Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 25, 2023 on DAYS

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Kayla tested Paulina for cancer. Steve threatened Konstantin. Wendy and Tripp decided to move to Hong Kong. Xander and Sarah kissed. Holly overdosed.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 25, 2023 on DAYS

Kayla tested Paulina for cancer. Holly told Nicole about her crush on Johnny. E.J. refused to help Stefan with Clyde. Leo pressured Sloan for support. Chad, Everett, and Harris discussed the Salem drug problem. Konstantin intentionally injured his foot to stay with Maggie. Steve threatened Konstantin. Ava lied to Harris about her relationship with Stefan. Wendy and Tripp decided to move to Hong Kong. Holly asked Tate out. Nicole started therapy. Everett rehired Leo. Chad saw Everett and Stephanie kiss. Xander and Sarah kissed. Holly overdosed.

Stefan pleads with E.J. for help on Christmas Day
Stefan pleads with E.J. for help on Christmas Day

Stefan pleads with E.J. for help on Christmas Day

Monday, December 25, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At Wendy and Tripp's apartment, Ava awoke on Christmas morning from a nightmare in which Harris had arrested her for her involvement in drug trafficking. Moments later, as Ava sipped coffee, Harris visited Ava to say that he had already purchased her a Christmas gift before she'd broken up with him.

Ava was touched to receive a necklace from Harris, who said that Ava was "worth every penny." Ava agreed to allow Harris to place the necklace around her neck. Harris called Ava "beautiful," and he said he didn't understand why she was pushing him away. "Is there something you're not telling me?" Harris asked Ava.

Ava said there was nothing she was hiding from Harris, and she rambled with a list of reasons why she couldn't continue seeing him. Ava mentioned Harris' job, and she asked if he'd made any progress with the new drug cartel in Salem. Harris said that he wouldn't stop until he brought whoever was responsible to justice.

Ava wished Harris good luck, and she offered to return the necklace to Harris. Harris convinced Ava to keep the necklace, and he vowed that he wasn't giving up on her. "I wish you would," Ava said as her voice began to quiver. "Never," Harris replied.

In Paulina's room at the hospital, Paulina gave Kayla a list of the symptoms she had been experiencing in the days leading up to Christmas. Chanel spoke up and added that Paulina also had what appeared to be a lump on her neck. Paulina asked Kayla if she believed that the lump was cancerous.

Kayla noted that Paulina had a nodule on her thyroid, and she said that she hoped it could be treated with oral medication. Paulina was frightened when Kayla mentioned undergoing a biopsy. A short while later, Kayla returned with an endocrinology referral for Paulina. Kayla said that she had a favor to ask, and she asked if Chanel or Paulina would help her read the hospital's annual Christmas story.

Moments later, Kayla appeared in a Santa Claus suit by the nurses' station. Paulina and Chanel joined Kayla as Paulina read a story from the Bible to the children at the hospital. Afterwards, Kayla said that Paulina had done a wonderful job. Paulina was anxious to meet Abe for Christmas, and she and Chanel left together.

At Eric and Sloan's apartment, Eric and Sloan looked forward to their first Christmas together with Jude, but they soon began to argue about Nicole. Eric agreed to take a fussy Jude for a car ride, and he left. Afterwards, Leo appeared after having waited for Eric to leave. "Girl, we've got some catching up to do," Leo said.

Leo said that Sloan would pay him whatever it took for him to keep quiet about her secret. Leo demanded that Sloan give him money and a place to stay. Sloan said that she didn't have the resources to pay for a room for Leo. Leo scoffed, and he suggested that Sloan rob a bank or become "a woman of the night." Leo added that Sloan would "find a way" to support him if she wanted to keep Jude.

At the DiMera mansion, Stefan visited E.J. to share that Gabi had suffered a broken leg at Statesville. E.J. was taken aback when Stefan said that Gabi's injury had been a message from Clyde. Stefan told E.J. that Clyde had used Gabi as leverage to force Stefan into running Clyde's drug trafficking business.

Stefan said that he couldn't extricate himself from Clyde's hold. Stefan added that he was desperate to be rid of Clyde, and he begged E.J. to help him. "Family first. That's always been the family credo. Even when we bickered and backstabbed, Father could always find a way to unite us against a common threat," E.J. said.

Stefan was elated by E.J.'s announcement, but E.J. put a damper on Stefan's spirits when he said that his circumstances had changed -- in part because he was the district attorney. E.J. said that he wouldn't help Stefan, and he added that Stefan shouldn't have expected E.J.'s help.

Stefan tried to encourage E.J. to think of it as getting revenge on Clyde, but E.J. said that he wouldn't jeopardize his career and family for the likes of Clyde. "And since I'm the D.A., Stefan, let me remind you that if you get yourself into trouble, you could find yourself in a cell at Statesville. Look at the bright side. They could put you in the one right next to Gabi," E.J. scoffed, and he left. Afterwards, Stefan picked up an object from the coffee table, and he threw it at the wall in a fit of rage.

Upstairs at the mansion, Holly awoke with a hangover after she had been drunk the previous night. Holly panicked when she realized she had called Johnny while drunk. Nicole entered to check on Holly, who she observed taking aspirin. Nicole quickly deduced that Holly had a hangover.

Holly said that she had gotten drunk because she'd been sad, and she mentioned Johnny. Nicole asked Holly to open up to her, but Holly said that she didn't feel like talking about it. Nicole said that she loved Holly and that she was always there for Holly. After some convincing, Nicole talked Holly into going out into the sunlight for some fresh air to help with Holly's hangover.

Later, in Horton Town Square, Nicole and Holly sat on a park bench. Holly confided that she liked Johnny and that she had drunk-dialed him the previous night. Nicole tried to reassure Holly, but she cautioned that Johnny only thought of Holly as a sister.

Holly said that she felt "obsessed" with Johnny and that she believed she loved him. Nicole countered that one-sided feelings didn't equate to love. "It's infatuation, and if you have to jump through all these hoops just to get one guy's attention, then--" Nicole said before Eric and Jude approached.

