Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 2021 on DAYS

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Theo and Ciara announced their engagement, Chanel and Allie kissed again, and Sami attempted to burn Kristen
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 5, 2021 on DAYS

Paulina's lies were exposed. Abe dumped Paulina. Theo and Ciara announced their engagement. Ben refused to sign divorce papers. Ciara started to remember the explosion. Chanel and Allie kissed again. E.J. and Sami finally made love. Kristen called Brady. Brady told Chloe that he wanted to be with her, but she chose Philip. Gabi intercepted Kristen's letter. Sami attempted to burn Kristen's letter, but someone intervened. Nicole asked Theo for help finding Kristen. Shawn and Ciara argued about her engagement. Jack was suspicious. Xander and Gwen kissed.

Paulina's true plan for the town square is revealed

Paulina's true plan for the town square is revealed

Monday, July 5, 2021

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by Mike

At the hospital, Marlena received an office visit from John, who was carrying a picnic basket. "Since you're on call tonight, and we couldn't go out and celebrate the Fourth of July, I thought [that I'd] just bring the party to you," John explained while removing various foods from the basket. "You got all my favorites!" Marlena observed. "Nothing but the best for the love of my life," John reasoned. "Thank you for this -- and thank you for making sure that we could spend [the] holiday together," Marlena gushed. "It's not a holiday unless I'm with you, Doc," John declared. "I feel the same way," Marlena stressed.

"I am sorry that we had to miss Eli and Lani's anniversary party," Marlena fretted. "So am I...but, you know, I've been thinking about that -- why don't we invite 'em out to dinner, and we'll celebrate that way?" John suggested. "Well, that's a nice idea!" Marlena raved. "And maybe we can even get Lani to bring her aunt along -- [because, you know], I ran into Abe right after the twins' christening, [and] he went on and on...and on...about how impressed he was by her, [so] I am really eager to meet 'The Fantastic Paulina Price'!" John added. "He's dating her [now]," Marlena revealed. "Nice!" John raved.

Marlena recalled with a laugh, while John was preparing two "mocktini mocktails," that Paulina had once stolen Tamara's driver's license in order to gain access to a nightclub -- and had surely consumed at least a fifth of vodka during the outing. The story left John less disappointed about having missed Eli and Lani's anniversary party, since it was probably getting out of hand at that moment, but Marlena assumed that Paulina had matured in the decades since that incident and wasn't going to do anything to ruin the special occasion. Marlena hoped that Abe had decided to talk to Tamara about having started a romantic relationship with Paulina -- but John didn't think it mattered, since Abe and Tamara were ancient history. "[Still]...secrets can drive a wedge between people," Marlena argued, and John conceded the point.

John soon changed the subject, wondering if Marlena's work schedule for the following day was still fairly open. Marlena confirmed that there was still only one patient on the calendar -- and John was surprised to learn that it was Ben. "I didn't know he was still seeing you," John admitted. "[Well, as] you must realize, he's having a hard time -- losing Ciara, not even knowing if she'll come back to him... [You know], it's so sad, [because] not only does she not remember loving him -- she hates him, [so] she's constantly berating him, hurting his feelings, and reminding him of his own past," Marlena fretted. "Do you think Ciara's ever gonna come around?" John wondered. "Gosh, I hope so..." Marlena responded.

At Julie's Place, Julie continued complaining to Doug and Theo about the earlier revelation that Paulina was apparently plotting to demolish the Horton Town Square. "Theo, when you came home for Lani's surprise party, I'm sure you didn't expect that surprise, also...but there's never a dull moment in Salem!" Doug joked.

"Actually...I didn't just come back for the anniversary party -- I actually have some news to share, [too]," Theo clarified. "Well, I hope it's good news..." Julie grumbled. "It is," Theo insisted before elaborating -- then gauging Julie and Doug's reactions and realizing with a sigh that they didn't see it as good news at all.

"[So, Ciara and Ben] are not getting back together," Doug summarized. "That would be a hard 'no,'" Theo declared. "[And] you still have feelings for Ciara," Julie concluded. "Truth? I never stopped," Theo admitted. "[Still, this is] fast -- you two only left Salem a couple months ago..." Doug noted. "She moved halfway across the world with me -- you didn't think that meant something?" Theo countered. "[We] just thought..." Julie muttered. "That she was just trying to get away from Ben," Theo guessed. "Well...yes," Julie confirmed as Doug nodded.

"You guys are Team Ben," Theo grumbled. "Oh, honey... I'm sorry -- we just... We don't want anybody to get hurt --" Julie reasoned, drawing another nod from Doug. "It's kind of late for that -- Ciara was kidnapped [and] almost died [then] lost years of her memory, [and that was] all because of Ben! [But] she'll be safe with me, because I would never, ever hurt her!" Theo stressed. "Does that mean that there's been no progress toward Ciara getting her memory back?" Julie wondered. "Nothing -- [and] the doctors say the longer she doesn't remember, the less likely she ever will," Theo reported. "[But]...if she does?" Doug challenged Theo. "Have you thought about what that would mean [for] you?" Julie added. "What makes you so sure that she would just go back to him?" Theo snapped. "We're not trying to upset you..." Julie backpedaled. "If you kids are happy, we're happy for you..." Doug conceded.

At the Weston apartment, Ben refused to believe that Ciara was truly engaged to Theo. "Why would I make that up?" Ciara challenged Ben. "[Then] where's the ring?" Ben challenged Ciara. "Well, I didn't want you to see it and freak out, but if it helps you accept reality..." Ciara responded before producing a diamond ring and putting it on then taunting Ben with it. "Now do you believe me?" Ciara wondered as Ben numbly eyed the ring.

"You do not love Theo -- not the way you love me --" Ben objected. "I am crazy about Theo! [He's] my best friend, he understands me, he makes me feel cherished every minute of every day -- [oh, and] he doesn't murder women; that's a really big 'plus' --" Ciara insisted. "I get it -- Theo is a saint, [and] he is familiar, [and] he's safe; he is like a teddy bear -- but what you and I have [is] intense [and] passionate --" Ben argued. "And that 'passion' was so 'intense' I nearly died -- twice! [Or was it] three times? [Either way], I don't need that!" Ciara countered.

"[And] I don't need some possessive, obsessive husband who thinks he knows what's best for me -- I want someone who is kind and gentle [and] actually takes care of me and keeps me safe, [and] Theo is all of those things! [So, yes], he is the man I want -- not you -- [and] I am going to marry [him]...and there's nothing you can do to stop us, [because] you can be all tough and stubborn, [but] I will be tougher and more stubborn than you ever dreamed possible --" Ciara continued. "Like mother, like daughter..." Ben muttered, recalling what Rafe had said at the cabin.

"Finally -- you get it --" Ciara assumed after Ben elaborated. "The difference between [us and them] is that Hope didn't love Rafe anymore -- [but] you just don't remember [loving me, so]...I can't sign those papers," Ben clarified before snatching the divorce documents from Ciara and ripping them up then scattering the remains around the apartment.

"That's real mature..." Ciara grumbled before deciding to just take Ben to court for a divorce instead. "Great -- [because] then you'll have to come back to Salem, and you won't be able to hide from all the things that will make you remember us," Ben reasoned. "I am not 'hiding,' Ben -- I simply do not want to remember you! [And] I find it fundamentally cruel that you are making this so damn difficult for me!" Ciara snapped before starting to storm out of the apartment. "Wait," Ben called out, stopping Ciara.

At the Horton Town Square, Paulina dismissively explained to Chanel, Abe, Lani, and Eli that "Price Town" was just a working title. "Get it?" Paulina added with a laugh -- but the quartet seemed to find more narcissism in the title than humor.

The foreman of the construction crew helpfully interjected that "Price Town" wasn't really any worse than "Q-Mart" as a name for a big-box store. "Excuse me?" Abe sputtered. "Don't listen to him -- he's just a demolition man; he doesn't know what he's talking about," Paulina argued. "I think he knows exactly what he's talking about," Chanel countered before telling Lani, Eli, and Abe about having recently found blueprints in the Price condominium that definitely could have been blueprints for a big-box store but had been marked -- incorrectly, according to Paulina -- as blueprints for the Horton Town Square project. "Since when have you become an expert in the development business?" Paulina snapped at Chanel -- and as Eli incredulously reacted to Paulina's shameless attempt to discredit Chanel, Lani and Abe suddenly realized the true reason for the inconsistent stories about Paulina's love life.

Eli demanded to see the permit and the blueprints for the project. "Definitely the plans I saw at my mom's place," Chanel observed after helping Eli unfurl the blueprints. "[She's] tearing down the whole damn square!" Eli announced after inspecting the documents. "Yes, I am," Paulina confirmed. "You can't -- [it's] a historic site!" Abe argued. "That permit says that I can," Paulina countered.

"I championed your 'cause,' your 'dream' of this 'rainbow coalition of stores' -- I lobbied, negotiated, [and] called in favors to make those permits happen -- and it was all a lie!" Abe spat at Paulina. "I saw this amazing opportunity --" Paulina tried to explain. "For you!" Abe summarized. "No -- for the community!" Paulina argued. "[Then] why did you feel you had to lie?" Abe wondered. "Well, because of this -- this...rush to judgment! [Look], I pitched a feel-good project that would get everybody on board [because I knew none of you] would be open to the [real] change that this town has [actually] needed for a long time --" Paulina reasoned. "What do you know about Salem?" Eli protested. "The last thing Salem needs is another Q-Mart clone --" Abe declared. "Actually, my wife has to go all the way to Brookville to meet her bulk shopping needs --" the foreman of the construction crew helpfully interjected again. "No one asked you!" Chanel snapped.

