Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 17, 2023 on DAYS

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Li and Gabi agreed to a divorce. Sloan and Eric got serious. Stephanie and Chad found Kayla. Harris directed Hope to Bo.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 17, 2023 on DAYS

Marlena counseled Alex. Megan confided in Kristen. Harris found Bo, and he kept it a secret. Chad caught Thomas Banks. Chloe injured Xander. Li and Gabi agreed to a divorce. Nicole decided not to tell E.J. that she had slept with Eric. Wendy surprised Tripp in Seattle. Nicole confided in Anna about Eric. Sloan and Eric got serious. Stefan moved Gabi into the mansion. Andrew extracted the truth from Megan. Roman learned about Marlena, Kayla, and Kate. Stephanie and Chad found Kayla. Harris directed Hope to Bo.

Brady vents to John about Kristen
Brady vents to John about Kristen

Brady vents to John about Kristen

Monday, April 17, 2023

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by Mike

Marlena entered the hospital and began the familiar journey up to one of the offices -- a space that fellow staff members had decorated with flowers plus "welcome back" and "we missed you" banners but had otherwise left exactly the way it had been when their beloved colleague had last entered it months earlier. "Back in business," Marlena declared with a sigh of contentment while looking around the room.

Marlena barely had time to get settled at the desk before Alex peeked inside the office. "Got a minute?" Alex wondered. "What a nice surprise!" Marlena responded. "It's...Alex Kiriakis, right? I don't think we've actually formally met," Marlena continued. "I'm not seeing patients today -- I was just going to catch up on some paperwork -- but...why don't you have a seat," Marlena concluded -- and Alex hesitantly agreed.

Alex cut to the chase, begging for an update on the search for Kayla, then released a sigh of disappointment after learning that Marlena didn't have any news to share yet. Alex confided in Marlena about having selfish reasons for wanting Kayla to be found alive and well. "This seems to be about more than just assuaging your guilty conscience," Marlena observed at the end of the tale, drawing a look of confusion from Alex. "Stephanie broke up with you because she felt you had cost her the last moment she would have had with her mother. So, now that her mother's alive, I wonder if you're thinking, perhaps, that you have a second chance with her," Marlena elaborated -- and Alex admitted that might be true, at least on a subconscious level.

Alex felt better after chatting with Marlena but insisted that there was no need to make what had just happened a regular thing. Marlena shrugged in response then handed over a business card in the hope that Alex might one day have a change of heart. Alex gave the matter a bit more thought after leaving the hospital -- then phoned Marlena and scheduled another therapy session.

John entered the Evans-Black townhouse and greeted Brady then set aside a bouquet of flowers. "Thanks -- you shouldn't have!" Brady joked, drawing a laugh from John.

Brady informed John that Marlena wasn't around at that moment. "I know -- she decided to go back to work today. And I'm not really down with that -- I think it's a little bit too soon," John responded. "Dad, she's been seeing patients in this living room, on that couch, since about 24 hours after returning to the land of the living, so I'd say she's okay and she's ready," Brady argued -- and John conceded the point after some thought.

John told Brady about the lead on Kayla's whereabouts that had surfaced during Marlena's recent hypnotherapy session with Stephanie -- and about Victor's claim that the development didn't make any sense. "Do you think my granddad's telling the truth?" Brady wondered. "I'd like to believe so...but God knows I've been wrong about him before," John grumbled. "I'd feel a hell of a lot better about this if Steve hadn't gone off the grid," John continued. "Damn it, kid, I would love to be in on that search...but, you know, the idea of just leaving Marlena here -- I mean, I know that she's physically fine, and maybe I'm being irrational here, but I just can't bear to be away from her so soon after I just got her back," John concluded with a shudder.

Brady eventually started venting to John about Kristen's successful manipulation of Rachel's feelings toward Chloe. "Have you taken Rachel to see Kristen lately?" John wondered. "I don't want Kristen poisoning her mind any further. I just declined her call a little while ago --" Brady responded. "So, you think it's okay to freeze her out? I mean, if Rachel thinks that you're trying to keep her from seeing her mother here, she's gonna dig in even more -- you know that -- so...look, kid, as much as we would like it not to be true, in this particular case, there is a strong bond between mother and daughter, and I'm not so sure that can be broken," John advised.

Kristen was standing beside a pay phone in one of Statesville's lounges, having a meltdown over Brady's earlier slight, when a woman approached from behind. "Take it easy, sister," the woman advised. "How I take it is my own damn business -- and I am not your sister!" Kristen snapped. " are," the woman countered. "So, you're the infamous Megan Hathaway," Kristen translated. "And you're the infamous Kristen DiMera. Different last names, perhaps, but we are undeniably family," Megan responded. "Have to say, you look pretty well-preserved for someone who was already dead ten years before I even stepped foot in Salem," Kristen teased. "Cryogenic-chamber fluid -- it's wonderful for the skin," Megan explained.

Kristen wondered how Megan had managed to get transferred to Salem's nearest prison. "I cut a deal with the ISA," Megan bragged. "After everything you've done?" Kristen sputtered. "They were desperate to find Kayla Johnson, and I told them that a former associate of mine -- Thomas Banks -- was the one who absconded with her," Megan clarified. "Thomas? Ugh, that disgusting little creep! You know, he masqueraded as me in Monte Carlo -- I mean, I can't even believe that some sap actually believed that hideous little creature was yours truly!" Kristen grumbled.

Kristen wondered how Kayla had gotten involved with Megan in the first place. "She, Marlena, and Kate were going to be Dr. Rolf's human guinea pigs in what was going to be a monumental scientific breakthrough for all of humanity!" Megan answered. "Let me just take a wild guess here -- you were mostly interested in what it could do for you," Kristen summarized. "No comment," Megan responded. "All right, then answer this -- if someone was going to bite it, why couldn't it have been Marlena?" Kristen grumbled, having heard about Kate's fate. "If it had been my choice --" Megan began to explain. "It wasn't?" Kristen interjected. "One of the employees went a bit rogue," Megan admitted.

Kristen assumed that Megan was talking about Thomas. "Had to have been -- I mean, they didn't find anyone else on that island except for Rolf --" Kristen reasoned. "Where are you getting your information from? It sounds like you downloaded the ISA Intelligence Report --" Megan sputtered. "I am aware of everything that concerns my family," Kristen bragged.

