Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 18, 2023 on DAYS

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Chad and Stephanie broke up. Sloan agreed not to press charges against Nicole. Andrew told Theresa he knew she was the kidnapper. Salem celebrated Christmas.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 18, 2023 on DAYS

Chad and Stephanie broke up. Sloan agreed not to press charges against Nicole for kidnapping. Harris told Stephanie they had not had sex. Abe helped Paulina. Stefan told Chad that Clyde was a danger to Gabi. Ava dumped Harris. Andrew told Theresa he knew she was the kidnapper. Tripp cheered up Wendy. Maggie advised Alex to close Bella. Jada told Rafe she was not ready to move in together. Chanel forced Paulina to see a doctor. Holly spent a drunken birthday alone. Tate decided to stay in Salem. The families celebrated Christmas.

Chad and Stephanie officially break up
Chad and Stephanie officially break up

Chad and Stephanie officially break up

Monday, December 18, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At Paulina and Chanel's penthouse, Chanel was alarmed to return home and find Paulina still in her robe in the middle of the afternoon. Chanel invited Paulina to go Christmas shopping with her, but Paulina declined.

Paulina told Chanel that there was nothing to worry about. After Chanel left, Paulina admitted to herself that she was having difficulty swallowing. Paulina said that she was too busy to be sick. "Oh, come on, girl, get it together," Paulina said.

In Horton Town Square, Chanel and Alex agreed to join one another for coffee and to catch up. Chanel told Alex that she and Johnny were back together, and she said that she still loved Johnny. Alex mentioned Allie, and he said that he felt bad about his role in how things had led to Allie leaving town a year earlier. Chanel and Alex admitted that sometimes things weren't meant to be.

At Steve and Kayla's penthouse. Stephanie battled a hangover as she opened the door to Chad, who told Stephanie that it was time they officially ended things. Chad said that Stephanie was ready for more of a commitment than he could give.

Chad added that he felt no relief in ending things with Stephanie, and he said he hoped that things would change in time. Stephanie agreed to allow Chad to keep the apartment so as to not uproot Thomas and Charlotte.

Stephanie's phone rang, and she answered a call from Harris, who asked if she was free to talk. Stephanie agreed to meet Harris in the park soon afterwards. As Chad prepared to leave, he told Stephanie to take care, and he thanked her for how good she had been with Thomas and Charlotte.

Through tears, Stephanie thanked Chad for having allowed Thomas and Charlotte to be a part of her life, and she added that Chad had meant a lot to her. Chad said that Stephanie was a beautiful person, and he vowed to treasure the memories of the good times they had had together. Chad and Stephanie had tears in their eyes as Chad left. Afterwards, they both began to sob.

Moments later, Stephanie headed to the park to meet Harris. Stephanie said that she didn't remember how she had wound up in Harris' bed the previous night. Stephanie was relieved when Harris revealed that nothing sexual had happened between them. Stephanie asked if Harris was certain. "One thousand percent. I wouldn't lie to you about that," Harris said adamantly.

When Stephanie asked Harris to keep the previous night a secret, Harris said that he had to be honest with Ava. Stephanie quipped that she would rather a "mafia princess" not know that she had made out with Ava's boyfriend. Harris promised that he would explain the circumstances, and he added that he believed in full transparency in a relationship.

Stephanie said that Harris was a good person, and she added that she respected his decision to be honest with Ava. Harris told Stephanie to take care of herself. Stephanie wished Harris good luck with Ava, and she left. Afterwards, Harris phoned Ava to say that they needed to talk.

Back at Chanel and Paulina's penthouse, Chad disclosed his and Stephanie's breakup to Paulina. Paulina encouraged Chad not to give up, but Chad said that his and Stephanie's split was both personal and professional, and he noted that he had also ended his working relationship with SJPR.

Paulina chuckled when she said that Chad made her laugh. Chad said that Paulina had his heart and that anyone in Paulina's orbit was a lucky person. Paulina presented Chad with a gift of coloring books for Thomas and Charlotte for Christmas. Chad thanked Paulina, who said that Thomas and Charlotte were lucky to have Chad for a father.

Chad wondered aloud if it was time to accept that he would never be able to get over Abigail. Paulina playfully hit Chad with a magazine, and she told him to listen to her. "Now, honey, I know that you've been through hell and that the pain of losing your wife so suddenly, so tragically, well, you're never gonna completely get over that. We are not meant to live our lives alone. Now, you need someone to love and for someone to love you," Paulina posited.

Paulina added that she knew what Chad was going through, and she said that it wasn't until she had met Abe that she had had a chance to fully experience love again. Chad thanked Paulina for her perspective, but he said that he would keep his focus on being the best father he could be.

After Chad left, Chanel returned home and found Paulina passed out on the sofa. "And you said there was nothing to worry about," Chanel worriedly said to herself.

Back in Horton Town Square, Stephanie encountered Alex. Alex quipped that he was running into everyone he knew -- just as Chad approached.

In the cellar of the DiMera mansion, E.J. delicately tried to explain to Nicole that Jude needed to return to Eric and Sloan. Nicole initially resisted, and she asked E.J. to use his power, wealth, and resources to help her and E.J. plan a new life together somewhere outside of Salem. E.J. said that Nicole knew that taking the baby wasn't right. E.J. convinced Nicole to return the baby to Eric and Sloan.

A short while later, at the Salem Police Station, Nicole handed the baby to Sloan. E.J. asked if everyone gathered could speak in private. E.J. and Nicole joined Rafe in the interrogation room nearby. Rafe asked Nicole what had happened. Rafe was surprised at Nicole's candidness when she admitted that she had taken Jude.

When Rafe asked why Nicole had taken Jude, Nicole said that Sloan didn't deserve the baby, and she recalled that Sloan had abandoned Jude for a moment in Horton Town Square earlier. E.J. winced when Nicole said that taking Jude had felt like "the right things to do."

Back in the lobby of the police station, Sloan told Eric that she was exhausted and wanted to head home with Jude. Before they could leave, Rafe approached, and he said that Eric and Sloan needed to hear what Nicole had done. "I didn't find the baby. I... took him," Nicole admitted to Eric and Sloan, who screeched at Nicole.

