Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 11, 2016 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 11, 2016 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 11, 2016 on DAYS

The search for Tate continued. Hope learned that Aiden had lied to her. Andre kidnapped Rafe and tied him up to a bomb. Jennifer sued Chad for custody of Thomas. Kate agreed to Deimos' terms. Deimos cleared Nicole and let Kate off the hook. Ciara made things clear to Chase. Hope tried to save Rafe. Summer made plans to leave the country.

The search for Tate begins.
The search for Tate begins.

The search for Tate begins.

Monday, July 11, 2016

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by Mike

At the Horton Town Square, Claire met with Ciara, who was watching Thomas. Ciara was desperate for someone to talk to about Abigail's disappearance, so she swore Claire to secrecy then told her everything. Knowing that Ciara had developed feelings for Chad, Claire advised that trying to take advantage of his pain and vulnerability would be a very bad idea. Ciara defensively insisted that the thought hadn't even crossed her mind.

Unconvinced, Claire pressed the issue and eventually got Ciara to admit to being in love with Chad. Ciara tried to argue that there was a possibility that Chad could one day feel the same way about her -- if he didn't already -- but Claire refused to encourage that fantasy, certain that Chad would never see the much younger Ciara as anything other than Thomas' nanny. Ciara reluctantly conceded that Claire was probably right.

After promising never to act on her feelings, Ciara changed the subject, wondering if Claire had started recording an album with Philip yet. Shaking her head, Claire fretted that Philip, who seemed to be dragging his heels, might have lost interest in working with her after Belle had ended things with him. "Well, when Chad breaks my heart and Philip breaks your heart, at least we'll have each other," Ciara pointed out.

Later, Claire ran into Theo at Club TBD and wondered how Chad was doing. Theo said he hadn't had a chance to talk to Chad since Abigail's disappearance because Chad had been busy looking for her. Theo added that he didn't go to the DiMera mansion often anymore because Ciara didn't want him around. Claire fretted that it was a bad time for Ciara to be pushing friends away. Theo tried to get Claire to elaborate, but she apologetically explained that she couldn't. "I'm just so afraid that she's gonna get hurt," Claire added with a sigh.

At the DiMera mansion, Chad received a visit from Andre, who regretfully informed him that a woman matching Abigail's description had been seen boarding a chartered flight to Miami two days after Abigail's disappearance, and the plane had later gone down in the Gulf of Mexico, killing everyone on board. Refusing to believe that the woman had indeed been Abigail, Chad instructed Andre to keep looking for her. "[If] you want some kind of reward for finding her, you know, you have to actually find her," Chad stressed.

Later, J.J. arrived with a search warrant and tasked an accompanying police officer with the responsibility of checking the whole property for Abigail, still convinced that Chad was hiding her somewhere. While arguing with Chad, J.J. noticed a tablet computer that Chad had hurled across the room in frustration earlier. An article about the plane crash was displayed on the screen, and when J.J. asked about it, Chad dismissed it as a dead-end lead one of his private investigators had given him. "I don't believe [Abigail] got on that plane, but I'm following every lead, even if it is just discounted [in the end]," Chad explained as Jennifer joined him and J.J.

Jennifer decided that Chad was telling the truth about not knowing where Abigail was, and she begged J.J. to call off his search of the property, believing it to be a waste of time and resources. As Ciara arrived with Thomas, J.J. agreed to trust Chad, but his suspicions were again aroused when Chad refused to reveal the source of the lead about the plane crash. Chad explained that he wasn't trying to be difficult; he simply had to protect the identity of his source because that had been part of the deal. Chad added that J.J. could find out everything he needed to know directly from the airline, anyway.

In his room at the Salem Inn, Andre contacted someone and asked for help adding a name to a flight manifest. "We have to be clever about it. She wouldn't fly using her real name, no. She'd be creative -- oh, but not too creative; she wasn't very bright. Yeah, she was more of a spur-of-the-moment, off-the-top-of-the-head girl. Jen -- Jenny. Jenny Thomas! That's... Heh. There we go. That'll do," Andre said before ending the call.

In a secluded section of the town square, Brady and Theresa told Shawn everything they knew about Tate's disappearance. When Shawn asked if Brady and Theresa could think of anyone who might have taken Tate, Brady suggested that Victor might have done it to prove a point. Shawn was surprised to learn that Theresa had fallen asleep while watching Tate once before. Theresa insisted that she had no idea how that had happened again. Observing that Theresa's behavior seemed a bit strange, Shawn decided to have her drink tested, suspecting that she might have been drugged. Meanwhile, another police officer found one of Tate's toys near the park.

Brady contacted Victor, who denied involvement in Tate's disappearance. "Anyone with eyes can see that Theresa's an unfit mother. My help is not required," Victor reasoned. Victor promised to do everything he could to assist with the search, even though his resources were no longer as vast as they had been before Deimos had arrived in Salem. After saying goodbye to Victor, Brady contacted John and filled him in on what had happened. John stressed that if a ransom demand was received, he would provide the necessary funds. After ending his conversation with Brady, John contacted Shane to get the ISA involved in the search.