Kristen accused Megan of trying to change the subject. "You just threw poor Thomas under the bus -- and that is a major breach of the DiMera code of ethics for maintaining loyal employees," Kristen noted. "I had to give the ISA a name, and they knew that Thomas had been one of my hired guns, so --" Megan tried to clarify. "You lied," Kristen realized.

Kristen waited for Megan to reveal the true identity of Kayla's kidnapper. "Why would I tell you anything? I don't know you!" Megan objected. "Haven't you heard of 'sisterly bonding'?" Kristen answered. "My sister Renee died before I knew her, so I've never actually had a sister," Megan confessed. "Well, me, neither. I mean, there was Lexie, but I barely knew her. On the other hand, so many male siblings!" Kristen responded. "I don't know them, either," Megan stressed. "Nor would you want to," Kristen insisted before vowing to figure out Megan's secret one way or another. "Good luck with that," Megan muttered. "Screw 'luck' -- I'm excellent at deductive reasoning!" Kristen bragged.

Kristen decided that Megan was protecting someone and therefore cared about that person. "You never cared about anyone in your entire life -- except maybe Father, but he's dead...and Bo Brady, of course, but he's dead, too --" Kristen mused. "Just as I was 'dead' before they unceremoniously dumped me into a hot tub and fried me to a crisp -- and I sit before you," Megan countered. "Are you saying that Bo Brady is alive?" Kristen sputtered. "Time for me to go get settled into my new home away from home, 'cause it looks like I'm gonna be here for a while...theoretically, at least," Megan responded before rushing out of the lounge, leaving Kristen alone to continue pondering the matter.

Kristen eventually phoned Brady again. "What do you want?" Brady snapped. "To relate to you something of the utmost importance," Kristen teased.

Stephanie and Chad arrived in Greece and checked into a hotel then headed up to Hope's room, unaware that someone was watching from afar.

Chad and Stephanie found Hope with Harris. "This is --" Hope began to explain. "I know who this man is -- it was back in Seattle that he delivered pizzas to me and my family...and one of them literally blew up in my face," Stephanie revealed. "I can't tell you how much I regret my actions during that time," Harris stressed. "Well...I do understand that you weren't yourself -- my dad went through something very similar a while back -- so...yes, I do accept your apology, especially because you're helping me look for my mom," Stephanie conceded before fretting that Steve hadn't been in touch recently and might also be in danger. "But...he just texted us and said that he was with you," Hope protested, leaving Stephanie even more concerned.

Stephanie and Chad split a long list of Victor's nearby properties with Harris so it would take less time to check all of them, leaving Hope with the task of questioning people at the police station Steve had visited the previous day.

Hope showed one of the police officers some digital photographs then concluded that Steve had fallen into the clutches of someone who was posing as Shane.

Stephanie and Chad each heard a noise while searching a warehouse -- and they both grew concerned after identifying the source of the commotion.

Bo entered the wine cellar of Victor's childhood home, carrying a tray of food and a gun, and started complaining to Kayla and Steve about Hope and Stephanie. "If either one of them gets in my way --" Bo tried to conclude while walking away, but Steve pounced before anything else could be said, initiating a struggle for control of the gun.

Bo eventually got the upper hand then angrily pointed the gun at Steve. "I don't think you have it in you," Steve declared while advancing toward Bo again -- and a shot was fired seconds later.

Steve and Kayla started lashing out at Bo while the three of them were wiping away drops of red wine that had landed on them when the bullet had pierced one of the bottles. "Next time, it's your brains!" Bo warned. "You don't think I'm capable of killing -- that's why you keep pushing me -- but I put a bullet in Kate Roberts!" Bo concluded.

Kayla shed a few tears of joy when Steve revealed that Ciara and Ben's family would soon be expanding, but Bo only saw the development as yet another reason to follow in Victor's footsteps.

Bo ordered Kayla to get back to work right away. Kayla protested that actual medical equipment would be needed to start the next phase of Bo's grand plan to create a miracle serum that would launch an empire. Bo started to accuse Kayla of stalling but soon calmed down then rushed off in search of the items -- and ran into Harris outside.

Harris makes a deal with Bo
Harris makes a deal with Bo

Harris makes a deal with Bo

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

by Spalding

Outside the Brady Pub, Chloe was about to eat a breakfast biscuit when Xander slapped it out of her hand. Chloe was furious then grateful once Xander told her the biscuits had been dosed with a hallucinogen. "Who would do something like that?" Chloe asked. With a shrug, Xander noted that the police were still investigating.

"Let me treat you to lunch," Xander offered. Chloe joked that she had hallucinated Xander's offer to buy lunch for someone other than himself. "I'm a working man now. I can afford to be generous. Just don't let it get around," Xander said. Xander and Chloe entered the pub, and they sat down and ate some chowder.

"It does occur to me that we are back where you bested me at darts," Xander said as he eyed the dartboard. "I wiped the floor with you," Chloe said. Xander asked for a rematch. Chloe told Xander that she had researched dart technique. "Are you sure you'd like a rematch?" Chloe asked. Xander grinned.

After the first round, Xander playfully accused Chloe of having cheated. Chloe noted that since Xander had stopped her from eating a drugged biscuit, she would give him a handicap in their game.

"For this next dart I throw, I'll close my eyes," Chloe said. "Oh, come on. You threw your first bull's-eye of your life last night with your eyes closed," Xander argued. "Do you want the help or not?" Chloe countered. Xander sullenly said yes. Chloe closed her eyes, and she threw the dart directly into Xander's chest.

"Are you okay?" Chloe yelled. "I don't know, but does this mean I finally get a point?" Xander asked. Chloe grimaced, and she asked if they should remove the dart. After a debate on the horrors of what could go wrong if they removed the dart, Xander and Chloe decided to go to the hospital.

At the hospital, Chloe visited Xander after the doctor had bandaged his wound. "I'm fine," Xander said. Xander explained that there had been minimal damage to the muscle. "They did ask if I was hopped up on biscuits, but I just told them that my friend isn't the best dart player in the world," Xander said. Xander added that the police were on the way to take a report.

"What?" Chloe yelped. "I'm joking, darling," Xander said. Chloe groaned. "You're not funny," Chloe said as she smiled. Xander asked Chloe if the dart throw had been a subconscious desire to get even with him for having kissed her. "As annoyed as I was by it, I don't think that it warranted a violent dart assault," Chloe admitted. Chloe asked Xander to promise not to kiss her again.

