Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 6, 2023 on DAYS

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Stefan convinced Gabi to stay married to Li. John talked to Rachel about her anger issues. Sloan froze Paulina
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 6, 2023 on DAYS

E.J. switched Stefan's drugged drinks. Belle refused to represent Eric. Brady made bail. Stefan convinced Gabi to stay married to Li. John talked to Rachel about her anger issues. Sloan offered her services to Eric. Sloan froze Paulina's assets. Chanel hired Jada's sister at the bakery. Alex butted heads with Maggie at work. Chad frustrated Stephanie. Jada asked Rafe if he liked her. Johnny stole Tripp's work badge. Wei Shin told Wendy he was proud of her. Johnny warned Stefan about E.J.

Belle debates whether to help Brady and Eric
Belle debates whether to help Brady and Eric

Belle debates whether to help Brady and Eric

Monday, March 6, 2023

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by Mike

Gabi stormed into the kitchen of the Shin apartment and demanded to know why Li was making so much noise. Li apologized for having disturbed Gabi's slumber then admitted to having dropped some pans while preparing breakfast.

Gabi saw that the kitchen table was only set for two people, prompting Li to explain that Wendy and Tripp had each left for work already. "Chilaquiles?" Li offered. "Hard pass -- I'm not hungry," Gabi snapped.

Li guessed that Gabi was still in a bad mood because Stefan no longer had feelings for Chloe. "Why would I be upset that Stefan doesn't love Chloe anymore? You know damn well that's exactly what I wanted," Gabi challenged Li.

Gabi grumbled that the timing of Stefan's change of heart was the only issue, prompting Li to offer a few words of comfort in Spanish. "Li, I am bilingual, which means Spanish and English are my languages! And if you think that speaking to me in butchered Spanish is's not -- it's condescending, and it hurts my ears!" Gabi declared. "Noted," Li muttered.

Gabi eventually decided to eat the meal Li had prepared. Gabi grudgingly admitted that the chilaquiles were edible but coldly refused to give Li any praise for having managed to follow a recipe. Li celebrated the minor victory with a big grin then started telling Gabi about the activities they would be doing that day. "Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there -- see, as I no longer have the responsibilities of gainful employment and my daughter is on the other side of the world, my plans for the day are to crawl back into bed and sleep the next six months away!" Gabi objected. "Come on -- I'm really trying here, okay?" Li countered.

Gabi sighed then agreed to humor Li. "Day One of GabLi --" Li raved before realizing that Gabi hated the portmanteau. "Of the beginning of something special," Li backpedaled before rushing off to shower, leaving Gabi only slightly less annoyed.

Li returned to the living room a short time later -- just in time to hear Gabi end a phone conversation with someone. "Ari's school," Gabi began to explain. "Will and Sonny need her records to enroll her in this new school, and they've been having some trouble transferring them -- I don't know, something with the vaccinations," Gabi continued. "I don't know how long this is gonna take -- I really need to get there, though," Gabi concluded before rushing off.

E.J. entered the living room of the DiMera mansion and saw that Nicole was reading the Spectator's online article about the recent arrests of both Eric and Brady, which bore the headline "THE BROTHERS GRIM" and featured their mug shots. E.J. had already viewed the article earlier and was quick to admit to Nicole that it was always fun to watch someone else's family get dragged through the mud for a change.

E.J. and Nicole soon started discussing their plan to follow in Eric and Brady's footsteps as the next threat to Stefan's brain. "Someone say my name?" Stefan called out from the foyer. "We...were...discussing the egregious crimes perpetrated by the Brothers Grim. We are both outraged and concerned about what happened -- you suffering through such a torturous ordeal," E.J. responded, and Nicole agreed with a nod. "Poor guy -- I can't imagine what it must have been like to have someone messing with your head like that. Rolf didn't drug you, did he?" Nicole fretted before giving E.J. a look. "No drugs -- just a good, old-fashioned, crude, forced...reconditioning," Stefan summarized before thanking E.J. and Nicole for the concern.

Stefan conceded that it was actually difficult to be upset with Brady and Eric because the second round of deprogramming had ended up being a complete success. "This means you will soon be reunited with Gabi?" E.J. translated. "Are you asking me as my brother, concerned about my love life...or as co-CEO of DiMera Enterprises, concerned about his standings within the company?" Stefan countered. "I...will...admit to the former and not deny the latter," E.J. answered. "Heh. Then yes -- it is my fervent wish to be reunited with the woman I love," Stefan declared. "Well, then, what are you doing here?" Nicole interjected. "For some damn reason, Gabi made a commitment to stay with her husband," Stefan grumbled before starting to elaborate.

E.J. soon interrupted to suggest that it would be nice to continue the conversation over cups of coffee, and Stefan took the bait and volunteered to prepare the drinks -- then Nicole created a distraction as the only member of the group who liked cream and sugar, claiming that the cream tasted sour. Stefan returned to the bar to prepare another cup of coffee for Nicole, giving E.J. time to swap the two cups of black coffee.

Nicole declared that the cream in the second cup of coffee tasted perfect, prompting Stefan to propose a toast so E.J. would start drinking the supposedly spiked coffee right away. Stefan also took a sip of coffee then tried to bail out of a business call that was scheduled for later that day, but E.J. pretended to be worried about the possibility of making another big mistake on a solo mission, and Nicole agreed that it might be better for the brothers to handle the matter together instead.

Stefan shrugged and grudgingly began to accept the compromise, claiming to have simply been trying to restore E.J.'s confidence, then happily backpedaled after receiving an unexpected phone call from Gabi. "Normally, you know, I would never put my personal life in front of business affairs, but given the disastrous conditions of my personal life these days, I'm sure you understand," Stefan explained before rushing off, ignoring E.J.'s protests. "It's only a matter of time before the inevitable happens -- he'll slip up, and the board will have no choice but to kick him out on his ass, and I'll be left on top," E.J. assured Nicole once the coast was clear.

