Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 13, 2023 on DAYS

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Chanel ended her relationship with Allie. Stefan called Gabi by Chloe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 13, 2023 on DAYS

Chanel ended her relationship with Allie. Jack gave the paper to Gwen. E.J. struggled thanks to Stefan. Brady was frustrated by Chloe's absence. Stefan called Gabi by Chloe's name. Gabi ran to Li. Kayla's spirit visited Steve. Nicole slept with E.J. Wendy and Johnny went on a date. Sonny, Ari, Allie, and Henry decided to move to New Zealand with Will. Marlena made a deal with the devil. Kayla and Kate refused to let Marlena sacrifice herself. Kate's spirit asked Roman not to kill Orpheus. Orpheus told John and Steve he knew who had killed their wives.

Allie and Alex table their goodbye when Chanel interrupts
Allie and Alex table their goodbye when Chanel interrupts

Allie and Alex table their goodbye when Chanel interrupts

Monday, February 13, 2023

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by Mike

Gwen and Xander, still facing off with Jennifer and Jack at the Horton house, took turns demanding an immediate answer to the ultimatum that was on the table. "You've had all night to think about it," Xander impatiently concluded. "It didn't take that long to decide," Jennifer coolly responded. "Jennifer, maybe we should --" Jack worriedly objected. "There's nothing more to talk about -- we are not giving these two vultures our paper!" Jennifer firmly declared.

Gwen shrugged then contacted Rafe. "It's urgent -- I was just calling you because --" Gwen began to explain. "She thinks you're doing a good job," Jack claimed before ending the call.

Jack agreed to give Gwen and Xander control of the Spectator, ignoring Jennifer's protests that it would be a mistake to let the newspaper fall into the wrong hands. "You get to keep your freedom -- that's an even trade to me," Jack argued, and Jennifer accepted the out after some thought. "You did everything that you could to damage and to destroy his family -- and when that wasn't enough, you took his life's work! Is it finally, finally enough? Are you finally, finally satisfied?" Jennifer spat at Gwen. "This conversation has stopped being constructive --" Xander interjected. "Or are you just trying to shield Gwen -- her being so frail and fragile and everything?" Jack countered.

Xander implied that Jennifer was the one who needed to be protected due to having a habit of making bad decisions when under stress. "She's sorry for that -- profoundly sorry! Unlike my daughter, whose idea of atonement is to go off and do something even more vile than her last obscenity --" Jack declared. "Again, not constructive, Jack -- that kind of talk might make me want to point out that you wouldn't even have the paper if you hadn't blackmailed it from Leo's mother, and then we could point out one of my many crimes, and Gwen would counterattack, and on and on and on, ad nauseam...and the truth is, I don't think the four of us are enjoying each other's company anymore," Xander responded.

Xander started to leave the house after advising Jack and Jennifer to think of the turn of events not as a door closing but instead as a window opening, and Gwen began to follow but soon decided to keep the conversation going. "Dad --" Gwen began. "Don't ever call me that again," Jack warned, refusing to even look at Gwen, who sighed then continued exiting the house with Xander. "This is all my fault --" Jennifer fretted to Jack once the coast was clear. "For the giving Gwen the paper was selfish on my part, because I just couldn't live without you," Jack interjected before changing the subject, offering to take Jennifer to the Bistro for Valentine's Day.

Leo sent out a message to followers while passing through the town square, letting them know that Alex had been spotted "sucking lemons and swapping spit" with Allie the previous night as the latest in a string of recent incidents that showcased the "penchant for breaking hearts" that all Kiriakis men seemed to possess. "Can't wait 'til you read that, Jackson --" Leo muttered. "What are you babbling about now, you creep?" Sonny wondered.

Leo bragged to Sonny about having just landed a job as a gossip columnist. "I should have figured -- after all the dirt you've given them, it was just a matter of time until the Intruder put you on their payroll," Sonny responded. "I got hired at the Spectator," Leo clarified. "Jack Deveraux wouldn't hire you in a million years!" Sonny objected, prompting Leo to tease that the newspaper would soon be under new ownership as a result of a hostile takeover.

Sonny grabbed and shook Leo while demanding more information, but Xander arrived with Gwen just then and intervened. Sonny argued that Jack had done a lot for both Gwen and Xander and deserved better from them in return. Gwen claimed that Jack had handed over the Spectator as a gift, drawing a nod of skepticism from Sonny. "Who else did you hire -- Beavis and Butt-Head?" Sonny challenged Gwen before guessing that Xander was going to be the newspaper's gardening columnist. "More like the hired muscle," Xander warned before escorting Gwen and Leo into the nearby Salem Inn. "Joseph Pulitzer must be rolling over in his grave," Sonny mused with a shake of the head while walking away.

Xander and Leo were so eager to celebrate that they both failed to notice that Gwen didn't share their excitement.

Gabi spotted Wendy while jogging through the park. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Gabi wondered. "Took an early lunch -- things were pretty slow," Wendy responded.

Gabi suspected that wasn't the only reason Wendy had decided to take a break. "You look like you just lost your best friend," Gabi observed. "He wasn't my best friend -- we've actually only known each other for a couple of months," Wendy clarified.

Gabi guessed that Wendy was talking about Johnny. "You faked something for so long, it turned real," Gabi summarized. "The problem is...he's still hung up on Chanel," Wendy explained. "So, you're just gonna give up?" Gabi sputtered. "You're not someone who gives up -- if you want something, you go after it, and there's nothing stopping you -- but no one would ever say that about me," Wendy admitted. "When I first met you, you barged into my hotel room, demanding tickets to the DiMera gala -- and then you showed up here, demanding a promotion!" Gabi noted. "That wasn't such a big deal," Wendy insisted.

Gabi challenged Wendy to name one difference between fighting for a job and fighting for a man. "The job isn't still in love with its ex-wife," Wendy grumbled. "And I'm not just worried that Johnny's still hung up on Chanel -- I mean, the truth is, I don't know him very well," Wendy continued. "The other day, I was talking to Allie, and she said some pretty scary things about him -- especially about the way he treats women -- and it was like she was trying to warn me off," Wendy concluded. "I think she's mad at her brother, and she wants to run him down -- and, obviously, she's not gonna have an objective opinion on him," Gabi advised.

Johnny, still with Paulina outside the Brady Pub, continued insisting that Alex was the person who was responsible for Chanel's recent string of arguments with Allie. "Alex is a bit of a loose cannon --" Paulina tried to respond. "That's a nice way to put it --" Johnny muttered. "But he also makes for a pretty convenient scapegoat," Paulina concluded.

Johnny gave Paulina a scoff of indignation. "Don't kid a kidder," Paulina warned. "Nothing happened between --" Johnny maintained. "Chanel told me that you nearly both did something --" Paulina argued. "But we didn't -- we stopped --" Johnny stressed. "I don't think that's quite the merit badge you think it is -- and why are you so focused on Chanel, anyway?" Paulina countered.

Johnny informed Paulina that the original plan had been to move on with someone else. "But that was before I blew it all to hell," Johnny fretted. "One thing I've learned -- here in Salem, there is no such thing as 'blowing it all to hell'...'cause if there was, believe me, I'd be single right now! So, you know, if you think you and this girl have a future, you need to stop moping around and do something about it," Paulina advised.

