Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

SC Desk
Greta almost revealed Jack
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

Shawn left Mimi after he finally learned the truth that she knew that Claire was his child before they were married. Bo and Hope spent the night together grieving for Zach and discussing a possible reconciliation. Everyone learned that Will ran away from home due to the dysfunction and stress of his family life. E.J. continued his pursuit of Sami not to Lucas's liking. Max and Stephanie drew closer as they prepared for the big race. Philip and Shawn had to make the terrible decision to save Belle's life by terminating her pregnancy. Belle was hysterical and angered at Philip's choice to abort her baby. Steve told Billie that he was going to ask Kayla for a divorce. Max's car exploded on the racetrack and Stephanie was severely injured in the crash thanks to the mysterious "gloved hand." Billie encouraged Steve to stay by his daughter's side during which time he experienced a major memory of being Kayla's husband and Stephanie's dad. Roman received evidence to clear Patrick of all the charges against him that made Hope feel that Bo went after Patrick after all for revenge. Lexie confronted a remorseful Abe about his deception who then begged Lexie for another chance at saving their marriage.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

Monday, October 2, 2006

by Soap Central

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Shawn overheard Mimi and Bonnie on the baby monitor. Mimi said she'd known ever since Claire's transplant that Shawn was the baby's biological father. Mimi had been lying to him all that time. Enraged, Shawn confronted Mimi. Bonnie tried to take the blame, but Shawn wouldn't listen. He said he never should have trusted Mimi and never should have married her. Mimi was devastated, as Shawn told her their marriage was over. He walked out on her, leaving Mimi shattered and sobbing.

In counterpoint, Belle was still in the ER after her miscarriage scare. Philip lovingly vowed that he was there to support her and the baby. He just wanted everything to go back to the way it had been. Belle, however, was afraid that couldn't happen. After all, Shawn was Claire's father and the father of her unborn baby. They all had to deal with that. The alarm on the baby's heart monitor sounded due to Belle's increased stress, and Dr. Ross rushed in to examine her. The baby's heartbeat was weak, and Ross wanted to admit Belle for further tests. Belle feared she was losing her baby.

Bo comforted an exhausted Hope in the waiting area. Kate soon arrived, and Bo and Hope filled her in on the news about Belle's near miscarriage. They also informed her that Shawn was Claire's biological father. Kate had to cover, since she'd known the truth all along but couldn't let on, and Bo and Hope noted her odd reaction. Later, in private with Philip, it appeared Kate wished Belle would lose the baby. Philip was furious. Meanwhile, Hope visited with Belle. Hope thought Belle needed to reevaluate her future and consider if she really belonged with Shawn.

Billie arrived home to an angry Chelsea. She couldn't believe her mom had been kissing Steve. Later, at the hospital, Chelsea gave Bo a heads-up that Billie might be getting closer to Steve. Bo was not happy about that. However, if Chelsea was simply trying to push Bo back with Billie, the answer was still no.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

by Soap Central

Sami and Lucas, new roommates for Will's sake, were getting ready to take their son to a family dinner. Sami walked in on a shirtless Lucas and couldn't help staring. E.J. entered, none too pleased that Sami and Lucas were shacking up. Sami quickly explained that it was platonic; they were doing it for Will. Besides, Lucas was sleeping on the couch. Relieved, E.J. asked Sami out on a date. Lucas was privately angry as Sami agreed to go to dinner with E.J. the next night. Later, Lucas told Sami he didn't want to sleep on the couch. He tried to convince her to share her bed, but she refused. The unspoken attraction between the two was obvious.

Bo and Hope went out for coffee after a hard day. Bo couldn't get over the fact that Hope was a grandmother. She was still so young and beautiful. Their deep connection was obvious as they took a stroll on the docks and soon found themselves at the Fancy Face. An emotional Hope confided her feelings of responsibility for Zack's death. Bo wished she wouldn't blame herself. She'd been a perfect mother to their little boy. Heartfelt emotion led to romance. Bo and Hope kissed, and he carried her onto the boat. They were finally reunited, and they made heart-stopping love.

Bonnie found Mimi alone and devastated after Shawn walked out on her. Bonnie tried to lift her daughter's spirits, but Mimi was sure her marriage was over. In counterpoint, Shawn worked off his anger on the basketball court, where he met a young hooker named Willow. Shawn didn't want her services, but he gave her cash to get off the street and buy new clothes. He also gave her Maggie's phone number and a reference for a job opening at Chez Rouge. Willow was moved. She left Shawn with an angel medal, hoping it would solve all his problems. Alone, Shawn stared at the medal, wondering what to do.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

by Soap Central

Bo and Hope woke up in each other's arms, having spent a romantic night on the boat. Hope learned that it was the day of Patrick's hearing, and she wanted to attend. Bo hoped to convince her to stay with him and urged her not to go. It was obvious how much he loved her and wanted to make things right, but Hope wanted to take things slowly.

