Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 30, 2023 on DAYS

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E.J. and Nicole wed. Eric married Sloan. The shareholders ousted E.J. Stefan found Gabi next to Li
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 30, 2023 on DAYS

Li asked Marlena for help. Stephanie's ex Everett told her that he had not left her willingly. Chad told Kate that he had moved on too soon with Stephanie. On Halloween, Salemites had nightmares about their love interests. Holly lied to Johnny about her crush. E.J. and Nicole wed. Stefan and Gabi blackmailed Li. Eric married Sloan. The shareholders ousted E.J. Stephanie opened up to Everett about Chad. Stefan found Gabi next to Li's bloody body.

Stephanie encounters someone from her past on Halloween
Stephanie encounters someone from her past on Halloween

Stephanie encounters someone from her past on Halloween

Monday, October 30, 2023

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by Steve Holley

In Marlena's office at the hospital, Marlena was surprised to receive a late-night visit from Li, who shared that he believed he was losing his mind. Appearing haggard and unshaven, Li told Marlena that he hadn't been sleeping due to nightmares he had been having for weeks. When Marlena asked why Li believed he was having nightmares, Li responded that he wasn't over Gabi.

Marlena said that she knew that Li had had nothing to do with the plan to brainwash Harris into killing Stefan months earlier. Li had a faraway look in his eye. Marlena asked what Li was thinking. To Marlena's surprise, Li admitted that he had been involved in the plot against Stefan. "And now, I can't live with the man I've turned into," Li said.

Li said that Marlena was bound by doctor-patient confidentiality in regard to crimes committed. Marlena noted that confidentiality only applied to past crimes, and she asked if Li planned to do something that could be considered criminal.

Li insisted that he wanted to move on with his life, and he said that he was "desperate" to get past Gabi and to keep her from reappearing in his dreams. Li added that he didn't know how to proceed without Marlena's help.

Marlena said that she and Li would begin treatment the following day. Marlena promised to work to help Li begin the next chapter of his life. Li noted that the next chapter of his life wouldn't involve Gabi.

In Horton Town Square, Gabi recalled that she had been face to face with Nick Fallon two years earlier. Gabi said that Nick had appeared to her only because Marlena had been possessed by the devil. Stefan quipped that Nick had "friends in low places."

When Stefan flattered Gabi with praise, Gabi responded by saying that her biggest worry was about what E.J. would do after learning that they had acquired Kristen's shares at DiMera Enterprises. Stefan cited a list of people who would be expected to vote with E.J., including Tony and Chad. Gabi noted that Stefan had left one name out: Li.

Gabi promptly suggested that she exploit Li's feelings for her again in order to win Li's voting shares. Stefan noted that Gabi had pitched the proposal several times. When Stefan recalled that Li had tried to have Stefan murdered, Gabi threw her arms around Stefan, and she said that he was a genius. Gabi boasted that she and Stefan needed the same type of leverage on Li that they had used against Kristen. Stefan liked Gabi's plan, but he said that they lacked proof.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole found E.J. drinking alone by himself. E.J. told Nicole that Stefan and Gabi had acquired Kristen's shares at DiMera. E.J. violently threw his glass to the floor, and he said that he was "as good as dead" if Gabi and Stefan managed to convince another shareholder to side with them.

E.J. yelled that Kristen was a "bitch," and he was on the verge of smashing something else before Nicole managed to stop him. Nicole said that E.J. would have done the same thing to Stefan and Gabi as they had done to him, if given a chance. Nicole added that E.J. was in a dark place. E.J. apologized for having lost control.

Nicole surprised E.J. when she said that she had grown tired of the constant bickering within the DiMera family. Nicole mentioned the baby, and she said pointedly that she sometimes felt "invisible" to E.J. when he grew carried away with his vendetta against Stefan, Gabi, and others.

Nicole added that she was ultimately responsible for the baby she was carrying, and she said that she sometimes didn't know whether she could trust E.J. to be the father the baby needed. E.J. admitted that Nicole was right in that he often lost track of what was really important. "Which is you and the baby. But I will not lose track of that ever again. I swear," E.J. vowed.

Nicole remained skeptical. E.J. noted that he still had his and Nicole's marriage license, and he offered to book the DiMera jet and fly to Italy to marry Nicole. After Nicole said that she didn't want to be married on Halloween, she and E.J. agreed to be married on November 1. E.J. and Nicole kissed.

At the Brady Pub, Chad told Kate about his fight with Stephanie. Kate sympathized when Chad said that the fight had been about Abigail. Chad recalled that Stephanie had been hurt and disappointed to learn that Chad wasn't ready for marriage. Chad wondered if he had moved on too fast, and he said he didn't think that Stephanie knew what it was like to love someone the way he had loved and lost Abigail.

Chad mentioned that Stephanie had had a relationship with someone in Seattle, and he said that it had paled in comparison to his love for Abigail. Chad told Kate that he was afraid to lose another person he loved. "And I'm scared that she just wants to nail it all down because of what happened with this guy in Seattle, who she thought was the real deal (until) he ghosted her," Chad said.

Chad added that his fight with Stephanie had left a lot of things undecided, and he said that he couldn't move forward or go backward. Kate surmised that Chad felt trapped. Chad slowly nodded his head in agreement.

When Kate asked how she could help, Chad said that Kate had already helped by listening. Kate offered to have Thomas and Charlotte stay overnight with her and Roman. Chad agreed, and he and Kate hugged. Kate assured Chad that everything would be fine.

At Chad and Stephanie's apartment, Stephanie gasped when she opened the door to a bearded man in a royal blue suit. The man looked exactly like Nick Fallon. The man said that he had traveled a "long, long way" to see Stephanie, who noted that the man had broken up with her in Seattle without having had the courage to tell her.

The man asked for a chance to explain. Stephanie was skeptical, and she scoffed as she wondered what the man's reason could be for not having contacted her sooner. "You were abducted by aliens? Joined a cult? Oh, wait. I got it. You were in a coma," Stephanie said sarcastically. "Yes, actually. I was," the man said earnestly.

Stephanie said that she didn't believe the man, who insisted that he was telling the truth. The man said that he had been hit by a car after leaving a post office in Seattle. He added that his cell phone had been destroyed during the accident and that doctors had had to put him into a medically induced coma to save his life.