Nicole later read Leo's gossip column, which featured a section about Sloan and Eric. "'Best sex of her life'? Ew!" Nicole grumbled.

Stefan met up with Gabi at the park then started to feel the effects of the spiked coffee -- and, at that same time, Li phoned Arianna's old school and learned that the story about an issue with the transfer of records had been a lie.

Chloe was eating breakfast and fiddling with a tablet computer when Shawn entered the town square and called out a greeting. "When did you get back?" Shawn wondered while approaching Chloe's table. "Yesterday -- and, boy, if you miss one day in this town, you miss a lot," Chloe responded before showing Shawn the front page of the Spectator's website.

Shawn read the article then started complaining that the Spectator was already beginning to look more like a tabloid than a newspaper, prompting Chloe to point out that it didn't matter how the story was portrayed because the bottom line was that it was true. "They're in serious trouble," Chloe fretted. "Yeah, well...I mean, there is one sliver of hope in all this -- Belle's on the case," Shawn countered. "Well, if anyone can get those two out of this mess, it's Belle," Chloe noted. "She's committed to helping Brady out as much as she can...but I'm not so sure she feels the same way about her other brother," Shawn revealed.

Shawn explained to Chloe that Eric had been "a world-class jerk" to Belle lately. "After his breakup with Nicole, I feel like he's just gone off the deep end -- like he's turned to the dark side or something," Chloe declared. "Yep. How the holy have fallen. And from what I understand, his breakup with Nicole was his doing," Shawn responded. "Apparently," Chloe confirmed. "He may have been without sin when he cast stones at her, but he's more than made up for it since then," Shawn mused.

Shawn soon changed the subject, wanting an update on Chloe's love life. Chloe admitted that Rachel, not Stefan, had always been -- and remained -- the biggest obstacle on the road back to happiness with Brady. "He's convinced that we can move past it...but I'm not so sure," Chloe fretted to Shawn with a shrug.

Belle entered the police station and headed down to the holding cells to see Brady and Eric. "A fine mess you two have gotten yourselves into," Belle observed. "After your recent fall from grace, I'm not at all surprised to see my holier-than-thou brother get arrested again," Belle continued, glaring at Eric. "But you, Brady? I did not see this one coming! Did you even think about Rachel? I mean, she already has one parent in prison -- what's she gonna do if she loses you, too?" Belle continued, glaring at Brady. "Kidnapping Stefan DiMera and holding him against his will is a Class 1 felony -- if you two are convicted, you're facing serious prison time!" Belle concluded, giving each brother another glare.

Brady wondered if Belle was ready to stop "haranguing" and start helping. "You understand why I had to step in and do something, right?" Brady assumed. "Yes, I understand your motivation, okay? But do you understand that we have no case here? Even if I could prove that Stefan was a threat -- which is doubtful -- your actions were extreme and completely indefensible!" Belle countered. "Stefan didn't give me a choice!" Brady reasoned, amusing Belle.

Belle found it interesting that Eric had been willing to break the law for Brady. "I guess the family loyalty runs deep -- when it comes to your brother," Belle grumbled. "Are you seriously gonna make this about yourself?" Eric protested. "You made this about me when you assaulted my husband and then questioned my professional judgment for defending Paulina and Chanel against your malicious girlfriend's frivolous lawsuit --" Belle argued.

Eric interrupted to clarify that Sloan was no longer in the picture. "Is that because you took my advice and dumped that bitch...or is it because she cast you aside when she realized your idiotic decision to pose as her paralegal and misrepresent yourself to someone in police custody? Which, to state the obvious, did real damage to any case they had against Li Shin -- which means that D.A. Trask now wants your head on a pike outside of the courthouse," Belle countered.

Belle admitted to feeling inclined to side with Trask, prompting Eric to declare that an understandable impulse. "I know I've made my share of mistakes...and, as of recently, I know that we've been at odds...but I just want to say that I really appreciate you coming down here to help me -- I'm really glad that, even given my recent transgressions, I can still count on my little sister --" Eric raved, drawing a scoff from Belle.

Belle wondered if Eric was being serious. "You think that -- 'even given your recent transgressions' -- I would come down here and bail your ass out? There is no way I'm taking your case!" Belle snapped. "If you didn't come down here to represent Brady and I, then why the hell are you even here?" Eric responded. "Oh, I never said I wasn't gonna represent Brady -- but you, Eric, are on your own!" Belle clarified.

Eric scowled and began lashing out at Belle. "Smug, arrogant, judgmental, thinking that you're so smart -- and all because you've got a law degree!" Eric spat. "If I remember correctly, you failed the bar, like, three times!" Eric concluded. "Oh, you son of a --" Belle interjected. "If you know what's good for you, you'll shut your damn mouth right now!" Brady advised Eric.

Brady started trying to do damage control for Eric. "I know he's been a horse's ass lately --" Brady declared. "What the hell?" Eric protested. "The king of the horses' asses lately, since he broke up with Nicole --" Brady continued. "This has nothing to do with Nicole!" Eric insisted. "Objection overruled," Brady warned Eric. "Listen, I got him into this mess, Belle -- please, I need your help to get him out of it," Brady concluded.

