Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 28, 2021 on DAYS

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Ciara asked Ben to sign the divorce papers and Paulina
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 28, 2021 on DAYS

Kristen wrote to E.J. about Sami's affair. Chad and E.J. agreed to run DiMera together, and they offered Kate a job. Kate revealed she was not ill. Jake and Gabi moved out. Nicole had dinner with Rafe and Ava. Marlena advised Abe to talk to Tamara. Chloe struggled with her feelings for Brady, but she agreed to date Philip. Gwen told Xander about her miscarriage, and they almost kissed. Claire and Allie found Snyder's body at the lake. Eli questioned Gwen about Snyder. Ciara asked Ben to sign the divorce papers so that she could marry Theo. Eli and Lani's party was interrupted by the demolition of Horton Square.

Jake demands an explanation for Kate
Jake demands an explanation for Kate's betrayal

Jake demands an explanation for Kate's betrayal

Monday, June 28, 2021

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by Mike

At the Price condominium, Abe entered the living room with a yawn while Paulina was in the process of placing various breakfast foods on the kitchen table. "Finally! I thought you were gonna sleep the entire day away!" Paulina teased. "Well, that is your fault -- [see], you tired me out last night," Abe countered. "Well, I am not going to apologize for that," Paulina, who was wearing a marabou-trimmed robe, insisted.

Paulina admitted to having been awake "since the crack of dawn" -- then explained why, leaving Abe speechless. "Let's not [act] like anything's wrong -- I mean, so I made love to a woman in [a] dream!" Paulina defensively summarized. "But you're saying that you don't think you would do what you did in the dream in real life," Abe hesitantly responded.

Paulina claimed to only have eyes for Abe in real life. "Then we're good -- or, at least, I'm good; you seem a little upset..." Abe declared. "I'm still processing the fact that my daughter is... Well, she likes boys and girls, apparently. [Look], I was brought up to believe that boys should like girls and girls should like boys, and those who don't are going to hell --" Paulina tried to explain. "Well, a lot of us were brought up that way, sadly," Abe acknowledged. "[And] I am a God-fearing woman and a faithful churchgoer...but I have a mind of my own --" Paulina continued. "I noticed," Abe stressed. "[So], I have no problem with anyone's sexual orientation, period -- as long as they are good people," Paulina concluded.

"But...?" Abe prodded Paulina. "It's a little different when it's your own child -- [I mean], if Theo told you [that] he likes kissing boys sometimes, I mean, would you be okay with that?" Paulina responded. "I'd like to think I'd be fine if Theo came to me and said that he was gay or bisexual or fluid...but I guess you really don't know how you'd react until that moment actually happens," Abe conceded.

"I'm really fine with it -- you know, it doesn't matter who you love or how you love..." Paulina reiterated after some thought. "I'm just disappointed [that] she didn't trust me enough to be open and honest about it sooner," Paulina decided. "But, then again, I'm not so open and honest, either -- not about everything..." Paulina muttered. "What does that mean?" Abe wondered. "Nothing in particular..." Paulina stammered before starting to distract Abe with the details of an "even racier" dream from two nights earlier that had involved just the two of them.

At DiMera Enterprises, Shin watched neutrally as Tony, E.J., and Chad celebrated Kate's deciding vote, which had left Jake and Gabi fuming. "You're behind this, aren't you?" Jake snapped at Chad, who refused to apologize for having lobbied for Kate's vote. "You're wrong about what changed my mind," Kate teased, confusing Jake, who desperately wondered if they could talk about the matter privately before anything was set in stone. "It's over [already] -- you're out," Shin announced before ordering Jake -- and, by extension, Gabi -- to vacate the premises immediately.

"The three of you make me sick! This is what you call 'family'?" Jake spat at Chad, E.J., and Tony. "Just think of it as a rite of passage," Tony advised. "You're not a true DiMera until one of your own stabs you in the back," E.J. explained. "You'll get used to it," Chad promised.

Jake stormed off in disgust, with Gabi close behind. Kate, who was still pretending to be blind, asked Shin for help getting to a chauffeured car that was waiting outside. Tony, E.J., and Chad continued celebrating -- and Shin eventually returned and congratulated them on having pulled off an impressive coup.

"I hope there are no hard feelings about the vote I cast," Shin stressed. "Of course not," Chad responded, and E.J. and Tony agreed. "Good. I assure you, I am fully prepared to support Jake's successor," Shin vowed before wondering who, exactly, was going to take Jake's place as CEO of DiMera Enterprises. "I am," Chad and E.J. answered in unison.

Shin decided to give E.J. and Chad some time to discuss the matter privately. "I need an answer as soon as possible, [though] -- the company's vulnerable now that Jake's been forced out, [and] our investors deserve to know who will be taking his place," Shin warned before leaving. "Now, boys, let's not turn this into a fight --" Tony preemptively begged Chad and E.J. "Did you know what he had in mind?" Chad challenged Tony. "I honestly didn't," Tony assured Chad.

"Your plan only succeeded because Kate changed her vote -- [and] I was the one that made that happen!" Chad reminded E.J. "I don't think I believe that -- you heard me assure her that she would always have a place in this company, no matter what," E.J. argued. "She knows who you are -- she knows that you're gonna smooth-talk her and then stab her in the back!" Chad insisted.

"I should be in charge, Chad -- I know how to get the job done correctly," E.J. reasoned. "When was the last time you even had a job? Last I heard, you were being fed through a tube! [Meanwhile], I held down the fort and kept profits up --" Chad protested. "Except for those troubling periods where you got pushed out by Stefan and couldn't stop an outsider like Gabi seizing control -- and then, of course, you had 'personal problems' and turned the company over to an auto mechanic without a fight --" E.J. recalled. "I have two kids -- I was trying to repair my marriage --" Chad explained. "And what a rousing success that was --" E.J. noted. "You better shut your mouth, E.J., or you're gonna be back on that feeding tube --" Chad warned. "Enough!" Tony interjected before declaring that Chad and E.J. were behaving like children -- and were missing an obvious solution to the dispute.

When Shin returned a short time later, E.J. and Chad announced that they were going to run DiMera Enterprises together as co-CEOs. "Are you on board with this?" Shin challenged Tony. "I came up with the idea," Tony bragged. "Terrific -- [then] I'll take it to the board for their approval...[and] I'm sure there will be no objections," Shin said before leaving again.

"I am gonna make a prediction that this partnership will result in great success for DiMera Enterprises -- that is, as long as you work together, and you don't become adversaries," Tony stressed before practically forcing Chad and E.J. to shake hands and promise to cooperate with each other for the good of the company -- and they exchanged scowls while placating their older brother.

At the DiMera mansion, Kate settled on the living room couch and raised a celebratory glass of whiskey to Stefano's portrait. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to just stick it to Jake...but I haven't given up on him and Gabi yet..." Kate stressed -- just as Jake stormed into the living room with Gabi and demanded an explanation for what had happened earlier.

Kate told Jake to blame Gabi. "I would never have ever voted against you [if Gabi hadn't told me a few hours ago] that you didn't really want to be with me at all -- [that] I was just an obligation. And I have never been 'an obligation' to any man!" Kate explained. "You backstabbing bitch -- how dare you try to pin this on me!" Gabi spat.

"Gabi never should have told you that stuff -- I don't want her; I want you!" Jake assured Kate before ordering Gabi to back up the claim. "Is Gabi still there?" Kate wondered when Gabi didn't immediately respond to Jake's demand. "She is...but she's in denial," Jake informed Kate as Gabi silently complained about what was happening. "Call Shin and tell him you're gonna change your vote -- hopefully it's not too late!" Jake begged Kate. "Fine, I'll call him..." Kate promised, drawing a sigh of relief from Jake. "But have to pack up all of our things and get me the hell out of here -- [and then] swear to me that you will never see or speak to Gabi ever again," Kate added, stunning Jake and horrifying Gabi.

"What are you talking about? Where are we gonna go?" Jake stammered. "I don't know -- I just know I don't want to be in the same house as her; I don't want to be in the same city as her! Maybe we could go to Chicago [and] get a penthouse on Lake Shore Drive --" Kate responded. "How's that gonna happen if I'm running DiMera?" Jake protested. "Oh, please -- everyone's working remotely these days," Kate countered.

"Really, Jake, this shouldn't be a big, hard decision for you -- after all, Gabi's the one who jeopardized your entire career by shooting her mouth off at me! [That is, of course], if you truly want me, not her..." Kate reasoned. "It's okay, Jake -- Kate is never gonna agree to vote for you unless you agree to her terms...and I know how much you've come to love this job," Gabi bitterly conceded. "But I love you more," Jake quickly stressed.

Gabi stared at Jake in disbelief as Kate demanded an explanation. "Everything Gabi said was true -- she is the one that I want; I love her more than I've loved anybody else in my entire life, and I can't hide it anymore. Now, I am sorry -- I had the hardest time leaving you after everything Kristen did to you, and because you're still going through it --" Jake admitted. "You mean because I'm blind," Kate translated. "Yes. [Anyway, look], I can't live the lie anymore --" Jake continued. "Neither can I -- I'm not blind; I never have been," Kate revealed, stunning Jake and Gabi.

"You really are the biggest bitch I've ever known!" Gabi spat at Kate after recovering. "And the two of you are the most craven, most obnoxious, most self-serving creatures I've ever met!" Kate countered.

