Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 25, 2016 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 25, 2016 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 25, 2016 on DAYS

Steve had it out with Ava when he realized that Kayla was missing. Ava forced Steve to search for their child. Andre found proof that Hope had murdered Stefano. Deimos refused Victor's offer to leave town. The police arrested Eric. Family and friends said goodbye to Daniel. Brady asked Flynn about his dreams of Daniel when he had lived in California.

Ava issues Steve an ultimatum
Ava issues Steve an ultimatum

Ava issues Steve an ultimatum

Monday, January 25, 2016

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by Mike

Chad approached the abandoned warehouse and asked one of the construction workers what was going on. The worker explained that the place was about to be demolished. Failing to think of a single reason why Andre would have arranged a meeting inside such a building, Chad concluded that he had obviously misheard the address Andre had given him.

Meanwhile, another worker finished clearing the upper floors but decided not to check the basement because it smelled like something had died down there, and he assumed that would have been enough to drive away even the most desperate homeless people. As Andre discovered Stefano's body -- easily recognizable thanks to the Phoenix ring Stefano had always worn on his left pinky finger -- the demolition crew blew up the building.

Chad went to the Horton house and told Abigail about his visit to the abandoned warehouse. Having determined that DiMera Enterprises didn't own the building, Chad remained unable to explain why Andre could have possibly wanted to send him there. "Maybe he wants me demolished?" Chad somewhat flippantly theorized. Abigail suggested that Andre might have been waiting for Chad inside the building, but Chad hoped, for Andre's sake, that she was wrong, because he had watched the place get reduced to a pile of rubble.

Later, while he and Abigail were planning their wedding, Chad received a phone call from his Realtor, who informed him that the DiMera mansion was being foreclosed the following week because Stefano was a year behind on his mortgage payments. Abigail wanted to know why Stefano even had a mortgage in the first place, so Chad explained that Stefano had mortgaged the mansion to raise money back when he had decided to take DiMera Enterprises private. Chad wasn't sure if Stefano had stopped being able to afford the payments or if he had simply forgotten to send them in, since nothing he had done lately had made much sense to Chad.

Abigail advised Chad not to get sucked into the matter, but he thought he needed to at least try to save the mansion, which he had lived in for a number of years after his mother had died. Chad knew he would be able to afford the place because its reputation would prevent others from being willing to bid on it, and he had plenty of money set aside from all the times Stefano had thrown piles of it his way in an effort to impress him -- or, as Abigail suspected, buy his love. Chad thought the mansion would be the perfect place for him and Abigail to raise Thomas.

Abigail wasn't convinced, even after Chad assured her that they wouldn't have to share the property with Stefano and Andre because the former was off somewhere in Europe and the latter could be kicked out with pleasure. Determined to change Abigail's mind, Chad took her and Thomas to the DiMera mansion and tried to get her to see how they could put their own stamp on it. Abigail could tell that Chad really wanted to buy the place, so she hesitantly agreed to give the idea some thought. Meanwhile, at the abandoned warehouse, Andre -- trapped under a pile of rubble and bleeding from a head wound -- moved his hand and opened his eyes.

Hope emerged from her bedroom and overheard Ciara talking to Rafe in the living room, telling him that Hope wanted him to accompany them to the Horton cabin for some rest and relaxation. Hope interrupted and clarified that Ciara was putting her own spin on things, but Ciara maintained that Rafe needed to tag along on the trip because he was practically family -- and he looked like he could use some downtime, anyway. Ciara headed off to school after urging Rafe to give the idea some thought.

Hope explained to Rafe that she had originally intended for the trip to be a way to get Ciara and Chase out of town until the situation with Andre died down, but Ciara had decided that Hope needed to accompany them -- and that Rafe needed to tag along to provide protection. Rafe agreed that it would be best for Hope to leave town for a while, since Andre wasn't going to stop looking for proof of her crime anytime soon. Rafe was willing to tag along but didn't want Hope to feel uncomfortable. Hope assured Rafe that there was no reason for her to feel uncomfortable around him -- and that he would be welcome to join her, Ciara, and Chase at the cabin.

Between classes, Ciara excitedly told Chase about the planned trip to the Horton cabin. Chase didn't share Ciara's enthusiasm, and she hounded him until he finally admitted that he wasn't interested because his father had attempted to kill Hope, and he wasn't comfortable with the idea of hanging out with Rafe -- a detective -- and trying to pretend that they weren't both aware of that fact.

Ciara dismissed Chase's concerns, assuring him that Rafe was a cool guy. "[And] he's in love with my mom," Ciara revealed, adding that she needed Chase to help her get Rafe and Hope together. Chase wasn't comfortable with that idea, either, but Ciara eventually talked him into it. Chase and Ciara decided that they would have to spend a lot of time watching movies together in the woods so Rafe and Hope would have plenty of alone time at the cabin.

At the Johnson house, Steve fretted about Kayla, who hadn't been in touch with him or Joey recently. "You'd think she would have called before she went into that meeting," Steve mused. "Yeah, well, who knows why anybody does anything," Joey muttered before heading off to school, leaving Steve to wonder what had prompted the odd response. Later, Steve learned that Kayla had never checked into her hotel room.

While passing through the town square, Ava received a phone call from Joey. Rolling her eyes, Ava answered the call and sweetly reminded Joey that he needed to stop calling and texting her because they could never be together. Joey insisted that he couldn't just walk away from Ava, and he begged her to meet with him one last time so they could finish the conversation his mother had interrupted earlier. "I'm gonna lose my mind if you say no," Joey stressed.

Ava met with Joey in a secluded section of the town square and admitted that she was glad that he had called her because he had made her realize that she couldn't just walk away from him -- not without first giving him a gift that would serve as a reminder of their time together: season tickets to the Chicago Cubs' games. "You can go anytime you want, bring your friends -- whatever you like. But there is just one deal here, okay? Whenever you're sitting there in that seat, I want you to remember that if I could, I would be sitting right next to you, as close as possible," Ava explained.

"I don't want to be reminded of you; I want to be with you," Joey protested, adding that he and Ava had something special and couldn't just throw it away. Ava reasoned that she and Joey weren't throwing anything away; they were simply opting to make a clean break from each other because that was the adult thing to do. Joey argued that he and Ava wouldn't have to split up if they ran away together.