Belle bitterly praised Brady's passionate defense of Eric. "Heartwarming, actually -- brothers sticking up for each other," Belle grumbled. "It is very clear to me that Eric was only an accessory to your crimes, Brady, and I am sure whoever represents Eric will make that argument in court...but as I said before -- and I have not changed my mind -- I will not be taking his case," Belle concluded. "What would Mom say if she knew you turned your back on me?" Eric wondered. "Don't you dare!" Belle snapped. "Don't you dare! You can't leave me in here!" Eric countered. "Watch me," Belle responded before storming off to ask a guard to release only Brady for a bail hearing.

Sloan tracked down Trask at the police station and started to make a demand. "Shouldn't you be out chasing an ambulance? Oh, I think I hear one now -- off you go!" Trask interjected. "I don't hear anything -- you must be picking up a distant dog whistle," Sloan countered. "I don't have time right now for whatever dirtbag you're representing --" Trask stressed. "I'm not here on business -- this is personal. I came here to make sure that you throw the book at Eric Brady," Sloan revealed, drawing a laugh from Trask. "If I put Eric in three hots and a cot, who's gonna make you hot in your cot?" Trask protested, confusing Sloan.

Trask showed Sloan the Spectator's gossip column then explained that Leo was the author. "I cannot believe that little weasel," Sloan grumbled. "You could sue 'Lady' Stark and the paper for libel -- unless, of course, it's true," Trask noted.

Belle approached with Brady before Sloan could respond to Trask's comment. "What about Eric?" Sloan wondered. "What about Eric?" Belle responded.

Belle announced plans to request bail for Brady then hoped that Trask wouldn't try to object. "He's not a flight risk, and he's not a threat to the community," Belle explained. "I think Stefan DiMera would beg to differ with that last part," Trask argued. "Oh, come on -- we both know why Brady did what he did, and the circumstances have changed now," Belle countered.

Belle noted that Trask hadn't gotten a statement from Stefan yet. "Well, I --" Trask stammered. "Yeah -- I'm just guessing that, in hindsight, maybe the victim isn't as upset as you think he is about what my client did," Belle teased.

Sloan sneaked off to the holding cells to see Eric. "Looks like somebody's in need of a good lawyer," Sloan observed.

Chloe was still at the town square when Brady passed through the area, having just been granted bail. "Is this seat taken?" Brady began after approaching Chloe's table.

Rachel takes a stand against Brady and Chloe
Rachel takes a stand against Brady and Chloe

Rachel takes a stand against Brady and Chloe

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

by Mike

Chloe was surprised to see Brady at the town square. "I'm just out on bail," Brady explained. "I'm glad," Chloe declared. "Are you really?" Brady wondered. "Of course!" Chloe insisted.

Chloe hoped that Brady's legal predicament wouldn't result in any prison time. "I'm pretty sure Belle's gonna be able to get the charges dropped," Brady reported. "Oh, yeah, sure, without a doubt -- I mean, no big deal, right? It's just kidnapping someone and subjecting them to a forced deprogramming powered by small kitchen appliances under the direction of a mad-scientist-slash-escaped-convict," Chloe muttered. "I know --" Brady conceded. "It's practically a prank!" Chloe added.

Brady sighed then translated that Chloe didn't want to see a loved one behind bars but also didn't want to condone what that loved one had done. "Let me tell you something right off the bat here -- I would have done what I did and a lot worse to make sure that you and I found our way back to one another!" Brady stressed. "At the end of the day...Stefan is glad I did it, Gabi is glad, I'm glad -- how 'bout you?" Brady concluded. "Well, in your defense, you were just trying to undo what Kristen and Li did -- they're the ones who played God with four people's lives," Chloe backpedaled. "Now those four people's lives are back where they started," Brady noted.

Chloe agreed then told Brady that was a problem in their case. "Rachel still hates me. This is not exactly a 'happily ever after' moment," Chloe explained. "It's different now!" Brady protested. "Kristen is not around to manipulate the situation anymore -- she's not gonna be whispering lies into my daughter's ear about you," Brady continued. "It's a new start," Brady concluded. "And where do I start -- what, do I buy Rachel a pony?" Chloe responded. "My father is bringing Rachel here for lunch, and I would love if you would join us," Brady suggested. "I'm not sure that's a good idea --" Chloe objected. "It would be nice for her to have a woman to talk to," Brady argued.

Rachel entered the town square with John before Chloe could say anything else to Brady. "My daddy was in jail last night -- and it's all your fault," Rachel spat at Chloe after greeting Brady with a hug.

Brady pulled John aside for a private conversation. "You told Rachel that I was in jail?" Brady whispered. "No! She read it in the Spectator," John clarified. "You let her read the Spectator?" Brady incredulously repeated. "No! She was on her tablet -- I thought she was playing --" John defensively explained. "The paper also said weird things about Uncle Eric," Rachel interjected while stepping between Brady and John.

Brady tried to dismiss the Spectator as a newspaper that could no longer be trusted, but Rachel didn't buy that excuse because it was easy to prove that at least some of the things in the publication were true.

Rachel continued lashing out at Chloe, prompting John to intervene then reveal that Brady had once treated Marlena the same way. "I wish she were here right now, because she could tell you this so much better than I ever could," John admitted at the end of the tale while fighting back tears. "I miss her. I wish she was here, too," Rachel responded. "So do I," Brady declared. "She wasn't technically my mom, but she loved me like she was --" Brady continued.

Rachel interrupted to point out that the big difference was that Chloe wasn't a family member. "I'll never love her, and I want her gone!" Rachel stressed while glaring at Chloe, drawing a sigh from Brady.

Brady wanted some time alone with Chloe, but John had a meeting scheduled with Steve and was therefore unable to watch Rachel. "You just tried to get rid of me!" Rachel grumbled after John walked away, but Brady denied the accusation. "I just thought it would be best if I talked to you separately and, maybe, to Chloe separately...but I would love if we could just all have lunch --" Brady responded. "You invited her to my lunch with you?" Rachel snapped.