The man added that he had also lost his memory after the accident and that it was why he hadn't been able to contact Stephanie. "And ever since then, I've been working on myself. Trying to get better, learning to walk and talk again, figuring out who I am, figuring out who you were. It was hard, to say the least, but do you know what the one good day in that whole mess was? It was the day I remembered how much I loved you," the man said before rushing to kiss Stephanie.

Stephanie pulled herself away from the man, whom she referred to as Everett. Stephanie said that she had moved on with someone else. Everett admitted that he wanted Stephanie back, and he asked if she was married or engaged. "No. Definitely not," Stephanie said with a hint of bitterness.

Stephanie noted that it had been years since she had seen Everett, who agreed that Stephanie needed time to process everything he had told her. Everett swore that he loved Stephanie as much as he had years earlier when he had last seen her before the accident. Everett and Stephanie told one another to take care, and Everett left.

A short while later, back in Horton Town Square, Gabi and Stefan prepared to head home when Gabi collided with Everett. Everett stared at Gabi, and he asked if he knew her from somewhere. Gabi said that she didn't think so. Everett said that he had to have confused Gabi with someone else, and he walked away.

After Everett left, Stefan noted that Everett had been looking strangely at Gabi. Stefan asked if Gabi was certain that she had never seen Everett. "I've never seen him before in my life," Gabi insisted.

Back at Chad and Stephanie's apartment, Stephanie was staring at a photo of her and Everett on her phone when Chad entered. Chad apologized to Stephanie, and he asked if she wanted to talk. Stephanie said that she and Chad had talked enough for one day. After Chad said that he was headed to bed, Stephanie continued to stare at the photo of her and Everett. Stephanie seemed to have conflicted emotions.

Halloween brings mayhem to Salem
Halloween brings mayhem to Salem

Halloween brings mayhem to Salem

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

by Spalding

At Sloan's apartment, Sloan buried her face in Eric's shoulder as they watched a zombie movie. The hospital called Eric. Sloan asked what was wrong. "I can't believe that he died," Eric whispered. "Who died?" Sloan asked. Eric explained that his friend in the hospital, Mr. Dorsey, had died. Sloan offered to go with Eric to pay his respects.

When Eric and Sloan arrived at the hospital, the lights were flickering, and no one was around. While Eric went off to search for information on his friend, Sloan opted to wait by the nurses' station. Sloan shivered. "I hate hospitals at night. Something so creepy about them," Sloan whispered to herself. Nicole startled Sloan.

"What are you doing here?" Sloan asked. Nicole explained that she was there to pick up another prescription. Eric ran down the hallway and screamed, "Run!" Eric told Nicole and Sloan to follow him if they wanted to live. The threesome holed up in an exam room, and Eric blocked the door. Eric explained that his friend was undead. "I was standing next to his bedside to say a prayer to save his immortal soul, and he tried to bite me," Eric said. "Like a zombie?" Nicole asked. Eric said yes.

Eric explained that his friend was not the only zombie in the hospital. "I saw at least five other zombies out there when I was running to get back to you," Eric said. Sloan laughed in disbelief. Eric begged Sloan to listen to him. With a shake of her head, Sloan went to open the door. Eric ordered Sloan to stop.

"Don't worry. If they try to turn me, I'll make sure to eat Nicole first," Sloan joked. Hands beat against the frosted glass window. "What was that?" Sloan whispered. "That door's not going to hold them forever," Eric said. The undead outside the door groaned, then they left.

"They'll be back. They're hungry," Eric said. "For human flesh?" Sloan asked. Nicole blamed herself. "What is it that you did, exactly?" Sloan asked. Nicole explained that she had concocted a lie about a virus in the hospital so that she could sneak a cheek swab from Eric for a paternity test. "So?" Eric asked. "So, now there is a real virus! So, I tempted fate or God or whatever, and now my baby is never going to be born, or worse, it's going to be born a zombie baby," Nicole said. Sloan scoffed.

"The last thing I want is to die with a guilty conscience. My baby deserves better," Nicole said. "I appreciate your honesty. It means a lot," Eric said. With a sigh, Sloan said, "If we're all going to die in here, then I have a confession, too." Sloan admitted that Nicole's baby was Eric's baby. "I switched the paternity test at the hospital," Sloan confessed. "I'm the father," Eric whispered. Nicole yelled at Sloan until Eric winced and doubled over.

"What is it?" Sloan asked. "I was running away when the zombies attacked me. They must have bitten me," Eric said. Nicole pulled aside the tear in Eric's shirt, and she exposed a bite mark. "I'm infected," Eric said. Eric noted that it would not take long for him to turn. As Sloan hugged Eric, he looked at Nicole. Eric filled a syringe with a sedative, and he asked Sloan to kill him before he killed both women. "I can't lose you," Sloan stammered. Nicole took the syringe, and she injected Eric.

"You bitch! You killed him!" Sloan said. "I couldn't watch the man I love turn into some undead monster," Nicole said. Sloan noted that Eric had not deserved to die. "Finally, something we agree on," Nicole growled. As the lights flickered off, Nicole injected Sloan with the syringe. "As you die, I will leave you with this thought. I will always have Eric's baby to remind me of the love we shared," Nicole said. Nicole stroked Eric's face, and she promised to take good care of their child. Sloan woke up from her nightmare, and she shook Eric awake.

"What is it?" Eric asked groggily. Sloan apologized for having woken Eric. "I was having the craziest dream," Eric said. When Sloan asked about Eric's dream, he shrugged. "But I'm suddenly really hungry," Eric said.

In the DiMera living room, Chanel cuddled up to Johnny on the couch as Holly sat sullenly at the opposite end of the couch. Johnny suggested they watch the rest of the Scream movies as a Halloween marathon. Chanel declined. "Chanel doesn't love the scary flicks," Johnny said to Holly. "Then she's missing out. I'm super into 'em," Holly said. Holly offered to watch another movie with Johnny. When Chanel raised an eyebrow, Holly argued that there was more to horror movies than killing.

"Sure, always nice to add a little romance with your horror," Johnny said. "I couldn't agree more," Holly added. Chanel rolled her eyes. Johnny snuggled closer to Chanel and whispered, "Fear and sexual arousal are very closely linked in the human brain." Chanel countered that she needed to head into the bakery to prep for the next day, and she asked Johnny to walk her to the car. Johnny promised to protect Chanel from Ghostface as they exited the house.

