Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 14, 2023 on DAYS

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 Leo joined Dimitri on his honeymoon. Rawlings ordered Shawn to arrest Paulina. Victor died in a plane crash. Sarah revealed her pregnancy to Xander.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 14, 2023 on DAYS

Chloe told Brady she wanted to move on with Xander. Li and Melinda decided to start over. Abe was overwhelmed at a press conference. Johnny overheard Chanel make a date with Talia. Gabi heard Kristen talk about a secret with Rachel. Chad apologized to Alex. Leo joined Dimitri on his honeymoon. Rawlings ordered Shawn to arrest Paulina. Abe appointed Paulina as his successor. Victor died in a plane crash. Shawn drank. Kate told Philip about Victor. Sarah revealed her pregnancy to Xander. Maggie reminisced.

Victor's loved ones grow concerned after receiving grim news

Victor's loved ones grow concerned after receiving grim news

Monday, August 14, 2023

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by Mike

Stefan stopped by Trask's office to complain about one of the district attorney's recent losses. "It's kind of difficult to enjoy my newly wedded bliss when the man who tried to kill me is roaming free!" Stefan grumbled. "I did my best," Trask insisted.

Trask explained that Li had been released because Harris' recovered memories of the brainwashing scheme only implicated Megan and Rolf -- but Stefan couldn't help wondering if that was the only reason. "I read Lady Whistleblower's column -- apparently, you and Li have been seen canoodling all around town," Stefan teased. "I would hardly call it 'canoodling'!" Trask objected.

Trask opened up to Stefan about each date with Li. "There's no conflict of interest," Trask concluded. "Great -- then let's talk about how you're gonna put that psychopath behind bars," Stefan responded. "Without evidence, there's not much I can do," Trask maintained. "Be creative," Stefan advised.

Gabi began sorting through a pile of wedding gifts at the DiMera mansion and soon found a pair of bulletproof vests. "'Til death do you part -- from Doug and Julie Williams," Gabi read aloud from the attached card. "Hilarious," Gabi muttered.

Someone rang the doorbell a short time later -- and Gabi was annoyed to see that the visitor was Li. "What are you doing here?" Gabi snapped. "I heard that you and Stefan finally got hitched," Li responded.

Li attempted to hand over a gift box, prompting Gabi to fret that it probably contained a bomb. "I would never hurt you!" Li insisted. "Just my husband," Gabi countered.

Gabi vowed to find a way to prove that Li had not only been aware of but had also participated in Megan's plan to have Rolf brainwash Harris into killing Stefan. "I can assure you that's not going to happen," Li declared. "'Cause you're screwing the D.A.?" Gabi assumed. "Who even uses the word 'canoodle' anymore?" Li, who had apparently read the Lady Whistleblower column about the matter, wondered. "You think that you're so good in the sack that she's just gonna forget to prosecute you?" Gabi teased. "You know, that's actually not the worst idea -- I mean, you never filed any complaints in that department," Li noted. "I was being polite!" Gabi claimed, but Li wasn't convinced.

Gabi slammed the front door in Li's face then went back to opening wedding gifts -- and Stefan entered the mansion a short time later with another box for the pile.

Gabi recognized Stefan's offering as the wedding gift Li had tried to hand over earlier. Stefan began to laugh off Gabi's fear that Li's gift was a bomb -- but then something inside the box started ticking.

Stefan dunked the box in water then opened it and assured Gabi that it only contained a clock. "Okay, well, it may not be a bomb, per se -- but Li once told me that in Chinese culture, giving a clock as a gift is bad luck!" Gabi fretted.

Li ran into Trask at Small Bar and seized the opportunity to apologize for the way their most recent date had ended. "Wendy thought it was possible that you were playing some sort of long game -- trying to get close to me to ensnare me -- and I'm afraid that once that got into my head, I couldn't get it out," Li explained before requesting another chance with Trask. "You're not worried anymore?" Trask assumed. "I'm an innocent man, which means I have nothing to fear," Li reasoned.

Trask agreed to give Li another chance after recalling what Stefan had said about there being more than one way for any creative district attorney to prosecute a criminal -- and Li smiled in response while remembering what Gabi had said about good sex being one way for any criminal to make a district attorney forget about the pursuit of justice.

Tension filled the Kiriakis mansion as Justin continued sharing grim news with the other guests who had gathered for Victor's homecoming party. "So, the Titan jet was scheduled to arrive an hour ago...but it never landed," Justin elaborated. "Air traffic control is checking the radar, but so far...nothing," Justin continued. "And the whole thing's a little tricky...seeing as Uncle Vic never filed a flight plan," Justin concluded.

Maggie was quick to clarify Justin's closing revelation for Bonnie, Xander, and Alex. "Victor went to visit Bo in an undisclosed location -- and he didn't want to leave a paper trail, in case Megan DiMera was keeping tabs on him," Maggie summarized before adding that Victor hadn't even phoned home since leaving Salem because calls were also traceable. "Isn't it possible that he's still with Bo and Hope?" Xander wondered.

Belle and Shawn discussed various topics, including Rachel's custody situation and Chloe's new romance, while their order was being prepared at the Brady Pub -- but their conversation was cut short when Maggie phoned to request help with the mystery surrounding Victor's whereabouts. "Victor took off early -- as in...three days ago," Shawn alerted Maggie after getting the disturbing information from Hope.

Shawn gave Belle more information after ending the second phone conversation with Maggie, having apparently decided that other members of Victor's family didn't need to hear some of Hope's news just yet. "She said that he was being vague about his plans," Shawn explained. "That he seemed very distracted -- like something was weighing on him," Shawn continued. "But she didn't want to pry," Shawn concluded.

Shawn fretted about having been on bad terms with Victor since Bo's hospitalization then hoped that it wasn't already too late to fix things.