"My project, Price Town -- it will make money the moment it opens its doors...[and] it will meet the needs of more people with, you know, low-priced, quality goods...[and] it will generate lots and lots of tax dollars... Everybody wins!" Paulina argued. "Except the small business owners and the people of color who were counting on this marketplace to realize their dreams of building a future!" Abe countered.

"Price Town will create more 'futures' [by offering] a hell of a lot more jobs than we ever could have had in that original plan! [Look], I promise you [that] if we do it my way, [then] we all can make some money --" Paulina maintained. "[And] that's what this is about to you -- money. Forget trust [and] decency as long as you got a steady flow of income right into your bank account..." Eli summarized.

"You did all of this behind my back -- [now], how is that possible?" Abe wondered. "You were the one that told the planning commissioner to just, you know, expedite the process [and] approve anything that I needed -- [and] he did," Paulina explained. "I see -- so, this is all on a need-to-know basis, and I didn't need to know," Abe translated. "You told Chanel that you never mix business with pleasure, [but] I was the exception -- and that was another lie, wasn't it? [Our 'relationship'] was part of your business plan," Abe realized. "Abe, no -- no, I swear that what we have, I believe, is real --" Paulina insisted. "Don't!" Abe snapped before turning away in disgust.

"Don't look at me like that --" Paulina begged Lani, who was scowling. "You moved up the date of the demolition to coincide with the party [in the hope that] we wouldn't find out, until after it was too late to try to stop it, [that] you were taking a wrecking ball to [Eli's] family's legacy -- literally!" Lani spat. "Actually, it was a crowbar --" the foreman of the construction crew helpfully interjected yet again. "Will you shut it!" Chanel demanded.

"Is this why you came here, Aunt Paulina? How long have you been planning this?" Lani wondered. "I came to see those beautiful babies --" Paulina insisted. "[And] offering to pay for their education -- was that some kind of a payoff so we would just forgive you?" Lani guessed. "No -- I love those children like they were my own!" Paulina declared.

"Then why rip away their heritage? Look, Tom and Alice are my great-great-grandparents, and I may have not known them, but coming to this square makes me feel like I'm close to them -- and now you're just gonna throw away their whole legacy on a trash heap?" Eli snapped. "Well, if I had known they were your great-greats when I started this project, I never would have --" Paulina responded. "[But once] you knew, you could have stopped this --" Lani argued. "No, it was too late --" Paulina countered. "You know what? I'm through with her excuses," Eli decided, and Lani agreed. "We're giving you back the money -- I should have never taken it in the first place. [And, honestly], I wish you never would have come to this town!" Lani spat at Paulina before storming off with Eli, who was carrying Tom and Alice's memorial plaque.

"I have a right to do this -- I own all these buildings --" Paulina argued. "You don't own the Salem Inn," Abe countered. "She does -- she told me yesterday," Chanel recalled. "The Bistro, too," Paulina bragged. "Of course, you do -- you're nothing if not thorough..." Abe grumbled before ordering the foreman of the construction crew to halt the project for the time being. "Abe, come on -- I've made promises to all my suppliers --" Paulina objected. "Not another word!" Abe snapped before stepping aside to contact City Hall about the matter, guessing that Paulina was going to fight to keep the project alive -- and Chanel sadly agreed with that prediction.

"You knew my business would never open...[so], when you said you believed in me, was that all a part of this lie, too?" Chanel challenged Paulina. "Of course, I believe in you -- I love you --" Paulina insisted. "You let me believe I could do it -- that I could start a business, be successful -- [because] why not encourage your screwed-up kid to make something happen, [right]? It's no risk to you -- it's not like this plan was actually real, anyway --" Chanel assumed. "Price Town is real -- you can get a job there --" Paulina suggested. "As...what, a checkout girl? A greeter?" Chanel protested. "There's nothing wrong with honest work --" Paulina argued. "'Honest'? You don't get to use that word!" Chanel countered.

"I don't want a job -- I want my own business! I have a dream --" Chanel stressed. "Let's not use Dr. King's sacred words to describe some bakery you've been 'dreaming' about for...almost two weeks?" Paulina advised with a dismissive laugh. "I've been baking since I was a little girl -- I used to pretend I had a bakery -- and I know you remember, because you were my best customer," Chanel clarified. "[But] it's not just that -- I wanted to build something for myself to prove to myself I could do it...[but I also] wanted to make you proud of me, finally. [And] this is all a big joke to you?" Chanel added.

"What kind of mother does that to her kid?" Chanel grumbled. "I never meant to hurt you... [Look], everybody makes mistakes, right? [Now], I forgave you [after] you and that Xander Cook tried to blackmail me out of millions, [so...just] look into your heart and try to forgive me --" Paulina argued. "Guess I know where I get my love of money and my talent for lying and screwing people over... [You know], all my life, I looked up to you, [and] I was proud of all that you accomplished...[but, after] all this talk about hard work and honesty you always brag about, [now] it turns out [that] you're nothing but a liar and a cheat who doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants," Chanel countered before storming off, ignoring Paulina's protests.

"I don't know what to say --" Paulina began when Abe returned a short time later. "Well, I would suggest apologizing to Chanel [and] your family [and] me...but, based on what you've said so far, I don't think you're sorry at all," Abe responded. "It all started spiraling out of control --" Paulina tried to explain. "And yet you kept lying. You had to see this day coming -- and soon -- [so]...what the hell were you thinking?" Abe countered.

At Julie's Place, Lani and Eli finished telling Julie, Doug, and Theo about Paulina's betrayal. "My grandparents -- they're rolling over in their graves right now..." Julie fretted while looking at Tom and Alice's memorial plaque. "Well, sweetheart, think of it as an opportunity to put some good, old-fashioned spit and shine on the plaque," Doug reasoned. "Then we'll put it right back where it belongs," Eli promised. "You can't be sure of that..." Julie argued.

Doug and Julie soon decided to head back to the Horton house, and Eli insisted on walking them to their vehicle, leaving Lani alone with Theo -- who was quick to brag about being engaged to Ciara. "That is so wonderful!" Lani raved before congratulating Theo with a hug. "I'm glad someone thinks so..." Theo grumbled before clarifying the statement.

"[Anyway, Ciara] went to Ben's to get him to sign the divorce papers... [You know], after the crap he pulled -- like trying to inject her with that syringe -- I wanted to go with her, but she just said that it would make him dig in his heels even more... [Of course], everybody says that Ben is a decent guy now -- nothing like he was, anyway -- so...I have to believe that everything's okay..." Theo added.

At the Weston apartment, Ciara grew tired of humoring Ben, who had been reminiscing about their past in an effort to jog some memories. Ciara started to leave, but Ben blocked the apartment door -- then locked it.

Paulina tells Abe about her past
Paulina tells Abe about her past

Paulina tells Abe about her past

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

by Spalding

Nicole was staring at Duke the bear in her apartment when Allie returned to the living room after a hot shower. "I still can't shake the feeling of swimming in the lake with Tripp's boss's body," Allie said with a shiver. Allie worried aloud about Tripp, and she asked Nicole if Tripp could stop by for a visit.

"Of course," Nicole said. There was a knock at the door, and Allie was surprised to find a crying Chanel in the hallway instead of Tripp. "What's wrong?" Allie asked. "Everything!" Chanel wailed. Allie invited Chanel inside.

After Allie introduced Chanel and Nicole, Chanel told Allie that there was not going to be a bakery. Nicole left to pick up Holly so that Chanel and Allie could talk privately. Chanel told Allie about Paulina's secret plan to tear down the town square. "I can't believe it," Allie whispered.

"I hate her for what she did to me, but I've learned a thing or two about how to get back at Miss Paulina. But [what] I will never forgive her for, is what she did to you," Chanel said. Allie told Chanel that she was not stupid for having believed her mother. "I have been there with my mother so many times," Allie added. Chanel lamented that Allie had wasted time on plans for the bakery instead of hunting for a job.

"It's not a waste of time. Forget your mom, we can still do this bakery. You can do it on your own," Allie said. Chanel reminded Allie that she had no money or assistance from the city. Allie promised that she and Chanel would figure out a plan.

"Seems like you don't hate me," Chanel whispered. "How can I hate you? You're my best friend," Allie said. Allie hugged Chanel. Tired, Chanel noted that she could not stay at her mother's apartment. Allie invited Chanel to sleep over. "I'll make cosmos and we can sit and watch fireworks on TV. We can celebrate your independence!" Allie said.

In the square, Abe told Paulina that he was still in disbelief. "You planned to demolish the square during Eli and Lani's anniversary party. And you planned it that way so no one could stop you," Abe said. "It's just easier for me to ask for forgiveness than to get permission," Paulina said. Abe told Paulina, "You will get neither from me."

"You played me, Paulina, and I hope it was worth it," Abe grumbled. Paulina stressed that she cared about Abe and that she had hated lying to him. Abe asked Paulina why. Paulina explained that she had been looking for a spot to build her store for years, and she had realized that Salem was the perfect spot logistically.

"Most important, it gave me a chance to get close to my precious niece and those beautiful babies," Paulina added. "You do know that Lani wants nothing to do with you," Abe countered. Paulina said she hoped that Lani would understand one day. "Don't hold your breath," Abe muttered. Paulina continued to explain why she had scammed Abe.

"I knew that I had to get you to change the zoning in the square, or I wouldn't get a building permit. And obviously, I wanted to tear down the centerpiece of y'all's town, and that wasn't a smart thing to lead with," Paulina said. "So, you played on my guilt. You accused me of not doing enough to support our community," Abe said. Paulina argued that she had appealed to Abe's sense of decency.