Eric wished Holly a happy birthday, and he wished them both a merry Christmas. Nicole said that she was uncomfortable being around Eric and Jude, and she noted that Sloan would be upset to learn that Nicole was near them. Eric said that he and Nicole were bound to run into one another.

Eric noticed that Holly seemed off. To Holly's chagrin, Nicole told Eric about Holly's hangover. Eric suggested that Holly and Nicole join him for breakfast. As they ate breakfast at a table together in Horton Town Square, Holly was excited when she placed Jude in her arms for the first time.

Holly asked Nicole not to tell anyone else about her hangover. Nicole and Eric teased that no one would believe it if they told them. Just then, Leo and Sloan approached the entrance of the Salem Inn. They spotted Nicole, Eric, and Holly laughing with Jude nearby. "Oh, would you look at that? Isn't that just the sweetest thing you've ever seen? What a perfect little family," Leo gloated to Sloan.

Konstantin enacts a new plan to stay
Konstantin enacts a new plan to stay

Konstantin enacts a new plan to stay

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

by Spalding

At the Brady Pub, Harris ran into Chad, and Chad invited Harris to join his table. "What are you doing here alone on Christmas?" Harris asked. With a shrug, Chad said he wanted to have some time alone to think about his mistakes that year. Chad added that his kids were with Doug and Julie. "What brings you here?" Chad asked. Harris admitted that he had nowhere to go.

"I was planning to spend it with Ava, but the universe had other plans," Harris said. Harris added that it was not his first Christmas breakup. "Breakups are rough any time. But the holidays? Damn," Chad said. Chad noted that, unlike Harris, he knew why he had been dumped. "I made an unforgivable mistake," Chad said. "I made a mistake, too," Harris said. Harris noted that he had kissed another woman while drunk, but he did not name Stephanie.

"But Ava can't forgive. Any chance you and Stephanie can work things out?" Harris asked. Chad shook his head no. Everett walked in. Chad and Everett wished each other a merry Christmas. "Harris, this is Everett Lynch, the guy who replaced me in Stephanie's life," Chad said. Everett stressed that he and Stephanie were just friends.

"[Stephanie] made it very clear she's taking a break from men and relationships," Everett said. "Well, pull up a chair then," Chad said. As Everett sat down, Harris asked him how he knew Stephanie. Everett explained that he had worked with her in Seattle. Chad chuckled as he noted that the relationship had been more than a working one. Everett nodded yes.

"I just didn't feel the need to get into all that right now," Everett said. "You were being tactful!" Chad said with a laugh. Chad noted that Harris did not know Stephanie. "You might be wondering why Everett and I were both so smitten by her. She's kind of irresistible," Chad said. Everett agreed that Stephanie was a wonderful person. Harris changed the subject, and he asked about Everett. Everett noted that he did not like to talk about himself, and he asked Harris about whether his skills as a Navy SEAL helped with the police work.

"Not with the case I'm on right now," Harris admitted. Chad noted that it was a sad coincidence that the three of them had shown up at the pub alone on Christmas. "We should make it a tradition," Chad said. Everett and Harris humored Chad, and they agreed. Chad said that it was more fun than the awkward family gatherings. Harris noted that he had no family in town, but he was happy to take a break from work with Chad and Everett.

"You're on duty on Christmas?" Everett asked. Harris admitted he had volunteered so that officers with a family could spend the holiday with them. "It's been pretty quiet so far," Harris said. Curious, Everett asked about Harris' current problematic case. Harris explained that there had been an uptick in drug crimes. "My gut instinct tells me with the activity, there's a new player in town," Harris admitted. Harris added that the mayor and city council had been breathing down the commissioner's neck.

"So, the commissioner is probably breathing down yours," Everett countered. Harris nodded yes. Everett noted that he and Harris had similar jobs. "We both got to keep digging, follow all the leads, leave no stone left unturned," Everett said. "Exactly. And I intend to do all of that," Harris said. Chad glanced at his phone, and he noted that he needed to pick up his kids soon. Everett told Chad that his kids were very sweet. "Thank you. My proudest accomplishment. Well, mine and Abby's," Chad said.

Harris' phone rang with a tip about a drug shipment. Everett asked Harris if he could do a ride along, but Harris said no. "Maybe fill out all the paperwork from the city attorney in case you get yourself killed," Harris said. Everett gave Harris his card, and he asked Harris to call if there were any developments in the case. "It could be nothing, or it could be the break I'm waiting for," Harris said.

After Harris left, Everett and Chad talked about the drug issues in Salem. "I get the feeling from Harris that the situation is spiraling out of control," Everett said. Chad agreed that breaking the story could be big for the paper. "Some people who won't talk to a cop might talk to a reporter," Everett said. "Okay, Mr. intrepid investigative reporter. You ready to earn your stripes?" Chad asked with a grin.

On the docks, Ava met up with Stefan. "How long is this supposed to take?" Ava asked. "You know how this works. We get word that there is going to be a shipment, we need to be here to receive it," Stefan said. Ava complained about having to spend Christmas on a cold dock. Stefan muttered that he had not planned to spend most of his Christmas in a prison infirmary.

"How's Gabi doing?" Ava asked. "I've never seen her so scared," Stefan admitted. Stefan argued that the staff in the infirmary had been unfeeling and mean. "Does Gabi know that what happened to her was because of us?" Ava asked. "She's fully in the loop now. Watching her back as best as she can," Stefan said. Stefan noted that it was bad enough that Gabi was in prison for a crime she had not committed, but he was scared of what might happen to Gabi if she was not released soon.

"And in case you were wondering just how desperate I am to get Gabi out of there, I went to E.J. Asked him for help to get rid of Clyde," Stefan confessed. Ava's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? What did you tell him?" Ava asked. Stefan admitted that he had told E.J. the full story. "What if he blows this whole thing wide open? He is the D.A., for God's sake," Ava growled. Stefan reminded Ava that E.J. was a DiMera and had a history with Clyde.

"It's all moot. He turned me down," Stefan muttered. Frustrated, Ava yelled at Stefan for having made things harder. Stefan argued that Ava had not done anything to help resolve their problems. After Ava took a deep breath, she noted that they could not turn on one another. "Let's just focus on what's going on here tonight," Ava said. Stefan agreed that they could not afford to incur Clyde's wrath again. With a sigh, Stefan lamented that Ava had broken up with Harris.