"Maybe a little danger can bring me and Johnny together, too," Holly said with a grin. Holly called over Tate, and he met her on the grounds of the DiMera mansion. "What's the big favor that you need?" Tate asked. Holly handed Tate a mask, and she asked him to stand in the window and act like a stalker. When Tate hesitated, Holly reminded Tate that he had wanted to be friends.

"Friends help each other out, right?" Holly asked. Tate groaned, and he asked what to do. Holly explained that she needed him to chase Holly and then let Johnny chase him off. "Then I go into [Johnny's] arms and let him comfort me," Holly said. "Seems like a lot of trouble to get a boy to like you," Tate noted. Annoyed, Holly asked Tate if he wanted to be her friend or not. Tate put on the mask. To Tate's dismay, Holly handed him a real knife.

"How do I look?" Tate asked as he raised the knife. Holly grinned. "Like someone a girl needs saving from," Holly said. When Holly returned to the foyer, she pretended to be scared, and she asked Johnny for help. "There is someone outside" Holly said. "Stay close," Johnny said. As Johnny walked into the living room, Holly whispered, "Don't worry. I will."

Johnny noted that the tree limbs had been banging against the doors from the storm. "I saw a man," Holly stressed. Johnny said he believed Holly but that sometimes imaginations ran wild after watching a horror movie. "Someone is out there. I'm going to lock the front door," Holly said. As Holly approached the door to the foyer, the masked man slashed the knife across Holly's arm, and she screamed. Johnny ran after the attacker.

When Johnny returned, he confirmed that the stalker had escaped. Johnny wrapped up Holly's bleeding arm, and he argued that she would need stitches. There was a bang upstairs. "No one else is home," Holly said. Johnny grabbed a marble vase, and he headed upstairs to confront the attacker. Tate appeared on the opposite side of the living room, and he asked Holly not to scream as he took off his mask.

"What happened to your arm?" Tate asked. "You cut me, you freak!" Holly said. Tate protested that he had just entered the house. "You just came through the foyer," Holly said. As Tate walked over to the door to the foyer, he explained that he had entered through the kitchen. Tate peered in the foyer, then turned to face Holly. "If you didn't slash me, then who did?" Holly asked. The masked stranger stabbed Tate in the back. Tate groaned and fell to the ground.

Johnny returned to the living room, and he saw Tate lying on the floor. "What happened here?" Johnny asked. Frightened, Holly gasped as she pointed to the masked stranger behind Johnny. Johnny turned around, and the killer stabbed Johnny in the stomach. "No!" Holly screamed. Holly dropped to her knees next to Johnny. "Who are you?" Holly asked. The killer removed their mask. It was Chanel. When Holly asked why, Chanel told Holly about how she had killed her former lover's wife.

"Why kill Johnny?" Holly asked. "I know you wanted him. And I could tell he had feelings for you, too. You two both had so much more in common than he and I did," Chanel said. Holly asked Chanel if she really believed that Johnny had had feelings for Holly. "You didn't think I was just going to roll over and let you have him, did you? He got what he deserved. And now? It's your turn," Chanel growled.

Chanel chased Holly around the room. "I thought you couldn't stand the sight of blood," Holly said. "I thought so, too," Chanel countered. Chanel licked blood off her knife. "Turns out, now that I have a taste of it, I just can't get enough!" As Chanel lunged at Holly with the knife, Holly woke up from her dream on the DiMera couch. Holly looked across the couch, and Johnny and Chanel were making out passionately. "This is my worst nightmare," Holly said as she glared at the couple.

Chad sat on his couch and watched a horror movie in his living room. Stephanie asked, "Aren't you coming to bed?" Chad explained that he had wanted to give Stephanie space and sleep on the couch. "I hate that we had that fight," Stephanie said. "Me, too," Chad admitted. Stephanie told Chad that she had been lying awake thinking. "I think that you and I weren't actually meant to be together, after all," Stephanie said. "Don't say that," Chad said. Stephanie assured Chad that a breakup was for the best.

"But I do love you. So, I want to give you something to show you how much," Stephanie said. "Give me what?" Chad asked. "I'm going to bring Abigail back to life," Stephanie said. Chad was shocked. Stephanie explained that her parents had found a diary by a man named Gideon that had resurrected his dead wife. "And that's what I'm going to do, with a little help, to bring back the love of your life," Stephanie said. Kayla arrived at the apartment with the materials for the spell.

"Kayla, you're a doctor. You don't seriously believe in any of this," Chad said. Kayla reminded Chad that she had recently returned from the dead. "I believe in the power of love. So, I have the solution already. I just need something of Abigail's," Kayla said. With a shrug, Chad said he did not have anything. Stephanie handed Abigail's wedding ring to Kayla. "I found it hidden away in [Chad's] closet," Stephanie said.

The three sat around the table, and Kayla poured the ingredients into a bubbling chalice. Stephanie read a spell aloud from the diary. The candle blew out. "That was dramatic. I don't think it worked, though," Chad said. There was a knock at the front door. "That must be Abigail," Stephanie said. Chad went to the door, and he reluctantly opened it. It was Steve.

"I hope I got here in time," Steve said. Steve explained that he had found additional pages that had been torn out of the diary. "What do they say?" Kayla asked. Steve explained that the pages had detailed that Gideon's wife had returned from the dead as a "rotting, murderous corpse." Kayla informed Steve that they had already performed the ritual.

"But it didn't work, right? I mean Abby's not here," Chad said. There were footsteps outside the front door. "The only thing to do is to send [Abigail] back to her grave," Steve said. Steve cocked his gun. "Wait, what are you doing?" Chad asked. Steve explained that whatever had returned from the grave might look like Abigail, but it was not her. "No, I'm not just going to stand by and watch this happen!" Chad protested. Steve promised to make it quick. Chad lunged for the gun, and the lights went out.

When the lights came back on, Steve was lying on the ground. "What happened? The gun didn't go off! I didn't do anything!" Chad said. Chad put the gun on the desk. "It was Abigail," Stephanie said. Stephanie said she had seen Abigail briefly, and Abigail had been covered in mud and blood. "Her face and her body were rotting," Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that Abigail had snapped Steve's neck and disappeared.