Shawn pulled Brady aside and wondered if there was any possibility that Theresa had started using drugs again. Brady insisted that there wasn't, reasoning that spiking protein drinks hadn't been Theresa's preferred way of getting high, anyway. Victor soon arrived and started chastising Theresa, who tearfully admitted that he couldn't possibly make her feel any worse than she already felt. Victor was willing to accept the challenge, but he didn't get a chance to say anything else before Brady intervened.

After Victor left, John arrived and tried to help Shawn convince Brady and Theresa to go home and wait for news there. Theresa refused, and as she was worrying about what Tate's kidnapper might do to him, she started hyperventilating and eventually fainted in Brady's arms. Theresa was taken to the hospital, and Marlena soon joined her there to keep her calm. Marlena revealed that she knew exactly what Theresa was going through because someone had kidnapped Belle years earlier. Theresa fretted that she was the worst mother ever and might never see Tate again.

As the search continued at the town square, John told Victor that the two most obvious suspects, Yo Ling and Kristen, were both dead, leaving the identity of Tate's kidnapper a complete mystery. Meanwhile, Shawn informed Brady that a toxicology report had confirmed that Theresa's drink had been spiked with a barbiturate. "If she didn't put the drugs in there, then we've gotta find out who did," Shawn added.

After being released from the hospital, Theresa returned home and fell asleep on the couch, having allowed Brady and Marlena to convince her that rejoining the search wouldn't be a good idea. While she was sleeping, Theresa dreamed about recent events, including Summer's cryptic advice to keep Tate safe. Theresa awoke with a start and quickly contacted Brady. "It was Summer. She has our son!" Theresa breathlessly declared.

Andre sets a bomb
Andre sets a bomb

Andre sets a bomb

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

by Spalding

In the DiMera living room, Chad slept on the couch and dreamed that Andre had told him that Abigail had boarded a plane that had crashed. In the dream, Jennifer confronted Chad and blamed him for Abigail's death. Chad awoke with a start. Jennifer entered the room with Thomas to see if Chad was okay. Panicked, Chad asked if Abigail was dead. Jennifer told Chad that he had been dreaming. Chad took Thomas in his arms and hugged him tightly. Jennifer promised Chad that Abigail had not died. Thomas cried.

After Chad put Thomas down for a nap, Jennifer warned Chad that Thomas was picking up on Chad's emotional distress. Jennifer said she was worried about Abigail but that she was working to keep her emotions in check for the benefit of Thomas. Chad took offense to Jennifer's statement. Shaking her head, Jennifer asked Chad to let her take Thomas so that Chad could rest.

"What is it gonna matter if he goes with you anyway? Because you protest to have this ability to not let your feelings affect people? You're so stoic and strong? I don't think you are!" Chad shouted. Jennifer quietly countered that she had parented her children through trauma over many years. Jennifer begged Chad to let her take Thomas for a couple of days. Chad refused.

Jennifer begged Chad to reconsider. Chad argued that Thomas was the only thing keeping him from "losing my mind." Changing tactics, Jennifer asked Chad to devote all his energy to finding Abigail. Chad accused Jennifer of attempting to take his son from him. Jennifer told Chad that he was acting selfishly. As Chad stewed, Jennifer said that if Thomas were at her house, he would get a lot of love and attention from her, Doug, and Julie.

After Jennifer left, Chad retrieved Thomas and carried him downstairs to his crib in the living room. Chad thought about Jennifer's accusations from both his dream and from his argument with her. Chad picked up Thomas and took him to the town square. At the caf, Chad made peek-a-boo faces at his son. A woman told Chad that he was a good dad, and she asked about Thomas' mom. Choking back tears, Chad excused himself and left.

At the Horton house, Doug and Julie asked Jennifer about Chad and Abigail. Jennifer noted that Chad was angry and unstable. Doug wanted to get Thomas, but Julie reminded Doug that Thomas was Chad's son. Jennifer told them about her argument with Chad. Jennifer wondered aloud what she could do to help. Doug suggested that Jennifer should sue for custody. Julie said that a lawsuit was a bit extreme.

Jennifer noted that she had watched Thomas crying while Chad stood nearby, oblivious. Shaking her head, Julie changed her mind and agreed with Doug. Jennifer worried aloud about upsetting Chad further. Julie suggested that Jennifer should mention lawyers to Chad to see if it would get him to agree to let Jennifer take Thomas temporarily. With a sigh, Jennifer said the suggestion might set Chad off. Julie reminded Jennifer that she needed to do what was best for Thomas.

"I don't want to alienate Chad. I feel like right now we should be pulling together instead of pulling apart," Jennifer said. Frustrated, Jennifer left for a walk. Julie stared out the window until Doug roused her from her reverie. Julie confided that she was worried about Jennifer's sobriety. Julie noted that Jennifer's drug abuse would also work against her in court. With a wicked grin, Julie suggested that she should talk to Chad. Doug chuckled. "You'd just be adding gas to the flames, babe doll," Doug said. "And you are the captain of my heart, always," Julie said in return.