"I would cross my heart, but it's a bit tender right now," Xander said. Xander slowly put his shirt back on, and he announced that he was late to return to the paper. Xander suggested a rematch once his wound healed. "I'm surprised you would risk it," Chloe said. "It's a matter of honor at this point, isn't it?" Xander said. Xander picked up a bag with the extracted dart in it, and he offered it to Chloe as a souvenir.

"I'm pretty impressed that you would be willing to come near me ever again while holding a dart," Chloe said. "Well, you may be dangerous, Chloe, scary, but you do make up for it in charm," Xander said. Xander and Chloe smiled at one another.

Kristen called Brady, and he grudgingly accepted the call. Kristen told Brady that Megan was the newest resident at Statesville. "And?" Brady asked. Kristen explained that Megan had told her details about Megan's deal with the ISA. "I already know all this," Brady said. Kristen told Brady that she was not so sure that Banks had kidnapped Kayla.

"Then who?" Brady asked. Kristen thought about when Megan had hinted that Bo was alive. "I'll tell you when you bring Rachel to see me," Kristen said. Brady groaned. "I should have known!" Brady said. Brady asked Kristen why he should trust her. "You are really going to want to hear this. And not just you. Everyone in Salem. This news is so explosive. And it's going to change a lot of people's lives," Kristen promised. "I'll think about it," Brady said. Brady ended the call.

While Kristen sat in the visitors' room, she flipped through a magazine. Megan appeared, and she noted that she had been forced to send her cellmate to the infirmary. "Making new friends. Good for you," Kristen said. "So, how's Brady?" Megan asked. Kristen played dumb, but Megan informed Kristen that she had overheard Kristen's phone call.

"As soon as I turn my back, there you are squawking to your man about me and about Bo Brady being alive," Megan said. Kristen apologized. "But I'm gonna level with you. The only thing that matters to me is my daughter, and I will play any card to get a chance to see her," Kristen said. Megan said she understood, and she reminded Kristen that she had not confirmed that Bo was alive.

"Even if you did have some information to share, why would you sell it off so cheaply for one measly visit with your daughter?" Megan asked. Megan advised Kristen to look at the big picture. "If you even hint that I didn't tell the truth, then they are going to cart me off to some black site in East Timbuktu, which will not exactly help you, either," Megan said. Megan suggested that she and Kristen should work together.

"What are you talking about?" Kristen asked. "I have no intention of staying here one minute longer than I absolutely have to. And don't think that I haven't already started formulating a plan," Megan said. Megan cautioned Kristen to think about whether she wanted one visit or a life outside prison with Rachel.

"Besides, who would believe you? Everybody knows Bo Brady is dead," Megan said. With a smirk, Megan noted that it was exhausting to be a criminal mastermind. After Megan left, Brady arrived. "Let's have it," Brady said. "You actually came," Kristen marveled. Brady demanded to know the explosive news.

"It turns out I was wrong," Kristen said. Kristen explained that Megan had told the truth about Thomas Banks. Outside the visitors' room, Megan smiled as she listened to Kristen lie to Brady.

In a Greek warehouse, Chad and Stephanie were confronted at gunpoint by Thomas Banks. Stephanie demanded that Banks tell her where he had hidden Kayla. "Sorry to disappoint you. You got the wrong dude," Banks said. Chad explained that Megan had told them that Banks had kidnapped Kayla. Banks asked for the list of Victor's properties.

"What list?" Chad said. "Now who's playing games, blue eyes?" Banks muttered. Banks said he had overheard Chad and Stephanie talk about the list. "Give me the list. Now," Banks demanded. As Stephanie slowly reached into her purse, Chad offered Banks his condolences for his sister's death.

"Sister Mary Moira died? Well, that's a real shame, although she was a real pain in my ass" Banks said. "Your other sister, Susan," Chad clarified. Shocked, Banks asked what had happened. Chad told Banks that Susan had been killed in a car explosion. "Susie, she was a good girl. You know, she didn't deserve that," Banks said. Banks teared up. Chad offered a handkerchief.

As Banks reached out to take the handkerchief, Chad threw it onto Banks's face. Chad and Banks struggled over the gun, and when it fired, the gun shot off Banks's right ear. "You should've listened to reason!" Chad yelled. "How am I gonna listen if you shot off my ear!" Banks screamed. Banks demanded to go to the hospital. Chad promised to help Banks on the way to the police station.

Harris was shocked when Bo answered the door to Victor's childhood home. "I heard about you," Harris said. "Well, I've heard about you, too," Bo said as he admitted Harris into the cottage. When Harris asked how Bo knew about him, Bo explained that they both knew Megan. "[Megan] is extremely proud of how she orchestrated your descent," Bo said. Bo added that he knew that Harris was infatuated with Hope.

"When I was at [Megan's] lab, there was someone else in one of those cryogenic tubes," Harris said. Harris noted that the prisms were why Megan had brainwashed him. "[Megan] didn't tell me what she was going to use them for, but I know that they had healing properties, that maybe they could be used to perform medical miracles," Harris said. Harris argued that Megan had used the prisms to resurrect Bo.

"That's quite a narrative you've strung together," Bo said. Harris explained that Hope had told him about Megan's obsession with Bo. "One of the main reasons I left that island," Bo admitted. "And you brought Kayla with you, right?" Harris asked. "Why would I do that?" Bo said. Bo told Harris that he had heard that Banks had kidnapped Kayla.

"You don't seem that really concerned about your sister," Harris noted. "Have you met Kayla? She's tough. She knows how to take care of herself," Bo said. Suspicious, Harris asked if it was just a coincidence that Bo and Kayla had left the same island at the same time. "I didn't even know that she was on the island or why Megan brought her there," Bo said. Bo reiterated that he had left because he had been sick of Megan. "Alone," Bo stressed. Harris nodded yes.

"But since I came all this way to find her and since you have nothing to hide, then you wouldn't mind if we took a look around here, would you?" Harris asked. "I kind of would mind," Bo said. Bo pulled out his gun and pointed it at Harris. Bo told Harris to leave. "And if I don't, what are you going to do?" Harris asked. Bo admitted that it would be bad karma to kill a military hero. Bo asked Harris to leave again.

