Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 8, 2024 on DAYS

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Chad questioned Stefan and Ava
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 8, 2024 on DAYS

Wendy decided to stay in Salem. A prisoner gave Tate a black eye. Nicole told Maggie that she didn't blame Tate, but Nicole refused to help him. Chad questioned Stefan and Ava's involvement in the drug trade. Konstantin teased Steve about his past. Kristen gave Brady a second chance after he missed a visit with Rachel. Paulina showed Abe their wedding video. Stephanie admitted to Jada that she was interested in Everett. Lucas agreed to become an informant. Alex fired Justin, but Brady rehired him. Alex opened up to Chad. E.J. suggested they transfer Holly to a clinic in Italy.

Chad grows suspicious of Stefan and Ava
Chad grows suspicious of Stefan and Ava

Chad grows suspicious of Stefan and Ava

Monday, January 8, 2024

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by Steve Holley

At the Spectator, Everett recalled having found E.J. and Stefan huddled together by the loading dock at the Bistro earlier that night. Everett told Chad that it had sounded like Stefan and E.J. had been arguing. Everett noted E.J.'s past dalliance in the drug trade. Chad scoffed at the notion that E.J. or Stefan could be behind Salem's drug cartel.

Stephanie entered with Chinese takeout that she had brought for a late-night meeting with Everett. Chad left after turning down an invitation to join Everett and Stephanie. Over dinner, Stephanie was surprised when Everett said that covering the drug trade was "triggering" for him. Everett said that he had covered the heroin epidemic in Seattle years earlier -- without Stephanie's knowledge.

Everett added that he had lost a friend to an overdose, and he said that he was still traumatized by having found the friend's lifeless body. Everett said that the reason he hadn't told Stephanie was because he had been determined to suppress his memories and to keep his focus on Stephanie. Stephanie invited Everett to have a drink with her. Everett declined, and he said that he needed to continue focusing on work. Stephanie and Everett agreed to see one another again soon.

In Holly's room at the hospital, Nicole welcomed a visit from Maggie. Nicole said that she and Maggie had been reminded of how fragile life was. "And we have to pay attention to the people that we love... and never, ever take them for granted," Nicole said through tears as she and Maggie hugged.

Nicole noted that Maggie had been an A.A. sponsor for many years, and she asked if Maggie had seen any troubling signs in Holly. Maggie said that she hadn't, and she added that it was possible that Holly's drug use had been an isolated incident. When Nicole mentioned Tate's arrest, Maggie asked if Nicole shared E.J.'s belief that Tate was to blame for Holly's overdose. Nicole said that she only blamed herself for not realizing that Holly had been having issues.

Paulina entered with an artificial orchid she had purchased. Paulina offered her apologies to Nicole and Maggie, and she said that she was doing everything in her power as mayor to end the drug epidemic in Salem. Nicole thanked Paulina, who soon began coughing. Paulina seemed unconvinced when, after having several sips of water, she told Maggie and Nicole that she was fine.

Paulina told Holly that everyone in Salem was praying for Holly. When Paulina vowed again to get to the bottom of who was responsible for the drug cartel in Salem, Maggie told Paulina not to forget to take care of herself. Paulina said that she intended to visit her doctor soon.

After Paulina left, Nicole held Holly's hand. Maggie told Holly that a lot of people were praying for both Holly and Tate. Maggie said warmly that she, Nicole, and Holly would have a spa day together when Holly was better. Nicole agreed, and she said that her New Year's resolution had been to spend more time with Holly. "And I pray I have the chance to make that one stick," Nicole said.

At Tripp and Wendy's apartment, Ava arrived home to learn that Wendy had already left for the airport. Tripp surprised Ava when he told her that he wouldn't be joining Wendy in Hong Kong. Tripp added that he didn't believe Ava's story that there was nothing going on at the Bistro, and he said that he was worried about her.

Ava was ill-tempered, and she groused that she had had a long day. Tripp said that the Ava he knew would have tried to talk her son out of moving "halfway across the world." Tripp added that he wanted to keep Ava safe and that no one would stop him. Just then, Wendy entered with her suitcase in hand.

Tripp was surprised when Wendy said that she had decided to stay in Salem. Ava grabbed her purse, and she used Wendy's return as an excuse to leave. Ava said that she was happy for Tripp and Wendy, and she bade the couple goodnight. After Ava left, Wendy said that she belonged in Salem with Tripp.

When Tripp was momentarily silent, Wendy sensed that something was bothering him. Tripp admitted that he felt guilty that Wendy was prioritizing his family over hers. Wendy noted that her parents had an entire village for support, and she surmised that Ava only had Tripp.

Tripp remained tightlipped. Wendy soon grew upset, and she accused Tripp of having been relieved that she had been on her way to Hong Kong. Wendy told Tripp to admit that he had wanted her to leave Salem, and she said that she would stay in Salem -- whether Tripp liked it or not. Tripp reached for Wendy, and he pulled her close to him. "I like it. I like it a lot," Tripp said as he and Wendy kissed.

Wendy phoned her mother to say that she had decided to stay in Salem. Afterwards, Tripp surmised that the call hadn't gone well. Wendy said that she hadn't expected it to. When Wendy expressed doubt that her parents had ever truly been in love, Tripp reassured Wendy that he was more in love with her than ever. Wendy placed her arms around Tripp, and she said that he was the man of her dreams and that she loved him with all her heart. Tripp and Wendy kissed.

At the DiMera mansion, Stefan was relieved to hear from Gabi by phone. Stefan vowed to visit Gabi at Statesville as soon as possible, and he added that they would have an important talk. The call was ended abruptly by a prison operator before Stefan could tell Gabi that he loved her. Afterwards, Stefan gulped a sip of alcohol.

A short while later, Ava found Stefan drinking alone in the living room. Ava said that she'd had nowhere else to go after she had left Tripp and Wendy's apartment. Ava agreed to have a drink with Stefan, and she told him about Wendy's decision not to move to Hong Kong. Ava added that she would have to be even more careful with everything she said and did moving forward.