"It might have been nice to keep tabs on what the police know, what they're doing," Stefan said. Annoyed, Ava reminded Stefan that he had warned her that it was too dangerous to date Harris. "And just so you know, I didn't break up with him because I was afraid that he might stumble upon what we're doing here. I broke up with him because I didn't want to take a chance that he might get caught in the crossfire if things go sideways," Ava grumbled. Stefan noted that it sounded like Ava had really cared about Harris.

After a man dropped off the shipment, Ava complained, "This has got to be a new low. Picking up a drug deal on Christmas Day." Stefan noted that unlike drug dealers, he hoped the police had taken the day off. Stefan foolishly opened a bag in the open to confirm that the drugs were in the shipment. "That's a lot of pills," Stefan muttered. As Stefan noted that they needed to get the shipment inside, Harris called out to them. "What's going on?" Harris asked.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie and Sarah greeted Justin. Justin explained that Bonnie was with her daughter and granddaughter, and she had sent her love. "And speaking of beautiful babies, where is your little one?" Justin asked. "Right here!" Xander exclaimed as he entered the room with baby Victoria. Sarah squealed as she ran over to greet her daughter.

"Did you have fun at Daddy's house?" Sarah said. Justin and Maggie exchanged a look at one another and smiled. "It looks like you have certainly taken to fatherhood," Justin said. "More than I ever could have imagined," Xander said. Xander and Sarah smiled at one another. Maggie gasped as she saw Alex enter with Theresa. Alex hugged Justin.

"Alex, I'm so glad you came," Maggie said. "I wasn't going to, as you know, but out of respect for Victor, my father, I decided it was the right thing to do," Alex explained. With a nod, Maggie noted that Victor would have wanted the whole family together the first Christmas after he had died. "So, that's the reason, the very important reason that I wanted you here. To make peace," Maggie said.

Maggie made a speech welcoming the family home. "I know it's been a lot of strain and stress since Victor's death. But we're all family, not all by blood, but family nonetheless. And I hope that we can put all our differences aside and agree to work through those differences as we go into the new year," Maggie said. As Victoria fussed, Theresa offered to take the baby to give Sarah a break.

"That's very sweet, but no. I think she just needs her mommy," Sarah said. Xander noted that they were hesitant to let anyone else hold Victoria since the kidnapping. "I totally understand," Theresa said. Brady arrived, and Theresa hugged him hello. Theresa told Brady that she was sad to hear that Kristen had refused to let Brady see Rachel.

"That is just cruel," Theresa said. Theresa noted that although she and Brady had fought over the years, she was glad that they had never kept their son away from one another for the holidays. "Me, too," Brady whispered.

Across the room, Maggie gave Alex a present. "Something I think you'd like to have," Maggie said. Inside the box was Victor's watch. "The one [Victor's] father passed down to him. And he cherished it. I know he would like you to have it," Maggie said. Touched, Alex thanked Maggie. After the family video chatted with Sonny and the family in New Zealand, Maggie told the group that she had spoken to Philip and Hope that morning, too.

"Is there any change with Bo?" Sarah asked. "Apparently not. He doesn't even know his father is gone," Maggie said. "Merry Christmas, everyone!" Konstantin yelled as he entered the quiet room. Maggie invited Konstantin to join them. "I came to give you a gift, Maggie, and to say goodbye," Konstantin said. Konstantin explained that he intended to fly out that night. Maggie opened the present to reveal a tablecloth.

"It is not from Saxton's. It is 100% handmade in Greece," Konstantin said. "I'll treasure it. You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble or expense," Maggie said. Konstantin noted that the cost was no worry thanks to Maggie. When Konstantin admitted that his flight did not leave for a few hours, Maggie invited him to stay for dinner. The other family members in the room frowned at one another.

Justin poured glasses of Victor's favorite vintage grappa, and he proposed a toast in Victor's honor. Maggie asked Konstantin to start the toast in Greek. Konstantin said in Greek, "May his memory be eternal." The room toasted to Victor. Konstantin walked over to Sarah and Xander, and he noted that their daughter was beautiful. "I hope that someday you bring her to my country to visit," Konstantin said. As Sarah nodded yes, Xander offered to warm up Victoria's bottle.

"Obviously a wonderful father," Konstantin said. "He is. He loves his daughter," Sarah said. Konstantin noted that the baby was lucky to have two loving parents. As Konstantin milled about the room with Maggie, Xander whispered to Sarah that he was glad that Konstantin was leaving town. "Part of me is, too. I mean, although he has been a comfort to my mom, so I do worry that she'll miss him," Sarah said.

Konstantin pulled Theresa into the foyer to talk privately. Theresa grumbled that she would not be able to feel the Christmas spirit until Konstantin was flying back to Greece. "I am not giving up on Maggie. Nor am I leaving town. In fact, I plan on being back in this very house tonight," Konstantin said. Theresa begged Konstantin to leave. With a smirk, Konstantin told Theresa, "Watch this." Konstantin tipped his right foot on its side, and he stomped on it with the other foot until the bones cracked. Theresa gaped in horror.

In the living room, Alex complained about having to write holiday greetings to the staff. "It's like, is the paycheck not enough, right?" Alex said. The family quietly sipped their drinks. "That's a terrible attitude, Alex. Titan owes much of its success to those employees," Maggie said. Maggie told Alex that he should be grateful to his employees.

"I show them my gratitude by paying them, Maggie, not kissing their asses," Alex countered. Maggie argued that in light of Alex's attitude, she believed Victor would want her to help Alex run Titan. Alex groaned. "I think you're overreacting to what I just said. I happen to treat our Titan employees very respectfully. I just don't like writing phony, fawning emails to them," Alex said. Maggie argued that Alex's comments were disdainful of the employees.

"And that was very disturbing to me," Maggie added. "If I might chime in, I think it's a great idea, actually, for Maggie to come back and help out at Titan. And I'm happy to help, too, maybe as a consultant, wherever you need," Xander offered. Alex smirked. "Right, I'll just take advice from the ex-gardener," Alex joked. Maggie gasped.

