Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

Monday, September 27, 2004

by Spalding

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On the island, Billie dreamed of making love to Bo back in the old days while Bo searched frantically for her in the jungle. She awoke on the ground just as a rifle took aim at her. Hearing her scream, Bo grabbed her and pulled her toward New Salem. When they got near the force field, Billie stopped Bo to explain what the plan for the captives was but was interrupted when they were both shot in the arm and knocked unconscious.

At the new DiMera mansion, Tony was just about to explain phase three of the plan to Bart when Hope rang the doorbell. As Bart hid, Tony let Hope in. She begged for Tony's help through the force field in order to find Bo. Tony refused, stating that he did not want to be held responsible for whatever might happen to her out in the jungle. Suddenly, Hope exclaimed that she saw Stefano out on the terrace.

Tony went to investigate, and while he was outside, Hope rifled through his desk drawers and found his force field remote control. On Tony's return, Hope blamed her vision on a reflection of a Stefano portrait in the glass doors of the terrace. After Hope scurried out, Tony became suspicious and discovered that Hope had stolen his remote. Bart said not to worry, since Stefano had orders out for anyone going into the jungle to be killed.

Mimi contemplated telling Rex over coffee, but Lexie interrupted to discuss her situation. Mimi leaned toward the abortion, but Lexie begged her to at least tell Rex or else she would definitely lose him. Lexie counseled her on the joys of parenting and the anguish of lying to one's spouse.

Down at the nursery in Salem hospital, Rex comforted a grief-stricken Kate over the loss of her only two daughters. The mother and son agreed that they were grateful to each other for being in each other's lives. Kate asked about Mimi, and Rex said that although he wanted to have a bunch of grandkids for Kate, he felt that to do so at that point would be the biggest mistake of his life and would likely kill him. Mimi overheard from down the corridor and made up her mind to find Lexie. After Mimi sneaked off, Kate told Rex that only complete honesty was the basis for a lasting relationship. A proud Rex boasted that Mimi was the perfect girl and would never let him down.

Meanwhile, Mimi located Lexie and asked for her to make an appointment for an abortion. When Lexie asked about Rex, Mimi told her he didn't need to know. A worried Rex and Kate walked in to ask about Shawn, and a tearful Mimi rushed into Rex's arms exclaiming, "Everything is going to be all right," as a disappointed Lexie watched.

In his hospital room, a weak Shawn woke up and found Belle, Jan, and Philip hovering over him. Shawn pulled away from Belle, sending his hospital monitors into overdrive. Once he calmed down, he told Belle to get out. Belle tried to assuage his anger, but Shawn, remembering Belle and Philip making out at the Green Mountain Lodge, told her that her worrying was "bull."

Jan piped up, asking Shawn if he remembered her. Shawn responded, "How could I forget the woman who changed my life? Who taught me what it feels like to be a man." As a horrified Belle watched, Jan and Shawn kissed at his prompting. A tearful Belle turned to Philip, who, though shocked, managed to stand up for Belle's love for Shawn. Jan urged her boy toy to send Belle packing, and Shawn obliged. "What Jan does for me, you never could. I've moved on," Shawn said.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

by Kelsi

Sami and Lucas were at Sami's apartment, going over wedding plans. Lucas told Sami that it wasn't fair to Will that they kept putting it off. Sami crossed Kate's name off of the invitation list and told Lucas that if her parents couldn't be at their wedding, then neither could Kate. Lucas told her that she couldn't dwell on the past and that they'd have the best wedding possible. Sami told him that he was right -- what was important was that they get married in front of God and their friends. Lucas told her that he was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world and kissed her.

Lucas asked Sami if she was sure Kate couldn't be at their wedding. Sami said she was not even sure if Kate wanted to be there. Lucas pointed out that their truce had been going well, and of course Kate would want to be there. Sami told him about her fear of Kate standing up and objecting to the marriage. Lucas said Sami might be right and suggested they go to Las Vegas to elope.

Sami said there was no way she was going to get married in Las Vegas. She went on to say that that was where Austin had left her at the altar after she'd told Austin that she'd lied about Lucas hitting Will. She went back to working on the wedding list, and Lucas took it from her and pretended to be Sigmund Freud. He told her that she had to get over her fear of the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas. Sami started laughing and had a fantasy about them jumping out of an airplane into the wedding chapel. Lucas, Rex, and Philip were dressed up as Elvis, and Kate was there, as well, dressed up like Cher. Sami ended up falling on Kate and killing her.

