the CEO position.

"Charming and smart?" E.J. guessed. "Arrogant, rude, and egotistical," Rita deadpanned. E.J. joked that those were great qualities and turned the talk to Paulina, whom Rita correctly surmised E.J. had failed to inform about his second job. E.J. complimented Rita's work ethic, and she cracked that he should pay her more. A smiling E.J. chuckled and insinuated he would give Rita a raise; she left to get his coffee, but not before getting another "please" and "thank you" from him.

When Rita returned and set down the coffee, E.J. responded with a "damn." She said he hadn't even tasted it yet, but E.J. clarified that he was upset that a story about Paulina had not appeared in the paper yet. Rita wondered about his issue with the mayor, and E.J. sneered about her personality and her micromanagement style. After snarking about "micromanaging bosses," Rita got to the point: "so you don't like her." E.J. thought if Paulina had "mud" thrown on her, it would make his job easier.

Rita suggested E.J. "could catch more flies with honey." E.J. warmed to the idea of making nice with Paulina and strengthening their working relationship. He agreed to get on it immediately, yet when Paulina hung up on him after he called her, E.J. raged that if Paulina wanted a war, "She's got one."

Paulina, Johnny, and Chanel waited for Kayla in the hospital room. Paulina fretted when Chanel confirmed her nausea had not abated. Kayla entered and asked Chanel about her symptoms. Chanel listed fatigue, nausea, and dizziness. Paulina blurted out a question about Chanel having radiation poisoning. Kayla cut Paulina off and reminded her that Chanel's symptoms were common for a number of issues, including a stomach bug. Kayla wanted to run bloodwork, so Paulina and Johnny left the room, leaving a worried Chanel with Kayla.

Johnny brought Paulina tea in the hospital waiting area. Paulina immediately began blaming herself for Chanel's condition, while Johnny reasoned it wasn't her fault. Paulina received a call from Chad, who wanted her comment for a story. Paulina said it wasn't a good time and ended the call. She told Johnny to forget about putting in a good word with Chad because she deserved the criticism coming her way if Chanel was sick.

Paulina wanted Johnny to unleash his anger and yell at her. He insisted he was not mad at Paulina and understood why she had done what she had done. Kayla arrived and informed Johnny he could see Chanel while they waited for the test results. Paulina became more upset and guilty, and Kayla comforted her.

Chanel was reading about the effects of radiation poisoning on her phone when Johnny reentered. She opened up about her fears after what she had read. Johnny assured his wife it would be okay and that they were going to "have the best life together." They hugged.

Paulina rejoined Johnny and Chanel to wait for the results. Paulina hastily ended a call from E.J. when Kayla arrived. Kayla told the anxious trio that Chanel's test results were fine, "with one exception" -- Chanel was pregnant. The group was shocked but happy and relieved at the news.

Johnny noticed Kayla's hesitant expression. Kayla clarified that Chanel was a few months pregnant and that the first few weeks were crucial for fetal development. Due to the radiation exposure, Kayla considered it a high-risk pregnancy. She explained to the worried group that they would need to monitor Chanel throughout the pregnancy and that they might not know about any potential effects until after the baby was born. Johnny and Paulina wore looks of concern, and tears welled in Chanel's eyes.

Leo has a tale to tell to E.J.
Leo has a tale to tell to E.J.

Leo has a tale to tell to E.J.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

by Tiffany

At the Brady Pub, Ava poured a cup of coffee and greeted Roman. She asked him about her lease application. Roman informed her it had been denied. Ava accused Roman of holding a personal grudge, but he insisted the denial was because Ava didn't have a job or an income.

Ava challenged Roman to take the Help Wanted sign down. Roman was incredulous that Ava wanted him to hire her. She reminded him of what she had done with the Bistro and knew she could do the same thing for the pub. Besides, Ava added, Roman needed the help and needed competent employees. Roman relented and agreed to give Ava one week to prove herself. They shook on it.