Rachel plopped down on the ground in the town square and refused to go anywhere with Brady as long as Chloe was around. "I don't want her to think that she can get away with acting like this --" Brady argued when Chloe tried to rush off. "She has been through way too much lately -- it's important that she feels like she knows that she comes first, 'cause you are all that she has right now," Chloe countered before continuing to walk away, drawing a sigh of disappointment from Brady.

Eric assumed that Sloan had heard about what had happened with Belle and had ventured down to the holding cells of the police station to gloat about the situation. "I am still furious with you...but maybe, I admit, I was a little hasty when I ended things so fast, since I find myself missing all the fun we had together -- and I'm not talking about the good, clean type," Sloan clarified before showing Eric that their sexual chemistry had been documented in the Spectator's new gossip column. "Oh, come on, Eric -- I know you miss it, too," Sloan continued. "I think we can work out a deal," Sloan concluded.

E.J. watched with a hint of confusion as Nicole watered one of the DiMera mansion's houseplants with Stefan's abandoned cup of spiked coffee. "What did that aspidistra ever do to you?" E.J. wondered. "It's been doused with poisons and mind-altering drugs since it was a seedling -- and it's not an aspidistra," Nicole responded, laughing off E.J.'s concern about the houseplant -- which looked more like a fiddle-leaf fig. "Well...I like saying 'aspidistra'!" E.J. countered.

Nicole argued that it would be foolish to leave an illegal substance sitting out in the open as potential evidence, and E.J. conceded the point but maintained that neither of them would be committing any crimes during their game because they would simply be thwarting the efforts of the player who was the true criminal. Nicole joked that the drug might not be that bad because it hadn't affected the houseplant yet, but E.J. was only concerned about it working on one human.

E.J. told Nicole that the effects of the drug would probably kick in during Stefan's meeting with Gabi. "Stefan knows all about this drug and its effects, meaning he might start to get suspicious when he's experiencing them," E.J. fretted. "Maybe he'll think it's Gabi's perfume -- I know it gives me a headache," Nicole muttered. "Or the lingering effects of Dr. Rolf's treatment," E.J. noted. "You don't think the drug could...I don't know, do permanent you?" Nicole wondered. "No. I don't think he would risk that with me any more than I would risk it with him," E.J. responded.

E.J. and Nicole continued discussing the matter, unaware that Johnny had just entered the foyer. "Did I just hear you say you're planning to boot Uncle Stefan from the company?" Johnny sputtered while joining Nicole and E.J. in the living room. "I'm not sure what you think you heard --" E.J. responded. "I heard you say that you wanted Stefan to make enough mistakes for you to be able to push him out of DiMera," Johnny clarified. "Your Uncle Stefan has made a mistake," E.J. declared before elaborating that Stefan's fingerprints had been discovered on the vial Johnny had found at DiMera Enterprises.

Li hurled a decorative bowl across the living room of the Shin apartment while fuming about Gabi's betrayal. "If I had a white flag, I'd be waving it," Wendy, who had just emerged from a bedroom and had narrowly dodged the projectile, joked. "I thought you had left," Li admitted. "Oh -- so, you just wanted to trash my apartment, not cause me bodily harm," Wendy translated. "Are you hurt?" Li fretted. "I'm fine -- it's you I'm worried about," Wendy responded.

Li sighed then confided in Wendy about having just found out that Gabi had lied about something. "Which I suspected -- in fact, I knew she did -- so I tracked her phone --" Li casually added. "No wonder she lies to you -- you're stalking her!" Wendy incredulously summarized. "She's my wife!" Li shamelessly reasoned. "And right now, she's in the park -- and I know exactly who she's with!" Li continued. "I can't lose her!" Li concluded. "You don't own her!" Wendy protested. "I don't want to 'own' her -- I want to be her husband, Jing-Wen! I know I did terrible things, but only because I love her -- I love her more than I knew I could love anyone!" Li explained, surprising Wendy.

Wendy admitted that Li's claim seemed sincere. "Thank you --" Li responded. "Don't thank me yet, Li -- you have forced me into the position of having to quote Occidental B.S. 'If you love something, set it free!' Okay? Don't buy a six-month extension and then follow her on your jerk!" Wendy countered. "I don't think I can just give up on Gabi --" Li objected. "You have to!" Wendy maintained.

Li pondered the matter then decided, after Wendy headed off to work, that it would be best to admit defeat. "You want to cancel the contract?" Sloan repeated during a phone conversation with Li. "That's what I said," Li confirmed. "Why the hell would you do that? You've got her right where you want her! She has to live with you for six months -- if she moves out, she loses her shares; if she cheats on you, she loses her shares; if she even jaywalks, she's losing her --" Sloan protested. "Repeat what you said about her cheating," Li interjected. "Well, the contract doesn't state it explicitly, but it's clearly implied under Clause 2.6 in 'Marital Duties' --" Sloan elaborated. "You're a genius!" Li declared before telling Sloan to forget the request.

Johnny headed over to DiMera Enterprises to try to secure a lunch date with Wendy. "If you don't already have plans with your new roomie," Johnny grumbled. "Tripp's at work," Wendy clarified.

Wendy changed the subject without committing to anything, eager to find out if Johnny had any news to share about the vial. Johnny tried to dodge the question, having been sworn to secrecy, but Wendy soon figured out what had happened earlier.

Wendy found it difficult to believe that Stefan was the one who was using drugs, since E.J. was the one who had been acting weird lately, but Johnny didn't buy the argument -- at least at first.