Paulina soon rushed off, leaving Johnny alone to ponder the advice -- but Wendy made the first move, phoning to arrange a meeting in the park. "You said you changed your mind about me," Johnny sputtered. "I changed it back," Wendy explained.

Wendy suggested a trip to the revival theater to watch Evil Dead II, prompting Johnny to reiterate that the previous night had been the only opportunity to see the movie on a big screen. "But I think it's streaming," Johnny assured Wendy.

Allie scrambled to hide Alex while Chanel was still locked out of the Horton apartment. "Sorry I didn't let you in -- I was on the phone," Allie claimed when Chanel entered the apartment seconds later -- and Alex listened while crouched under the covered kitchen table. "I wanted to come here and tell you, face to face, that I believe you -- I know nothing happened between you and Alex --" Chanel explained to Allie while removing a coat and draping it over the back of one of the table's chairs. "How 'bout we go on a walk and talk about this?" Allie nervously suggested. "Okay, yeah -- but first, I have to tell you this," Chanel excitedly responded.

Chanel continued apologizing to Allie while leaning against the chair, eager to settle their differences right away. "When I found Alex's underwear, I just jumped to the wrong conclusion, and there was a totally reasonable explanation, and I should have just listened to you -- you're my girlfriend, and I trust you," Chanel eventually concluded. "You're right -- nothing happened...that night --" Allie guiltily muttered.

Chanel quickly interrupted again, wanting to make it clear that Allie wasn't the only one who had stayed faithful. "But...full disclosure -- Johnny did drive me home last night...and, for a second, I thought that something might happen," Chanel admitted. "I was just so upset when I saw you and Alex together that I was convinced that you had cheated on me with him, and I thought that maybe if I slept with Johnny, I could pay you back," Chanel continued. "God, am I glad I didn't, because you mean way too much to me to risk losing you -- which is why I just want to put all of this behind us and just stop all this fighting and work this out," Chanel concluded.

Allie and Chanel exchanged declarations of love then sealed their reconciliation with a kiss -- just as Alex's cell phone started ringing. "Want to get that?" Chanel prodded Allie -- but Alex sent the call to voicemail during the third ring. "I actually have it on a setting of, like, one to two rings, 'cause I keep getting these robocalls, and they're just driving me crazy," Allie explained to Chanel before again trying to move the conversation to a different location. "Did you change your ringtone?" Chanel wondered. "Yesterday -- but why are we talking about this? I mean, you're back -- who cares about my damn phone?" Allie responded.

Chanel gave Allie a nod of skepticism then produced a cell phone and dialed Alex's number to test a hunch. "Nice try," Chanel snapped at Allie when Alex's cell phone started ringing again.

Alex emerged from the hiding place and told Chanel that the situation wasn't as bad as it seemed, but Allie admitted the truth when challenged. Alex tried to take all the blame for the one-night stand, but Chanel interrupted and demanded to be left alone with Allie, who waited until the coast was clear then begged for a chance to make things right. "We're just hurting each other, and the last thing that I ever want to do is hurt you, so...I think it's best if we just end things now, before we hurt each other even more," Chanel responded before rushing off, ignoring Allie's protests -- and they each broke down after the apartment door slammed shut.

Alex entered the Kiriakis mansion while Sonny was recording a voicemail message for Will that hinted at the Spectator's change of ownership. "Just what Salem needs -- more dirt," Alex muttered after Sonny ended the call. "You seem to be in a foul mood," Sonny observed. "I just got back from Allie and Chanel's --" Alex began to explain. "Okay -- well, you guys usually have a lot of fun together, so --" Sonny teased. "What happened? I destroyed their relationship!" Alex fretted.

Stefan and Gabi
Stefan and Gabi's Valentine's Day hits a snag

Stefan and Gabi's Valentine's Day hits a snag

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

by Spalding

Outside the Brady Pub, Stephanie and Jada hugged. "How are you? How's your dad?" Jada asked. "A mess. We all are. I honestly don't know how we're going to get through my mom's funeral tomorrow," Stephanie said. Jada reminded Stephanie that everyone was there to support her and the family. Stephanie changed the subject.

"I heard that you and my cousin Eric broke up," Stephanie said. "A while ago. It's fine. It just wasn't meant to be," Jada explained. Jada admitted that she had not had time to find a new apartment. "[Eric and I] haven't run into each other much," Jada added. Eric rounded the corner, and he said hello.

After Stephanie left, Jada gave Eric her condolences for his losses. "I know you and Kate got close," Eric said. Jada admitted that Kate had helped support her after the abortion. Eric told Jada that he was glad she had moved on. Jada asked about Sloan. "Sloan and I are a casual thing. What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" Eric asked. Jada admitted that she was not interested in getting involved with anyone.

"I know things didn't work out, but I want you to know, I think you're great. Whoever you choose to be with will be a lucky person," Eric said. Jada smiled sadly, and she told Eric to enjoy his night. After Jada entered the pub, Eric looked at his phone.

At Basic Black, Brady read the card stuck in a bouquet of flowers. "Happy Valentine's Day, love Stefan," Brady said. Brady threw the flowers in the trash, then called Chloe and left a voicemail. "I'm worried about you. I have no idea where you are, and everyone I've talked to hasn't seen you or heard from you," Brady said.

"I have," Nicole said as she walked into the room. Brady ended his call. Nicole noticed the flowers in the trash. "Stefan needs to go back to Gabi," Brady muttered. Brady asked Nicole if it was true that Gabi had taken Stefan prisoner and forced him to undergo deprogramming. "Yeah. Rolf showed up to zap his brain, and the machine he was using, well, it broke halfway through," Nicole said. Nicole added that Stefan loved both Gabi and Chloe.

"You feel sorry for him?" Brady asked. "I feel a little sorry for him. I mean, he was brainwashed, and in the middle of getting it undone, Rolf's equipment craps out," Nicole said. With a shake of his head, Brady argued that Stefan should not have needed deprogramming to realize his love for Gabi. "I even told Stefan [that you belonged with Chloe]," Nicole said. Brady asked if Chloe was okay.

"[Chloe] is freaked out," Nicole said. Confused, Brady noted that Chloe had gone to the mansion to break up with Stefan. Nicole explained that Chloe had made that decision because she had not known whether Stefan's feelings for Chloe were real or not. "[Chloe found] out that [Stefan's] feelings for Gabi are back. And it's just, it was too much for her," Nicole said. Brady asked for Chloe's location, but Nicole refused to share it.

"[Chloe] doesn't want to see you, either," Nicole said. Brady dropped his head in his hands. Nicole explained that although Chloe understood why Brady had dumped her, she was upset that he had not confided in her about Kristen's blackmail from the start. "I couldn't," Brady argued. "She wishes that you trusted her," Nicole said. Brady countered that he trusted Chloe, but he had been concerned that Kristen would destroy the orchid.

"Then the three women would die. Oh, but they did, anyway, didn't they?" Brady said. With a sigh, Brady lamented that he had not told someone sooner. "What happened to those women is not your fault," Nicole said. "What I do know is they're gone. And no matter what you say, it's too much. This tragic set of circumstances, losing Chloe," Brady said with a shrug. Nicole stressed that Brady had not lost Chloe.