Xander and Alex each offered to help Justin and Bonnie keep Maggie company at the Kiriakis mansion while they were all waiting for Shane to call back with the ISA's findings on Victor's disappearance. Maggie thanked Alex and Xander then insisted that Bonnie and Justin's company would be enough. "Earlier, you said you had something to tell me," Xander reminded Maggie. "It really wasn't important -- we can talk about it some other time," Maggie assured Xander.

Brady's visit to Chloe and Xander's shared apartment got off to a bad start with an impulsive act.

Chloe shoved Brady away then demanded an explanation. Brady apologized for having kissed Chloe then admitted to having been hoping to rekindle their romance. Chloe advised Brady to give up on that dream.

Brady confessed to having just learned that Xander had proposed and that Chloe had requested time and space to ponder the matter. "Which says to me that there's still a possibility that I can talk you out of marrying that creep," Brady argued. "Xander is not a creep!" Chloe protested. "I don't think 'creep' actually describes him fully -- you're probably right about that," Brady conceded.

Brady started listing Xander's crimes to refresh Chloe's memory. "I have felt his regret firsthand -- and trust me, it is genuine!" Chloe interjected. "Whatever you think you have with Xander, it can't hold a candle to what we once had," Brady declared. "Brady, you are living in a fantasyland -- be honest, even if Rachel wasn't a factor, I have moved on with Xander," Chloe responded.

Brady sighed then promised to at least attempt to accept Chloe's decision -- and Xander entered the apartment a short time later. "There's something you should know," Xander began to inform Brady.

Justin received a phone call from Shane while alone with Bonnie in the study of the Kiriakis mansion. "The Coast Guard found wreckage from the Titan jet -- it appears to have gone down over the Mediterranean," Justin informed Bonnie after ending the call. "What about Victor?" Bonnie wondered. "No word yet on any survivors," Justin clarified before seizing a hug from Bonnie.

Abe is overwhelmed at a press conference
Abe is overwhelmed at a press conference

Abe is overwhelmed at a press conference

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

by Spalding

In Iceland, Gwen marveled at the greenery outside the hotel window as Dimitri texted Leo. Gwen informed Dimitri that she had scheduled a hike at the lava fields and a soak at the hot springs. "Hopefully, we don't mix those two up," Dimitri joked. As Gwen chatted about the crowds, Dimitri stared at the wall and thought about Leo.

"Is there something else you'd prefer to do today?" Gwen asked as she put her arms around Dimitri. "I don't care what we do as long as we do it together," Dimitri said. Gwen said she felt the same. Gwen suggested that they stay in the room.

"We are here in Iceland. We should probably go check out the sights, right?" Dimitri said as he pulled away. Gwen hid her disappointment as Dimitri encouraged her to go talk to the concierge. "I'll meet you in the lobby," Dimitri said. "Fine. Plus, we do have tonight, don't we?" Gwen purred. Gwen kissed Dimitri goodbye and left.

Dimitri checked his phone again. "I guess Leo had another attack of conscience," Dimitri murmured. There was a knock at the door, and Dimitri was surprised to see Leo in the hallway. Dimitri pulled Leo into the room and kissed him passionately. "You came," Dimitri whispered. "I almost didn't," Leo said. With a glance at Leo's winter clothing, Dimitri reminded Leo that it was summer.

"I knew that. I also knew that it was Speedo season," Leo countered. With a grin, Dimitri said that he had missed Leo's wit. After another kiss, Dimitri told Leo that he needed to leave. "Gwen was just headed down to the lobby. She really could be back any second now," Dimitri said. The door lock beeped. "Hide!" Dimitri whispered urgently.

In the hallway, Gwen dropped her keycard, picked it up, then opened the door. Leo was nowhere in sight. "Were you just talking to someone?" Gwen asked. Dimitri explained that he had been playing an Icelandic language app. As Gwen pawed at Dimitri and flirted with him, Leo hid in the bathroom and grimaced with disgust.

"Are you ready to go?" Gwen asked. Dimitri explained that he had digestive issues and could not go on the outings. "You are a bit flush, aren't you? You weren't this hot when I went to go to the lobby," Gwen said. "I would hate for you to miss the lava fields," Dimitri said. Dimitri told Gwen that she could not miss out on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"I'll stay here in bed, and hopefully I'll feel a little better and join you for the hot springs later," Dimitri said. "No way. I am your wife. Your devoted wife. And I am going to nurse you back to health," Gwen said. Dimitri begged Gwen to go and enjoy a day of sightseeing. "I'm not going to leave your side," Gwen said. "But I want you to," Dimitri stressed. Dimitri argued that it would make him feel worse to see Gwen cooped up in the room with him.

"Are you gonna be all right here all alone?" Gwen asked. "I'll be happy here, knowing that you are off having fun," Dimitri said. With a nod yes, Gwen reluctantly agreed to go. Gwen grabbed her backpack and left.

Leo exited the bathroom, and he reclined on the bed. With a smirk, Leo asked for the Icelandic translation of "ravish me." "I guess I'll just have to show you," Dimitri said. Leo grabbed Dimitri and pulled him onto the bed. After they made love, Dimitri snuggled against Leo. "This is perfect. Here we are together," Dimitri whispered. "On your honeymoon with my best friend," Leo countered. With a frustrated groan, Leo pulled away.

"I cannot go on like this," Leo said. Leo told Dimitri that there was a direct flight home to Salem. Dimitri kissed Leo. "What was that for?" Leo asked. "To shut you up," Dimitri said. With a smirk, Leo told Dimitri, "It's going to take a lot more than that to shut me up." Dimitri kissed Leo, and they ducked back under the blankets.

After the second round of sex, Leo hurriedly dressed. Dimitri complained that Leo did not need to leave so quickly. "[Gwen] will be gone for hours," Dimitri said. "Don't make this any harder, okay?" Leo said. Dimitri asked for a kiss goodbye. "If I kiss you again, I'm not going to leave," Leo said. "Then at least tell me I'll see you later," Dimitri whispered. Leo reluctantly agreed. As Leo opened the door to leave, Gwen was standing there.