Harris ran into Marlena outside the pub. She smiled and inquired how he had been doing with his recovery. Harris confirmed he was doing great and credited his "amazing doctors," who included Marlena. She assumed that meant he viewed his time at Bayview as a success. He assured her he did but was curious as to why Marlena was asking. He remembered how John had peppered him with questions about Bayview, as well, and asked Marlena if John was all right.

Marlena thought John would be okay with time. Ava came outside, and Marlena and she exchanged brief hellos before Marlena excused herself. When Ava told Harris she had been denied the room, he was upset. His mood changed after Ava updated him on the job. They agreed things were going well, so long as they did not get busted for breaking into the Bistro.

Roman noticed Marlena sitting alone at a table and asked how she was doing. She had been waiting for John to finish a meeting. Taking stock of her troubled look, Roman encouraged her to unload her problems on him, since he was her bartender, and that was part of the job description. Marlena claimed she had been worried about Eric and Sloan, but Roman believed there was something more.

Marlena opened up about her recent worries with John. She reminisced about how John had always told her his life had begun when he'd met her in the hospital and their hands had touched. She regretted not being able to help John uncover more of his past. Marlena got a text message and prepared to leave. Roman assured her he would watch out for Eric, and he said Marlena should put her focus on John. Marlena thanked him and left.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen was working on getting Li's scholarship set up when Stefan stormed in. He demanded an update on Kristen's plan to get Gabi out of prison and reminded Kristen that Gabi needed to be out of jail before the DiMera board meeting. Kristen wondered exactly how Stefan planned to make Kristen CEO. Stefan was confident he could make it happen because he knew a secret.

Stefan shocked Kristen by confiding that E.J. had known about the drug operation at the Bistro. Stefan asked Kristen to consider how Nicole would react if she found out E.J. could have prevented Holly's overdose. Kristen guessed that Stefan wanted her to blackmail E.J., but she thought it wouldn't work because E.J. would prioritize the company over Nicole. Stefan, on the other hand, believed E.J. loved Nicole "devotedly and passionately" and would choose his marriage.

Stefan assured Kristen he wasn't putting "all my eggs in the blackmail basket" and mentioned he was also working his connections with the DiMera board. Kristen affirmed that she was doing the same and brought up the scholarship in Li's name. Stefan thought it was a good idea, and Kristen and he tossed around other ideas for ousting E.J., including shining a light on E.J.'s conflicts of interest. They were gleeful at the notion of E.J. being left "with nothing" after they were done with him.

Kristen warned Stefan that she would not be his puppet and would not let Gabi take her place at DiMera once Gabi was released. Stefan insisted that wasn't the plan, and he reminded Kristen that getting Gabi out of prison was his priority. He thought the evidence was stacked against a release, however. Kristen huffed that Stefan should trust her because, "I always have a card up my sleeve."

Rita entered E.J.'s office and told him she was leaving for a dinner date. She was less than enthused when E.J. said he needed her to stay late. E.J. tried to cajole her by promising she would not be too late. She sighed and called E.J. a "hard-ass." E.J. wanted his usual for dinner, which Rita cracked was "stuffed shirt" instead of "stuffed shells." She groused "son of a behind" to a grinning E.J. and left to get them dinner.

When Rita returned, E.J. updated her on the information he needed from Titan. She had one question for him: "What in God's name are you up to, young man?" E.J. acted offended at the "young man" crack, and Rita retorted that if she had known him when he'd been a young man, she would have taught him manners. She urged E.J. to check his "imperial ambitions," but E.J. believed he should strike at a weak Titan while "the iron is hot."

Rita wondered why E.J. should end his dreams at "dethroning the mayor" and taking over Titan. She suggested he buy a baseball team and colonize the moon, too, while he was at it. E.J. smiled but grew serious and thanked Rita for looking out for him as she had for his father. "I miss that old goat," Rita conceded as she grew wistful. "Don't we all," E.J. added.

Harris and Ava successfully broke into the Bistro. They agreed to divide searching duties, since Ava claimed they had a few hours before any employees arrived. They met back up some time later and reported no progress on any front. Suddenly, the room lit up, and the pair was shocked to see Stefan. He snarkily asked Harris if breaking and entering was part of Harris' academy training and guessed Harris and "the mafia princess" were up to something.