Ava told Joey that he was sweet -- and that she would love to be able to run away with him. "We can! I mean, why not? I've got no reason to stay here. Neither do you. I mean, you're the only good thing in my life. If we go away together, it'll be like -- like I'd have everything I want," Joey said. Ava reminded Joey that she didn't have long to live, but he countered that they could go somewhere -- Mexico, perhaps -- and find a cure. Ava said that was a lovely thought but wasn't going to happen. "Yes, it will! We'll make it happen. I can't be without you. I love you," Joey insisted, wrapping his arms around Ava.

"Joey...I love you, too," Ava hesitantly replied. Thrilled to hear that, Joey tried to kiss Ava, but she stopped him and added that, because she loved him, she had to be honest with him. Ava insisted that running away with Joey would be wrong -- "on so many levels" -- and she pointed out that Steve and Kayla would be miserable without him. Ava also stressed that Joey had his whole life ahead of him, and she didn't want him to waste any of it taking care of her. "I am so glad that I met you, but it has to end now, so please go," Ava gently concluded. Disappointed, Joey reluctantly walked away, leaving behind the gift that Ava had given him.

"Okay. Now to my next little problem," Ava muttered with a sigh after Joey left. As Ava started to walk away, Steve approached and started to confront her, knowing that she had just been with Joey. Ava defensively explained that she had just finished turning down Joey's attempt to get her to run away with him. Steve said he would deal with Joey later but first wanted to know where Kayla was. Ava feigned ignorance, but Steve held up one of the charms from Kayla's charm bracelet and wondered why it had been in Ava's hotel room.

Ava was outraged that Steve had broken into her room, but he ignored her complaints and angrily ordered her to answer the question. Ava tried to remind Steve that she had helped him and Kayla get back together because she just wanted them to be happy, but he refused to buy that, guessing that she had really just been using him to get her son back all along. Steve refused to help Ava find her son, insisting that the child would be better off without her. Ava got upset and started lashing out at Steve, stating that she had done something to Kayla -- and would tell him where Kayla was as soon as he located Ava's son.

When Joey returned to school, Ciara asked if he was going to attend her party that night. Joey declined, but Ciara hoped that he would change his mind. After Ciara left, Joey asked one of his friends to pick up a couple bottles of alcohol for him, knowing that the guy owned a fake ID.

Joey learns about Ava
Joey learns about Ava's baby

Joey learns about Ava's baby

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

by Spalding

At Club TBD, Abe, Lani, and Theo ate dinner together. Theo was anxious to go to Ciara's party. When Lani asked Theo if he was just friends with Ciara, he nodded but added that he would like it if there was more to their relationship than friendship. Abe cautioned Theo to be careful. Shaking his head, Theo said that Ciara would never hurt him. After paying for dinner, the group stood up and started to say their goodnights. Theo's phone beeped with a text message, and his face fell.

"Is that another one of those anonymous texts?" Lani asked. "You were supposed to keep that a secret!" Theo said before walking out of the club. Confused, Abe turned to Lani for answers. Lani explained that Theo had a cyber bully. Abe and Lani agreed that they needed to find the bully that had been contacting Theo.

Abe caught up with Theo in the town square. Theo was annoyed that Lani had told Abe about the bullying, but Abe told his son that he was worried. Theo asked Abe to let it go. Reluctantly, Abe agreed. When Theo asked why people were mean, Abe said teenagers struggled with their identities and took out their anger on other people. Theo said he did not want to hate the person that hated him. With a smile, Abe said he was proud of his son.

In the park, Steve confronted Ava about Kayla. Ava said she would return Kayla when Steve located Ava's son. When Steve growled, Ava said she was a determined mother. Steve was reluctant to trust Ava, but she firmly stated that she would not talk about Kayla until Steve found their son. Ava lectured Steve about Kayla's behavior, but Steve argued that Kayla had every right to be suspicious of Ava. Ava stressed that she had wanted to work together with Steve, but Kayla had forced the issue.

Steve warned Ava that he would kill her if Kayla was harmed. Ava responded that she was almost dead already. Grabbing Ava by the arm, Steve escorted her back to his house. Steve opened the envelope of information about their son and reviewed the materials. When Steve asked about the doctor that had delivered the baby, Ava shrugged. As Ava chattered on about their son, Steve ordered Ava to shut up. Steve added that he was anxious to find out if the baby was his or not.

At the police station, Roman and Rafe talked about Eric. Roman worried aloud that Eric would spend the rest of his life in prison. Talk turned to Hope, and Roman asked Rafe if he believed Hope would quit the police force. Rafe said that Hope needed time away to think. When Rafe mentioned that he was going with Hope, Ciara, and Chase up to the Horton cabin, Roman asked Rafe what he wanted from Hope.

"Hope's my friend! That's it," Rafe stressed. Roman reminded Rafe that it was easy to fall for someone that a person was protecting, like Roman had fallen for Marlena. Rafe said he understood. With a smile, Rafe reminded Roman of the start of his relationship with Sami. Rafe added that a trip to the cabin with the kids was not too forward. Nodding, Roman said that he wanted to remind Rafe, as Hope's brother-in-law, that Hope was vulnerable.

At the Brady house, Hope helped Ciara prepare for her party. Hope asked Ciara to tell her if she saw anything suspicious. After Hope left, a drunken Joey arrived at the party. Ciara called out Joey, and he grew belligerent. While Chase went to grab some food for Joey, Joey circulated at the party and picked a fight. Chase intervened. Ciara warned Joey to settle down, or she would call his mother. Angry, Joey stormed out of the house.

After Joey left, the party turned more festive. Ciara talked to Claire about her Juilliard audition. Claire was reluctant to leave town, but Ciara urged Claire to let her parents live their own lives so that Claire could live out her dreams. Ciara asked Claire if she was using her parents as an excuse to skip the audition. Before Claire could answer, Ciara suggested that Claire would regret turning down the audition because she would always wonder "what if?"

Chase interrupted to hand over the last mocha cupcake to Ciara. With a goofy grin, Ciara thanked Chase for grabbing it for her. As Chase wandered off, Claire grumbled that Chase ignored her existence. When Ciara looked at Claire quizzically, Claire said that Chase had ignored her because he had a crush on Ciara. Ciara shook her head no.

"He is trying to play it cool. He probably wants to make sure you don't freak out when he makes his move," Claire said. As Ciara shifted her eyes away guiltily, Claire pressed Ciara for details. Ciara confided that Chase had kissed her and then said he had made a mistake. Laughing, Claire said she doubted that Chase had mistakenly kissed Ciara. When Claire asked about Ciara's reaction, she admitted that she had not been thrilled by it. Claire recounted all the positive things about Chase, and Ciara suggested that Claire make a move on Chase.