Sami snapped back to reality and was still laughing about it. Lucas told her that that wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind. Later, after they made love, they were talking about who they'd invite to the wedding, and Sami accidentally mentioned Billie. She apologized to Lucas and told him that she'd forgotten. Lucas said that he kept forgetting too. Sami told him that she didn't know what she'd do if she ever lost him, and he said that she didn't have anything to worry about.

A bit later, Lucas and Sami were out near the balcony. They saw some shooting stars and made wishes on them. Meanwhile, down on the sidewalk, Kate saw the same shooting stars and said that she wouldn't let Lucas marry Sami, that Sami had to take a fall, and that she was going to make sure it happened.

At Rex and Mimi's place, Kate was helping Rex make a surprise dinner for Mimi, and they were having a mother-son talk. Rex asked Kate if she ever wished that she had waited before she'd started a family. Kate told him that she'd thought about it, and that she could have made a better decision about Curtis Reed. She went on to say that if she had waited, Austin and Billie wouldn't have been Austin and Billie.

Kate thought back to how Curtis had made her believe that Austin and Billie had died, and how she'd lied to Bill Horton about being pregnant with Lucas. She told Rex that she was a good example of what not to do and said she was glad that he and Mimi talked about everything. Rex told her that if Mimi were ever between a rock and hard place, he knew she'd turn to him.

At the hospital, Mimi was talking with Lexie about what she was going to do about the baby. Mimi said that she didn't have a choice because it wasn't the right time for her to have a baby. Lexie said that she always had a choice, but if she went through with it, there wouldn't be any turning back. Mimi said that she was sure she was doing the right thing. Lexie said that if she was sure, then she wouldn't mind talking to Peggy about it.

Mimi wondered why she should talk to Peggy, and Lexie said that there were red flags when she mentioned having an abortion. Mimi wondered what red flags she was talking about. Lexie said that she was in love with Rex and that they'd been together for a year, which at their age was forever. Mimi agreed to talk to Peggy, although in her own mind, she told herself that she wouldn't change her mind.

Mimi went to talk to Peggy and said she was wasting her time because she was sure she was going through with the abortion. Peggy wondered if someone, such as her mother, was pressuring her. Mimi said she was, but she never listened to her mother because she didn't want to follow in her mother's footsteps. She said she wanted to wait until she and Rex were settled before they had kids.

Peggy wondered if Rex agreed with the decision. Mimi replied that he didn't know about the baby, but she was sure that he didn't want to have kids at that time. Peggy wondered how she could be sure of that if he didn't even know she was pregnant. Mimi went home and found Rex waiting with the romantic dinner that he'd made for her. Afterwards, they made love, and Rex told her that someday they'd be able to make love without protection because they'd be doing it to make a baby.

At the hospital, Shawn told Belle that he'd moved on with Jan, and Jan did for him what Belle never could. Jan kissed Shawn, and he told her that he couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and get her home. Jan told him that it wouldn't be much longer, and soon they'd be Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Brady. Philip tried to tell Belle to leave, but she refused, saying she wouldn't go until Shawn heard what she had to say. Shawn told her that he had nothing else to say to her; he said that she had betrayed him and ordered her to get out. Belle left in tears, and Philip went after her to comfort her. In the hallway, Belle asked Philip what she had done to make Shawn run to Jan.

Meanwhile, back in the hospital room, Shawn told Jan that he kept having visions of Belle and Philip making love and wondered where he would have seen that. He realized that he wasn't the only one who had seen them and thought Jan had seen them too. He told Jan that she had been there, and she had wanted him to see it. She told him that she'd found out that Philip and Belle had been planning to go to the Green Mountain Lodge, and when she'd told him, he'd raced off after them. She went on to say that she had gone after him to stop him and protect him, but she hadn't been able to.

Shawn said he remembered making love to her, and Jan asked him if he remembered anything else about being at the house. Shawn said he remembered his arms being up over his head. She told him that he liked it that way and liked letting her do all the work. Shawn asked if his first time had been with her because he'd always thought it would be with Belle. Jan told him it had been beautiful, and he was amazing. Jan kissed him, and he asked her if Belle and Philip were together. Jan looked out into the hallway, and Shawn turned his head and saw Belle in Philips arms. Jan asked him what other proof he needed.