Nicole said that she had "lost control" when she'd seen Jude alone. Sloan huffed that she wanted Nicole to be prosecuted. "I want her in prison, and if you won't make that happen, D.A. DiMera, I will call the state attorney general," Sloan said.

After leaving the interrogation room, Eric tried to talk Sloan out of pressing charges against Nicole. Eric reasoned that Nicole might have prevented someone else from taking Jude, and he said that he and Sloan should be grateful that Jude had been returned safe. Eric added that forgiveness led to peace.

Back in the interrogation room, E.J. held Nicole close to him. Rafe said that, given the circumstances, he had no choice but to arrest Nicole. Nicole protested that she had returned Jude and that she had only been trying to protect him. "Rafe, you know damn well what Nicole has been through lately," E.J. groused.

Rafe said that he understood, but he added that what had happened was still a kidnapping. Rafe was prepared to place Nicole under arrest when Sloan and Eric returned. "That won't be necessary. I asked Nicole to babysit... I was tired. I forgot I had. But yes, I gave her permission to take the baby. There's no crime here," Sloan said to everyone's surprise.

Rafe said that Nicole needed help. Nicole vowed to get help. After Eric, Sloan, and Rafe had left the room, Nicole exhaled. Moments later, E.J. left the room to make sure that Nicole was free to leave.

Afterwards, Sloan sneaked back into the interrogation room to confront Nicole. "Shut up and listen to me. If you ever come near my child again, I swear to God, I will make your life a living hell in ways that you cannot even imagine," Sloan said. Nicole closed her eyes and sighed.

Stefan tells Chad that Gabi is in danger from Clyde
Stefan tells Chad that Gabi is in danger from Clyde

Stefan tells Chad that Gabi is in danger from Clyde

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

by Spalding

Outside the pub, Theresa took a phone call from Konstantin. Theresa refused to help Konstantin with Maggie. "Kidnapping babies is way more than I signed on to do, which I have told you repeatedly," Theresa said. Theresa told Konstantin to lose her number, and she ended the call.

"Rummaging through trash cans and taking mysterious phone calls. That is the Theresa that I know and love," Brady said as he approached. Brady asked about the caller. Theresa lied and said it had been spam. Brady advised Theresa to stay out of trouble for their son's sake. "Do not tell me what I owe our son! I am the one who raised him when you came out here, having a grand old time, sleeping with all the women in Salem," Theresa complained. Brady chuckled ruefully.

"We are raising our kid together, right? So, we should make an effort to try and be civil to one another," Brady said. Theresa argued that Brady was a sex addict. Frustrated, Brady countered that he had loved all the women he had slept with. "It hasn't only been based on sex," Brady argued. Brady wished Theresa a good day and walked away.

In the square, Stephanie, Chad, and Alex stared awkwardly at one another. "Did you finish your Christmas shopping?" Stephanie asked the two men. "Not me," Chad said as he glared at Alex. "Me, either," Alex said. With a chuckle, Stephanie noted that the situation was awkward. "It doesn't have to be. You know, we're gonna, we're all gonna run into each other from time to time," Chad said. Chad told Stephanie that he wanted her to be happy. Alex agreed. Everett walked over and said hello.

"Steph, looking forward to our hang later. I made a reservation at the Bistro. Does that still work?" Everett asked. Stephanie noted that she was not very hungry. When Everett offered to take a walk instead, Stephanie said no. "Actually, right now, I'd rather be alone. Take care, you guys," Stephanie said. Stephanie hurried off. As Everett took off after Stephanie, Chad called out, "I'm pretty sure she said she wanted to be alone!" Chad called Everett a stalker, and Alex agreed that Everett was weird.

"There you are," Theresa said as she walked up to Alex. Theresa asked Chad if she could steal Alex away, and Chad nodded yes. Alex and Theresa wished Chad a merry Christmas, and they left.

Everett caught up with Stephanie in the park. Stephanie apologized for having canceled her plans with him. Everett said he understood, and he encouraged Stephanie to talk about why she was upset. "Chad and I, we ended things between us," Stephanie said. "I'm sorry. No wonder you're having a tough time," Everett said. Stephanie stressed that even though her relationship with Chad was over, it did not mean that she was ready to move on.

"I don't assume it to mean anything, all right?" Everett said. Everett said he knew that Stephanie would need time to heal and recover. "I will. And also, well, I need to take a break from relationships," Stephanie said. "I get that. What about friendships? Are you abstaining from those, too, or can I still be your bestie?" Everett asked. Everett and Stephanie smiled at one another and laughed. Stephanie promised that she would not give up on friendship, but she reiterated that she did need a break from romance. Everett said he was on a break from romance, as well.

"I hope it doesn't sound manipulative when I say that I don't think I can feel romantic about anyone but you. Which you may have deduced when you discovered that I was still carrying around the engagement ring that I was going to propose to you with," Everett said. Everett said that if Stephanie was only interested in friendship, then that was what he wanted, as well.

Stephanie admitted that Everett was a good listener. "I'm a reporter. Goes with the territory," Everett said. Stephanie thanked Everett for lifting her spirits. "I just want to say something so that there isn't any doubt about it at all, okay? I really like living here in Salem. I do. I really like my job. A lot. But more than any of it, I love being your shoulder and your friend," Everett said. Everett promised that he would not pressure Stephanie to be anything more than friends.

"Right now, as your friend, I'm a little worried about the pressure you're putting on yourself," Everett said. Everett noted that Stephanie was too hard on herself. "I'm ambitious, for sure. I want to have a good career. And I want to be able to support myself and someday buy a house and have a family," Stephanie said. Everett told Stephanie that her goals were reasonable but that she did not need them right away. With a smirk, Stephanie reminded Everett that women had a smaller window of opportunity to have a family than men.

"Although a lot of my friends are totally fine with waiting to have kids till their 40s, I don't know. If I'm lucky enough to be a mom, I want to be a young one," Stephanie said. "Like your mom was," Everett countered. Stephanie nodded yes. With a sigh, Stephanie noted that she needed to like and respect herself on her own before she could get in another relationship.