"He's not breathing. His heart has stopped!" Kayla said. Kayla started chest compressions. When Stephanie asked for help taking Steve to the hospital, Chad said he needed to find Abigail instead, and he ran out. When Chad returned, Steve and Kayla were lying on the floor, dead, with their hands clasped.

"What happened?" Chad asked. "It was Abigail. She came back," Stephanie whispered. "Abby did this? Are you sure?" Chad asked. Stephanie said she had repeatedly shot Abigail, but Abigail had not flinched. "I saved one bullet. For you," Stephanie said. Stephanie argued that Chad's obsession with Abigail had caused the mayhem.

"I don't know if [Abigail] is alive or dead, but you can join her in hell," Stephanie said. Chad shook his head. "No," Chad said. Stephanie fired the gun, and Chad awoke from his dream on the couch. "It was just a nightmare," Chad whispered as he clutched his chest.

At the Price residence, Paulina changed into a nightgown and a robe, and she rejoined Abe in the living room. "I hope you don't mind that I slipped into something more comfortable," Paulina said. "Of course not," Abe said. Thunder sounded outside. Paulina told Abe he could stay overnight if there was a storm. "I do appreciate the offer, but I'm trying to take John and Marlena's advice [not to try too hard] to heart," Abe said. Paulina agreed.

"Seeing where things take us? It sounds good to me," Paulina said. Rafe called to warn Paulina that a homicidal maniac had escaped from Bayview. Paulina complained that it was the second breakout from Bayview in month. "I wonder who got out this time," Abe grumbled. The lights flickered off. "Can anyone else in this town besides me do their job?" Paulina lamented.

When the lights flickered back on, Abe was unconscious on the couch. "Who did this to you?" Paulina said. "I did," Whitley said as she stepped out of the shadows and wielded a rolling pin. Paulina confirmed that Abe was still alive. "Now, why would I try to kill my own husband?" Whitley said. "He's not your husband!" Paulina yelled. Whitley scoffed as Abe stirred awake. Paulina asked Abe if he was okay.

"I remember everything," Abe said. Hopeful, Paulina asked Abe if he remembered her. "Oh, I remember you, Whitley King. You're the lunatic who kidnapped me and tried to make me believe you were my wife," Abe said with narrowed eyes. Paulina insisted that she was not Whitley. "No, she is my wife, Paulina Price," Abe said as he put his arm around Whitley. Paulina argued that the blow to Abe's head had scrambled his brain.

With a smirk, Whitley told Abe that she was his beloved Paulina and that she was there to rescue him. Paulina gaped. As proof, Paulina handed Abe a picture from their wedding day. "This is not you in the picture with me," Abe said. Paulina snatched the picture back, and she saw Whitley was in the picture.

"You really are delusional, Whitley," Whitley told Paulina. Paulina argued that Whitley had switched all the pictures. "You've got to know she's lying," Paulina pleaded with Abe. Paulina looked around the room, and she noticed the dozens of stuffed cats around her apartment. Confused, Paulina urged Abe to call Chanel. "If you're Paulina Price, then why are you wearing that?" Whitley asked. Paulina looked down, and she saw that she was wearing Whitley's Bayview clothing. Whitley argued that "Whitley" had escaped from Bayview and wanted to kill Abe and his wife.

"That wasn't me! That was you!" Paulina cried out. Abe promised Whitley that he would protect her. Paulina begged Abe to believe her. Abe called Rafe and asked him to lock up "Whitley." Paulina told Abe that she loved him. "We belong together," Paulina said. With a shake of her head, Whitley noted that they would have to handle this "the hard way." Whitley raised the rolling pin, and she swung it at Paulina's head. Paulina woke up on her couch. Across the couch, Abe was looking at their wedding picture.

"You know, you were a beautiful bride. I just wish I could remember that day," Abe said. Paulina nodded with satisfaction when she saw her face in the picture. "Are you all right?" Abe asked. "I dreamed that you forgot who I was again. But you do know who I am, right?" Paulina asked. Abe chuckled. "You are the one and only Paulina Price," Abe said. "Damn right I am," Paulina muttered. Abe put his arm around Paulina, and she shivered at the thought of her dream.

"Too much scary stuff. But being here with you now is treats and no tricks," Paulina said with a grin. "Happy Halloween, Paulina," Abe said. Abe turned the movie back on, and the two lovers smiled at one another. Behind them, one of Whitley's stuffed cats sat on the mantel and stared as the thunder boomed outside.

Li makes a confession to Marlena
Li makes a confession to Marlena

Li makes a confession to Marlena

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Stefan and Gabi's room at the DiMera mansion, Stefan and Gabi gloated that they planned to trick Li into giving them Li's voting shares at DiMera Enterprises. As they worked to find proof that Li had tried to have Stefan murdered months earlier, Stefan said that the key to their plan was to prey on Li's obsession with Gabi.

Stefan was vague when he mentioned an "asset" that he and Gabi could acquire to help in their scheme. As they waited for the asset to arrive in Salem, Gabi and Stefan had sex. Afterwards, Stefan received a text. "Oh, pay dirt. No time to waste. Got to go pick up the asset," Stefan boasted as he hurried to get dressed.

In Marlena's office at the hospital, Li met with Marlena for his their first therapy session. Li said he was willing to do whatever it took to get over Gabi. Marlena asked about Li's past relationships other than Gabi, Li shared that he'd only had one other relationship -- with a girl named Xiao-Xing when he had been in high school.

Li fondly recalled how much he had loved Xiao-Xing, and he revealed to Marlena that Wei Shin had ordered Xiao-Xing to break up with Li. Li described having been depressed after Xiao-Xing had moved far away, and he said that Wei had berated Li for "dishonoring" the Shin family amidst Li's depression.

Marlena asked how Wei had forced Xiao-Xing to break up with Li. Li said that Wei had found a love note that Li had written for Xiao-Xing. Li added that Wei had offered Xiao-Xing's father a well-paying job as a factory foreman in a province 2,000 miles away, if Xiao-Xing would agree to end her relationship with Li.

Marlena was stunned by Li's admission, and she suggested that Wei might have made up the story. Li said that he and Xiao-Xing had never spoken again. Li added that he had eventually buried his feelings for Xiao-Xing and that he hadn't spoken her name aloud to anyone. "That is, until now," Li said glumly.