At the courthouse, Mimi visited Patrick before his hearing. She told her brother about her breakup with Shawn. Later, at the hearing, Patrick confided with his attorney, Cameron Reese. Bo arrived to testify and saw Hope. She explained that she'd had to go -- if not for Patrick, then for the baby she was carrying. Patrick and Hope reunited, against Bo's wishes. There was almost a scuffle, but Bonnie and Hope stopped the two. Also, Mimi informed Bo and Hope that Shawn had left her.

E.J. crowed to a reporter about what a great driver Stephanie Johnson was. Kate was also optimistic and thought Stephanie had what it took to beat Max Brady. In counterpoint, Max and Stephanie were getting closer. Shawn told the two of them to cool it. Max asked Shawn if he was okay. He seemed really on edge. Shawn admitted he was stressed. Not only was his marriage to Mimi over, but Belle had had a scare with their unborn child.

Kate had a proposition for Stephanie. She wanted Stephanie to befriend the heartsick Philip. Back at the garage, E.J. paid a visit and gave the competition his best. Shawn and Max thanked him -- it seemed E.J. was truly being sincere. Later, Shawn learned from his pit captain that Belle had never left the hospital and that the baby could be in jeopardy.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

Thursday, October 5, 2006

by Soap Central

At the hospital, Belle's condition was critical. Shawn and Philip awaited word from the doctor. Shawn insisted he had a right to be there as the father of Belle's baby. The strong Philip told Shawn he had no idea of what it meant to be a father. Later, Hope arrived. She was concerned about Belle and the baby. She talked to Shawn about his split with Mimi. Shawn was resolved -- his marriage was over.

Hope told Shawn to be with the one he loved. Shawn felt his mom should take her own advice. Hope, however, was still conflicted about Bo. Meanwhile, Philip visited with a very sick Belle. She asked him to promise that no matter what, he would not let them harm her baby. Philip promised. Later, Belle slipped into unconsciousness. The prognosis was grim; they would either lose Belle or her baby.

Without Shawn to help, Max worked on his racecar before the Grand Prix. The gloved hand lurked in the shadows, and when Max drove out, there was a discarded glove on the garage floor with a note.

Meanwhile, Stephanie was at the racetrack with her family. She was upset when her dad arrived with Billie. Kayla was also crushed. Grandpa Shawn urged her not to give up. Kayla made Steve fall in love with her before; she could do it again. Max arrived in the nick of time. Chelsea was irked at seeing him pose for photos with Stephanie.

The race began. Stephanie and Max were neck and neck. Meanwhile, Abby returned to the garage to get Champagne for the winner's circle and found the note and the glove. She freaked out. Back at the track, just as Max was about to win the race, his car caught fire and hit Stephanie's.

Bo waited at the courthouse to testify against Patrick. The judge convened the hearing, and asked Patrick how he intended to plead. Patrick swore he was innocent. Bo took the stand and presented the evidence. Cameron Reese, Patrick's attorney, strenuously objected and insisted they would prove Bo had reason to deliberately railroad Patrick. Hope walked in on that tense moment.

Abe kept up his ruse of dating Lexie to investigate her. Roman warned that Abe was playing with fire. Abe made a date with Lexie for a quiet dinner at home. After Abe left, Tek moved up and told Lexie it was all a setup. Abe was only "dating" her as part of a police investigation.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on DAYS

Friday, October 6, 2006

by Soap Central

It was touch and go as Stephanie was wheeled into the trauma center. Kayla was distraught and feared the worst. At the same time, Steve was hesitant to go to the hospital to check on his daughter. Billie encouraged him, saying that he needed to be there for her. Steve and Billie talked, and she told him that if he remembered his life with Kayla, she would remove herself from the equation.

Meanwhile, Kayla paced, waiting for news. Max showed up, having only suffered minor bruises, and said it was his fault. Kayla comforted him and said he shouldn't blame himself. Later, Stephanie awoke and asked for Steve. Steve went in to see his daughter, and Kayla told Billie they needed to talk. Billie assured Kayla that if Steve's memory returned, she would step aside. Later, Steve offered a loving speech to Stephanie. He reached out to touch her, and his memory of holding his newborn daughter returned.

Dr. Ross told Philip that in order for Belle to live, they needed to take her baby. Philip made a tough decision, and Belle's pregnancy was terminated. This was particularly hard on Shawn, but he knew Philip was doing the right thing. Later, Belle awoke and was devastated at the loss. Philip stayed with her, and Shawn went to the loft and relieved Claire's sitter. Shawn had trouble comforting Claire, and when Philip arrived, he went ballistic. Later, still reeling from everything, Shawn made a decision and dropped his custody lawsuit.

Roman took the evidence from Max's garage to Patrick's hearing, and he was exonerated. Once he was released, Patrick asked for a shot at a future with Hope, but she was too conflicted. Meanwhile, Bo swore he'd arrested Patrick because of evidence, not jealousy. Roman chastised Bo and warned him to back off Lockhart or lose his badge.

Abe realized he still wanted a future with Lexie. Unfortunately, she'd heard from Tek about Abe's betrayal, and she was loaded for bear. Later, both realized they still had it bad for each other, and they started to make love.

Mimi intended to give up her baby with Philip, but Bonnie had other plans.

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Edited by SC Desk