With a smile, Ciara said that Claire obviously had a crush on Chase. Ciara pushed Claire toward Chase and urged her to get to know him. Claire stumbled over to Chase and they talked about movies. When Claire asked Chase to go with her to a Bogart movie, a nervous Chase asked if she was asking him on a date. Chase declined the offer, noting that he had a lot going on in his life. As Claire turned to walk away, she stopped. Claire asked Chase if he would say the same thing if Ciara had asked him. Caught, Chase nervously asked Claire why she would ask him that question.

"Just the way you look at her. You should really let her know how you feel," Claire said. "That really wouldn't do any good. She just sees me as a friend. Actually, kind of worse than that. She sees me as a stepbrother she has to deal with. It would just freak her out," Chase said. Claire told Chase he was wrong, but he shook his head and walked away.

When the party ended and people started to leave, Claire informed Ciara that Chase had made it clear that he was not interested. Claire said goodbye and left with some friends. Once Chase and Ciara were alone, Ciara wondered aloud what had happened to Theo. Chase shrugged. When Ciara asked Chase about his conversation with Claire, Hope walked into the house, interrupting their conversation. Hope offered to clean up, and a thrilled Ciara ran upstairs.

In the park, Joey sat on a park bench and drank from a bottle of whiskey. "I love her. Why can't she love me back?" Joey asked before throwing the bottle on the ground. Emotional, Joey called Steve at the house and asked him to pick him up. After Steve hung up the phone, Ava asked Steve if Joey was drunk. Steve warned Ava not to ask questions about his son. Steve grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the closet then cuffed Ava to a table.

When Steve arrived in the park, he found a drunken and apologetic Joey. Joey explained that he had planned to ride his motorcycle home but had thought better of it when he had thought of Eric. Steve clapped a hand on Joey's shoulder and asked if he had driven drunk to the park. Joey nodded. yes With a sigh, Steve took the keys. Steve told Joey that actions had consequences and that he was taking the bike away for a while.

Steve drove Joey home. When they entered the house, Joey was shocked to find Ava sitting on the couch, handcuffed to the table. Steve explained that Ava was holding Kayla hostage. Confused, Joey said that Ava had helped him reconcile Steve and Kayla. Steve ordered Ava to explain. With a shrug, Ava said that she had argued with Kayla about Joey and that their conversation had grown heated. Ava calmly said she had knocked out Kayla.

Upset, Joey demanded that Ava release his mother. Ava promised that Kayla was fine. Ava said she would release Kayla as soon as Steve fulfilled his duty to her. Confused, Joey asked what was going on. Steve explained that Ava wanted him to find her son. When Joey asked why, Steve said that the he might be the father. Joey was hurt that Ava had lied about the baby, but Ava said she had wanted to take her time to show her hand. Steve accused Ava of playing them, and Joey agreed.

"Joey, I will do anything to bring your mom home," Steve said. "Just like I knew you would," Ava countered. "I thought you were my friend," Joey said sadly. Ava apologized and explained that she'd done what she'd had to do to save her son. Steve sent Joey to his room. Giggling, Ava told Steve that it felt like old times. Ava said Steve had reminded her of how much she had loved him and still did. Dumbfounded, Steve sat on the couch next to Ava.

"I would rather dig out my good eye with a spoon than ever be with you again. So you can forget whatever crazy ideas you have in that head of yours. You and I are never getting back together," Steve said. Ava's eyes narrowed.

In Eric's room at the hospital, Hope talked to Eric about the possible legal consequences to his drunk-driving charges. Eric said prison was nothing compared to the fact that he would have to live with the fact that he had taken a life. Hope kissed Eric on the cheek and said she was sorry. Eric squeezed her hand and reminded her that she had done nothing wrong.

As Hope walked to the elevator, she thought about what Eric had said about the consequences of taking a life. Hope thought about shooting Stefano. Shaken, Hope hurriedly left the hospital. After stopping by the pub, Hope took some pie to Rafe at the police station. With a smirk, Rafe reminded Hope that Dutch apple pie was her favorite pie, not his. While they ate pie, Hope asked to talk about the night of Stefano's murder. Rafe closed the blinds to the conference room they were in so that they could talk privately.

Hope talked about her confrontation with Stefano. With a sigh, Hope said she did not know how to deal with the emotional ramifications of her actions. Hope said that she was happy that Rafe was going to the cabin with her. Rafe agreed. Rafe told Hope that the building where they had dumped Stefano's body had been detonated on schedule. Relieved, Hope sighed. Rafe stressed that there was no evidence left for Andre to find.

At the DiMera mansion, a badly battered Andre crept in through the secret passageway. Struggling with his injuries from the building explosion, Andre collapsed onto the floor in the study. With much effort, Andre managed to stand up again. Andre examined his wounds in the mirror then pulled shrapnel out of the wound in his cheek. Growling, Andre muttered, "Damn you, Hope."

Eric is released from the hospital
Eric is released from the hospital

Eric is released from the hospital

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

by ChickenGrrl

When Belle entered Club TBD, the bartender surprised her by handing her a paper bag that contained her usual breakfast order. The bartender gestured toward Philip, who was sitting nearby. Smiling, Belle asked how Philip had known her order and when she would be there. Philip joked that he did pay attention every once in a while so he could "accidentally" run into her. Just as Belle reached over and caressed Philip's hand, Shawn walked in. Shawn ducked into an alcove when Belle left.

Shawn approached Philip and ordered him to stay away from Belle. Philip reminded Shawn that he'd filed for divorce. "You've tried to come between me and Belle before, haven't you, Philip?" Shawn reminded his former rival, adding, "Didn't work out so well for you, did it?" Philip wondered why Shawn was still so possessive of Belle after filing for divorce, and why he'd changed his mind. Philip remarked that Shawn had been so quick to decide to divorce Belle that it didn't appear he'd thought things through. "And just so you know, this is the last time I intend to talk to you about Belle," Philip warned, adding that Shawn should talk to Belle directly about anything that involved her.

At Claire's invitation, Eve went to John and Marlena's townhouse. Claire revealed that she'd decided to go to the audition for Juilliard. A thrilled Eve squealed and embraced her protge. Claire elaborated that her dad was happy to go along with whatever Claire wanted, although Belle had been so self-centered that she didn't seem interested in anything to do with Claire. A sympathetic Eve assured Claire that even though Belle might be a little preoccupied, she still loved Claire more than anything.