Johnny remained convinced that E.J. wasn't using drugs but conceded that Wendy might be onto something. "He was standing in the room with my Nonno's portrait -- my Nonno, who is a Nobel Prize winner for lying -- so...what if my dad's trying to groom me as his star witness against Stefan? I mean, what if my dad is the one drugging Stefan?" Johnny explained to Wendy -- just as E.J. entered the CEO's office.

Stefan continued feeling the effects of the spiked coffee while trying to have a conversation with Gabi at the park. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gabi wondered after Stefan stumbled backward for no apparent reason. "I'm just...a little dizzy -- you have that effect on me," Stefan responded before hugging Gabi, who was quick to accept the flattering explanation.

Gabi was relieved to know that Stefan was fully deprogrammed at last. "But we're still not together -- not the way we should be," Gabi fretted. "Whose fault is that?" Stefan teased. "Li's -- everything is Li's fault --" Gabi declared. "Li did not hit you over the head with his club and take you back to his cave for six months -- you chose to stay married to him," Stefan countered.

Stefan expressed concerns about the most likely reason for that decision, prompting Gabi to deny having lingering feelings for Li. "He made me an offer I couldn't refuse," Gabi clarified before telling Stefan the whole story then deciding to back out of the deal. "I think you need to stay with Li," Stefan advised, stunning Gabi.

Stefan struggled to stay focused while trying to explain to Gabi that they needed Li's shares as an insurance policy to guarantee that they would eventually be able to regain control of DiMera Enterprises. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gabi repeated. "I'm just feeling a little fuzzy -- thank you, Rolf," Stefan grumbled.

Stefan forged ahead, detailing the plan to oust E.J., and Gabi agreed to play along -- then they sealed the deal with a kiss. "What the hell's going on here?" Li called out, startling Gabi and Stefan.

Nicole ran into Eric and Sloan outside the Brady Pub and was stunned to learn that they had just gotten back together. "Why would I give up the best sex of my life -- and why would he?" Sloan explained to Nicole before kissing Eric.

Paulina receives troubling news
Paulina receives troubling news

Paulina receives troubling news

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Horton Town Square, Abe complimented Chanel on the success of the bakery. Chanel presented Abe with a cookie, and the two sat down to talk. Abe referenced Chanel and Allie's breakup, and he told Chanel that she didn't have to hide her feelings. Chanel said that a large part of her and Allie's problems had been that Chanel couldn't let go of Johnny.

Abe asked if Chanel had thought about starting over with Johnny. Chanel replied that Johnny had moved on with Wendy. Abe announced that he was on his way to meet Paulina. Abe and Chanel hugged, and the two said they loved one another.

After Abe left, Chanel saw a young Black woman who asked if Chanel knew who owned the bakery. The woman asked for a job at Sweet Bits, and she and Chanel each boasted that they made the best chocolate chip cookies in the country. Chanel tasted the lady's cookies, and she told the woman to fill out a job application.

Outside the Brady Pub, Sloan made a display of affection for Eric in Nicole's presence. Nicole asked if Sloan had told Eric that she'd talked openly about the couple's sex life in the Spectator. Sloan attempted to slap Nicole, who grabbed Sloan's wrist. "Careful, counselor. I invented that move," Nicole boasted.

Sloan left, and Eric asked if Nicole had enjoyed herself. Nicole said she hadn't. Nicole told Eric that he shouldn't be with Sloan, and she called Sloan a "terrible person." Eric scoffed that Nicole would pass judgment on any woman. Eric said that since Marlena had died, he no longer cared if Sloan was bad for him. Nicole said that Eric had become a "shallow jerk," and she stormed off.

In Paulina's office, Belle surprised Paulina when she said the check Paulina had given as a retainer had bounced. Paulina apologized, and she called the bank to learn what had happened. Paulina was stunned when she learned that her assets had been frozen, and she wondered how it was possible.

Sloan appeared, and she boasted that she was responsible for Paulina's assets being frozen. Sloan added that she was suing Paulina for "every last cent." Sloan said that Chanel had been responsible for Sloan's mother's death. Belle vowed to fight Sloan in court. Before leaving, Sloan warned that she would take everything from Paulina.

Later, Abe joined Belle and Paulina in the office. Paulina instructed Belle to do whatever it took to stop Sloan. Abe tried to calm Paulina by saying that Belle would handle Sloan. Paulina said that if she had to choose between protecting her money or protecting Chanel, she would always choose Chanel.

After she had left Paulina's office, Sloan hurried into Eric's room. Eric mentioned that he and Sloan had planned to meet at Sloan's place. "I couldn't wait," Sloan said, and she threw Eric onto the bed.

In the park, Li confronted Gabi and Stefan after he saw the two kissing. Stefan tried to downplay the kiss, and he called it "one-sided." Stefan recalled that Gabi had told him about Li's six-month marriage plan, and he admitted that he had hoped the kiss would encourage Gabi to back out of the marriage agreement.

Li said that he had something to tell Gabi, and he announced a "morals clause" to detail what Gabi could and couldn't do in the six months that she had agreed to stay married to him. Li said that if Gabi were to commit adultery, their deal would be voided, and Gabi's shares would revert to Li. Gaby left with Li.

Later, in Wendy's apartment, Gabi blasted Li over his demands, and she accused him of following her. Gabi made veiled threats about what a vindictive wife could do to a man's career, and she cautioned Li to be careful about how he treated her. Li surprised Gabi when he said he thought the two of them should end their marriage.

Li proposed letting Gabi out of their marriage in exchange for control of Gabi's shares. Gabi flashed back to her conversation with Stefan in the park. Li pressed Gabi for an answer. Gabi said she intended to live up to her deal with Li, and she proposed that she and Li be civil. To that extent, Gabi offered to attend the Van Gogh exhibit with Li.