In the park, Chad fought off a panic attack while he pushed Thomas' stroller. After his breathing slowed, Chad thought about Jennifer's request to take Thomas. Chad sat on the bench to calm down. The private investigator called Chad to update him on the search for Abigail. Chad ordered more resources to track down his wife. After hanging up the phone, Chad apologized to Thomas for getting upset on the phone.

When Jennifer returned to her house, she told Doug and Julie that she had made a decision. Back at the DiMera mansion, Chad cooed over his son. Jennifer called Chad, and he reiterated that he would not give up his son. Jennifer told Chad that she was going to sue for custody of Thomas.

Aiden escorted Hope back to her house. With a smile, Hope said she had enjoyed her vacation with Aiden. Hope said she felt closer to Aiden but cautioned that their relationship needed to grow organically.

In the basement of the abandoned DiMera property, Andre knocked Rafe over the head, rendering him unconscious. Andre chained Rafe to the wall in the basement. As Rafe groaned in his sleep, Andre switched on an electronic device with a countdown clock that appeared to be a bomb. "Let's see you get out of this one, detective," Andre growled.

In the corner, Rafe's cell phone rang. Andre saw that it was Hope calling. Still unconscious, Rafe slept as Andre talked about how Hope and Rafe had let Stefano rot. Andre assured the unconscious Rafe that he would know how Stefano had felt. Andre added that Hope would die beside Rafe. With a chuckle, Andre left the basement.

At the police station, Shawn informed Hope that Tate had been kidnapped from the park. Shawn noted that Theresa had been drugged, and there were no leads. Shawn also noted that Abigail had escaped Shady Hills. Hope wanted to dive into work, but Shawn escorted her into the conference room to tell her about Aiden. Before Shawn could explain, an officer interrupted to tell Shawn there was a possible sighting of Tate. Shawn handed Hope an envelope and told her to look at the contents.

Once alone, Hope reviewed the contents of the envelope, showing that Aiden's blood was a match for the blood sample of the man she had married. Hope called Rafe's phone but hung up when she got his voicemail. Hope marched to the Salem Inn to confront Aiden. Hope punched Aiden then arrested him.

In the basement of the abandoned house, Rafe stirred awake and looked at the chains binding his wrists. In his hotel room, Andre sipped Champagne and watched Rafe on a television feed. Rafe noticed the wires by his feet, and his gaze tracked the wires across the floor to the ticking bomb on the other side of the room.

Deimos reveals himself to Roman
Deimos reveals himself to Roman

Deimos reveals himself to Roman

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

by Mike

Brady returned home and found Belle waiting with a frantic Theresa, who was disturbed to learn that her protein drink had been spiked with a barbiturate. Theresa insisted that Summer was responsible, but Brady pointed out that there was no evidence to support that theory.

Outraged, Theresa lashed out at Brady for once again rushing to Summer's defense. Theresa also blamed Brady for Tate's abduction, arguing that it never would have happened if Brady hadn't insisted on finding Summer and convincing her to move to Salem. Theresa guessed that Summer had no intention of ever returning Tate because she had abducted him not for ransom money but instead to punish Brady for rejecting her.

As Theresa continued ranting, Shawn arrived to report that the police were following some leads, but nothing had panned out yet. "Of course not, because everybody's looking in the wrong place!" Theresa complained before storming out of the living room. Brady chased after her, and while they were gone, Belle explained to Shawn that Theresa was certain that Summer had abducted Tate. "And God help anyone who tries to convince her otherwise," Belle added.

Brady soon returned and reported that he had managed to convince Theresa to lie down for a while. Brady admitted that although Theresa had said some pretty harsh things to him earlier, she had been right to say them. Nevertheless, Brady remained skeptical about Summer's involvement in Tate's abduction, unable to figure out how she could have managed to slip into the kitchen to drug Theresa's drink. "She's a con artist. I'm sure that she could find a way," Shawn pointed out. Nodding, Brady asked Belle to stay with Theresa for a while so he could take care of something. Shawn also excused himself, explaining that he needed to get back to work.

Later, Theresa emerged from the bedroom, and Belle informed her that Brady had gone to take care of something. "Probably went to the hardware store to get some duct tape for my mouth," Theresa guessed. Theresa acknowledged that she had said some pretty horrible things to Brady lately, but she insisted that she had been justified in doing so.

When Theresa started to complain that it seemed like no one understood how she was feeling, Belle stressed that she understood because Claire had been abducted and taken to Ireland years earlier. Theresa was glad to hear that Belle and Shawn had actually grown closer as a result of the ordeal, but she wasn't optimistic about the chances of things working out the same way for her and Brady.

At Club TBD, Eduardo approached Dario, who was in the process of once again warning Nicole not to trust Deimos. After introducing Nicole to Eduardo, Dario announced that he had decided to run the club for Eduardo. Dario warned, however, that he was only taking the job because he needed the money, and he planned to move on as soon as a better opportunity presented itself.