At Victor's behest, Deimos entered the living room of the Kiriakis mansion. Victor proffered a check for one million dollars. "What is this? My welcome back bonus?" Deimos quipped. Victor retorted, "No, it's your 'get the hell out of Salem' bonus." Deimos' face registered disgust as he ripped up the check. Victor accused Deimos of resenting Victor for not standing up for Deimos, even though Deimos had slept with and murdered Victor's fiance. "You know damn well I had nothing to do with her death!" Deimos snapped through clenched teeth.

Deimos added that he was in Salem not for a handout but for an apology from Victor for sending Deimos to prison for thirty years for a crime he hadn't committed. Victor offered to write Deimos a check for two million -- if Deimos would disappear. Deimos refused. "Fine. Stay in Salem. Live in Salem. But know one thing: you will not undermine me or my family, because I'm onto you," Victor snarled, commanding Deimos to leave.

Deimos accused Victor of being heartless -- just as their father had been. Victor countered that, while he had taken the beatings, Deimos had been a spoiled brat who'd gotten away with murder. As Victor was ordering Deimos to leave, he stopped mid-sentence, clutching his chest, and crumpled onto the couch. Rolling his eyes, Deimos walked out just as Philip was heading in. Deimos simply gestured silently toward the living room and kept going.

When Philip saw his father collapsed on the couch, he immediately dialed 9-1-1. Victor took the phone and explained that he'd faked a heart attack to see how Deimos would react. "Did you see what that son of a bitch did? He walked out of here and left me to die!" Victor angrily pointed out. Philip remarked that perhaps Deimos resented having spent thirty years in prison. Victor wondered how Philip knew about that, since Victor had only talked to Maggie about it. Philip covered that he'd overheard Victor and Maggie talking, so he'd gone to Deimos to try to get the whole story.

Philip continued that Deimos had proclaimed his innocence in the death of Victor's fiance. Victor ordered Philip to stay out of it. "Then tomorrow, after Daniel's funeral, I'll find a way to neutralize my brother, get him out of my life for good," Victor vowed.

As Deimos had a drink at Club TBD, he observed Kate on the phone with Eduardo. After Kate hung up, Deimos walked over and offered to join her, since he'd overheard her saying that she hated drinking alone. "My name is Deimos. Deimos Kiriakis," he introduced himself. Kate asked if Deimos were related to Victor, and Deimos informed her that he and Victor were brothers. "He's my ex," she revealed.

"Would it earn me a smile if I told you that I'm nothing like him?" Deimos asked flirtatiously. Kate expressed surprise that Victor had never mentioned Deimos, who reminded Kate that Victor could be very secretive. "Personally, I like to lay my cards right on the table, face-up," Deimos declared.

Philip walked in and spotted his mother with Deimos. Kate beckoned him over to meet his uncle, but Philip admitted that they'd already met. Deimos politely excused himself and left. Kate wanted to know about the relationship between Deimos and Victor. "According to my dad, Deimos is nothing but trouble. And, judging by the telltale 'trouble sounds like fun' twinkle in your eye, you're intrigued by him," Philip guessed. He cautioned his mom to stay away from Deimos, although he knew she would ignore him and do whatever she wanted.

When Eric was released from the hospital, Roman and Marlena were waiting for him, while a uniformed police officer stood by. Marlena tearfully embraced her son, who promised that he would make the tragedy count for something. The cop gently handcuffed Eric and read his Miranda rights. Nicole showed up just then and spat, "The only right you have is to rot in hell for the rest of your life!"

Marlena urged Nicole not to attack Eric. Nicole appeared to regret her harsh words as she silently turned and left. Eric understood that Nicole had lashed out because he had killed the man she'd loved. The officer led Eric away, and Roman followed.

Marlena paced in the police station while Eric was booked. When Justin arrived, Marlena asked him not to use Eric's arrest for political gain. Justin assured her that he only wanted to see justice served.

When Marlena returned to the townhouse later, Belle was leaving a message for Claire. When Belle hung up, Marlena informed her that Eric had been released and was in jail. Belle was determined to represent Eric, even though he wanted to plead guilty and didn't want a lawyer. Belle fretted that Claire hadn't returned any of Belle's phone or text messages. Marlena gently suggested that Belle should try listening to her daughter. Belle snapped that she had done that, and she was sick of everyone blaming her for everything, when she'd only made one mistake.

"It sounds to me as though the only one who's blaming you is you," Marlena pointed out, adding, "I was talking about your jaunt to Vegas with Philip." Belle didn't understand what that had to do with Claire. Marlena explained that Claire had been looking forward to some mother-daughter time with Belle, but Claire had been disappointed when Belle had gone to Las Vegas. Upset, Belle explained that she had wanted to avoid hearing how heartbroken Claire was that her parents weren't trying to work things out.

Claire returned just then to retrieve a school paper, so Marlena headed back to the police station. Belle apologized to Claire for selfishly going to Las Vegas and not thinking about Claire's feelings. Claire said she forgave Belle -- but in return, Claire asked for her mom's support when Claire auditioned for Juilliard. Belle was hesitant, so Claire urged her to at least think about it. Shawn arrived as Claire was leaving to return to school.

Shawn was hopeful that Belle and Claire could work things out regarding Juilliard -- but he was really there because he wanted to discuss his and Belle's relationship. Shawn admitted that filing for divorce had been a mistake. He explained that he'd only done it to hurt Belle because she'd hurt him -- just as she was seeing Philip to get back at Shawn. "[That's] insulting, Shawn! It's insulting to me, and it's insulting to Philip," Belle hotly maintained. Fed up and exasperated, Shawn left.

Back at the police station, Marlena informed Roman that Belle had agreed to represent Eric, but Roman didn't think Eric would change his mind about not wanting a lawyer. When a cop escorted a handcuffed Eric into the room, Marlena put her arms around her son and sobbed as she clung tightly to him. When Roman repeated the gesture, Eric began to cry. After the cop led Eric out, Marlena broke down in Roman's arms.

Theresa quietly entered a sleeping Brady's hospital room and kissed Brady on the forehead to awaken him. Brady seemed surprised to see Theresa. She guessed that he'd been dreaming about Nicole -- but reassured him that it was all right. Theresa kissed Brady and left to find out when he would be discharged.