"I'm really glad that you're my friend, Everett. And I hope you know that I'm here for you, too," Stephanie said. "I do know that. And I hope you find what you're looking for," Everett said. Everett added that he felt lucky to know Stephanie. Everett wished Stephanie a happy holiday, and they parted ways.

In the Titan CEO office, a frustrated Theresa shuffled through files on Alex's desk. "Did you find what you were looking for?" Alex asked. "No!" Theresa said. Theresa complained about a request from accounting for copies of receipts. Alex held up a folder. "I have come to the rescue," Alex said. Brady walked into the office.

"This is my first official day back with Basic Black in the building," Brady said. Alex's phone rang, and he stepped outside to take the call. With a smirk, Brady asked Theresa if Alex believed that she was fully reformed and drama free. "Why do you care what Alex thinks?" Theresa asked. Brady argued that his concern was the messes that Theresa tended to make.

"I'm very concerned about what I heard on the phone outside the pub. You were nervous. You were squirrelly. And I know you," Brady said. Theresa assured Brady that all was well. "I do feel happy when I know you're well. I do care about you, Brady. You're our son's father," Theresa said sincerely. Theresa noted that she had fond memories of their relationship, and he said he did, as well.

With a nod, Theresa asked Brady to tell Alex that she'd gone home. "I really do hope that you have a happy Christmas," Theresa said. "Same to you," Brady whispered. Theresa told Brady not to worry about her. After Theresa left, Brady said, "Why don't I believe you?"

When Alex returned to the office, Brady told him that Theresa would meet Alex at their apartment. "Don't screw her over, okay?" Brady said. "That was a hell of a non sequitur," Alex said. Brady explained that Theresa appeared stressed and that it was a trigger for relapse. "I don't know if she's talking to her sponsor. I've got no idea," Brady said. Alex said he did not know, either.

"What I do know is that Theresa has got a great work ethic. She's very excited. Very motivated. I think we should just see how the two of you do. How the two of us do. Just take it a day at a time," Alex counseled. Brady agreed.

In the park, Theresa's phone rang with another unknown caller. "What now, Konstan--Andrew?" Theresa said. Theresa explained she had been getting spam calls all day. Andrew noted that he was in Salem, and he asked to meet with her alone. "I can wait for you in the park by the town square," Theresa said.

At the Bistro, a furious Stefan stomped in and demanded a drink from Ava. Stefan told Ava that Gabi had a broken leg. "I'm so sorry," Ava said. "Obviously, Clyde is sending us a message," Stefan muttered. Stefan argued that they needed to enact a plan to stop Clyde. Ava took Stefan aside, and she asked for details about Gabi's accident. Stefan explained that the story was that Gabi had slipped and fallen. Ava scoffed at the idea.

"My wife walks down runways wearing six-inch heels. She doesn't slip and fall on anything. Clyde must have heard about the return shipment," Stefan said. Ava agreed that it was a warning to them both. "Come on, Stefan. Clyde has to know that it wasn't our fault. I mean, the buyer was hauled off to jail before the shipment got there, and the warehouse was shut down," Ava argued. Ava pointed out that they had secured the shipment before the federal authorities had learned about the product.

"Clyde should be thrilled," Ava muttered. Stefan countered that they were flirting with danger, selling drugs out of the Bistro that was laundering money -- while Ava dated a cop. "Unless we use [Harris] for insider information," Stefan said. Ava refused. Stefan encouraged Ava to reconsider her relationship with Harris. Ava looked across the room, and she smiled as she jumped up to greet Harris.

"Interrupting something?" Harris asked. Stefan said they had been discussing boring business. "I think we have it all sorted out. See you later," Stefan said. After Stefan left, Harris asked about business. Ava said the opening had been good. When Ava asked about Harris' night in, Harris told her about his evening with Jada and Stephanie. "We kissed. It didn't go any further. It didn't mean anything. And it never will," Harris stressed. Ava sighed, and she asked Harris why he had told her about it.

"We never said that we were exclusive, but it just felt wrong. And I just wanted to be honest with you. I'm sorry. And I know I don't deserve it, but I hope you can accept my apology," Harris said. "I can't," Ava said. Ava explained that she needed to protect herself. When Harris stressed that he was only dating Ava, she noted that she had a bad feeling. "With Rafe and with Steve. I should have listened to [my gut], and I didn't, and I got hurt," Ava said. Ava added that with her mental illness, she could not risk another relapse.

"As much as I really, really like you, I can't risk that," Ava said. "The kiss with Stephanie was nothing," Harris stressed. "To you maybe, but to me it was a deal breaker," Ava said. Harris apologized, but Ava said she was not interested. "So, you're saying this is over?" Harris asked. Ava nodded yes. "Please leave," Ava said. After a moment of hesitation, Harris walked out. Tears filled Ava's eyes.

Chad walked into the pub, and he saw Stefan drinking at a table. Chad asked what was wrong. "You can't guess?" Stefan said. With a shrug, Chad said he guessed that Stefan was suffering without Gabi around. Stefan chuckled. Stefan noted that Chad made it sound like Gabi was out for a walk. When Stefan mentioned Gabi's broken leg, Chad asked what had happened.

"You don't want to know. And you can't know, so why don't you just leave me alone," Stefan said. Stefan told Chad to go away, and he yelled at the waiter for another drink. "So, you can't tell me why you think Gabi fell and broke her leg, and you want me to go away? Okay," Chad said. Chad got up and moved to another table. Stefan apologized. When Stefan invited Chad back, Chad noted, "I prefer the company here." Stefan chuckled, and he asked Chad about his holiday plans with Stephanie.

"Actually, we broke up," Chad said. "I thought you guys were happy," Stefan countered. "We were until we weren't," Chad said. Stefan told Chad that he was sorry. With a sigh, Chad encouraged Stefan to open up and vent. Stefan argued that he had no intention of talking to Chad about the danger that Gabi was in. "Why is she in a lot of danger?" Chad asked. "It's that son of a bitch Weston," Stefan muttered. Alarmed, Chad returned to Stefan's table. Chad demanded to know if Stefan meant Clyde Weston.

"Leave it alone," Stefan said. "Why the hell would I leave it alone? That man killed my wife," Chad growled. When Stefan remained silent, Chad threw Stefan's drink on the floor. "Answer me!" Chad screamed. Stefan admitted that Clyde was unhappy with him, but he would not elaborate. "I've already said too much," Stefan said. As Stefan walked out, a desperate Chad pleaded, "He killed my wife!"