Marlena asked how Li had felt when he had learned what Wei had done. Li said that he had felt powerless, and he added that he had thought he would never love anyone again. "Until... Gabi. And when we became involved, I started feeling the same way for her as I had with Xiao-Xing. But I was afraid that someone would take her from me -- just like my father had with Xiao-Xing," Li admitted.

Marlena said that Li's obsessive behavior stemmed from the trauma he had suffered after Xiao-Xing had disappeared so suddenly from his life. Li began to relax, and he told Marlena that talking about Xiao-Xing had made him feel better. "And maybe now that I understand my behavior with Gabi, the desperation, maybe now I can finally be free of the hold she's had over me," Li said with relief in his voice.

Marlena smiled when she said that Li should be proud of himself for having the courage to open up about his pain. Marlena added that she hoped Li was determined to drop his destructive patterns. Li vowed that he was determined, and he admitted that he was glad he had realized he needed professional help. "Today, because of you, for the first time, I actually think I can get over Gabi," Li said with a smile.

After leaving Marlena's office, Li stood by the nurses' station at the hospital. Li was surprised when he saw that Gabi was calling him. Li answered reluctantly, and he groused when he asked what Gabi wanted. "Li, I need your help, please! I've been kidnapped!" Gabi said with a smirk while laying on her and Stefan's bed.

Also at the DiMera mansion, Holly told Tate by phone that she had dreamed Chanel had tried to kill her. Holly promptly hung up on Tate when Johnny appeared. Johnny had overheard Holly say that someone had tried to kill her. Holly pretended that a girl was jealous of her because the girl thought her boyfriend was interested in Holly.

E.J. and Nicole appeared hand in hand. Nicole told Johnny and Holly that she and E.J. planned to be married that day. Johnny congratulated them, but Holly froze when Nicole asked if she was okay with the wedding. Holly daydreamed of Johnny telling her that he would love to be her boyfriend, if not for E.J. and Nicole having married.

When Nicole asked Holly again, Holly said she didn't think the wedding was a good idea. E.J. and Johnny left so that Nicole and Holly could talk in private. Afterwards, Holly stuttered that Eric was the reason she didn't want Nicole to marry E.J.

Nicole noted that she had believed she and Eric would find their way back to one another, but she said that both had moved on. Holly eventually agreed when Nicole asked her to attend the wedding.

At the Brady Pub, Eric welcomed Tate back to Salem. Tate said that he had met someone at Salem High and that he wanted to be more than friends with her. Eric learned that the girl Tate had a crush on was Holly. Tate said that Holly was interested in an older man.

Just then, Johnny entered. Tate grew quiet when he saw Johnny, who asked Eric for a food platter. Eric seemed taken aback when Johnny said the food was for Nicole and E.J. and that the two planned to marry that day. A short while later, Eric was sitting on a bench in Horton Town Square when Nicole appeared and called out his name.

Back at the DiMera mansion, Johnny returned following his visit to the pub. Johnny spotted Holly, and he complimented her dress. Johnny noted that Holly had said she didn't think E.J. and Nicole's wedding was a good idea. "Why not? I mean, why don't you want my dad to marry your mom?" Johnny asked.

At Chad and Stephanie's apartment, Chad opened the door to E.J. E.J. told Chad about his plans to marry Nicole. Chad was excited for E.J., who said that he and Nicole wanted Chad to perform the ceremony.

E.J. grew serious when he said that he had something to tell Chad. "I admire you, Chad. I know it's a bit odd. I'm the older brother, after all. But the fact of the matter is, I look at you as a role model. I know we've had our ups and downs, but when all is said and done, you are the type of man that I wish I was," E.J. said earnestly.

Chad was touched by E.J.'s words, and he said that it would be an honor to officiate E.J. and Nicole's wedding. The two brothers shared a warm hug.

Stefan and Gabi crash E.J. and Nicole
Stefan and Gabi crash E.J. and Nicole's wedding

Stefan and Gabi crash E.J. and Nicole's wedding

Thursday, November 2, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Chad and Stephanie's apartment, E.J. told Chad that he wanted to make the most of his chance at fatherhood with Nicole. E.J. said it meant a lot that Chad had agreed to be a part of the wedding. "We've had some real bad times, you and I. But we've had some good ones, too. You're my brother, and I love you very much," Chad said.

As Chad and E.J. hugged, Chad noted that Stefano would be beaming with joy that Chad and E.J. were close. E.J. quipped that Stefano would order his spies to learn if E.J. and Chad were plotting something.

In Horton Town Square, Eric congratulated Nicole on her plans to marry E.J. Nicole shared that Holly had said she had been holding out hope that Eric and Nicole would find their way back to one another. Nicole talked about her history with E.J., and she admitted that she and E.J. were far from perfect.

Eric asked if Nicole would have agreed to marry E.J. if she weren't pregnant with E.J.'s child. "Probably not. But this baby is E.J.'s, and I'm finally gonna give birth to a happy child. And it just seems like a sign that E.J. and I were meant to be," Nicole reasoned.

Nicole told Eric that she was happy for him and Sloan. Before Nicole turned to walk away, Eric wished Nicole good luck with E.J. Nicole thanked Eric. As she turned to leave, Nicole seemed to fight back tears.

In Marlena's office at the hospital, Eric visited Marlena after his encounter with Nicole. Eric revealed that he had spoken to Belle, who he said was doing well despite the circumstances surrounding Shawn's decision to leave Salem. Marlena was happy with Eric's news about Belle, and she asked about Eric.

Marlena deduced by the look on Eric's face that something was wrong, and she asked him to confide in her. Eric told Marlena about Nicole's plans to marry E.J. Marlena surmised that Eric still had feelings for Nicole.

Eric recalled having thought that he might be the father of Nicole's baby months earlier. "Sounds like you're saying that if this baby were yours, you would have reconciled with Nicole," Marlena said. "In a heartbeat," Eric said wistfully.

Eric asked Marlena for advice on how to put Nicole behind him. Marlena said that Eric's feelings for Nicole would fade over time -- if Eric was truly committed to Sloan. "But before you get married to Sloan and start a family, you have to look into your heart. See how you really feel. Darling, that's only fair to Sloan," Marlena said.

Eric thanked Marlena, and he said that her advice had been precisely what he had needed to hear. Marlena and Eric wrapped their arms tightly around one another as they hugged. Eric and Marlena said that they loved one another.