"What the hell do you know about decency?" Abe said. Paulina noted that it had been obvious that Abe was a good man who wanted to do the right thing. "And you're doing just the opposite," Abe growled. Paulina insisted that she believed Price Town would be good for Salem. Abe called Paulina arrogant.

"What I didn't see was how important this square was to Eli and his family, and I was in Miami when you came up with that idea to subsidize all the rents for the small businesses," Paulina said. "Businesses that you knew would never be a reality," Abe countered. With a shrug, Paulina recounted how everything had snowballed, including Chanel's bakery.

"Did it ever occur to you that your daughter is more important than your project?" Abe asked. "Things were already in motion. I couldn't just grind them to a halt," Paulina said. Paulina explained that she would have lost too much money if she had canceled her plans for Price Town. Abe argued that Paulina could have written off her loss.

"Are you so desperate for money that you would betray the people that you claim to care the most about?" Abe asked. "I'm not broke, if that's what you're thinking. And I never will be. Not again," Paulina vowed. Abe asked Paulina what she meant. Paulina told Abe that she had married a man for money, but he had been abusive.

"Was that Chanel's father?" Abe asked. Paulina noted the abusive marriage had been prior to Paulina's relationship with Chanel's father. "I had nothing. He had all the power. I'd cover up my bruises with makeup. I'd tell the doctor that was wiring my jaw shut that I had walked into a door," Paulina said. Paulina explained that she had covertly stolen money from her husband so that she could escape the marriage.

"I promised myself that I would never, ever be in that situation again. I'd get my own money. I'd be my own woman, and I would never, ever be beholden to any man ever again," Paulina said. Abe asked about Chanel's father. Paulina explained that Chanel's father, George, had not had any money, but he had been a kind man. "We built a family together. And I built a business from the ground up," Paulina said. Paulina told Abe that she liked to be the breadwinner because it made her feel safe.

"So, I never said no to another opportunity to make more [money]. And when I saw the square, I just went into overdrive. I thought I will do whatever I have to do. I never ever dreamed that Chanel would get all tangled up in my big plans. And I conveniently forgot about the fact that Lani's husband, Eli, is a Horton. Sure as hell didn't count on falling for you," Paulina said. Abe raised an eyebrow.

"The trouble is that I don't know if a word of that is true," Abe said. Paulina swore that she had told Abe the truth. Abe countered that Paulina's tale sounded as sincere as her lies. Abe asked Paulina if she believed her past justified her actions in Salem. "I'm not trying to make any excuses. I'm just trying to explain who I am," Paulina said.

"How do I explain to my constituents that I was conned by a scam artist?" Abe asked. Abe reminded Paulina that he had talked up the project to everyone in the city. "I'm humiliated now. And it's all because of you," Abe said. Paulina asked Abe if they still had a future together.

"Did you not hear me say there is no us? And this project that you're so proud of, is never going to see the light of day. I have some influence in this town, and I am going to move heaven and earth to stop you!" Abe said. Paulina asked Abe if they could talk privately in her apartment, but Abe stressed that he was "one sale that you are not going to make." Abe told Paulina that he wished she had never set foot in Salem.

In Julie's Place, Lani assured Theo that Ben would not hurt Ciara. Theo told Lani that Ben had attempted to inject Rolf's serum into Ciara, but Theo had stopped him. "[Ben] is desperate for [Ciara] to get her memory back," Lani said. After a moment, Lani admitted that she was worried what Ben would do out of desperation.

"But Theo, I really don't think [Ben] would hurt her," Lani said. Frustrated, Theo noted that he wished people would face that Ben was not "right in the head." Eli returned after walking Doug and Julie to their car. "They said they're really sorry, but they can't celebrate our anniversary," Eli said. Lani noted that no one felt like a celebration after everything that had happened that day.

"Can we stop the demolition?" Lani asked. "We're going to find out," Eli said. Worried about Ciara, Theo announced that he needed to find her. Lani told Theo that she loved him and that everything would be okay. After Theo left, Eli asked Lani what he had missed. Lani told Eli that Theo and Ciara were engaged.

After Eli rattled off the list of missing guests for the party, Eli chastised himself for planning it. "It was a surprise, all right," Eli joked. "But I am still glad that I got to marry you a year ago today. And that we made two beautiful babies," Lani said. With a chuckle, Lani noted that the babies had managed to sleep through all the excitement of the party. "I have had enough excitement for tonight," Eli said. Eli suggested that they spend a quiet evening at home.

When Eli and Lani returned home with the twins, Lani ripped up the check that Paulina had given them for the children's college education. "I don't want her dirty money," Lani said. "I'm sorry. I know how much you loved her," Eli said. "I see her for what she really is. Sneaky and greedy and just thinking about herself," Lani grumbled. Eli urged Lani to stay calm.

"[Paulina] played [my father]. I really hope he never talks to her again," Lani said. Eli reminded Lani of their wedding day. "Don't let Aunt Paulina ruin this for you, okay? I love you. Happy anniversary," Eli said. "Happy anniversary," Lani replied.

In Ben's apartment, Ben refused to let Ciara leave when the mementos of their life together did not jog her memory. Ben locked the door and blocked it with his body. "I am not your prisoner," Ciara said. "I can't let you go. Not right now. Not ever," Ben said. Ciara asked Ben if he had a necktie that he wanted to use on her.

"I would never hurt you," Ben said. Ciara laughed. "You are hurting me right now, and you wonder why I don't want to stay married to you? You are just like the rest of them. You are no different than Rhodes, or Vincent, or Evan," Ciara said. Ben's eyes went wide. Ben asked Ciara if that meant she remembered those three men.

"Don't you dare tell me what I do and do not remember," Ciara said. Ciara explained that Theo and Hope had told her about the men that had caused her to lose her memory. "I know what happens like I read it in a history book, but I don't actually remember what happened, and I'm glad," Ciara said. Ben told Ciara that he understood that she was afraid.

"I'm not like them. I'm gonna prove it to you," Ben said. Ben unlocked and opened the door for Ciara. "You're free to go," Ben said. Ben added that if Ciara left, it would be the biggest mistake of her life. "What's the catch?" Ciara asked. Ben told Ciara that she was free to go, but he would not give up on her.

"When I found you after you crashed your motorcycle, I took you back to that cabin. I took care of you. I nursed you back to health. When everybody in this town thought that Vincent had killed you, I never gave up on you. I found you. I saved you. And I will never, ever forget that day. Bursting into that room and pulling back that curtain, and seeing that wall that he was keeping you behind broken and shattered from an explosion. Smoke and debris filling the room, and you nowhere to be found. My heart practically stopped, Ciara. But I dug through the rubble. I dug through the rubble, and I called out for you because I knew it was my job to find you," Ben said.

Ciara heard Ben scream her name in her head as she recalled a vague memory of the night Ben had rescued her. Ben noticed the look on Ciara's face. "You remember something, don't you?" Ben asked. As Ciara stared at Ben, Theo burst into the room. "You leave her the hell alone!" Theo yelled. Ciara told Theo she was fine.

"I was just telling Ciara about how I rescued her. More importantly, I saw her remember something, because I saw it in her eyes," Ben said. "You see what you wanna see," Theo grumbled. "I don't remember being rescued. I was unconscious for that," Ciara said. Frustrated, Ciara reiterated that her first memories were from the hospital. Ciara told Theo that it was time to leave to see the fireworks.

"What about the divorce papers?" Theo asked. Ciara told Theo that Ben had torn up the papers because Ben did not believe that she was capable of making her own decisions. Ben confirmed that he had no intention of signing the papers, and he corrected Ciara. "I know that you're capable of making your own decisions. I actually know that better than anybody," Ben said.

"You don't remember the love that we had for each other. But the thing is, it may not be here right now, but it's definitely right there still. And I am more convinced of that now today than ever," Ben said. "I'm just going to have to take him to court," Ciara told Theo. As Theo and Ciara started to leave, Ben warned Theo that Ben and Ciara had an unbreakable bond. Ben told Theo that he understood that they were best friends, but Ciara had only accepted Theo's proposal because Ciara had no memory of her life with Ben.

"So what? She's just using me?" Theo asked. Ciara asked Ben and Theo not to talk about her as if she was not in the room. Ben argued that Ciara would continue to remember her past. "You seem like a nice guy. I don't want to see you get hurt," Ben told Theo. "That is the most condescending thing I have ever heard in my life," Ciara complained. Ciara stressed that she loved Theo.

"You love Theo like you love puppies. That's not how you love me. Even if you don't remember that love, you will because it's still there. It's still there, and a little part of you is feeling it right now. Tell me I'm wrong," Ben said. "You love a girl that I don't remember being. It's over," Ciara said. Ben cautioned Theo not to rush into marriage. Frustrated, Ciara reminded Ben that she had known Theo since they were children. "I'll see you in court," Ciara said.

Outside the Brady Pub, Rafe hugged Ava from behind as they watched the fireworks explode. Nicole exited the pub, and she looked at Rafe. Rafe smiled at Nicole, but she walked away.

In Ben's apartment, he collected the remnants of the divorce papers, and he dumped them in the trash. Ben stared at his wedding photo. In the park, Ciara and Theo watched the fireworks. As Theo focused on the sky, Ciara's smile fell away.

As Eli and Lani watched the fireworks from their living room, Abe returned to Julie's Place. At the construction site in the town square, Paulina called Chanel's phone. When Chanel did not answer the call, Paulina started to cry.