"I'm going to run straight to Hope and tell her exactly what happened," Harris said. "And why would you do that?" Bo asked. Harris noted that Hope was in love with Bo. "You tell Hope I'm alive, this budding romance of yours is abruptly over. So, are you ready to lose her?" Bo said. Confused, Harris asked Bo if he wanted Harris to be with Hope.

"Yeah. Look, I am starting a whole new life without her, and I'm a little sick of people trying to drag me back to that old life," Bo said. Bo tucked his gun back in his waistband. "So, you're just going to let me go if I, what, don't say anything about finding you?" Harris asked. "It's best for both of us. If you think about it, for Hope, too," Bo said. Bo argued that it was pointless to break Hope's heart all over again.

"So, she's all yours. You get the girl, I get my new life without her. Win-win. As long as you keep this little conversation of ours between us," Bo said. "So, I'm supposed to pretend I never saw you. Deceive Hope, and let her believe that her husband's dead?" Harris countered. Bo nodded yes. Bo added that Harris was not deceiving Hope, because her husband was dead. "We got a deal?" Bo asked.

At the Greek police station, Hope showed Officer Kostas a picture of Thomas Banks, and she asked if he had taken Steve out of the precinct. "It was not him," Kostas confirmed. Hope asked the officer for a description of the man that had impersonated Shane Donovan. Kostas noted that the man had been average looking. Hope looked around the room, and she asked about the security footage.

When Kostas attempted to access the files of the surveillance footage, he realized that the footage had been deleted. "I don't understand," Kostas said. Hope asked who had access to the footage. "You think somebody did this?" Kostas asked. Frustrated, Hope asked Kostas if Steve had said anything else that could be a clue. Kostas explained that Steve had claimed that the impersonator was not Shane, but that he had not believed Steve.

"Did Steve say anything else?" Hope asked. Kostas thought for a moment, and then he noted that Steve had mumbled something. "I cannot remember what it was," Kostas said. With a sigh, Hope asked Kostas to call her if he remembered anything else.

After Kostas went back to work, Chad and Stephanie entered with Thomas Banks. "You're gonna want to book this man. He's on the most wanted list," Chad said. "Thomas Banks," Kostas said.

Hope went to visit Harris in his hotel room to update him on the search. "Someone posing as Shane Donovan took Steve from the PD along with the prisms," Hope said. "Any idea who?" Harris asked. Hope said no, and she told Harris about the erased security footage. "Obviously a real pro," Hope said. Hope relayed that when Steve had left the precinct, he had attempted to warn the police that his captor was not Shane.

"And the cop did nothing. He didn't even question. He just let this person, whoever he is, walk out with Steve and the prisms," Hope said in disbelief. Hope asked about Harris' search. Harris confirmed that he had visited Victor's childhood home. "Did you find anything?" Hope asked. Harris thought about when he had agreed to a deal with Bo. "No. Nothing at all. The place was deserted," Harris told Hope.

Li tells Gabi that he is setting her free
Li tells Gabi that he is setting her free

Li tells Gabi that he is setting her free

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Salem University Hospital, Abe visited Rafe. Rafe said that he felt he had been drugged, and he added that Gabi and Stefan had had a similar experience. Abe wondered who, and why someone would put a hallucinogenic drug into the biscuits from Sweet Bits. He said that it felt more serious than a prank.

Rafe said that he had kissed Jada while he had been under the effects of the drug. Abe said that Rafe's admission would have to be documented for official purposes, but he preferred to handle the matter discreetly. Rafe told Abe that someone had witnessed him kiss Jada. "And not just someone. Sloan Peterson," Rafe said.

Abe and Rafe agreed that the timing couldn't have been worse. Abe shared that he believed Sloan was responsible for the drugged biscuits. Abe recalled that someone had been targeting Chanel and Paulina, and he said that Sloan was the most obvious suspect.

At Sweet Bits Bakery, Chanel was stunned to find that the police were treating the kitchen as a crime scene. With Talia standing tight faced beside her, Chanel told Jada that everyone knew who had poisoned the biscuits. "Sloan Peterson has been trying to destroy my life since the minute she got to Salem," Chanel said.

Talia flashed back to having poisoned the batter in the bakery. Jada said that she had questions for Talia about the ingredients, since the biscuits had been Talia's recipe. Talia listed the ingredients, and she seemed surprised to learn that several people had gone to the hospital after tasting the biscuits.

Jada noted that there had been no sign of forced entry, and she spotted a security camera mounted above. Chanel said that she could access surveillance footage of the camera by using an app on her phone. Before Chanel tried to access the footage, Talia claimed to have forgotten to turn the camera on before Talia had locked up.

Chanel remained convinced that Sloan had been responsible for drugging the batter, but Jada said there was nothing the police could do to Sloan until there was proof. Jada cautioned Chanel and Talia to keep their distance from Sloan.

After Jada left, Talia feigned apologies for not having turned on the camera. Chanel and Talia hugged. "Your sister is going to find out who did this, and we are going to make them pay," Chanel said as Talia flashed a brief smirk behind Chanel's back.

Later, Jada appeared in Rafe's room at the hospital. Jada said that the lab had confirmed the drugs found in everyone's bloodwork matched something found in the biscuits. Jada added that it was a toxin that no one had seen before, and she said it was obvious that Chanel hadn't put it in the batter. "Meaning?" Abe asked. "Someone's trying to destroy Chanel and her bakery," Jada said.

In Eric's room, Eric flashed back to having been with Nicole after eating the biscuits. Sloan appeared, and she asked to look for a scarf that she had left behind. Afterwards, Eric recalled that Sloan had said that he and Nicole had to have been drugged when Sloan had found them together. "What would make you think that?" Eric asked.

Sloan said that half the town had been affected by the biscuits. Sloan baselessly claimed that Chanel had poisoned the whole town, and she added that Chanel would try to blame Sloan for the poisoning. Eric stared at Sloan, and she surmised that Eric was insinuating that Sloan knew the biscuits had been drugged.

Eric said he believed that Sloan was innocent, and he added that he was glad that Sloan was okay. Sloan told Eric that he could save his concerns for Nicole, and she scoffed that Eric had found his way back to Nicole. Eric denied that he and Nicole were together, and he said that what had happened had been a one-time thing.