"[Chloe] is just overwhelmed, and she needed some space," Nicole said. Nicole reminded Brady that she was on his side. "Sooner or later, Rolf will finish the procedure, and everything will go back to the way it should be -- you with Chloe, and Stefan with Gabi," Nicole said. Brady scoffed, and he asked Nicole to cut him a break on Valentine's Day.

"I know, but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone where she is," Nicole said. Brady explained that he wanted to tell Chloe that he missed her and loved her. "Brady, I promise you, she knows," Nicole said. Nicole advised Brady to focus on his family and Marlena's funeral. Brady nodded in agreement. With a sigh, Brady asked Nicole how she was feeling. Nicole told Brady about her strange ailment. Brady changed the subject to Eric's drinking, and Nicole admitted that she knew.

"[Eric] invited me to join him [in a drink]," Brady said. Nicole gasped. "I declined, of course, but I'm worried about him. He's not in a good place," Brady said. "He did just lose his mom," Nicole said. Brady argued that Eric also missed Nicole. Nicole disagreed. "[Eric's] moved on. He prefers hanging out with Sloan Petersen," Nicole said. Brady asked Nicole if she had moved on with E.J. Nicole told Brady that she believed he would get back together with Chloe, and she walked out.

Brady called Chloe's cell phone, and he left another voicemail. "I wanted to let you know I talked to Nicole. She told me you're okay. Very happy to hear that," Brady said. Brady added that he understood that Chloe needed space. "I also wanted to let you know that I love you, that I miss you very, very much. Happy Valentine's Day, Chloe Lane," Brady said.

In the DiMera living room, Stefan noted how well Nicole had negotiated a deal for Basic Black. Distracted, E.J. said, "Unlike me." Stefan agreed that E.J. had been off his game. "I don't know what's wrong with me today," E.J. admitted. "You kept losing your train of thought in that meeting. I thought those execs were gonna walk, but Nicole, thank God, she was there to save us," Stefan said. E.J. grimaced as he sat down. Stefan offered to pour E.J. a drink, and E.J. gratefully accepted. Stefan drugged E.J.'s drink.

"To always looking after each other and, of course, to family," Stefan toasted. Before E.J. could take a sip, Chad walked in and asked to join the celebration. "I heard you got your feelings for Gabi back," Chad said. "I did," Stefan confirmed. With a shrug, Chad admitted that he had reservations about Gabi. "Their reunion isn't a done deal yet, since Stefan still has feelings for Chloe," E.J. argued. Stefan joked that there were worse fates than being in love with two women.

"I am not sure I agree with that one," Chad said. Chad went to fix a drink, but E.J. offered his to Chad. A look of alarm fleeted across Stefan's face. "I don't think I need this right now," E.J. said. Chad asked E.J. if he was okay, and E.J. explained he had a headache. Chad took a sip of E.J.'s drink, then spit the mouthful back into the glass.

"That's so strong. What did you put in this?" Chad asked. "Too much of something apparently," Stefan said. Chad muttered that the drink was disgusting, and he dumped out his glass. Stefan poured a club soda for Chad, and the three brothers decided to toast to Chad's new relationship with Stephanie. Chad wished Stefan good luck with his women, and he left for home.

When Stefan offered to fix E.J. another drink, E.J. declined. "I think I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower. Hopefully that will clear my head," E.J. said. After E.J. left the room, Stefan looked at the portrait of Stefano. "Relax, Father. I'm not going to kill him. I'm just gonna give him a few more doses so he goes from feeling off to going off the deep end. And then he will be out at DiMera," Stefan said. With a nod, Stefan noted that his plans for vengeance could wait until after Valentine's Day.

At the Salem Inn, Sloan went to Li's room to give him an update on Rolf. Sloan explained that she had convinced Rolf not to sign his statement that implicated Li in many crimes. "What's the matter, Li? I just made the Rolf problem go away, yet you still don't seem happy," Sloan said. "I am. But now I just want to know what you're going to do about my Gabi problem," Li said. Sloan offered to drag out the divorce in court but noted that it would be expensive.

"Money won't be an issue. You just keep me out of prison and in my marriage," Li said. With a grin, Li said he would figure out a way to make Gabi forget Stefan. "Gabi hates you. You've told me that multiple times," Sloan said. Li admitted that Gabi had good reason to hate him. "What's your plan to turn that hate back into love?" Sloan asked. Li said he was open to ideas.

"The legal side of the divorce, that I can handle, but the um, personal issues, you know, like love and all that stuff? Yeah, that's not my bag," Sloan said. Li asked Sloan for her take on the situation. Sloan suggested that Li go after what he wanted. "You sound a lot like Gabi. You know, beneath her tough exterior, she's actually a big softie. Huge romantic," Li said with a grin. "I think you found your play," Sloan said. With a nod, Li noted that it was a waste of time to reason with Gabi. "Instead, I go straight for her heart," Li said.

Gabi marched into Rafe's office at the police station and demanded to know why Rolf had not been released. "I am more than happy to do that as soon as the good doctor comes through with the goods on your husband," Rafe said. Rafe advised Gabi to remain calm. "Do you know what it feels like to have the love of your life finally remember he loves you, only to announce that he loves another woman?" Gabi asked. Gabi confided that she was worried Stefan would never be fully deprogrammed.

"I feel for you, which is why I'm trying to get the information on your husband," Rafe said. Gabi warned Rafe not to remind her that Li was her husband. "I know how much Li hurt you, which is why I'm trying to get the evidence so that I can charge him," Rafe said. Rafe explained that Sloan had stopped Rolf from signing his statement because she was Rolf's new attorney. Rafe added that a judge had refused to grant bail for Rolf. "[Trask] will make it clear that he either flips or he's going away for life," Rafe said. Frustrated, Gabi argued that Trask could torture Rolf after he finished erasing Stefan's love for Chloe.

"This is Valentine's Day. Stefan and I should be together," Gabi complained. Rafe reminded Gabi that Stefan had remembered his love for her. "Did you miss the part about Chloe?" Gabi said. "I bet it's temporary," Rafe said. Gabi argued, "If I'm the love of his life, then why isn't he with me? Why are we not together on this idiotic holiday?" Gabi worried aloud that Stefan wanted Chloe more than her.

"You said that after Rolf did his thing that Stefan said he loved you with all of his heart," Rafe said. "We kissed, and it was like we had never been apart. So, that's why I don't understand. I mean, Valentine's Day is almost over, and he hasn't called me yet," Gabi said. Rafe suggested that Stefan had been busy planning a surprise for Gabi. Gabi's phone rang, and she was disappointed to see that it was Li.

"What the hell do you want?" Gabi barked into her phone. "It's Valentine's Day. Why else would a husband be calling his wife except to invite her over for a romantic dinner," Li said. Gabi told Li that the thought made her nauseated. "Well, we could discuss our divorce then," Li said. "What is there to discuss? I sent you the papers," Gabi said. Gabi ended the call. Gabi's phone beeped, and she gasped when she realized it was a notification of a missed call from Stefan.

"Put [the voicemail] on speaker!" Rafe said. Gabi played the message. "Gabriella, my love. It's Valentine's Day, and I can't stop thinking about you. Please come see me at the house. I'm counting the minutes until we're together again," Stefan said. Gabi swooned. "Ye of little faith," Rafe teased.