At Steve and Kayla's apartment, Abe was watching his soap opera when Steve wished him a good morning. "I'm studying up. This episode was interrupted by one of my press conferences when I was mayor," Abe explained. "So, you're trying to ease back into the swing of things?" Steve asked. Abe said he was going to his first press conference since his head injury.

"Deputy Mayor Rawlings [called a press conference], and I'm going to crash it and announce his demotion and my triumphant return," Abe announced. Steve cautioned Abe not to rush back to work. "I mean, a week ago, you didn't know your wife's name. And let me tell you something, the press is not going to have the kindness or the patience to allow you to flip through those flash cards you've been studying before answering their questions," Steve said. Steve told Abe that he believed the press would tear Abe apart.

At Paulina's apartment, Chanel sipped her coffee and stared blankly into the distance. Paulina asked Chanel if she was thinking about the bakery. "I saw Talia last night. She told me she has feelings for me," Chanel said. Paulina asked Chanel if the feelings were real. Chanel explained that although Talia's previous intentions had been suspect, Talia had started to develop feelings for Chanel.

"That's why she did what she did to stop Colin from hurting us," Chanel explained. After a moment, Paulina admitted that she was wary. "You never really did tell me how you feel about her," Paulina said. Chanel admitted that she was not sure how she felt.

"When Talia told me how she felt, my heart, it did skip a beat. But my head is nowhere near ready to trust her again," Chanel said. Paulina advised Chanel to take the time to figure out what she wanted. "How about you?" Chanel countered. Paulina said she was struggling with Abe's recovery.

"I just have to be patient. I'm trying," Paulina said. "Abe is going to come around, and when he does, when he remembers who you are, I just want to be there to see the look on his face," Chanel said.

Outside the Brady Pub, Johnny was ending his phone call when Talia said hello. "I really need to talk to you about Chanel," Talia said. Talia told Johnny that she would not hurt Chanel. "I just want her to be happy," Talia said. "That's one thing we have in common," Johnny said. Talia told Johnny that although she did not expect to be friends with him, she hoped they could be civil to one another. Talia offered Johnny a coffee.

"It's just how you like it," Talia said. "You remember?" Johnny said. With a grin, Talia said she remembered from when Johnny had frequented the bakery. Johnny took the coffee and thanked Talia.

At the hospital, Kayla visited Marlena's office to talk to her about Abe. "[Abe] has decided to go back to being the mayor of Salem, and I tell you, I don't think he's ready," Kayla confided. Marlena said she understood that Abe was eager to return to work, especially to help Chanel, but she also had concerns about the demands of the job on Abe.

"That comes with a lot of pressure," Marlena said. Kayla added that she was worried about the pressure from the press, in particular. "I just feel like if he jumps into the spotlight too soon, he's gonna get burned," Kayla said.

When Paulina arrived at Steve's apartment to pick up Abe, Steve explained that Abe was having second thoughts about returning to work. "I am not having second thoughts. Please allow me to speak for myself," Abe stressed. "Remember what we talked about?" Steve asked. Abe said he remembered, but he had not changed his mind. "You're not ready for this," Steve said. Angry, Abe growled, "Since when are you the arbiter of what I am or am not ready for?"

"[Abe] is capable of making his own decisions, and that is the best way to help him start to become the man that he was and the man that he will be again," Paulina said. "Amen," Abe agreed. Paulina offered to get the wheelchair, but Abe stressed that he needed to stand on his own. Abe struggled, but he stood up unassisted.

"Shall we go and kick Clint Rawlings to the curb?" Abe asked Paulina. Paulina chuckled. "I'll be right by your side," Paulina said. Steve wished Abe luck, and Abe thanked him.

After Abe and Paulina left, Kayla returned home. Steve told Kayla that he had attempted to keep Abe from making a mistake, but Abe had insisted on returning to work. Steve worried aloud that the press would barrage Abe with questions. "I don't know if he can handle it," Steve said.

When Johnny arrived at Marlena's office, he asked if they could resume their conversation about Chanel. "Have you had a chance to clarify those feelings?" Marlena asked. Johnny said he was certain that he still had feelings for Chanel. "I want her back in my life as more than just a friend," Johnny said. Johnny admitted that he was unsure whether he should act on his feelings.

"I didn't realize how deep [my feelings for Chanel] were until I heard she was thinking about becoming friends with Talia again," Johnny confessed. "I see," Marlena said. Johnny said he wanted to protect Chanel. "Lately, I've been Chanel's go-to, you know, whenever she needs a shoulder to cry on. And that's been nice," Johnny said. Johnny admitted that it made him feel important.

"When Chanel and I were married, that was real. And then it all just ended so abruptly and horribly," Johnny said. "I know," Marlena whispered. With a smile, Johnny told Marlena that before his marriage had broken up, he and Chanel had been wildly in love. "[Our time in Italy] felt more real than anything in my life," Johnny said. Marlena asked Johnny if he had told Chanel how he felt. Johnny said no.

"I don't know if it's the right time right now for that," Johnny said. "Why is that?" Marlena asked. Johnny noted that Chanel had been through a lot of trauma recently. "Not to mention I just made a pretty serious play for Wendy Shin and lost," Johnny added. Johnny explained that he should not be quick to move on to another woman, no matter how he felt about Chanel.

"And then there's my sister. I just went to New Zealand to visit her, and things were great between us," Johnny said. Johnny explained that even though Allie had moved on with someone else, he was not sure if he should hazard a rift over Chanel again.

"It sounds to me like you are concerned about other people having feelings, having thoughts about it. It doesn't matter. All that matters is how you feel about it, how you think about it. Like, it's always a risk to open up to somebody about your feelings, expose yourself, and never being sure if they feel the same way about you. But I can tell you, it is worth the risk," Marlena advised. Marlena told Johnny that he could handle whatever happened. "I'm going to tell her how I feel," Johnny said.