Stefan returned to the Bistro to talk to Ava. "I got a whole lot of nothing from the warden," Stefan said. Stefan explained that the whole story was that Gabi had slipped and fallen. "You okay? What's going on?" Stefan asked. "I just kicked a really great guy out of my life," Ava said. Ava explained that she could not risk that Harris would uncover their side business. "As much as this really hurts now, I did what had to be done," Ava said.

In the town square, Chad stared at the Horton plaque below the Christmas tree. "I came here so many times with Abby over the years. Seeing this plaque, it always made her smile. She loved her family very much. And I know it wasn't easy for all of you to accept me at first. You did eventually. I know that's because you saw how much I loved her, and how much she loved me. I was a better man because of her. And because of the strength and love passed down from you. Clyde Weston took her away from me. From my children. From all of us. And as God is my witness, I will make him pay. I promise you that," Chad said.

At Paulina's apartment, her nap was interrupted by a visit from Abe. "I wish I'd known you were coming over. I would have put on something nicer. Maybe even brushed my hair," Paulina said with a chuckle. "You look beautiful, as always," Abe said. Concerned, Abe asked Paulina if she was okay. "Fine now that you're here," Paulina said. Abe handed Paulina a box of cookies that he had made.

"Chanel won't be offended that I didn't get these from her bakery?" Abe asked. "Of course not," Paulina said. After Paulina tasted the cookie, she joked that Chanel would want Abe's recipe. Paulina told Abe about her inability to write the mayor's Christmas address for her podcast. "That's hard to believe," Abe said. Paulina asked Abe for help.

"The challenge in this speech is to give people hope while also being honest about, well, the limitations of what can be done," Paulina said. "You'll meet that challenge," Abe said. With a smile, Abe told Paulina that she was a spirited woman with a heart of gold. "And a wonderful way with words," Abe added. Paulina called Abe kind, but he stressed that it was the truth.

"You are the Paulina that I'm getting to know again," Abe said. Paulina pulled out a pad of paper, and she worked on the speech with Abe. When the first draft was done, Abe asked Paulina to stand and read the speech to him.

"Today is a day to be grateful for all the beauty and joy that surrounds us all. Even in these uncertain times, we can see our glittering Christmas lights on our street, the joyful carols being sung, and most important of all, people opening up their hearts to one another. Now, will Santa bring us everything we want this year? Can he bring us peace and joy and hope, and banish all evil in the world? Of course not. But we can nurture peace and joy and hope in ourselves," Paulina said. When Paulina finished her speech, Abe told her it was perfect. "Merry Christmas, Paulina," Abe said. Abe hugged Paulina, and she sighed with contentment.

Andrew confronts Theresa
Andrew confronts Theresa

Andrew confronts Theresa

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Wendy and Tripp's apartment, Wendy and Tripp were excited to spend their first Christmas Eve together. Wendy told Tripp about celebrating Christmas when she had been a child, including gifting apples as a gesture of peace on Christmas Eve.

Moments later, Tripp returned from a trip to the market and had apples. Wendy thanked Tripp for his gift. Tripp and Wendy agreed that it was time they started making their own Christmas memories, and they toasted as they ate apples.

Wendy and Tripp kissed before they were interrupted by a call from Wendy's mother. Afterwards, Tripp surmised that something was wrong. Wendy shared that Wei Shin hadn't been doing well since Li's death and that Wei's health had been declining. "She wants me to move back to China," Wendy said of her mom.

At the Salem Police Station, Rafe asked if Jada had reached a decision on whether or not to move in with him. Jada said that she'd given the matter a lot of thought, but she admitted that she'd been waffling on her decision. Jada said that her run-in with Stephanie at the Brady Pub the previous day had brought up memories of her ex. Jada worried that she was moving too fast, and she asked to take things slowly.

Rafe told Jada that he loved her and wanted her to be at peace with any decision she made. Rafe presented Jada with a set of keys to his home. Rafe said that the keys were for Jada to stop any time she wanted. Jada seemed touched by the gift. Rafe and Jada kissed before they agreed to spend Christmas Eve night together.

Outside the Brady Pub, Alex and Xander argued over business and Theresa. Xander asked Alex to agree to a dtente in the spirit of Christmas. Xander said he hoped that he and Alex could break bread together in peace on Christmas Day for Maggie's sake. Alex was standoffish, and he threatened that bread wouldn't be what was broken if Xander continued to provoke him.

In Horton Town Square, Sarah discovered Maggie alone at a table. Sarah noted that something was wrong. Maggie said that she missed Victor, and she said that Victor would be honored that Sarah had named Victoria after him. Konstantin lurked nearby as Maggie began to cry over her grief for Victor.

Konstantin overheard Maggie say that she couldn't risk putting her family in danger for him. Konstantin scowled when Maggie said that it was best for him to keep his distance from her family. Soon afterwards, Sarah agreed to meet Maggie at Doug and Julie's home later that night. Sarah left with Victoria.

Afterwards, Maggie spotted Alex. Maggie told Alex that she wanted them to be good stewards of Victor's will, and she noted that the first issue of Bella had far outweighed the ad revenues the magazine had secured. Maggie criticized Alex for allowing his emotions to affect his business decisions, and she said that he had put someone in charge of Bella merely because he was having a relationship with them.

Alex pouted and stated that it was best for him not to attend Christmas dinner at the Kiriakis mansion the following day. Maggie tried to persuade Alex to attend, but he whined that all he and Maggie did was fight. Alex blithely called the prospect of spending Christmas with Maggie and Justin "another miserable experience again." Maggie was stung by Alex's words.

After Alex left, Maggie blamed herself for making things worse on Christmas Eve. Konstantin approached, and he claimed that he had been staying with a family member in Cincinnati. Konstantin claimed he had been drawn back to Salem, and he convinced Maggie to join him for eggnog.