After Eduardo went to the bar to get a bottle of Champagne, Nicole objected to the way Dario had treated him. Pointing out that Eduardo was obviously trying to make amends for past mistakes, Nicole wondered if it would kill Dario to try being nicer to him. "Everyone deserves a second chance," Nicole reasoned, prompting Dario to guess that she was referring not just to Eduardo but also to Deimos.

When Eduardo returned, Nicole tried to excuse herself so he and Dario could celebrate privately, but both men urged her to stay. "Besides, Dad here is gonna want to get to know you. He's gonna be paying your salary," Dario added, informing Eduardo that Nicole had once worked in the fashion industry and would be the perfect person to hire to redecorate Club TBD. Nicole protested that it wasn't right for Dario to put Eduardo on the spot like that, but Eduardo stressed that if Nicole decided that she was interested in the job, she just had to say the word, and it would be hers, since Dario was in charge and obviously had faith in her abilities.

Later, John and Brady arrived to question Dario, who found it hard to believe that Summer could have abducted Tate. Dario insisted that he had no idea where Summer had gone after leaving Salem. Meanwhile, Brady received a phone call from Belle, who wondered if he was near a television. When Brady confirmed that he was, Belle told him to turn on Titan TV because Theresa was in the middle of a live press conference, offering a reward of one million dollars in exchange for Tate's safe return.

As Summer was pacing around a hotel room, someone knocked on the door. "Hello, Summer. I'm Dominique. Do you have what we requested?" the visitor asked when Summer opened the door. "I do. I hope you have what I requested," Summer replied.

At the Brady Pub, Philip contacted Kate and informed her that he had heard that Deimos was back in town. Kate wanted to know how Chloe, of all people, had found out about Deimos' return, but Philip said that wasn't important; he simply wanted to know if Kate was okay, since Chloe had also reported that Kate was the one who had pushed Deimos into the river. "So suddenly Chloe's the authority on everything Deimos?" Kate asked, laughing off the accusation. Kate told Philip to trust her then quickly ended the call.

Chloe soon arrived and warned that she had high expectations for her meeting with Philip, since he had hyped it as life-changing. Philip explained that he wanted to sign Chloe to his record label. Chloe was flattered but had never seriously considered the idea of being a recording artist and didn't think it was the best career choice for a single mother who was raising an eight-year-old son. Undeterred, Philip promised to tailor Chloe's contract to Parker's needs so she would never have to be away from him. Chloe advised Philip not to get carried away, pointing out that it had been years since he had last heard her sing. "For all you know, I've lost it," she added.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Deimos caught Kate letting herself in with a spare key she'd had made without his knowledge. Kate unapologetically explained that she hadn't knocked because she had assumed that he wouldn't answer the door for her. "[And] whether you like it or not, we have some unfinished business that we're gonna settle today," Kate added. When Deimos wondered what she was talking about, Kate complained that she had been barred from entering Titan earlier that day, despite a contract that guaranteed her employment as CEO of the company. "Well, that contract is now null and void," Deimos revealed.

Kate warned that her lawyers were prepared to take the case to court and were confident that they would win. Deimos countered that if Kate tried to fight his decision, he would be forced to tell the police that she had not only falsified a marriage license but had also tried to kill him; however, if she agreed to accept her termination gracefully, he would consider backing up her story, provided that she also returned all the money she had siphoned out of his bank accounts during his disappearance. Kate tried to feign ignorance, but Deimos had financial reports to support his accusation.

Kate reluctantly followed Deimos to the police station, where he informed Roman that no one had pushed him into the river; he had simply fallen in after hitting his head on a tree while drunkenly stumbling around the park. Through gritted teeth, Kate apologized for wrongly blaming Nicole for the fall, claiming that she had simply misunderstood the chain of events because everything had happened quite quickly. Deimos added that he and Kate had decided to annul their marriage. Deimos told Roman he was sorry that taxpayer funds had been wasted on investigating the incident. "So long as we got to the truth [in the end]," Roman skeptically replied.

Later, Roman met with Nicole to inform her that she was no longer a suspect in Deimos' disappearance. Nicole was surprised to learn that Deimos had claimed that he had indeed married Kate, but she was glad to hear that he planned to annul the marriage. Roman warned that he was skeptical of Deimos, and it would be wise for Nicole to be skeptical, too. "If you're smart, you will stay the hell away from that guy," Roman added.

When Deimos and Kate returned to the Kiriakis mansion, Chloe was in the middle of performing for Philip, who had expected the place to be empty for a bit longer. Chloe rushed off, and Philip followed her to the town square, where she admitted that she'd had feelings for Deimos. Meanwhile, Kate curiously observed that Chloe had gone pale at the sight of Deimos. Deimos dodged Kate's questions about his connection to Chloe, more interested in getting his money and engagement ring back. Kate reluctantly returned Deimos' belongings then stormed out of the mansion.

Later, in the town square, Kate met with Andre and told him, "I want Deimos Kiriakis brought to his knees. And this time, make sure it sticks."