Nicole headed into Brady's room and declared that she hoped Eric got the maximum sentence for driving drunk. Brady said he understood how Nicole felt, but he didn't think Daniel would want her to hate Eric, especially since Eric was already torturing himself about the accident. Brady remarked that he seemed to have gotten Daniel's compassion.

Nicole asked Brady about the dreams he'd been having about her. Brady described some of the dreams, including the one that had featured Daniel's proposal to Nicole. Nicole's had to fight back tears as she recognized the images Brady described. "Brady, those weren't dreams. They're memories. They're -- they're Daniel's memories!" she exclaimed.

After Brady had walked around for a bit, Nicole steered him into a waiting room to rest. Nicole asked for more details about Brady's dreams. Brady told her about one that had recurred more than the others, of her standing in the window with the sound of waves crashing behind her. Puzzled, Nicole said she and Daniel had never been to the ocean together.

"Brady, are you sure it's me you're seeing?" she asked. Brady took her hand and said he was pretty sure, but he thought, instead of focusing on his dreams, Nicole should allow herself to grieve so she could move forward. Nicole hoped Theresa wasn't upset that Nicole was the one Brady was seeing in his dreams.

Theresa entered the room just then. She looked crushed when she witnessed Brady and Nicole holding hands. Theresa told Nicole that there were papers at the office for Nicole to sign, as well as proofs from the photo shoot. Fynn had told Theresa that Brady should be released the next day -- and she thought he should return to their apartment instead of the mansion. "The important thing is that you're going to be out in time for Daniel's funeral tomorrow," Theresa added. Nicole was shocked because she hadn't known the funeral would be that soon. Brady took her hand to comfort her.

Theresa apologized, explaining gently that she'd thought Nicole would have been involved with the funeral arrangements. Nicole tearfully admitted that she hadn't been able to face helping Maggie and Melanie with planning the funeral. Theresa said there would be a small service at the church, followed by a reception at Club TBD. Her voice soft and sympathetic, Theresa continued that Daniel had wanted to be cremated and for people to make donations to the children's wing of the hospital instead of sending flowers.

Nicole returned to the apartment she'd shared with Daniel and began to sob as she picked up a photo of herself and Daniel. Theresa showed up a moment later with the photo proofs and the papers for Nicole to sign. Theresa credited Nicole for how well the pictures had turned out. Sensing some discomfort from Theresa, Nicole guessed that her strengthened connection to Brady because of Daniel's heart worried Theresa.

Theresa acknowledged that "old Theresa" would have freaked out about it, but she was no longer that person -- although she guessed that Nicole was drawn to Brady because he had Daniel's heart. Nicole admitted that was true, but she wasn't drawn to Brady in a romantic way. "It's intense. We were two of the people who loved Daniel most in this world, and we would share a connection even if..." Nicole said, her voice trailing off as her voice broke. "I miss him so much -- my love, my Daniel," Nicole admitted, weeping inconsolably. Theresa gently took Nicole into her arms and held her while she cried.

In his sleep, Brady placed his hand on his chest as he dreamed of waves crashing on a beach. Suddenly, his eyes opened widely, and he looked around the room, the sound of Daniel's heart beating in his ears.

Daniel's loved ones attend his funeral

Daniel's loved ones attend his funeral

Thursday, January 28, 2016

by Mike

In Daniel's apartment, Nicole stared sadly at an article she had accessed on her tablet computer, the headline of which declared: "Drunk driver given bail; victim, Dr. Daniel Jonas, to be buried today." Complaining about the unfairness of the situation, Nicole considered throwing the device to the floor in frustration but stopped herself when someone knocked on the apartment door.

After wiping away her tears, Nicole opened the door and received a warm greeting from Parker, who wrapped his arms around her as Chloe offered a weak smile. Nicole observed that Parker was sharply dressed, and he explained that his mother had made him put on a suit. Nicole wondered if Parker thought his mother would be willing to let him check out his fort while wearing his suit. Chloe granted Parker permission to do so but warned him not to get his suit wrinkled or dirty. Parker entered his fort and soon began crying.

Parker wouldn't tell Chloe why he was crying, but he agreed to tell Nicole. "I never went to a funeral before. I don't know what I'm supposed to do there," Parker explained between sobs. Nicole gently informed Parker that funerals weren't about rules; they were simply about remembering lost loved ones, and people had lots of different ways of doing that. Chloe suggested that Parker could take something with him to the funeral, and he quickly chose Daniel's stethoscope as the item he wanted to take.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Melanie helped Maggie put on a necklace that Daniel had given her for Mother's Day the previous year. "I should be taking care of you," Maggie tearfully told Melanie, who suggested that they could take care of each other that day. Melanie added that she wasn't sure what she would do without Maggie. Maggie hugged Melanie and assured her that she wouldn't have to worry about that.

As Fynn was finalizing Brady's release from the hospital, Victor arrived and insisted on taking Brady to the Kiriakis mansion. "Brady needs his family now, and that is not you," Victor explained when Theresa tried to protest. Victor promised that Brady would have peace and quiet at the mansion, but Theresa predicted that life at the mansion would actually consist of Brady constantly having to deal with Victor's efforts to convince him to dump her and get full custody of Tate. Brady slowly rose from his wheelchair and demanded to talk to Victor privately. "I love you, but I need you to back off! Now!" Brady stressed once he and Victor were alone.

Later, at Brady and Theresa's townhouse, Theresa suggested that it might be best for Brady to skip Daniel's funeral, since the trip home had obviously drained him. Brady insisted that he needed to attend the funeral, but he assured Theresa that he would understand if she wanted to skip it. "I mean, you and Daniel didn't exactly have a very good history," Brady added before quickly realizing that the statement had probably sounded harsher than intended.

Fighting back tears, Theresa shook her head and agreed that she had done a lot of rotten things to Daniel. Theresa felt guilty because she had never gotten to apologize to Daniel or let him know how much she had respected him. "And now I have this amazing future, and...and he's gone," Theresa sadly added. Nodding, Brady suggested that Theresa could accompany him to the funeral so they could both honor Daniel and express their gratitude to Daniel's family.

At the Horton house, J.J. told Jennifer and Abigail that he wasn't going to Daniel's funeral because he had classes to attend. Abigail protested that J.J. could surely afford to miss one day of classes, but he insisted that he couldn't, and he rushed off before she or Jennifer could say anything else. Abigail considered going after J.J. but was reluctant to leave Jennifer alone at the house because it was obvious that Jennifer was in pain.