Just then, Chad entered, and he asked why Ava was at the mansion. Chad noted that it was late at night, and he grew suspicious when Stefan said that Stefan and Ava had work to do. Stefan added that his and Ava's work was none of Chad's concern. "Actually, it is. You see, I run the Spectator now, and I've tasked my star reporter to write an expos on the drug trade here in Salem. Are the DiMeras involved in this, Stefan? Are we investigating my own family?" Chad asked.

Chad noted Ava's past with the mafia, and he said that she had learned how to launder drugs. Chad said that Stefan and Ava being in business together made him suspicious, and he noted that Ava and Stefan seemed "cozy." Ava approached Stefan. "What can I say? Just can't stay away from DiMera men. Let's give it up. He's onto us," Ava said to Stefan as she pulled him in closely for a kiss.

Chad issued a warning to Stefan. "I hope you're not involved with this drug trade, brother. Or it will be a house of cards that comes crashing down around you," Chad said as he left. When Chad was out of sight, Stefan turned to Ava. "What the hell was that?!" Stefan asked angrily. "Oh, you know exactly what that was. If you don't want to join your wife behind bars, then we need to be the happy betrayers in front of Chad and Harris so we can keep them off of our backs," Ava said.

When Stefan said that he wasn't comfortable with Ava's proposal, Ava replied that Stefan should "get comfortable." Ava added that her and Stefan's survival depended on their ruse, and she asked if he was interested in survival. "Of course, I'm interested," Stefan said. "Then get interested in this," Ava said as she grabbed Stefan. Ava and Stefan kissed for several seconds.

Sloan wavers on whether to tell the truth
Sloan wavers on whether to tell the truth

Sloan wavers on whether to tell the truth

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

by Spalding

From her apartment, Sloan called Eric at the hospital. "I won't be home for a while. I got to stop by and see my cousin Theresa," Eric said. Sloan asked if there was any news. Eric told Sloan that the police had arrested Tate. "How's Holly doing?" Sloan asked. Eric told Sloan about Holly's seizure during his visit.

Theresa paced in front of Alex at their apartment. "I can't believe they are gonna try Tate as an adult," Theresa muttered. Alex agreed that it was a ridiculous situation, and he held Theresa to calm her. Alex suggested that Theresa could call her father, but Theresa explained that Shane was on an undercover mission and could not be reached.

"What about your brother? Wasn't he in town recently?" Alex asked. "Andrew? He's not going to pull any strings for me. He probably thinks that Tate's a big screwup like me," Theresa said. Alex cautioned Theresa not to talk about herself that way. Theresa looked away from Alex.

"You don't know about all the stuff I've done in the past and recently," Theresa said. "What kind of things have you done recently?" Alex asked. Theresa thought about her conversation with Konstantin to change Victor's letter to name Alex as the heir. Theresa shrugged. Before Alex could press further, Eric knocked on the front door.

"So, what, are you here to tell me what a bad parent I am?" Theresa asked. Theresa warned Eric that whatever he wanted to say, she had already said to herself. "Stop being so hard on yourself. The reason why I stopped by is because I want to give you this," Eric said. Eric hugged Theresa. Theresa asked about Holly and Nicole.

"Nothing has changed in [Holly's] condition," Eric confirmed. Eric noted that the only thing they could do was to keep Holly in their prayers. "Can you keep Tate in your prayers, too?" Theresa asked. "Of course," Eric said. Eric said that no matter what, he loved Holly and Tate. "I could never judge either of them," Eric said. Theresa asked Eric if he would judge her.

"Eight years ago, I made a choice. I drove drunk. I killed Holly's father. Right now, you, Tate, and Holly, you all need compassion. Nobody knows that better than I do," Eric said. Eric noted that he had learned a lot about his regret and shame while he had served time in prison for his crime. "But while I was there, I remembered that I have to forgive myself," Eric said. "I'm really glad that you were able to do that," Theresa said. Theresa argued that Tate's situation was different, though, because he was innocent.

"And Holly chose to take those drugs herself," Theresa added. "I understand that, and no matter how it went down, we're all hurting here," Eric countered. Eric told Theresa that he was there to support her. When Eric asked Theresa what she needed, Theresa asked Eric to plead Tate's case to Nicole. "Maybe she'll go to E.J. and get him to back off a little bit and listen to reason," Theresa said. Eric agreed, but he said he wanted to wait to see if Holly woke up.

"I know it can be hard to find faith in the midst of all this chaos, but there is something I brought for you aside from a hug," Eric said. Eric pulled out Caroline's rosary, and he handed it to Theresa. "That really means a lot. Thank you," Theresa said through tears.

After Eric left, Alex fixed a sandwich for Theresa. Alex was surprised to see Theresa praying on the couch when he returned. "I didn't think you were into all the religious stuff," Alex said. "I might not be the epitome of a good Catholic, but it is still my faith," Theresa said. Alex told Theresa that she had looked sexy praying. As Alex leaned in for a kiss, Theresa pulled away.

"What the hell are you doing?" Theresa asked. "Bad timing," Alex admitted. Alex apologized, and he said he had wanted to help her feel better. "Totally inappropriate," Theresa grumbled. Alex agreed.

"And just so you know, I am fully aware that for most of our relationship, it has been primarily focused on the physical. But I need you to know that that is not what I'm all about. I just want to be there for you emotionally, too," Alex said. Theresa told Alex that his words meant a lot to her, and she apologized for having snapped at him. Alex put his arm around Theresa, and she snuggled up against him. "I'm very grateful to have met you," Alex said. "Me, too," Theresa whispered.

When Melinda arrived at Sloan's apartment to meet, she asked what was wrong. Sloan told Melinda, "There is now a real possibility that Nicole may lose her surviving child to a drug overdose, which means she will have lost two children in a matter of weeks, being childless." Sloan confessed the guilt was killing her.

"What are you suggesting?" Melinda asked. "We have to give the baby back," Sloan said. Melinda gasped. "Get real! You are a lawyer; surely you realize if we do that now, we will be on the hook for a very serious crime," Melinda argued. Sloan shrugged. Melinda reminded Sloan that E.J. was the D.A., and he would throw the book at them.

"We would be risking everything by exposing ourselves," Melinda said. Melinda added that E.J. would do much worse to her and Sloan than what he had done to Tate. "We will be spending the rest of our days in prison. Is that what you want?" Melinda yelled. Melinda asked Sloan why she was more frazzled than usual. Sloan admitted that between work, parenting, the expenses, and the guilt, she was overwhelmed. Confused, Melinda asked about the expenses.