After Rafe left the station, he went to the pub to pick up dinner, and he ran into Jada. "Mind if I join you?" Rafe asked. "Be my guest," Jada said. Over dinner, Jada and Rafe drank beers and wished each other a happy Valentine's Day.

At the Salem Inn, Li told Sloan about his call with Gabi. "I know beneath all that disgust, her feelings for me are still there," Li said. Li asked Sloan if she wanted to join him for dinner. "Can't say I'm not tempted," Sloan admitted. Sloan's phone rang. Eric called to ask Sloan out to dinner. Sloan agreed to meet up with Eric, and she apologized to Li.

Li poured a glass of wine, and he imagined that he was spending a romantic evening with Gabi. "I just want to say how truly sorry I am for everything that I put you through. And I hope you know that everything I did, I did out of love," Li said. Gabi told Li that she understood. Li admitted that he had never lost hope that Gabi would return to him. "Deep down, I knew I would, too," Gabi said. In reality, Li sipped his wine alone in his hotel room.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole went into E.J.'s room as he exited the bathroom in a towel. "I just wanted to check on you. At the office earlier, you seemed out of it," Nicole said. E.J. said he was fine, and he asked Nicole if she felt better. "It's all done now," Nicole said. E.J. asked Nicole if she was up for a dinner date. "You are aware it's Valentine's Day? That's kind of a big deal," Nicole said. "What happened at the office today, that was kind of a big deal. One we never would have closed if it wasn't for you," E.J. said. E.J. told Nicole that he wanted to celebrate her achievement.

Stephanie went to the Horton house to meet up with Chad. "You okay?" Chad asked. "Tomorrow is weighing on me, obviously, but I'm trying not to think about it," Stephanie admitted. Chad embraced Stephanie. "I'm here. Anything you need. Would you rather be home?" Chad asked. Stephanie told Chad that she was glad he had asked her to come over. "What could be better than pizza with my new guy and his two adorable kids?" Stephanie said.

After dinner, Thomas and Charlotte gave Stephanie a cookie valentine. "They have been baking all day long," Chad said. Stephanie thanked the kids for the cookie. "And I brought you a Valentine's surprise, too," Stephanie said. Stephanie gave the kids boxes of candy hearts. Thomas gave one of the hearts to Stephanie. "But you can share your heart with Daddy," Thomas said. After the kids went to bed, Chad told Stephanie that he loved that his kids were happy around her. Stephanie said she felt the same way about Chad.

At the Bistro, Sloan met up with Eric for dinner. "You look great," Eric said as he pulled out a seat for Sloan. "This is not a date. I came for the ribeye. So, you can just get rid of the side order of romance," Sloan said. Eric smiled. Eric suggested that they call the dinner foreplay instead of a date. As Eric put his hand on Sloan's, Nicole walked in with E.J.

In the DiMera living room, Stefan set up a romantic dinner for two. Gabi paused in the doorway in a slinky red dress, and Stefan was taken aback at the sight. "You look beautiful," Stefan said as he took Gabi's hand. Stefan started to talk about a song from the opera Carmen and how it reminded him of Gabi. "I am so happy that you accepted my invitation," Stefan said. Stefan noted that he had opened a bottle of their favorite wine.

"I remember everything now," Stefan said. "There's nothing that I want more than for that to be true. It's all I've ever wanted since you came back. Trusting this is real, that we can recapture what we had. It isn't just sex. It's our love, our marriage, our magic," Gabi said. Stefan kissed Gabi passionately. Stefan offered to call for the food, but Gabi shook her head no.

"I don't want to waste another minute. Let's go upstairs so we can spend the rest of the night there," Gabi said. "Fine by me," Stefan whispered as he pulled Gabi into his arms. "I love you, Stefan," Gabi said. "I love you too, Chloe," Stefan countered. Gabi gasped and pulled away.

Kayla finds a way to be with Steve on their anniversary
Kayla finds a way to be with Steve on their anniversary

Kayla finds a way to be with Steve on their anniversary

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

by Mike

E.J. offered to take Nicole to another restaurant after seeing that Eric and Sloan had also chosen to dine at the Bistro. "Oh, please -- if he can take it, I can!" Nicole assured E.J. "This should be fun," Sloan muttered as Eric squirmed.

The hostess tried to seat Nicole and E.J. right next to Sloan and Eric then reported, when asked, that no other tables were available at that time. Nicole and Eric's chairs faced each other, and having E.J. and Sloan sitting between them wasn't enough to keep them out of each other's line of sight. "Why are they grinning at each other like a couple of idiots? I thought she was just rebound sex -- and now...he's staring at her like she hung the damn moon, and they're having Valentine's Day dinner together!" Nicole whispered to E.J. "She's holding hands with him! She's probably sleeping with him, too!" Eric whispered to Sloan.

Eric gulped down a full serving of red wine while trying to ignore Sloan's looks of concern, and Nicole gulped down a full serving of Champagne while trying to ignore E.J.'s looks of concern. "She has every right to move on -- I just wish it wasn't with that jackass!" Eric complained to Sloan. "Eric could have any woman he wants -- I don't know why he's settling for that trampy, trouble-making, ambulance-chasing --" Nicole complained to E.J.

A waitress interrupted just then. "I'll have what she's having," Nicole requested, prompting the waitress to apologetically report that Sloan had taken the night's final serving of that particular dish. "Wouldn't she just," Nicole grumbled before begging for time to reconsider, giving the waitress an opportunity to check on other diners -- including Sloan, whose meal received high praise.

Nicole and E.J. eventually received their meals, but they each ate only a few bites of food. "The PDA at the next table has killed my appetite," Nicole explained to E.J. "I just have a bit of a headache," E.J. explained to Nicole.

Nicole raised a hand to E.J.'s forehead, prompting Eric to gulp down another serving of wine then tell Sloan that it was time to order a second bottle. Eric squinted at the wine menu then released a sigh of defeat and headed off to the parking lot in search of a pair of reading glasses -- just as Nicole approached the hostess to ask for some aspirin.

Nicole and Eric bumped into each other then took turns apologizing for the collision. "I was worried about you after you fainted, but you seem fine today," Eric observed. "I told you it was nothing. How are you doing?" Nicole responded. "I'm fine," Eric declared. "That seems hard to believe, being that your mother's funeral is tomorrow -- and Kate's, and Kayla's --" Nicole argued. "I'd rather not talk about that right now," Eric snapped. "Well, I just wanted to say that I was thinking about you and your family -- but forget it," Nicole countered.

Eric and Nicole stormed back to their respective tables, having each forgotten why they had left in the first place. Sloan suggested to Eric that it might be best for them to just cut their dinner date short, and E.J. offered Nicole the same advice. Eric initiated a round of sex with Sloan when they got back to the Petersen apartment, and Nicole initiated a round of sex with E.J. when they got back to the DiMera mansion.

Wendy headed over to the Salem Inn to check on Li. "You were hoping I was Gabi," Wendy guessed after entering Li's room and seeing a table that was set for two people.

Li confirmed Wendy's suspicion with a nod and a sigh. "You have to face reality, okay? You totally blew it with her -- it's over!" Wendy advised. "She's still my wife --" Li countered. "Legally -- but the only man she wants is her last husband," Wendy stressed. "Why would a woman like her waste her time on a man who loves someone else?" Li wondered. "If she's anything like me...she's trying to believe that he loves her more," Wendy muttered.