At the Hernandez house, Ava informed Nicole that Rafe suspected that there was more to the story of Kristen's kidnapping of Sami and Lucas than either victim's official statement had revealed -- and that Rafe also suspected that Lucas was jealous of E.J.'s relationship with Sami. Nicole thanked Ava for the gossip and promised not to say anything to Rafe about their conversation. Nicole and Ava agreed that Rafe's observations seemed to support the theory that Sami and Lucas had slept together while trapped in the DiMera wine cellar. Ava predicted that Lucas had probably already warned Sami that Nicole was investigating the matter.

Ava eventually changed the subject, telling Nicole about a plan to surprise Rafe with a special dinner that night -- something other than Italian food, for a change. "You've known him for so long -- you got any ideas?" Ava wondered. "Well, he has mentioned that he'd love to go to New Orleans, just for the food..." Nicole recalled. "Creole, huh? I can do that -- [and], since it was such a great idea of yours, you need to join us," Ava insisted -- and Nicole's attempts to decline the invitation were all rejected.

At the police station, Eli entered the commissioner's office while Rafe was daydreaming about Nicole. "I got the case files that you asked for --" Eli began. "You kind of startled me!" Rafe snapped.

"Sorry for...walking in on you [and] that bear..." Eli teasingly declared. "Well, I knew someone was gonna find out about [me and Duke] eventually..." Rafe sarcastically responded. "You named him? That's...cute..." Eli muttered. "Shut up -- he was a birthday present!" Rafe stressed. "When you were three?" Eli guessed. "No!" Rafe answered before elaborating, leaving Eli even more amused.

"Do you not have work to do?" Rafe irritably challenged Eli, who stayed put -- and wondered if Ava was aware that Rafe and Nicole shared custody of a teddy bear as a convenient excuse to see each other whenever the urge struck. "Ava knows that Nicole and I are just friends," Rafe noncommittally insisted. "Gotcha... Well, do you know that you and Nicole are 'just friends'?" Eli skeptically countered.

"Nicole is married to the love of her life, and I would never do anything to come between --" Rafe defensively stressed. "I'm not saying that you're trying to come between them...but I am saying you got a thing for her -- [I mean], the two of you are sharing custody of a stuffed bear like you're in some rom-com, [and] you also talk about her a lot," Eli confidently clarified -- and Rafe eventually stopped trying to deny the accusation.

"You're sort of right -- there was a time when I thought Nicole and I could be more than just friends," Rafe confessed. "[But] she is still in love with Eric," Rafe acknowledged with a shrug. "The guy's been in Africa a long time --" Eli noted. "Doesn't matter -- she loves him, and she wants him back. And besides, I'm with Ava now, and we're really happy," Rafe maintained. "So, you're saying that you're completely over Nicole?" Eli challenged Rafe.

"Exactly -- you're not saying that," Eli summarized when Rafe didn't immediately respond. "Using a mob princess to get over Nicole [is just] asking for trouble --" Eli warned. "Dude, I am not 'using' Ava -- and besides, she's left that life behind," Rafe argued. "Rafe, that's in her blood -- have you not seen her rap sheet? [I mean], the stuff that she did to Steve Johnson just because he wanted to move on --" Eli countered. "I have the situation under control," Rafe insisted. "That's why you were staring at the shared-custody bear when I walked in," Eli skeptically agreed. "Okay -- if you must know, I was staring at the bear when you walked in because I had a dream about it," Rafe blurted out.

"You're having dreams about the bear," Eli incredulously repeated. "I was not just dreaming about the bear -- I was dreaming that it was the bear, and it was me...and it was Nicole..." Rafe tried to clarify. "Ava know you're having sex dreams about Nicole?" Eli wondered. "It wasn't a 'sex dream' -- I kissed her, that's all --" Rafe protested. "You in trouble," Eli declared. "I know -- [and] I've got a really good thing going with Ava, and I don't want to mess it up --" Rafe fretted. "I got an idea -- you throw this damn bear in the incinerator," Eli advised. "I can't!" Rafe insisted, moving the teddy bear out of Eli's reach. "Then Nicole will ask about him, and I will have to tell her," Rafe reasoned.

Eli urged Rafe to reconsider -- just as Ava entered the office. Ava greeted Eli and apologized for the interruption then produced Rafe's cell phone. "You left [it] at home -- [which] gave me an excuse to see you," Ava explained to Rafe while handing over the device. "Listen, I am making a special dinner tonight -- and I invited Nicole, so I hope that's okay," Ava added. "Of course," Rafe quickly agreed as Eli pointedly coughed.

At the Brady Pub, Sami informed Lucas that E.J. had supposedly found a way to get in touch with Kristen -- but had promised to never take such a risk. "I understand how you stopped E.J. from calling Kristen...but how are you gonna stop Kristen from picking up the phone and calling E.J.? [I mean], we didn't do what we were supposed to do [for her] -- we didn't keep Brady and Chloe apart -- [and then] you tried to turn her in to the police, [so] she has plenty of reason to be mad enough to want us dead," Lucas warned. "She is on the run, okay? She's not gonna risk getting caught just to rat me out to E.J. --" Sami argued. "Keep telling yourself that..." Lucas countered.

Lucas added that Nicole was still a threat regardless -- then advised Sami to stop trying to prove that Nicole had cheated on Eric with Xander, if only to protect their own secret. "If you just give up on this vendetta against Nicole, you might have a shot at saving your own stupid marriage," Lucas summarized. "Giving up is not in my DNA -- [and besides], I didn't think you cared about me saving my 'stupid marriage,'" Sami countered. "I don't -- I want to be with you, and you know that. But if that's not something you want, then I want you to be happy -- even if it's with somebody else," Lucas explained. "Do you really mean that?" Sami swooned. "Yeah," Lucas insisted while grasping Sami's hands -- just as Nicole entered the pub.

Sami pushed Lucas' hands away as Nicole approached. "I'll let you two get back to...whatever it is you were doing..." Nicole, who had seen what had just happened, said to Sami and Lucas before starting to rush off with Henry. "Lucas was just making me come to my senses [and realize] that I have been acting crazy. I know that you didn't cheat on Eric -- and that you certainly wouldn't do it with some scum like Xander. So, I'm gonna drop the subject, and I'm gonna start focusing on things that really matter. I just wanted you to know," Sami declared. "Thanks -- I'm glad," Nicole responded.

"You did it -- you backed off! [Look], you did the right thing --" Lucas began to rave once the coast was clear, drawing a scoff from Sami. "Are you kidding me? I'm not backing off! Have you lost your mind? No -- I just wanted her to drop her guard and stop trying to figure out what's going on between us! I am still determined to nail her cheating behind to the wall!" Sami clarified, and Lucas sighed in response -- as Nicole watched them from outside the pub. "How stupid does Grammy Sami think I am? She's not letting this go -- and neither am I," Nicole said to Henry.

At an undisclosed location, Kristen laughed approvingly while reading an online article about E.J.'s return to Salem and subsequent attempt to remove Jake from DiMera Enterprises. "Sorry, Sami, but turnabout is fair play -- you tried to rat me out, so I see no reason why I shouldn't do the same..." Kristen muttered while writing a letter. "You are definitely getting what you deserve..." Kristen added after stuffing the letter in an envelope and addressing it to E.J.

Kate battles Jake and Gabi
Kate battles Jake and Gabi

Kate battles Jake and Gabi

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

by Spalding

At the police station, Eli was surprised to see Lani in the bullpen. "I thought I would surprise my husband with some lunch," Lani said. "You can surprise me like that any time you want," Eli countered. As Eli and Lani ate, Eli complimented the biscuits that Chanel had made. Lani said she was looking forward to having the apartment back to themselves. When Lani told Eli that she had surprising news, Eli raised an eyebrow and asked what Chanel had done.

"It was my Aunt Paulina. She's sleeping with my dad," Lani said. Eli coughed as he choked on his food. After Eli sipped some water, Lani told Eli about her conversation with Paulina. "I kept thinking that my Aunt Paulina was going to go into detail," Lani said with a grimace. "I'd be afraid of that, too, with your Aunt Paulina," Eli joked. Eli asked why Paulina had told her about Paulina's night with Abe. Lani explained that Paulina had wanted to have Lani's blessing

"I'm fine with it!" Lani said. "Clearly, you felt you needed to tell her that, but you can tell me the truth. How do you really feel?" Eli asked. Lani stressed that she was fine with the relationship, but she did not want to hear details. With a laugh, Lani said that her father had visited to tell Lani about the relationship, too. Eli asked Lani if she was worried about Abe.

"I just worry that it's not just personal. You know, they're in business together. Dad went out on a limb and got the zoning cleared for her, and I know that he believes in everything she is doing for the community. I just wonder if he has thought about what it looks like from the outside," Lani said. Eli assured Lani that everyone knew that Abe was an honest man.

With a grin, Lani mentioned it was their first anniversary. "Come on, baby. You know I knew that," Eli said. "No, you didn't," Lani said. Eli and Lani both chuckled. Lani asked what Eli wanted to do for their anniversary. "I'm beat. Why don't we just have a relaxing night at home?" Eli suggested. Lani agreed, but it was clear that she was disappointed.

After Lani left, Eli made a phone call. "Lani, she was just here. I have her thinking that I forgot about the whole thing. She is gonna be totally shocked," Eli said.

Chanel and Allie smiled as they looked at the storefront for their new bakery in Horton Square. "I'm terrified," Chanel admitted. As Chanel hugged Allie, Paulina rounded the corner. "Why don't you two just get a room?" Paulina said. Chanel reminded Paulina that Allie was just her friend. With a scoff, Paulina joked that if the situation changed, the Salem Inn had rooms available.

