Boom, boom, boom, boom

Tony S
Boom, boom, boom, boom

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh! Forget the Fourth. Things were blowing up like a fireworks grand finale in Salem during this random July week! Who enjoyed the show? Who got burned? And who's being set up to explode next!? So, grab a cold one and some earplugs, and let's see what went boom in this week's DAYS Two Scoops!

Holy blowing-up bombshells, Soap Fans! Last week wasn't a Sweeps one or even a "major event," but storylines were snap, crackle, and popping left and right. Like, there was so much going on everywhere, let's just tackle this Two Scoops "Randomness" style and run around like a dog off its leash...

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I love that the love of Abe is making Salem go around right now! Even wackadoo Whitley loves Abe, in her own, well, wacky way. We get it. We get it. Abe is the best. Now let's bring our guy home.

Like, really, oh, snap, crackle, and pop! Rafe was fired because Shawn blurted out that Rafe and Jada are, uh, spending their nights together in front of the maddening new momentary mayor. I did not see that coming. I thought the "fraternizing" thingy seemed like an easy plot point to add a dollop of drama to Rafe and Jada, but that bombshell was a bigger blast than expected, and so well played.

Self-centered Leo did a selfish thing? Color me blue and call me a Smurf. I can't believe it. Look. His "Gwen's My Greatest Gal Pal Goodwill Tour" had a solid run. They played Genoa City, Philly, and Salem, perhaps Brookville, Bay City, Pine Valley, and Sunset Beach, too. Maybe even Melaswen! But Leo being loyal? Did anyone believe this would last?

I'm glad that Brandon Beemer's got some meaty material to work with! It's sad to see Shawn like that, but his scenes all week were compelling. I'm glad he reached out to Marlena, though. His descent didn't need to last longer. Shawn's loved. That support system swoops in quickly. I can't wait for his talk with Julie!

Ha! Whitley and Jerry threw each other under the bus so quickly.

Abe sorting out his own kidnapping through Body & Soul is rather brilliant. DAYS has been on fire lately with blending the bizarre and heartbreaking. The show within the show's music is also sort of Tim Burton-ish. The tinny tone to make it seem vintage just rings unsettling. I'm fearful for Abe as he journeys through his drugged, hellish mindscape.

RACH3L dressed up like Alf instead of a bear would have been much more on the nose, since she's been banished to the attic. Solid parenting, Kristen. Solid. Parenting. Or as Marlena would say, "Sarcasm."

James Reynolds is so magnificent! Seeing Abe drugged is heartbreaking. Those teary eyes. Gulp! I just want to rush in there and rescue him.

Luckily, Lani did just that! I. Loved. This! Sal Stower's return has been amazing so far. She's like an old friend returning for a visit just when we needed to see a familiar face the most. Go, Lani, go!

Whitley really is a wacko, but the depths of her dangerousness could have even greater impacts. She's a lurker who has access to medical records. It makes me wonder what else she knows or could know! Creepy.

Marlena versus Kristen will never not be amusing. Special K is one of the few Salemites Mar Mar has no qualms about going at in beast mode. I love how well they know each other and how much deeper the hits are because of that.

Speaking of "beast mode," Brady's gone there. I can't blame him. Kristen gets away with everything. I just hope he's better than her in the end and realizes what he'll lose if he loses it completely.

Coming in a little hot and hoity there, Mayor Rawlings, aren't we!? Like. Does one have to be a certain level of an a-hole to work in Salem politics? Abe being the exception, of course. At first, I thought Clint was Melinda in drag. They have that same d-bag energy. But, nope. He's his own thing, and boy is that thing cringy (and played to perfection by Grayson Berry). I hate him already, and kind of like that.

"Sandra Clarkington." Amazing.

Jada visiting Steve made me happy! Marcus would be so happy, too. I know it.

Conversely, I'm curious as to who Dr. Hunter ended up with? Have we ever met his widow, or is she related to anyone in Salem? Hmm. Jada and Talia need to ask their mother to visit! Unless she's already in town. Again, "Hmm!"

Harris is going to Bayview. At least he'll be in good company. Bye, Felicia!

