Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 30, 2022 on DAYS

SC Desk
Belle asked Shawn for a legal separation, Marlena felt guilty about Eric
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 30, 2022 on DAYS

Marlena felt guilty about Eric's situation. Sarah remembered her life. Xander and Sarah reunited. Abigail and Chad decided to have another baby. Leo plotted with Gwen. E.J. apologized to Belle about their kiss. Belle asked Shawn for a legal separation. Sonny gathered evidence against Leo. Ciara asked Rafe to be Bo's godfather. Ben gave Jan advice. Jan asked Marlena to be her therapist. Nicole and Rafe set a date.

PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air
PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air

PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air

Monday, May 30, 2022

Love General Hospital, B&B, DAYS or other soaps? Join the conversation on our SC boards! Click here to connect with fans and dive into discussions now

by Soap Central

Due to NBC Sports coverage of the French Open, Days of our Lives did not air.

This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the preemption. Regular programming resumed on Tuesday, May 31, and picked up where the Friday, May 27, episode concluded.

Sarah has a breakthrough
Sarah has a breakthrough

Sarah has a breakthrough

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

by Spalding

After Sarah suggested to Xander that they talk privately, he escorted her to the cemetery. "This is weird. Why am I in a cemetery?" Sarah asked. "After everything you've been through, and what I did, all I did to hurt you, it seems to me that here is the place we need to be," Xander said. Sarah looked down and saw Mickey's headstone.

"What we had, the love we shared, it all started with a lie," Xander said. Xander admitted that he had been selfish. "I convinced myself that what I'd done was what was good for you. Was best for you," Xander confessed. Xander said he regretted having lied to Sarah again with her memory loss. "I'm not going to do that anymore. Never again, Sarah," Xander promised. Xander told Sarah that he understood that he had stolen her ability to mourn the loss of her daughter when he had switched the babies.

"In your current condition, you might finally have a chance to grieve for her properly," Xander said. Sarah knelt at the grave of her daughter. "Mickey, my little angel. How could I ever forget you?" Sarah whispered. Sarah asked if the flowers on the grave were from Maggie. "Every Thursday without fail. Maggie always brings daffodils," Xander said. "And the roses?" Sarah asked. Xander explained that after Sarah had forgiven him, they had visited Mickey's grave with roses every day together.

"After I was gone?" Sarah asked. Xander nodded yes. "Every day?" Sarah asked. "I loved her, too, Sarah. She was mine. At least to me, she was. I helped you bring her into this world. I was the first person to hold her, to look in her eyes," Xander said. Xander added that he had wanted Mickey to know that he still loved her.

"[I wanted to let Mickey know] that she hadn't been forgotten," Xander said. "Thank you for bringing my daughter roses. And for remembering her. I'm sure that wherever Mickey is, she's forgiven you. I'm sorry, I just don't think I will ever be able to," Sarah said. Xander admitted that what he had done was unforgiveable.

"Thank you, Sarah, for coming here with me. I'll let you have a moment," Xander said. After Xander walked away, Sarah squatted in front of Mickey's headstone. Sarah remembered the first time she had visited the headstone. "Xander!" Sarah yelled. Xander returned. "You did this. For me. You put my little girl's name on the stone so that she wouldn't be forgotten," Sarah whispered. "You remember?" Xander asked.

"We were here before. And I forgave you after you did this," Sarah said. "Looking back, that was where we started to heal, and then, slowly, you let me back into your heart," Xander said. Sarah started to sob, and Xander pulled her into his arms. A flood of happy memories with Xander returned to Sarah, including her proposal to him. Sarah gasped. "What is it?" Xander asked. "I remember everything," Sarah said.

When Sarah and Xander returned to his hotel room, she admitted, "Something in me just wouldn't let me remember everything that happened before." Xander noted that Sarah had needed to protect herself from the pain. "But it also made me forget all the good memories, too. I was happy. With you," Sarah said. Hopeful, Xander asked Sarah if she really remembered everything. Sarah smiled at Xander, and she took his hands in hers. "And the memory of the last time that we made love is coming back right now. Do you remember?" Sarah asked. "I could never forget," Xander whispered. Sarah kissed Xander, and they fell into bed together.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Sonny cursed as he looked at Leo's tabloid story. "I should have seen it coming," Sonny complained. "At least we know why Leo drugged you," Will said. Will joked about framing a couple of the photos from the article, and Sonny snapped at him. "I'm sorry. I can't believe this is all still happening," Sonny said. Will asked Sonny if he had had sex with Leo. Sonny admitted that he was not sure.

Will argued that it was unlikely that Leo had actually had sex with Sonny. "He just wanted to humiliate you and trash your reputation. This is revenge for breaking up him and Craig," Will said. Will suggested that Sonny talk to the police.