Tripp bumped into Johnny while passing through the town square. "I hope I didn't mess up Chanel's flowers," Tripp fretted after pocketing a cell phone and apologizing to Johnny for the collision. "They're for Wendy," Johnny clarified, surprising Tripp.

Johnny started to insist that nothing was going on with Chanel, but Tripp interrupted to point out that Wendy was the only person who needed to be convinced that was the case. "I'm sorry if I screwed up your date with her last night -- I don't know if Wendy told you, but my brother Joey called her and told her that I 'needed' her," Tripp continued. "I don't know what's gotten into him -- he wants to play matchmaker, I guess...and, for some reason, he decided that I was interested in Wendy," Tripp concluded. "Is he right?" Johnny wondered. "I mean...yeah, she and I are friends --" Tripp responded. "Are you two talking about me?" Wendy interjected while stepping between Tripp and Johnny.

Tripp confirmed the suspicion but claimed to have simply been about to say that it was great that Johnny and Wendy had worked things out. Tripp rushed off after hoping that Wendy and Johnny would have fun on their date. Johnny tried to hand over a bouquet of flowers, but Wendy didn't pay any attention to the gift or the giver until after Tripp disappeared from view.

Gabi, still with Stefan at the DiMera mansion, demanded an explanation for what had just happened. "What, you don't want me to tell you I love you?" Stefan responded. "You called me 'Chloe'!" Gabi clarified.

Stefan laughed and declared that Gabi had misunderstood. "I heard you clearly!" Gabi insisted. "Okay -- if I called you 'Chloe''s only because I've been worried about her," Stefan backpedaled. "You're worried about her when you're about to take me upstairs to bed?" Gabi snapped. "Rolf was taken into custody, and I haven't heard from her since -- I've left her three messages, but she's ignored all of them, and even when I called her earlier --" Stefan tried to explain. "Before or after you called me?" Gabi demanded to know. "'C' comes before 'G' --" Stefan pointed out. "'H' comes before 'L'!" Gabi countered.

Gabi wondered what would have happened if Stefan's first phone call had been answered. Stefan assured Gabi that the second phone call still would have been made. "So, you were gonna invite me and Chloe to dinner? And then...what, you were hoping for a threesome?" Gabi translated. "No! I mean...unless you're into that sort of thing?" Stefan responded. "I'm not, you pig!" Gabi spat before dousing Stefan with red wine then storming out of the mansion.

Stefan was cleaning up the mess when Johnny entered the mansion with Wendy a short time later. Stefan explained what had just happened, prompting Wendy and Johnny to take turns predicting that things would get better soon. "I hear Dr. Rolf's gonna be released on bail -- maybe he can finish undoing what he did to you," Wendy elaborated. "Then you can just go back to being the guy you were before all this happened," Johnny stressed.

Stefan protested that the situation was more complicated than Johnny and Wendy realized. "Who says it's not possible to have deep feelings for two different people?" Stefan argued. "I can only imagine what that's like," Wendy muttered. "Stringing two women along like that doesn't seem very...manly," Johnny declared.

Stefan sighed then changed the subject, advising Wendy and Johnny that there was a fancy dinner for two waiting in the kitchen that was otherwise going to go to waste. "Wow -- we were just gonna have popcorn," Wendy revealed. "For dinner?" Stefan sputtered. "We're gonna stream Evil Dead II," Johnny explained. "You really know how to treat a woman on Valentine's Day," Stefan teased. "I seem to be doing better than you did," Johnny countered.

Li was still moping at the Salem Inn when Gabi stopped by. "I was just wondering if that dinner invitation was still open," Gabi explained. "Of course!" Li responded.

Gabi claimed to have reconsidered Li's offer after realizing that it would be easier for them to work out the terms of their divorce in person. Li thought about the plan to stall the proceedings then promised not to fight Gabi on the matter.

Li wondered why Gabi wasn't with Stefan. "He called me 'Chloe'!" Gabi grumbled before fretting that Stefan might never fully recover from Li's brainwashing scheme. "I did that because I was -- am -- crazy about you!" Li stressed after managing to stop laughing about what Stefan had done to Gabi earlier. "And I'll tell you something else -- Rolf could do whatever he wanted to me!" Li continued. "And that would not change -- I would still be crazy in love with you! And it makes me sick that Stefan is playing both ends against the middle when he could have you all to himself, Gabi, 'cause that's all I ever wanted -- and if I ever went a little overboard, that's why!" Li concluded. "A little?" Gabi teased. "Okay -- maybe a lot," Li acknowledged.

Steve passed out on the living room couch at the Brady-Johnson townhouse after consuming at least five bottles of beer then awoke with a start and saw Kayla standing in the room. "Sweetness? You came back to me?" Steve sputtered while approaching Kayla. "Where else would I be on our anniversary?" Kayla responded. "I had too much to drink -- this is not real --" Steve guessed, prompting Kayla to seize a kiss as a way of proving that the theory was wrong.

Kayla changed the subject once Steve was convinced. "I really need your help," Kayla begged. "It's strange up there -- at first, I was in some sort of locked room," Kayla continued. "And then, all of a sudden, Adrienne was there with me," Kayla continued. " wasn't really Adrienne -- in fact, it was Nick Fallon," Kayla continued. "Nick tricked me," Kayla continued. "My soul -- I signed it away, not knowing, and so did Marlena and Kate," Kayla concluded.

Steve struggled to make sense of Kayla's story. "Heaven is not supposed to be a place of corruption," Steve protested. "Maybe we got sidetracked somehow," Kayla theorized. "Just tell me what to do," Steve requested -- but Tripp entered the townhouse before Kayla could respond. "Who were you talking to?" Tripp wondered after stepping over to the couch and rousing Steve, who started looking around in search of Kayla while recalling their conversation.

Tripp assured Steve that it was only natural to be having vivid dreams about Kayla. "I mean, today is your wedding anniversary, tomorrow's the funeral, and it looks like you've had a certain amount of beer --" Tripp elaborated. "She was here! She told me she needed my help! She said Nick Fallon tricked her into selling her soul to the devil --" Steve insisted. "It was a dream," Tripp maintained. "Maybe you're right...but it felt so real," Steve whispered.

Steve sighed then changed the subject, wondering why Tripp wasn't celebrating Valentine's Day with someone special. "All the nice girls I know already have a date," Tripp grumbled.

Tripp prepared a drink that would replenish Steve's electrolytes. "It was just so real," Steve muttered after Tripp retreated to a bedroom. "Where are you, baby? You know that I would go anywhere -- to the ends of the earth and beyond -- to help you," Steve continued. "My vow to you is the same as it's always been, the same as it was on our wedding day -- I will love you 'til the end of time. Happy anniversary, Sweetness," Steve concluded before breaking down.

Allie makes a big decision after Sonny surprises Will
Allie makes a big decision after Sonny surprises Will

Allie makes a big decision after Sonny surprises Will

Thursday, February 16, 2023

by Mike

Steve was standing beside Kayla's grave when John approached and declared that the three funeral services that had just been held had each been beautiful. "I think half the town showed up," John marveled, drawing a nod from Steve.

Steve soon started telling John about what had happened the previous day. "I know it's easy to explain this away, but it was not a dream!" Steve insisted at the end of the tale, but John seemed to be not only skeptical but also concerned.