Back out in the hallway, Belle and Philip wondered what could be wrong with Shawn. Belle said that she'd never seen him like that before. It was like he was a completely different person. Lexie showed up and said that his personality might have been altered due to the trauma but that he was improving faster than was expected. She went on to say that it was too soon to know if the effects would be long-term. Lexie left, and Belle told Philip that if she hadn't gotten it before that Shawn didn't love her anymore, she finally did.

On the island, Hope was running through the jungle and saw someone spying on her. She started running, and the person chased after her and started to shoot darts at her. She reached the ravine where Patrick had died and climbed down the vine to the ground below her. When she reached the bottom, she saw a body and thought it was Bo, but it was Patrick -- and he was alive. Hope told him she had to get him out of his clothes because he had hypothermia, but before she could, more darts were shot at them, and they were forced to run.

Hope and Patrick narrowly escaped being hit by darts, and they went into a cave. Hope took off Patrick's clothes and her own, hoping their combined body heat would help him. She told him not to take it personally, and as she was cuddling up to him to warm him, he kissed her. Hope told him to knock it off, but she realized he was delirious and told him to relax.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

by Kelsi

At their apartment, Mimi woke up next to Rex and took out her cell phone to make a phone call. She called the clinic and made an appointment for her abortion. She told the person on the other side that she'd met with a counselor, and she was sure it was what she wanted to do. She ended the call, went over to kiss Rex while he lay sleeping, and said she loved him, but she was doing it for their future.

At the loft, Belle and Philip lay sleeping on the couch. Philip woke up and found Belle restless and calling out Shawn's name. She woke up and called out for Shawn, but Philip told her he was not there, but Philip was, and he'd always be there to help her. He sent her up to take a shower while he made coffee. After Belle left, Mimi stopped over, wondering how Shawn was doing. Philip told her that Shawn was awake and that Lexie had said he was doing well. Mimi thought that was great news, but Philip responded, "Yeah, great." Mimi wondered what was wrong, and he told her that she should go up and talk to Belle because Belle could use a friend right then.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Belle was looking at a picture of herself with Shawn, crying, wondering what could have happened to make him turn to Jan. Mimi showed up and asked her what was wrong. Belle went over everything that Shawn had said and said that she could see it in his eyes that he didn't love her anymore. Mimi said that none of it made any sense, but Belle assured her it was true; he had given Jan his cross, and worst of all, they were engaged. Mimi was shocked and said she had once believed that if Belle and Shawn ever broke up, there would be no hope for the rest of them. Belle said that she couldn't say that; Rex was a great guy.

Mimi thought something was wrong with the whole story; Jan hadn't told the truth all summer and theorized that all of it was part of Shawn's head injury. Belle said that might be, but she couldn't talk about it anymore. She proceeded to ask if Mimi had told Rex about the baby yet. Mimi said she hadn't and that she was going to have an abortion. They talked for a while longer about the pregnancy, but Mimi was adamant about the time not being right and that Rex didn't want a baby right then. Belle said that she was lying to Rex, and it was going to ruin their relationship like Belle and Shawn's relationship had been ruined. Mimi started crying and said she couldn't keep the baby.

Back downstairs at the loft, Rex showed up looking for Mimi. Philip told him that she was upstairs, talking to Belle because Belle was upset and needed a friend. Rex wondered what Philip had done to Belle to upset her. Philip told him to go slither back under his rock. Rex asked when Philip was going to learn that Belle and Shawn loved each other, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

Philip told Rex everything that had happened at the hospital, and Rex said that it didn't sound like Shawn. They talked for a while about Belle and Shawn's relationship and how Shawn had thrown her over for Jan -- and for sex. Rex said that couldn't be true, but Philip said that Rex didn't know Jan. He went on to say that comparing Jan and Belle was like comparing rhinestones and diamonds.

Philip said that Shawn had blown his chance, and Philip was free to pursue a relationship with Belle -- and Rex had better stay out of the way. Rex said that if Shawn had hurt Belle like Philip said he had, then Shawn didn't deserve her, but if Philip hurt Belle, he'd have to answer to Rex. He went on to say that thanks to Mimi, he knew about love and feelings and knew how important honesty was to a relationship.

On the island, John, Roman, and Abe went out to search for Hope in the jungle. Unable to find her, they went to the mansion to talk to Tony. Meanwhile, at the mansion, Tony was telling Bart that Hope shouldn't have gone into the jungle because she and Bo were both in danger. He continued by saying that once his men found them, they'd both be dead. Bart said that they'd been messing up Stefano's plans for a long time. Tony said that "this time," they wouldn't.