"One thing you'll learn about my mother is she loves to flog a joke to death. Especially if it wasn't funny the first time," Chanel said. "I can't change my nature any more than you can," Paulina countered. Paulina offered to take Chanel and Allie to lunch, but Allie said she needed to pick up her son. Paulina raved about Lani's children and how they made her think of having grandchildren.

"Maybe someday you will," Allie said. "You better not hold your breath," Chanel joked. Allie announced that she was on her way to deliver brownies to her father. "If you want a successful business, don't give away the merchandise," Paulina advised Allie. Allie noted that the brownies were more of a market sample because Lucas had a sweet tooth.

After Allie left, Paulina and Chanel had lunch at the caf. Paulina asked Chanel if she was ready to handle the accounting side of the business. "I've been teaching myself bookkeeping, payroll, spreadsheets, everything," Chanel said. As Chanel continued to talk about how optimistic she was about the business, a frustrated Paulina yelled, "Stop!" Chanel asked what was wrong.

"I know you have your heart set on this, and you have worked very hard. I just would hate to see you get hurt," Paulina said. Paulina told Chanel that 20% of businesses failed in the first year. "I can do this. I know I can," Chanel said. Paulina explained that she was not doubting Chanel; she was just worried. "I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me," Chanel said. Paulina started to say something, but her phone rang. Chanel said goodbye, and she ran off. Paulina answered her phone.

"Of course, I'm going forward with the project. There is no turning back now! The mayor signed off on it. No, I want you to direct everything through me. Now, Abe, he can't know anything about this," Paulina said. "Abe can't know anything about what?" Lani asked as she approached Paulina's table.

As Sami chatted with Lucas in the Brady Pub, her phone rang. E.J. called from his new office to tell Sami about his appointment as CEO. At DiMera Enterprises, Chad overheard E.J. on the phone. "Co-CEO," Chad corrected. Chad took E.J.'s laptop from him. E.J. continued his call with Sami. "I knew you could do it," Sami said. "Not without you," E.J. said. E.J. suggested that they celebrate at home.

At the pub, Lucas stewed as he listened to Sami's end of the phone call. "I love you, too," Sami said. "I really think I'm gonna be sick right now," Lucas groaned. Lucas mocked E.J. "You're turning into a bitter old man," Sami said. Lucas called Sami a doormat. Lucas reminded Sami that E.J. had warned Lucas to stay away from her.

"[E.J.] treats me like his wife, because I am his wife," Sami stressed. Sami told Lucas that she agreed with E.J.'s suggestion to avoid Lucas so that they could avoid past mistakes. "Maybe [E.J.] senses that he mistreated you for a little bit too long, and maybe he knows you're gonna move toward a real man. A real man who loves you," Lucas said.

"Would you keep your voice down," Sami growled. "You were lonely and miserable when you turned to me. Do you remember that?" Lucas said. "And you have been throwing it in my face ever since!" Sami countered. Lucas told Sami that he was upset that Sami had called their affair a mistake. "I do wish it hadn't happened," Sami agreed. Lucas asked Sami how she would feel if their situations had been reversed. Sami said she would be fine with it.

"You just think you're the bee's knees because you know I want to be with you. And you don't even care about that, do you?" Lucas asked. Sami told Lucas that she did not have the time to boost Lucas' ego. "There isn't going to be a third time. Okay? Not now. Not later. Not ever!" Sami said. Frustrated, Lucas asked Sami to stop talking about how E.J. was great.

"[E.J.] took the most interesting woman I've ever met, and he turned her into a suburban housewife," Lucas said. "How dare you!" Sami shouted. As Sami and continued to yell, Allie walked in and asked why Sami and Lucas were fighting. Both Sami and Lucas motioned at one another with a grunt. "What's going on?" Allie demanded. Sami asked about the bag of brownies. Allie handed the bag to Lucas, and she said it was a thank you for babysitting.

"I'm not leaving here until you tell me what you are fighting about," Allie said. "We're fighting about E.J.," Lucas said. Sami told Allie that E.J. had been named the new CEO of DiMera Enterprises. Lucas muttered under his breath. "I think you two need a time out," Allie said. Sami suggested that she and Lucas avoid talking about E.J. in the future. "Deal," Lucas said.

After Sami left, Allie commented, "She really got under your skin, didn't she? And vice versa." Allie asked why Lucas and Sami were no longer getting along. "Because E.J.'s back," Lucas said. "The honeymoon's over," Allie commented. Lucas was defensive then apologized. Confused, Allie asked why Lucas seemed to hate E.J. more than usual.

In the DiMera living room, Kate demanded that Jake cut Gabi out of his life in exchange for his job. Jake refused. "I love [Gabi] more than I've loved anyone my entire life. And I'm not going to hide it anymore. I'm sorry. I only stayed with you because I felt guilty leaving you after everything Kristen did, and you're still not over it," Jake said. "Do you mean the blindness?" Kate asked. Jake apologized, and he said he could not lie anymore.

"I can't, either," Kate said. Kate took off her sunglasses. "I'm not blind. I never have been," Kate said. "Oh, my God. You really are the biggest bitch I've ever known," Gabi said. With a laugh, Kate called Gabi and Jake "the most craven, obnoxious, self-serving creatures I have ever known." Shocked, Jake asked Kate why she had lied to everyone. Kate shrugged.

"I have to admit, I was also faking the amnesia, so actually, unfortunately, I saw you two going at it," Kate muttered. "Why pretend?" Jake asked. Kate said she had not been able to let Jake have his happy ending without getting her revenge. "Do you have any idea what you put him through?" Gabi asked. Kate reminded Gabi that she could see, and she had watched Jake.

When Gabi called Kate disgusting, Kate groaned. "Do you know what it's like to wake up from a coma and hear the two of you discussing your future together? Because that was nauseating. I almost died, and yet all you two could talk about was yourselves," Kate complained. "Like you're so selfless," Gabi muttered. Kate argued she had put Jake ahead of everything in her life.

"I would have put the world at your feet, but you chose her. So, yeah, absolutely it needed to be addressed," Kate said. Jake apologized for having upset Kate in the hospital. "It was in that instant that I decided I would wake up infirm," Kate said. Gabi called Kate pathetic, but Jake warned Gabi to leave Kate alone.

"I am so sorry that you heard us in the hospital room. And I am even more sorry that I wasn't completely honest with you the second you woke up. I am sincerely sorry," Jake said. "Thank you. And in that spirit of sincerity," Kate started. Kate slapped Jake across the face. "You can take your BS apology and just shove it, because I am more than happy to be free of you and your silly little sidepiece," Kate said. Kate told Gabi that her relationship with "an unemployed loser" was Gabi's punishment.

Once Kate was gone, Jake muttered, "That woman is scary." "Imagine how hard it is for me to not say I told you so," Gabi countered. Jake apologized for having not listened to Gabi. Gabi shrugged. With a grin, Gabi cuddled close to Jake and suggested that they go upstairs and celebrate.

"I can't live in this nest of vipers anymore! I can't walk around and see their smug smiles or hear their snide comments," Jake yelled. Gabi reminded Jake that it was her house. "You don't have to leave. I'll kick the rest of them out," Gabi said. Gabi beamed at the thought. Jake stressed that he did not want to live in the house, even if all the residents were gone.

"I wish I never found out I came from him!" Jake yelled at the Stefano painting. Jake started to rip off his suit, and he screamed that he hated the house. After a moment, Jake laughed. "I got carried away," Jake whispered. "That's understandable," Gabi said. Jake told Gabi that he did not want to take her away from a home that was important to her.

"If you don't want to stay in this house, then I don't want to stay in this house," Gabi said. Gabi and Jake went upstairs to pack their things. Gabi told Jake that they were actually winners, not Kate. "Why don't you make love to me here one last time. I want the memory of this place to be a happy one," Gabi whispered. "Sometimes you really have the best ideas," Jake said.

In the CEO office at DiMera Enterprises, Chad called E.J. a condescending jerk. "What I'm trying to do is clean up the mess that Jake left," E.J. said. "No, you needed to get Tony to go along so you made him think you'd be willing to work with me as co-CEO," Chad said. Chad accused E.J. of plotting to get rid of him. With a sigh, E.J. noted that he had only arrived in the CEO office moments before Chad.

"You had [Jake's financial] files before you called Sami. They were your first order of business. You didn't include me," Chad argued. E.J. called Chad paranoid. "This partnership is a good idea. We worked together to get the company back. Surely, we can work together to get it back on its feet," E.J. said. Chad reminded E.J. that Chad knew when E.J. was lying and insincere.

"We may be working together, but that doesn't mean I will ever trust you," Chad said. E.J. argued that if he had wanted to steal the job, he would have pitched the idea to Shin. "And tip your hand? No. You're like father. When you want something, you're willing to wait," Chad said. E.J. scoffed. "I can only give you my promise that I've been completely up-front with you today. Yes, I am ambitious, but what's most important to me is that father's company succeeds," E.J. said. E.J. asked if Chad was willing to work with him. Before Chad could answer, Kate walked in.

"I see that you have made yourself comfortable in Jake's chair," Kate said. "And I can see that you can see," E.J. countered. Chad sarcastically noted that it was a miracle. "Tell me, Kate, did you get your memory back, too?" Chad asked. Kate explained to E.J. that she had lied about her illness so that she could get revenge against Jake and Gabi.