In the living room at the DiMera mansion, Johnny surmised that Holly was in love. Johnny said that he had overheard Tate tell Eric that Holly was interested in an older guy. When Johnny asked who Holly's crush was, Holly nervously stammered that it was E.J. Johnny cleared his throat.

Holly claimed that it was only a "stupid crush." Just then, E.J. entered. Johnny and Holly froze when E.J. asked if he was interrupting anything. Holly downplayed things, and she said that she was happy that E.J. and Nicole had decided to marry. E.J. said that he appreciated Holly's words, and he left to get dressed for the wedding.

Johnny left to join E.J. Alone in the living room afterwards, Holly said aloud that she hadn't been able to tell Johnny the truth about her crush. Just then, Nicole entered. "Oh, tell who the truth about what?" Nicole asked Holly.

Holly claimed that she had won a part in a school play and that Nicole had walked in on Holly rehearsing her lines. When E.J. and Johnny returned, Nicole left to get dressed for the wedding. Holly agreed to help Nicole get ready.

A short while later, Chad had joined Johnny and Holly. E.J. and Nicole entered the living room, hand in hand. E.J. wore a black suit with a matching tie, and Nicole wore a sleeveless white wedding gown. Chad began to officiate the wedding as Nicole and E.J. stood arm in arm.

When Chad asked if E.J. took Nicole as his bride, E.J. said, "I do." When Chad asked if Nicole took E.J. as her husband, Nicole hesitated. When Chad asked again, Nicole said that the baby had kicked and that it had startled her. Chad continued with the ceremony, and he asked again if Nicole took E.J. as her husband. "I do," Nicole said cheerfully.

Nicole and E.J. placed wedding rings on each other's hands. "With this ring, I thee wed," they said separately. Chad pronounced E.J. and Nicole as husband and wife. "Now, go get her, Phoenix," Chad teased E.J., who kissed Nicole.

At the same time, Eric stood in the lobby of the hospital, and he stared at Nicole's number on his phone. Moments later, Eric dialed Sloan, and he told her that there was something the two of them needed to talk about.

In the park, Stefan met with the man he had referred to as an "asset" in his and Gabi's plan to obtain proof that Li had attempted to have Stefan murdered months earlier. "Thank you for making it on such short notice. Your cooperation is crucial to our success," Stefan told the man, who was revealed to be Dr. Rolf.

Stefan said that Stefano would have wanted Rolf to help take down Li so that Li's stock shares would revert back to the rightful DiMera family heirs. Rolf said that he agreed with Stefan's reasoning. "Then you'll do it?" Stefan asked. "Long live the DiMeras!" Rolf said with a gleam in his eyes as he shook Stefan's hand.

At the Shin apartment, Li panicked after believing Gabi's lie that she had been kidnapped. Li opened the door to Rolf, who claimed that Megan was responsible for Gabi's disappearance. Rolf added that Gabi's life depended on Li's cooperation.

As Rolf and Li spoke, Rolf managed to get Li to admit to having used Harris to try to have Stefan murdered months earlier. Li said that he knew he had committed a crime. Rolf said that Li deserved to be in prison. "For trying to have Stefan killed. I know what I did, all right?" Li admitted again as Rolf grinned.

Rolf said he wasn't convinced that Li had had a breakthrough after Li had mentioned his therapy session with Marlena. Li grabbed Rolf by the collar, and he yelled for Rolf to tell him where Gabi was. "Oh, my God. Stop shouting. I'm right here, for crying out loud," Gabi said as she entered. When Li expressed relief that Gabi was okay, Gabi dropped a bombshell on Li. "Eh, you dumbass. I tricked you," Gabi told Li.

Li was stunned by Gabi's confession. Gabi gloated that Li hadn't known he was being played. When Li asked who else had been playing him, Gabi yelled for Stefan. Stefan entered the apartment with a tape recorder in his hand. Stefan then played an audio recording of Li having confessed to trying to have Stefan murdered. Li froze when he learned that he had been set up by Gabi, Stefan, and Rolf.

Stefan and Gabi asked Rolf for a moment alone with Li, and Rolf stepped away. Stefan and Gabi threatened to take the recording of Li's confession to Rafe unless Li signed his shares of the DiMera empire over to them. "Or you can hang on to your shares and go to Statesville for a very long time. Your call," Gabi said.

As Li signed over his shares, Gabi gloated that she and Stefan had succeeded in their plan. Stefan handed Li the recording that contained the confession. Li said that Gabi and Stefan disgusted him and that the two deserved one another. Gabi and Stefan viewed Li's remarks as a compliment. Li ordered Stefan and Gabi to leave.

After Stefan and Gabi had left, Li confronted Rolf for having conspired with them. Rolf said that his allegiance would always be to the DiMera family. When Rolf left, a furious Li seethed in anger. "Oh, Gabi, you made a huge mistake when you chose Stefan over me. No one makes a fool of me. No one!" Li screamed.

At the same time, back at the DiMera mansion, E.J. and Nicole had toasted to their wedding when Stefan and Gabi entered unannounced. Gabi grabbed a glass of Champagne, and she toasted to her and Stefan. "What for?" E.J. asked. "For dumping you, man. You're fired," Stefan gloated.

Salemites experience a wedding, a coup, and a murder
Salemites experience a wedding, a coup, and a murder

Salemites experience a wedding, a coup, and a murder

Friday, November 3, 2023

by Spalding

Eric returned home to Sloan's apartment, and he asked if she wanted to marry that day. "What made you think you wanted to get married today of all days?" Sloan asked. Eric thought about his conversation with Nicole before her wedding to E.J. Eric chuckled nervously. "Is it so wrong for us, for me to want to spend the rest of our lives together?" Eric asked. Sloan noted that the decision felt sudden, but she wanted to marry Eric more than anything.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Eric asked. Sloan hugged Eric, and she agreed that a marriage would strengthen their chances for an adoption. "Let's do it!" Sloan said. After Eric left to talk to his mother, Sloan stared at a photo of her with Eric. "I thought this day would never come. Especially after I lost our baby. Finally, here it is," Sloan whispered. With a smirk, Sloan noted that neither Nicole nor her baby could stop Sloan from becoming Mrs. Eric Brady.

Stefan and Gabi were celebrating their victory when E.J. burst into their bedroom. "What the hell kind of game are you two playing?" E.J. yelled. Stefan toasted to E.J.'s early retirement. "Li turned his shares over to me and Gabi, and that makes us majority shareholders, which means you're out," Stefan explained. Gabi and Stefan clinked champagne glasses.