Hope confronts Aiden
Hope confronts Aiden

Hope confronts Aiden

Thursday, July 14, 2016

by Mike

At the Horton house, Doug provided Jennifer with the contact information for several capable attorneys, each of whom he and Julie had befriended during one of their many cruises. Julie recommended an attorney who was brilliant, fair-minded, and good-looking, but Doug had a different one in mind, arguing that Jennifer needed a shark.

Although Julie believed that Doug's pick was a pushover, she optimistically suggested that Jennifer might want to try talking to Chad one more time before contacting any of the attorneys. "By now, he may have cooled off," Julie reasoned. As if on cue, Chad started pounding insistently on the front door. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded to know when Jennifer opened it.

Julie rushed into the foyer with Doug and tried to play mediator, but Chad told her to mind her own business. Doug admonished Chad for being rude to Julie, and Chad conceded that his response had been inappropriate. After apologizing, Chad asked for a moment alone with Jennifer. Jennifer agreed, so Doug headed upstairs with Julie after warning that if Chad raised his voice to Jennifer again, he would be kicked out of the house.

Chad stepped into the living room with Jennifer and assured her that he wanted to have a calm, rational conversation with her, acknowledging that things had been said in the heat of the moment during their last conversation that might not have been intentional. Relieved, Jennifer assumed that Chad was conceding that it had been wrong of him to reject her offer to take care of Thomas for a while. "Are you kidding me? I mean, you are the one that's wrong for trying to take Thomas away from me!" Chad insisted.

Jennifer stressed that she hadn't made a knee-jerk decision to take Thomas away from Chad; in fact, she had thought long and hard about what would be best for Thomas. Jennifer reasoned that the Horton house, unlike the DiMera mansion, was a stable, loving environment, filled with people who were very capable of caring for Thomas.

Chad protested that Thomas was already being cared for at the DiMera mansion. "By an eighteen-year-old girl!" Jennifer countered. Chad argued that Ciara was great with Thomas, who lit up every time he saw her. "I light up every time I see Ciara! That doesn't mean she has the wisdom and the know-how to care for an infant," Jennifer maintained.

Chad wondered how Abigail would feel about Jennifer's plan to steal Thomas from him. "After everything Abby and I went through with Ben, trying to get our son back, now I gotta face losing him again, to someone that I thought I could count on?" Chad asked incredulously. Jennifer insisted that Chad could count on her, reiterating that she could provide Thomas with a loving, safe environment.

"When you are sober," Chad countered. Chad predicted that no sane judge would hand Thomas over to an addict who had only been sober for a few months. Jennifer insisted that she was in control of her addiction. "For now, maybe. But what happens when you're losing sleep because you have a cranky baby in the house, or your back hurts from carrying around my son all day? Those pain pills are gonna seem pretty tempting then," Chad pointed out. Jennifer assured Chad that she would be able to resist those urges because she attended Narcotics Anonymous meetings regularly and also had the support of a wonderful sponsor.

Chad guessed that the judge would be happy for Jennifer but still wouldn't be willing to risk placing Thomas with her, knowing that even the best support systems could sometimes fail. "You're a walking time bomb," Chad concluded. "And you're a DiMera, with a family history of crime that goes back decades, so what judge in his right mind is gonna side with you?" Jennifer countered.

Chad dismissively replied that he didn't have a history of crime; in fact, he had never committed a crime, and he didn't intend for that to ever change. Jennifer skeptically guessed that E.J., Kristen, and Lexie had probably once had the same intention. "Guess what, Jennifer -- I'm not them!" Chad pointed out. Jennifer argued that Chad could still be capable of the same heinous acts, especially in a desperate situation. Chad refused to entertain that possibility, and when Jennifer mused that his defensiveness seemed to suggest that she had struck a nerve, he confirmed that she had. "I'm sick of being judged based on my DNA," Chad explained.

Jennifer countered that people had good reasons for judging Chad that way. Jennifer added that if she had listened to her initial instincts about Chad and had kept Abigail away from him, Abigail might not have had to be committed to Shady Hills in the first place. Stunned, Chad reminded Jennifer that although a lot of bad things had happened to Abigail since he had returned to Salem, he hadn't been responsible for any of them; in fact, he was the one who had saved Abigail's life after Ben had kidnapped her.

Jennifer argued that Ben wouldn't have snapped if Chad hadn't taken Abigail away from him. "Are you kidding me? That is crazy!" Chad incredulously shouted as Doug rushed into the living room with Julie and put an end to the heated conversation, instructing Chad to leave immediately. Ignoring the order, Chad tried to reason with Jennifer again, stressing that he loved Abigail, and Abigail loved him. Chad admitted that he wasn't sure why Abigail had run away, but he added that he was certain that she hadn't done so because of him. Unmoved, Jennifer told Chad he could explain all that in court.

Chad begged Jennifer not to go through with the custody battle, but she insisted that he had left her with no other choice. "[You're] not doing this for Thomas' welfare; [you're] doing this because [you miss your] daughter, and you are doing anything you can to hold on to any piece of her. But Thomas isn't yours to have; he's mine and Abby's, and I will be damned if you're gonna take him away from me!" Chad countered before storming off.