At DiMera Enterprises, E.J. told Johnny and Wendy that he had overheard them discussing the topic of drugs. E.J. confirmed that he was suspicious of Stefan, and he said that letting Wendy in on his suspicions was a good idea. Johnny thought that E.J. should ask Stefan about the drugs, but E.J. said it was best if he, Johnny, and Wendy kept the matter to themselves. Johnny and Wendy left for the park.

Later, Stefan appeared in the office. E.J. surmised that Stefan had been to see Gabi. Stefan told E.J. about Li having interrupted Stefan and Gabi's kiss. E.J. pretended that he didn't know anyone named "Li," and he claimed he'd been overwhelmed at work.

Stefan asked to take a look at some figures that E.J. had been working on. E.J. said that he thought he'd figured out what was wrong with him. Stefan's eyes widened, but E.J. said he'd been pushing himself at the gym and that he thought he was dehydrated. Stefan left to grab the two men a drink, and E.J. watched him closely as he left. Outside the door, Stefan slipped the drug into a bottle of water meant for E.J.

Stefan returned to the office. The phone rang, and when Stefan turned his back, E.J. switched water bottles with Stefan. E.J. watched as Stefan took a large gulp from the bottle that had been meant for E.J. Stefan praised E.J. for the work he'd done on the reports. E.J. asked if Stefan had learned what deal Gabi had made with Li.

Stefan told E.J. about the six-month agreement between Gabi and Li. E.J. and Stefan both said that a lot could happen in six months. E.J. asked if Stefan would team up with Gabi to oust E.J. as CEO after the six months had passed. Stefan replied that he would never betray his own brother. "I feel exactly the same way," E.J. said to Stefan as the two men stared directly at each other.

In the park, Johnny and Wendy ate pizza on a bench. Wendy said she didn't think that E.J. had been completely honest with them. Just then, Nicole appeared after having overheard the two. "What's this about E.J.?" Nicole asked.

Nicole surmised that Johnny had told Wendy about Stefan. Johnny said he had a hard time believing that Stefan was using drugs, and he added that he felt that whoever was taking drugs wasn't doing so voluntarily. Nicole asked what Johnny had meant. "What if one DiMera brother is drugging the other one?" Wendy asked.

Nicole said it was ridiculous to suggest that E.J. was drugging Stefan, and she recalled having been present when the report had revealed that Stefan's fingerprints had been on the vial found in the offices at DiMera Enterprises. "So, if E.J. bought the drugs, then how could Stefan's fingerprints be on the vial?" Nicole asked.

Johnny conceded that Nicole had a point. Nicole offered that they should trust E.J. to do what was best for Stefan. After Nicole left, Wendy said that Nicole had made a compelling case that there was no conspiracy at DiMera Enterprises. "Unless Nicole is in on it," Johnny said.

Alex goes behind Maggie
Alex goes behind Maggie's back at Titan

Alex goes behind Maggie's back at Titan

Thursday, March 9, 2023

by Steve Holley

Outside Sweet Bits Bakery, Chanel told the woman she'd encountered earlier that the bakery needed a new employee. The lady introduced herself as Talia, and she left to fill out a job application. Paulina appeared, and she told Chanel that their assets had been frozen. Paulina said the court would be watching closely for unnecessary expenses, and she told Chanel to take down the bakery's "Help Wanted" sign.

Chanel said that she had already found a baker that she wanted to hire. Paulina admitted that Talia made good cookies, but she told Chanel to hold off on hiring anyone. After returning from a meeting with Jada, Talia approached Chanel with a rsum in hand. Chanel told Talia that there was something important she had to say about the job. "You're hired!" Chanel told an excited Talia.

At the Salem Police Station, Jada was surprised when Rafe turned down her invitation to lunch. Rafe said that Abe had sent an email discouraging interoffice relationships. Rafe added that he and Jada shouldn't be fraternizing. Jada recalled that she and Rafe had enjoyed hamburgers on Valentine's Day, and she asked if Rafe had thought the two had been on a date.

Rafe said he thought it was best if he and Jada didn't socialize outside of work to avoid "confusion." Jada asked what Rafe had meant. "Rafe, are you saying that -- are you interested in me?" Jada asked.

Jada added that Rafe was her friend and that he could be honest with her. Just then, Talia appeared, and she and Jada shared a warm hug. Jada said that Talia was her younger sister, and she introduced Talia to Rafe. Talia surprised Jada when she said that she was moving to Salem.

Rafe received an alert on his phone, and he excused himself. Talia said that her plans to move to New York had fallen through when she had broken up with someone. Talia reasoned that it was time for a fresh start in Salem, but she noted that Jada didn't seem happy with the news. Jada said that she was happy for Talia, but she questioned where Talia would live and what she would do for a job.

Talia shared that she wanted to move in with Jada and that she had already received a job application. Talia left to rejoin Chanel. Rafe returned, and Jada noted that the two hadn't finished their conversation from earlier about their relationship. Rafe's phone rang again, and he said that Jada should grab lunch. Jada seemed confused as Rafe walked away.

In the office at the Spectator, Gwen tried to cheer up Xander. Gwen told Xander that the paper's circulation had increased both in newsstand sales and in online traffic. The two hugged when Gwen said the Spectator had outsold the Intruder. Caught up in the moment, Gwen kissed Xander on the lips.

Gwen apologized for the kiss as Leo entered the office. Xander rushed out of the office. "What's her problem?" Leo asked Gwen about Xander.

Leo was surprised when Gwen said that she and Xander had kissed. Gwen recalled that Xander had looked miserable when she had found him in the office earlier, and she added that it was obvious that Xander was still pining over Sarah.