As Chanel opened the door to leave Paulina's apartment for a run, she was surprised to see Talia in the hallway. "Is this a bad time?" Talia asked. Chanel invited Talia inside. "What's going on?" Chanel asked. "It's about what I said yesterday about me having feelings for you. I take it back," Talia said. Chanel frowned. "So, you don't have feelings for me?" Chanel asked. Talia explained that her feelings were her problem, and she regretted that she had spoken about them.

"I really don't want to ruin any chance of us having a real friendship, so please, just forget that I said anything," Talia said. "What if I don't want to forget it?" Chanel asked. Talia said that Chanel did not need to be nice to her. "That's not what I'm saying," Chanel admitted. With a smile, Talia asked if that meant that there was a chance for them. Chanel admitted that she felt something for Talia, too.

"What do we do now?" Talia asked. "Whatever it is, we need to take it slow," Chanel said. Talia agreed. As Chanel opened the door for Talia to leave, Talia asked Chanel if she wanted to hang out sometime. Chanel suggested the concert in the park, and Talia eagerly accepted. In the hallway, Johnny overheard Chanel and Talia as he approached the front door. "So, I guess this is a date?" Talia asked. "Yes, it's a date," Chanel said. Johnny made an anguished face, and he walked away.

In the town square, Mayor Rawlings started his press conference. "I've called you all here to announce my plans for the rest of my administration's term,' Rawlings said. "That won't be necessary, Deputy Mayor Rawlings," Abe said as he entered the square with Paulina on his arm. Rawlings stared at Abe in disbelief. "The man came to make a speech, and now he is speechless," Paulina said. Rawlings clapped, and he said that he was glad to see Abe back on his feet.

"I appreciate you showing up to support me, but shouldn't you be resting, Abe?" Rawlings asked. Abe said he no longer needed to rest. "I have an announcement to make. As of this moment, I am returning to my full duties as mayor of Salem. And my first official act will be to reopen my stepdaughter's bakery," Abe announced. Paulina beamed as she looked at her husband.

"I was not only morally justified, I had every legal right to close that bakery. Your stepdaughter poisoned half this town," Rawlings said. "That was not her doing!" Paulina shouted. Paulina reminded Rawlings that Chanel had been the victim of a crime. "And you abused the power of this town's bureaucracy in order to carry out a personal vendetta!" Paulina shouted. Abe calmed Paulina, and he whispered to her that she was not wrong but that he did not want to hash out the issue in public.

"I only have one thing to say, Mr. Rawlings. I want your resignation on my desk by the end of this day," Abe said. "It would be a dereliction of my duty to the fair citizens of Salem. I cannot in good conscience let a man without the benefit of his full faculties take this office," Rawlings said. Abe argued that he was fully capable of handling his duties as mayor.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Carver, but your judgment before your very painful and debilitating brain injury was questionable, at best. Perhaps you don't remember, so allow me to enlighten you," Rawlings said. Rawling argued that Abe had appointed Rafe as commissioner, and Rafe had engaged in a sexually inappropriate relationship with a subordinate.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, both of you," Rawlings said. An incredulous Paulina asked Rawlings why she should be ashamed. Rawlings reminded the press that when Paulina had arrived in Salem, she had attempted to destroy the town square. "And now, in an effort to give favor to her daughter, she has turned a blind eye to said daughter's negligence in creating a public health hazard and dragged her poor husband from his sickbed to advance her own agenda," Rawlings said. Paulina started to call Rawlings a "son of a bitch," but Abe marched past her, and she quieted.

"How dare you?" Abe growled. Rawlings ceded the podium to Abe. "I am not sick. I have fully recovered from my attack," Abe announced. With a nod yes, Rawlings said that if Abe was fully recovered, he would be happy to take questions from the press. The press shouted out questions about Abe's health and Chanel's bakery. One reporter asked who Abe planned to hire to replace Rawlings as deputy mayor.

"Well, I'm not sure as of yet," Abe said. Another reporter asked Abe if he had some candidates he could name. Abe stammered, and Rawlings interrupted to say, "I'm afraid he doesn't know the names of the people who work in his administration." A reporter asked if Abe planned to keep Shawn as the new police commissioner. "I'll have to get back to you on that once I've had a chance to review," Abe said. A female reporter asked Abe if there had been any improvement on his long-term memory.

"I am perfectly mentally and physically capable of performing this job as mayor of this town," Abe stressed. A male reporter asked Abe to name the members of the city council. When Abe appeared stumped by the question, the reporter continued to ask Abe questions about people in his administration. "How about your own daughter?" the reporter asked.

Marlena went to Steve and Kayla's place. "Abe went through with it," Kayla said. Marlena explained that she had been checking social media. "What did they say?" Kayla asked. "[Abe's] return to the spotlight is turning out to be something he wishes he could forget," Marlena read aloud.

Victor's family receives devastating news

Victor's family receives devastating news

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Reykjavik, Iceland, Gwen was startled to find Leo in her and Dimitri's hotel room. Gwen asked why Leo was in Iceland on her honeymoon. Leo struggled to find an explanation before he sputtered that it was Madonna's birthday.

Leo said that Madonna was having a concert in Reykjavik and that the concert was why he had flown to Iceland. "That sounds... incredible! And I think the three of us should go together," Gwen said to the astonishment of Leo and Dimitri.

Gwen gushed about her love for Madonna. Dimitri told Leo and Gwen to enjoy the concert without Dimitri. Leo then claimed that he only had one ticket to the concert. Gwen yelled at Leo, who made an excuse to leave.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen was surprised when Rachel said that she had seen Dimitri and "Lady Whistleblower" in bed. Kristen said that Leo and Dimitri's sleepover had to stay a secret between Kristen and Rachel. Unbeknownst to Kristen, Gabi had been eavesdropping nearby.

Gabi stepped into the living room, and she complimented Rachel, who donned a tiara. Gabi handed Kristen an heirloom that Gabi had borrowed for her wedding to Stefan. Kristen thanked Gabi and headed upstairs. After Kristen left, Gabi asked Rachel to tell her the secret that Rachel and Kristen had been talking about.