Eric said he hoped that his relationship with Sloan wasn't over. Sloan admitted that she had "overreacted" to Eric's doubts about her involvement in the harassment of Paulina and Chanel. Eric proposed dinner. Sloan agreed, and she left for downstairs to reserve a table.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole flashed back to being in bed with Eric. E.J. appeared, and he asked what was on Nicole's mind. Nicole said that she had been daydreaming. E.J. pointed to a box from Sweet Bits, and he said that the biscuits had been spiked with a toxin that had caused erratic behavior all over Salem.

E.J. asked if Nicole had done anything crazy when she had been under the influence. Nicole claimed to have caused some damage at Basic Black. Nicole changed the subject, and she said that it seemed E.J. and Stefan had declared war on one another. E.J. agreed with Nicole's assessment, and he said he would win.

Nicole claimed to still be feeling the aftereffects from the biscuit she had eaten, and she said she needed a shower to help clear her head. Later, in the upstairs hallway of the mansion, Nicole stood outside her room and phoned Eric. Nicole said that what had happened between her and Eric had to stay a secret. Eric agreed, and both he and Nicole wished one another a pleasant day.

Nicole stepped inside her room. Unbeknownst to Nicole, E.J. had been in an adjacent room across the hallway. E.J.'s face seethed with anger as he appeared to have overheard Nicole's conversation.

Also at the hospital, Stefan brought flowers to Trask in her room. Trask recalled trying to attack Stefan, and she said she had "totally lost my mind." Stefan said that he had only tried to hit on Trask because he had hallucinated that Trask had been Gabi. Trask assumed that it had been E.J. who had been responsible for her poisoning.

Stefan said the working theory was that everyone who had eaten the biscuits had been drugged. Trask vowed to punish the person responsible. Trask encouraged Stefan to give the flowers he had brought her to Gabi. Trask admitted that she had developed feelings for Stefan, but she vowed that she would be fine.

Stefan said that it had been nice to meet "Melinda the woman" instead of "Trask the D.A.," and he added that Trask was a fun and attractive person. Stefan said that any man would be lucky to have Trask in his life. Trask thanked Stefan, and she told him to go be with Gabi.

Before Stefan left, Trask asked Stefan to remember that he and Gabi owed her a favor. "And when the time is right, I have every intention of collecting on that debt," Trask added.

In Wendy's apartment, Gabi asked why Li hadn't taken her to bed the previous night when Gabi had hallucinated that Li was Stefan. Li said he hadn't wanted to take advantage of Gabi, and he added that he loved Gabi too much to violate her when she had been under the influence.

Li said he was convinced that his six-month marriage proposal to Gabi was never going to last. Li said that he had already decided to give up on Gabi before her hallucination. "I'm letting you go. You're free -- from our agreement, our marriage, from all of it. You can be with the man you love," Li said.

Gabi said that she had no regrets about having slept with Stefan. Li said that he had regrets, and he grew angry as he recalled that he had been raised to have success in business and to be "bold and calculating and to take whatever" he had wanted.

Li lamented that he had never learned how to be more personable, and he said that he had used tactics in his pursuit of Gabi that had been better suited for a hostile takeover in business than for a marriage.

Gabi said she knew that Li loved her, and she added that she knew she had hurt him, as well. Li vowed that he would stop fighting for Gabi's affection. "So, deal's off?" Gabi asked. "Deal's off," Li said. Gabi handed her engagement ring back to Li.

Later, Gabi packed her suitcase, and she prepared to leave. On her way out the door, Li said that he and Gabi had had some good times together. Gabi agreed, and she asked if Li would consider letting her keep her DiMera Enterprises shares. "Hell, no," Li said with a grin. "Was worth a shot," Gabi said playfully as she left.

Eric and Sloan make a pact
Eric and Sloan make a pact

Eric and Sloan make a pact

Thursday, April 20, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Wendy and Li's apartment, Johnny said that he needed to talk with Wendy, and he asked if Li knew where Wendy was. Johnny said that Wendy had been ignoring him. Li sipped beer, and he asked why Wendy had been ghosting Johnny.

Johnny recalled that Wendy had witnessed him propose to Chanel. Li suggested that Johnny text Wendy to explain what had caused Johnny's erratic behavior. Johnny asked Li to help contact Wendy. Li reached for his phone, and he remarked that he had already received a text from Wendy. Li told Johnny that Wendy had gone to Seattle. Johnny was upset, and he asked Li to give Wendy a call on his behalf.

Li dialed Wendy, and he told her that Johnny wanted to talk to her. Wendy said that she and Johnny had nothing to talk about, and she told Li to tell Johnny that she wished Johnny and Chanel "all the happiness in the world."

Johnny pleaded with Li to call Wendy back, but the call went straight to voicemail. Li encouraged Johnny to give Wendy time to calm down. Johnny protested, but Li said that he wasn't in the mood for Johnny's drama. Johnny left, and afterwards, Li stood alone in the apartment. Li picked up the ring that Gabi had returned to him. Li removed his own ring from his hand, and he left the apartment.

In Seattle, Tripp stood in Joey's apartment, and he said over the phone that he would pick Joey up from the hospital the following day. The call ended, and Tripp heard a knock at the door. Tripp was surprised when Wendy entered the room with her suitcase.

Tripp asked why Wendy had gone to Seattle. Wendy said that she had been disappointed that she and Tripp hadn't gone on their scheduled date. Tripp thought there was more to the story. Wendy surprised Tripp when she said that Johnny and Chanel were getting married again.

Tripp said that Johnny and Chanel had lost their minds. Wendy said she didn't want to talk about Johnny, and she proposed that she and Tripp have dinner. The two sat down to a dinner that Tripp had prepared. Tripp and Wendy toasted to old friends and to new possibilities, and they smiled across the table at one another.

At Salem University Hospital, Stefan met Gabi. Stefan said that he had gone to the hospital to check on Trask. Stefan recalled that Trask had demanded something in return for her help in the ruse to fool E.J., and he asked if Gabi had spoken to Li. Gabi said that she had given Li his ring back, and she and Stefan kissed. Gabi told Stefan that Li had remained civilized and had vowed not to contest their divorce.

Gabi said that E.J. had "stolen" DiMera Enterprises from her and Stefan, and she vowed that the two would team up to get the company back. Stefan said that he wanted some time alone with Gabi before they plotted their next move at DiMera Enterprises, and he invited Gabi to move in with him.

Gabi was somewhat surprised, but Stefan stated that the house belonged to Stefano and not to E.J. Stefan and Gabi left for the mansion.