"I'm being blackmailed [by Leo Stark]," Sloan confessed. Melinda realized that Dimitri had confessed the whole story to Leo before he had been sent to supermax prison. Sloan noted that Leo had realized that Sloan was to blame for the prison transfer. "[Leo] is out for revenge," Sloan said. Worried, Melinda asked Sloan if Leo knew about her part in the scheme.

"Leo has no idea of any of your involvement," Sloan assured Melinda. Sloan complained that Leo had been bleeding her dry. "Conniving little mooch," Melinda grumbled. Sloan told Melinda that she had forced Leo onto a budget, but she was worried about what Leo would ask for next. Frustrated, Melinda asked why Sloan had not told her about Leo sooner. Sloan explained that before Leo's threats, Nicole had kidnapped her son.

"I thought it was all an innocent mix-up," Melinda said with surprise. Sloan confirmed that Nicole had intentionally taken the baby, and she believed that Nicole would not have returned Jude if E.J. had not talked Nicole into returning him to the police. "And then Eric talked me into covering up for Nicole," Sloan said. "And why the hell would you do that?" Melinda yelled. With a shrug, Sloan blamed her conscience.

"But I did it for Eric. I do wish that I would have just violated my conscience and just gone with my gut. Because I can't stand seeing that woman out and knowing that I helped her," Sloan said. Confused, Melinda asked, "Then why the hell are you feeling sorry for her?" Melinda noted that Sloan had nothing to do with Holly's overdose, and she should keep her mouth shut.

"Thank you for talking me off the ledge," Sloan said. "No offense, Sloan, but you still look like you're on the ledge," Melinda said. Melinda asked if Sloan would keep the secret or not. Eric returned home. "What's going on?" Eric asked. Sloan lied and said that Melinda was there to visit her godson. Eric was surprised, but he agreed that they owed a debt of thanks to Melinda for having found their son. Melinda asked about the christening, and Sloan promised to get back to her. With a nod, Melinda told Sloan to think about their conversation about babyproofing the house. Sloan smiled with understanding as Melinda left.

"Why do you seem upset?" Eric asked Sloan. Sloan told Eric that she was overwhelmed by everything in her life, between work and the baby. Eric offered to cook dinner so that Sloan could relax.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Konstantin looked through old photographs. "Could this be the man? No, he was supposed to be dead," Konstantin said. With a shake of his head, Konstantin noted that he needed to keep digging for information.

At the penthouse, Brady sniffled as he walked through the front door. Marlena asked Brady what had happened. With a shake of his head, Brady said the police had refused to let any family visit Tate until the morning. "I know he's scared," Brady said. Frustrated, Brady called himself the "worst father on the planet." "You are not a bad father!" Marlena objected. Brady lamented that he had forced Tate to move back to Salem.

"Did I have his best interest at heart or mine? My God! And with everything going on with my son, I still have lost custody of my daughter, as well," Brady said. Marlena reminded Brady that Tate had wanted to stay in Salem. "We can't always make our children do what we would like them to do. But when they suffer, we suffer. But we have to let them make a choice. And that done, if it's a bad choice, then there are consequences. And that's exactly how they learn," Marlena counseled. Brady thanked Marlena for her support. As Marlena invited Brady to join her and John at the pub for dinner, Kristen knocked on the front door.

"Where have you been?" Kristen yelled. "Don't start. It's been a long night," Brady said. Furious, Kristen asked Brady if he had forgotten that he was supposed to visit his daughter. With a sigh, Brady admitted he had forgotten. Kristen reminded Brady that he had badgered her for weeks to see Rachel. "And then, when I agree, you stand up your own daughter," Kristen yelled. Brady asked to explain.

"Please explain. I would love to know why you left your daughter in tears. You should have seen her little face," Kristen argued. Kristen demanded to know where Brady had been. "There's a lot going on with the family right now. Please, please listen to Brady," Marlena said. Brady told Marlena he would meet her at the pub. "Please tell Rachel that her grandparents miss her," Marlena said. Marlena reluctantly left.

"You know that I wouldn't miss a moment with my daughter unless I had a really good reason, right? Tate's in jail," Brady said. Taken aback, Kristen asked what Tate had done. "He didn't do anything. That's the whole point. He went to a New Year's Eve party with Holly Jonas, and Holly had some drugs on her, much to his surprise," Brady said. Brady explained that Holly had overdosed, and she was on life support.

"I'm sorry," Kristen whispered. "To make matters worse, your brother E.J., he's on the warpath. He thinks it's all Tate's fault. He thinks that the drugs were Tate's, that he convinced Holly to take the drugs, and the only reason that she is clinging to life right now is because of my son," Brady argued. Brady told Kristen that E.J. had convinced the judge to revoke Tate's bail and that Tate would be tried as an adult.

"I had no idea this was happening. Rachel and I have been out of town," Kristen said. With a nod, Brady said he did not know what to tell Rachel. "I get to tell [Rachel] that I stood her up. Sorry I forgot that I was gonna see you, and your brother's in jail. Happy New Year, honey," Brady said. Kristen promised to break the news to Rachel so that Brady did not need to have that conversation. Brady raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"You're being kind to me right now. I'd like to know what the catch is," Brady said. Kristen explained, "I don't wish incarceration on my worst enemy, let alone my daughter's brother who she adores." Brady joked that he was talking to an imposter Kristen. Kristen noted that it was a terrible situation, and she did not want to make it worse. Brady thanked Kristen.

"I feel really bad about letting Rachel down today. I've been waiting to see her. I've been waiting to see her, and I blew it, right?" Brady said with a quivering voice. "These were extreme circumstances. It's clearly unexpected," Kristen said. Brady asked if he could have a chance to make it up to Rachel. After a pause, Kristen informed Brady that Rachel had been having nightmares.