Harris reluctantly acquiesced while Ava updated Stefan about Clyde's latest threat. Stefan offered to help because he wanted the black book and "that son of a bitch" Clyde out of his restaurant and his life for good. As the trio searched, Harris theorized that Clyde's henchman had hidden the book "in plain sight." Ava had an epiphany about the reserve wine that no one had ever touched because it was expensive.

Ava retrieved a specific bottle that had not collected dust. She took off a false bottom and removed the black book.

After Stefan left, Kristen called Alex about a repeat of their "strategy meeting." She ended the call when E.J. arrived. E.J. had heard all about Alex's recent stay from the gossiping staff. He wondered if Kristen was satisfied with her "life of leisure and mischief-making" or if she was interested in getting a job. Kristen implied she had "a few irons in the fire" and reminded E.J. that "like Father, I always rise from the ashes."

Leo was drowning his sorrows at a bar when Sloan approached him. They traded insults about looking terrible before Sloan asked why Leo was drinking. She assumed he was dejected because of the money cut-off, but he told her about the "Dear Leo" letter he had received from Dimitri. Sloan was surprised and wondered if the letter was really from Dimitri. Leo was certain Dimitri had written it, since Dimitri had used Leo's pet name for him in the letter.

Sloan told Leo she was sorry, and he fired back that she should be because it was her fault. Sloan was confused at the accusation, so Leo told her how "my Romeo left me for some big, stinky convict who probably makes license plates and eats paste." Leo believed it was Sloan's fault Dimitri had ended up in "super-max" to begin with. Leo lamented how his life was even worse because he had to subsist on a journalist's salary due to Sloan. He moaned that he would be relegated to "curling up in a ball" on his peacock-decorated chaise in gray sweatpants.

Sloan urged Leo to get his priorities straight and to stop obsessing about his wardrobe. He defended himself and claimed he was much more upset about losing Dimitri. He had stood by Dimitri through everything and had even remained faithful, to his own amazement. He should have predicted Dimitri would be "a cheating pile of scum," though, after Dimitri had cheated on Leo's best friend with Leo. As Leo continued his rant, Sloan rolled her eyes.

Sloan tossed a napkin to a weepy Leo and tried to tell him he was better off without Dimitri. Leo snapped for her to stop buttering him up and called Sloan foolish for allowing Eric to find out about her and Leo's arrangement. Sloan lost it and bit back at Leo that "the cash cow has run dry." She composed herself and put on a sympathetic face as she took Leo's hand. She claimed she genuinely wished she could help Leo and reminded him he had agreed not to say anything to Eric.

Sloan hoped Leo would honor that promise. He retorted that while "I wouldn't mind strangling you right now," he didn't want to hurt Eric and Jude. Sloan continued that as long as Leo kept the truth to himself, she wouldn't reveal his blackmail, and he could maintain his reputation as "a stand-up guy." Leo balked at the notion of preserving his reputation and further ruminated about his "miserable and loveless" existence, then he banged his head on the table.

Sloan again threatened Leo about possible prison time for blackmail, and Leo in turn wondered what the sentence would be for kidnapping a baby. Sloan insisted it was in both their interests to keep quiet. She expressed genuine condolences for the end of Leo and Dimitri's relationship and departed, leaving an olive-eating and martini-ordering Leo behind.

A drunken Leo mulled over his list to get quick money and settled on E.J.'s name. He reasoned that he wouldn't technically be breaking his promise to Sloan because he had only agreed not to tell Eric. Plus, he could work out a deal to avoid prison, since E.J. was the district attorney. Leo left the bar to see E.J. -- but not before leaving his bill on Sloan's tab.

At the newspaper office, Nicole marveled at what a coincidence it was that Eric and she would be working together again. He reminded her that Chad still needed to sign off on the paperwork. Eric left to meet up with Chad and asked Nicole to watch Jude while he was gone. Nicole beamed at the baby then fielded a phone call from E.J.