Inside Statesville Prison's visitors' room, Leo asked Gwen if she wanted to help him get revenge on his foes. "There is only one person that I have to settle a score with. That is my dear, baby sister, Abigail," Gwen said. As Leo yammered on about the aborted wedding to Xander, Gwen grew upset. "Don't say his name. It just hurts me too much," Gwen muttered.

Leo hugged Gwen, and he joked about Xander's physique. Annoyed, Gwen shoved Leo away. "Where is your sense of humor? I'm hurting too, remember? I lost Craig," Leo said. Leo advised Gwen to focus on revenge instead of her heartache. After Leo told Gwen about what he had done to Sonny, Leo stressed that he had not had sex with him.

"But, thanks to my preternatural cleverness and my excellent photographic skills, all of Salem believes that Sonny debased himself, and we get to watch the Kiriakis castle crumble," Leo said. Gwen argued that they needed Abigail to lose Chad. When Leo suggested that they find someone to seduce Chad, Gwen admitted she had done that herself once.

"Which ended tragically for you, I know," Leo said. "It did. God knows. I mean, if I hadn't lost that baby, perhaps things might have turned out differently for me," Gwen whispered. Gwen said she did not believe that Chad would cheat again. "It pains me to say it, but [Chad] and Abigail seem to be stronger now than ever," Gwen grumbled. When Gwen suggested they "take things to the next level," Leo asked her if she meant murder.

"Do you really think I'm capable of murder?" Gwen asked. Leo reminded Gwen that she had not told him the truth about her fight with Laura. "You're right, I haven't really been that straightforward with you. Or with anyone for that matter," Gwen said. Leo encouraged Gwen to tell him the truth.

"You know your secret is safe with me," Leo said. "After what Laura did to me, she got what she deserved," Gwen said. "So does that mean you did kill the old lady?" Leo asked. "That's between me and her. And maybe someday between me and Abigail," Gwen said. Leo changed the subject back to revenge. "I think it's best we take murder off the table, given that we are both essentially decent, good-hearted people, yes?" Leo said. Gwen nodded in agreement. Gwen promised to think about options for revenge.

Abigail met with Kayla for a check-up. When Kayla offered to renew Abigail's prescription for birth control pills, Abigail confessed that she was not sure she wanted to renew. "Are you and Chad thinking about having another baby?" Kayla asked. "Well, I am," Abigail admitted. Abigail explained that she and Chad had planned on a large family, and she felt like the time was right.

"We are stronger than we have ever been," Abigail said. Abigail told Kayla that she was grateful that Gwen was in prison. "I know [Gwen] can't hurt us anymore," Abigail said.

At the police station, Sonny told Shawn about the incident with Leo. "If you were drugged last night, you'll still have traces of the drug in your system," Shawn said. When Sonny noted that he had scheduled an appointment for a blood test, Shawn instructed Sonny to have a copy of the report sent to him. "If we can prove that Leo drugged you, I'll arrest him, and I'll happily throw away the key," Shawn said.

Per Shawn's instructions, Sonny went with Will to the hospital to meet up with Kayla. "So, Sonny, you suspect that someone drugged you?" Kayla asked. "I don't suspect it. I'm sure of it," Sonny said. Sonny told Kayla that he believed Leo had sent him tainted cookies. "And how are you feeling now?" Kayla asked. "A little woozy, and a lot angry," Sonny said. Will explained that they needed evidence for the police report.

Kayla examined Sonny, and she took his blood. "I think whatever Leo gave you was just some kind of sedative, the effects of which have obviously worn off," Kayla said. Kayla promised to rush Sonny's blood test results. "We are going to make Leo pay for what he did to you," Will promised.

Chad walked into the DiMera living room, and he interrupted a kiss between E.J. and Belle. "We were just talking," Belle stammered. "Great, I'm going to let you guys talk," Chad said. As Chad started to back out of the room, Belle stopped him. "Will you let me explain?" Belle asked. Chad told Belle that she did not need to explain.

"I know how upset you must be with Shawn. And given that I've been in his shoes, I do empathize with him a little bit," Chad said. Chad told Belle that he believed she was as likely to reconcile with Shawn as Chad had been to reconcile with Abigail. "For the record, there is nothing going on between Belle and me. I just kissed her. She was feeling vulnerable, and it was wrong of me to take advantage of that," E.J. said. E.J. apologized. Chad noted that E.J. and Belle were consenting adults, and they did not need to explain the situation to him.

After Chad left the room, Belle thanked E.J. "I take full responsibility, and I hope you accept my apology," E.J. said. Belle clarified that she appreciated what E.J. had said to Chad. "Yes, you kissed me, but I kissed you back," Belle said. E.J. noted that the kiss had not meant anything. "Are you sure about that?" Belle asked. Belle admitted that there was a sexual attraction between them, and E.J. agreed. "What do you think we should do about it?" E.J. asked. Belle stammered, unsure what to say. E.J. laughed. "So much for the two of us being articulate on this issue," E.J. said. Belle smiled then she grew serious.