"She woke up the other night, having dreamt that you were dead," Kristen said. Kristen noted that it was clear that Rachel missed her father. "I miss her, too," Brady said. Kristen promised to let Brady see Rachel. "But if you mess it up again, Brady. I swear, I swear to you, you will have to pay," Kristen said. Brady smirked. "There she is," Brady said darkly. Kristen said she was surprised that she was willing to give Brady a second chance, and she joked that she felt cheated out of an evening of yelling at Brady.

Kristen promised to reach out to Brady and set up a meeting with Rachel. "The holidays were pretty rough. It's one thing just to talk to her, but to not see her, it's hard. I heard she had a really good Christmas, though, with the exception of missing her dad," Brady said. With a laugh, Kristen admitted she had spoiled Rachel rotten. Kristen recounted how Rachel had danced around the room, and she promised to send the video to Brady.

"I'd like to see it. I don't want to just see video, though, of my daughter. I want to see her. I need to see her. I want to see her face. I want to see her smile. I want to hear her laugh. It's just not the same. I feel like I've let her down so much. And now I've let my boy down. I'm letting my kids down over and over and over again. I won't do it anymore," Brady said.

As tears glistened in Brady's eyes, Kristen took his hand. "I know. But Rachel and Tate, they love you. That's not going to change. And you will get through this. You'll get through this because you always do. And you'll be there for them, because that's just who you are," Kristen said. Kristen caressed Brady's face, and then she hugged him.

In the Brady Pub, John told Steve about Tate's situation. "That kid doesn't deserve it," Steve agreed. "E.J. DiMera has just gone off the deep end there. It's a total abuse of power for any district attorney to try to pull this kind of crap," John complained. Steve counseled John to remember that the only thing he could do for Brady was to support him. With a nod, John said he hoped that Holly would pull through and be able to set the record straight.

Outside the Brady Pub, Konstantin read a text from Maggie that confirmed she was at the hospital to check on Holly. "I should stop by, bring her some flowers," Konstantin whispered. Konstantin looked over, and he saw Steve and John through the window of the pub. With a smirk, Konstantin limped inside.

"What the hell?" Steve muttered when he saw Konstantin. "And we meet again," Konstantin said. Steve asked Konstantin why he was still in Salem. "You blew it gentlemen," Konstantin said. "You can't possibly be this stupid. Now go on now, turn around and get the hell out of here. We'll be right behind you to give you an escort to the airport," Steve said. Konstantin refused to leave town.

"The only way I will be gone from Salem is if you two gentlemen kidnap me again or murder me. I wouldn't put it past you," Konstantin said. Konstantin argued that, unlike John and Steve, he was not a murderer. John threatened to send Konstantin to a desert island if he did not cooperate and leave town. "No communication. No way out. Clean and simple," Steve added. Konstantin chuckled.

"I could start a new life. Just as you have, Mr. Black," Konstantin said. Konstantin said the fresh air could remind him of his villa in Aria. Steve said he did not know the place. "I thought I saw a spark of recognition when you heard the name," Konstantin said. Konstantin asked Steve if he was sure he had never visited Aria. Annoyed, Steve explained that he had traveled the world, but he did not remember every port.

"But it's none of your damn business, anyway," Steve growled. "There is no reason for you to get upset," Konstantin said. Curious, John asked Konstantin what he had been hinting at to them. Steve reiterated his threat to Konstantin to leave. "You seem rattled," Konstantin said. Steve yelled that he was pissed that Konstantin had taken advantage of a family friend.

Marlena walked into the pub. "You must be the renowned Dr. Marlena Evans. I have heard so much about you," Konstantin said. "Likewise. But I'm surprised to see you here," Marlena said. With a smile, Konstantin told John and Steve he would consider their "thoughtful request."

After Konstantin left the pub, he muttered, "I saw the look on your face, Steve Johnson. You know only too well about that precious place on earth, my special Aria." Konstantin wondered aloud if he was right about Steve.

Inside the pub, Marlena asked John and Steve why Konstantin had not left town. "He will be gone. Soon. And for good. You can count on that," Steve said.

Brady and E.J. swear on Victor and Stefano
Brady and E.J. swear on Victor and Stefano's souls

Brady and E.J. swear on Victor and Stefano's souls

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

by Steve Holley

At Paulina and Chanel's penthouse, Chanel asked if Paulina had learned the results of Paulina's biopsy. Paulina said she had decided that no news was good news. Paulina was upbeat as she sipped a vegetable smoothie, and she noted that she was implementing a new diet. Paulina said the reason for her good mood was because she had learned of a holistic healing treatment that she thought might help Abe regain his memories.

Abe appeared, and he presented Paulina with a pair of chocolate croissants from Sweet Bits Bakery. Chanel quipped that Paulina was on a diet. Paulina asked for some time alone with Abe, and Chanel left. Afterwards, Paulina told Abe about the research she had discovered about alternative treatments for memory loss. Abe cut Paulina off, and he said that he could learn to live with himself if his memories never returned. "My question is -- can you?" Abe asked Paulina.

Paulina said that she would always love Abe regardless. Abe said that he wanted to watch his and Paulina's wedding ceremony. Paulina smiled when Abe said that their wedding had to have been one of the happiest days of his life. After the video ended, Abe said that the ceremony hadn't brought back any memories. Abe teased that a kiss from Paulina might help jog his memory. Before Paulina and Abe could kiss, Paulina received a phone call from Brady.

At the Brady Pub, Everett looked at a story he had written for the Spectator, stating that Paulina had record poll numbers as a result of her "tough-on-drugs policies." Stephanie entered with a large cup of coffee for Everett, and she joined him at a table. Stephanie asked about Leo's Lady Whistleblower column. Everett groused that Leo's column was late, and he added that everyone in Salem seemed to have at least one secret they were trying to hide.

With a smile on her face, Stephanie flashed back to having woken up in bed with Harris weeks earlier. Stephanie scoffed at the idea of Everett having any "dark secrets." Everett left after receiving an alert on his phone. Afterwards, Jada stood nearby after having just missed running into Everett. Jada joined Stephanie at a table, and they playfully recalled getting drunk together weeks earlier. Jada asked if Harris had made sure that Stephanie had made it home okay. Stephanie continued grinning widely when she said that Harris had been a perfect gentleman.