"You said there's a place for me here," Kate said. "I'm ready to make you an offer right now, provided my co-CEO agrees," E.J. noted. "Of course, I'm on board. Welcome back, Kate," Chad said. E.J. asked Chad to talk to legal about a contract, and he asked Kate if they could discuss details later. "Sami has a little celebration planned," E.J. said. E.J. told Kate and Chad that he was looking forward to working with them again.

After E.J. left for home, Chad asked if Jake knew about Kate's recovery. "We just had a very nice long chat," Kate said. Chad asked Kate why she had changed her mind. "You mean was it because you tried to blackmail me?" Kate asked. Chad grinned, and he apologized. "It's all right. I would have done the same thing in your shoes," Kate said. "You have done the same thing. Many times," Chad reminded Kate.

Kate explained that she had changed her mind when she had seen Gabi seated next to Jake in the conference room. With a smile, Kate told Chad that Jake had begged her to talk to Shin. "I told him I would do it if he gave up Gabi, but he wouldn't. So, the two of them can live unhappily ever after," Kate said. With a sigh, Kate confessed that she had cared about Jake.

When E.J. arrived home, he ran into Sami on the front porch. "So, you pulled it off," Sami said. E.J. grabbed Sami and kissed her. "It was Kate who saved the day," E.J. said. E.J. whispered that he would tell her everything over Champagne inside. In the living room, Sami admitted to E.J. that she had been worried that Kristen's lost vote would have ended E.J.'s bid to take over the company.

"I could see your point, but in the end, I didn't need [Kristen]," E.J. said. With a chuckle, E.J. told Sami that Kate had been faking her blindness and amnesia. "And all to get back at Gabi and Jake for running around behind her back," Sami said. "How do you know that?" E.J. asked. Sami admitted that Gabi had told her. E.J. argued that the affair was a good reason why Jake was not fit to be CEO. "Secrets like that always come out eventually," E.J. said. Sami appeared uneasy.

Chloe feels torn between Brady and Philip
Chloe feels torn between Brady and Philip

Chloe feels torn between Brady and Philip

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

by Mike

Rafe entered the Hernandez house, carrying a bag of groceries and a bouquet of flowers, and raved to Ava that something smelled amazing. "It's shrimp jambalaya," Ava revealed. "How did you know that I love Cajun food?" Rafe wondered. "Nicole told me," Ava answered before thanking Rafe for the flowers with a passionate kiss.

Rafe soon began removing things from the bag. "I definitely did not have a stuffed bear on my list," Ava objected, prompting Rafe to casually share the item's origin story. "Huh... Okay, I see... I guess I get it..." Ava incredulously muttered at the end of Rafe's tale. "[So, anyway], I figured...since [Nicole's] coming over for dinner, what a perfect time to hand [Duke] over to her!" Rafe excitedly reasoned, ignoring Ava's reaction.

Ava soon rushed off to another room to freshen up. Alone in the kitchen, Rafe started to set the table for dinner -- then looked around the room in shock after hearing a gruff admonishment: "Oh -- so, you're gonna chow down with the gal you're sleepin' with and the one you just might love?" Confused, Rafe demanded to know the source of the comment.

"Me," the teddy bear clarified. "You talk?" Rafe sputtered. "Well, somebody has to get through to you!" the teddy bear reasoned. "My advice? Hightail it outta here before you're in a bigger fix than you already are!" the teddy bear added -- but Nicole arrived just then, armed with Rafe's favorite Barolo. "[Meaning that] you tried it once, and you said you liked it, so I decided it was your favorite," Nicole admitted with a shrug.

Rafe thanked Nicole for the wine then somewhat desperately handed over the teddy bear. "I've missed you so much!" Nicole said to the teddy bear before giving it a hug. "You dirty dog -- look at you; you're lickin' your chops, wishin' you were where I am right now!" the teddy bear said to Rafe while pressed against Nicole's chest. "You're pantin' for her, and you know --" the teddy bear continued. "Knock it off!" Rafe snapped at the teddy bear. "What is going on?" Nicole wondered, drawing a nervous laugh from Rafe, who claimed to have been telling Nicole not to feel like a third wheel at dinner.

Ava soon returned and enlisted Nicole's help with the final steps of the cooking process. "You like havin' two good-lookin' fillies fuss over you! Admit it -- you're livin' the dream, right? One woman, she spent all afternoon makin' your favorite dinner; the other one brought you your favorite liquor -- both of 'em fun to be with and real good-lookin', too! don't seem to be havin' such a good time -- why is that? Maybe 'cause it feels pretty low-down to keep Miss Ava thinkin' she has you all to herself and not let Miss Nicole know you're carryin' around a stuffed bear 'cause you know it keeps her hog-tied to you! And let's not even mention her bein' married -- to a fine man; kind, does good works... And here you sit on your backside while the two of 'em are --" the teddy bear continued. "Shut up!" Rafe snapped, grabbing the teddy bear and shaking it roughly.

"What are you doing?" Ava wondered. "And why are you doing it to the bear?" Nicole added. "Yeah -- that was a little weird, right?" Rafe conceded with a nervous laugh before stammering out an explanation about having imaginary discussions with the teddy bear as a way of testing theories for pending work cases. "I guess I just took my frustrations out on him... You know, I've been working a lot lately, [and] Jan Spears and Kristen DiMera, they have done awful things to people that I really care about, and neither one of them are under arrest..." Rafe concluded. "This explains why you had that dream about the bear chasing you --" Ava decided. "I read one of those books on the meaning of dreams, and you know what it said about dreams where a bear chases you? That the person having the totally nuts!" Nicole teased, amusing Ava and annoying Rafe.

Later, Nicole thanked Ava and Rafe for dinner then started to leave with the teddy bear, jokingly mentioning a plan to sleep with it that night so it wouldn't have to be alone after what it had been through earlier. "Get that look off your face, partner -- it's not like you're goin' to bed alone! But you have a decision to make -- and you know it, same as I do..." the teddy bear said to Rafe.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Philip entered the study while Chloe was wrapping up a phone conversation with Parker. "Give Grandma and Grandpa a kiss for me, okay? And please call me after your soccer game, okay? I love you!" Chloe said to Parker before ending the call and greeting Philip. "Is it creepy to be jealous of a ten-year-old kid?" Philip asked. "Yes, you weirdo -- he's my son!" Chloe replied. "I just wish I'd hear you say the same words to me..." Philip grumbled. "I didn't know that you played soccer," Chloe teased. "No, the other thing you said -- the 'I love you' part," Philip clarified.

"I'll say one thing for you -- you are persistent," Chloe declared. "I'm not trying to pressure you --" Philip began to stress. "Oh, yeah?" Chloe skeptically interjected. "[But] you did say [before] that Parker was the only man in your life 'right now' -- which I took to mean that maybe I have a shot," Philip concluded. "Do you analyze every word I say?" Chloe wondered. "Sort of...but I'll stop if you give me a straight answer, [so] I stand a chance with you?" Philip responded. "Oh, come on, Philip -- that's a horrible question; you're boxing me in, and it's not fair!" Chloe protested.

Philip conceded that Chloe was right. "It's just...I don't want to keep trying if, you know, you want me to stop...but I don't want to give up if, you know, there's even a remote chance --" Philip reasoned. "I feel like that's just a wordier version of the same question," Chloe interjected. "I'll put it another way -- I think we have a chance; how 'bout you?" Philip concluded.

Belle entered the study before Chloe could respond to Philip's question. "Oh, sorry -- Henderson said you were in here, and I thought... Am I interrupting?" Belle, who had apparently expected to find only Chloe in the study, began. "Yes," Philip insisted. "No," Chloe insisted at the same time before chasing Philip off with a reminder about needing to run a time-sensitive errand.

"While I'm gone, why don't you tell her what a great catch I am -- lie to her if you have to!" Philip begged Belle -- who waited until the coast was clear then showed Chloe a box of assorted chocolates. "There was a client that gave [these] to me as a thank-you, and I knew if I took them home, then I would eat them all myself, so..." Belle explained while Chloe was selecting a chocolate.

Belle wondered if Victor had caused any problems since Chloe had moved into the mansion. "Surprisingly not -- I'm sure he wants to, but [Philip's] been going out of his way to make me feel safe here... He's been a good friend," Chloe reported. "A 'good friend' who just asked me to sell you on what a 'great catch' he is," Belle noted, prompting Chloe to insist that Philip was a great catch -- for anyone who didn't already have feelings for another man, at least.

"Does Brady know how you feel about him?" Belle asked. "We talked about it, and there's definitely something there -- but then there's Kristen... [Anyway], Brady has so much to sort out, and I just feel like I would complicate things," Chloe replied. "Meanwhile, Philip's putting on the full-court press," Belle summarized. "Yeah...but I do feel like he would honestly drop it if I asked him to," Chloe predicted. "But you haven't," Belle guessed. "Well, in high remember -- he was the dreamiest, most popular, richest kid, [and] I was Ghoul Girl...but he never looked at me like I was Ghoul Girl, and he didn't give a damn about what anyone else thought...and, you know, that's kind of hard to forget," Chloe explained.

"Well, I can't tell you what to do...but when we were in New York for that reunion, I could sense there was something happening with you and Philip --" Belle stressed. "Until Mimi showed up and ruined it all..." Chloe grumbled. "Yeah, well, my mom always says everything happens for a reason, [so] maybe the timing just wasn't right for you two back then," Belle concluded. "And why would it be right now?" Chloe wondered. "Well, [for starters], Brady is Rachel's dad, which means that Kristen's always going to be a part of his life -- and that's, you know, a lot of baggage [that] Philip doesn't have..." Belle reasoned.