In Nicole's apartment, Allie sat down on the couch next to Chanel and turned on the TV. Chanel rested her head on Allie's shoulder, and Allie put her arm around her. When Chanel and Allie looked at one another, they stared for a moment then leaned in and kissed.

Brady receives a phone call from Kristen
Brady receives a phone call from Kristen

Brady receives a phone call from Kristen

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

by Mike

At the DiMera mansion, Sami cried out for E.J. while asleep then awoke with a start. Sami breathed a sigh of relief -- then saw that E.J.'s side of their bed was empty. Sami cried out for E.J. again then began hyperventilating after getting no response.

E.J. soon burst into the bedroom and assured Sami that everything was okay. "I just had a dream that you were in pain, and I had the medicine, and I couldn't get to you somehow... And then I woke up, and you weren't here..." Sami explained after calming down. "I went down to get you a breakfast tray," E.J. clarified before starting to apologize.

Sami insisted that there was no need for an apology, but E.J. forged ahead, feeling responsible for the nightmare. "You spent years taking care of me 24/7 -- and I spent years treating you horribly. [And] you still dream about it," E.J. summarized before apologizing -- for that and for having continued to treat Sami horribly since returning to Salem.

Sami maintained that there was no need for any apologies, but E.J. forged ahead again, acknowledging that decisions in a marriage should never be unilateral. Sami dismissed the concern, claiming to be perfectly fine with everything E.J. had done since returning to Salem. "I want, more than anything in the whole world, for you to have your life back -- for you to be you again --" Sami stressed. "But we're not 'us' again -- and that's on me," E.J. countered. "When I said...that I wasn't ready for us to make was because..." Sami tried to explain, realizing what E.J. meant. "I can't snap my fingers and erase the last four years," E.J. concluded, surprising Sami, who had apparently been about to offer some other explanation.

"When I showed up at your mother's front door, unannounced, you had every right to slam it into my face -- [but] instead, you stood beside me, like you have ever since you found me, so...just being with you is enough for me. It took me a long time to heal, and you waited, [so] I'll wait for you -- no matter how long it takes. I mean that. As little as I do show it, I do love you," E.J. assured Sami. "Oh!" Sami tearfully swooned before passionately kissing E.J., who eventually pulled away. "You don't have to do this --" E.J. stressed. "I want to," Sami insisted before passionately kissing E.J. again.

At the Brady Pub, Lucas started to request a cup of coffee from Roman -- then released a sigh of irritation when Kate approached and echoed the request. "[Roman, I slept] better than I have in a long time -- thank you so much for letting me have my old room back [after I moved out of the DiMera mansion yesterday]. I have to say, it was great getting out of that nest of vipers -- and being here has the advantage that I get to be under the same roof as my son again, and that's a bright spot..." Kate raved. "Speak for yourself..." Lucas grumbled.

"Okay -- where did that come from?" Kate wondered. "A place of still being royally pissed off because you pretended to be blind," Lucas answered. "It's not like I could tell anyone --" Kate reasoned. "Yes, you could have -- and you know what else you could have done? Not pretended to be blind -- that would have been nice!" Lucas countered. "He has a point," Roman interjected, delighting Lucas and annoying Kate, who defensively explained that Jake and Gabi had both needed to be punished for their respective transgressions.

"[But your 'blindness'] gutted every single person that ever cared about you!" Lucas stressed. "[And] I am sorry [about that] -- I didn't mean to hurt you, but I just...had to stick to the plan...[and] you're the last person I could have told [about it]!" Kate insisted. "You don't trust me," Lucas bitterly translated. "With a secret? You're right! You have absolutely no poker face at all, Lucas -- everything you're thinking [and] everything you know [is] written all over your face!" Kate bluntly confirmed. "No way -- that's absolutely ridiculous --" Lucas tried to protest. "No, that's actually right," Roman interjected, annoying Lucas and delighting Kate.

Roman told Kate about some of the facial expressions that Lucas had been displaying since learning that Sami and E.J. had reunited and were going to be staying in Salem. "You're...upset that Sami's staying? I thought the two of you were getting along," Kate challenged Lucas. "I don't think his issue was with Sami," Roman teased. "That's right, it's not -- my issue is with E.J., because he's an arrogant, conceited son of a --" Lucas spat. "Well, yes, of course -- all of that's true -- but still...I'm glad he's staying," Kate admitted. "What?" Lucas sputtered. "Well, you know, his first act as the new CEO of DiMera Enterprises was to hire me..." Kate bragged. "You're gonna work for E.J.?" Roman repeated. "The hell you are!" Lucas objected.

"You're a real barrel of laughs this morning..." Kate dryly informed Lucas. "Well, I'm sorry if I'm acting badly [after learning that] you pretended to be blind [and that] you're gonna work for the worst person in the world," Lucas sarcastically countered before starting to complain about how E.J. had sabotaged Sami's attempt to cancel a hit that Kristen had put out on both Sami and Lucas. "Damn -- I hadn't heard that," Roman admitted. "[Well], obviously, since you and Sami weren't murdered, E.J. actually had the situation under control," Kate reasoned, but Lucas wasn't convinced.

"Lucas, who I work for and where I work is really none of your concern," Kate insisted. "You don't need a job -- you don't need the money! And if you need something to do, you should...take up knitting or something!" Lucas argued. "Okay, I don't need the money, and I don't need to work...but I'm going back to that job to pay back Jake and Gabi for what they did to me," Kate explained. "Right, of course -- it's all about what you want, isn't it? To hell with everybody else!" Lucas bitterly summarized before storming out of the pub, ignoring Kate's protests.

"Okay... So, you're not done paying Jake back?" Roman prodded Kate after a few moments of awkward silence. "Not by a long shot," Kate confirmed before offering Roman an opportunity to brag about having been right all along. "I take no joy in [being right about Jake] -- I'm just sorry that he hurt you...[and] worried that you can't get over it," Roman stressed. "Of course, I can --" Kate argued. "Taking this job to pay him back [and] to keep paying him back -- that doesn't indicate that you're moving on," Roman countered. "That's who I am -- I fight back --" Kate reasoned. "No -- you start a war so you don't have time to cry," Roman declared.

At the Hernandez house, Jake entered the kitchen and greeted Rafe then requested permission to claim a cup of coffee. "What the hell are you doing here?" Rafe demanded to know. "Gabi didn't tell you? We moved in last night," Jake responded. "You did what?" Rafe sputtered.

Jake awkwardly began to explain the situation to Rafe -- and Gabi soon joined them in the kitchen. "I thought you told Rafe we were moving in!" Jake snapped at Gabi. "Oh, I'm sorry -- we got in so late last night... I should have texted you," Gabi admitted to Rafe with a dismissive shrug before helping Jake finish the story.

"So, you can see why I don't want to live in the same house as [E.J.]," Jake concluded. "I can see you not wanting to live on the same planet as him," Rafe stressed. "But I thought it was your house, so...why don't you just kick him out? I mean, I'd be more than happy to help..." Rafe challenged Gabi. "Rafael, we don't want to live there anymore --" Gabi insisted. "And by 'we,' you mean Jake," Rafe translated. "We had to get out of there! And don't worry -- we'll get out of here as soon as we find...the next place," Gabi declared before stepping aside to take a phone call from Philip.

"What's up?" Jake asked after Gabi ended the call. "I just have to pass by the mansion -- I left some mail there for a meeting at Titan," Gabi explained before rushing off.

"Do you have a problem with us staying here?" Jake asked Rafe once the coast was clear. "With Gabi, no -- [but] with you, I do," Rafe admitted. "I don't like -- and that's an understatement -- how you treated Kate. You used her, so how do I know that you're not using my sister, [too]?" Rafe elaborated. "You don't need to tell me I was lousy to Kate -- I know I was. [And] you don't have to believe me, but Kate and I, we were happy, [and] I did not go to Gabi until I thought Kate broke up with me... [Look], haven't you ever been with somebody -- somebody you really, actually care about -- but you can't stop thinking about somebody else?" Jake responded, making Rafe squirm.

Jake soon changed the subject, still upset about what E.J. had done. "I don't hate very many people in this world, but I sure as hell hate E.J.," Jake declared. "Welcome to the club," Rafe responded. "Why do you hate him?" Jake wondered. "He doesn't pay his parking tickets," Rafe joked. "Well, you can bet your ass he's gonna pay for what he did to me," Jake stressed. "Just make damn sure that my sister doesn't get caught up in the crossfire," Rafe warned.

At the Evans-Black townhouse, Brady sighed while staring at the photograph of Chloe that Kristen had defaced with a giant "X" through the use of some sort of blade. Brady set the photograph aside with a shake of the head after receiving a phone call from an unknown number -- then tensed after realizing that the caller was Kristen.

"Where are you?" Brady wondered. "You know I can't tell you -- I shouldn't even have called, but I just had to hear your voice... I can't stop thinking about Rachel and you -- I miss the two of you so much..." Kristen answered. Brady tersely reported that Rachel was fine -- then started to complain about having recently been forced to accept a bagful of Kristen's personal effects that the police no longer needed as evidence. "Oh..." Kristen whispered before Brady even mentioned the defaced photograph of Chloe, as if already realizing that it was the troubling part of the collection.

"Think I should get that framed?" Brady wondered at the end of the complaint. "I'm sorry you saw that -- I just... You know I was out of my mind --" Kristen stammered. "I'm glad I saw it, actually, because it reminded me of what you are capable of...and it also reminded me -- it slammed home the fact -- that I can never be with you ever again," Brady admitted.