Jada asked if Stephanie was interested in Harris. Stephanie said that she wasn't, and she recalled having kissed Everett on New Year's Eve. When Chanel entered, Stephanie encouraged Chanel to join her and Jada. Chanel agreed, but Jada soon stood up to leave. Chanel said she hoped that Jada wasn't leaving because of Chanel, and she added that she was sorry to hear that Talia had left town. Jada said that Talia had wanted a fresh start, and she reasoned that everyone knew the feeling.

At the Salem Police Station, Harris prepared to interview a long-haired man with an abundance of dark facial hair that Harris and Jada had arrested for possession of drugs. Harris learned that the man's last name was Hulsenkamp. Harris added that the man had been released from Statesville just two days earlier, and he warned that Hulsenkamp might never be a free man again unless he cooperated.

Everett had appeared, and he stood outside the window of the interrogation room. Harris grew frustrated when Hulsenkamp refused to speak, and he left the room. Out in the lobby, Everett asked Harris for a chance to interview Hulsenkamp. Harris said that he couldn't allow Everett to interview a prisoner. Everett huffed, and he wished Harris good luck as he left. "You're going to need it," Everett told a puzzled Harris.

At the jail, Brady and Theresa were furious to discover that Tate had received a black eye while in lockup. Brady and Theresa demanded to know who had attacked Tate, who said that he had been punched in the face without provocation by another inmate. Theresa turned to Brady, and she suggested that he ask Nicole to convince E.J. to drop the charges against Tate. When Tate said that it couldn't hurt to try Theresa's idea, Brady bore a serious look as he agreed that Tate was right. Brady left for the DiMera mansion.

Afterwards, Theresa tried to comfort Tate by saying that Tate was brave. Tate admitted that he was only putting up a front and that he was terrified. Theresa reached for Tate's hand, and she held it gently in hers. Theresa cited her time in a Mexican prison years earlier as a way of reminding Tate to never give up hope. "I came out so much stronger. And I know it really, really, really sucks for you to be in here right now. But you are going to come out of this stronger, too. Do you know why? Because you are my son, and you're tougher than you know," Theresa said.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole admitted to E.J. that she was having trouble keeping her faith. Nicole confided that she had prayed for the first time in a long time when she and E.J. had spread their baby's ashes weeks earlier. E.J. noted that tragedies had nothing to do with God punishing people. "When tragedies befall us, all we can try and do is remain as strong as we can and focus as best we can on what we still have to be grateful for," E.J. posited.

Nicole said that she was tired of crying and that she wanted to scream. "I want to know why this is happening. I want to know why Holly is suffering. I want to know why we lost our baby. I just -- I want to scream," Nicole said. E.J. encouraged Nicole to follow through on her wish to scream. E.J. yelled loudly, and soon, Nicole began to scream, as well, before bursting into tears as E.J. held her.

Moments later, E.J. heard the doorbell ring. E.J. opened the door to Brady, who said that he had stopped by to talk to Nicole in private. Nicole agreed to speak with Brady alone, and E.J. stepped away. Brady stepped inside the mansion, where he told Nicole he was sorry for what Holly was going through. Brady added that no one felt worse about Holly's overdose than Tate.

Brady said that Tate would never hurt Holly, and he told Nicole about Tate having been beaten while in jail. Brady noted that he and Nicole had been friends for a long time, and he asked her to help him make E.J. see reason. "I know you're scared to death of losing your little girl, and I hope to God she pulls through. But I am also very afraid of losing my little boy," Brady said with a lump in his throat.

Nicole asked if Brady believed the drugs had belonged to Holly. Brady said there was no way of knowing. Nicole surmised that Brady wouldn't have confessed to the pills being his if he hadn't believed that Tate was guilty. Brady said that he had only tried to have E.J. deflect blame and that his parental instinct had kicked in. "All that said, though, yeah, I believe my son is telling the truth," Brady admitted.

Nicole grew agitated, and she surmised that Brady felt that Nicole and E.J. had been "oblivious" to Holly's drug use. When Brady said that Holly had lived a "difficult" and "unstable" life and that it was possible that Holly could have turned to drugs, Nicole became furious. "Damn you, Brady. How dare you talk about my daughter like that?" Nicole said as her voice rose.

Nicole began yelling for Brady to leave, and E.J. reappeared. E.J. began yelling at Brady, and he screamed that Brady's family had done enough to E.J. and Nicole. Brady agreed to leave, and as he was walking out, E.J. slammed the door in his face. Outside the mansion, Brady seemed exasperated before he reached for his phone. Brady phoned Paulina. "I want you to fire E.J. DiMera," Brady told Paulina.

Back inside the mansion, Nicole shared that Brady believed the drugs had belonged to Holly. Nicole said that she didn't know who to be mad at, and she said that she was the one to blame if Brady was proven right. Nicole added that she felt helpless, and she worried that she would lose Holly. E.J. encouraged Nicole not to give up, and he vowed to do everything in his power to make sure that Holly recovered. "And that Tate Black pays for what he has done. I swear on the soul of my father," E.J. added.

At the same time, Brady had returned to the jail to tell Theresa and Tate that he hadn't been able to get through to Nicole. Brady added that he had pleaded with Paulina to fire E.J. and that Paulina had refused because E.J. was still "operating within the confines of the law." Brady looked at Tate, and he said that he would find a way to get Tate out of jail. "I swear on the soul of my grandfather," Brady vowed.

Harris enlists Kate
Harris enlists Kate's help

Harris enlists Kate's help

Thursday, January 11, 2024

by Steve Holley

In Horton Town Square, Harris told Paulina that he had an idea for how to get to the bottom of Salem's drug epidemic. Harris promised that Paulina would be the first to know if his idea panned out. Harris approached Roman and Kate at a nearby table, and he asked Kate for permission to visit Lucas at Statesville. Harris said the police had received a tip that the person behind the drug cartel was incarcerated at Statesville. Harris hoped that Lucas could help the police as a confidential informant.

Kate vowed that she wouldn't put Lucas in danger, and she stood up after receiving a call from Billie. Afterwards, Harris told Roman that he could arrange for Lucas to be released from prison if Lucas agreed to cooperate. When Kate returned, Harris agreed to give Kate and Roman more time to talk about the idea.