Jennifer dismissed Abigail's concerns, explaining that she had simply had trouble sleeping the previous night. Abigail wondered if Jennifer had taken any pain medication recently. Jennifer said she didn't want to start depending on the pain medication to get her through each day, and she assured Abigail that she would be fine. After Abigail left, however, Jennifer retrieved the bottle of pain medication from her purse.

Abigail found J.J. sitting alone in a secluded section of the town square. "Looking for me?" J.J. guessed as Abigail took a seat next to him. Abigail confirmed that she was, and she added that she had contacted the university and had been informed that J.J. didn't have any classes scheduled for that day. "You're wasting your time. I'm not going to that funeral," J.J. insisted.

Abigail wondered if J.J. remembered their father's funeral. "That's why I'm not going to this one," J.J. replied. Abigail said that Jack's funeral had been painful for her but had also given her a sense of closure. Abigail guessed that it hadn't been as therapeutic for J.J., and he confirmed the suspicion, adding that he had taken his frustrations out on Daniel while also repeatedly screwing up in other ways.

Abigail pointed out that Daniel had understood J.J.'s pain and had always been in his corner. Abigail warned that if J.J. didn't attend the funeral, he would probably spend the rest of his life regretting that decision and feeling guilty about it. Abigail added that attending the funeral was actually the first step toward letting Daniel go. "Letting him go? Could you maybe show me how to do that?" J.J. asked before wrapping his arms around Abigail.

Later, Daniel's loved ones gathered at Club TBD to mourn their loss together. Victor said a few words about Daniel then opened the floor for others to do the same. Maggie admitted that she felt cheated because her time with Daniel had been cut short. Maggie added, however, that she was grateful for the beautiful grandchildren Daniel had left her with, and she was trying to take comfort in her belief that Daniel's soul was with the souls of his loving adoptive parents, who had raised him to be a man who had made her extremely proud.

Jennifer wished that she could have saved Daniel's life the same way that he had once saved hers, and she added that she felt lucky to have known him. Chloe assured Maggie and Melanie that, as Parker's family, they would always be her family, too. Chloe also promised that she would do everything she could to keep Daniel's memory alive in Parker's heart for the rest of her life. Brady said he was reminded, with every beat of his heart, that he had received what was probably the greatest gift a friend could ever give to another friend, and he would never take it for granted.

Melanie said she would look to her father's example for inspiration each time she faced a difficult situation in which doing the right thing was vitally important, even if it wasn't necessarily the easiest thing to do. J.J. vowed that he would never forget Daniel -- or all the things Daniel had done for him. As J.J. returned to his seat, all eyes turned to Nicole, who hadn't spoken yet. "Um... I, uh... I can't. I'm sorry. I don't... I don't have anything to say," Nicole tearfully muttered. Nodding, Maggie stood and told everyone to help themselves to the refreshments and stay for as long as desired.

Chloe gently tried to convince Nicole to say something else, but she insisted that she couldn't because she would break down if she did, and she didn't want to put Parker through that after everything else he had already been through. Meanwhile, Theresa approached Brady and Melanie and told Melanie that she was sorry about what had happened to Daniel -- and she was also just sorry in general. Melanie replied that Maggie had told her that Brady and Theresa were really good parents. Melanie added that she hoped that Brady and Theresa were really happy together.

As Brady struggled to think of a response, Parker approached and gave Melanie a hug. Brady noticed Parker's stethoscope and wondered if it had once belonged to Daniel. "It's for listening to people's hearts," Parker confirmed. Brady asked if Parker would like to listen to his heartbeat, and when the boy nodded in response, Brady helped him do so. Parker agreed that Brady's heart sounded like a strong one. Brady said that Daniel had saved his life and, as a result, would always be a part of him. "And so will you," Brady added before giving Parker a hug.

Fynn, who had passed through the town square earlier on his way to Club TBD, told Maggie and Nicole that there was something amazing happening there -- something that he thought everyone needed to see. Maggie encouraged Fynn to make an announcement to that effect, and he proceeded to do so. Everyone followed Fynn to the town square, where people were leaving cards and lighting candles for Daniel.

Nicole stopped a woman who was walking away from the makeshift memorial, and she asked if the woman knew who had started it. The woman said she wasn't sure, adding that she had heard about it from a friend who, like the woman's own husband, had once been Daniel's patient. The woman explained that her friend had seen a notice about the memorial at St. Luke's. The woman told Nicole that Daniel had saved her husband's life, and she had left a picture of their baby at the memorial as a way of saying thanks.

When Nicole turned toward the memorial again, she saw that Parker was placing his stethoscope atop a framed photograph of Daniel. Nicole hugged Parker then turned to face everyone else. "You know, um...this is who Daniel was. He changed people's lives. I know because he changed mine. [He taught me] the real meaning of forgiveness, and understanding, and love -- love, most of all... Daniel looked at life and death every day. It seemed to give him this innate sense of what really mattered. And maybe -- I don't know, maybe that's why he had this amazing ability to make his patients -- and the people that he loved -- feel like they really mattered, too," Nicole mused.

Eric emerged from a nearby store and passed through the back of the crowd, keeping his head bowed and his coat collar raised so no one would see him. Roman spotted Eric, however, and followed him to a secluded section of the town square, where he guessed that Eric was the one who had put up the notice about the memorial. "I made a few phone calls," Eric reluctantly admitted.

Roman tried to convince Eric to return to the memorial with him, reasoning that everyone there would accept Eric because they all knew that the man they were honoring had been the forgiving type, but Eric argued that Roman just wanted that to be true because he loved Eric. "I know what I did, and asking them to accept me, let alone forgive me, is asking too much," Eric added before walking away.

Back at the memorial site, Brady told Nicole that he had experienced a memory during her earlier speech. Brady wasn't sure if it was one of Daniel's memories, but he knew it wasn't one of his. Brady explained that the memory had involved a song, and he tried to hum a bit of it for Nicole, but she didn't recognize it. Meanwhile, Theresa -- who had been watching nearby -- approached and tried to convince Brady to return home with her so he could get some rest. Brady said he had a couple more questions to ask Nicole first.