"I never would have hurt Chloe --" Kristen insisted. "You drugged her, tied her up, and put her in the trunk of a car -- [where] she could have suffocated --" Brady protested. "But [then] I told Philip where the car was --" Kristen stressed. "[After] you could no longer broker a deal [by] using her life as a bargaining chip -- because that's what sociopaths do; they don't care about other people's lives..." Brady countered before realizing that it was pointless to even try to engage in a rational conversation with Kristen about the matter.

"'Could have suffocated' -- that means she didn't?" Kristen translated in an effort to keep Brady talking. "Yeah -- she got shot at point-blank range [instead]," Brady reported. "Is she dead?" Kristen wondered. "No, Chloe is not dead, Kristen -- are you disappointed?" Brady answered. "Of course, I'm not --" Kristen insisted. "After everything you put her through, I don't think there's any more 'of course, I'm not' about it," Brady countered. "I'm not the one who shot her -- you can't blame me for that!" Kristen protested.

Brady shared the details of Chloe's ordeal with Kristen, who sighed during the tale. "I can hear it in your voice -- you're in love with her," Kristen conceded before wondering if Chloe was with Brady at that moment. "No," Brady responded. "Why not? What are you waiting for, Brady? You hate me, and you blame me for everything --" Kristen grumbled. "Because you are to blame for everything, psychotic..." Brady spat. "'Bitch,' right? 'Cause that's what you think of me...and Chloe is everything I am not... You know what, Brady? Go be with her -- and I hope the two of you live miserably ever after," Kristen countered before ending the call and releasing a groan of frustration to fight back a wave of tears.

At Basic Black, Nicole and Rafe's shared teddy bear watched silently as its current custodian struggled to stay focused on work. "Aw -- you're missing Rafe, aren't you, buddy?" Nicole eventually said to the teddy bear, which didn't respond. "So am I..." Nicole admitted to the teddy bear with a sigh before realizing that they were no longer alone in the CEO's office. "There's a song about talking to trees...but a stuffed animal?" Chloe teased, drawing a laugh of embarrassment from Nicole.

Nicole was surprised to see Chloe back at work so soon after the ordeal with Jan. "I'm perfectly capable of working with my arm in a sling. Besides, look at it this way -- you have a human being to talk to [now]!" Chloe reasoned before challenging Nicole to explain what had just been confessed to the teddy bear. "What I say to the bear is privileged communication -- [and] at least when I tell him something, he doesn't grill me..." Nicole muttered.

"I'm not 'grilling' you, I promise -- I just want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk," Chloe stressed. "Actually, I do want to talk..." Nicole decided, causing Chloe to get excited. "[But] not about Rafe," Nicole clarified, drawing a sigh of disappointment from Chloe. "I have a problem that is right in your wheelhouse -- how do I go about proving [that] Sami and Lucas slept together before E.J. came back?" Nicole blurted out, surprising Chloe.

"What's it to you? And don't tell me it's an affront to your moral code," Chloe challenged Nicole. "I will spare you the details, but I think I'm at the point -- again -- where I may have to prod Sami back into her cage," Nicole explained. "[So], Sami has something on you, [and] you're trying to prove that she slept with Lucas to...what, level the playing field? [Oh, come on] -- are you sure we can't go into details? It sounds like it could be really interesting!" Chloe responded. "I can't just make accusations -- I need proof that they had an affair," Nicole fretted, refusing to satisfy Chloe's need for more information. "Okay, well, I don't know if it was an affair...but I definitely know that Sami and Lucas were in cahoots about something," Chloe admitted before telling Nicole about Sami's attempt to help Lucas fake a brain tumor.

"Why would Sami want you gone?" Nicole wondered. "I don't know -- that's what I keep thinking about... I mean, I don't have a problem with Sami, and vice versa... But I do know that Kristen wanted me gone..." Chloe responded. "[So], Kristen has something on Sami, [and] she blackmailed her to get you out of the picture," Nicole guessed.

"So, on top of everything else, Kristen's a blackmailer? Ugh -- just when I thought I couldn't despise the woman any more..." Chloe muttered, and Nicole agreed -- just as Brady joined them in the CEO's office. "I know what you mean," Brady admitted before starting to reveal what had happened earlier -- and Nicole rushed off after hearing the important details, eager to follow up on Chloe's lead.

"How could I have loved a woman that could do something like that?" Brady fretted after showing Chloe the defaced photograph. "Hearing her voice [and] hearing her talk about these horrible things that just came across to her as everyday occurrences -- I mean, it made me angry...but, as quickly as I got angry, like a light switch, I wasn't angry anymore -- I was numb, because I got this clarity; I finally realized [that] she's not really a whole human being, [and] she never was. I mean, it seems like she is at times, [but] then it's very apparent that she's not -- what seems like sanity is just her wearing another one of her masks. [And] I did get some clarity, [too], about you -- and what I want. And, God, Chloe, all I want is to be with you," Brady added, surprising Chloe.

Gabi entered the DiMera mansion and found Sami and E.J. making out on the living room couch. "My eyes!" Gabi protested before starting to argue with E.J. about the coup. "I made an assessment of what was best for DiMera Enterprises -- there was nothing personal about it," E.J. eventually summarized. "Oh, it is now -- see, I hold you personally responsible for what happened to Jake, and I will personally make sure that you pay for it. Philip and I, we're going to grind DiMera Enterprises into dust -- and we're gonna enjoy every single moment of it," Gabi countered before storming back out of the mansion, grabbing some mail on the way out.

Sami caught up with Gabi outside the mansion. "You just threw down the gauntlet with E.J.! You are smarter than that, okay? You have to be careful -- you cannot just go around making enemies of DiMeras! Have you learned nothing?" Sami warned Gabi before reentering the mansion -- and realizing that E.J. was in the midst of a phone conversation with Kristen.

Sami snatched E.J.'s cell phone and ended the call then reiterated that talking to Kristen was a bad idea. "You should block her number!" Sami advised. "[She just] wanted to tell me about a letter she sent me --" E.J. responded. "What letter?" Sami sputtered.

Nicole ran into Lucas outside the Brady Pub and started to ask questions about the brain tumor scam -- then shared the theory that it had been an attempt to get Chloe out of Salem so that Kristen wouldn't tell E.J. that Lucas and Sami had slept together. Meanwhile, inside the pub, Kate tried to make sense of Lucas' earlier reaction to the mention of E.J.'s name, prompting Roman to somewhat suggestively guess that Sami and Lucas had recently "reconnected" with each other.

Gabi rejoined Jake at the Hernandez house and started to inspect the mail from the DiMera mansion while explaining that the meeting at Titan had been postponed. "I guess I picked up an extra letter -- this one's addressed to E.J. DiMera..." Gabi realized, drawing a mischievous laugh from Jake.

Gabi and Jake learn that Sami cheated on E.J. with Lucas
Gabi and Jake learn that Sami cheated on E.J. with Lucas

Gabi and Jake learn that Sami cheated on E.J. with Lucas

Thursday, July 8, 2021

by Mike

At the police station, Eli casually wondered if Rafe's threesome had been enjoyable. "My 'threesome'? What are you talking about, man?" Rafe responded after coughing. "Your dinner with Ava and Nicole!" Eli clarified. "Oh, that..." Rafe muttered.

"If you really must know --" Rafe continued. "Yes!" Eli insisted. "Not that great...[especially] after Duke decided to put his two cents in," Rafe concluded. "Who the hell is 'Duke'?" Eli wondered. "My talking bear," Rafe admitted. "Whoa, wait -- your bear was talking to you?" Eli incredulously repeated. "Obviously, it wasn't really talking -- I just imagined it," Rafe defensively explained. " was your subconscious?" Eli guessed. "Something like that," Rafe confirmed.

Eli started laughing hysterically, further annoying Rafe. "This is all your fault --" Rafe snapped. "Wait, what?" Eli protested. "Because you were asking all those damn questions about how I felt about Nicole --" Rafe elaborated. "Hey, I was just trying to help you sort through your feelings," Eli reasoned. "[Yeah, well], it sure as hell didn't help when I tried to strangle the damn bear in front of Ava and Nicole!" Rafe grumbled. "'Strangle your bear' -- well, there's a way of saying it I haven't heard before..." Eli joked. "Oh, that's funny -- you're a funny guy..." Rafe muttered.

"So, what'd you say to get yourself out of that one?" Eli wondered. "That I was overworked, that I was preoccupied with a case..." Rafe answered. "Smooth!" Eli declared. "Yeah -- so 'smooth' that Ava didn't believe a word I said; in fact, she asked me straight-up the next night if I had feelings for Nicole...and the kicker [is that] she did it right in front of Nicole!" Rafe stressed, recalling what had happened at the Brady Pub on the Fourth of July.

Nicole approached Rafe and Ava's table and started to offer a festive greeting -- then apologized for the interruption and tried to rush off, sensing that it was a bad time. "It's okay -- you can stay. [And], actually, I think that you should..." Ava called out, stopping Nicole. "[Because] I was just about to ask Rafe if he thought of you as more than just a friend," Ava concluded, eyeing Rafe suspiciously.

"I wouldn't string you along -- [and] I don't chase after married women," Rafe insisted while grasping Ava's hands. "Not chasing after them is different than not wanting them," Ava noted. "[Nicole] and I are friends -- good friends -- [and] that's it," Rafe maintained. "Right?" Rafe prodded Nicole, who backed up the claim with a forced smile.