It's rich when Johnny brings up Ava. Like, dude, you're still wiping off "A.V." and "4Ava" written in blue and gold face paint from your cheeks and abs. The "Shut Up, Dad! Ava Rocks!" foam finger is still in the bin waiting for the trash collectors. Sure, NOW you call her crazy, but too bad someone didn't warn you sooner.

Still, I feel like DAYS missed a bigger picture. Tripp raised a fist in the air and exclaimed, "Damn dirty DiMeras!" but was quick to label his mother mentally ill. She is. Big time, but if you'd write "Bayview Sanitarium" on the mansion's welcome mat, would anyone question its validity? They would just have to meet Special K to know the inmates are running the asylum. They're just well-dressed and enjoy cocktail hour at any hour of the day.

What will Whitley be most upset about: Lani rescuing Abe or that she broke several pieces of Whitley's cat collection when bursting through the door!?

Chloe and Xander have a very "Hepburn and Grant" vibe. Fun and flirty. I also like how much they champion each other and are clear where the other has ventured, and where they are, warts and all. Openness and communication? Wowza. Who would have thought.

Oh, Li. Wendy's mad AND disappointed in you. She's full-fledged ashamed. It's not a good time to be Li, sans his luck with the law (for now).

I kind of feel mad and disappointed in Gwen! Not even Xander could get through to her, and my money was on him. This would be a good time for Abigail to make another ghostly visit. Kind of like, "Ooooo! I never liked you, but you're acting dumb, sister. Don't trust Dimitriiiiiiii. Or Leo. I'm out." And then, Ghost Abby breaks the "Best Dad" mug again just as Gwen finishes repairing it for Jack. Anyway. I can handle manipulative and mean, but I can't with the cup of stupid she's been sipping. Dumb and doe-eyed is not a good look for a dirty fighter like Gwen.

Really, Rawlings!? The Price women are the problem in Salem? Not, I don't know, 40-plus years of DiMera drama. Not Victor's reign of terror. Nope to Orpheus, too? The Prices are the scandalous straw that broke Salem's back? Okay. Sure, Mr. Mayor. That doesn't sound at all misogynistic.

Camila Banus and Brandon Barash bring it. Their comfort with one another makes the pair fun to watch. From fighting to forgiving, their scenes were great. Though with Gabi and Stefan's ever-growing closeness, that pledge not to go rogue has me worried. Someone please call the Foreshadowing Police. I think this 'ship is doomed.

Paulina's scenes with Theo were so touching! I'm thrilled DAYS brought him back for this storyline. I wish they'd done the same for Brandon, but I digress.

Also touching were Paulina, Lani, Chanel, and Theo after the service! My brain knows Abe's alive, but my heart was breaking with them.

Everyone. You can breathe again. Wendy's made her choice between Tripp and Johnny. She picked the hot doctor whom she lives with and made tentative travel plans to get fish tacos. Hallelujah, it's over. I mean, congratulations, Tripp and Wendy!

Wasn't it super obvious who Wendy picked as soon as she asked Tripp to leave? Like, I was surprised that Tripp went to Steve all nervous afterwards because I thought his facial expression indicated that he knew it was him. Still, it worked out well! That Steve and Tripp scene was tremendous, and Johnny ended up with Chanel. Sorta.

The entire Tripp and Johnny dialogue was a roller coaster of "That's a great point!" "Say what now!?" "Nice call, Tripp!" "Yes, be mature!" "Oh, Johnny *head shake*" and "Really, you two!?" met with a final, "Ugh." I'm glad that was the last twist and turn. Even Tripp and Johnny wanted off the ride.

When Melinda is right, Shawn, you know you're wrong. She can be a bit -- a lot -- much, but I was fully on her side when it comes to Shawn's drinking. I especially like how she pointed out that he's carrying a weapon. That's some scary stuff. Good work, Melinda. Thanks for looking after our Sailor Man.

At least Tripp's talk with Steve was terrific! It was a beautiful blend of past and present reflections, and a great learning moment for both men. I love that Steve was able to embrace the societal changes and reconfigure his sentiments to make modern suggestions to secure his son's shot at happiness. It is astonishing what can happen when folks listen to one another and work together. Steve and Tripp need to take this show on the road and head over to the DiMera mansion.