As Theresa reluctantly walked away, Brady explained to Nicole that, in his memories, the song was being played over an image of a beach. Brady said he had searched online for pictures of beaches in Southern California because Daniel had once mentioned that he had lived there for a while. Nicole confirmed that Daniel had lived in Malibu at one point. Stunned, Brady revealed that the image that had most closely matched what he had seen in his dream had been taken at Point Dume in Malibu. Nicole recalled that Daniel and Fynn had lived in an apartment near the beach, prompting Brady to insist that he needed to talk to Fynn right away.

When Victor, Maggie, and Melanie returned to the Kiriakis mansion, Melanie hesitantly revealed that she would be leaving later that day because she was needed back at her mother's clinic, which was understaffed at that time. Maggie forced a smile and assured Melanie that she understood. Victor told Melanie he would get Henderson to pack her things so she could spend a bit more time with Maggie. Victor added that Melanie was always welcome in their home, and she assured him and Maggie that she would one day return. Melanie also pointed out, however, that Victor and Maggie could take a trip to see her someday, too.

At the Horton house, J.J. told Abigail and Jennifer that he was glad they had encouraged him to attend the funeral. Abigail explained that she had been forced to miss it because she hadn't been able to find a replacement babysitter after her first choice had canceled at the last minute. Abigail wondered how Jennifer was feeling, and Jennifer replied that she was fine but was going to lie down for a while. Abigail went to check on Thomas, and J.J. went to catch up on some required reading before his next class, leaving Jennifer alone in the foyer. With a sigh of pain, Jennifer retrieved her bottle of pain medication -- and was shocked to discover that it was empty.

After saying goodbye to Chloe and Parker, Nicole entered Daniel's apartment, took a seat on the couch, and began recalling happier times she had shared with Daniel. A knock on the apartment door eventually interrupted Nicole's thoughts, and when she opened the door, she found herself face-to-face with Eric.

Andre finds the murder weapon
Andre finds the murder weapon

Andre finds the murder weapon

Friday, January 29, 2016

by ChickenGrrl

Brady and Theresa arrived home to their apartment, and Theresa made sure Brady was comfortable in a chair and his back was sufficiently supported. Brady knew that his dreams about Nicole had made Theresa feel threatened, and he encouraged her to remember that the dreams were about Daniel, not Nicole. Theresa assured Brady that she wasn't worried. Kneeling on the floor in front of Brady's chair so he wouldn't have to stand, Theresa kissed him.

When Fynn dropped by to check on Brady, Brady reminded Theresa that she was about to be late for a meeting with Kate and Nicole. After Theresa left, Fynn checked Brady's vital signs, and the results pleased Fynn. Referring to the dreams he'd been having about Malibu, Brady asked if transplant recipients could experience the dreams and emotions of their donor. "People say it happens -- more often than you'd think," Fynn said. He said he and Daniel had moved to a place near the beach in Malibu after Rebecca's death.

Brady was surprised that he'd never heard anything about that, even though he and Daniel had been good friends, and it had been an important time in Daniel's life. "Maybe this is his way of telling you about it now," Fynn suggested.

At Nicole and Daniel's apartment, Nicole sat on the couch, hugging a pillow to her chest, as happy memories of her life with Daniel washed over her. She was angrily surprised when Eric showed up to see her. "I can't go away with things the way they are," he explained shakily, assuring Nicole that he didn't expect her forgiveness. He solemnly apologized for all the pain he'd caused her. Eric seemed to want to try to make things right, but Nicole asserted that Eric would never be able to make up for driving drunk and killing Daniel.

Her anger turning to tears, Nicole said she blamed herself because she and Daniel had both been worried about Eric's inebriated state that night. "Oh, God, I hate feeling this way!" Nicole cried. She took a deep breath and snarled disdainfully, "I'm sorry that you're in hell, but you put us both there. I can't even find my own way out, let alone help you -- and the only way that you're going to help me is [if] you stay out of my sight. You stay away from me, and don't you ever speak to me again! Ever! Get away from me!" She was screaming by the end of the sentence and slammed the door in Eric's face before breaking down.

Crying miserable tears, Eric wandered away. He was sitting in the park later, about to take a drink from a paper bag-sheathed bottle, when Jennifer showed up. "What on earth do you think you are doing?" she demanded, wresting the bottle away from Eric. While Eric was complaining about how wretched and worthless his life had become since the accident, Jennifer whipped out her phone. "I need you to meet me at the house right now. It's kind of an emergency," Jennifer said before hanging up. Fiercely grabbing Eric by the arm, Jennifer ordered him to go with her.

Lucas was pacing in the living room of the Horton house when Jennifer arrived with Eric. Jennifer explained that Lucas knew what Eric was going through, but Eric pointed out that Lucas had never killed anyone. Lucas said he'd driven drunk many times, some with a young Will in the car, and invited Eric to join him at an A.A. meeting. Eric wasn't interested because he thought he could stay sober on his own when he went to prison. Lucas asserted that there was contraband alcohol in prisons , as well as A.A. meetings.

Jennifer emphasized that Eric had been a great priest and could help people behind bars. Eric irritably maintained that he wasn't fit for that. Lucas countered that Eric would be if only he would decide to help himself. Eric contended that he didn't deserve Lucas and Jennifer's help, but he acknowledged that he had a problem. Lucas pointed out that Eric's admission that he had a problem was half the battle -- and Lucas would help Eric fix it.

Angrily insisting that he would fix his own problems, Eric stalked out. Lucas believed that Eric had only admitted he had a problem so he wouldn't have to do anything about it. Jennifer declared that she refused to give up on Eric and hurried out the door after him.

Jennifer caught up with Eric in Horton Square. "I know that you don't want to take this on, especially not now, but you have to. You still have so much left to offer the world. You can't give up," Jennifer pleaded. "How can you even look at me? Daniel was your friend. You were in love with him for a long time," Eric wondered dejectedly. Jennifer maintained that if it had been she instead of Daniel who had died, he would have been urging Eric to get help.

Eric didn't want to listen, but an emotional Jennifer asserted, "You're a good man with a problem. You're a good man who did a bad thing. But that problem and that bad thing don't define you... You deserve to heal." Eric said he wanted to believe that. "It's a start," Jennifer assured him.

While Kate and Theresa were waiting at Club TBD for Nicole to arrive, Kate huffed that Nicole was late. Theresa reminded Kate that Nicole had just buried her fianc. Nicole arrived just in time to hear Kate carping about her. Before Kate could fully explain the purpose of the meeting, she got a phone call from Flavia and stepped away to take it. Theresa gently encouraged Nicole to tell Kate to back off. A downcast Nicole said she didn't really have any fight left in her, so she had to pick her battles.