Lucas phoned from Statesville while Roman was alone at the Brady Pub -- and Allie entered the restaurant while they were discussing the plan to kill Orpheus. "Is that my dad on the phone? I thought you weren't speaking to him after what he did to Mom," Allie called out, startling Roman. "Your dad called to...ask about the funeral," Roman explained before handing Allie the cell phone. "I wish they'd let you be there," Allie fretted to Lucas. "Don't you worry about me, okay? You just lean on the people who love you -- and take care of yourself and Henry," Lucas advised before saying goodbye to Allie then ending the call.

Allie handed the cell phone back to Roman. "When I came in, I heard you telling my dad something about how Grandma Kate, Grandma Marlena, and Aunt Kayla deserved justice...and that you were going to get it for them. What did you mean by that?" Allie challenged Roman. "Being in prison, he just feels helpless -- I was just trying to reassure him," Roman answered. "That's very kind of you, considering your feelings about him," Allie raved. "I still have issues with Lucas -- but we're family, and Kate's death reminded me of what's really important," Roman declared -- and Allie nodded in response then rushed off, seemingly satisfied.

John and Steve emerged from the kitchen once the coast was clear. "We heard you with Allie -- sorry you had to lie to her," John began. "We're just lucky she didn't come in a minute earlier," Roman admitted.

Will and Sonny discussed the three funeral services while they were passing through the town square. "In one day, three -- both my grandmothers and my --" Will stressed, prompting Sonny to interrupt with a hug.

Will fretted to Sonny about having to leave Salem at a time when being around family members was particularly important. "I don't have to leave yet --" Sonny assumed. "I can't put it off any longer," Will clarified.

Will grumbled that saying goodbye to Sonny was always incredibly difficult. "You don't have to say goodbye...because I'm coming with you," Sonny responded, stunning Will.

Will eventually recovered from the shock of the announcement and regretfully protested that Sonny couldn't join the upcoming film shoot in New Zealand. "What I can't do is spend another minute away from you!" Sonny insisted. "I mean, don't you think we've been separated long enough?" Sonny continued. "And do you remember what happened the last time we were apart for too long -- how Leo nearly sunk our marriage?" Sonny continued. "I can't spend another six months away from you -- it's not what I signed up for, and I don't think it's what you signed up for, either -- so...I'm sorry, but I'm along for the ride, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Sonny concluded.

Will was touched but maintained that Sonny's plan simply wasn't feasible. "Victor's not gonna let you run Titan from New Zealand -- and do you think Gabi's gonna let us take Ari to the other side of the world?" Will elaborated. "I actually already talked to Gabi -- and, you know, after some persuading, she agreed to let Ari come with us...and, apparently, that's actually what Ari wants," Sonny revealed. "And whatever happens with work or whatever...I don't care -- we'll figure it out," Sonny continued. "My brother is more than willing to step up -- he already did when I was in the hospital," Sonny continued. "I love you, Will, and I never want to be separated from you ever again," Sonny concluded.

Will pointed out that running Titan meant a lot to Sonny. "You're what matters to me," Sonny declared. "And I'll be working remotely," Sonny continued. "I've got everything figured out -- all of our ducks are in a row -- but, for some reason, you still seem to be against this! I mean, don't you want to be able to do this every day?" Sonny concluded before giving Will a passionate kiss.

Will released a laugh of excitement after Sonny pulled away. "This is really happening!" Will realized. "Don't you think we deserve it after everything we've been through together?" Sonny argued. "I just couldn't be the one to pitch it -- I mean, I'm always the one leaving and putting pressure on us --" Will explained. "We've both put our fair share of stress on this relationship -- but we both also make things right when we have to," Sonny countered. "Because what we have is worth it," Will noted. "It's worth everything!" Sonny stressed. "You're making the bigger sacrifice, though --" Will fretted. "Maybe -- this time -- but if history is any guide, you'll have plenty of opportunities to step up to the plate in the future," Sonny predicted.

Will vowed to do just that when the opportunity arose, and Sonny expressed confidence that the promise would be kept. "I love you," Will whispered. "I love you, too -- and I can't wait to tell you that every person, not over a stupid video chat," Sonny responded. "I guess we have a bunch of people to share the news with --" Will acknowledged. "What news?" Allie interjected while stepping between Will and Sonny, who took turns answering the question.

Allie was happy for Will and Sonny but made it clear that they would both be missed. "You have so much going on here -- this couldn't have been easy for you," Allie challenged Sonny. "Yeah, know, nothing in life ever is! I mean, when I first came up with this whole thing, I kept worrying about all the details, and then...I don't know, it just kind of hit me -- you know, that being happy is all that really matters -- and once I accepted that fact --" Sonny explained. "Everything else just falls into place," Allie muttered before thinking about Lucas' earlier advice then spontaneously requesting permission to accompany Will and Sonny on their adventure in New Zealand.

Allie didn't like taking a page out of Johnny's playbook but argued that moving to New Zealand with Will and Sonny was the sort of impulsive decision that actually made a lot of sense -- especially in light of the three funeral services that had occurred earlier that day. "They lived without fear, no regrets -- they took chances," Allie summarized before admitting that there was no longer a reason to stay in Salem.

Allie got Will and Sonny up to speed on everything that had happened recently. "Did my brother take advantage of you?" Sonny fretted. "No -- if anything, I was the aggressor!" Allie insisted. "Are you sure it's over between you and Chanel? I mean, you don't want to stay and fight for her?" Will wondered. "I know Chanel -- once she's made up her mind about something, pushing her is just the worst thing I could possibly do," Allie answered.

Will and Sonny looked at each other then faced Allie again after realizing that they were in agreement about the matter. "A little while ago, I was headed back to New Zealand alone -- and I guess now we might as well charter our own flight," Will joked as a way of confirming that Allie and Henry could tag along, and Sonny echoed the sentiment -- then the trio sealed the deal with a group hug.

Lucas approached a guard in one of Statesville's lounges and demanded a meeting with Orpheus. "Today's my mother's funeral, and I missed it," Lucas explained when Orpheus arrived a short time later. "Sorry to hear that," Orpheus responded while eyeing the empty bottle of whiskey Lucas was holding. "No, you're not, because you killed her, you bastard -- but if I'm gonna make it through today, I'm gonna need more!" Lucas begged while waving the bottle at Orpheus. "I didn't kill your mother -- so...stop saying it, or we're done!" Orpheus warned before rushing off in search of another bottle of whiskey for Lucas. "Oh, you did kill her, you sick bastard -- and today, you're gonna pay for it," Lucas muttered.

Orpheus soon returned with another bottle of whiskey and proposed a toast to Kate's memory in an effort to confirm that Lucas had truly relapsed. The guard interrupted just then to escort Orpheus to a group therapy session, and Lucas waited until the coast was clear then used some of the alcohol as cologne and dumped the rest in a trash can. When the guard returned a short time later, Lucas demanded to see Orpheus again then collapsed while attempting to throw a punch. The guard called for help from the infirmary, assuming that Lucas had alcohol poisoning. The guard later told Orpheus about what had happened. "Maybe he can't handle his liquor, like a lot of drunks -- what a loser!" Orpheus declared with a hint of suspicion.

Lucas continued feigning intoxication in the infirmary then sneaked John and Steve in after the nurse rushed off in search of a doctor.