"This ex-gardener was a better CEO at Titan than you'll ever be," Xander protested. Alex told Xander that Xander had been a pathetic CEO without a clue. "You don't even have a clue how to be a decent human being," Xander muttered. Justin intervened and told them both to stop. Xander called Alex a spoiled child and a "misogynistic buffoon." "It's Christmas. Why don't we act like adults here?" Brady suggested.

"I'm a buffoon? Coming from a guy who posed as a clown and kidnapped two women?" Alex shot back. Konstantin screamed in the foyer. Konstantin limped into the living room and explained that he had tripped on the stairs and hurt his ankle. Xander and Brady helped Konstantin into a chair. Alex walked over to Justin and whispered, "Can you believe this?" "I'm not sure I do," Justin said. Sarah examined Konstantin's ankle, and she noted that it looked like a severe sprain.

"You should get x-rays right in the morning just to make sure it doesn't have a fracture or it's broken," Sarah recommended. Theresa rolled her eyes. When Konstantin protested that he needed to make his flight, Sarah told him to postpone his travel plans. "I do not want to be a burden," Konstantin said. Maggie insisted that Konstantin stay the night so that he could get x-rays in the morning. Frustrated, Theresa turned away to hide her annoyance.

"Was it possible for this family to have one uneventful dinner?" Brady complained to Xander. "This family? No chance," Xander said. Across the room, Theresa asked Justin how he was doing. Justin admitted that the news about Alex's paternity had been difficult. "Alex seems to think that things are different between us," Justin said. Justin added that he was sad that Alex had been especially distant that night.

"I understand. But I think, well, I know, that Alex really loves you as a father. It's just the shock of not being your biological son, it's still taking a while to wear off. But really, you're still just the wonderful father to Alex that you've always been," Theresa said. Theresa noted that nothing had changed. "And yet, everything has, it seems, for him. But not for me. My heart tells me that Alex is my son. And always will be," Justin said.

Sarah wrapped up Konstantin's ankle, and Maggie promised to make Konstantin follow Sarah's instructions. As Victoria cried, Xander attempted to soothe her. Xander offered to take Victoria for a ride in the car, and Sarah asked to join them. As the new parents left with Victoria, Brady followed them out of the house.

"You ready to get out of here?" Alex asked Theresa. Theresa nodded yes. "Are you going so soon?" Maggie asked. Alex said he did not want to wear out his welcome. "Merry Christmas, Justin. Thank you for having us, Maggie," Alex said. Maggie thanked Alex for having joined the family. After Alex and Theresa left, Justin went to the kitchen to get ice for Konstantin.

"I was so hoping that this night was going to be about warmth and forgiveness. I thought we could all make peace," Maggie said. "You did your best," Konstantin said. Konstantin noted that families were complicated. "Our greatest strength and our greatest weakness," Konstantin said. With a sad smile, Maggie noted that it sounded like something Victor would say.

Ava is stunned by an announcement from Tripp and Wendy
Ava is stunned by an announcement from Tripp and Wendy

Ava is stunned by an announcement from Tripp and Wendy

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

by Steve Holley

At John and Marlena's penthouse, Tate was surprised to receive a Christmas Day visit from Holly. Holly said that she had stopped by to apologize for the way she had been mistreating Tate. Holly noted that she had used Tate in an effort to grow close to Johnny. Holly added that she had been drunk the previous night, and she said that she felt bad for having spent her birthday and Christmas Eve alone.

Holly lamented that she had been too focused on a fantasy with Johnny to see what had been right in front of her -- Tate. Tate said that he had felt "pathetic" about wanting to be with Holly when she'd been interested in someone else. When Holly mentioned second chances, Tate asked if Holly was asking him for one.

Holly said that she didn't deserve a second chance after the way she had treated Tate, who remembered that he had purchased a birthday present for Holly. Holly was touched when Tate handed her a first edition of Pride and Prejudice that Tate had purchased through eBay.

Holly thanked Tate, and she smiled warmly as she called it a perfect gift. Holly then asked Tate if he wanted to have a date with her. Tate proposed that he and Holly meet for dinner on New Year's Eve at the Bistro, and Holly agreed. Holly and Tate said that they looked forward to their date together.

At Rafe's house, Rafe and Jada awoke in bed after having slept late. The two joked about spending all of Christmas Day in bed together. After making love, Jada said that she admired Rafe's home, which Rafe noted that his mother and Gabi had decorated. Jada said warmly that Rafe's house felt like home.

Rafe offered to make tamales for Jada as part of a Christmas tradition in his family. When Jada agreed, Rafe said that he planned to bring tamales to Gabi at Statesville later that day. Jada complimented Rafe for being a good brother. Rafe vowed that he wouldn't rest until he found Li's killer and until Gabi was home.

Jada proposed that she and Rafe play a Christmas trivia game to help distract Rafe from his worries over Gabi. They joked for a bit before making love again. Afterwards, Jada said that she didn't think she'd ever felt the way she did with Rafe. Jada added that she felt safe with Rafe, who shared the same feeling. Rafe said that he was grateful that Jada was in his life. Rafe and Jada kissed.

On the loading docks, Ava and Stefan tried to cover their tracks to Harris. Stefan was standoffish, and he headed inside the Bistro. Harris draped his coat over Ava, who noted that Harris would be cold. Harris said that he didn't mind being cold. "What I do mind... is being lied to," Harris said.

Harris deduced that Ava had been lying when she had said that she'd broken up with him for having a wandering eye for Stephanie. Harris recalled having stumbled on Ava with Stefan, and he asked if Ava was in love with Stefan.

Ava initially seemed wounded by the question before lying that she and Stefan were seeing one another. Harris eventually surmised that Ava was telling the truth. Ava said that Stefan reminded her too much of Jake, and she claimed that she had never gotten over Jake. Harris said that he wished Ava had told him the truth sooner.