Rachel said that Gwen couldn't know about the secret. Gabi tried to get information from Rachel, and she asked if the secret was about anyone who lived in the mansion. Kristen returned before Rachel could answer. Gabi said that she and Rachel had been playing a game. Kristen asked if she could play.

At Alex's apartment, Chad apologized to Alex for having told Alex to "back off" Stephanie. Chad said that he shouldn't have interfered in Stephanie's personal life. Stephanie appeared, and she was pleased that Chad and Alex had made a truce. Chad left to pick up Thomas and Charlotte from the DiMera mansion.

At John and Marlena's home, John found Brady going through some of Rachel's things. John said that Brady had made the right decision by not having left town with Rachel. Brady noted that Victor was missing, and he received a call from Justin. Brady told John that the Coast Guard had found the wreckage from Victor's plane.

John told Brady that he would use his contacts with the ISA to help speed up the search for Victor. Brady thanked John, and he said that he didn't know what he would do without John. John and Brady hugged one another closely.

Back at Alex's apartment, Alex learned from Justin that Victor's plane had gone down in the Mediterranean Sea. Alex struggled to maintain his composure. Stephanie offered to call Steve to help Alex and his family get answers.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Justin had told Maggie that Victor's plane had crashed in the Mediterranean. Justin took Maggie's hands, and he told her that there were no known survivors. Maggie started to sob, and Justin held Maggie.

A short while later, Maggie sat on the sofa as she clutched a portrait of Victor. Justin returned to tell Maggie that he had spoken to Shane. Justin surprised Maggie when he said that the hospital where Bo was convalescing wasn't near Greece. Maggie wondered why Victor's plane had been flying over the Mediterranean.

Justin said that everyone should hold on to hope that Victor was still alive and could provide them with answers. Brady appeared, and he hugged Maggie. Brady tried to encourage Maggie not to lose hope that Victor was still alive.

At the same time, in Alex's apartment, Stephanie learned in a phone call from Steve that Victor's body had been found by the Coast Guard. Alex saw by the look on Stephanie's face that she had received bad news. "I'm so sorry, Alex," Stephanie said with tears in her eyes. Alex began to cry, and Stephanie held him in her arms.

Back at the Kiriakis mansion, John entered. Brady asked if John had learned anything about the crash. John shared that he had just spoken with Shane. "I'm sorry to report that... they recovered Victor's body," John said with sadness as Maggie started to sob.

Justin and Brady had looks of disbelief on their faces. "So, John, it's been confirmed that... that..." Justin stuttered. "That Victor... yeah, Victor's dead," John said solemnly.

Justin consoled Maggie, who began to wail in his arms. Brady began to cry, and John rushed to hold Brady in his arms. As everyone gathered held one another, a portrait of Victor rested on a coffee table nearby.

As the camera zoomed in on the portrait of Victor, these words appeared on-screen: "In loving memory of John Aniston."

Salem residents react to Victor
Salem residents react to Victor's death

Salem residents react to Victor's death

Thursday, August 17, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Steve and Kayla's home, Belle was delighted to see Abe. Abe asked Belle to help him get his job back as mayor. Abe and Belle heard a knock at the door. Belle opened the door to Paulina, who rushed past Belle to talk to Abe.

Paulina tried to discourage Abe from taking back his job as mayor, and she said that she realized it had been too soon for Abe to return to work. Paulina asked Abe to focus on his recovery. Abe vehemently disagreed, and he said that Clint was trying to turn Salem into a dictatorship.

Paulina asked if Abe was serious. Abe said that anything was possible. Abe added that he had taken an oath to protect the people of Salem, and he asked Belle what his legal options were. Belle said that Clint wouldn't leave office without protest.

Belle added that Clint could make Abe's life even more difficult, and she said that she didn't want Abe to be hurt again. Abe said that he had to try to do something to stop Clint's agenda. Belle said that there might be a way to stop Clint without putting Abe's recovery at risk.

In Shawn's office at the Salem Police Station, Clint demanded that Shawn arrest Paulina. Clint said that Paulina had assaulted him, and he produced a video of Paulina poking Clint in the chest.

Clint tried to show Shawn a medical report that diagnosed Clint as having a chest contusion. Clint ordered Shawn to place Paulina under arrest by the end of the day, and he said that Shawn would lose his job if he didn't comply. Clint stormed out of the room.

A short while later, Paulina welcomed Clint inside Steve and Kayla's home. Abe said that he intended to return as mayor, and he added that Clint's tenure had ended. Clint scoffed, and he said that Abe would be laughed out of the job. "You're right. But I only intend to stay in office long enough to appoint my successor," Abe said. Clint asked who Abe's successor would be. "Me," Paulina said. "So, meet... Mayor Paulina Price," Abe said as he and Paulina smirked.

Back at the police station, Belle told Shawn about Abe's plan to appoint Paulina as mayor. Belle grew sad after she answered a call from Roman. After the call ended, Belle told Shawn that Victor had died. Shawn had a lump in his throat.

At the Spectator office, Xander asked Chloe if she had decided whether to marry him. Chloe said that she and Xander needed to be married for the right reasons, and she mentioned Sarah. Just then, Xander received a call from Justin.

After the call ended, Xander told Chloe that Victor had died. Xander grew emotional as he recalled that he had only wanted Victor to see him as a true Kiriakis worthy of the same respect as other members of Victor's family.

Chloe said that Xander had forced Victor to change his mind about Xander. Xander said that he had been ready to take Titan to new heights until Philip had returned to Salem. Xander recalled that Victor had enjoyed pitting Xander against Philip.

Xander said that Victor had died thinking that Xander was the same person he had been when Xander had first arrived in Salem. Chloe tried to assure Xander that he was wrong in his assumptions about Victor. Xander said that he loved Victor despite everything both men had done. Chloe and Xander hugged.