"Did [Ava] believe you?" Eli wondered. "Apparently so -- she hasn't brought it up since," Rafe responded. "[But] you still have feelings for Nicole," Eli guessed. "Nicole's married, [though, and] I care about Ava, so...I'm gonna forget that I have feelings for Nicole," Rafe vowed. "So, when were you gonna tell me?" Ava snapped while approaching Rafe and Eli.

Eli greeted Ava then gave Rafe a sympathetic look before making up an excuse to leave the conversation. "You gonna answer my question?" Ava challenged Rafe. "Ava... I care about you -- I really do -- and, you know, living with you, it's been great, and our relationship has been really great...and, you know, I didn't want to hurt your feelings --" Rafe stammered. "Why would Gabi and Jake moving in with us hurt my feelings?" Ava wondered. "Right -- yeah, no, you were talking about Gabi and Jake --" Rafe realized. "Yeah... Who were you talking about?" Ava countered.

"I...was talking about Gabi and Jake, too!" Rafe claimed. "And, you know, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that they were moving in -- but, in my defense, I didn't even know it until this morning," Rafe stressed. "Jake comes out, and then he makes the big announcement, and..." Rafe explained. "So, I'm guessing that you saw 'em --" Rafe concluded. "More like heard them..." Ava grumbled. "Oh," Rafe responded. "Oh!" Rafe protested after realizing what Ava meant. "Ugh -- sorry about that..." Rafe declared with a cringe. "And I'm sorry about not telling you," Rafe added.

"It's okay -- it's just that...I'm not sure how harmonious it's gonna be, considering that Gabi doesn't exactly approve of our relationship," Ava admitted. "Yeah, well, I'm gonna talk to her --" Rafe offered. "No, you don't have to do that... [Look], I'm mostly worried about how it's gonna affect you -- you know, being caught between two women who care about you," Ava clarified. "Well, the good news is that Gabi and Jake said they're gonna start looking for their own place -- soon -- so, hopefully, they are not gonna be there that long," Rafe responded.

"But, you know, the bottom line doesn't matter what my sister thinks about us -- that does not change anything between you and me," Rafe insisted. "I hope not...'cause you've become very, very important to me," Ava revealed. "I don't know -- I suppose, because of my history with relationships, that I can't help but worry, you know? Especially when things feel so good -- almost like they're too good to be true, you know? I worry that it's just somehow gonna be taken away from me," Ava confessed. "It won't be," Rafe promised before giving Ava a hug.

At Basic Black, Brady continued talking about wanting to be with Chloe -- then ultimately decided to just let a kiss do the talking instead. "Get your hands off her!" Philip demanded, joining Brady and Chloe in the CEO's office. "I can explain --" Chloe assured Philip after pulling away from Brady. "You don't have to explain anything to this guy," Brady said to Chloe before telling Philip about what had just happened.

Philip looked to Chloe for confirmation or denial of Brady's claim. "Please tell him that we are going to be together so he will kindly leave," Brady urged Chloe. "I can't," Chloe insisted. "Why not?" Brady wondered. "Because I already promised Philip I would give him a chance," Chloe explained. "That can't be what you want --" Brady protested. "She chose me -- accept it," Philip snapped. "That was before --" Brady countered. "Please stop arguing like I'm not even in the same room!" Chloe interjected, silencing Brady and Philip.

"Brady, you know how much I care about you -- and I had hoped that, one day, you would get over Kristen, but...honestly, it didn't seem like that day was ever going to come," Chloe reasoned. "You had your chance, Brady, and you blew it -- [so], she's with me now...and, unlike you, I'm way too smart to let her go," Philip declared. "I see..." Brady muttered before apologizing to Chloe then rushing off.

Once the coast was clear, Philip kissed Chloe, who stiffened in response. "Something wrong?" Philip wondered. "You didn't need to twist the knife like that," Chloe insisted. "I walked in on him kissing you -- how am I supposed to react?" Philip argued. "It was a misunderstanding," Chloe countered. "Do you want to be with Brady?" Philip challenged Chloe. "Look, I meant what I said before -- I really appreciate how patient you've been, and whatever Brady thinks or feels or wants, that doesn't change anything," Chloe responded before kissing Philip.

"I almost forgot why I'm here..." Philip announced before surprising Chloe with a framed photograph of Parker to keep at the office. Chloe thanked Philip for the gift while choosing a spot for it on the desk -- then stared wistfully at a nearby magazine that featured Brady as the cover model.

At the Hernandez house, Jake insisted on taking a peek at the contents of the envelope that had accidentally ended up in Gabi's possession. "It's just a letter -- there's no return address on it, [so] there's no reason to think it's filled with trade secrets --" Gabi argued. "If there is one thing I learned while living and working in the DiMera pit of vipers, it's that all information is useful. [Now], E.J. stuck his nose in my business, [so] I think I should return the favor," Jake countered. "Maybe you're right -- E.J. was a total jerk when I went to go pick up the mail; he went on and on about how unqualified you are to be a CEO... Don't worry, because I set him straight, of course -- [and] also reminded him that we're gonna beat him down to the ground," Gabi spat. "Maybe this is the first step," Jake mused before opening the envelope and reading the letter aloud to Gabi.

Gabi was stunned to learn that Sami had recently slept with Lucas -- and Jake was delighted. "Does it get any better than this? I can't wait 'til this letter knocks the smug look off of E.J.'s face! He took DiMera away from me? I'm gonna take the woman he loves away from him!" Jake bragged before starting to rush off to the DiMera mansion with the letter. "You can't!" Gabi protested. "Why?" Jake wondered. "[Because] Sami is my friend -- [and] Arianna's grandmother -- [so] I am not gonna ruin her marriage! [And] Lucas is Arianna's grandfather! [And] Kristen is crazy -- she could have made this up just to get back at Sami!" Gabi reasoned.

"I'm gonna act like I never even read that letter -- and you should, too," Gabi insisted. "If it means that much to you..." Jake conceded before crumpling the letter and tossing it in a trash can. "It does -- thank you," Gabi responded before giving Jake a kiss -- then stepping into another room to take a phone call from Arianna, who was at a summer camp at that moment.

At the DiMera mansion, Sami nervously probed for more details about the letter that Kristen had mentioned to E.J. during their phone conversation. "You hung up on her [before she could tell me about it, so] all I know is that she said it was important," E.J. explained to Sami with a shrug before starting to step into the foyer to see if the letter was in the stack of mail that had arrived that day.

Sami worriedly begged E.J. not to read the letter, reasoning that doing so could put an end to their blissful reunion. "How?" E.J. wondered. "God knows!" Sami responded. "Samantha, I will never do anything to threaten what we have...but a letter from my sister that only we know about seems quite harmless; it can't possibly hurt to read it," E.J. argued before resuming the walk to the foyer.

Outside the Brady Pub, Lucas laughed off Nicole's "crazy conspiracy theory" about what had prompted the brain tumor scam. "Sami is madly in love with E.J., [and] I am just the irritating ex-husband who she has kids with," Lucas insisted. "But you were trapped [together in the DiMera tunnels] -- you could have died --" Nicole argued. "Imminent death is not a turn-on," Lucas countered.

"Then why did you lie to Chloe?" Nicole wondered. "All right... To tell you the truth... I never got over Chloe -- [I'm still] very much in love with her, and I wanted to get back with her, [and] I just thought [that] maybe, if I got her out of town [and] away from Brady, we could [finally] make a fresh start," Lucas explained. "You're saying Kristen had nothing to do with this," Nicole skeptically translated. "Nothing at all -- it was all [just] me and my selfish attitude! Bad Lucas! Bad Lucas!" Lucas dryly confirmed while accepting a few self-inflicted smacks to the head.

"Even if that were true...why would Sami help you?" Nicole wondered. " great person -- [and] she believes in true love, [and] she wanted that for me with Chloe," Lucas reasoned. "Nice try, [but] no -- there is no way that Sami would go so far for you, even for 'true love.' And with Chloe -- I mean, of all people? Ha! No, it just doesn't add up, Lucas -- [so], I still believe that you cooked up this crazy con because Kristen has something on you and Sami," Nicole maintained. "Well, I don't know why you're so obsessed with Sami and me, [anyway -- unless] maybe you're feeling a little guilty yourself right now... Maybe Sami's right -- maybe you did cheat on Eric with Xander --" Lucas countered.

"Don't change the subject!" Nicole protested. "You know what? I'm not gonna do this with you anymore! [So], you can go -- and you can take your crazy conspiracy theories with you, all right? Because you don't have any proof!" Lucas stressed. "Then I'll get some!" Nicole, who was carrying a purse, vowed before smacking Lucas' left arm with it then storming off with a sigh of frustration.

At the Hernandez house, Gabi returned to the kitchen and started to report that Arianna was having a blast -- then realized that Jake was gone. Gabi checked the trash can on a hunch -- then stormed off to the DiMera mansion with a scream of anger after confirming that the letter was back in Jake's possession.

At the DiMera mansion, Sami breathed a sigh of relief when E.J. declared that the stack of mail in the foyer contained nothing of interest. E.J. quickly thought of a few other sections of the mansion in which mail could sometimes be found, prompting Sami to desperately offer another round of sex as a distraction. E.J. responded favorably -- but Sami received a phone call while leading the way to their bedroom.

"It's Lucas," Sami observed. "Don't answer it," E.J. begged. "Oh, I don't want to...but it might be about Allie and that debacle in the town square and how her cute little store is not gonna happen..." Sami argued. "I'm sure it can wait," E.J. countered. "No, this -- my daughter -- can't...but I'll make it worth your while," Sami insisted before rushing off to another room to take the call -- and E.J. scowled once the coast was clear.