Leo thought it was suspicious that Xander and Sarah's divorce decree had gone missing, and he said that someone in the office had been a "Xarah" fan. Gwen scolded Leo for giving Xander and Sarah a couple's name, but Leo remarked that soon Gwen and Xander would have their own couple's name.

Leo left, and Gwen said aloud that she wished she shared Leo's optimism. Xander returned to the office after a meeting with Maggie at Titan. Gwen asked if she and Xander could talk about the following day's paper. "Actually, I was thinking that we could talk about us," Xander said.

Earlier, at the Brady Pub, Leo had pressed Chad for behind-the-scenes information as to why Maggie had been chosen as the new CEO at Titan over Alex. Stephanie appeared, and she asked what Chad and Leo had been discussing.

Leo asked Stephanie for sordid details about her relationship with Alex. Chad slammed his fist on the table and told Leo to shut up. "They broke up because Alex shut off her phone. They were on a date. Alex didn't want to be interrupted, so he shut off her phone. She didn't get to say goodbye to her dying mom," Chad blurted out.

Stephanie grabbed Leo, and she told him to leave. Leo expressed sympathy for Stephanie's grief over Kayla. Afterwards, Stephanie blasted Chad for what he had told Leo. Chad apologized, but Stephanie chided him for talking to a gossip columnist.

Chad called Alex a "douchebag," and he admitted that he was glad Alex hadn't been named CEO of Titan. Stephanie told Chad to work on his communication skills with others, and she stormed out of the pub.

Later, Stephanie returned to the pub after a run-in with Alex in the park, and she and Chad apologized to one another. Chad said that he had let his personal feelings for Alex get in the way of his job. Chad added that he and Stephanie had a good thing going and that he didn't want to mess things up. "Me, either," Stephanie replied, and she and Chad held hands at the table.

At Titan, Alex daydreamed that he had asked Stephanie to have sex with him on his desk. Maggie appeared, and she asked what Alex was doing in her chair. Alex vowed that he would do what was best for Titan, despite not being named CEO. Maggie said that she wanted Titan to focus more on the publishing industry.

Alex said that his first order of business had been to make Bella the company's flagship magazine. Maggie surprised Alex when she said that she was shutting down the magazine. Maggie reasoned that the magazine had been struggling for a long time. Alex showed concern for the magazine's employees, but Maggie coldly replied that she was the CEO.

Alex was surprised by Maggie's blunt assessment of the magazine. Maggie said she would find a place in the company for Alex. Xander appeared, and he gave Maggie flowers. Alex left, and Xander deduced that Alex was upset.

After Alex left the Titan office, he and Stephanie bumped into one another in the park. Stephanie said she was sorry that Alex hadn't been named CEO. Alex said that Maggie "couldn't care less" about his input and that Maggie had shut down Bella. Stephanie encouraged Alex to fight for the magazine.

Back at Titan, Maggie congratulated Xander on his new job, and she admitted her surprise that Jack and Jennifer had left the Spectator to Xander and Gwen. Xander said that the paper's latest edition had been a success, and he added that he wanted Maggie to give an exclusive interview to the paper.

Maggie agreed to the request. Afterwards, Xander thanked Maggie for the interview. Maggie asked how things were going with Xander and Gwen. Xander admitted that he had spent time with Gwen, but he added that he wasn't over Sarah. Xander and Maggie hugged. Before he left, Xander said that of all the people Victor had put in the CEO's chair through the years, Maggie was the best.

Later, Alex returned to Maggie's office, but he found that Maggie had left. Alex sat behind the CEO's desk, and he picked up the phone. "Uncle Vic, it's me. Was wondering if we could have a little chat about Bella," Alex said.

E.J. and Stefan scheme against one another
E.J. and Stefan scheme against one another

E.J. and Stefan scheme against one another

Friday, March 10, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Titan, Alex asked Victor to consider Alex's input on the future of Bella before making final decisions. Alex hung up the phone, and he was confident that Victor supported him. Maggie entered, and she told Alex that she had intended to inform the magazine staff that she had terminated Bella, but the staff had all left for the day. The phone rang, and Maggie said hello to Victor.

Maggie hung up the phone, and she surprised Alex when she said that Victor fully supported her decision to shut down Bella. Maggie said that Victor had told her that Alex had gone behind her back. Maggie scolded Alex for having told Victor that Maggie wasn't experienced enough to make bold business decisions.

Maggie said that Alex should resign if he couldn't accept that she was CEO. Alex said that he could accept Maggie as CEO, and he apologized. Maggie said that Alex should be the one to break the bad news to the magazine staff, since Alex had such strong feelings about Bella.

Maggie then told Alex to bring her every account he was in charge of so that Maggie could review them. "And Alex, if you ever go behind my back again to Victor, I will fire you. And the next time, I won't be joking," Maggie said.

Later, Xander visited Maggie after a fight with Gwen. Xander told Maggie that he had taken her advice about having a candid conversation with Gwen. Xander said he didn't think his conversation with Gwen could have gone any worse.

Earlier, in the office at the Spectator, Xander said that he couldn't consider a romantic relationship with Gwen until he knew his divorce from Sarah was final. Just then, Leo entered, and he presented Xander with a copy of Xander's final divorce decree.

Leo said he had bribed someone in the clerk's office to expedite Xander's divorce so that Xander could move on. Xander thanked Leo, who referred to Sarah as "Sourpuss Sarah" and "that sanctimonious Judgy McJudgerton Mayor of Judgetown," and he proposed that they should all celebrate.

Leo eventually left to give Gwen and Xander time alone. Xander told Gwen that he still loved Sarah and that he didn't know if he would ever get over her. Gwen grew angry when she recalled that Xander had used her for sex and whenever he had needed a co-conspirator in crime.