As Harris started to leave, Ava apologized for having deceived him. Ava said that she would remember every moment she and Harris had spent together, and she told him to take care. "You, too," Harris said. Once she was out of sight, Ava struggled to fight back her emotions as Harris sighed deeply in bewilderment. Moments later, Harris and Stefan stood face to face on the docks. Harris warned Stefan not to play games with Ava. Harris left after saying that he would be watching Stefan.

In the park, Tripp cuddled with Wendy on a bench. When Tripp mentioned his and Wendy's plans to meet Steve and Kayla for Christmas dinner, Wendy recalled that her mother wanted Wendy to return to China because of Wei Shin's health. Tripp sympathized with Wendy, but he wondered if it was fair to ask Wendy to abandon her life in Salem. Wendy noted that she still hadn't made a decision.

Wendy admitted that she felt an obligation to her parents, but she asked how she could leave Tripp and the life she had made for herself in Salem. Tripp and Wendy hugged. Wendy said that her mother didn't understand that Wendy had a life in Salem. Tripp said that he would respect whatever decision Wendy made. Tripp left to get hot chocolate for him and Wendy.

Just as Tripp left, Melinda approached to wish Wendy a merry Christmas. Wendy remained upset at Melinda for having used Li. Melinda claimed that she had cared about Li, and she called him a "good man" that had made terrible mistakes in the name of love. Wendy said that Melinda was right, and she blamed Gabi for having driven Li to his criminal acts.

Melinda grew emotional when she said that she wished she had been more open and welcoming to feelings of love. Wendy said there was still time for Melinda to be more open to love. Melinda grew emotional, and she admitted that she hadn't liked herself lately and that she didn't feel deserving of love. Melinda added that she hoped Wendy didn't feel the same way about herself, and she flattered Wendy with praise.

Wendy agreed to accept Melinda's compliments, and she admitted that she needed advice. Wendy told Melinda that she felt torn about her duty to her parents, and she said that her mother wanted her to move back to China. Melinda asked what Wendy wanted, just as Tripp returned. When Tripp asked if things were okay, Wendy smiled as she looked at Melinda. "More than okay," Wendy said assuredly.

A short while later, in Horton Town Square, Ava joined Tripp and Wendy as the three of them wished one another a merry Christmas. Tripp said that he and Wendy had some big news to share. Ava rushed to judgment, and she asked if Tripp and Wendy planned to be married. Ava was shocked when Wendy said that she was moving to China. "And I'm moving with her," Tripp said as he reached for Wendy's hand.

Steve and John increase the pressure on Konstantin
Steve and John increase the pressure on Konstantin

Steve and John increase the pressure on Konstantin

Thursday, December 28, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Kayla's office at the hospital, Paulina and Chanel met with Kayla to learn the results of Paulina's blood work. Kayla said that Paulina's body was causing her thyroid gland not to work as efficiently as it should. Paulina asked why she needed a biopsy. Kayla said there was a possibility that Paulina had cancerous thyroid cells.

Chanel pleaded with Paulina to follow Kayla's orders and to undergo the tests that Kayla had ordered. Paulina relented, and she agreed. Kayla agreed to schedule a biopsy. Paulina groused that she didn't have time to be sick.

A short while later, Johnny joined Paulina and Chanel in the lobby by the nurses' station. Chanel and Paulina told Johnny about the biopsy Paulina was undergoing. Johnny told Paulina about having retinoblastoma in his eye when he had been a child. Paulina was surprised to learn that Johnny wore a prosthetic eye. Johnny added that the early detection of his cancer had saved his life.

Paulina left to undergo her biopsy as Johnny and Chanel chatted over coffee. Johnny noted that it was New Year's Eve, and he asked what Chanel's plans for the evening were. Chanel said that it was best to plan her and Johnny's evening around Paulina. Chanel agreed to watch It's a Wonderful Life, given that she and Johnny hadn't had the chance to see the movie on Christmas Eve.

Chanel thanked Johnny for being with her at the hospital. Johnny said there was no place else he would rather be, and he vowed that Paulina was a fighter and would be fine. "Yeah, she better be because I cannot imagine my life without her," Chanel said worriedly. Johnny placed his arms around Chanel, and they hugged.

Back in Kayla's office moments later, Kayla said that she had placed a rush on Paulina's biopsy results. "We're not exactly sure yet, but the pathology report is showing similarities to cancer cells. We're gonna need to run more tests to know exactly what we're dealing with," Kayla revealed.

Paulina looked anxious, but she vowed to deal with whatever diagnosis she received. Chanel held Paulina's hand as Kayla sought to reassure Paulina.

In Marlena's office at the hospital, Nicole met Marlena for Nicole's first therapy session since she'd been told her baby had died. Nicole said the hardest thing about losing her child was the urge she felt to nurse her baby. Nicole added that she had considered having an abortion because of her fears that she would give birth to a stillborn baby.

Nicole said that she had reconsidered because she had thought that Eric might be the father. Marlena shook her head, and she said she didn't understand. Nicole clarified that she hadn't intended to deprive Eric of a chance to be a father, given everything that Eric had been through.

Marlena surmised that Nicole had had other reasons for not having an abortion. Nicole admitted that she loved E.J. "But Eric, oh... I still care about him. And I miss him. And if I'm being honest with you and myself, in my heart... I wanted that baby I lost to be Eric's," Nicole admitted as she began to sob.

Marlena asked how Nicole had felt when she had learned the baby wasn't Eric's. Marlena asked if Nicole would have left E.J. if she had learned that Eric was the baby's father. Nicole said that she wasn't sure, and she added that she couldn't answer the question because things had changed.

As she rambled, Nicole recalled having given birth on the side of the road weeks earlier. Nicole began to bawl. "And if it wasn't -- if it wasn't for that car accident, my -- my baby would be alive. E.J.'s and my little boy would be alive," Nicole said as she sobbed uncontrollably.

Nicole apologized for her outburst before continuing. Nicole said that E.J. had been understanding of her since the loss of her baby and throughout her pregnancy. Nicole added that Eric had forgiven her for having taken the baby in Horton Town Square. Marlena asked if Nicole had forgiven herself. Nicole said that she had.