Roman recalled that Lucas had helped lead Roman, Steve, and John to Orpheus a year earlier. Roman added that he had confidence in Lucas. Kate worried that Lucas could be killed if he were to be caught. Roman said he truly believed that Lucas could pull off the operation, and he added that he also trusted Harris.

When Roman noted that the proposal was a chance for Lucas to regain his freedom and to return to his children and grandchildren, Kate relented. Kate then phoned Harris, and she told him that she would accompany him to Statesville. Harris was happy with the news. When the call ended, Kate held Roman's hands, and she thanked him for giving his blessing for Lucas to be released.

At the Spectator, Chad told Everett that he had arranged for the two of them to interview Paulina at the mayor's office within the following hour. Chad said that Paulina wanted to discuss plans for Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Salem. Everett noted the significance of Paulina being the town's first Black female mayor. Chad and Everett wondered how to address the drug epidemic with Paulina.

The conversation shifted to Holly's overdose. Everett blamed himself for not noticing signs that Holly had been behaving strangely before the overdose. Everett admitted that the thought was irrational. Chad recalled Abigail having said that being an investigative reporter was a calling for people who were motivated to make a difference. Chad said that Everett was making a difference.

At the mayor's office a short while later, Paulina had a persistent cough when Chad and Everett entered. Everett spoke of Salem's plans for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and he said that Paulina was the "embodiment of the dream that Dr. King talked about." "A successful Black businesswoman from Miami, now the mayor of Salem, following in the esteemed footsteps of the first Black man to become mayor of Salem," Everett noted.

Paulina said that it was important to keep Dr. King's dream alive. Chad said that the Spectator would devote an entire issue to covering the holiday's festivities and that Paulina would have final approval before the plans were made public. Chad asked if Paulina had any thoughts on the growing drug epidemic. Paulina soon began coughing profusely as she tried to answer. Everett asked if Paulina was okay.

Everett handed a bottle of water to Paulina, who said that she was fine and that she should rest her voice for the rest of the day. As Chad and Everett prepared to leave, Paulina received a call. Paulina winced as she ignored the call. After Chad and Everett left, Paulina returned a call from a doctor at the hospital.

Paulina learned that the doctor's office wanted to see her the following day. Paulina asked if she could speak to the doctor and to hear the results of her biopsy over the phone. "In person? I understand. I'll be there," Paulina said glumly as she hung up the phone. A worried Paulina touched her chest after the call ended.

In the lobby of the Salem Police Station, Rafe was surprised when he learned from Brady and Theresa that Tate had been attacked in lockup. Rafe left to try to learn who had been responsible for Tate's beating. Justin appeared, and he disclosed that Tate's appeal had been denied. Alex blamed Justin, and he began hurling insults at Justin. Alex claimed that Tate's predicament was no one's fault but Justin's.

Alex continued insulting Justin and blaming him for Tate's arrest. Finally fed up with Alex's insults, Justin snapped and said that he would submit a motion to be removed from Tate's case. Justin yelled that he wouldn't continue working on a case where he was being constantly berated, and he walked away. Afterwards, Brady scolded Alex, who said that he had found a lawyer to represent Tate. Alex's phone rang, and he answered a call from the lawyer.

Moments later, in the lobby of the police station, Brady told Justin that he was rehiring Justin to represent Tate -- regardless of what Alex thought. "I know what's best for (Tate), and I know you are it. Alex, he needs to butt out. He needs to shut up. Tate is my son. He's not his. I'm gonna call the shots here," Brady said adamantly.

Brady reentered the interrogation room, where he said that he would make the decisions on Tate's case. Alex revealed that his lawyer friend had said there was nothing more he could do other than what Justin had already done for Tate. When Justin returned, Brady said that he wanted Justin to rescind his motion to withdraw as Tate's legal counsel. Theresa added that she wanted the same thing.

Justin agreed to rescind the motion, but he warned Alex not to disrespect him again. When Justin left, Theresa asked Alex to give her and Brady some time alone to discuss their next move. Theresa added that she and Brady were Tate's parents -- not Alex. After Alex left, Theresa told Brady that she couldn't afford to care about Alex's feelings and that the only thing she cared about was what was happening to Tate.

Harris talks to Lucas about being an informant
Harris talks to Lucas about being an informant

Harris talks to Lucas about being an informant

Friday, January 12, 2024

by Spalding

Nicole stood in the DiMera living room and cradled a teddy bear. When E.J. entered the room, Nicole informed him that there was no change in Holly's condition. "Did you get everything you need?" E.J. asked. With a nod, Nicole said she had collected Holly's pajamas, favorite book, and favorite stuffed animal. E.J. asked to talk about an issue before they left for the hospital.

"I saw you and Eric together at the hospital. I didn't want to disturb you," E.J. said. "Why not?" Nicole asked. E.J. explained that he understood that Eric had been an important father figure in Holly's life. "And I know you need as much support as you can right now," E.J. said. Nicole smiled. "Thank you. And I appreciate you understanding that right now," Nicole said. As E.J. fidgeted nervously, Nicole asked if there was something else that E.J. wanted to discuss.

"I admit it was quite unsettling for me to see you in his arms, and I --" E.J. started. "Stop talking," Nicole interjected. Nicole told E.J. that he should not be jealous of Eric. Nicole pointed out that E.J. had understood that Eric was a part of Holly's life. Nicole told E.J. that Eric had given Holly moral support when she had been hungover on Christmas morning.

"You knew Holly got drunk on Christmas Eve?" E.J. asked. Nicole told E.J. that she had discovered it when she had checked on Holly on Christmas morning. "How did you find out?" Nicole asked. "Johnny told me. He said that she had drunk-dialed him," E.J. said. E.J. explained that Johnny had rushed home to check on Holly after that. "And why didn't you tell me that?" Nicole countered. E.J. said he had not wanted to upset Nicole.

When E.J. asked Nicole why she had not told him, Nicole explained that Holly had been embarrassed. "She didn't want anyone to know," Nicole said. "But it was fine to tell Eric?" E.J. asked. Nicole explained that she had not told Eric, but as a recovering alcoholic, he had seen the signs when they had bumped into one another in the town square. When E.J. groaned, Nicole asked what was wrong. E.J. explained that Rafe had questioned Holly's friends at school, and they had confirmed that Holly had smoked weed.