"You actually tricked that poor man into believing that you'd been kidnapped?" E.J. asked. "Poor man? He tried to kill my husband. He admitted it on tape," Gabi argued. When E.J. chastised Gabi for her actions, Gabi countered that blackmail was the DiMera way. E.J. scoffed.

"You, Gabriela, are no DiMera," E.J. said. Stefan disagreed, but E.J. maintained that Gabi was "a scheming bitch." E.J. told Stefan that their father would be ashamed of Stefan's choice for a mate. "Says the product of father taking a turkey baster to an unhinged Elvis fanatic," Stefan countered. As E.J. advanced with his jaw clenched, Gabi stepped between the two men. E.J. growled that the board would not remove him.

"The shareholders decide. I've called a meeting for this afternoon, and once we give you the boot, we can get started on making Stefano's company as we see fit," Gabi said. "You conniving snake," E.J. grumbled. Stefan warned E.J. not to speak ill of his wife when he might need a letter of recommendation from her.

"You said you forgave me, but obviously, that never happened. So, this is some pathetic attempt at getting revenge?" E.J. asked. Stefan and Gabi advised E.J. to head to the office and pack up his things. "You won't get away with this," E.J. said. "We already have," Stefan countered. With a sneer, E.J. remarked that when he had learned that Rolf had kept Stefan alive, he should have ordered Rolf to destroy Jake's heart.

"See, E.J., that's why I'm such a better chess player than you are. While you're sitting here second-guessing yourself, I'm always five moves ahead," Stefan said. "This match is far from over," E.J. said. Stefan argued that E.J. had been bested. "It won't last. Not only will I be back on top at DiMera, but I will make sure you pay dearly for what you have done. My next move will end you," E.J. growled. After E.J. left, Stefan and Gabi exchanged a look.

In the DiMera living room, Chad complained about Stefan and Gabi's gall for having interrupted Nicole's wedding with a bogus claim about E.J. "You better beef up security when you and Stephanie tie the knot," Nicole joked. Chad grimaced. Nicole apologized. "It's fine. But back to the fiasco at your wedding," Chad said. Chad noted that he had not realized how bad things had gotten between Stefan and E.J. Nicole told Chad about how Stefan and Gabi had collected the other shares.

"Unlike your brother, I'm not worried about it," Nicole said. Chad glanced at his phone, and Nicole asked about it. "Is everything okay with [you and Stephanie]?" Nicole asked. Chad told Nicole about his fight with his girlfriend. "I just can't make any promises to her right now," Chad said. Nicole apologized for not realizing that Chad had been struggling to move on.

"I just thought that you and Stephanie were so happy," Nicole said. "We were. But now we're barely speaking," Chad admitted. Nicole commended Chad for having been honest with Stephanie, and she noted that Stephanie would understand. "I thought she did," Chad said. Chad explained that at the start of their relationship, they had been honest with one another.

"But now, she just seems disappointed and hurt, and she's shutting me out," Chad said. Chad admitted that although he loved Stephanie, he could not imagine exchanging wedding vows with anyone but Abigail. "I understand. My situation with Eric isn't the same as yours with Abigail, because he is, was, the love of my life," Nicole said. Nicole noted that Eric was happy with Sloan, and she was happy with E.J. "But when someone has your heart like that, I'm not sure if it's possible to fully let them go," Nicole admitted.

Nicole advised Chad to remember that he had a choice between staying stagnant or taking a chance on happiness. "I know that's what I've done with E.J., and I think that you should do the same with Stephanie," Nicole said. Chad smiled. "I have a very wise sister-in-law," Chad said. Nicole told Chad that Abigail would want Chad to find love and be happy. "I've heard it a lot, but for some reason, right now, it's registering," Chad said. Chad thanked Nicole, and he announced that he needed to make things right with Stephanie. "I hope it's not too late," Chad said.

After Chad left, E.J. returned to the living room. "Gabi and Stefan called a shareholders meeting," E.J. said. "They can't do that," Nicole argued. E.J. explained that Li had given them his shares and the means to oust E.J. "That damn simp," E.J. muttered. Nicole groaned as the baby kicked hard. "He's probably just as angry as I am at his Uncle Stefan and Aunt Gabi," E.J. said. "Or she is certainly not happy about something," Nicole countered.

In the square, Stephanie ran into Everett. "What are you still doing in Salem?" Stephanie asked. "I live here now," Everett said. Confused, Stephanie reminded Everett that he had been an up-and-coming reporter in Seattle, anxious to move to a major market. "Xander Cook just hired me to be the new editor-in-chief at the Salem Spectator," Everett said. When Stephanie asked why Everett wanted to work for a small-time paper, he explained that after his recovery from his injuries, he had been unable to find non-freelance work in Seattle.

"[The Spectator] does offer a pretty decent salary and chance to start fresh," Everett said. "Yeah. In my hometown," Stephanie noted. Everett asked if that would be a problem. Stephanie told Everett that he had a right to live in whatever city he wanted. "I will respect your boundaries. I know you're living with somebody else now. Speaking of which, I assume he told you it's cool when you told him you ran into your ex?" Everett asked. Stephanie admitted that she had not told Chad about Everett.

"It's not like I was keeping it from him. I just didn't get a chance," Stephanie explained. When Everett reminded Stephanie that he had seen Stephanie fighting with her boyfriend, Stephanie dismissed it as nothing. "You ran out in tears," Everett said. "You really shouldn't spy on people," Stephanie countered. Everett agreed. When Everett mentioned why he had been lurking about, Stephanie stressed that she did not want to discuss Everett's feelings for her.

"Then why don't you tell me about the conversation you had with your boyfriend?" Everett suggested. "That is really none of your business," Stephanie said. Everett disagreed, and he noted that he knew that Stephanie did not like to keep her feelings bottled up. "I will not criticize you. I'm not even going to tell you what to do. I will just listen like I used to," Everett offered. After a moment, Stephanie reluctantly opened up.

"Why would he ask you to move in with him and his kids if he was still mourning his late wife?" Everett asked. "You make it sound like Chad was keeping something from me. He wasn't. He was up-front about Abigail from the very beginning," Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that she and Chad had decided to take a leap of faith in their relationship and move in. Stephanie stressed that although she and Chad were in a rough patch, she was confident that they would work it out.