Marlena asked what Nicole saw next for herself. Nicole reasoned that she had a loving husband in E.J., as well as a wonderful daughter in Holly. Nicole said through tears that she wanted to focus on Holly and to give her some stability.

Marlena said that she hoped the session had been helpful to Nicole. Nicole smiled as she said that it had been helpful, and she asked to continue her therapy with Marlena. Marlena said that there would always be time in her schedule for Nicole. Nicole said that she felt hopeful and optimistic about her recovery and the new year.

In Horton Town Square, Eric and Sloan encountered Leo, who spoke in innuendo to remind Sloan that he was blackmailing her. Sloan asked Eric to give her and Leo a moment alone. After Eric stepped away, Sloan noted that Leo was wearing a new suit that he revealed he had had shipped from Fifth Avenue in New York.

Sloan deduced that Leo had used her credit card to purchase the suit. Leo implied that he would continue blackmailing Sloan until she told the truth about the baby to Nicole. Leo said that he would send a list of demands to Sloan, who said that she wasn't wealthy enough to afford Leo's demands. "Sorry, toots. Them's the breaks," Leo said smugly before walking away.

Afterwards, Eric returned with granola bars for Sloan, and he said that Sloan's credit card had been declined. Just then, Leo returned with several large bags from Saxton's. Leo continued to gloat that he'd spent thousands of dollars on expensive brand merchandise, and he added that his spirits were soaring.

A short while later, Eric said that he had never felt as happy as he did with Sloan, who said that she felt the same way. They held hands as Sloan said that nothing would ever tear her and Eric apart.

Nearby, Leo spotted Johnny. Johnny was in no mood for Leo, who proceeded to flirt with Johnny by asking him out on New Year's Eve. Johnny was incredulous, and he noted that he wasn't bisexual or gay. Johnny scoffed that Leo should join a dating site. " might be a good one for you because I am spoken for. Happy New Year," Johnny told Leo before leaving.

In the park, someone in a black leather coat sneaked up from behind Konstantin and inserted a syringe into his neck. Konstantin screamed, and he asked what was happening to him as he was led away.

Moments later, Konstantin appeared with a black hood over his face while he sat tied to a chair in a dark basement. When the hood was removed, Steve was revealed to have abducted Konstantin as John sat crouched out of sight nearby. Konstantin asked what Steve wanted. Steve recalled having warned Konstantin to leave Salem weeks earlier, and he added that he had warned Konstantin to stay away from Maggie.

Konstantin asked why Steve was harassing him, and he wondered what he had ever done to Steve. Steve again ordered Konstantin to leave Salem. Konstantin refused, and he spat that Steve could to "go to hell." Just then, John grabbed Konstantin by the collar of his jacket. John and Konstantin shared an intense look into one another's eyes before John and Steve returned Konstantin to a bench in the park.

Steve and John said that Konstantin had one week to leave Salem for good. Konstantin removed a hood from his head, and he stared around nervously. Konstantin flashed back to being face to face with John. "Those eyes. I know those eyes. Could it really be him?" Konstantin said of John.

Back in the basement, Steve said he hoped that he and John had finally gotten through to Konstantin. John said that Konstantin was "lower than scum." Steve agreed. "If we didn't get through to him, we got no choice but to take this to the next level," Steve said as John nodded in agreement.

Holly brings pills to the New Year
Holly brings pills to the New Year's Eve party

Holly brings pills to the New Year's Eve party

Friday, December 29, 2023

by Spalding

Xander was consulting Victoria's feeding schedule when Sarah stopped by. Surprised, Xander said he had expected that Sarah would be at her New Year's Eve party. "I just wanted to stop in and give Victoria a New Year's kiss," Sarah said. Sarah beamed as she looked down at her sleeping daughter.

When Sarah kissed Victoria, she noted that her head was warm. "I didn't notice that she was warm when I laid her down. Is she okay?" Xander asked. Sarah noted that Victoria's temperature was only slightly elevated, and she asked Xander for baby acetaminophen. "I don't have that," Xander stammered. "There are things that every parent needs to have when they have a baby," Sarah said. Xander asked for a list so that he would be better prepared. Worried, Xander grabbed his coat, and he headed off to the store.

When Xander returned with the medicine, he apologized for not having had it on hand. "It's okay. We have it now," Sarah said. After the medicine had time to take effect, Xander asked what was next. Sarah explained that they would wait to see if the fever reduced. "I'm going to text my friend to tell her I'm not coming to the party," Sarah said. Xander asked if she was sure. Sarah noted that Victoria was her priority.

When Sarah next checked Victoria's temperature, it was back to normal. "Thank God," Xander whispered with relief. "Between the meds and your lullaby," Sarah said with a grin. Xander urged Sarah to head over to her party, but Sarah declined. "I'd much rather be here with my little girl. And you," Sarah said.

As Johnny and Chanel walked through the town square, Chanel said she wished they had not left Paulina home alone. Johnny noted that Paulina would not have let them stay in for New Year's Eve even if they had wanted to stay. With a nod, Chanel agreed.

"It's just, going into this new year, worrying that she might have cancer," Chanel said with a shrug. "Worst-case scenario, even if it is cancer, she is going to get treatment and kick its ass. I'm living proof you can leave cancer in the rearview," Johnny said. Johnny promised that they would get through the ordeal together.

With a smirk, Chanel argued that Paulina had wanted them to go to the party so that they could report back to Paulina about all the details. "She's usually the one holding court in the center of it all," Chanel said. "Whatever the reason, I am just happy to be here tonight, holding you," Johnny said. Johnny kissed Chanel.

Outside the Brady Pub, Leo grabbed Chad's arm and stopped him. "I have a very interesting proposition for you," Leo said. Leo argued that it was good for circulation for Chad to hire back Lady Whistleblower. "If you can get Everett to sign off on it, I'm fine with it. Provided that you follow some rules," Chad said. Chad demanded final approval on all of Leo's columns. Leo agreed to keep the crassness to a minimum.

"Any big New Year's Eve plan for you and Stephanie?" Leo asked. Chad admitted that they had broken up. Leo thought about when he had witnessed Stephanie sneak out of the Brady Pub early in the morning. "When did you and Stephanie call it quits?" Leo asked. Chad told Leo that his relationships were off-limits.