John, Abe, and Roman showed up at the house, demanding to know where Hope was. Tony said that she'd been there, asking for help to find Bo, but she had left, and he didn't know where either of them was. However, if they were both out in the jungle, they wouldn't return alive. John asked Tony if that was a threat. Tony said it was not, but the odds were against them because the jungle had already taken Patrick and had almost taken Jack, Jennifer, and their baby. He continued, saying that Bo had gone back into the jungle because he'd thought he had seen Billie, and maybe his head injury was worse than they'd thought.

John said that Bo was fine, but Tony disagreed, saying that he thought Bo had imagined seeing Billie but that his feelings had to be pretty strong for him to risk his life to find her. John thought that Billie had been investigating the stalker when she'd disappeared and had ended up on the island the same way they had. He asked again where Hope was, but again Tony said he didn't know. Abe said she had to have gone to the force field. Tony said she probably had but probably hadn't gotten through it. John said she wouldn't have stopped trying to get through, and they took Tony along with them to help them through the force field.

The men reached the force field and saw that it was still operational. Roman said Hope had to have gotten through somehow. John told Tony to deactivate it. Tony said his Zen mantra wasn't working but that he didn't want to see Bo and Hope hurt any more than they did. Roman said they had to get through and wondered how they were going to do that.

Meanwhile, out in the jungle, Bo was passed out from the dart. He woke up and flashed back to the last couple of days with Billie. He tried to get up but collapsed again. He noticed footprints and saw that Billie had been dragged away. He looked into the distance, said, "What the hell?" and took off.

In the cave, Patrick woke up and remembered how Hope had saved his life. He looked around and saw their clothing on the floor then heard Hope talking in her sleep, saying that she had to find Bo. Patrick said Bo was a fool. Hope woke up, and Patrick asked her how he'd gotten there. She told him what she had done for him and said she was amazed that he'd survived the fall. He told her he had blacked out and had to have gotten washed downstream.

Hope told Patrick that she'd thought she'd heard him call Bo a fool, and he admitted he had. Patrick said Bo had been a fool to leave her and go back out into the jungle, and he wondered if Jack was still lost. Hope told him that Jack was okay and back with Jennifer and their baby. Patrick was happy to hear it and said that Abby would be happy when they all got home again. Hope, a bit surprised by his sincerity, told him that he was a mysterious man. He said he was not; he'd made a lot of mistakes.

Patrick said maybe he was a lot like Bo. Hope said that Bo didn't make stupid mistakes. Patrick wondered what would be so important for Bo to go back into the jungle and asked if it was Billie. They argued a bit about Bo's motives for going after Billie. Patrick wondered if Hope was that upset because what he was saying was true, because when he'd risked his life to find and save Jennifer, he had been accused of wanting to sleep with her.

Bo showed up at the cave and found Patrick and Hope together under the blanket. Hope tried to explain to Bo what had happened and how she'd found Patrick freezing cold. They ended up getting into a big fight, and Bo said that Patrick had probably planned it to get Hope naked. Hope was shocked that he would act that way, and Bo got mad at her for defending Patrick. Hope said she was going to get dressed so they could get back to the others, but Bo said he was not going anywhere without Billie.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

Thursday, September 30, 2004

by Joan

At the loft, Philip announced that he planned to marry Belle as soon as possible. Concerned that he didn't have Philip's wealth, Rex worried about not being able to offer Mimi more. However, Philip assured Rex that he and Mimi had more than material things. "You found the true love of your life, and better yet, you know she loves you back." Meanwhile, Belle tried to change Mimi's mind about the baby, insisting that Rex had a right to know. Afraid of losing Rex and not having the means to raise a family, Mimi asked Belle to accompany her to the hospital. Belle called it "the biggest mistake of [her] life," but promised she wouldn't tell Rex.

At University Hospital, Shawn's condition was improving, and he was impatient about going home. However, there was the question of where home was. Worried about his angry attitude, Lexie stalled, asking Jan not to tell Shawn that both his parents were missing. Jan found Shawn leaving messages for his parents. Bewildered, Shawn was questioning why he hadn't stayed in Salem.