Chloe asked if there was anything she could do for Xander. Xander said that he needed some time alone. Chloe told Xander to call her if he needed anything. Before she left, Chloe surprised Xander when she said that she loved him. Xander said that he loved Chloe, and he struggled to fight back tears after she left.

After Chloe left, Xander flashed back to having told Victor about his plans to marry Sarah. Xander recalled that Victor had said he was proud of Xander.

At the Brady Pub, Roman told Kate that Victor had died. Kate was in disbelief, and she recalled that she and Victor had once truly loved each other. Kate had a series of flashbacks, including one of Victor saying that he would always love Kate.

Kate added that there had also been betrayal, deception, and vengeance between her and Victor. Kate flashed back to a series of arguments with Victor, including one where she had struck Victor over the back of the head with a fireplace poker. Kate said that she blamed herself as much as Victor for their most heated arguments.

Roman said that Victor had understood Kate better than anyone. "Victor was one of a kind. Whether you loved him or hated him -- and a lot of us felt both ways -- we all know there will never, ever be another Victor Kiriakis," Kate said softly.

Roman raised a glass, and he and Kate toasted to Victor. Roman surprised Kate when he said that Kate needed to call Philip to deliver the news about Victor's death. Kate said that she didn't want Philip to return to Salem because he would be arrested.

Kate recalled that Philip had faked his death and had framed Brady for murder. Roman said that Philip could beat the charges he faced, and he encouraged Kate to have Philip plead not guilty by reason of mental incapacity.

Roman warned that Philip would eventually learn about Victor's death, and he said he wouldn't stop trying to talk Kate into arranging for Philip's return. "Well, good luck with that," Kate said playfully, and she and Roman hugged.

A short while later, Kate sat alone at the bar. Kate stared at Philip's contact information on her phone. Kate said to herself that Roman had been right, and she said that she had to tell Philip about Victor. Just then, Kate turned and saw Chloe.

In Kayla's office at the hospital, Steve told Kayla about Victor's death. Steve disagreed when Kayla called Victor's passing "horrible news." Steve added that Victor had done bad things to both him and Kayla.

Kayla said that Steve could have compassion for Victor's family while also having contempt for the things that Victor had done. Steve recalled that he had arrived in Salem many years earlier because Victor had recruited him to spy on Bo and Kayla. Steve said that Victor had done evil things over the years, and he referenced Victor having kidnapped Kayla when she had been pregnant with Stephanie.

Kayla said that she didn't condone Victor's worst mistakes, but she added that Victor had had an upside. Kayla noted that Caroline had fallen in love with Victor years earlier. Steve wondered if Victor's love for Caroline and Maggie had given Victor a heart.

Steve added that he didn't know what kind of person he would be if he hadn't met Kayla. Kayla noted that she and Steve might have never met if Victor hadn't brought Steve to Salem.

"I guess I owe him for that then. So, I'll say this: Victor Kiriakis might have been a real son of a bitch, but he gave me the best gift I could ever get -- you. Love of my life. You know, he had the love of a Brady woman, too. And I have to believe that he gave that love back as best he could. So, in his memory, I'm gonna keep giving that love back to you always, baby," Steve declared to Kayla.

Steve and Kayla wrapped their arms around one another, and they kissed.

Maggie reminisces about her life
Maggie reminisces about her life

Maggie reminisces about her life

Friday, August 18, 2023

by Spalding

In the Kiriakis living room, Justin called Sonny to tell him the news about Victor. Bonnie listened to Justin talk on the phone with Sonny. When Justin ended the call, Bonnie reminded him that although it was good to be strong for Sonny, Justin did not need to be strong for her. Bonnie hugged Justin, and he started to sob.

When Justin stopped crying, Bonnie noticed a photo of Victor with Justin. "Victor didn't change much over the years, did he?" Bonnie said. Justin noted that Victor had mellowed. "That was mellow?" Bonnie joked. With a smirk, Justin talked about when he had first dated Adrienne, and Victor had hated her.

"In the end, [Victor] decided to just swallow his pride, and he gave us his blessing," Justin said. Justin thought about when Victor had told Justin that it had felt like he was watching his own son get married. "Would you be my best man?" Justin had asked. Victor had asked Justin if he would rather have someone else.

"Victor, there's no man that I consider a better friend to me than you've been, and there's no man's friendship that I want more than yours. You're my closest relative, and frankly, in my heart, you're my best friend. And I would be honored if you were my best man," Justin had said. "It would be the greatest honor of my life," Victor had responded. Justin smiled at the memory, and he noted that Victor had been like a father to him. Justin teared up again, and he said he would miss Victor.

Bonnie talked about when she had first moved into the house, and she had hit on Victor. Bonnie laughed at the memory of when she had asked Victor, "Would you like to sample my melons?" Justin laughed as he talked about when Victor had trashed the living room after Justin had announced his engagement to Bonnie.

"Victor sure was a tough old bastard, and he did give me a hard time. I'm gonna miss him something awful," Bonnie said as she started to cry. Justin hugged her.

In the commissioner's office, Belle told Shawn that Victor's plane had crashed. Shawn told Belle that he believed he had never been as close to Victor as the other grandchildren because he had been named after the man that had raised Bo.

"Even if that was true, how could you have helped what your parents named you?" Belle countered. Shawn reminded Belle of when Victor and Kate had covered up the paternity of Claire so that Belle would choose Philip instead of Shawn. "My grandfather, he didn't give a damn about how bad that hurt me, or you, or Claire," Shawn said. Shawn thought about when he had confronted Victor about it.

"You and Victor moved past that, and you had a really good relationship at the end," Belle said. Shawn shook his head. "You cannot possibly doubt Victor's love for you," Belle said. Shawn confessed that he did not believe that Victor would have ever forgiven him for having shot Bo.

"I think Victor knew in his heart that what happened to your dad was a terrible accident," Belle said. "My grandfather is never gonna be able to hug his son Bo or hear his voice ever again. And that's another reason why I can't forgive myself," Shawn argued. Belle warned Shawn not to blame himself. Shawn explained that he had not spoken to Victor in months, because he had sensed how much Victor had hated him.