As Maggie and Konstantin sipped eggnog, Konstantin made up more stories about Victor in an attempt to flatter Maggie, who soon began to laugh. Maggie asked about Konstantin's plans for Christmas, and she invited him to be accompany her to the annual Horton tree-trimming festivities. Konstantin feigned sincerity, and he said that he would be delighted to attend. Maggie and Konstantin agreed to meet later that night.

In the park, Theresa received a surprise visit from Andrew, who bore a serious look. Andrew said that John and Steve had asked the ISA to investigate Victoria's kidnapping. "John and Steve sent in some surveillance photos to be enhanced by our technology. Imagine my shock when the face in the photos was yours," Andrew said.

Andrew asked what Theresa had gotten herself into. Andrew said that John and Steve believed that Konstantin and the Greek mafia had been involved in Victoria's kidnapping. Theresa asked Andrew for a chance to explain. She lied that Konstantin was a harmless man who had only wanted to impress Maggie. Theresa said that Konstantin had developed a plan to "save" Victoria.

Theresa added that she had tried to play "matchmaker," and she pleaded with Andrew not to turn her in. Andrew agreed to cover for Theresa to John and Steve. Andrew instructed Theresa to "walk the straight and narrow," and he ordered her to stay away from Konstantin. Theresa agreed to Andrew's requests.

Andrew vowed that he would be watching Theresa, and he said that it would be the last time he covered for her. Theresa thanked Andrew, and she hugged him. Andrew and Theresa wished one another a merry Christmas, and Andrew left.

Afterwards, Alex found Theresa alone in the park. Alex told Theresa that they wouldn't be attending Christmas dinner at the Kiriakis mansion. Theresa said she still had some Christmas shopping to do. She and Alex agreed to meet at the Bistro later that night.

After Alex left, Theresa received a call from Konstantin, who vowed to make Theresa's life difficult if she didn't cooperate with him. Theresa warned Konstantin to never call her again, and she added that she couldn't help him with Maggie. "Oh, yes, you can. And you will," Konstantin said menacingly.

At the Brady Pub, Sarah and Xander tried to settle who Victoria would spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with, respectively. Sarah proposed that Xander accompany her to Doug and Julie's home to spend Christmas Eve. Xander agreed.

A sentimental Christmas Eve night is held at the Brady Pub
A sentimental Christmas Eve night is held at the Brady Pub

A sentimental Christmas Eve night is held at the Brady Pub

Thursday, December 21, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Horton Town Square, Paulina sounded hoarse after recording a special Christmas message for the citizens of Salem. Chanel said that she was worried about Paulina, and she referenced finding Paulina in bed in the middle of the afternoon earlier that day. Paulina began to cough as she touched her throat.

Chanel grew more concerned as Paulina's cough deepened. Paulina admitted that she had recently been having trouble swallowing. Chanel noticed what she surmised was a lump on Paulina's neck, and she said that she was taking Paulina to the hospital. "Right now," Chanel said adamantly.

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny found a dispirited Holly alone in the living room. Holly said that the mansion was empty and that Tony, Anna, E.J., and Nicole were spending Christmas Eve night out of town. Holly said she looked forward to watching It's a Wonderful Life with Johnny, who put a damper on Holly's spirits when he said that he had plans to watch the movie with Chanel.

Holly groused that she would have to spend her birthday alone. Holly then quipped that she was turning 17, and she said that 17 was the age of consent in Illinois. Johnny was put off by the remark, and he asked Holly not to mention it again. Just then, Johnny received a call from Chanel, who shared that she was at the hospital with Paulina. Johnny said that he would meet Chanel at the hospital. Johnny tried to apologize to Holly, who said that she understood why Johnny had to leave.

By the nurses' station at the hospital a short while later, Paulina tried to downplay Chanel's concerns. Johnny arrived, and he helped secure a room for Paulina. Chanel held Johnny's hand as she thanked him for being there for her. Johnny said that he wouldn't be anywhere else.

After Paulina was escorted to a room, Johnny told Chanel that he had been diagnosed with a type of ocular cancer in 2010. Chanel was stunned when Johnny revealed that he wore a prosthetic eye. Johnny and Chanel hugged as Johnny encouraged Chanel to keep the faith regarding Paulina's health.

Back at the DiMera mansion, Holly poured herself a glass of scotch from the liquor tray. Holly winced after taking a sip of scotch. Over time, Holly grew tipsy, and she began texting Johnny. In her texts, Holly rambled about her strong feelings for Johnny. As her buzz deepened, Holly complained that no one cared about her.

Holly phoned Johnny, who quickly discerned that Holly had been drinking. Holly pouted that Johnny was "a big, fat jerk," and she angrily hung up the phone. Chanel encouraged Johnny to rejoin Holly after learning that he had "ditched" Holly on her birthday. Chanel promised to call Johnny with an update on Paulina. Johnny and Chanel said that they loved one another, and they kissed.

Soon afterwards, Johnny returned to the DiMera mansion and found Holly passed out on the sofa. Holly awoke in a haze, and she apologized for having dropped a glass earlier. Johnny's phone rang as he spread a blanket over Holly. Chanel told Johnny that she was still waiting to hear from Paulina's doctor.

Johnny asked Chanel to give his love to Paulina. Johnny and Chanel wished one another a merry Christmas. After the call ended, Johnny sighed deeply as he sat on the couch next to Holly, who had passed out again.

At the same time, Chanel sat with Paulina in an exam room at the hospital. Paulina vowed that she would be out of the hospital in time to spend Christmas at home with Abe and Chanel. Paulina added that she would be fine, but Chanel seemed doubtful.

At the Brady Pub, Kate made martinis for her, Marlena, and Kayla. The three talked about having spent the previous Christmas believing that they were dying. Marlena, Kayla, and Kate toasted to another Christmas in Salem. Kate jokingly suggested that the three of them get matching tattoos as a symbol of their ordeal.

Steve, John, and Roman joined the women. Roman shared that he felt the men had earned the right to be invited to the "party," given that they had spent the previous Christmas believing their significant others were dying. Kayla suggested that they all make the gathering a holiday tradition. Everyone gathered cheered and toasted.

John grew emotional when he recalled that Steve was the first friend he had made in Salem many years earlier. Steve and John flashed back to the '80s when John had first arrived in Salem. Steve noted that everyone had believed that John had been a "killing machine." "But when I found you wandering around, all wrapped up in bandages, you seemed more like a lost puppy dog. I just had to take care of you," Steve fondly recalled.