E.J. wanted to know how Nicole's first day was going, and she informed him that she already had an assignment. E.J. expressed reservations when Nicole revealed that she would be working on a story about the city's unhoused. Nicole assured E.J. she would not be alone late at night because she would be in the field with a photographer. She held back on mentioning that the photographer was Eric.

Later, Nicole overheard Eric imploring Sloan to call him back. When he reentered the office, Nicole asked him if everything was okay. Eric confessed that he'd had a fight with Sloan and that she had walked out on him. He admitted Sloan had accused him of acting like he was too good for Sloan, and he apologized to Nicole if he had ever made her feel the same way. Nicole didn't want to look back, but she had cherished Eric and her time together.

Nicole did wonder, though, if it was a good idea for Eric and her to work with each other. She mentioned that she had not told E.J. about Eric and her both working for the newspaper because she knew he would hate the idea. Eric knew Sloan would feel the same way but didn't know if he would have the chance to tell her, since they were fighting. Nicole was sure Sloan and he would work things out.

Nicole again offered to back out of working with Eric if it would present a problem. Eric believed it would be fine and admitted he needed the job. Nicole confessed that she did, as well. They started talking about ideas for the story on the unhoused, which prompted them to remember their previous experience working together at the Horton Center. Nicole believed Chad knew what he was doing because Eric and she made a good team.

Sloan strolled through the square as she updated Melinda about the situation with Leo. She was relieved that at least Leo didn't know about Eric being Jude's biological father. Just then, she spotted Eric and Nicole cooing over Jude in his stroller. She grew upset as she observed the familial interaction.

E.J. opened the door to Leo's loud knocking. Leo insisted he had something to tell E.J. -- for a price. E.J. impatiently took note of Leo's drunken state and tried to shoo him away. Leo stood his ground and declared E.J. was going to want to pay. "The dish I have for you is a doozy," he said.

Leo tells E.J. that Jude is his son
Leo tells E.J. that Jude is his son

Leo tells E.J. that Jude is his son

Friday, May 3, 2024

by Spalding

At the Kiriakis mansion, John and Marlena joined Maggie at her request. "Konstantin and I are engaged," Maggie announced. "Best wishes," Marlena said curtly. Maggie assured John and Marlena that the marriage was in name only. "I wanted my circle of family and friends to know the truth," Maggie said. "Which is?" Marlena asked. Maggie explained why she had proposed and that Konstantin had signed the prenup agreement without objection.

"I feel like I owe him because he was so kind to me after I lost Victor. And also --" Maggie said. "Because of what I did to his daughter?" John interjected. Maggie argued that John had acted on Victor's orders, and the Victor she had known would have wanted her to help Konstantin. "They had had their differences in the past, but eventually, they became friends," Maggie said. "That's because it was more convenient than being at war," John muttered. John reminded Maggie that Konstantin had held a grudge for years.

"But he forgave you," Maggie countered. Maggie suggested that they move on from the past. "I think I can be generous while still protecting my interests and the interests of the Kiriakis family," Maggie said. Marlena told Maggie that she supported Maggie's decisions. Konstantin walked in and greeted Marlena and John. "I do hope you will both attend [the wedding]" Konstantin said. Maggie chimed in that there was no date set yet, but it would be before Konstantin's visa expired.

"But first there are some items of interest that must be taken care of," Konstantin said as he glanced over at the wall safe. When Marlena and Maggie had to leave for meetings, Konstantin asked John to stay for a drink. John looked at Marlena and shrugged. "Why not?" John said. John told Marlena he would see her at home. Reluctantly, Marlena left with Maggie.

"Maggie is the real deal, is she not?" Konstantin said. "You're a lucky man to have a woman like that in your corner. She really cares about you," John agreed. Konstantin said he was not sure. "If you really care for someone, then you want to take care of them in all ways," Konstantin said. John raised an eyebrow, and he asked what Konstantin meant. Konstantin mentioned the prenup and that he had a plan to deal with it.