"Now I'm never going to get the chance to know if he and I could have ever worked things out. You know the worst part? The worst part is that he never would have been on that plane if it wasn't for me," Shawn said. Belle argued that they did not know why Victor had been on the plane. "This is just your grief talking," Belle said. Shawn argued that all of Salem blamed him. When Belle disagreed, Shawn pointed out that no one had reached out to tell him that Victor had died.

"It's because they blame me, and they think that I'm guilty. And you know what? I am guilty. And I'm angry," Shawn said. Frustrated, Shawn said he wanted to be alone. Belle begged Shawn not to go to a bar. "Leave me alone, okay?" Shawn growled. Shawn left for the Little Bar, where he had a drink.

At the pub, Chloe gave her condolences to Kate. "I know it's been years since you two were married, but you shared a child together, and you buried that child together," Chloe said. Kate admitted that Victor's death had hit her harder than she had expected.

"Losing Victor, I imagine it brought back the pain of losing your son," Chloe said. Kate looked down at her phone, and she saw Philip's contact number. With a sigh, Kate asked why Chloe was being nice to her. With a sad smile, Chloe said she had been thinking about when she had first met Philip in high school.

"Victor hating me was one of the few constants in my life," Chloe said. Chloe thought about when she had overheard Victor tell Maggie that Chloe had been a curse on their family. When Victor had blamed Lucas' drinking on Chloe, Maggie had objected.

"People drink because they choose to. Lucas let his demons take control of him, yes. And yes, Chloe betrayed him. But he survived, and he forgave her because he understood something. Something that you obviously don't. Chloe is a human being with a heart and a soul and feelings just like the rest of us," Maggie had told Victor. "That's debatable," Victor had muttered. Victor had been adamant that Chloe would destroy every man in the family.

"I can't imagine what [Victor] would say about Xander and me," Chloe said. Confused, Kate shook her head as if she had misheard. "What about Xander and you?" Kate asked. Chloe told Kate that she was in a relationship with Xander. With a smirk, Kate asked about Brady's response. Chloe noted that Brady had not taken things well when he had learned about Xander's proposal. Kate's eyes widened.

"You're not wearing a ring," Kate noted. Chloe explained that she had asked for time to think. "Because of your feelings for Brady?" Kate asked. "Well, that's part of it. But Xander only proposed after he found out that Gwen is marrying Dimitri and that Sarah is back with Rex," Chloe said. Kate was shocked, and she noted that Rex had not mentioned the relationship.

"Apparently, they are. But my point is, I'm just trying to get a handle on Xander's feelings and mine," Chloe said. Chloe admitted that Victor's passing had dredged up her feelings for Philip. "We truly loved each other once. Kate, I can't imagine how much you miss him," Chloe said. Kate thought about when she had told Victor about how Philip had faked his death. Victor had blamed Chloe. Kate shook off the memory.

"Chloe, I have something to tell you," Kate said. Kate told Chloe that she was sorry for how much Chloe had suffered because of Philip and Brady. "Whatever the future is for Xander, I'm glad that you're there for him, because his relationship with Victor was fraught. Maybe you can help him heal. And vice versa," Kate said. Touched, Chloe wiped a tear from her eye. "Maybe," Chloe said. Chloe told Kate that it had been nice talking to her. Kate said she felt the same way. "First time for everything," Kate joked. After Chloe left, Kate called Philip.

A teary-eyed Xander sat in his office, and he thought about his wedding day to Sarah when Victor had given Xander a coin from Victor's father. "[Yurgos used to give a coin] to the children that he loved on their wedding day. He would say, 'As long as you carry this, your family will carry you.' I know if your father were here, he'd want you to have one," Victor had said.

As Xander sniffled back tears, Brady entered the office. "I'm sorry to interrupt," Brady said. "It's fine," Xander said. Brady said he had wanted to make sure that Xander had heard the news about Victor. "Justin told me. Actually, I was just gonna go and try and see Maggie," Xander said. "She wants to be alone right now," Brady said. Xander asked Brady if he wanted anything else.

"Look, it's easy to forget that we're family. But we are family. So, out of respect for Grandad, I wanted to apologize to you," Brady said. Confused, Xander asked why. When Brady admitted that he had kissed Chloe, Xander yelled, "You did what now?" Xander asked why.

"Because I wasn't thinking, all right? And I was upset because I'd just lost Rachel. And yes, admittedly, I was trying to talk her out of marrying you," Brady said. "You absolute bastard!" Xander yelled before he punched Brady in the face. Xander grabbed some ice for Brady to put on his face, and he apologized. Brady said that Chloe had shut down his advances.

"[Chloe] told me she's moving on, and she's not looking back," Brady said. "If that was really the case, then she would have accepted my proposal by now," Xander countered. When Brady noted that Xander and Chloe had not been together long, Xander shook his head no. "It's you. Both of you. You and Philip. Victor's Golden Boys. I don't think she'll ever get over the feelings she has for either of you," Xander said. Brady sighed.

"You think Philip and I were Granddad's favorites?" Brady asked. Xander argued that he was the only family member to have worked as a gardener. "We didn't have to do that, but do you know how many times that man fired my ass?" Brady said. Brady told Xander that he and Philip had had to deal with Victor's impossible demands. "My God, if you didn't do exactly what that man told you to do and how to do it, you would find yourself fired. You would find yourself kicked out of the mansion. You would find yourself disowned. Sometimes all three," Brady said. Brady thought about the last time Victor had fired him.

"[Victor] pitted us all against each other, because he thought it was bringing out our competitive spirit, instincts, to make us better at business," Brady said. "Make us tougher," Xander whispered. "Make us more ruthless," Brady countered. Xander noted, "We all hated it. But we all fell in line." Brady added that it was because they had all wanted to please Victor.