Kayla and Marlena watched as Kate paced around while they were all waiting on the afterlife's version of customer service. "You're gonna wear a hole in the cloud," Kayla eventually warned. "What else am I supposed to do?" Kate tiredly countered.

Nick appeared just then and reminded Kate that patience was a virtue. "Not that virtue's gonna matter that much where the three of you are headed," Nick teasingly backpedaled.

Nick informed Kate and Kayla that the devil was willing to debate the ethics of acquiring souls under false pretenses but was only interested in having that discussion with Marlena. "He's anxious to meet with you again," Nick explained before escorting Marlena to a doorway then disappearing. "I guess I'm on my own from now on," Marlena grumbled while descending a staircase that led to a fiery realm.

Nick reappeared beside Kayla and Kate and started taunting them about all the grieving that had occurred at their funeral services. "Especially your husband," Nick informed Kayla. "He was a wreck -- you know, tears streaming down from his...well, from his eye," Nick continued. "But this isn't news to you, right? Because you paid him a little visit last night, didn't you?" Nick concluded.

Kayla was reluctant to tell Kate the meaning of Nick's accusation. "She made unauthorized contact with her husband -- thought he could get her out of here," Nick revealed. "I could have talked to Roman? I could have talked to Lucas? How could you not let me know?" Kate snapped -- at Nick, not Kayla. "That had nothing to do with me! Kayla, clever little devil that she is, found a way around our firewall -- but the point is, it's been plugged up, all right? So, it's not gonna happen again!" Nick declared. "Which is a shame...because in reviewing our tapes, it looks like there's gonna be some interesting developments today," Nick continued. "Steve, John, Roman -- they are going to avenge your deaths by killing Orpheus!" Nick concluded.

The devil waited for Marlena on a throne that seemed to be made of human remains. "I don't understand -- has Doug passed away, too?" Marlena fretted after seeing that the devil had taken Doug's form. "Doug is very much alive -- he'll probably live forever!" the devil clarified. "I thought assuming a familiar face might make you feel more comfortable -- and besides, if you saw my real face, yours would just absolutely melt away!" the devil explained.

Marlena shrugged then started arguing that the devil should be able to acquire souls without resorting to trickery. "Don't you want to win without cheating? Don't you want to prove -- finally, once and for all -- that you are stronger than I am?" Marlena wondered -- and the devil gave the challenge some thought then agreed to tear up the contracts. "In exchange, you must stay by my side throughout all eternity!" the devil demanded with a cackle.

Marlena makes a deal with the devil
Marlena makes a deal with the devil

Marlena makes a deal with the devil

Friday, February 17, 2023

by Spalding

After John and Steve cut the feeds to the security cameras at the medical entrance of the prison, they met up with Lucas in the prison infirmary. Lucas explained that he had pretended to be drunk. "Now, all we have to do is wait for Orpheus to start his shift," John said. "We're finally gonna end that son of a bitch's reign of terror," Steve said. John and Steve asked Lucas to return to his cell for his own safety.

"We appreciate your help more than you know, but this was our idea. We should be the ones to see it through," Steve said. Worried, Lucas asked about backup. "We know what we're doing," John stressed. The prison doctor walked in, and he asked, "What's going on in here?" John lied and said that Lucas had kept them from cleaning the room. "I've never seen the two of you here before," the doctor said. Steve explained that they usually worked the night shift.

"You shouldn't be interacting with the inmates," the doctor said. "That's what we told him," John agreed. While John and Steve cleaned, the doctor examined Lucas. "I bet he just needs to go back to his cell and sleep it off," Steve said. "I can handle this," the doctor said. After the examination, the doctor walked Lucas out of the room.

In the prison rec room, a suspicious Orpheus talked to the security guard about Lucas' drunkenness. "I smell a rat," Orpheus said. Orpheus asked the guard if he had watched Lucas take a drink. "No, but I wasn't here the whole time," the guard admitted. Orpheus looked in the trash, and he realized that Lucas had poured out the bottle into the trash. "That fool is pretending to be drunk," Orpheus said.

Orpheus went to the infirmary and asked the man changing the bedsheets about Lucas. When the man turned around, Orpheus realized it was John. Steve appeared behind Orpheus and closed the door to the room. "I knew Lucas was up to something," Orpheus said. Orpheus told John and Steve that he was glad they were there so he could convey his condolences. Infuriated, Steve lunged for Orpheus, but John held him back.

"It's been a difficult day," John said. "John and I have found a way to ease our suffering," Steve said. "What's that?" Orpheus asked. Steve explained that they were there to watch Orpheus die.

At the pub, Roman talked to Kate's urn, and he promised that Orpheus would pay for his crimes. "All three of you will finally be able to rest in peace," Roman said. Roman told Kate that he would give anything to hear her voice again and that he lamented all the time together they had lost. "At least that madman will never be able to hurt anybody we love ever again. It will all be over soon," Roman said. Anna walked into the pub, and she asked Roman if he was okay.

"I know it isn't Kate, but it just brings me closer to her. I'm pretty sure you, of all people, understand that," Roman said. "People rolled their eyes at me when I carried Tony's ashes around when I thought he was dead. But it brought me comfort," Anna admitted. "And I understand that now," Roman said. Anna asked Roman what he had meant by "it will all be over soon." Roman said he had been referring to scattering Kate's ashes. "I miss [Kate] so damn much. I just hope that wherever she is, she's at peace," Roman said.

In the afterlife, Nick told Kayla and Kate that Roman, Steve, and John were executing their plan to murder Orpheus. "There is no way that Roman would ever willingly take someone's life," Kate stressed. "Even to avenge your death?" Nick asked. Kate argued that Roman believed in doing the right thing. Nick reminded Kate that Roman had lost a lot of people he loved. "[Roman, John, and Steve] are scared of Orpheus going after the rest of your family," Nick said. Although Kate did not believe Nick's story, Kayla admitted that Steve had attempted to convince John to kill Orpheus after the governor had pardoned Orpheus.

"If you ask me, John should have listened, because then the three of you wouldn't be dead. And his precious Doc wouldn't be stuck pleading her case with the devil," Nick said. Kate argued that Nick was playing more mind games. "That does sound like me," Nick said with a chuckle. Nick used a remote control to replay a video of the conversation when Roman, John, and Steve had plotted to murder Orpheus.

"I can't believe this. What the hell is wrong with your husband?" Kate asked Kayla. "You're blaming Steve?" Kayla said. Nick argued that the good news was that the three women would be reunited with their husbands in hell. "That is not going to happen," Kate said. Kayla agreed. Kate added that if the men murdered Orpheus, they should not be punished for taking evil out of the world.

After Nick left, Kayla said she would have counseled Steve not to go through with the murder if she had known. Kate asked Kayla how she had talked to Steve. "I was just thinking about him and how much I missed him, and it just sort of happened," Kayla explained. When Kayla reminded Kate that Nick had closed the firewall, Kate suggested that the firewall might still be open for Roman. Kayla advised Kate to close her eyes and concentrate on Roman.

"Imagine that your voice is traveling all the way down to Roman. Imagine that he is right here in front of you," Kayla said. "Roman," Kate said. Down on earth in the Brady Pub, Anna advised Roman to keep some of Kate's ashes to wear around his neck. "I'm not sure about that," Roman said. "I think you should keep a little bit of Kate around so that you can talk to her from time to time," Anna said. Roman heard Kate's voice call his name, then he dismissed the possibility.