Shawn entered Julie's Place, carrying a brown paper bag, and joined Brady at the bar. "Thanks for meeting me here..." Shawn began. "The department released Kristen's personal effects," Shawn concluded before trying to hand over the bag. "Look, man, if this is just the rest of her...disguise...[then] I don't need to see --" Brady protested while eyeing the bag like it contained radioactive material. "There's a couple of photographs in there, [too] -- we found them in her pockets," Shawn clarified.

Brady accepted the bag with a sigh then cautiously opened it and pulled out a photograph of Rachel -- and a photograph of Chloe that Kristen had defaced with a giant "X" through the use of some sort of blade. Brady stared at the latter photograph in disbelief, realizing just how intensely Kristen had hated Chloe at the time of its defacement -- and realizing, too, that Kristen's hatred of Chloe had probably only gotten more intense since then.

"I hate to think what Kristen would have done to Chloe if Jan hadn't stolen that car," Shawn mused. "You think Kristen would have killed her?" Brady guessed. "Don't you?" Shawn countered. "I don't know," Brady admitted. "Not the woman I fell in love with, [at least] -- not the Kristen that is the mother to my little girl," Brady insisted.

Shawn understood why Brady still wanted to see the good in Kristen -- but Kristen's willingness to kill Sami, Lucas, and Kate simply for getting in the way made it difficult for Shawn to believe that Kristen would have hesitated to kill Chloe for the far more serious offense of having feelings for Brady. "I was drawn to Chloe, [too]," Brady revealed, feeling partially responsible for Kristen's acts of jealousy.

"You and Chloe were really happy once..." Shawn recalled. "That was a long time ago, [though, and now]...I don't know how in the hell we would ever get past what Kristen did -- oh, and besides, Philip is already moving in on her," Brady countered. "Yeah -- I heard that Chloe's staying at Granddad's place for a while," Shawn admitted, prompting Brady to explain how that had happened.

Brady conceded that Philip might actually have a point about it being safer for Chloe to stay at the Kiriakis mansion. "Maybe...but, you know, Philip's always got a way of taking every situation and spinning it to his own advantage," Shawn argued, drawing a laugh of agreement from Brady -- and a scoff of indignation from Philip, who had just entered the restaurant to pick up a takeout order.

"Are you still so threatened by me?" Philip challenged Shawn. "Oh, yeah -- yes, I am so threatened; you can just see that I'm shaking, right?" Shawn sarcastically responded. "Then why are you whining about me?" Philip skeptically countered. "You're the one who married Belle -- you won; get over it!" Philip added. "Oh, I'm over it -- [but now] you have Chloe holed up in that crypt that you call a home, [and] Brady tells me you're trying to push him out of the picture, so...I don't know, it just kind of reminds me of the same crap you pulled with Belle and I," Shawn clarified. "[The difference is that] there was a 'you and Belle' -- trust me, there is no 'Brady and Chloe'!" Philip argued.

"You've had your chance with her...twice -- once when you were married to her, once when she told you she was falling for you again -- [and] you blew it both times! You need to accept that -- and you need to stop trying to screw up my chance to finally make her happy again!" Philip snapped at Brady. "You know, Philip, if I thought that you were the best person for Chloe, I'd back off...[but] the problem is, I don't -- I was there when you ruined her marriage to Daniel Jonas, and I just think you're one of those guys that only thinks about himself," Brady countered. "Brady is right -- how many times, Philip, did you try to get between Belle and I, hmm? All you care about is ol' number one, and to hell with everybody else -- that's how you are," Shawn agreed. "I wouldn't talk about my history with women, guys," Philip recommended.

"God, sometimes I just want to strangle him..." Shawn grumbled after Philip walked away. "Me, too..." Brady muttered. "Listen, forget about Philip -- do whatever you think is right," Shawn advised. "I soon as I figure out what the hell that is," Brady responded before thanking Shawn for the earlier support. Shawn said goodbye to Brady then exited the restaurant -- just as Belle was about to enter it. As Shawn and Belle took turns explaining what they had each been up to that day, Brady stared at the defaced photograph of Chloe.

Philip returned to the Kiriakis mansion and immediately started fishing for information about Chloe's conversation with Belle. "We were just remembering how close [you and I] were in high school," Chloe revealed. "I loved that time -- and we never got a chance to find out where it might go," Philip stressed. "Well...maybe...we could have that chance now -- [I mean], I don't want to rush things, but...I do really like you, and...I don't know, maybe we could make this work..." Chloe decided. "You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that!" Philip raved. Chloe gave Philip a quick kiss before they headed to the kitchen for dinner.

At the hospital, Marlena received an office visit from Abe, who revealed that Eli was planning a surprise party for Lani to celebrate the first anniversary of their wedding day. "Does surprises?" Marlena wondered. "I don't know -- but this thing is happening," Abe answered.

"[And], since you performed the ceremony, [Eli] would love it if you and John could come to the party [tomorrow]," Abe added. "Oh, Abe, I'm so sorry -- the hospital has a policy that there has to be a staff psychiatrist on duty during a holiday, [and] I pulled the Fourth...[and John] and Brady are taking Rachel to see the fireworks," Marlena responded. "I understand -- I mean, this is short notice," Abe conceded before feeling the urge to elaborate that it was short notice because Eli didn't have a lot of free time to plan such things anymore.

Marlena was surprised to hear that Abe's date for the party was going to be Paulina. "I thought she drove you crazy!" Marlena admitted. "We've gotten to know each other a lot better [since you and I last spoke, and]...I like her...a lot -- she's a good person," Abe explained. "She would come visit Tamara and me when we were college roommates -- I had no idea she'd become so..." Marlena mused. "Flamboyant? Pushy?" Abe offered. "I was going to say 'successful' -- come on!" Marlena countered. "Well, she is something else..." Abe declared.

"I'm happy for you..." Marlena stressed. "But...?" Abe prodded Marlena. "I was just wondering how Tamara's gonna take to the idea of you dating her little sister," Marlena concluded. "Tamara and I are ancient history -- I don't think she cares who I'm dating --" Abe argued. "Maybe not...but I think she would appreciate it if you were up-front with her -- and I also think that it would be easier for Lani if you told Tamara. I mean, nobody -- you know, especially you -- wants to feel like you're keeping a secret," Marlena reasoned. Abe agreed to give the matter more thought, seeing Marlena's point. Marlena was clearly dissatisfied with Abe's noncommittal answer but didn't try to press the matter further.

At the Horton Town Square, Paulina hastily ended a phone call then nervously greeted Lani, who again demanded to know what was going on. Paulina tried to change the subject, but the distraction didn't work on Lani.

"I was still seeing someone in Miami when I met your father," Paulina claimed after deciding that telling Lani the truth could ruin their relationship. "He's the reason you went back?" Lani assumed. "To tell him it was all over," Paulina stressed. "Then I don't see the problem," Lani admitted. "I just don't want your father thinking that I just jump from one man to another," Paulina reasoned. "He won't think that -- just tell him the truth!" Lani advised.

Changing the subject, Lani guessed that Paulina was thrilled about Chanel's involvement in the revamp of the town square -- and was also thrilled that the revamp was going to be starting soon. "Maybe we're rushing things -- maybe we should just postpone awhile... [I mean], there's just so much riding on this now, [and] I hate thinking about how disappointed [Chanel and Abe would] be if this didn't work out like they hoped it would..." Paulina fretted to Lani as Abe approached.

Lani and Abe assured Paulina that everything was going to be fine. "This marketplace is going to be my legacy as mayor!" Abe raved. "I hadn't thought of that..." Paulina stammered as Abe produced a document. "This is your building permit -- and it has to be posted before you start construction," Abe stressed. "Even though it's all interior work that won't bother folks in the square?" Paulina protested. "I'm sure Tom and Alice would appreciate you thinking of others," Abe reasoned. "Well, anything for Tom and Alice..." Paulina grumbled.

Lani started to rush off to pick up the supplies needed to cook a special anniversary dinner for Eli the following day -- and Abe objected to the idea before remembering that Lani didn't know about Eli's plans for the following day, but Paulina helped Abe explain away the objection. "You are much better at keeping secrets than I am," Abe admitted to Paulina once the coast was clear. "Yes, that would be me..." Paulina agreed.

Allie and Claire make a shocking discovery
Allie and Claire make a shocking discovery

Allie and Claire make a shocking discovery

Thursday, July 1, 2021

by Mike

Allie headed over to the Brady-Johnson townhouse after receiving a phone call from Tripp. "Is that what you're wearing to the lake?" Allie teasingly challenged Tripp, who was sporting scrubs. "I just haven't had a chance to change yet," Tripp explained with a laugh. "I'm really psyched that you don't have to work today," Allie stressed. "Me, too -- I thought for sure I was gonna be spending the Fourth at the hospital, just because that jerk Snyder insisted that I come in...[but] I got there on time, [and he] was a no-show," Tripp revealed with a shrug.

At the Horton house, Xander awoke with a start after being doused with a glassful of cold water. "I have been shaking you violently for the past five bloody minutes, and you haven't moved a muscle --" Gwen reasoned while setting the glass aside. "Because I was asleep!" Xander explained. "Well, I haven't slept a wink!" Gwen stressed, as if that meant that Xander wasn't allowed to sleep, either. "The reason I was able to sleep last night is that I have nothing to feel guilty about -- and neither do you!" Xander declared. "How can you say that?" Gwen protested.