In the Salem Inn, Stephanie met up with Everett. "You are the new editor in chief. There are a lot of movers and shakers in town [at this party]. This is a good way for you to meet them," Stephanie said. "Can't I just meet them on the job?" Everett asked. Stephanie argued that mixers were part of Everett's job. As Stephanie straightened Everett's tie, she noted, "This is work. For both of us." When Stephanie helped Everett with his cufflinks, she pointed out that she had given them to him. "They're my favorites," Everett said. Stephanie smiled.

In the park, Alex was telling Theresa about his worst New Year's Eve date when they ran into Brady and Tate. Curious, Theresa asked about Tate's plans, and Brady said that Tate was going out with Holly. "Last I heard, you were throwing her Christmas present in the trash," Theresa said. "Well, we worked things out," Tate muttered. Tate told Brady that he was sorry Brady's date had bailed for the evening, and he walked away.

"My date was Rachel, but Kristen took her out of town for the weekend," Brady said. As Brady turned to leave, Theresa insisted that Brady go out with them. "I have no interest in being a third wheel with you guys. I'm just going to go home," Brady said. Theresa argued that Brady could meet someone at the party.

"I'm not interested in meeting a woman tonight," Brady said. Theresa countered that Brady should go with them for the food and fun. "You really want to spend New Year's Eve on your own?" Theresa asked. Brady winced. "I will come, but just for a little while," Brady said. Theresa ordered Brady to stay through the countdown into the New Year.

"This new year is probably going to be just like the old year," Brady complained. "This year is going to be amazing," Theresa argued. Theresa joked that the new year would bring an end to war, famine, and disease. "There might even be marriage proposals. I don't know," Theresa said with a wink at Alex. As Brady groaned, Theresa pushed him out of the park. Alex followed and whispered, "I wouldn't rule that out."

In the alley behind the Bistro, Stefan complimented Ava on the New Year's Eve party. "I'm just glad that was the last pickup, so now we can just concentrate on the party," Ava said. Stefan's phone rang with a news alert. "Two Salem kids were found dead. ODed," Stefan said. Ava shook her head in dismay.

"You think it came from here?" Ava whispered. Stefan admitted he did not know that. "We don't know where the shipments come from, what's in them, or where they're going. We're not drug dealers, all right?" Stefan said. Ava scoffed. "You keep telling yourself that," Ava said. With a groan, Ava wondered aloud if their predicament could get worse. Stefan warned Ava not to tempt fate.

Ava told Stefan that Tripp had decided to move to Hong Kong with Wendy. "Maybe it will be for the best, since then he'll be out of Clyde's reach," Ava said. "No such luck with Gabi, though," Stefan whispered. With a nod, Ava told Stefan, "Speaking of your wife, there is something you ought to know. I told Harris we were dating." Stefan raised an eyebrow, and he asked why. Ava explained that Harris had assumed they were dating, so she had gone along with it to redirect Harris' suspicions.

"Guess you're right, though I hate the idea of the public thinking I'm cheating on Gabi," Stefan said. Stefan sighed, and he agreed it was a good cover. "Guess we're having an affair!" Ava said.

At the DiMera mansion, Holly was preparing for her evening out. She reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a bag of pills. Nicole poked her head into the room. Holly shoved the bag into the pocket of her bathrobe. With a grin, Nicole told Holly she had heard about Holly's date with Tate.

"But if you need me to stay home," Holly said. Nicole said no. "I'm fine. I had a therapy session today, and I'm in a really good place. So, E.J. and I are having a quiet night in," Nicole said. Nicole said she would be happy to know that Holly was out having fun on New Year's Eve. "I'm planning on it," Holly said as she patted her pocket.

As Nicole helped Holly pick a dress, Holly asked about Nicole's therapy session. Nicole said the session had helped her decide to focus on the blessings in her life, especially Holly. When Nicole suggested that Holly borrow a dress, Holly joked that she did not want a "mom dress." Nicole gasped. With a laugh, Nicole playfully threw dresses at Holly.

When Tate arrived, his eyes went wide when he saw Holly. "Wow," Tate said. Nicole told them to have fun but be home by midnight. "Just kidding! You can be home by 2AM, since it is New Year's," Nicole said as she walked out. Tate asked Holly if she was ready to leave. "Almost," Holly said. Holly kissed Tate. With a grin, Holly said she wanted to skip the awkwardness of a midnight kiss question.

After Tate and Holly left, Chad stopped by the mansion to thank E.J. for the use of the corporate jet. Nicole told Chad that E.J. was on phone calls upstairs, but Chad was welcome to wait in the living room. Chad and Nicole sat on the couch, and they talked about Chad's kids. Chad asked Nicole how she was doing.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Chad said. Nicole held back tears, and she thanked Chad for his concern. Chad asked about Nicole and E.J.'s New Year's plans, and Nicole admitted that they planned to stay in and avoid parties.

"I'm really sorry things didn't work out for you and Stephanie," Nicole said. "Thank you. I should have known I was moving too fast," Chad said. Chad looked around the room, and he noted that Abigail had redecorated the house. "A lot of amazing memories in this home. And a few really horrible ones," Chad whispered. With a nod, Chad said he had thought he had been ready for a relationship, but he had been wrong.

"I know what you mean. But for me, I was ready to be a mother again. But all too often, life catches us on the blind side," Nicole said. Chad noted that he had to get back to Doug and Julie's place. Nicole promised to tell E.J. that Chad had stopped by. "I hope this coming year brings you happiness, Nicole. You deserve it," Chad said. "We both do," Nicole countered. After Chad left, Nicole called out to E.J. to join her. "I am so ready for this year to be over," Nicole muttered.

Inside the Bistro, Stephanie introduced Everett to Chanel, Johnny, Brady, and Theresa. "I spy a judge and the head of the Chamber of Commerce," Stephanie whispered to Everett. Stephanie steered Everett away to introduce him to other people. While everyone else headed to the buffet table, Brady hung back with Alex.