"Now that we are both alone, I think now is as good a time as any to put that plan into motion," Konstantin said. Confused, John asked what Konstantin meant. Konstantin held up the red card, and John closed his eyes and quivered. When the Pawn opened his eyes, Konstantin asked him to break into the safe and steal the prenuptial agreement.

While the Pawn got to work on the safe, Konstantin went into the foyer to check on a noise he heard. Maggie had returned to pick up a sobriety chip she had needed for the meeting. Konstantin eagerly offered to retrieve the chip from the study for her. "I can find it myself," Maggie said. "No, you can't," Konstantin said as he grabbed Maggie's arm. Maggie scowled at Konstantin.

"I can't go into my own study?" Maggie asked. Konstantin said he had spilled tea that he had not yet cleaned up. "Who cares," Maggie said as she marched past Konstantin. When Maggie entered the study, she noted that John was gone. Konstantin lied and said John had stepped outside to call Marlena. Maggie grabbed the chip off the desk, and she walked out. Konstantin called out to the Pawn, and he appeared with the prenup in his hand.

In the square, Nicole helped Eric calm down Jude. As Eric and Nicole's hands brushed together, a scowling Sloan stomped over. "Actually, you know what, I was just leaving," Nicole said. Nicole quickly exited the square. "You want to tell me what that was about? Because I would just love to know," Sloan said. Eric asked if they could talk about it on the way home. Sloan reluctantly nodded yes.

After Eric tucked Jude into bed at home, he joined Sloan in the living room to talk. "So, do you swear you had no idea that you and Nicole were both going to be working at the Spectator?" Sloan asked. "None. I know what it looked like, but Nicole was just trying to be friendly," Eric stressed. Sloan scoffed, and she mocked Eric's coziness with Nicole. Eric reminded Sloan that she had walked out on him after their fight.

"I wasn't even sure when or if you were coming back or when we were going to talk," Eric argued. "You didn't think I was coming back? Jude is my son! What do you think I'm going to do, abandon him?" Sloan yelled. Eric said no. "I was just thinking you were fed up with me," Eric explained. Sloan told Eric that she had been hurt when Eric had accused her of wasting money on a friend.

"I owe you an apology. I'm sorry," Eric said. Sloan sniffled back tears, and she asked Eric why he was sorry. "For not being more trusting. More forgiving. Sloan, I just want to be a better husband for you," Eric said. With a nod, Sloan told Eric that he could start by believing her explanation and motivations for why she had helped Leo. "Because, Eric, it's really hurtful, you know, to have your husband think you're a liar," Sloan said. Eric told Sloan that he did not think she was a liar.

"But paying for Leo's hotel room just to be nice? I'm not buying it," Eric said. Sloan acted indignant, and she complained about her headache. "There you go again!" Eric yelled in frustration. "What am I doing?" Sloan asked. Eric argued that Sloan was attempting to avoid the conversation because she had something to hide. Eric thought about when he had overheard Leo talking about blackmail, and he asked Sloan if Leo had been blackmailing her.

After a moment, Sloan admitted that Leo had been blackmailing her. "With what?" Eric asked. Sloan explained that Leo had uncovered humiliating things from her past. "I don't want to talk about it. It's just going to be more painful for me," Sloan pleaded. Sloan explained that she had wanted to save her practice and her marriage. "I would never leave you over something like that," Eric said. Sloan asked Eric to hold her, and he pulled her close. Sloan cried crocodile tears on Eric's shoulder as he apologized for having let Leo into their home.

"There's no way I'm going to let him get away with this. I promise you," Eric said. Sloan begged Eric not to do anything. "[Leo] didn't mean to hurt me, that's the thing. You know, he's had a terrible childhood," Sloan argued. "I'm gonna kill him," Eric yelled. Sloan's mouth fell open, and she told Eric to let it go. Eric refused, and he walked out. Sloan called Leo.