"I've been unfaithful to Shawn in the past, and I've come a long way since then. And yes, Shawn hurt me, and he continues to," Belle said. Belle told E.J. that she could not live with the guilt of another affair.

"You sound like a woman who is determined to save her marriage," E.J. said with a smile. "I'm just not ready to give up on what Shawn and I have. Or had. Not yet," Belle said. E.J. told Belle that he cared about her, and he admitted that his heart still belonged to Sami. "As much as objectively I know that my marriage is over, Samantha is, she's still my Samantha," E.J. said. E.J. smiled sadly at Belle.

"We shared one innocent kiss," E.J. said. E.J. apologized again for having taken advantage of the situation. "I promise I'll never do it again," E.J. said. After Belle checked that all her files were tucked away in her new office, E.J. walked her to the front door. There was a box on the front porch with Belle's name on it. Inside the box was a note from Jan.

"She said I forgot some of my things," Belle said. Below the note was a framed wedding photo of Belle and Shawn. Belle scoffed, and she noted that the photo was from her bedroom, not her office. "So, I guess Jan's got designs on taking over [my bedroom], too," Belle said. E.J. reached out to comfort Belle, but she pulled away. "No, I know what I need to do," Belle said. Belle walked out, and E.J. thought about their kiss.

At the police station, Belle dropped an envelope on Shawn's desk. "Please don't tell me you're petitioning the courts to keep Jan away from her baby," Shawn said with a groan. "No, this is not about you and Jan. This is about you and me," Belle said. Shawn opened the envelope. "Oh, my God. Are you divorcing me?" Shawn asked.

When Chad met up with Abigail at the pub, he told her about the kiss he had walked in on at the mansion. "Belle definitely seemed flustered," Chad said. "Well, she's been through a lot lately, and she's feeling pretty vulnerable, I imagine," Abigail said. Chad told Abigail that E.J. had admitted that he had taken advantage of the situation. Abigail gaped.

"Do you think E.J. is trying to get Belle into bed to soothe his bruised ego?" Abigail asked. Chad shrugged. "I think that E.J. might be actually really falling for her," Chad said. Chad noted that he was concerned that E.J. would get hurt. "We both know how much Belle loves Shawn," Chad said. When Abigail pointed out that the situation was complicated because of Jan, Chad said that he believed things would work out.

"Maybe it's because you and I were in a similar situation, and here we are, stronger than ever. I happen to think they will [work out] at some point," Chad said. "I love your optimism. I hope you're right," Abigail said. Chad asked about Abigail's doctor's appointment, and she said all was well. Abigail told Chad that she wanted another baby.

"I don't want you to think for a second that I'm not completely happy with my life right now. My life with you and Thomas and Charlotte? I'm the luckiest person in the world," Abigail said. "No," Chad said. Abigail was taken aback. "No, I am the luckiest person in the world," Chad said. Abigail sighed with relief. "Nothing would make me happier than to make another baby with you," Chad said. Chad leaned across the table and kissed Abigail.

"I can't wait to go home and start planning for a new baby," Abigail said. With a grin, Chad suggested that they get to work. Abigail took Chad's hand, and she led him out of the pub.

Shawn and Belle legally separate
Shawn and Belle legally separate

Shawn and Belle legally separate

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

by Steve Holley

At the Salem Police Station, Ciara took Bo to see Rafe for the first time and asked Rafe to be Bo's godfather. Rafe was honored that Ciara had asked and said that Ciara and Ben would want to get Bo baptized before Eric went back to Africa. Ciara surprised Rafe when she told him that Eric was no longer a priest.

Rafe shared the news with Ciara that he and Nicole had gotten engaged. Ciara threw her arms around Rafe and congratulated him. Ciara asked Rafe if he thought the news about Eric would affect Rafe and Nicole's relationship, but Rafe said that he and Nicole were meant to be together. Ciara said she hoped Rafe and Nicole would be as happy together as she and Ben. Later, Nicole arrived to visit Rafe in his office and suggested the two get married the following week.

Also at the police station, Shawn was shocked when Belle announced that she wanted a legal separation. Belle told Shawn that nothing would ever be normal in their lives again. Shawn admitted that he'd mishandled things with Jan, but Belle said that she couldn't continue down the road they were on. Shawn looked at the document and asked if Belle could really say that the separation was only about the two of them. "I have a feeling that E.J. has got a lot to do with this," Shawn said.

Belle was insulted by Shawn's insinuation and said that their separation was about no one else but Jan. Shawn furiously signed the separation papers out of anger and frustration. Belle left the police station, and she and Shawn both fought back tears and emotions as they each looked over their shoulders and just missed eye contact with one another.