John said that he couldn't imagine what his life would be like if Steve hadn't rescued him, and the two friends toasted. Steve produced a harmonica, and he began to play a version of Silent Night. Marlena noted that John seemed distracted. John said that he had been thinking about how lost he had been when he'd first met Steve.

John and Marlena flashed back to the charm bracelet he had given her many years earlier. Kate remarked that the bracelet was lovely. "You know, if you would have told me back then that we all would be sitting around here decades later, swapping memories as lifelong friends..." John began before trailing off.

Roman spoke up to say that everyone gathered had been through hard times. John noted that he didn't have any memories of the person he had been before he was John Black. John added that it wasn't until he had learned that Timothy was his father that he had even wanted to know who he had been.

John continued that he felt blessed to be surrounded by the love of Marlena and his friends. "So, that John Black guy, he is one lucky man," an emotional John said. Marlena, Steve, Kayla, Roman, and Kate were touched by John's words.

Moments later, Kate was startled to discover that her ring was missing. Kate worried that the ring had fallen off while she had been baking Christmas pies. Steve vowed that he, John, and Roman would find the ring.

Just then, John began to cough after taking a sip from his glass. John discovered that the ring had been in his glass, and he lamented that he had almost swallowed it. Roman laughed when John joked that it was a good thing that Roman had bought a ring that was too big to swallow.

Kate recalled how much the ring meant to her, and she flashed back to Roman having proposed to her with the ring in his hand in 2022. Roman grew sentimental as he noted that the ring had "made it through death and the great beyond." Kate vowed that the ring would never leave her finger again, and she and Roman kissed.

Roman asked for help in wrapping Christmas gifts. Steve groused that Roman shouldn't expect much, but Kayla said that Steve was the "original Secret Santa." Kayla recalled her first Christmas with Steve many years earlier.

Steve and Kayla flashed back to Kayla being pregnant while she and Steve had been on the run from Victor. John recalled his own past with Victor, and he said that he was grateful that Victor had taken all of John's secrets to the grave.

As Kate, Marlena, Kayla, and Steve wrapped presents. Roman received a call from Julie, who asked for more pies for her Christmas Day dinner. Steve and John grew alarmed when Roman mentioned that Julie had said that Konstantin would be spending Christmas at Doug and Julie's house with Maggie.

Marlena surmised that John was worried, and she asked if he was okay. "Yeah, yeah, just, um, all this talk about the past has kind of -- kind of got to me a little," an emotional John stammered.

John thanked everyone for a great evening. Marlena, John, Steve, Kayla, Roman, and Kate wished one another a merry Christmas as the group cheerfully finished wrapping presents. Steve and Kayla kissed as a piano-themed version of O Holy Night played in the background on Christmas Eve night.

Doug and Julie reminisce about Horton Christmases
Doug and Julie reminisce about Horton Christmases

Doug and Julie reminisce about Horton Christmases

Friday, December 22, 2023

by Spalding

Doug admired the Christmas tree in the Horton living room when a singing Julie entered with the Horton ornaments. "A symbol of all the Hortons past and present," Julie said. Julie handed Doug his ornament, and he thought about when Tom and Alice had given it to him.

"In the short time we've known you, you've come to be practically a member of this family, perhaps the only family you've ever known, being that you were raised in an orphanage," Alice had said. When Doug had taken the ornament from Alice, Tom had announced that Mickey had drawn up adoption papers. "To make it official, though not exactly legal," Tom had said. Doug smiled as he thought about how Tom had welcomed him into the family.

"Just like a family, each one is a blessing," Julie said. "And none more than you, my love," Doug countered. With a chuckle, Julie noted that Doug said the same thing every year. "Well, it's always true," Doug said.

At the penthouse, Theresa delivered presents to Tate, since he would be there for Christmas. Tate noted that he would not be at the Kiriakis dinner because of work. "Why is the pub open on Christmas?" Theresa asked. Brady noted that Roman likely wanted to provide a space for people who did not have a family.

"I volunteered," Tate said. Tate admitted that he did not like Kiriakis gatherings. "I'm not going to be going, either," Theresa said. Theresa explained that she had other plans with her boyfriend, Alex. Tate frowned.

"Did that happen before or after you found out that he inherited half of the Kiriakis fortune?" Brady asked. Furious, Theresa yelled that she was tired of Brady calling her a gold digger. Tate started to leave. "Where are you going?" Brady asked. "Anywhere but here," Tate said. Theresa begged Tate to stay. "Both my parents are a couple of jerks! Merry Christmas to me," Tate yelled. Theresa glared at Brady.

"That is unacceptable," Theresa said. "But this is? You two fighting with each other, and on Christmas Eve, no less," Tate muttered. Brady and Theresa apologized, and they promised to get along. "Why would I believe that?" Tate said. "Theresa and I, we're going to prove to you that we're sincere about this," Brady said. Brady suggested they celebrate Christmas Eve as a family.

After Brady, Theresa, and Tate ordered Chinese food, they ate and laughed in the living room. Tate mentioned when they had gone to Universal Studios, and the family reminisced about the trip. "All the memories weren't so bad, were they?" Brady said. "Yeah, I guess not," Tate admitted. Tate smiled at his parents.

Brady asked Tate whether he had any plans with Holly, and Tate said no. Tate admitted that he had realized that Holly was not interested in him. "It's too bad, though. I already bought her a present," Tate added. Tate walked over to the tree, grabbed Holly's present, and threw it in the garbage.

"What are you doing throwing this away? You save this, and you give it to the next girl," Theresa said as she fished the gift out of the trash. Theresa called Tate a catch. Tate noted that girls at his old school were more interested in selfies than in him.

"Are you planning on going back to school?" Theresa asked. Tate shrugged, and he noted that he had not heard from any of his old friends. "And it would be kind of nice to come home after school every day," Tate added. Tate said he was happy to be close to family. Brady noted that Tate's boarding school would help Tate get into almost any college he wanted. "Are you saying I have to go back?" Tate asked. Brady looked at Theresa.