Theresa reminded Nicole that the two of them had been responsible for a successful launch, adding, "If we let Kate push us around now, we might as well walk away." A spark of determination returned to Nicole's eyes as she concurred with Theresa. Keeping their voices low, Theresa and Nicole began to conspire about ditching Kate and starting their own company, using some cash from Brady as startup money. "We tried working with [Kate]. She wouldn't collaborate... So why beat our heads against the wall, when all we have to do is get the courage to walk away and start our own thing?" Nicole proposed.

Kate chastised the other women when she returned and found that they had seemingly just been sitting there waiting instead of working on the list of action items that she'd emailed to them. Nicole and Theresa agreeably took out their tablets so they could review the list. To Kate's surprise, Theresa and Nicole seemed to happily agree with all of Kate's suggestions about what their next steps should be -- although they made mocking faces across the table at each other when Kate wasn't watching .

Theresa headed home and asked Brady about his conversation with Fynn. Brady recounted what Fynn had said, and Theresa reassured Brady that the dreams would eventually stop. "In the meantime, you need to concentrate on getting better, because I have plans for you," Theresa said in playfully seductive voice, kissing Brady to demonstrate her intentions.

When Nicole arrived back at her apartment, she picked up the photograph of her and Daniel on the chest by the door, but she was finally able to smile when she gazed at it, instead of bursting into tears. Holding the picture close to her, she said, "Guess what, honey? I'm about to dump Kate and tell her where to go," adding with a chuckle, "Guess my softer, gentler side isn't coming out to play. I know if you were here, you would tell me what to do... This time, I'm going to do it my way. I'm going to make you proud of me. I promise, baby, I am."

Hope, Rafe, Ciara, and Chase arrived at the Horton cabin on Smith Island. Although the cabin was cold, it had been recently cleaned. While Ciara showed Chase around, Hope and Rafe began to unpack and got settled in. Rafe remarked that Hope already seemed more relaxed, and she admitted that she felt safe at the cabin. Hope lit a fire and noted that they would need more firewood soon. When Chase and Ciara returned, Rafe asked Chase to help him chop some wood.

While Hope got out some pillows and blankets, a grinning Ciara said her mom seemed happy around Rafe. Ciara thought Hope should change into something a little more flattering, but Hope maintained that she didn't need her daughter to play matchmaker. Hope asked how Chase was doing. Ciara said Chase seemed better and had been more social at school.

Chase and Rafe returned with a couple of armloads of wood. Chase claimed that they'd found some dry wood under a tarp, so it had been easy to chop. As the kids left to take a walk, Hope ordered them to be back in an hour. Chase set a timer on his phone and showed it to Hope, while Ciara playfully back-talked her mom.

After the kids had gone, Hope started gathering up fishing poles. Rafe expressed surprise that she'd been serious about catching their dinner, especially when it was so cold -- plus he'd taken steaks for them. Hope was taken aback when she realized that Rafe had never been fishing. "I never took you for such a city boy!" Hope exclaimed teasingly.

Rafe lightheartedly explained that he'd never been on vacation or to summer camp to learn how to fish. Hope took his pole and began tying on a lure, remarking that Rafe had become a good cop because he understood people. Rafe joked that it was because he'd been a delinquent. As he attempted to tie on a lure, Hope asked if Rafe and Chase had really cut all the wood. "Hell, no," Rafe admitted with a grin. Rafe held up his fishing pole, and the lure immediately fell off.

Ciara excitedly entered the cabin and informed Rafe and Hope, "Chase got skunked!" Seconds later, Chase made his way inside, squinting and wrinkling his nose. "It smells like rotten eggs mixed with monkey sweat," he pronounced. Hope covered her nose as she rushed around, gathering up tomato juice and vinegar before sending Chase upstairs to shower. Despite the pungent odor, the others couldn't help but laugh at Chase's misfortune. Rafe and Hope headed out with their fishing poles.

Chase called downstairs and asked Ciara to get a pair of jeans for him out of his bag. As Ciara rooted around in Chase's backpack, she ran across his phone, which she'd thought had been in his pocket. Curious, she turned it on and exclaimed, "I can't believe it!"

As an injured and obviously weak Andre entered the study at the DiMera mansion, he was leaving a message for Chad: "I need you to call me immediately. There's been a major discovery in our search. Call me so we can discuss this." Andre then called a Dr. Tibbs and requested the doctor's presence at the mansion right away.

Dr. Tibbs soon arrived and tried to convince Andre to go to a hospital, but Andre refused. Andre's vehement insistence made Tibbs backtrack and agree to stitch up the gash on Andre's face right there. Tibbs wanted to cover the wound while he retrieved everything he would need to do the sutures, but Andre declared that there were some people he needed to deal with first. After covering the wound with a large piece of gauze, Dr. Tibbs left, admonishing Andre to get some rest.

Andre summoned one of his lackeys, who was shocked when he saw Andre's battered face. The minion reported that Hope Brady and Detective Hernandez had boarded the Smith Island ferry with the teenagers and had taken some bags and coolers with them. The henchman offered to search Hope's house, but Andre wanted to handle the task himself.

A bit later, Andre was rummaging around in Hope's darkened house, looking inside drawers and cabinets. He opened the front closet and found a locked wooden box. He quickly found the key and opened the box. He found a pistol -- plus an ammunition magazine with three bullets missing. He sniffed the muzzle of the gun, inserted the magazine, replaced the box in the closet, and headed upstairs. Just then, Shawn arrived. He walked through the house without turning on any lights, calling for his mom, Ciara, and Chase.

When Shawn went into the kitchen, Andre crept downstairs and hid in the dining room, gun at the ready. Shawn returned and headed for the stairs -- just as Andre's phone buzzed. "Hello? Anyone there?" Shawn called out. With a shrug, he went upstairs to see if Ciara were up there with her headphones on. Andre ran on tiptoes to the door and silently let himself out. Shawn left a note for his mom and Ciara and headed out.

Back at the DiMera mansion, a quietly irate Andre stared at surveillance photos of Hope and Rafe. The henchman entered and asked if Andre had found what he'd been looking for. Andre said he'd nearly gotten caught in the process, thanks to the lackey's text message. Andre furiously ripped off his bandage and vowed to make sure the people who'd killed Stefano saw Andre's wound -- and make them pay for what they'd done.

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Edited by SC Desk