"He's wrong. This is not about me. It's not about what I want. It's about Thomas. It's about Abigail. And I know that she would want me to protect him," Jennifer told Doug and Julie. Sighing, Jennifer added, "I just hope I'm up for this." Meanwhile, outside, Chad contacted Belle. "I think I'm gonna need a lawyer," he began when she answered the call.

At Shady Hills, a patient purposely knocked a book out of Chase's hands as they crossed paths in the reading room. Ciara picked up the book and handed it to Chase, who thanked her as he took a seat at a nearby table, glancing around the room nervously. Ciara wondered if Chase was okay. Chase confirmed that he was, but Ciara wasn't convinced. "I just hate this place, is all," Chase explained.

Ciara tried to assure Chase that the doctors and staff members were only trying to help him, but he asked her to drop the subject, insisting that he didn't need a lecture. Ciara clarified that she hadn't been trying to lecture Chase, but she agreed to change the subject, stressing that they needed to get something straight, anyway. Pointing out that Chase had lied to J.J. about where she had been at the time of Abigail's escape, Ciara wondered why Chase had chosen to get involved. Chase explained that he had provided Ciara with an alibi to get J.J. off her case. When Ciara admitted that Chase's plan had worked, he said he was glad to hear that.

"Because you helped me? Or was this all about helping you feel better about yourself?" Ciara wondered. Chase assured Ciara that he hadn't done her a favor to try to score points with her. "Look, I just wanted to save you from being hassled [because] I know what it's like to be pushed, and pointed at, and accused, and I thought if I could keep that away from you, then..." Chase started to explain before letting his voice trail off.

"Just drop it. It doesn't matter," Chase concluded. Ciara disagreed, complaining that Chase had put her in a weird position, forcing her to either back up his lie or admit the truth and risk casting more suspicion on herself. Chase apologized, admitting that he hadn't thought things through as well as he should have. Ciara stressed that she hadn't wanted or needed Chase's help. "I'm a screw-up. I ruin everything. I get it," Chase conceded.

"No, you don't get it! You have no idea how I'm feeling, because you have no idea what it's like to have your control taken away from you!" Ciara countered. Confused, Chase wondered how the issue of control was relevant to the conversation. "You took it away from me! You took it away from me when you raped me, and you took it away again when you lied for me!" Ciara tearfully explained. Glancing around at the room's other occupants, Chase nervously told Ciara to lower her voice. "Why? Is this making you uncomfortable? Does it bother you to see who you really are?" Ciara angrily replied.

"Just stop it! Make her stop!" Chase tearfully begged a nearby guard, who just gave him a smirk and a shrug. "Why should I?" Ciara wondered, recalling that Chase had ignored her pleas when she had asked him to stop. As Chase grew more upset, he began coughing uncontrollably, prompting Ciara to eventually offer to find someone to help him.

Chase feared that if Ciara got a doctor to intervene, he would be given more drugs, which would make it even harder than it already was for him to recognize potential threats from patients and staff members. "They know what I did. They know why I'm here. I might as well have a target on my back," Chase explained between coughs. Ciara got Chase a cup of water, and as he sipped it, he assured her that his panic attacks usually ended after fifteen minutes or so. Chase said he didn't want to tell Dr. Robinson about the panic attacks because she'd want to figure out what was causing them, and that would just make his sessions with her even more unbearable.

"The longer you keep it in, the worse it gets," Ciara warned Chase, speaking from experience. Chase wondered if Ciara's sessions with Marlena were helping at all. Ciara didn't want to let Chase make the conversation about her, but he begged her to at least assure him that she was getting better. Ciara refused to give Chase that satisfaction. "You concentrate on your recovery, and I'll concentrate on mine. And don't ever speak for me again," Ciara added before walking away.

Justin went to the police station after hearing that Aiden had been arrested. Roman explained that he was letting Hope question Aiden. Justin expressed reservations, but Roman insisted that Hope needed and deserved the chance to confront Aiden herself. Meanwhile, in one of the conference rooms, Hope informed Aiden that she had obtained proof that he had lied about when he had been abducted and replaced with a look-alike.

Aiden reluctantly admitted that he had indeed lied about the timing of his abduction, but he stressed that he hadn't lied about the reason for it. Aiden explained that he had lost his nerve while making preparations to kill Hope on the night of their wedding, and that was why Andre had stepped in and replaced him with someone who had been willing to finish the job.

"Should I be grateful that you didn't go through with murdering me [and] cashing in my life insurance policy? That you just thought about it?" Hope asked incredulously. Aiden tried to assure Hope that he had hated lying to her, but she argued that he was a sociopath who couldn't stop lying. Hope vowed that she would never again make the mistake of believing Aiden's lies. "I will hate you forever," Hope added before leaving the room.

Hope was eager to find Rafe and let him know that he had been right about Aiden all along, but Roman didn't know where Rafe was. Hope admonished herself for having been foolish enough to trust Aiden instead of Rafe, believing that she didn't even deserve to remain a detective after such a stunning display of bad judgment. Roman told Hope not to be too hard on herself, reasoning that she had wanted to believe Aiden because she had empathized with him as a fellow victim of the DiMeras.