"Roman, if you can hear me, I need you to listen very carefully," Kate's voice echoed. "Kate?" Roman said. "What about her?" Anna asked. Roman asked Anna to be quiet. Kate told Roman that she knew about the plot to kill Orpheus, and she begged him not to go through with it. "Orpheus isn't worth condemning your soul for all eternity," Kate said. "Where are you?" Roman asked. Anna pointed at the urn, but Roman explained that he heard Kate talking to him.

In the afterlife, Kate told Kayla that she could feel Roman. "Keep going," Kayla encouraged. As Kate asked Roman to promise not to kill Orpheus, Nick returned, and he cut off Kate's connection to Roman. "I can't believe I reached him!" Kate said. Kate told Kayla that she was sure that Roman had heard her message.

In the pub, Roman shouted, "Kate, can you hear me?" Anna asked Roman if he had been drinking. "This is not a delusion. I can hear Kate. Or at least I could," Roman confessed. Anna asked Roman if Kate had spoken to him before, but Roman said no. Roman continued to call out to Kate. When there was no response, Roman whispered, "She's gone." Roman told Anna that Kate had asked him not to go through with the plan.

"What plan?" Anna asked. Roman told Anna about the plan to kill Orpheus. "Ghost Kate is right. You can't go through with it," Anna said. "Because of that bastard, I lost the three most important women in my life," Roman grumbled. Anna argued that Orpheus deserved to burn in hell but that Roman could not end Orpheus' life. Roman asked Anna if she believed that he had heard Kate's voice. "If you live in this town long enough, there's not a hell of a lot you won't believe," Anna said. Anna urged Roman to stop John and Steve.

At the prison, John and Steve strapped Orpheus to a gurney. "In some way, I'm surprised it took you this long to seek revenge. Beginning to think you didn't have it in you," Orpheus said. "We're going to make it look like you helped yourself to the infirmary's wide assortment of opioids," Steve said. With a smirk, Orpheus noted that John and Steve were too cowardly to take credit for the murder.

"What about your immortal souls?" Orpheus asked. "What about them?" John said. Orpheus argued that cold-blooded murder was a serious sin. Steve said that he believed God would understand. "I know I'm going to hell. You really want to join me there?" Orpheus asked. Steve's phone rang with a call from Roman. Orpheus suggested that Roman had cold feet, but Steve and John disagreed. Steve ignored the call.

At the pub, a frustrated Roman told Anna that he could not reach Steve or John. "You have got to get to Statesville and stop them," Anna insisted. Anna argued that if the men murdered Orpheus, then Orpheus would have won again. "By turning you guys into something you're not," Anna said. With a nod, Roman agreed that he needed to do whatever he could to stop John and Steve.

After Roman left, Anna talked to Kate's urn. "I want to thank you for being Roman's guardian angel. I know I didn't always agree with how you lived your life, but I know you loved him. And I think deep down, he knows what he is doing is wrong," Anna said.

At the prison infirmary, Steve checked Orpheus' arm for a vein. "Killing me is not gonna bring your wives back," Orpheus said. John stressed that it was about more than revenge. "We know that it's only a matter of time before you decide we haven't suffered enough," Steve said. John argued that it was the only way to make sure that Orpheus did not hurt anyone ever again. John looked through the cabinets for a syringe.

"You ready for your journey to hell?" Steve asked Orpheus. Steve promised Orpheus that he would enjoy watching Orpheus die. Down the hallway, Roman found Lucas in the rec room. "What are you doing here?" Lucas said. Roman asked Lucas to take him to John and Steve so that he could stop them.

In the infirmary, John filled a syringe with morphine. "Let me do the honors," Steve asked. "You are gonna regret this," Orpheus said. "My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. Before you poisoned our wives," Steve said. Steve told Orpheus he would pay for his crimes. "There's something you need to know," Orpheus said. Steve told Orpheus he was not interested in any information. "What if I were to tell you who's really responsible for the death of your wives?" Orpheus asked. Steve and John shared a look.

In the shape of Doug Williams, the devil sat in his throne room and made Marlena an offer. "If I agree to spend all of eternity by your side in hell, then you agree to let Kate and Kayla out of their contracts?" Marlena asked. "You will be saving their immortal souls," devil Doug said. Devil Doug asked Marlena if they had a deal. Marlena argued that there had to be another option. With a shrug, the devil said that either Marlena went to hell, or all three women would go there.

"I don't wish to win by cheating. And you're the one that got away twice," the devil said. Marlena wanted time to think, but the devil demanded an answer. "You will allow my friends to go to the good place?" Marlena asked. "You have my word," devil Doug said. Marlena shook the devil's hand. With a chuckle, the devil claimed he had made a bargain. Marlena asked if she could say goodbye to her friends. "Enjoy your last moments of peace," the devil said. As Marlena turned to leave, the devil warned her that she would see him in his true form the next time they met.

In the afterlife holding area, Nick warned Kate and Kayla not to make any more trouble for him. "What do you think that little stunt accomplished?" Nick asked. Kate said she was certain that Roman would contact Steve and John to call off the murder scheme. Marlena returned from her meeting with the devil. "Did you say that Steve and John are going to murder Orpheus?" Marlena asked. Kayla explained that the men had wanted to avenge their deaths.

"I think I managed to stop them. At least I hope so," Kate said. Kate told Marlena what had happened. Nick urged the women to think about their own souls instead of their husbands'. Kate asked Marlena about her meeting. "The two of you are not going to hell," Marlena said. Kayla thanked Marlena and hugged her. "How did this happen?" Nick asked. Marlena showed Nick the voided contracts.

"How did you pull that off?" Kate asked. "I had to make a deal," Marlena said. Kayla asked Marlena what she had done. "I had to agree that I would spend the rest of eternity in hell," Marlena explained. Marlena said that the contracts were unenforceable because they had been obtained through trickery.

"Since when does he have a problem with trickery?" Nick said. Kate asked about Marlena's deal, and she told them the terms. "I slipped through [the devil's] fingers twice, and, you know, it's an ego thing," Marlena said. Kate thanked Marlena for her sacrifice. Kayla refused to accept Marlena's fate. "I don't think we're going to talk her out of it, Kayla," Kate said. Kayla argued that the three women should stick together, even if that meant staying in hell.

"I think that we can fight this," Kayla argued. Marlena explained that although the contracts had been unenforceable, the devil had promised to uphold them if Marlena did not take the deal. "I have instructions to escort you all to the Bad Place immediately if Marlena backs out of the deal," Nick said. "We don't really have a choice," Kate noted. Kayla disagreed.

"This is what's gonna happen. We are going to stick together. This is what it is going to be. We are going to present ourselves as a united front, and if one person goes to hell, we all go to hell," Kayla argued. Marlena took Kayla's hands in hers, and she said that she appreciated the support.

"I'm at peace [with my decision]," Marlena said. "I'm not!" Kayla yelled. Kayla argued that they would not be happy in heaven if Marlena was suffering in hell. Kate started to disagree, but Kayla's warning look stopped her. "Fine," Kate said. Kate agreed there was no deal and that they were sticking together. Nick smiled. "Are you ready to go to hell?" Nick asked.

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Edited by SC Desk