"Because we loved him," Xander whispered. Brady pulled Xander into a hug. Xander started to cry again. After a moment, the two separated. "Just for the record, Xander, I still can't stand you, and I'm still gonna pray that Chloe comes to her senses and doesn't marry you, all right?" Brady said. "Duly noted. And just for the record, I don't care what you think," Xander said. The men nodded at one another.

As Chloe exited the pub, she ran into Belle. Chloe asked about Shawn. Belle explained that Shawn felt responsible because Victor had flown to visit Bo. Chloe offered to help Belle search for Shawn. Belle declined. As Chloe turned to leave, Belle apologized for her prior negativity about Xander's proposal. "You know that whatever you decide, I support you," Belle said. Brady rounded the corner, and he stopped when he saw Chloe with Belle. "Thank you. That means a lot, because I was actually thinking about saying yes," Chloe said.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie cried in her bed. Julie entered the bedroom. "Henderson said you were not to be disturbed, but I thought maybe you could use a friend," Julie said. Maggie hugged Julie tightly. When Maggie stopped crying, Julie climbed into the bed next to her.

"I keep trying to remember the final conversation in my mind. Just trying to remember the last thing I said to him," Maggie whispered. "Darling, Victor knew you loved him, and that man loved you so much. You were the light of life," Julie said. With a nod yes, Maggie thought about her wedding to Victor.

"You saw me as a man who was humbled by the fact that an amazing woman like you loves me. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Proving myself worthy of your love," Victor had vowed. Maggie teared up at the memory. "He made me so happy, Julie," Maggie said. Julie hugged Maggie again. After a moment, Julie talked about when Maggie and Victor had first fallen in love.

"We thought it would never last. You were such different people," Julie said. Maggie smiled. "That we were," Maggie whispered. "You were the only person in the world that always told Victor the truth. Kept him honest," Julie said. With a chuckle, Maggie said, "Mostly." Julie told Maggie that she had brought out the best in Victor.

"He brought out the best in me, Julie. I was so consumed with grief when I lost Mickey. I was just existing. I wasn't living. And then Victor came along," Maggie said. Maggie thought about her first date with Victor. "Around you, I feel alive! Mickey would be so furious with me if I turned my back on that," Maggie had told Victor. Victor had brightened. "What you said makes me happy, and I don't give a damn if I'm emotional about it," Victor had said. With a laugh, Maggie had promised not to tell anyone that Victor had feelings.

"You really enjoy torturing me, don't you?" Victor had said. "I do. I really do," Maggie had said with a grin. Maggie had admitted that she did not know what was next. "We are going to have fun!" Victor had promised. Victor had toasted to Maggie as the woman of his dreams. "Don't toast me. To us and the future," Maggie had countered. As Maggie thought about that memory, she stared at her wedding ring.

"The future," Maggie whispered. With a shake of her head, Maggie admitted that she had never believed that she would fall in love again after Mickey's death. Maggie thought about her wedding to Mickey. "When you say those words, 'Till death do us part,' you're not thinking about the day when that will inevitably happen," Maggie said. Maggie admitted that she had shut out love.

"But Victor, he made me realize that it was worth it," Maggie said. Maggie smiled. Julie reminded Maggie that she had moved past Mickey's death. "You're going to get past losing Victor. Because you're strong. Because you have so many things to live for," Julie said. Maggie agreed. Julie offered to help Maggie with phone calls, but Maggie said she had called everyone. "I just wish they weren't so far away," Maggie lamented. Julie advised Maggie to remember the obstacles she had overcome.

"You learned to walk again. You got sober, and you stayed sober. And you helped so many other people to stay sober," Julie said. With a chuckle, Julie talked about when Maggie had returned from the dead and fought Bonnie over Mickey. "But she didn't get her claws into Victor," Julie added. "It wasn't for a lack of trying," Maggie noted. Maggie thanked Julie for having made her laugh.

"We've been through a lot of things together," Julie said. "I'm so grateful to have you. Not just as a niece, but as my dearest friend. You are the sweetest, most generous friend anyone could ask for," Maggie said. "Back at you. I cherish you. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you," Julie said. Julie mentioned when Maggie had saved her from a kitchen fire.

"You know your memories of Victor, everything that makes you cry today, it will comfort you tomorrow. And in years to come, it will give you joy," Julie said. "You always say just the right thing," Maggie said. Both women agreed that they had been blessed.

When Julie went downstairs, Justin asked about Maggie. "She's a strong woman, as you know," Julie said. Justin admitted he was numb. Julie argued that everyone was caught off guard. "Victor seemed invincible. Hard as nails. I don't think many people knew just how vulnerable the man was," Julie said. With a smirk, Justin said he did not think of Victor as vulnerable. Julie offered to tell Justin stories about Victor, and they walked out.

Xander entered the Kiriakis mansion, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw Sarah standing at the fireplace with her back to him. "Sarah," Xander said. Sarah turned and caressed her pregnant belly.

Upstairs, Bonnie knocked on Maggie's door. Maggie reluctantly let Bonnie inside. "I wanted to give you my special sleep remedy," Bonnie said. Maggie shrank away. Bonnie assured Maggie that there was no alcohol in the tea. Maggie thanked Bonnie.

"This might not be the right time to bring this up, but losing Victor, reminds me of a time when you lost someone else that you loved very much," Bonnie said. "Mickey," Maggie whispered. Bonnie confessed that she had known that Mickey's heart had always belonged to Maggie. Maggie thought about when she had met Mickey on the farm. "50 years ago. And sometimes, it feels like yesterday," Maggie said.

Maggie thought about when Mickey had given her a pair of red dancing shoes, when she had danced on a stage, when she had married Mickey, when she had been hesitant to show Mickey her scars, and when she had talked about her alcoholism with Brady and Lucas. Maggie thought about when Victor had saved her from Isabella's crypt and when Victor had first danced with her after she had been confined to a wheelchair. "You're my rock," Maggie had told Victor. "This is the real thing," Victor had told Maggie before he had pulled her into a kiss.

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