Hope wanted to have Aiden processed, but Justin regretfully informed her that they couldn't charge Aiden with attempted murder because he hadn't actually made the attempt, and they couldn't easily prove conspiracy because Stefano was dead. Hope pointed out that Aiden had committed insurance fraud when he had added his name to her policy, but Roman countered that it would be hard to prove who had made the change.

Hope protested that Aiden had already admitted to the crime, but Justin was certain that Aiden would just recant that story. "Hope, I don't have a case. Aiden knows how to work the jury, and he's a brilliant liar," Justin concluded. Undeterred, Hope pointed out that Aiden could legally be detained for a while longer. "He's not walking today. If there's a charge that can stick, I'll find it," Hope vowed.

Later, Shawn informed Hope that although he hadn't seen Rafe recently, he knew where Rafe could likely be found. As Hope started to look up the address for the DiMera property that Rafe had been investigating, Roman interrupted and announced that a bank robbery was in progress on the other side of town. "We need all hands on deck," Roman added before rushing off.

At the DiMera property Andre had rigged with explosives, Rafe struggled to free himself as the seconds ticked down on the bomb's timer. Rafe spotted a pair of pliers within reach of his left foot, but when he finally managed to get his hands on the tool, he realized that it was broken. Frustrated, Rafe hurled the item across the room, cursing Andre.

As Rafe was running out of time, Hope arrived and found him in the basement of the house. Hope aimed her gun at the lock that was holding Rafe's chains to the wall, but Rafe warned that if she fired, the bomb would go off because its wires were attached to the chains. With less than twenty minutes left on the bomb's timer, Rafe urged Hope to get out of the house immediately, but she refused to leave without him.

The bomb goes off
The bomb goes off

The bomb goes off

Friday, July 15, 2016

by Spalding

In her apartment, Theresa talked to her mother on the phone about Tate. Shawn informed Belle that there was no news about Tate yet from the tip line. Fighting tears, Theresa thanked her mother for her support. Brady returned home. Brady informed Theresa, Shawn, and Belle that his leads had not panned out. Theresa told Brady that her father had coordinated with the ISA and that they were involved in the search.

When Shawn said that none of the tips called in to the police department had been useful, Brady remarked that making statements on the news was not an effective way to handle the situation. Furious, Theresa lashed out at Brady. Brady yelled at Theresa not to play the blame game but to instead focus on finding Tate. Shawn and Belle went into the kitchen to give Brady and Theresa privacy.

With tears in her eyes, Theresa said she knew it was unfair to blame Brady for Summer's actions, but she could not help herself. Theresa yelled at Brady that he had sided with Summer over her, and they had paid the price. Upset, Brady asked what he could do. As Theresa looked away, Brady said he would check in with John. With a wounded look on his face, Brady left.

Theresa waited with Shawn and Belle for news. While Shawn talked to the office, Belle spotted Theresa's designs on the floor in a pile. Belle told Theresa that the wedding gown looked beautiful. "I actually thought I could have it all. I almost did," Theresa said, fighting tears. "I should have know that it would never happen because I don't deserve it," Theresa added.

Theresa said she had done horrible things to people, and this was payback. Belle assured Theresa that no one deserved what was happening to Theresa. Shawn chimed in that nothing was Theresa's fault. Theresa countered that Victor believed she was to blame. Belle and Shawn both said that Victor was wrong about a lot of things and people.

In John's office, John informed Victor that there was no information on Summer yet. Maggie arrived at the office and asked who had taken Tate. Reluctantly, John informed Maggie that Summer was the suspect. Maggie refused to accept that Summer had been involved in the kidnapping. John told Maggie that multiple sources had pointed to Summer as the culprit. When John mentioned Summer's criminal history, Maggie argued that Summer had been a con artist, not a kidnapper.

"A bruised ego does not make her a kidnapper," Maggie said. John noted that Tate had disappeared when Summer had left town. Maggie admitted that Summer had not contacted her since their falling-out. Crying, Maggie argued that her daughter was not capable of stealing a child. Maggie called Summer's phone, but there was no answer. Maggie said she felt responsible for the situation because she had abandoned Summer as a baby. Victor told Maggie that it was not her fault that Summer was a criminal.

Paul confirmed that Summer's name was not on any flight manifests in the country. With a nod, John said that Summer had to have adopted an alias. Brady arrived at the office and asked for news. Maggie apologized if Summer was to blame. Brady said he was sorry too. John exclaimed that he had news. John told the group that a woman matching Summer's description had purchased a plane ticket with cash, using the name Cindi Callahan. The plane had been headed to Las Vegas.

Brady was eager to leave for Vegas, but John and Victor noted that Summer could have left for anywhere in the world. Brady was concerned that Summer was leaving the country with Tate. John said he would canvass the airport, but Paul yelped out that he might have found Summer. Paul explained that he had a friend in Vegas who had just informed him that a Cindi Callahan had checked into a hotel in Vegas. Brady was worried about scaring off Summer, so he asked John not to tell the police. Brady rushed out the door before John could respond.