Gwen couldn't believe that Xander had not just managed to get a good night's sleep but had done so using the very couch upon which Snyder had died the previous day. "Eh, it's fine -- after Julie saw Snyder lying here and assumed he was one of my drinking buddies that had passed out, she sent Doug out to rent one of those steam cleaners, [so the sofa is] clean and fresh!" Xander clarified while pointedly sniffing the couch cushion. "I don't care how 'clean and fresh' it is, Xander -- the point is [that] you murdered someone [on it] --" Gwen argued. "For the last time, I didn't 'murder' anyone -- the man's ticker went out --" Xander countered.

"Try telling that to the cops!" Gwen challenged Xander. "We won't have to! [Look], nobody's gonna find Dr. Snyder's body, [okay]? You're worrying for no reason -- trust me, I have...a great deal of this area," Xander responded. "Disposing of dead bodies?" Gwen asked incredulously. "It's one of my many skills," Xander matter-of-factly replied. "I'm not surprised," Gwen decided after some thought. "[Still], I'm not taking any chances, [so]...tell me what you did with that...corpse...after I helped you carry it out to your car!" Gwen demanded. "It's better if you don't know -- in fact, you should just forget any of this ever happened," Xander advised.

At the Weston apartment, Ben awoke with a start after a dream about reuniting with Ciara. Ben released a sigh of disappointment after realizing that the reunion with Ciara hadn't actually happened -- and someone knocked on the apartment door just then. Ben jumped out of bed and hurriedly donned a pair of pants then opened the apartment door -- and released another sigh of disappointment after seeing that the visitor was Claire, not Ciara. "Ben, it is the Fourth of July, okay? [So], I'm not gonna let you mope around your apartment all day, thinking about Ciara! [Look], I'm meeting Tripp and Allie at the lake -- and you're coming with me!" Claire insisted, ignoring Ben's objections.

At the Brady-Johnson townhouse, Tripp changed into swimwear from the privacy of a bedroom then rejoined Allie in the living room and wondered if Chanel was going to be joining them at the lake. "DuPree and I, we're not attached at the hip, you know!" Allie stressed. "So, she had other plans," Tripp translated. "Yes..." Allie conceded.

"But --" Allie began to add. "I was obviously your first choice of who you wanted to hang out with," Tripp concluded for Allie. "Yeah -- especially because when me and DuPree used to hit the beaches in Europe, she would make me carry all of our stuff...and now, you get to do the honors," Allie explained before shoving a beach bag at Tripp.

At the Price-Grant apartment, Eli rushed into the kitchen, wearing only a towel, then pulled a burning cake out of the oven and doused it with water before silencing the smoke detector that had been blaring -- and the towel fell off during the process. "That damn girl's trying to set the damn house on fire!" Eli grumbled -- just as Chanel entered the kitchen. "Now that's what I call 'hot'..." Chanel declared while ogling Eli's naked body.

"Didn't you hear the smoke alarm?" Eli snapped while picking up the fallen towel and putting it back on. "I had headphones on," Chanel explained. "Not cool, Chanel -- there's two babies in this house!" Eli stressed -- and Chanel apologetically conceded the point then clarified, when asked, that the cake would have been served at the anniversary party that night if things had gone as planned. "When Lani went out this morning, I thought I had just enough time to get it done, [but] I must have forgot to set the timer -- with my bakery opening soon, I've got a lot on my mind," Chanel elaborated.

Eli forced a smile and thanked Chanel for having at least tried to bake a cake for the anniversary party. "[But] we gotta be careful, all right? I want to surprise my wife, [so] Lani cannot find out about this!" Eli insisted while tossing the burned cake in a trash can. "Find out about what?" Lani, who had just entered the apartment, demanded to know while eyeing Eli and Chanel with a hint of jealousy.

"Chanel burned something in the oven [and] set the smoke alarm off," Eli revealed. "It's a new recipe I'm trying out for Sweet Bits...but it's not supposed to be flamb," Chanel added. "Eli burns stuff in the oven all the time -- why wouldn't you want me to find out about that?" Lani suspiciously wondered. "I'm sorry, cousin, but I saw Eli naked again!" Chanel blurted out, annoying both Lani and Eli. "I had just gotten out of the shower, and I heard the smoke alarm going off, so I ran out...and my towel slipped --" Eli tried to explain. "Just as I walked in," Chanel concluded.

"Okay, Chanel -- this is, like, the third time you've seen my husband naked --" Lani began to complain. "What can I say? I have excellent timing!" Chanel bragged, further annoying both Lani and Eli. "Chanel, I love you -- you're my cousin -- but..." Lani tried to conclude. "It's time for me to move out," Chanel guessed. "As soon as my bakery opens, I'll be able to afford my own apartment...but, until then, I'm sure I can stay with my mom," Chanel assured Lani and Eli before thanking the relieved couple for their hospitality and patience.

Lani and Eli started to thank Chanel for understanding -- just as the twins, who had managed to sleep through the earlier noise, ironically woke up at the same time for no apparent reason and began crying. "I'll go --" Eli offered. "No, I'll go -- I need to feed them, anyway... You just keep your damn towel on!" Lani countered before rushing off to another room. "I hope I didn't get you in trouble..." Chanel said to Eli once the coast was clear. "I have a feeling that once Lani walks into Julie's Place and sees the party that I have planned for her, she'll forget all about this," Eli predicted.

At the Price condominium, Paulina thanked Abe for having cooked breakfast for the two of them. "It's been a long time since a man has spoiled me like this," Paulina admitted. "That can't be true!" Abe protested. "It is -- I haven't been involved with a man in...[well], it's been years," Paulina maintained. "Did you not want to be?" Abe wondered. "I was married to my work -- there was just no room on the calendar for romance," Paulina explained. "Or...maybe you didn't meet the right man in Miami because the 'right man' was right here in Salem," Abe suggested.

Abe eventually decided to take a shower -- and Paulina contacted someone as soon as the coast was clear. "Change of plans -- I need the demolition on the Horton Town Square to happen today!" Paulina demanded. "Yes, I'm aware that it's a holiday -- that's why I'm paying you double time!" Paulina snapped. "Yes, I know [that] it's a big job -- and I also know that everybody around here's not gonna be happy about it, but I've learned that it's better to ask forgiveness than permission, [so]...just get your crew over there and get the job done!" Paulina concluded.

"What's going on with the project in the square?" Chanel, who had entered the condominium at some point but had not been noticed, asked after Paulina ended the call. "I was just talking to the foreman of the construction crew..." Paulina stammered, worrying Chanel. "Everything's fine -- I just wanted to make sure that they were ready to start work right after the holiday weekend..." Paulina claimed, drawing a sigh of relief from Chanel. "Oh, my God -- this is really happening; I'll soon be opening my own bakery with my best friend... I can't wait to tell Horton!" Chanel raved as Paulina squirmed.

At the lake, Tripp and Ben caught up with each other over a round of beers while Allie and Claire were swimming. "Last time we talked, you said you thought there might be something going on between [you and Allie], but it was 'too complicated'..." Ben recalled. "Yeah, I didn't know how we could ever be more than friends...but, turns out, you were right -- nothing's impossible," Tripp admitted. "So, you guys are together now?" Ben translated. "We're taking it slowly, but...yeah," Tripp confirmed. "Nice!" Ben raved.

"What about you and Claire?" Tripp wondered. "We're just friends -- I've been going through a bit of a rough time lately, and she's really been there for me," Ben answered. "I'm really sorry about Ciara," Tripp stressed. "Thank you, man... You know, even though my wife may be across the world right now and may be with another man, there is no way in hell I will ever stop fighting to get her back," Ben insisted before telling an amused Tripp about the divorce documents that had been reduced to ashes.

Claire and Allie soon returned and frantically informed Ben and Tripp that someone was in the lake. "It's the Fourth of July -- I'm sure there's a lot of people in the --" Ben responded. "No -- a corpse!" Allie clarified. "We're not positive, but we think there's a dead body in the lake!" Claire elaborated.

Tripp and Ben rushed off to the lake and moved the body onto dry land as Allie and Claire watched in horror. Ben asked Claire to call 9-1-1 then helped Tripp flip the facedown body over. "You know him?" Ben guessed as Tripp stared at the dead person's face in shock. "Yeah -- he's my boss, Dr. Clay Snyder," Tripp explained.

At the Price-Grant apartment, Lani assured Eli that there were no hard feelings about what had happened earlier. "It is our first anniversary, and I'm not gonna spend it being angry -- I know that you and all of your sweet bits are all mine," Lani stressed before heading off to another room to return a misplaced pacifier to one of the twins -- just as Eli received a phone call about the dead body at the lake.

At the Price condominium, Abe returned to the kitchen and greeted Chanel, who was surprised to see that Paulina had a guest. "So...what other secrets are you keeping?" Chanel teasingly challenged Paulina after Abe rushed off to the Price-Grant apartment to take over for Eli, who could no longer handle the matter of luring Lani to Julie's Place for the surprise party due to the even more pressing matter of the dead body at the lake.