Sami and Lucas took turns filling each other in on the new threats they were going to have to handle in order to stop their secret from being exposed. "This whole thing is gonna come out now --" Lucas predicted. "No, it can't -- not ever; not now, [when] E.J. and I are finally together...for real!" Sami objected. Lucas silently absorbed the sting of the comment, realizing what it meant, but Sami seemed completely oblivious to the possibility that it might have hurt. Sami soon hung up on Lucas then started searching the mansion for Harold, who was most likely to know if the letter had arrived yet.

Meanwhile, Jake entered the DiMera mansion and joined E.J. in the living room. "If you left behind one of your cheap leather jackets, I'll have Harold send it -- [and] if you're here to beg for a role at DiMera, the answer's still 'no'; I have no use for a grease monkey in the boardroom," E.J. preemptively began. "Actually, E.J., I'm here to take you down," Jake gleefully clarified.

E.J. watched as Jake reached into a hidden jacket pocket. "So, you're packing heat -- is that it? Well, then, go ahead, Jake -- shoot me! What are you waiting for?" E.J. snapped. "You know, I love Gabi [and] the life we have, [so] I'm not gonna throw that away trying to get back at you," Jake decided -- just as Gabi burst into the living room. "Not to worry, Gabriella -- whatever your boyfriend had planned to...'take me down'...he obviously lost his nerve," E.J. revealed.

Jake stormed out of the living room, and Gabi followed -- then demanded an explanation once they reached the foyer. "I wanted to see that son of a bitch's face when he found out his wife's cheating on him -- I wanted to bring him to his knees -- but I couldn't do it because I love you," Jake summarized. "Here, take it -- before I change my mind," Jake added before retrieving the letter from the hidden jacket pocket and shoving it at Gabi then storming out of the mansion.

Sami entered the foyer before Gabi could chase after Jake. "Here to poke the bear again? You have to understand that E.J. --" Sami began. "I am here to protect you," Gabi clarified before handing over the letter. "Did you really sleep with Lucas?" Gabi wondered. "No, of course not -- [but] Kristen hates me; she's the devil, and all she wants to do is hurt me [because] she is evil and horrible!" Sami reflexively responded. "Yeah, I did... But E.J. wasn't himself, and he didn't want... But now he does, and now it's gonna be okay, and I love him, and he loves me, and I can't lose him --" Sami tearfully backpedaled. "You're not gonna lose him," Gabi promised.

"I came here to stop Jake from showing E.J. that letter," Gabi explained. "Really?" Sami sputtered. "I couldn't destroy your life like that...[especially] after everything that you did to help me with Nick -- you covered for me, [and] I have to return the favor," Gabi reasoned. "But Jake saw this, and he hates E.J. [and] wants revenge, [so] --" Sami fretted. "Don't worry about him, okay? I will deal with Jake," Gabi assured Sami, who nodded then offered a hug of gratitude.

Gabi headed back to the Hernandez house and started lashing out at Jake. "I know that you want to hurt E.J., but if I can't trust you --" Gabi eventually snapped. "Of course, you can trust me! Like I said [before] -- and I think it's abundantly clear because E.J. doesn't have the freakin' letter -- I couldn't go through with it [because] I stood in front of him, looking into his dead eyes, I could only think of one thing, and that one thing is that I love you much more than I could ever hate him!" Jake tiredly countered. "Well, that's great to hear..." Gabi sarcastically declared. "Right -- I suppose I could find a more romantic way to express how I feel about you... I love you -- [and] nothing on this planet is more important to me than you," Jake quickly backpedaled. "Much better," Gabi raved before kissing Jake.

At the DiMera mansion, Sami entered the living room and, after seeing that it was otherwise unoccupied, read the letter aloud then decided to burn it in the fireplace. "Where the hell are the matches?" Sami grumbled after discovering that they were no longer being stored on the mantel. Sami started searching the living room for the matches, leaving the letter clearly visible in the fireplace. Sami eventually figured out that the desk was the new storage space for the matches -- but E.J. returned just then and wondered what was going on.

Nicole found Brady sitting on a bench outside Basic Black -- then offered a few words of comfort after learning what had just happened. "[Look, this] doesn't necessarily mean there's no hope for you and Chloe -- I mean, this is Philip we're talking about here; he doesn't have the greatest history when it comes to relationships," Nicole concluded. "True... But this is on me -- I blew it," Brady responded.

Brady and Nicole eventually parted ways with a hug -- and Nicole discreetly snatched Brady's cell phone during the embrace. "Now all I have to do is find some techie to trace this call [from Kristen then get her to] confirm that Sami slept with Lucas," Nicole reasoned.

Ciara argues with Shawn about her engagement
Ciara argues with Shawn about her engagement

Ciara argues with Shawn about her engagement

Friday, July 9, 2021

by Spalding

As Nicole sat on the bench in the park off the square, Xander wandered by. Xander guessed that Nicole was exhausted from worrying about Sami. With a grin, Nicole held up Brady's phone. Nicole explained she had borrowed Brady's phone so that she could track down Kristen.

"Why would you want to talk to Kristen?" Xander asked. "I think Kristen figured out that Sami slept with Lucas, and she used that juicy tidbit to blackmail them into getting Chloe out of town," Nicole said. Nicole told Xander about Lucas' brain tumor story.

"But you think if you ring up Kristen, she'll confirm all this?" Xander asked. "[Kristen] hates Sami's guts, so why not? All I need her to do is confirm that my lying, hypocrite of a sister-in-law betrayed her beloved," Nicole said. Nicole grinned, and she told Xander about her chat with Lucas.

Xander reminded Nicole that he had been the one to suggest that Sami had cheated with Lucas. "I'm the reason you have a chance to neutralize [Sami]," Xander said. Nicole sarcastically thanked Xander for having a dirty mind. When Xander countered that Nicole could be "a dirty girl," she yelled at him to stop. Nicole reminded Xander of their deal.

"Relax. I'm not going to tell anybody, but I'll always have those precious memories right up here. And so will you," Xander said. With a chuckle, Xander walked away. Flustered, Nicole muttered to herself that she needed to find someone to help her with the phone.

Gwen sat on the couch and read a news article. "It's a hot day in Salem. I'm sure it's a lot hotter where you are now, Snyder," Gwen said. "Gwen," Jack said. Gwen was startled. Gwen explained that she had been reading Jack's article about Snyder. Jack admitted that he had not mentioned Gwen in the article. With a nod, Gwen said that she had not been much help to the police.

"Why did Eli want to talk to you?" Jack asked. "My nosy little cousin Tripp, he had seen an exchange between Dr. Snyder and me that had seemed tense," Gwen admitted. Jack remarked that he had seen the tension between Gwen and Snyder. With a shrug, Gwen said that Snyder had been particular about her medication. "I got the impression that there was more to it than that," Jack said. Jack asked if there had been a problem between Gwen and Snyder.

"Not that I was aware of," Gwen lied. Gwen added that Snyder was a reminder of her miscarriage. "Perhaps I was tense around him. Triggered, if you will, without realizing it," Gwen said. Jack reminded Gwen of Snyder's odd behavior the day of Gwen's fall. "Chad asked about the baby, and Snyder said that you had instructed him not to give that information out to anybody," Jack said. Gwen argued that Snyder had been respecting confidentiality.

"I wanted to tell you about my miscarriage myself. Was that wrong?" Gwen asked. "No, it wasn't. I just keep thinking about your doctor, that's all," Jack said. Jack added that his reporter's instincts said, "Something just doesn't add up." Jack asked Gwen if there was anything she wanted to tell him about Snyder. "There's nothing. Really," Gwen lied. Still suspicious, Jack asked Gwen if she was sure she had no information about Snyder's death.

"Why are you giving your daughter the third degree? Back off, would you?" Xander said as he walked into the room. "You back off, Xander. I'm just talking to my daughter about Dr. Snyder's death," Jack said. Xander argued that Gwen did not know anything, but Jack told Xander that he could not know what Gwen knew. Xander explained that he had been there when Eli had questioned Gwen.

"If it's good enough for [Eli], it should damn well be good enough for you, Jack," Xander said. Jack protested that he had asked questions as a reporter and father, but Xander's interruption had made Jack more suspicious. "Now I'm going to ask both of you, is there something you are not telling me about Dr. Snyder?" Jack asked. Xander joked that Jack had read too many novels about murder.

"Who said anything about murder?" Gwen said. Xander noted that Snyder had likely died of natural causes. "Maybe, but why does it seem like you have something to hide?" Jack asked. Xander reminded Jack that he had asked Xander to get along with Gwen. "I saw how your interrogation was upsetting her, and I wanted to lend a hand," Xander explained.

"Nothing that my father said or did upset me. I am just upset because the man that I associate with the loss of my child has now also lost his life. It's just terribly sad," Gwen said. Jack raised an eyebrow. "So, the two of you are getting close?" Jack asked. Gwen said she had learned to tolerate Xander's presence.

"However you feel about each other, I care about you both. If either of you are in any kind of trouble, I will do anything in my power to help, but I can't do that if you're keeping secrets," Jack said. With a nod, Jack walked out. Gwen shoved Xander. "You idiot!" Gwen yelled. Gwen recounted the times that Xander had made things worse. "I was trying to protect you," Xander said. "I don't need your protection, mate. I don't need a damn thing from you," Gwen said. Hurt, Xander wondered aloud if he should tell Jack the truth about the miscarriage.

"Your sister felt so guilty that she left town. But you love that, don't you? 'Cause now you get daddy all to yourself. But when he finds out the real story," Xander said. "You wouldn't do that," Gwen growled. Xander grinned, and he challenged Gwen to stop him. "Is that what you want?" Gwen asked. "I'll show you what I want," Xander said. Xander grabbed Gwen, and he kissed her passionately.