Holly was studying in her room at the DiMera mansion when she took a break to text Tate that she missed him. Tate texted back, "Miss you more." With a smile, Holly returned to her math homework, but she struggled to focus. Nicole poked her head in to check on Holly. "There's so much to catch up on," Holly said. Holly mentioned that she had guzzled an energy drink, but it had made her shaky.

"When is the last time you spoke to your therapist?" Nicole asked. Holly noted that her therapist was on vacation, and she was feeling anxious. "I hate being like this," Holly complained. Nicole hugged her daughter, and she called Marlena. When Marlena arrived, she said, "Your mom tells me that you're feeling overwhelmed." Holly nodded yes. Holly explained that the more she attempted to catch up on her schoolwork, the less she was able to complete. "I don't know what to do," Holly said. Marlena told Holly to take a deep breath when she felt overwhelmed.

"It just sort of relaxes the nervous system. It tells your body that you're safe," Marlena said. Marlena encouraged Holly to take a deep breath, and she did. "I guess I feel a little more chilled out now," Holly said. Marlena advised Holly to take breaks for walks or to listen to music. As Holly nodded yes, Marlena told Holly to go to sleep early so that she could study when she was more rested.

"I'm going to send a note to your teachers, just to remind them of what you've been through. I'm sure they'll understand. But only if that is okay with you," Marlena said. Holly agreed, and she thanked Marlena for her help. "Don't worry about catching up with everything. Just go at your own pace," Marlena advised. Holly hugged Nicole goodnight, and she went upstairs. "I can't thank you enough, Marlena. You said exactly what she needed to hear," Nicole noted. Marlena said she was happy to help. As Marlena started to leave, Nicole asked if Marlena could help her, as well.

"How can I help you?" Marlena asked. Nicole confessed that she had been unable to stop blaming herself for Holly's problems. "I feel like it's because I wasn't there for her when she needed me," Nicole said. "You did the very best you could in the moment. That's all any of us can do," Marlena said. Marlena reminded Nicole that they could not protect their children from all of life's problems. "All we can do is love them and be there for them," Marlena said. "I know you're right. That is all we can do," Nicole said.

Nicole told Marlena about her new job, and Marlena asked how E.J. felt about having Nicole work with Eric. "I haven't told him yet," Nicole admitted. Nicole explained that she had been talking with Eric in the square, and Sloan had reacted badly to it. "It was just innocent.," Nicole said. Marlena was skeptical. Nicole argued that Marlena was likely thinking about when Nicole had confessed that she would have left E.J. if the baby had been Eric's son.

"What does it tell you that if the baby had been Eric's, you would have gone back to him?" Marlena asked. Nicole shrugged. "It tells me that I still have feelings for Eric. Feelings that I've been trying to suppress for a long time," Nicole admitted. Marlena asked Nicole if she still loved Eric. After a moment, Nicole said she was tired, and she thanked Marlena for the talk. With a nod, Marlena said that she hoped to see Nicole soon. Marlena's voice echoed in Nicole's head, "Do you still love Eric?" With tears in her eyes, Nicole whispered, "Always."

At the front door, a drunken Leo stood on the porch and offered E.J. information. "If you want to hear it, it's going to cost you," Leo said. "I'm not into games, Stark. So, why don't you tell me what you came here to tell me, and it better be bloody good," E.J. barked. Leo smirked. "Trust me. It is," Leo said. E.J. exited the house, and he escorted Leo away from the door. When E.J. asked about the information, Leo teased that it was about someone close to E.J.

"Nicole?" E.J. said. Leo was taken aback. "Yeah, that was an excellent guess," Leo said. Concerned, E.J. asked Leo if something was wrong at the paper. Leo changed tactics, and he mentioned the Beatles as a hint. "Paul wrote ["Hey Jude"] for John's son, Julian. And then at the last minute, he changed it to Jude because he thought it sounded better. Do you like that name, Jude?" Leo asked. "Get to the point," E.J. growled.