"It's no secret -- it's just new!" Paulina defensively stressed. "Well, I don't have a problem with it, [exactly]...but I am a little weirded out about my mom hooking up with my ex's dad --" Chanel began to respond. "You and Theo broke up a while ago -- and he lives on the other side of the world --" Paulina dismissively argued. "[Still], if he comes to visit, maybe you and Abe can go easy on the PDA --" Chanel tried to suggest. "Oh, okay -- so, I can fully embrace your fluidity, but you can't handle me having a sleepover?" Paulina indignantly summarized. "Well, you have been very cool, so...I promise to be cool, [too]," Chanel conceded.

"[Anyway]...not that I want to interfere with your 'sleepovers,' but...I was hoping I could crash here -- you know, for a little while; just until the bakery's up and running, and I can get my own place," Chanel requested. "Did you do something to offend Eli and Lani?" Paulina snapped. "No -- we just...decided it's time for me to move on," Chanel explained. "Oh... Well, in that case..." Paulina agreed.

Paulina helped Chanel bake another cake for the anniversary party -- and while they were waiting for it to finish baking, Chanel apologized for having given Paulina a hard time earlier. "I'm happy you're dating again -- I haven't seen you this happy since Daddy," Chanel declared. "I'm sure he's looking down right now, smiling that beautiful smile of his and saying, 'I am so proud of you, [Chanel]!'" Paulina mused. "He'd be proud of you, too, Mama -- your project in the square would blow him away, just like it blows me away! I'm so happy to be a part of it -- and just to have you in my life!" Chanel raved before hugging Paulina, who had started squirming again.

Abe purchased a bouquet of flowers and took them to the Price-Grant apartment as an anniversary gift for Lani, who wondered how things were going with Paulina. "[She's] an amazing woman -- I can't help but be impressed by her drive and her work ethic... Although I do see someone who's been very lonely -- she told me that she hasn't been involved with anyone for a long time --" Abe responded, surprising Lani, who silently recalled that Paulina had claimed otherwise the previous day. "What you said [just now] makes me think [that] Aunt Paulina is hiding something," Lani admitted when Abe realized that something was wrong.

At the lake, Eli finished overseeing the removal of Snyder's body then started questioning Allie, Claire, Tripp, and Ben about their discovery.

"That was your boss?" Eli incredulously repeated when Tripp identified the body. "At the hospital," Tripp confirmed. "What'd you think of him?" Eli wondered. "He wasn't my favorite person...but why would you ask me that?" Tripp responded. "Just a question," Eli explained. "I didn't kill him -- I had nothing to do with this!" Tripp insisted. "Tripp, I'm sure that you didn't, okay? We don't even know if he was murdered," Eli stressed. "I mean, the guy could have just drowned..." Ben reasoned. "Most people don't go for a swim fully dressed," Eli countered. "Maybe it was a boating incident -- like, he was drinking and fell overboard?" Claire suggested. "We'll see what the coroner says...but something tells me this wasn't an accident..." Eli mused.

Eli thanked the group for the help -- then pulled Tripp aside as Ben, Claire, and Allie started packing to leave the lake. "I just want you to be clear -- you're not a suspect," Eli assured Tripp before wondering if Snyder had been having any notable issues at the hospital recently. "I did just talk to him yesterday because the count for one of our painkillers was off...[but] he kind of blew me off, [so] I went to Kayla, [and] she said she'd handle it... [And] this is probably nothing, but there was some tension between Dr. Snyder and one of his patients..." Tripp revealed. "Which patient?" Eli prodded Tripp. "My cousin -- Gwen Rizczech," Tripp clarified.

At the Horton house, Xander suggested that Gwen was having trouble sleeping not because of Snyder's death but because of whatever it was about the miscarriage that was being kept from everyone. "Don't you try to shrink me!" Gwen snapped. "Just stating the obvious," Xander argued.

Gwen eventually conceded the point and decided to tell Xander everything. "My father -- if he finds out the truth, I will lose him forever..." Gwen fretted at the end of the tale. "You're right -- Jack would hate what you've done..." Xander agreed. "Are you gonna tell him?" Gwen wondered. "I said I wouldn't, and I won't," Xander promised.

"But you think I'm a terrible person, don't you?" Gwen assumed. "Well, I guess what you did was terrible...and I hate that you're deceiving Jack...but I understand why you did it... [Look], I worked so hard for so long to prove myself just as worthy as any of the 'real' Kiriakis men,, there's no place for me there -- no acceptance, no respect, no love... And I pretend that it doesn't hurt, but it does -- a lot... [Anyway], I don't know if I'll ever find [that sense of family], but Jack truly does care about you, [and] he wants to embrace you as his daughter, [so]...while I don't love what you've done to his other daughter, I would never ruin your chance at happiness with your father. Your secret really is safe with me," Xander responded.

Touched, Gwen thanked Xander with a hug then quickly pulled away and apologized for the sudden embrace. Xander and Gwen locked eyes and started leaning toward each other -- but someone knocked on the front door just then, ending the moment. Gwen opened the front door -- and found Eli standing on the other side of it. "I'd like to talk to you about your doctor, Clay Snyder..." Eli began. "What about him?" Gwen nervously responded. "He's dead," Eli reported. "Oh, my God... That's awful... What does that have to do with me?" Gwen stammered.

Outside the Weston apartment, Ben thanked Claire for the earlier distraction of a trip to the lake. "That's what friends are for," Claire stressed before giving Ben a quick kiss on the cheek then rushing off.

After Claire disappeared from view, Ben entered the apartment -- and found Ciara waiting there.

Paulina plots to demolish the square
Paulina plots to demolish the square

Paulina plots to demolish the square

Friday, July 2, 2021

by Spalding

Abe and Lani talked in her apartment about the possibility that Paulina had lied about another romantic relationship. "[Paulina] did admit that she hasn't mentioned [the other relationship] to you yet, but I don't know, I just assumed that it never came up," Lani said. When Abe noted that Paulina had told him the same night that she had not been in a relationship in years, Lani noted that Paulina had lied to one of them.

Confused, Abe wondered aloud why Paulina had lied. "I told her she should just tell you the truth," Lani said. "But she told me the exact opposite," Abe said. Abe decided to ask Paulina about it at the party. "What party?" Lani asked. Abe stammered, and Lani smiled.

"It's an anniversary party isn't it? For me and Eli. You're throwing us a surprise party!" Lani said. Abe apologized. When Lani promised not to tell Eli about the surprise, Abe made a face. Lani gasped. "Eli's the one who planned it!" Lani guessed. With a chuckle, Lani said she was touched that Eli and Abe had made an effort to surprise her.

"Now I just get to make sure that I look fabulous when I walk in," Lani said. Abe asked Lani not to let on that she knew the truth. Lani agreed. "For the record, you do look fabulous," Abe said. Lani announced that she needed to change. As Lani walked toward the bedroom, she stopped and told Abe not to worry about Paulina. "You know you can trust her," Lani said.

In Paulina's apartment, Chanel thanked her mother for allowing her to move back in. "My time at Eli and Lani's has run out," Chanel said. Chanel told Paulina about the multiple times she had seen Eli naked in the apartment. When Chanel agreed that Eli was good looking, Paulina was surprised.

"I'm fluid, not blind," Chanel joked. Paulina laughed. "It's just good to know that your taste doesn't just stop at your clothes," Paulina said. Chanel cautioned her mother not to tell Abe that Paulina had admired Eli's looks. "Your bae Abe doesn't seem like he'd be down with any shadiness," Chanel said. Paulina's smile fell away.

"I know how good Abraham is. The last thing I would want to do is hurt him," Paulina said. Chanel asked Paulina if there was a reason to worry about hurting Abe. Before Paulina could answer, the oven timer went off. While Chanel tended to the cake for the party, Paulina yelled at her employee on the phone. "I'll be at a party at Julie's Place, and I don't want to be anywhere near the demolition site," Paulina said.

Eli went to the Horton house to talk to Gwen about Dr. Snyder. When Gwen escorted Eli into the house, he was surprised to see Xander in the living room. "I live here," Xander said. "That's right. My grandmother did mention something about you disgracing her couch," Eli said.

"What is it with her and her obsession with this couch? Are you here to see Julie?" Xander asked. Gwen explained that Eli was there because Gwen's doctor had been found dead at the lake. "That's terrible. How'd he die?" Xander asked. Eli confirmed that there was no cause of death yet. When Xander asked why Eli wanted to talk to Gwen, Eli asked about the "bad blood" between Gwen and Snyder.

Gwen noted that Snyder had treated her after her miscarriage. "[Tripp] said he had witnessed you and Snyder having an argument at the hospital. Said you seemed very uncomfortable," Eli said. Gwen explained that she did not like Snyder, but she did not wish him dead. When Eli asked about the last time Gwen had talked to Snyder, she glanced at the couch.

"I suppose that would have been my last follow-up appointment," Gwen said. "So you didn't see him after that?" Eli asked. Xander told Eli that he was borderline harassing Gwen. "I'm conducting a routine interview which shouldn't be a problem unless Gwen here has something to hide," Eli said. Gwen insisted that she had no information about Snyder's death.

"[Snyder] was my doctor, and that was the only contact that we had," Gwen said. Eli's phone beeped. Eli announced that the medical investigator had confirmed that there was no water present in Snyder's lungs. "What does that mean?" Xander asked.

"It means he didn't drown. He was already dead when he hit the water," Eli said. Eli theorized aloud that Snyder had not died at the lake. "Probably died somewhere else, and somebody dumped his body at the lake hoping he would never be found," Eli said. Gwen gritted her teeth as Eli noted that the autopsy would find more evidence. Eli asked Gwen to call him if she remembered anything helpful.