"I shouldn't be shocked, but I am," Nicole confessed. "As am I. Her night of drinking caught me by surprise, as well, but I just chalked it up to a one-time thing," E.J. said. Nicole agreed. With a sigh, Nicole admitted that she could not help but wonder if Holly had been open to harder drugs. "The morning [Holly] was hungover, I saw her take pills that I thought could have been aspirin, but maybe not," Nicole said. E.J. cautioned Nicole not to jump to any conclusions.

"Holly was hungover. The logical explanation is, she had a headache. She took aspirin for it. And experimenting occasionally with marijuana does not make her an addict," E.J. said. With a nod yes, Nicole added, "We also don't know if Tate is really using drugs. He's a good kid." Confused, E.J. reminded Nicole that Tate had moved to Salem because he had caused trouble at boarding school.

"Kids do stupid things. And that just might include Holly," Nicole said. Nicole added that drugs were more than stupid because they were illegal and dangerous. "Maybe Holly isn't as honest and innocent as I thought she was," Nicole admitted. E.J. and Nicole agreed that they did not know what to believe.

"[If Holly and her friends] were taking a more powerful drug, do you really think they would tell the cops? Do you really think Holly would tell us? No. No way," Nicole said. "I suppose not," E.J. said. Nicole admitted that she had been blind to the possibility that Holly had not wanted to be honest with her about her problems. "I just never thought that [Holly] would resort to drugs," Nicole said. With a shake of her head, Nicole told E.J. that she would meet him in the car, and she walked out. "Dear God, could Tate have been telling the truth?" E.J. wondered aloud with frustration.

Eric sat at Holly's bedside in her hospital room. "You've grown up so much. It feels like yesterday you were just a little girl. My little girl," Eric said. Eric caressed Holly's face. With a sniffle, Eric told Holly that he remembered the first time she had called him "Daddy." "I just want to tell you how sorry I am," Eric whispered. Eric said he had left for Africa because he had believed it had been the right thing to do. "But now I know that there is, there was nothing more important in this world than you are to me. And being your dad," Eric said. Eric kissed Holly's hand, and he cried.

Down the hallway, Nicole told E.J. she would meet him in Holly's room after she talked to the nurse. When E.J. entered Holly's room, he saw Eric holding Holly's hand. "I didn't want her to be alone," Eric said. Eric explained that the nurse had told him that E.J. and Nicole had decided to go home for a bit, so he had decided to stay until they returned. Nicole walked in with Holly's stuff, and Eric reiterated what he had told E.J.

"That's very kind of you," Nicole said. E.J. offered to leave the room, but Nicole told E.J. that she wanted him there, too. "You're Holly's stepfather, so please stay," Eric said. Nicole placed Holly's teddy bear next to her, and she caressed Holly's face. "It's Mom. And we're all here waiting for you to come back to us," Nicole said. E.J. asked Nicole what the nurse had said. "No change," Nicole whispered. E.J. told Nicole that he had talked to the clinic that had saved his life in Italy.

"I really do think they can help her," E.J. said. "I appreciate the call," Nicole said. Nicole worried aloud that Holly would not be able to make the journey to Italy safely. "We'll take every precaution," E.J. assured Nicole. Nicole promised to consider the offer. With a nod, E.J. turned to Eric, and he thanked Eric for his support of Nicole and Holly. "They both deserve all the support they can get. As do you," Eric said. Eric said a prayer for Holly.

In the park, Chad tossed a football with Thomas. Alex passed by, and he stopped to watch Chad with his son. "I love hanging out with you, and I love you, and I'm proud of you, okay?" Chad said to his son. Thomas hugged his father. Chad threw another pass, and Thomas missed it. Chad asked Alex for help, and Alex retrieved the ball from the bushes and handed it to Thomas.

"My dad knows you, so I guess you're not a stranger," Thomas said. "Glad to hear you're keeping your eyes wide open for strangers," Alex said. Thomas joked that his eyes were not open enough, since he kept dropping the football. Alex gave Thomas some tips on how to catch the ball. As Alex turned to leave, Thomas asked Alex to join them. Alex accepted.

After the game of catch, Chad and Alex sat on the park bench and talked while Thomas played with other kids nearby. "How the hell did you know what to do [as a parent]?" Alex asked. "You don't. But luckily, their brains aren't as developed as ours, so they have no clue that we are just tap-dancing our way through it," Chad said.

"Theresa has a teenager, and a teen brain is developed," Alex said. "Debatable," Chad countered. Chad asked Alex if he got along with Theresa's son. With a shrug, Alex admitted that he had not spent much time with Tate. Alex noted that he was not sure he would get to know Tate, since he was in so much trouble. "[Theresa] must be a wreck," Chad said. Alex nodded yes, and he admitted that he had "blown it" with Theresa. Chad asked how.

"I guess I crossed a boundary of hers or whatever. She kicked me out of the room. Told me she wanted to be alone with Brady so they could discuss their son," Alex said. Alex confessed that he did not know his role in the situation. Chad encouraged Alex to ask his father for advice. "Justin, I mean," Chad clarified.

"Unfortunately, he and I aren't on the best of terms at the moment, either. Also my fault," Alex said. Alex admitted that the revelation about Victor had messed with his head. "I keep lashing out at Justin for no good reason. I don't know. Maybe it's just in my blood to ruin all my relationships," Alex said. Chad told Alex how he had struggled when he had learned that Stefano was his father. "I came to terms with it, and so will you," Chad said. "Right now, I just want to do right by Theresa," Alex said.

In the interrogation room at the police station, Brady gave Theresa a bar of her favorite dark chocolate. Theresa eagerly unwrapped the chocolate and smelled it. "I read somewhere that breathing in the smell of dark chocolate can actually help someone quit smoking," Theresa said. With a smirk, Brady said that would be helpful if either of them smoked.

"I just keep thinking what's Tate doing right now while I'm just sitting here, breathing in this chocolate?" Theresa whispered. Theresa grabbed Brady's hand, and she noted that the situation was killing her. "And I thought [Tate] being away at boarding school was tough," Brady muttered. Theresa agreed. Brady joked that if he could devise a jailbreak, he would. Theresa raised an eyebrow, and Brady stressed that he had been joking.