"Chad is a wonderful man. And what we have is worth fighting for," Stephanie said. Everett nodded. "Thank you for sharing all that with me," Everett said. With a smirk, Stephanie noted that Everett would have heard the gossip at some point. "I hope you don't think I took the job at the Spectator because you live here. The last thing that I want to do is make your life more complicated," Everett said. Stephanie told Everett that she believed him.

Marlena called Li at home to check on him after the events of their last session. "[I'm] good. Grateful. Without you, I might never have made the connection between what happened with Xiao-Xing and my desperate need to hold on to Gabi," Li said. Marlena told Li that he should be proud of his progress. "But there is a lot we have to work on," Marlena added.

"Even though my fixation with Gabi is a thing of the past?" Li asked. Marlena cautioned Li not to be too optimistic about how far along he was in getting past his feelings for Gabi. Li looked down at the giant knife in his hand. "I have no feelings for Gabi. Not anymore. She's as good as dead to me," Li said with a smile. "I realize your feelings for Gabi are heightened. That's one of the things we need to work on," Marlena said. Li assured Marlena that he had spoken figuratively.

"I'm eager to put this toxic relationship with my ex-wife behind me," Li said. Marlena told Li that she looked forward to their next session. Li agreed, and he ended the call. As Li stared dead-eyed at the knife in his hand, Wendy returned home. "What are you doing with that knife?" Wendy asked. Li said he was about to prepare dinner. Suspicious, Wendy reminded Li that he had left her a voicemail asking for help.

"I did? I don't even remember. I'm honestly fine," Li said with a chuckle. Wendy asked about Li's session with Marlena. "Dr. Evans, she's amazing," Li said with a forced smile. "Drop the act and tell me what's wrong," Wendy demanded. Li told Wendy about Gabi's ruse to get Li's shares. "But how did she trick you?" Wendy asked. Li refused to give details, and he noted that their father would be furious with him for having let go of the DiMera stock shares. Li laughed maniacally as he imitated their father's reaction.

"[Father's] expectations are absurd and outdated," Wendy said. "Maybe so. But if I fail to meet his approval, he doesn't listen to me," Li said. Li argued that their father consistently swooped in to take control of his life. "I lost the first woman I ever loved because of father. Her name was Xiao-Xing," Li said. "You never told me that," Wendy said. Li explained that he had not told anyone about his lost love until his session with Marlena.

"[Marlena] helped me see that there is a direct line from that loss to my obsession with Gabi. And so, when I left our session, that revelation, it lifted my spirits, gave me hope. Made me think that I could actually let Gabi go. That was then. And now," Li said. "Now what?" Wendy asked. Li scowled.

"Now, I wish that lying bitch nothing but pain and misery," Li growled. "I hate that Gabi did this to you," Wendy said. With a sigh, Li promised not to retaliate against Gabi. "Good, because she's not worth it. Gabi has taken up enough of your time and energy," Wendy said. Wendy encouraged Li to focus on his therapy instead. "I plan to," Li promised. Wendy told Li that she loved him. "Whatever you need, I'm here," Wendy said. With tears in his eyes, Li said, "That means a lot to me." Tripp texted Wendy about their plans. Wendy wanted to cancel, but Li told Wendy to go out with her boyfriend. "At least one of us should be happy," Li said with a grin.

In Stefan and Gabi's bedroom at the DiMera mansion, Gabi asked Stefan if he was sure that he did not want her to go with him to the office. "You stay here, relax," Stefan insisted. Stefan promised to celebrate with Gabi when he returned home.

At the penthouse, Eric informed Marlena that he and Sloan were getting married. Eric asked Marlena to officiate the wedding. After a moment, Marlena noted that Eric had always been very thoughtful about his decisions. "I know this sounds impulsive, but I swear it isn't," Eric said. Marlena asked Eric if his rush to marry Sloan was unrelated to Nicole's marriage. Eric told Marlena that he did not want to let his feelings for Nicole keep him from living his life.

"Nobody wants you to do that. I just want you to be very clear about what you're feeling and about why you are taking this very big step," Marlena said. "I am clear. I am sure about this decision. Mama, I really want to marry Sloan today. So, would you please marry us?" Eric asked. Marlena said yes.

When Roman arrived, Eric told him the big news. Eric asked Roman if he was genuinely happy for his son. "She gives my chowder another chance, all is forgiven," Roman joked. Sloan arrived, then Brady. Eric asked Brady to be the best man, and Brady agreed. Marlena conducted the ceremony without incident, and she pronounced Eric and Sloan as husband and wife.

Several hours after the ceremony, Marlena, Roman, and Brady talked after the newlyweds had left. "Here is hoping his new wife treats him right," Roman toasted. At Sloan's apartment, Eric and Sloan sighed with satisfaction on their couch. "Our first time making love as husband and wife," Sloan whispered. "Did it feel different?" Eric asked. Sloan and Eric admitted that they had felt more connected to one another. Reluctantly, Sloan asked Eric if he had second thoughts about their marriage. "This is exactly where I want to be. You as my wife. I love you, Sloan Petersen. Sloan Petersen Brady," Eric said.

In the DiMera living room, E.J. looked at his phone, and he confirmed to Nicole that the shareholders had voted to oust him as CEO. "Stefan's coup is complete," E.J. said. Nicole gently took E.J.'s phone and set it aside. "E.J., honey, we will do everything we can to take back what those two grifters stole from you. Tomorrow," Nicole said. With a grin, Nicole asked E.J. to consummate their marriage in the secret room. E.J. kissed his new wife.

In the park, Stephanie thanked Everett for having bought her a coffee and listening to her. "It really helped," Stephanie said. "I hope this Chad guy knows how lucky he is," Everett said. As Everett and Stephanie hugged, Chad walked into the clearing. "Stephanie?" Chad said.

In the square, Wendy called Li after her dinner with Tripp to check on him. The call went straight to voicemail. "What Gabi did to you sucks, but I know you're going to put her behind you and find the woman who is right for you. Someone who will love you and only you. You're a great guy, and you have your whole life ahead of you," Wendy said.

At Wendy's apartment, Li lay on the floor with a bloody knife wound in his back. Stefan banged on the door until it opened. Gabi was kneeling next to Li's body with a knife in her hand.

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