In the DiMera living room, Sami placed Kristen's letter in the fireplace. As Sami rooted through the desk drawer for matches, E.J. walked in. "What are you doing with those matches?" E.J. asked. "I just wanted to light a fire," Sami said. "In July?" E.J. countered. Sami lied and said that the house was chilly. When E.J. offered to start the fire, Sami stopped him. "I just thought of a better way to warm up," Sami said. Sami kissed E.J.

E.J. and Sami headed up to their room, and they tore each other's clothes off. E.J. asked Sami if she was feeling okay because she had appeared pale downstairs. Sami said she was fine. "There was a long period of time when I wasn't there for you, Samantha. But I'm here now to stay, so if there's anything that's ever troubling you, you can tell me," E.J. whispered. Sami threw E.J. onto the bed, and she asked him to make love to her.

Later, Sami curled up next to E.J., and he lamented that he had pushed her away for so long. "It's over. I know how much pain you were in," Sami said. "And I caused you pain. Which was terribly unfair," E.J. said. Sami encouraged E.J. to leave the past behind.

"It's important that I take responsibility. Acknowledge that this time, I was solely to blame," E.J. said. "This time?" Sami said with a smirk. E.J. explained that he had thought about all the reasons they had drifted apart, because he wanted to make sure they learned from their mistakes. "In the past, we've allowed others to get in our way," E.J. said. "That's true, but we're not gonna let that ever happen again, okay?" Sami countered. E.J. kissed Sami's forehead.

After E.J. fell asleep, Sami returned downstairs to take care of Kristen's letter. "Nice try, Kristen. Once I get rid of this letter, there is absolutely no proof I slept with Lucas," Sami said. Sami's phone rang with a call from Johnny. Sami threw the lit match in the fireplace, and she exited the living room. From the foyer, someone walked over to the fireplace and stopped the letter from burning.

Ben met with Marlena in her office for his counseling session. Ben told Marlena about Ciara's return to Salem. "Ciara and Theo are engaged?" Marlena asked in disbelief. Ben told Marlena that he believed Ciara had started to remember her past. "I saw it in her eyes. Ciara may have lost her memory, but she is still my wife. We have our entire future ahead of us," Ben said. Ben added that he intended to fight for his marriage.

"I understand your frustration, but it does sound as though Ciara has made up her mind," Marlena counseled. Ben argued that he was not fighting Ciara but fighting for their marriage. Marlena told Ben that she was worried about Ben losing his fight.

"I'm not going to flip out and strangle somebody, if that's what you're worried about," Ben grumbled. "I'm worried about you getting hurt," Marlena clarified. Ben argued that part of Ciara wanted him to fight. "[Ciara] may never remember," Marlena said. Ben asked Marlena if she was telling him that his marriage was over. Marlena advised Ben to base his decision on the current situation.

"Ciara just doesn't want to be married to you now," Marlena said. Ben admitted that he knew that Ciara might never stop hating him. "What happens if she starts to remember us? What do I say to her, to the woman who stopped me from being executed, who believed in me when nobody else did? How do I look her in the eyes, after the hell that we've been through? How do I look her in the eye and tell her that I gave up?" Ben asked. When Marlena said she did not have an answer, Ben asked Marlena how she would feel if John was in Ciara's place.

"I know exactly how you feel," Marlena said. Marlena told Ben about when John had lost his memory. "But you never stopped fighting for him," Ben said. "No. I couldn't. But that's why I understand how painful this is for you. That's also why I can't be completely objective with you," Marlena said. Marlena noted that it had been luck that John had recovered his memories.

"Even if I tried to give up on Ciara, I wouldn't be able to. Ciara is my life. I don't care how long it takes for her to remember. I know she will, and I will wait forever if I have to," Ben said.

Ciara and Theo walked arm in arm through the town square. As Theo talked about Paulina, Ciara stared off into the distance. "I'm sorry, what?" Ciara said. Theo said he could not believe Paulina had lied to Abe. "Your dad seems heartbroken. I'm really glad that we're staying at his place," Ciara said.

"I think the news that we're getting married cheered him up a little," Theo said. "Actually, I'm not sure that's going to happen," Ciara said. Concerned, Theo asked Ciara if she had second thoughts. "I am not having any second thoughts. At all. I just meant that we can't get married until Ben Weston agrees to a divorce," Ciara said. Theo mentioned Ben's accusation that Ciara had started to recover her lost memories, but Ciara stressed that was not the case. Ciara kissed Theo. "The only memories that I am thinking about are the ones that you and I are going to make as husband and wife," Ciara said.

At the Brady house, Shawn hugged his sister hello. Ciara explained that she was staying at Abe's with Theo. When Shawn asked how things were going, Ciara held up her hand to show off her engagement ring. "You might say it's going pretty damned good," Ciara said with a grin. Shawn congratulated his sister, but Ciara noted that he did not sound excited.

"It's just really fast, and aren't you still married to Ben?" Shawn asked. "Technically, yes, but that's actually the other reason as to why I'm here. Ben refuses to sign the divorce papers, so I have to take him to court," Ciara said. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Claire said as she walked into the living room. "Stay out of this, firebug," Ciara said. Claire warned Ciara that she would not be able to forget her husband.

"I've already forgotten about Ben. Thank God. And I'm not the least bit surprised that he came running to you," Ciara said. Ciara joked that Ben and Claire were bestie psychopathic killers. "Please do not talk to her that way," Shawn said. Frustrated, Ciara asked Shawn why she should be nice to the person that had attempted to set her on fire twice.

"I was mentally ill, and I got help," Claire argued. Claire told Ciara that she had witnessed how hard Claire had worked on her mental health and how remorseful Claire had been. "You somehow found it within you to be kind enough to forgive me, because we love each other," Claire said. "Was that before or after I walked in on you naked with my boyfriend?" Ciara said. Shawn asked Ciara to stop attacking Claire.

"I hurt you very badly, Ciara. I will never stop being sorry for that. But as of right now, I am done groveling. I am done begging for your forgiveness. I'm just going to wait until the real Ciara comes back, because this Ciara? Is a stone cold bitch," Claire said. As Ciara took a step toward Claire, Shawn intervened and pulled them apart.

"Ciara, you forgave Claire a long time ago, because you saw how much work she put into it and how genuinely contrite that she was. And you gave her another chance," Shawn said. Ciara said she did not remember that. "I don't blame you for not remembering it, but you can't blame Claire for missing you and for trying to make sure you don't make a huge mistake," Shawn said. "So, you're on her side?" Ciara asked.

"You're my sister, and I love you, but yes, I'm with Claire," Shawn confirmed. "So, you're against Theo," Ciara added. "No. I think Theo is great. He is just not the man you were meant to be with," Shawn said. Ciara muttered that it was two against one. "It used to be you against the world," Shawn said. Shawn told Ciara that when she had first started to date Ben, everyone had fought Ciara on her decision.

"You were determined to prove to us that [Ben] had changed," Shawn said. Upset, Ciara told Shawn that she did not want to hear about Ben, but Shawn continued. "You went through hell to try and convince us that Ben was not his terrible past. And nobody believed you. Nobody. You were the only one that believed it," Shawn said. Shawn told Ciara that she had convinced her family that Ben had deserved her love.

"Now it's the opposite. Now it's us trying to convince you," Shawn said. Shawn advised Ciara to follow her heart. "But I believe you belong with Ben," Shawn added. "Can't you just be happy for me? Instead of making me defend my decision to divorce a murderer to marry my best friend?" Ciara asked, on the verge of tears. Shawn told Ciara that the family wanted Ciara to have the life that she had wanted.

"I want to be with Theo," Ciara said. Ciara looked over at Claire, and she told her to date Ben. "I honestly can't think of two people who deserve each other more," Ciara said. Angry, Ciara started to leave, but she stopped. Ciara noted that she still needed an attorney. When Shawn told Ciara to talk to Belle, Ciara said she did not want another lecture. "And Shawn? You should hide the matches," Ciara said as she stomped out of the house.

Claire sniffled back tears, and she admitted that she was tired of "being Ciara's punching bag." Shawn told Claire that he was proud of her for having stood up to Ciara. "I know it hurts that she doesn't remember how much she loves you, but trust me, she loves you," Shawn said. "I just wish she remembered how much she loves Ben," Claire said.

In the Kiriakis mansion, Ciara was surprised to see Ben seated alone in the living room. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ciara asked. Ben said he wanted to ask Justin to be his lawyer. Ciara said she was there to ask Justin to be her lawyer.

As Nicole stared at Brady's phone in the park, Theo said hello. Nicole hugged Theo, and he told her about his engagement to Ciara. "People think that it happened so fast, but Ciara and I have known each other forever," Theo said. Nicole agreed with Theo. Theo told Nicole about Ben's refusal to sign the divorce papers.

When Theo asked about Eric, Nicole told Theo that Eric was still in Africa. Nicole stopped mid-sentence when she remembered Brady's phone. "Can you help me with something?" Nicole asked. Nicole explained that she had borrowed Brady's phone, and she needed to track down the last caller. "It was Kristen," Nicole said. Theo accused Nicole of wanting to get revenge.

"It's not about just getting justice. I want to talk to Kristen for my own reasons, personal ones. And if you don't want to get involved, I totally understand," Nicole said. Theo noted that Nicole was family and that he would help her. "I hope Ciara knows that she is marrying a great guy," Nicole said. "She knows," Theo said.

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Edited by SC Desk