After Eli left, Gwen called Xander an idiot. Gwen told Xander had done a terrible job of disposing of the body. "I filled his pocket with rocks to weigh him down, but I guess some of them slipped out," Xander said. "That's your master, genius plan?" Gwen shouted. Gwen reminded Xander that he had claimed to be "good at this sort of thing."

"This sort of thing yes, but not this exact thing specifically," Xander corrected. Xander added that he had done the best he could under the circumstances. "Tripp's big mouth sent the cops after you," Xander grumbled. When Xander noted that he would have ignored a body at a lake, Gwen yelled, "That's because you are a horrid, horrid person! And Tripp isn't."

Xander asked Gwen if she wanted his help. With a sigh, Gwen admitted that she knew Xander had done his best. Gwen explained that Eli had made her nervous. "That's what [cops] do. Make you feel guilty even when you aren't," Xander said. "We are guilty Xander," Gwen said. Gwen added that they were guilty of dumping a body.

Worried, Gwen asked Xander if she had done okay under questioning. Xander pointed out that Gwen had lied about the last time she had seen Snyder. When Gwen asked what he meant, Xander reminded Gwen that Julie had seen Snyder on the couch.

"Maybe she saw him, but maybe she didn't get a good look at his face," Gwen said. "Unless we kill her," Xander muttered. "You're joking," a worried Gwen asked. "Right," Xander said. The look on Xander's face showed that he was considering the option.

Julie and Doug set up for the Grant surprise anniversary party at Julie's Place. As Julie and Doug reminisced about the string of weddings the previous year, it reminded Julie of Ciara's tragic wedding day. "And after all this time, Ciara has decided to leave Ben again," Julie said. "I still believe that Ben and Ciara will have their day," Doug said. Julie asked Doug how he could be so sure.

"Because I have faith. Faith that great love like Ben and Ciara's will beat the odds," Doug said. Doug added that love like that did not fade away. "I love being married to a romantic who always sees the bright side," Julie said. "I get to wake up to your smiling face every morning," Doug countered. Julie started to fret about Ciara again, and Doug assured her that Ciara was strong and independent, like Hope.

As Julie commented that she hated that Ciara lived across the world with Theo, Doug pointed out that Theo had walked into the restaurant. Julie screamed, and she jumped into Theo's arms for a hug. "Your sister, she is going to be so surprised," Julie said. When Doug said he only wished Ciara had joined Theo, he told them that Ciara was also in town. "She went to see Ben," Theo noted.

"Are Ciara and Ben getting back together?" Julie asked hopefully. Theo saw Chanel and Paulina walk in, and he excused himself. Chanel hugged Theo, and he asked Chanel if she minded that he was there. "All that matters is that we're both here for Eli and Lani," Chanel said. "Always good to celebrate love," Theo agreed.

Chanel told Theo about her plans to open a bakery. "You look good," Chanel said. "You too. You seem different somehow," Theo said. Chanel told Theo about their parents dating. "More family weirdness," Chanel said.

In the corner, Julie approached Paulina as she set Chanel's cake down on the table. "I hear Chanel is a very talented baker," Doug said. Julie told Paulina about the donuts Chanel and Allie had made. Doug noted that the bakery would be a wonderful addition to the town square. A guilty Paulina forced a smile. Julie looked at her watch and wondered why Eli had not arrived yet.

When Eli arrived, he hugged Theo, and he told Paulina that she looked beautiful. "You look so handsome in your suit. And out of it too apparently," Paulina said as she looked over at Chanel. "Momma!" Chanel yelled. With a smirk, Eli walked over to talk to Doug and Julie. Eli explained that he had been held up at work for a possible homicide. When Eli noted that he had been at Julie's house to question someone, she guessed it was Xander.

"Actually, no. It was Gwen," Eli said. "What does Gwen have to do with a dead man in the lake?" Julie asked. Eli explained that Gwen was one of Snyder's patients. Concerned, Julie asked Eli why he wanted to question Gwen. "I'd rather not say at this point," Eli said. Julie yelled that she had a right to know if a murderer was living in her house. Doug assured Julie that Eli would warn them if necessary.

"Anyway, tonight is for Eli and Lani. Let's you and I focus on that," Doug said. Unfazed, Julie asked Eli if Gwen had a motive to kill Snyder. Eli's phone beeped with a notification from Abe. "Abe is about to bring Lani in!" Eli yelled. Everyone crouched down to hide.

Outside Julie's Place, Lani assured Abe that she was ready to act surprised by the party. "I will deliver the performance of my life," Lani said. When Abe and Lani walked in with the stroller, Lani commented on the lack of lights. "Surprise!" Everyone shouted as they jumped out. As promised, Lani acted surprised. "Did you do this?" Lani asked Eli. "I had help," Eli said. Lani spotted Theo, and she hugged him.

When Chanel told Lani that she was lucky to have a guy like Eli, Lani cocked her head, annoyed. "She means because he is such a great husband and dad, right?" Paulina said. "That too," Chanel said with a grin. After Champagne was poured, Lani thanked everyone for attending the party. Lani told Theo she was anxious to catch up with him. "Actually, I do have some good news to share," Theo said. Abe interrupted to make a toast to the happy couple.

"To my spectacular daughter and her spectacular husband," Abe said. The twins started to cry. "And their spectacular children! May each day bring you closer to each other, and may each year you're together bring you as much happiness as you have this first year," Abe said. "To Eli and Lani!" Julie shouted. The room raised their glasses.

As the party got underway, Doug and Julie sat down in a booth with Abe and Paulina. Julie asked, "What is the latest on the two of you?" Abe stammered for a moment. "We're having a torrid affair! If that's what you're asking," Paulina said with a laugh. "I guess that is what I'm asking," Julie said. Julie and Paulina laughed together.

A construction worker walked into the restaurant. "I'm looking for a Paulina Price," the worker announced. Julie pointed to Paulina. Paulina walked over to the worker, and he asked her to sign off on his demolition order. "This is really not a great time," Paulina whispered. The construction worker insisted, so Paulina signed the form, and he gave her a copy. After the worker left, Paulina lied and told Abe that it was for work slated to start on Monday.

"That guy said it was for demolition. What are you demolishing?" Chanel asked. "A wall here and there," Paulina said. When Lani asked Paulina if she needed a demolition order for the work, Abe thought about his conversation with Lani. Abe grabbed the work order from Paulina's hand. "This can't be," Abe murmured. Abe read through the order.

"They are going to demolish the Horton Town Square," Abe growled. Abe asked Eli to help him stop the work, and Lani followed them out the door. "This has to be a misunderstanding right?" Julie asked Paulina. "Momma?" Chanel asked. As Paulina started to respond, Chanel walked out. Paulina glanced over and saw Julie's furious gaze. "I better go see what is happening," Paulina said as she followed her daughter out of the restaurant. "I knew it the first moment I set eyes on that woman. I knew she couldn't be trusted!" Julie yelped.

In the square, Eli ran into the construction zone, and he ordered the work to stop. "I got an order to demolish," the foreman said. Abe, Lani, and Chanel arrived in the square. "We are demoing this whole area," the foreman said.

"What? This is the Horton town square. It's the center of Salem," Lani argued. The foreman took a pry bar and removed the Tom and Alice plaque. "Not any more it isn't. It's the future home of Price Town," the foreman said. "What the hell is Price Town?" Abe asked. Paulina walked into the square, and Chanel and Lani raised an eyebrow at her.

Ben returned to his apartment, and he found Ciara was waiting for him there. "Is this really happening? Are you real?" Ben asked. "Of course I'm real. Why would you think I wasn't?" Ciara asked. Ben explained that he had dreamed that he had found Ciara in his apartment. "You dreamed about me?" Ciara asked. Ben told Ciara that in his dream, she had recovered her memory and wanted to be with him.

"Tell me that's what is happening right now. That you came back to me, and that my dream is coming true," Ben said. Ciara told Ben that she had not gotten her memory back. Ben asked Ciara why she was in town. "I need you to sign those divorce papers," Ciara said. Ciara asked Ben why he had not answered her messages.

"I am not ignoring you, and I can't stop thinking about you," Ben admitted. Ciara demanded that Ben give her a copy of the signed divorce papers. Ben refused. "I stared at [the papers] for about a week. Then I burned them," Ben said. Ciara groaned, then she reached into her purse for an envelope.

"I brought an extra set. You know, just in case," Ciara said. Ciara handed a pen and the papers to Ben. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm just trying to move on. Please," Ciara said. Ben told Ciara that he had wanted to give her space. "I can not look you in your face and pretend that I am okay with signing these damn divorce papers, because I am not. And I am never going to be," Ben said. "That's your problem," Ciara said.

Ben argued that he would not waste an opportunity to remind Ciara of their past life together. "You are a murderer. Why would I want to remember someone like you?" Ciara said. "Because you love me! You love me, and deep down you remember that and you remember us," Ben argued. Ciara told Ben that he was right not to follow her to Africa.

"I have moved on, okay? I have a life there with Theo. A life that has absolutely nothing to do with you," Ciara said. "I cannot accept that you are with Theo," Ben said. Ciara told Ben he did not have a choice, because she wanted to be with Theo. Ben shook his head. Ben told Ciara that she would remember, and he would not stop fighting for her until then.

"I refuse to sign these papers just because you hit your head too hard," Ben said. Ciara yelled at Ben to sign the papers. Frustrated, Ben asked why it mattered when the papers were signed. "Because Theo and I are engaged," Ciara said.

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Edited by SC Desk