Brady rushed home and told Theresa the news about Summer. Theresa grabbed her purse and marched for the door. When Brady attempted to stop Theresa, she pulled her arm away and growled that Tate was her son too. Brady was worried that they did not know what to expect in Vegas. Theresa said she could not wait in the apartment. Belle reminded Theresa that someone might call with a ransom demand. Theresa countered that she had her cell phone with her.

When Brady said that he was not sure if Tate was in Vegas, Theresa hit Brady's chest and screamed at him to stop protecting Summer. Unfazed, Theresa stormed out of the apartment with Brady in pursuit.

In a hotel room, Summer worked on changing her appearance. With newly dyed brown hair, Summer called a travel agent to arrange for a flight to Monte Carlo. Summer stared at her new passport and read the name Danielle Catherine Mullen to the travel agent.

At the Salem Police Station, Justin and Roman questioned Aiden about whether he had attempted to strangle Hope. Angry, Aiden swore he would never kill the woman that he loved. Justin asked Aiden why he had not told Hope that Stefano had been planning to kill her. Aiden argued that Stefano had warned him that if he had not killed Hope, then Stefano would have killed Chase. Aiden said he had been stalling, hoping to find a way out of the situation and save both Hope and his son.

Roman argued that Aiden had not told Hope the truth because he would have had to tell Hope that he was working with the DiMeras. Justin asked Aiden why he had added his name to Hope's insurance policy. Shifting his eyes away, Aiden said the DiMeras had to have changed her insurance policy, not him. Aiden said that Andre was to blame and that he would help the police take down Andre.

Roman and Justin left the interrogation room to talk about Aiden. Justin argued that they could not charge Aiden with any crimes. Roman wondered aloud if they could charge Aiden with conspiracy, but Justin exclaimed that there was no one to corroborate the evidence for conspiracy. Justin said they would need to release Aiden and follow him.

After Aiden was released, he returned to his hotel room and stared at a photo of him and Hope. With a sad smile, Aiden hurled the framed photo at the wall, shattering it. Aiden trashed his room. As Aiden sat on the ground afterward, he thought about when Hope had arrested him.

In his hotel room, a grinning Andre watched his closed circuit TV feed of Rafe in the basement with Hope. "You're too late, Hope. You and your boyfriend will not make it out alive," Andre said. Andre raised a glass of Champagne to Stefano and promised him justice.

In the basement, Rafe ordered Hope to leave him. Hope refused to leave Rafe alone to die. Hope looked at the bomb and attempted to call the bomb squad. Hope's cell phone had no service. As Hope started to leave to make the call, Rafe asked Hope not to reenter the house after she called about the bomb. When Hope returned, she told Rafe that there was no cell service anywhere on the property. Rafe begged Hope to drive away.

When Hope asked Rafe how he had ended up in the basement, Rafe explained that Aiden owned the property. Hope said she knew about the information that Rafe and Shawn had uncovered about Aiden's lies. Hope grabbed a box of tools and worked to pick the lock on Rafe's chains. Frustrated, Rafe pleaded with Hope to leave him. Hope blamed herself for giving Aiden another chance, but Rafe warned Hope not to blame herself for the situation.

Hope's cell phone rang. Eager for a lifeline, Hope pulled out her phone and saw that Shawn was calling. Hope answered the phone and told Shawn that she was trapped in a basement with a bomb on the abandoned DiMera property. Shawn told his mother that he was on his way. Hope assured Rafe that the bomb squad would be there within three minutes, but Rafe continued to beg Hope to leave him. "I'm not losing you. Not like this," Hope said.

Hope glanced over at the clock. There were only four minutes left. Hope told Rafe that they would get through it together. After working to pick the lock, Hope looked back at the clock, which read two minutes. Hope said she would be back then she ran upstairs. Rafe sighed.

At the Brady Pub, Claire met with Doug and Julie over coffee. Claire was disappointed that her singing career was stalled. With a sigh, Claire noted that things did not always work out. Claire cited Chad and Abigail as proof that things did not always go as planned. When Doug and Julie looked guiltily away, Claire asked what was wrong. Julie told Claire about Jennifer's lawsuit against Chad.

After coffee, Doug worried that he had not heard from Hope all morning. Doug said that although Hope had been a cop for a long time, he had never stopped worrying when he could not get ahold of her. When Doug could not get ahold of anyone from the department on the phone, his worry grew. Claire advised Doug not to let his imagination run wild. With a grin, Doug said he would forget his worries and order a hot fudge sundae for the table. As Doug looked away, his face fell in dismay.

In the abandoned basement, Rafe stared at the bomb as the clock ticked down under one minute. Hope rushed in with her weapon drawn and ordered Rafe to hold his head down. As Rafe ducked, Hope discharged her weapon at the chains above Rafe's head. Outside, Shawn's car pulled up at the scene. As Shawn jumped out of his car, the bomb went off.

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Edited by SC Desk