At the DiMera mansion, E.J. gulped a martini that Tony had offered. Tony asked what was wrong with E.J., who said that Nicole was lying to him. E.J. recalled that he had overheard Nicole tell someone over the phone to keep something secret from E.J.

Tony thought that E.J. was jumping to conclusions, and he asked if E.J. had any idea who Nicole had been talking to. E.J. said that it didn't matter, but Tony tried to dissuade E.J. from assuming the worst. E.J. wanted to confront Nicole, but Tony encouraged E.J. to take a breath before E.J. did something he might regret.

Tony tried to appeal to E.J.'s senses, and he mentioned his marriage to Anna. Tony said his only priority in his marriage was Anna's happiness. Tony encouraged E.J. to focus on Nicole's happiness instead of who she might have been chatting with. E.J. admitted that he thought Nicole was happy with him. Tony asked that E.J. "throw all the rest away," and he encouraged E.J. to enjoy Nicole's company.

Earlier, Nicole and Eric showered simultaneously in their respective rooms, and they both daydreamed about one another. Nicole and Eric fantasized that they were together in the shower.

After Nicole had showered, Anna knocked, and she asked for some aspirin. Nicole replied that she had a headache, too, and she said it was because of the biscuits. Anna surmised that Nicole was hiding something, and she asked for Nicole to trust her. "Oh, my God. Anna... I don't know how it happened, but I ended up in bed with Eric," Nicole confided.

Nicole blamed the indiscretion on the hallucinogenic effects from the biscuits, and she recalled that Sloan had walked in on her and Eric. Nicole said there was no chance for her and Eric and that they had both agreed it was a "one-time slip-up." Anna mentioned E.J., and she asked how serious things were between Nicole and E.J.

Nicole said she often felt more like E.J.'s co-conspirator than his love interest. Still. Nicole noted that things had improved between her and E.J. and that she didn't want what had happened with Eric to ruin what she had with E.J. Nicole asked if she could trust Anna with her secret. Anna assured Nicole that she would keep the secret.

Nicole wondered if she should tell E.J. about her infidelity with Eric, and she recalled that her years of cheating had caused a lot of people pain. Nicole seemed conflicted about what to do, but she ultimately agreed with Anna's advice to not tell E.J. E.J. knocked, and he asked Nicole to join him downstairs for dinner.

In the dining area of the mansion, Tony and Anna prepared to join E.J. and Nicole for dinner. E.J. and Nicole kissed, and she thanked E.J. for having made her feel like a priority. Tony raised his glass to propose a toast to family. Tony stared at the portrait of Stefano over the fireplace, and he said he knew that Stefano would be pleased to see his sons and their "lady friends" making a toast together under his roof.

"Well, then, you better pour two more glasses," Stefan announced as he and Gabi surprised Tony, Anna, E.J., and Nicole by entering the room unannounced.

E.J. asked what Stefan and Gabi were doing at the mansion. Stefan reminded E.J. that he lived at the mansion. "Gabi and I are delighted to announce that we have once again decided to make this place our home," Stefan boasted. Stefan and Gabi smiled widely at E.J., whose face grew sour.

At the Brady Pub, Eric met Sloan for dinner after he had showered. Eric said that he wanted to pick up where he and Sloan had left off. Sloan described their relationship as "cheap sex with no strings," and she added that she wanted more.

Sloan said that Eric was the only person in Salem who believed in her, and she said that Eric had made her feel things she had never expected. Sloan added that she was no longer willing to be Eric's "booty call," and she said she wanted to be his girlfriend. Just then, Sloan and Eric were interrupted when Paulina approached their table. "Salon Peterson, your skinny ass is mine!" Paulina yelled.

Paulina accused Sloan of having spiked the dough at Sweet Bits, and she said that Sloan would go to jail for the crime. Paulina called Sloan a "psychopath" and a "skank." Eric said that he believed Sloan hadn't been responsible for the poisoned biscuits. Paulina scoffed, and she left.

Afterwards, Sloan asked again if Eric wanted to be her boyfriend. Sloan wondered if Eric had changed his mind. "Listening to you made me realize that what we have, and what we're doing, it needs to end... because what I want is more, just like you. I'd love for you to be my girlfriend," Eric said. Eric and Sloan kissed.

Harris comes clean
Harris comes clean

Harris comes clean

Friday, April 21, 2023

by Spalding

In Statesville, Andrew visited Megan to tell her that the deal was off. "You can't do that," Megan said. Andrew told Megan that he knew she had lied about Thomas Banks. "[Banks] has an alibi," Andrew said. Andrew explained that Banks had been at an orgy and that there had been a room full of witnesses to corroborate Banks's story.

"I can't imagine Thomas going at it with one person, let alone an orgy full. That is the most ridiculous alibi I ever heard of," Megan said with skepticism. With a shrug, Andrew noted that the alibi had checked out. "Our deal was based on you supplying information that would lead us to Kayla," Andrew said. Andrew argued that Megan's lies had impeded the ISA's efforts to find Kayla.

"You will be remanded to a black site that makes Statesville look like the Ritz," Andrew growled. Megan offered the formula to Andrew as a bribe. "I'm not interested," Andrew said. Megan groaned. "That's right. You're from the law and order branch of the Brady family, aren't you?" Megan said. Andrew told Megan that the only thing he wanted was the return of his aunt and uncle.

"Your uncle?" Megan asked. Andrew explained that Steve had disappeared during his search for Kayla. "You want to keep your deal, then tell me the truth. Tell me who really took Kayla," Andrew said. Andrew promised that if the ISA did not find Kayla safe and unharmed, then Megan would pay.

"Why didn't you want us to find Kayla?" Andrew asked. "That's not it," Megan said. Andrew argued that they would find the man, whether Megan helped or not. "How do you know it's a man?" Megan asked. Andrew informed Megan that the kidnapper had posed as Shane Donovan and taken both Steve and the prisms into custody. "So, if we figure this all out before you help us, your leverage is gone," Andrew said. Megan rolled her eyes.

Roman visited John at the penthouse. "I've been trying to get ahold of you, buddy," John said. Roman said he had been in Ireland to inter Kate's ashes and visit with family. John noted that Roman had been out of contact for a while.

"I went off the grid. I just needed some time to myself to kind of, you know, get it together before I came back home without Kate," Roman said. "A few things I need to tell you," John said. John told Roman that they had found and captured Megan. "There's something else that you need to know, and this is kind of complicated," John said.