With a sigh, Theresa talked about all the times they had talked to Tate about the dangers of drugs. "And I know that you and I have lived apart for many years, Brady, but we were always united on that front," Theresa said. Theresa asked Brady if he thought that Tate had broken the rules. "It seems unlikely," Brady said. "But that would explain why he said it at first and then he backed off. I hate to think it myself," Theresa said. Brady admitted he had thought the same thing, and he had even mentioned it to John.

"Bottom line is we weren't there, we don't know," Brady said. Theresa wondered aloud if boarding school had been a mistake. Brady said he had thought about that, too. "He spent a lot of time away from us lately, especially me," Brady admitted. Brady explained he had been wondering if he did not know his son as well as he had thought. Theresa grasped Brady's hand.

"Did I miss a sign? Could I have prevented this somehow?" Theresa said. Theresa wondered aloud if Tate took after her. "No!" Brady said. "Maybe I'm the one responsible. Maybe I'm the one who failed our son?" Theresa wondered aloud. Brady told Theresa that it was not her fault. "If it's anyone's fault, it's probably mine," Brady said. Brady lamented that he had not been around more.

"Tate knows how much you love him. He knows he can reach out to you anytime, and you'll be there for him," Theresa said. Brady thanked Theresa. With a sigh, Theresa said she kept replaying New Year's Eve night. "Tate was so excited to be on a date with Holly. Do you know how hard he was crushing on her?" Theresa said with a chuckle. "Crushing hard on her," Brady agreed. Brady lamented that he had not been keeping an eye on Holly and Tate at the party.

"How did this go so wrong? How did this happen?" Theresa said through tears. Brady pulled Theresa into her arms as she started to sob. When Theresa calmed, she joked that they had the parental guilt covered.

"I know I give you a lot of crap. But I know that you have done the best that you can do with our boy. I know that," Brady said. "Thank you. That really means a lot. I know I've given you a lot of crap, too. You really deserve it," Theresa said with a laugh. Brady smiled. Theresa told Brady that he was a good and loving father. "We really have to stop beating ourselves up about this," Brady said. Brady reminded Theresa that they were not perfect.

"The best thing we can do for our son right now is believe in him and believe him. I know in my heart that our kid did not do this. That's what I believe," Brady said. Theresa agreed. "No more doubts. Our son is innocent," Theresa said. Brady and Theresa vowed to never give up on their son.

At the prison, Kate met with Lucas. "You're here after visiting hours, so how did you get them to let you in?" Lucas asked. Kate admitted she had called in a favor. "The reason I'm here tonight is because someone wants to talk to you," Kate said. Harris walked into the room.

When Kate introduced Harris, Lucas narrowed his eyes and noted that Harris had shot Hope. "I was brainwashed back then," Harris explained. Kate reminded Lucas that Harris had helped save her life on the boat. "So, you trust this guy?" Lucas asked. "I do," Kate said. Lucas asked what Harris wanted from him. Harris explained that he was with the Salem PD.

"I'm here tonight to offer you a deal," Harris said. "What kind of deal?" Lucas asked. Harris told Lucas about the spike in the drug problem in Salem. "I believe that whoever is behind this drug epidemic is right here inside this prison," Harris said. Harris asked Lucas for help gathering intelligence.

"You've got to be out of your damn mind," Lucas said. Lucas argued that it was not safe to snitch on anyone about anything in Statesville. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I also know that you were an undercover prison informant before," Harris said. Harris added that Lucas had also helped with Orpheus. With a shake of his head, Lucas pointed out that he had believed that Orpheus had killed his mother.

"And you don't know how many times...I almost lost my life," Lucas said. Lucas stressed that his informant days were over. "I understand your reservations. I do. But maybe you'll change your mind if I tell you how I can help you," Harris said. Harris promised to secure Lucas' release from prison.

"I wouldn't even be here if I hadn't been assured that the right people in the right places would guarantee your release," Harris said. Lucas admitted that the offer was tempting, but he did not want to risk his life. "I'm going to be a good boy and do my time. That's it," Lucas whispered. "You have your answer. We should go," Kate said. With a sigh, Harris stood up. Kate fought back tears. "You're a good man, and you're a wonderful son. And as much as I miss you terribly, and your children miss you terribly, and all of us who love you miss you terribly, I understand your decision. And I respect it. I love you. I'll see you soon," Kate said.

As Kate rose to leave with Harris, Lucas called out for them to stop. "Maybe I'll do what you're asking," Lucas said. Alarmed, Kate reminded Lucas that he had listed valid reasons not to be an informant. "You told me that my family misses me, my kids miss me. What do you expect me to do? Of course, I want to get out of here. I want my life back," Lucas said. Lucas offered to probe for information as a start.

"No! Because I don't want to see you the next one who gets shanked and carried out in a body bag. We're done here. This was a huge mistake, because we've already put him in danger just by being here," Kate argued. Harris asked Kate to talk to the guard while he gave Lucas tips on how to avoid blowback from their visit. Reluctantly, Kate stepped outside.

"You don't have any tips, do you?" Lucas said. Harris told Lucas that Holly Jonas had overdosed and was in a coma. "I need you to help me save kids like her. So, if you do this, I will do everything to protect you," Harris said. Lucas agreed to help. Lucas demanded protection and a guarantee that he would be released once he secured the information that Harris needed. Harris promised.

When Kate returned, she looked at Lucas and sighed. "He convinced you. Damn it, Lucas! Are you sure about this?" Kate asked. Lucas said he was sure. "I want to help kids like Holly, and I want to get the hell out of this place as soon as possible," Lucas said. Kate asked Lucas to be careful. "And you keep him safe," Kate growled at Harris. Kate advised Lucas not to help until her lawyer had the deal in writing. Harris advised Lucas to put on a show, and Lucas nodded in agreement.

"Why don't you guys get the hell out of here! The answer is no! I'm not a rat!" Lucas yelled. As Harris and Kate walked out, Harris yelled back, "You're making a big mistake. You want to rot? Rot." Lucas yelled that he would rather rot in prison than help the police. "Don't ever come back here again!" Lucas screamed as Harris shut the door.

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Edited by SC Desk