Later, Ciara stopped by Shawn's desk and shared that she had asked Rafe to be Bo's godfather. Shawn was distraught and angry with himself and said that Ciara had made a wise choice by having asked Rafe instead of her "train-wreck brother." Shawn scoffed when Ciara said that Shawn would make an awesome uncle to Bo. "An incredibly awesome uncle that just destroyed his entire life and his marriage, right?" Shawn said.

Shawn confided to Ciara that he and Belle had legally separated, and Ciara encouraged Shawn not to give up on his marriage to Belle. Shawn then told Ciara that Jan had asked to babysit Bo, and Ciara firmly and repeatedly said no to the idea. Ciara said that Jan's ability to drive a wedge between Shawn and Belle was only further proof of how devious Jan was. Ciara warned Shawn to be careful. Later, at Ciara and Ben's place, Ciara confided to Ben that she was worried that Jan might have finally succeeded in driving Shawn and Belle apart.

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole had surprised E.J. with a visit and asked E.J. for a copy of her divorce papers from Eric. Nicole told E.J. that she and Rafe were engaged. When Nicole said that Eric was no longer a priest, E.J. asked if Nicole had accepted Rafe's proposal before or after she'd found out about Eric's situation. Nicole swore that she would have accepted Rafe's proposal even if she'd known about Eric.

Nicole shifted the subject to E.J.'s love life. After some prodding by Nicole, E.J. admitted that he and Belle had become close friends when Belle had represented E.J. Nicole assumed that Belle was still a happily married woman, but E.J. revealed that Belle was no longer happy with Shawn. Nicole encouraged E.J. to go for it with Belle -- just before Belle entered the room.

Nicole thanked E.J. and left. E.J. told Belle that he'd helped Nicole obtain a copy of Nicole's divorce papers from Eric, given that E.J. had been the one to file them. Belle announced that she had stopped by for similar reasons, and she asked E.J. to file her separation agreement from Shawn. E.J. agreed, but he was surprised by Belle's decision. E.J. encouraged Belle to stay for dinner and to talk and share a bottle of wine. Belle said she didn't think E.J.'s dinner proposal was a good idea -- at least for the moment. Belle left and thanked E.J. for filing the separation document.

Earlier, at Shawn and Belle's place, Ben had stopped by to see Shawn but encountered Jan instead. Jan mentioned her idea to babysit Bo, but Ben diplomatically told Jan that Ciara would never approve of Jan having a presence in Bo's life. "And what about you, Ben? Are you, a serial killer, scared to have me watching over your son?" Jan asked.

Jan recalled that everyone had conveniently forgiven, accepted, and embraced Ben despite all the murders he'd committed as the Necktie Killer. Ben disagreed with Jan's assessment and said that plenty of people would never forgive him and that he understood why. Ben said he'd worked hard to become a better person, and Jan claimed that she was trying to do the same thing. Ben shared that his therapy sessions with Marlena had helped him learn from the terrible things he'd done. Jan said that she wanted the same help for herself and for her baby.

Jan then asked Ben if he would talk to Marlena about helping Jan. Ben said that if Jan truly wanted to become a better person, she would have to ask Marlena herself. Ben gave Jan the number to reach Marlena, and he hoped that Marlena would be able to help Jan. Ben told Jan to take care of herself and her baby.

After Ben left, Jan called Marlena and asked to see her. John insisted that he tag along with Marlena, and the two arrived to visit Jan, who shared that she'd just spoken to Ben. Jan said that she knew Ben had committed murder and that he'd been in a mental hospital -- just as Jan had. Jan noted that with Marlena's help, Ben had been able to turn his life around. Jan vowed that she would put in the necessary work to turn her life around, and she formally asked Marlena for her help.

Shawn arrived, and Jan told him that she'd just asked for Marlena's help. Marlena said that she couldn't make any guarantees to Jan, but she promised to try to fit Jan into her schedule. Marlena then told Shawn that Jan wasn't the only person who needed counseling, and she encouraged Shawn to seek marriage counseling. Shawn surprised John and Marlena when he announced that Belle wanted a formal separation and that he'd already agreed. Jan could hardly contain her giddiness.

PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air
PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air

PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air

Thursday, June 2, 2022

by Soap Central

Due to NBC Sports coverage of the French Open, Days of our Lives did not air.

This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the preemption. Regular programming resumed on Monday, June 6, and picked up where the Wednesday, June 1, episode concluded.

PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air
PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air

PREEMPTION: Days of our Lives did not air

Friday, June 3, 2022

by Soap Central

Due to NBC Sports coverage of the French Open, Days of our Lives did not air.

This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the preemption. Regular programming resumed on Monday, June 6, and picked up where the Wednesday, June 1, episode concluded.

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Edited by SC Desk