"I thought I heard somebody," Marlena said as she walked into the living room. Marlena stopped at the sight of Roman on the couch. "Marlena?" Roman gasped as he jumped to his feet. Marlena urged Roman to sit down, and he obliged. "But how?" Roman asked. John told Roman that when they had found Megan, they had also found Marlena and Kayla.

"Alive?" Roman asked. Marlena nodded yes. John explained that Megan had stolen the orchid and employed Rolf to manufacture a serum to cure Marlena and Kayla. "It's a lot to take in," Marlena said. Roman broke into a smile, and he hugged Marlena. "But what about Kate?" Roman asked. Marlena averted her eyes. John and Marlena told Roman what had happened on the island.

"I'm so sorry. I would have tried to help her. I couldn't do anything," Marlena said. "Well, I know you would have if you could have," Roman said. Roman wondered aloud about Kate's remains. John admitted that the ISA had not found Kate's body on the island.

"I don't know why this is hitting me so hard. I mean, I had already accepted the fact that she was already gone," Roman whispered. "It's a lot to process," Marlena said. With a shake of his head, Roman noted that he had not been there when Kate had died. "She had to be so frightened. Why in God's name did Megan have to kill her?" Roman asked. "[Megan] said it was someone who worked for her," John said. Roman asked John if he believed the killer had Kayla.

"We're not sure about that," John said. John explained that Megan had identified Thomas Banks as the kidnapper, but Banks had denied everything. "Apparently, [Banks] has an ironclad alibi," John said. John added that Kristen had told Brady that Megan had hinted that she had lied about the kidnapper.

"There's something else you should know. Steve went to look for Kayla. Now he is missing, as well," Marlena said. "So, Megan took Kate from me not once but twice, and now she's the reason that Kayla and Steve are missing? Where is she?" Roman asked. When John noted that Megan was at Statesville, Roman said he was ready to "choke the truth" out of Megan.

"Even if you could see [Megan], she will not tell you anything," Marlena said. John informed Roman that the ISA had deprogrammed Harris and that he was in Greece with Hope, Chad, and Stephanie. Roman asked John if he was sure that Harris had been deprogrammed. Marlena told Roman that Kim had confirmed that Harris was safe.

"And he is looking to find Kayla and Steve because?" Roman asked. "'Cause he knows that he has a lot to make up for," John said. "Or to impress Hope. Bo's got to be turning over in his grave," Roman muttered John reminded Roman that John had been brainwashed and that he understood Harris' perspective. "I think he deserves a chance," John said. Roman agreed.

As Roman rose to leave, Andrew knocked on the door. "I just came from Statesville," Andrew said. Andrew confirmed that Megan had changed her story. "How do you know she's telling the truth this time?" John asked. "What she said seemed, well, unbelievable, but I'm actually inclined to believe her," Andrew said. "Believe what?" Marlena asked. Andrew said that Megan had claimed that the kidnapper was Bo.

In a Greek hotel room, Stephanie organized the list of Victor's properties for their search. "This could take forever," Stephanie groaned. Chad squatted next to Stephanie. "Your parents are fine. I'm sure of it," Chad said. When Stephanie asked how Chad could be so certain, he noted that no one was tougher than Steve and Kayla.

When Andrew arrived, he told Stephanie and Chad that the ISA had found where Steve and Kayla had been held, and they had been killed in the crossfire. "No!" Stephanie screamed in bed as she woke up. "Was it a nightmare?" Chad asked. "They said they were dead," Stephanie whispered. Chad assured Stephanie that her parents were not dead.

"It was just so real," Stephanie said. "When I lost Abby, I was afraid to close my eyes," Chad shared. Chad told Stephanie that he believed they would find Steve and Kayla alive. "You said that in my nightmare," Stephanie said. Stephanie thanked Chad for his support. Stephanie worried aloud that they were farther from her parents since they had learned that Banks had not been the kidnapper. Chad countered that it was a good thing that a dangerous man like Banks had not been the kidnapper.

"But whoever has her and my dad may be worse," Stephanie said. "I don't think so. Whoever did this was sophisticated enough to waltz into a police station, impersonating Shane Donovan, and walk out with your dad without raising any suspicions," Chad said. Stephanie argued that the kidnapper was a skilled criminal. Chad pointed out that the kidnapper had not asked for any ransom demands.

"So then, what does he want?" Stephanie asked. "That's the question. He can't be taking orders from Megan Hathaway, if he ever was, because she's in prison," Chad said. Chad noted that there were not a lot of people that could have taken Kayla from the island. When Stephanie said that Chad had a detective's mind, he noted that his father had been a master criminal.

"You ask yourself 'what would Stefano do?'" Stephanie said. Chad smirked. "Something like that," Chad said. Chad told Stephanie that he was certain that Kayla was at one of Victor's properties. "I really do believe we're going to find them today. You just got to have faith," Chad said. "I'm trying," Stephanie whispered.

In Harris' hotel room, he thought about his deal with Bo. "So, I'm supposed to pretend I never saw you, deceive Hope, and let her believe that her husband's dead?" Harris had asked Bo. Bo had argued that Hope's husband was dead. Harris thought about when he had lied to Hope and said he had found nothing at Victor's childhood home. Hope knocked on the door.

"What's wrong?" Hope asked when a bleary-eyed Harris opened the door. "Nothing's wrong," Harris said. Hope asked Harris if he had slept, and he said he had been up all night, worried about Steve and Kayla. Hope admitted she had spent the night thinking about Banks.

"Why did Megan lie to us about who really did take her? She must be protecting someone, right? The question is, who does she care enough about to protect?" Hope said. Harris argued that Megan was crazy. "But she's definitely not stupid," Hope said. Hope argued that Megan had a reason for her lies.

"There's something I have to tell you," Harris said. "What is it?" Hope asked. Harris was quiet a moment, and then he stammered that he cared about Hope. "I'm sorry," Harris said. "For what?" Hope asked. Harris told Hope that he felt partly at fault for her family's troubles. "You're doing everything you can now to help us," Hope said. As Hope put her hands on Harris' shoulders, he averted his eyes and noted that he needed to dress.