"What if I told you that you were a father," Leo said. E.J. reminded Leo that he had two children. Leo shook his head no. "Three children," Leo said. E.J.'s face paled, and he asked what Leo meant. After a moment. E.J. stammered, "Oh, my God." E.J. chuckled, and he noted in disbelief that Leo was a liar. "You're just an obnoxious drunk, and you're trying to provoke me," E.J. said. With a shake of his head, Leo reminded E.J. of when Nicole had insisted that Jude was her baby.

"Of course, I remember that. It was terribly painful for her and for me," E.J. said. "It must have been horrible. But the thing is, your son didn't die," Leo countered. E.J. demanded an explanation. "I tried to tell you and Nicole! I came here before Christmas, remember? And what did I get as a reward?" Leo said. Leo reminded E.J. that all Leo had gotten for his trouble had been a black eye.

"And now it is gonna cost you, big fella," Leo said. E.J. grabbed Leo by the lapels. "You listen to me, you lying dirtbag. If you don't get out of here right now, I'm going to give you much worse than a black eye," E.J. growled. Leo promised E.J. that he was telling the truth. "I swear on everything I hold dear that I had nothing to do with the baby switching," Leo said. E.J. released Leo.

"So, you've known this whole time that Nicole and mine's baby is alive, and yet you said nothing. You did nothing," E.J. muttered. Leo reminded E.J. that he had attempted to tell E.J. the truth. "And it's not like I did nothing. I blackmailed Sloan," Leo added. Leo noted that Sloan had cut him off.

"I just told you, so now you have to pay me," Leo said. E.J. smiled and put his hand on Leo's cheek. "You can see that payment in hell," E.J. said. As E.J. returned inside, Leo grumbled, "Damn it." Leo headed home.

Leo stumbled into his hotel room, and he chastised himself for having told his secret before he had secured payment from E.J. Leo's phone beeped with a message from Sloan, and he ignored it. As Leo flopped onto the bed, Eric banged on the door. "Maybe that's E.J. here to give me some money," Leo said as he stumbled to the door. When Leo opened the door, Eric shoved Leo, and he demanded to know why Leo had been blackmailing Sloan.

Eric yelled that Sloan had told him that Leo had threatened to publish stories about Sloan's past. "I don't remember that. I don't remember much of anything right now," Leo said. Leo sank to the floor, unable to stand. Eric helped Leo onto the bed. Leo slurred a thank you to Eric for his kindness. "How much have you had to drink?" Eric asked. Leo appeared queasy, so Eric handed Leo a trash can to vomit into if needed. "All I want is Dimitri, who left me all by myself," Leo said. Leo put his head in the can and started to weep.

Eric handed a water bottle to Leo. After a few sips, Leo told Eric, "Sloan did not deserve to be blackmailed. Nobody deserves to be blackmailed." Leo apologized. "I would not do anything like that again," Leo promised. "I should hate you for what you did, but the truth is, you seem lonely and sad and genuinely contrite," Eric said. Leo asked for forgiveness, and he told Eric he needed to confess.

"You said something like that at Jude's christening," Eric noted. Leo whispered Jude's name, and he fell asleep. Eric slapped Leo's cheek and he asked, "What about Jude?" Leo remained unconscious.

At Sloan's apartment, Sloan cradled a sleeping Jude as she paced the main room. Someone banged on the door, and Jude started to cry. Furious, Sloan opened the door and demanded to know why E.J. was banging on the door and waking her baby. "Your baby? That is not your baby, you lying bitch!" E.J. yelled. Sloan gasped. E.J. demanded that Sloan refute that the baby was not his. Sloan stared in horror.

"Do you have any idea what you put my wife and my family through? Now I am taking that child. And after I prove that he is my son, I am going to call the police and have you arrested for kidnapping," E.J. screamed. Sloan put Jude in his crib, and she turned her wrath on E.J. "Are you out of your mind?" Sloan hissed. E.J. told Sloan that a drunken Leo had confessed to him about the baby switch.

"Jude is our baby. Nicole's and mine," E.J. said. Sloan calmed. "[Leo's] only half right," Sloan said. E.J. demanded answers. "Jude is Nicole's baby. But not yours," Sloan confirmed.

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Edited by SC Desk