In the jungles of New Salem Island, an infuriated Bo helped Hope get dressed. The couple argued about the embarrassing situation as Hope defended Patrick for risking his life to help Jack. Showing a scarf covered with Billie's blood, Bo proved that she was in trouble. Comparing notes, they realized someone with darts had targeted them all. Bo insisted on searching for Billie himself when Patrick volunteered. Hope refused to return to New Salem's confines and resented Bo's determination to search for Billie.

The Bradys sparred, comparing Hope's police qualifications to Billie's ISA training in handling a potentially dangerous Patrick. "You say you don't trust him. You won't let him look for Billie. But it's all right for him to be alone with me, your wife?" To which Bo sarcastically replied, "She doesn't know him as well as you obviously do."

While Hope explained the argument as Bo's need to be the big hero for Billie, Bo entrusted his wife to Patrick, sending them to New Salem. Begging him not to go, Hope turned her face away when Bo kissed her goodbye, crying as he left. Patrick observed, "This Billie Reed sure has a hold on Bo. She must be something." "Oh, yeah," Hope replied, "She's something all right."

At the force field parameters, Tony pretended to be unable to break the current with a Zen meditation amulet. While the others were determined to find Bo, Hope, and Billie, Tony knew it meant death to enter the jungle. Climbing a bamboo ladder, John found a clearance above the parameter's current and precariously landed on the other side.

Tony was not happy as he watched, and he resented Roman's request to stay behind to keep an eye on the count. Roman successfully followed John over the parameter. But as Abe wished them good luck, Tony thought, "You'll need it. And if you do find Bo, Hope, and Billie, not one of you is getting out of there alive."

In Salem, Jan was about to tell Shawn why she was keeping him from calling his parents again. Outside his room, Lexie called Brady, advising him that John was missing and might be dead. At the loft, Philip asked that Belle accept that it was over after speaking with Shawn. Rex confronted Mimi's sudden negative behavior. "I saw the look between you and Belle. What is this secret? You have to tell me!" he demanded.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 27, 2004 on DAYS

Friday, October 1, 2004

by Joan

In the jungle of Melaswen Island, Hope adamantly refused to return to New Salem. Curious at Bo's decision to look for Billie, Patrick wondered what would distract any man from a woman like Hope. John and Roman discussed the possibility of leaving Bo and Hope behind if they weren't found soon. Finding a dart on the ground made them realize new dangers, but they were unaware they were being watched through the scope of gun. Escaping a dart attack, the two wondered why Roman's life had been spared earlier.

John could only surmise that John and Bo's unexpected arrival had tampered with an original twisted plot. Finding themselves trapped at the edge of a cliff above a river, they were forced to jump into a river below as two darts cut through the air. Safe on the riverbank below, Roman found a necklace he recognized as Billie's, Roman realized Bo had not hallucinated. John was convinced Stefano was using Billie to drive a wedge between Bo and Hope.

At University Hospital, Jan gave Shawn the tragic news about his parents, against Lexie's advice. Outside, Lexie explained to Brady that the government had officially declared Bo and John dead. As classified information, it remained unreported in the news. She further told him of the speculation that the Salem victims were not dead. Overhearing only a part of the conversation, Belle learned about John from Brady. Kate broke the news to Philip not only about the plane but also about Billie's supposed death.

Furious with Jan for telling Shawn, Lexie found her patient dressed and trying to leave. As Lexie called security, Shawn encountered Belle outside. When Belle offered her condolences to Shawn, he replied by whispering in her ear, "Sorry? I'll bet you are. Because of you, my family is dead."

At the loft, Mimi lied to a worried Rex, saying she was planning a surprise for the anniversary of their first kiss. Puzzled at remembering a different date, Rex left to plan something as well. On his return, he offered a proposal. Mimi fantasized giving Rex the baby news upon a proposal of marriage. However, Rex's proposal was to go on a picnic. As Mimi held his head close to her body, Rex had no idea how close he was to his unborn child. Sensitive to Mimi's reaction to a phone call from the women's clinic, Rex was put off when she left for an appointment after jotting down some notes.

Recalling the real date of their "first kiss," Rex realized Mimi was lying. Tracing the notepad she had just written on, Rex believed he knew what Mimi was up to. On a bench in Salem Park, Mimi tried to reach Belle in hopes her friend would talk her out of a decision she didn't want to make. When she received a call from the women's clinic, Mimi admitted she was having second thoughts.

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Edited by SC Desk