"Hold on a second," Hope said. Hope reminded Harris that the police sketch artist would be back at the precinct, and she hoped to have him draw up a sketch of the subject. "Then we'll know who we're looking for," Hope said. As Harris dressed, he asked Hope if she was certain that the sketch artist was a good investment of time. Before Hope could answer, Chad and Stephanie knocked on the door.

"So, should we divide up the list like we did before?" Chad asked. Hope agreed. "If you do find anything, please call us right away. Whoever took your mom and dad is probably just as dangerous as Banks," Hope cautioned. Stephanie wondered aloud who else had been on the island with Megan and Banks. Harris shifted his eyes away.

After Chad and Stephanie left, Hope noted that Stephanie was a wreck. "Stephanie's scared. This shouldn't be happening to her," Harris said as he stared at the wall. "This is getting to you, isn't it?" Hope asked. Harris apologized. "You've lost so much of your own life, and now you've put it on hold to help me find people you don't even know," Hope said. Harris looked at Hope.

"I'm definitely not a saint," Harris whispered. Overcome with guilt, Harris looked away from Hope with tears in his eyes. When Harris faced Hope again, she smiled at him. "Saints sometimes can be boring, and you're definitely not boring. Let's find Steve and Kayla and bring them home, okay?" Hope said as she put her arms around Harris. Hope hugged Harris as he fought back tears.

Harris noted that there was no reason to go to the police station. "There's something that I have to tell you," Harris whispered. Harris told Hope to search Victor's childhood home. "You said you already searched it," Hope said. "I lied," Harris admitted. Confused, Hope asked Harris why he had lied if he had wanted to help.

"You're just going to have to go see for yourself," Harris said. "I don't understand this," Hope said. "You will when you get there," Harris countered. Harris added that it was something that Hope needed to do on her own. "That's all you're going to tell me?" Hope asked. Harris whispered another apology. Hope put her hands on Harris' shoulders, and she looked him in the eyes. "For what?" Hope asked. Harris caressed Hope's face, and he kissed her goodbye. "You'll see," Harris said. With a nod, Hope left.

"Goodbye, Hope," Harris said. Devastated, Harris sat on the bed and fought back tears. Megan called Harris' cell phone, and he reluctantly accepted the call. "What the hell do you want?" Harris asked. "Listen to me. If you want a chance with Hope, any chance at all, you will take her right now, and you will go far, far away," Megan said. "It's too late. For both of us," Harris said.

In the wine cellar of Victor's childhood home, Kayla woke up in Steve's arms and groaned with discomfort. "It won't be much longer now," Steve said. "Why do you say that?" Kayla asked. Steve noted that when Bo delivered the equipment for the serum, they could use the materials to fight back.

"Bo has a gun," Kayla countered. When Steve offered to draw Bo's fire, Kayla said no. "I'm not gonna hurt him, he's my brother," Kayla stressed. "We'll just disarm him. We'll get the hell out of here. And we'll get Bo the help he needs," Steve said.

Bo entered with a bowl of cold, leftover fish stew. "Come on, K. Get up, we're leaving," Bo said as he brandished his gun. "Where are we going?" Steve asked. "Not you, just her," Bo said. Bo explained that he had located a Titan research facility for Kayla to use. Steve refused to leave Kayla's side. Bo argued that if he kept Steve and Kayla separated, it was a good incentive for her to work faster on the serum to get back to Steve.

"How do I know for sure that you're going to let me get back to him?" Kayla asked. Bo groaned. "You give me what I need, you get your lives back, as long as [Steve] behaves himself," Bo said. "What if someone comes looking for us while you're gone?" Steve asked. Bo told Steve and Kayla that no one would search the cottage because someone had already visited.

"And they won't be coming back," Bo added. "What do you mean someone was here?" Kayla asked. Worried, Steve asked if it had been Stephanie. Bo said no. "It doesn't matter who. They were here, they checked this place off their list, and they won't be coming back. So, you're not going to be rescued unless you do what I ask," Bo yelled. Bo grabbed the crate of supplies, and he left with Kayla.

In a Greek Titan research lab, Bo escorted Kayla to a workstation. "It has all the supplies you said you needed," Bo said. "Great," Kayla muttered. "Rolf was able to put this serum together in just a couple days, so it shouldn't take you too long," Bo said. "No pressure," Kayla grumbled. Bo cautioned Kayla not to do anything stupid, because he had Steve as a hostage.

"I get it. You're going to coerce me into doing something that I don't want by using the people I love as leverage," Kayla complained. As Bo turned to leave, Kayla asked Bo if he planned to release her once the serum was complete. "Do I ever see you again?" Kayla asked. "Don't see why you'd want to. I'm giving you every reason to hate me," Bo said. Kayla grabbed Bo and shook him.

"When our mother brought you home from the hospital, she placed you in my arms, and she said, 'You know what, baby girl? This is for you.' And I have loved you since you were a little baby until you grew into the man you that you became, to this moment right now," Kayla said. Kayla told Bo that she wanted her brother back. Bo shoved Kayla away. With a shaky voice, Bo told Kayla that he would check on her the next day.

"If I make that serum, promise me that you will use it for good," Kayla said. "I will sell the formula to the highest bidder. And everyone will know my name. Yours, too, if you want," Bo said. "I don't want," Kayla whispered. Bo avoided eye contact, and he noted that "humble and quiet" was the Brady way. "I was never either one of those things," Bo said. After Bo left, Kayla flipped through Rolf's journal. "What the hell do I do?" Kayla said.

In the hallway outside Kayla's lab, Chad and Stephanie pointed out the last door they had not checked yet in the facility. It was locked. On the other side of that door, Kayla grabbed a tray and held it over her head. "Okay little brother of mine. No one is going to stand in the way of me getting back to my family," Kayla muttered.

In the hallway, Stephanie picked the lock to the door. Chad entered first, and Kayla pulled back before she hit Chad. As Kayla gasped, Chad and Stephanie spun around to see their attacker. "Stephanie!" Kayla yelled. "Mom!" Stephanie cried out. Kayla and Stephanie embraced. Stephanie asked Kayla if she was okay. When Kayla said she was fine, Stephanie asked about Steve.

In the wine cellar at Victor's childhood home, Steve continued to bang on the door. Upstairs, Hope entered the cottage with her gun drawn. "Anybody here?" Hope asked. As Hope crept around the living room, the front door opened. Bo walked in. "Oh, dear God," Hope whispered as she lowered her gun.

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Edited by SC Desk