"Your mother and I have decided that you can make the decision," Brady said. "You take your time, and you think about it," Theresa said. "I want to stay," Tate said. Theresa smiled. "That was quick!" Brady said. Theresa was elated. Tate asked Brady if he was disappointed. Brady shook his head no, and he said he was happy to have Tate around.

Brady, Theresa, and Tate opened presents, and Tate was excited to get a new tablet from Theresa. "That's going to be tough to top," Brady said. "This whole Christmas is going to be tough to top," Tate countered. Theresa gasped. "Did we just get a compliment from our son?" Theresa asked. "It's a Christmas miracle!" Brady joked. Tate said he was happy to have had a nice night alone with his parents.

In the square, Everett and Stephanie sat down in the caf to talk business. "Are you sure I'm not keeping you from any holiday festivities?" Everett asked. Stephanie said no. "And I can use the distraction," Stephanie said. "What are your plans tonight? I mean, after our meeting?" Everett asked. Stephanie said she planned to watch her favorite holiday movie and go to bed. "No plans with family?" Everett asked. Stephanie said she wanted to spend Christmas Eve at home alone.

At the Horton house, Thomas and Charlotte hugged Doug and Julie. "The party may now get started!" Doug said. Julie asked the kids if they were ready for Santa. "I guess," Thomas said. Thomas asked if they could play upstairs in their old room, and Chad said yes.

"Christmas is hard for them, isn't it?" Julie asked Chad. "They miss their mom. And Stephanie," Chad said. When Sarah and Xander arrived with the baby, Julie eagerly greeted "Victoria Horton." "Victoria Horton-Cook, actually," Sarah said. Xander beamed. Grudgingly, Julie said, "Very well. Victoria Horton-Cook."

"And thank you so much, Julie, for having me, too," Xander said. "Baby's first Christmas only happens once. And if her parents want to be together, then they should be," Julie said. Xander thanked Julie, and he agreed that he and Sarah wanted to be together. "For Christmas! For our daughter," Xander quickly added. As Sarah asked about Maggie, Maggie walked through the door with Konstantin. Julie made a questioning face at Sarah. Maggie introduced Konstantin to Doug and Julie. "[Konstantin] is a dear old friend of Victor's, and he didn't have any plans for tonight," Maggie added. Julie said Konstantin was welcome.

Maggie and Konstantin retreated to the corner, and Doug whispered to Julie, "That man Konstantin reminded me of my younger self." Doug explained that he saw something flicker in Konstantin's eyes. "Good flicker or bad flicker?" Julie asked. "The latter, I'm afraid," Doug said.

As Sarah escorted Maggie into the other room, Doug and Julie watched Konstantin interact with Xander. "I trust your little one is well," Konstantin said. Xander smiled at Victoria. "She is. Although frankly, I'm not sure if that's thanks to you or no thanks to you," Xander said.

In the dining room, Maggie told Sarah that she was surprised to see Xander at the party. "No, you win in the surprise department. Konstantin? I thought he was gone," Sarah said. Maggie explained that Konstantin had been staying with a cousin in Ohio, but the family had left town for the holidays. "So, he came back here," Maggie said. Maggie explained that she had run into Konstantin in the town square and invited him.

"No one should be alone on Christmas Eve. Are you upset that I did?" Maggie asked. With a shrug, Sarah said she liked Konstantin, and she was thankful to him for having rescued Victoria. "When I saw you this afternoon, you were so sad, and now, look at you. You're smiling," Sarah said.

Chad returned to the living room, and he told Doug and Julie that the kids were video chatting with Jack and Jennifer. "It was so hard for them last Christmas, losing their mother. I was hoping this year it would be a little better," Julie said. "I don't think it will be for any of us," Chad said. Chad explained that it was especially difficult because his breakup with Stephanie had been so sudden. "The kids never got to say goodbye," Chad said. Julie's mouth gaped open. Julie ordered Chad to call Stephanie.

When Stephanie arrived at the Horton house, Chad took her into the dining room to thank her privately. "I didn't stop you from doing anything important, did I?" Chad asked. Stephanie said she had been working. "I love those kids so much. And I'm so sorry they're having a hard time," Stephanie said. "They miss you. A lot," Chad said. Stephanie apologized for not handling her exit better with the kids.

"I didn't think about it at the time, but they not only love you, they were attached to you. When circumstances changed, I should have thought about their feelings first and foremost," Chad confessed. Stephanie said they were both to blame.

"We were focused more on ourselves than them, and that wasn't right, so let's try to fix it," Stephanie said. Chad suggested that he and Stephanie talk to the children together. "I really appreciate you doing this," Chad said. After a moment, Chad told Stephanie that he owed her an apology.

"I realize now that it was too soon for me to be with anyone after losing Abby. And that was unfair to you. So, I'm sorry," Chad said. "Well, you didn't mean it to be. Obviously," Stephanie countered. Stephanie told Chad that she understood that Chad and the kids had suffered a horrible tragedy.

In the living room, Sarah was pleased to see that Victoria was still asleep when she returned with Maggie. Sarah told Xander that Maggie was happy that he was at the party. "Maggie is one of my very favorite people, as you know. So kind and forgiving. Maybe a little too forgiving sometimes," Xander said as he eyeballed Konstantin. "I know that you are not Konstantin's biggest fan, but he has been a comfort to my mom," Sarah said. Sarah stressed that although her mother was vulnerable, she was not stupid.

Across the room, Konstantin thanked Maggie for the invite to his first American Christmas. "And what a lovely family your first husband has," Konstantin said. "What a lovely family I have," Maggie corrected. Maggie explained that she had been an honorary part of the Horton family for most of her life. "Honorary? You married in. You're a Horton. You'll always be a Horton," Julie said. Julie looked Konstantin in the eyes. "You hurt one Horton, you hurt all of us," Julie said. Doug added that Konstantin would see how many Hortons there were when they hung the ornaments.

"Tell me, did you really bring Victor here to celebrate Christmas?" Konstantin asked. "I did. It took him a while, but eventually, he grew to love the Horton family tradition," Maggie said. Maggie thought about her last hug with Victor in front of the Horton Christmas tree, and she smiled. "This time of year without Victor must be terribly hard on you," Konstantin said. Maggie smiled and noted that her memories of Victor on Christmas Eve warmed her heart. "I think that he would be very happy that you're here with us tonight," Maggie said.