"Only three more hours and ten minutes until the New Year," Brady said. "Give the party a chance, would you?" Alex said. Brady frowned. Alex said he wanted to talk. Curious, Brady asked Alex what he wanted to talk about. Alex asked Brady to support Theresa's work at Bella.

"I keep telling [Theresa] how great she's doing, but I think she needs some confidence building from someone other than her boyfriend," Alex said. Theresa rounded the corner, and she begged Alex to join her on the dance floor.

When Tate and Holly arrived at the party, they bypassed Johnny and Chanel and went to the dance floor. Ava and Stefan emerged from the back of the restaurant, and Ava slid her arm into Stefan's. Alarmed, Stefan yanked his arm away. "We're supposed to be having an affair. Don't you think it would be better if it was on the downlow instead of out in the open for the whole world to see?" Stefan asked. With a smirk, Ava said, "It sounds like you're speaking from experience."

Stephanie approached with Everett, and she introduced him to Stefan and Ava. "DiMera and Vitali. I'm familiar with those names. You both have quite the... you both have quite the colorful history," Everett said. Stefan and Ava smirked. "Does your family frequent the restaurant, out of curiosity?" Everett asked. "It's a legitimate business," Ava said. With a grin, Stephanie changed the subject, and she asked if there were any surprise guests for the party.

A caped figure flapped about the dance floor, and the crowd made a collective gasp. "What the hell is that?" Alex asked. The cape swooped away from the face of the stranger to reveal Leo. The crowd clapped with delight. Stefan frowned. "Great. Just what we need -- that gossip queen poking his nose around here," Stefan grumbled. Brady and Alex agreed that they could not stand Leo.

Across the room, Leo told Stefan and Ava that they had thrown a fabulous party. "Isn't there a vampire convention you should be attending somewhere?" Stefan quipped. Leo flapped his cape, and he spun away into the crowd. When Leo ran into Everett, he pitched Lady Whistleblower's return to the paper.

"At the moment, we're emphasizing the investigative journalism side of the paper, not the editorials," Everett said. Leo reminded Everett that Everett had defended Leo's column when Leo had been in jail. "Which I greatly appreciated. And Chad is on board if you agree to it," Leo added. Leo argued that his column would get the eyeballs that Everett wanted for his more serious work.

"Okay. Good to have you back," Everett said with a shrug. As Leo started to celebrate, Everett asked Leo not to write anything unprincipled. "I want impeccable sourcing," Everett said. Leo promised not to include anything that he had not seen with his two eyes.

When Tate and Holly exited the dance floor, they ran into Theresa and Brady. "Are you having a good time?" Theresa asked. Tate grinned as he looked down at Holly. "Very," Tate said. Tate and Holly sneaked off to the front entryway to be alone. "I know how we can make things more fun," Holly said. Holly removed the baggie of pills from her purse. Tate's eyes went wide. "Put those away," Tate hissed.

While Alex stepped away to refresh the drinks, Brady and Theresa talked about Tate. "Just a week ago, I thought he and Holy were a bust, and now, they're here at a New Year's Eve party. It's nice," Brady said. When Brady mentioned Alex, Theresa noted that Alex had been very supportive to her. "I wanted to tell you that I think this Bella position might be good for you," Brady said. Brady reminded Theresa that he had run the magazine himself in the past, and he encouraged her to talk to him if she had any questions.

"I don't have any questions and certainly not for you," Theresa said. Theresa argued that she was competent and overly qualified for her job. Brady sighed as Theresa continued to rant about how well she had been doing at the magazine. "The last thing I need from you is your condescending insult to offer me help. But thanks for the vote of confidence," Theresa growled. Theresa stomped off to the entryway.

Holly hurriedly shoved the baggie of pills into her purse as Theresa asked Holly and Tate if they were having a good time. "What's wrong?" Tate asked. Theresa said she was fine. As Theresa walked away, Tate reminded Holly that both of his parents were addicts. "There is no way I'm taking those [pills], and neither should you," Tate whispered. With a groan, Holly noted that the pills were only ADHD meds.

"Everyone does it," Holly said. "Well, not me, and I didn't think that you did, either," Tate said. Confused, Holly reminded Tate that she had offered him weed when she had first met him. "That is not weed, Holly. Those are amphetamines," Tate said. Holly argued that the drugs gave her energy.

"So, you need to feel better and have more energy tonight when you're with me?" Tate asked. "You don't understand. They'll make things more fun for both of us," Holly countered. Tate refused. Holly called Tate a goody two shoes, and she walked away.

In the main room, Everett told Stephanie that he was "schmoozed out." Stephanie agreed. Everett suggested that they sneak out of the party, and they left. Nearby, Leo sidled up next to Stefan. "I'm the only one at this party who truly understands you," Leo said. When Stefan asked how, Leo reminded Stefan that both of their soul mates were locked up in prison.

"Except my soul mate is innocent, and yours is a slimy dirtbag," Stefan said. Offended, Leo reminded Stefan that Dimitri was Stefan's nephew. Stefan stalked out of the room. Leo sighed and whispered, "Dimitri."

In the park, Johnny and Chanel were enjoying a walk when Paulina texted Chanel. "Abe came over to ring in the New Year, and she just texted me not to come home," Chanel said. Chanel asked Johnny what they should do to ring in the New Year. Johnny kissed Chanel.

In the town square, Everett and Stephanie agreed that they had left the party at the perfect time. "We didn't need to stay with all the celebrating and the kissing," Stephanie said. Fireworks exploded in the sky overhead as the clock struck midnight. Everett hesitantly leaned in and kissed Stephanie. Chad rounded the corner into the square and saw them.

Xander and Sarah watched the fireworks explode outside his living room window. Xander and Sarah took turns glancing expectantly at one another until they both looked at one another at the same time. Xander and Sarah kissed.

At the Bistro, Tate rushed around the party, looking for Holly. Stefan and Ava kissed one another on the cheek. As Alex and Theresa kissed on the dance floor, Brady downed his beer. "Happy New Year to everybody else who's alone tonight," Brady grumbled. Tate exited the back of the restaurant to check the alley, and he saw Holly lying on the ground, having a seizure. Tate rushed to Holly's side, and he looked around for help.

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Edited by SC Desk