Gwen said that Xander was no better than her. "And you put Sarah up on this pedestal because you think I will never measure up. Isn't that right? Isn't that what you think?" Gwen said. Xander admitted that Gwen was right.

Gwen replied that Xander had finally admitted the truth, and she added that she had been an "idiot" for holding out hope for her and Xander. Gwen stated that she didn't want to be Xander's friend or business partner, and she added that she didn't know how to look at Xander without wanting to tear his eyes out. Xander admitted that he had handled things poorly and that he had hurt Gwen badly.

Xander said that since the Spectator had been Jack's newspaper, Gwen should be the only one to run it. Xander said goodbye to Gwen, and he left.

Later, Gwen appeared at the bar in Town Square, and she ordered a drink. Alex saw Gwen, and he joined her at a table after the two admitted they'd both had a bad day.

At Salem University Hospital, Tripp told Steve over the phone that it didn't feel right to be back at the hospital without Kayla. Johnny appeared, and he said he was there to see Tripp. Johnny mentioned that E.J. had had some tests taken, and he wondered if he could get a copy of the results. Tripp refused on the grounds of HIPAA rules. Johnny said he understood. Tripp walked away, and Johnny spotted Tripp's hospital ID badge that he had accidentally left behind at the nurses' station.

In Wendy's apartment, Wendy told Wei Shin that Tripp had moved in with her, Gabi, and Li. Wei was surprised when Wendy said that she had been seeing Johnny. Wei said that Wendy was cementing their family's legacy by being involved with a DiMera heir. Wei said that the closer Wendy grew to Johnny, the stronger their family's position would be at DiMera Enterprises.

Wei left the apartment after he received a dinner invitation from E.J. Johnny appeared, and he told Wendy that he had managed to get a copy of E.J.'s test results from the hospital. Johnny asked for Wendy's help to decipher the results.

Wendy used her phone to search for something that had been found in the results. Wendy recalled that E.J. had alluded to a recreational street drug. "Well, I think if your Uncle Stefan wanted to get high, he probably wouldn't use a rare medical-grade drug that not only induces euphoria, but it also has a host of nasty side effects," Wendy said.

Wendy added that she believed E.J. had lied to Johnny. Wendy mentioned that E.J. had invited Wei to dinner, and she wondered if E.J. had done so with the intention of drugging Stefan in front of Wei. Johnny shared that he thought that had been E.J.'s exact plan, and he phoned Stefan immediately. "Uncle Stefan, I hate to tell you this, but I think that somebody might be drugging you," Johnny said.

Johnny told Stefan to be careful about what he would eat and drink that evening, and the phone call ended. Afterwards, Johnny told Wendy that he hoped he'd done the right thing. Johnny worried that he had outed E.J. to Stefan. "I guess it's inevitable now that I'm going to have to confront my father. I mean, you can't just do something that underhanded and expect to get away with it," Johnny said.

Just then, an angry Tripp walked in. "You mean like what you just did to me?" Tripp asked Johnny.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole told E.J. that Johnny and Wendy suspected E.J. of drugging Stefan. E.J. asked how Nicole had reacted. Nicole said she had lied, and she said she hoped that Johnny had believed her. E.J. said that Stefan had tried to drug his bottle of water at the DiMera office earlier and that E.J. had switched the bottles.

Stefan entered, and he stumbled as he recalled that he had been feeling lightheaded. E.J. insinuated that Stefan was lightheaded because Stefan had been held prisoner by Rolf. Stefan left to go upstairs, intending to rest.

After Stefan left the room, E.J. told Nicole that it seemed the drug was having its intended effect. Nicole said that E.J.'s plans would be all for nothing if no one at DiMera Enterprises saw Stefan in bad shape. Nicole's remarks prompted E.J.'s call to Wei in which he invited Wei to dinner at the mansion.

After hanging up the phone, E.J. said that he would turn the tables on Stefan by drugging him so that Stefan would make a fool of himself in front of Wei. E.J. noted that given Wei's impatience, Stefan could be unemployed by the following day. Nicole asked if E.J. was certain he wanted to risk drugging Stefan in front of Wei.

E.J. was confident that his hands would be clean if anything went awry. A short while later, E.J. welcomed Wei into the mansion. E.J. feigned concern about Stefan's mental health and disclosed that Stefan hadn't been himself. Wei replied that he hadn't heard any word about Stefan's behavior at work. "But I've heard plenty about yours," Wei told a startled E.J.

Wei referenced the press conference debacle. E.J. assured Wei that he was fine, and he claimed that he thought Stefan had brain damage due to what he had gone through with Rolf. Wei correctly guessed that E.J. had invited him to witness Stefan's behavior. Just then, Stefan reentered the dining area of the mansion.

Stefan offered to make drinks for everyone. Unbeknownst to E.J. and Nicole, Stefan had been tipped off by Johnny, and he slipped the drug into a drink meant for E.J. Stefan handed martinis to Nicole and Wei. Nicole said that Stefan had forgotten olives for their drinks. Nicole's remark caused Stefan to place two more martinis that he had been carrying on a table nearby -- one for E.J. and one for Stefan.

With Stefan's back turned, E.J. switched the drinks around so that Stefan would have the drink that had been drugged. Stefan said that they were out of olives. E.J. went to search for the olives. With E.J.'s back turned, Stefan quietly switched the drinks back to their original positions, and he lifted the glass that was initially intended for himself. E.J. returned with the olives, and Stefan prepared to propose a toast.

"To the future of DiMera Enterprises," Stefan said. Everyone sipped their drinks. E.J. stared at Stefan without knowing that Stefan had switched the drinks again to drug E.J.

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