Sarah welcomed Konstantin to the festivities. "My mom and I were just talking about you today, and what a coincidence, you show up," Sarah said. "For me, it is more of a Christmas miracle," Konstantin said. Konstantin apologized again to Sarah for his connection to Victoria's kidnapping. "But [the issue with the Greek mafia] is all resolved now, thanks to Maggie," Konstantin said. Sarah noted that they would always be grateful for Konstantin's part in Victoria's return but that it would take time for them to feel safe again. "Quite a while. So, we'll be keeping our eyes wide open, just in case," Xander said.

Everett arrived, and he thanked Doug for the invite. As Everett went to the coat closet, Julie whispered to Doug, "You invited him?" With a grin, Doug said, "I did!" Julie reminded Doug that Everett was Stephanie's ex-boyfriend. With a shrug, Doug noted that he was allowed to forget things on occasion. Doug reminded Julie that Everett did not know anyone in town.

Chad and Stephanie walked in with the kids. "Stephanie's here!" Thomas announced. Stephanie steered the kids over to the tree. "I love you guys, and I'm so happy I get to spend Christmas with you," Stephanie said. "We are, too," Thomas said.

In the doorway, Chad watched Stephanie hug his children. Everett returned from the coat closet, and he walked up behind Chad. "Merry Christmas, everyone," Everett said. Julie glared at Doug as he grinned. At the tree, Stephanie handed gifts to Thomas and Charlotte. As Everett, Chad, and Stephanie stood in a circle, they looked at one another. "I'm a little surprised to see you here, Everett," Chad said. "Steph, I didn't think you would be here," Everett said. Everett explained that he had wanted to stop by the party, since Doug had been kind enough to have invited him. Chad said Everett was welcome.

"I didn't know Stephanie was going to be here," Doug whispered to Julie. Julie explained that she had encouraged Chad to call Stephanie for the children's sake. "God bless her, she came over right away," Julie said. "It's Christmas. The more, the merrier!" Doug said with a chuckle.

Stephanie told Thomas and Charlotte that spending Christmas Eve with them was her favorite present. "Will we always be together on Christmas Eve, Stephanie?" Thomas asked. Stephanie offered to spend time with them every Christmas.

At the tree, Maggie explained to Konstantin that the ornament hanging was the most beloved tradition of the Horton family. "If you're born a Horton, it's a given. And if you're not, it's something earned," Maggie said. "Or lost. There's a whole box of 'retired ornaments,'" Sarah added. "So, one can get removed from the tree?" Konstantin asked. Maggie explained that none of the ornaments were thrown away, but some were instead left "down cellar" in the basement.

While Maggie and Konstantin went to get cookies, a nervous Xander wondered aloud if he should leave. "I just feel a bit awkward being here for the hanging of the ornaments, me not being family and all," Xander said. "You will always be connected to this family, through our daughter and through me, so that's why you are always welcome here and why your ornament will never be down cellar," Sarah said.

Julie announced that it was time to hang the ornaments. One by one, everyone placed their own ornaments and those of family members that were not there. Chad hung Abigail's ornament on the tree, and he hugged his children. Stephanie hung hers on the tree near Abigail's as Everett watched her. Maggie hung Victor's ornament next to hers, and Sarah put an arm around her mother to comfort her.

Sarah hung Mackenzie's ornament on the tree next to hers, and Xander placed his nearby. Xander smiled at Sarah as she cradled Victoria. Maggie took Victoria's new ornament out of the box, and Sarah passed it to Xander to hang. Overwhelmed, Xander beamed as he looked over at his family. "You're not the littlest anymore, Charlotte," Thomas said. Doug chuckled as Chad hugged Charlotte. "You're still my baby, though," Chad said.

After Doug led a sing-along, Julie thanked Maggie for having joined them. "I am so thankful to have shared in this wonderful family celebration. I look forward to the opportunity of returning your kindness sometime soon," Konstantin said. Julie told Konstantin that he could send a thank you from "wherever you wind up." Julie rolled her eyes as she turned away.

In the foyer, Chad thanked Stephanie for having helped cheer up the kids. "Just because we're not together anymore, doesn't mean that we have to be strangers. If you ever need anything. If you ever need help with the kids," Stephanie said. "I appreciate that," Chad said. Everett joined them, and he offered to walk Stephanie out.

In the living room, Sarah asked Xander, "Will you please take photos of her in the morning?" "I'm going to take videos of her all morning, and I'll send them all to you. It will be like you're there," Xander promised. Xander told Sarah that they would see her the next day. "I can't wait," Sarah said. "Either can I," Xander said.

In the town square, Maggie walked Konstantin back to the Salem Inn. Konstantin thanked Maggie for having invited him as a guest to the party. "Merry Christmas, Konstantin," Maggie said. Maggie kissed him on the cheek. "I hope the year to come brings you much joy," Konstantin said.

At the Horton house, Doug and Julie sat alone and admired the tree. "Do you suppose when Grandma and Grandpa started those traditions all those years ago with just seven ornaments, they could have imagined the treeful you see before us?" Julie asked. "My guess is no way," Doug said with a chuckle. Julie noted that Tom and Alice would have been "so proud" to see how their legacy had lived on.

Doug and Julie remembered a past Christmas. For Tom Horton's last Christmas, he had been in the hospital, and the Horton clan had delivered a scaled-down celebration to his room. Jennifer had held baby Abigail, and Maggie had presented Abigail's ornament. Mickey had handed Tom his ornament, and Tom had asked Mickey to hang it for him. "Doug and Julie. It just does not seem like Christmas without them," Tom had said.

With a grin, Alice had opened the door, and Doug and Julie had walked in. With tears in his eyes, Tom had said, "Now I have everything." Doug and Julie smiled at the memory of their last family Christmas with Tom and Alice. "All their traditions. All the memories. All the love. It goes on and on," Julie whispered. "From our hearts," Doug said. Doug and Julie wished one another a merry Christmas. With tears in their eyes, Doug and Julie stared at the tree. "Merry Christmas, everyone," Julie whispered.

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Edited by SC Desk