This will have a relevant point in a second, but I'm shocked that DAYS doesn't have a real estate agent character aside from Paulina, who I'm sure doesn't handle rentals at this point in her career. She should have an assistant agent considering how many Salemites have been looking for places lately. It would be a slam dunk soap opera job, as one can make bank, and not being at work can be easily explained. "I'm between showings."

All that said, this might be a great career path for Johnny while he's -- and I'm being kind here -- uh, building his film portfolio. He's charming, so he could sell things with ease, and if he gets too cocky, Paulina will put him in his place. She's self-made and would make him take the silver spoon from his mouth and work hard. It's all a win, especially as Jacke Harry and Carson Boatman have been proven to be charming together in the past.

Bonus! Johnny working for Paulina would keep him in Chanel's orbit.

Speaking of real estate, I continue to love that Brady is searching for an apartment! Adulting is such a good look for him. He should seek out Eli and Lani's old place as, if I remember correctly, it grew additional rooms when needed. Or his dad's onetime loft! That place was great. Keep trying, Brady! If you don't end up in Statesville, I have faith you'll find a home soon.

Congrats to Chad and Stephanie! They got a new home. Though, did their place (especially the kitchen) seem small for two adults, two growing children, and I'm going to guess now, frequent pop-ins from shirtless "Kramer" from across the hall?

Yep. Alex is moving into the building, too. I know I'm not his biggest fan, but is that a little much? Like, I know Stephanie's Stephanie-ness "changed him," but they went on a few dates and slept together once. He screwed it up. She moved on. So, yep. It's sort of strange that he continues to integrate himself into her life. They weren't "Stayla" or "Jarlena." Stop trying to make "fetch" work, Alex.

Did Rawlings give anyone else Stuckey from Pretty Woman vibes!? His cringiness toward Chanel came off like in the movie when the lawyer thinks he can have Vivian because Edward did. In this case, he can have Chanel like Dead Natty Bedford. To quote Solo, "I got a bad feeling about this."

Do we know if Dimitri is out to Megan? Old world or not, I can't believe for a hot Salem second that she wouldn't be anything but a proud PFLAG parent. If she even thought someone was disrespecting or discriminating against Dimitri, she would flip a switch on a pawn and have them taken out. She loves hard. Crazy hard. The lady's still committed to her high school sweetheart. Crazy committed. There's no telling me she wouldn't love her son no matter what (as it should be, thankyouverymuch).

So, yep. That "old world family, old world views" comes from the Von Leuschner side. Boo. The V-Leuschies need to speak to Steve and Tripp. Those two Johnsons can sway them into modern thinking, I'm sure of it.

Spooky RACH3L is going to destroy Dimitri and Leo's little undercover lovers secret. Maybe she'll end up as the flower girl at his wedding with Gwen, perhaps. Any way you explode it, she's going to drop that bombshell and smile at all the destruction.

Like Leo's goodwill, Kristen had some for about five seconds, too, after her chitchat with Lani. I really can't with Special K these days. There's rarely a second when I genuinely believe that she's doing anything in Rachel's best interest. Anything. Well. Not true. She's definitely giving her little diva long-lasting scars and trauma. There's that. Child abuse and a bratty kiddo doesn't exactly make for a compelling storyline.

Though, mad, mad, mad props to Finley Rose Slater, who plays Rachel! She's doing a phenomenal job with the material!

Better yet, Gwen. I don't think anyone will sum you up right now better than the Reverend Liz Lemon of the 30 Rock Order. She once stated, "Oh, boy, well, whatever that just was, it's a deal-breaker because this guy's making you talk like a crazy person. You have sexually transmitted crazy mouth. Deal-breaker." That. Just that.

Leo's biggest bestie problem is that he didn't commit to Gwen with friendship bracelets, am I right, Eric? Big mistake. Big. Huge.

Extra Scoops

HOT Stephen Nichols is effortlessly epic. You don't get better. We're lucky fans to have him in Salem! From Steve's moments with his Sweetness, to his partnership with John as they joined heads for Abe's sake, to his terrific "Times have changed" talk with Tripp, and even him working Whitley for answers, the Patch Man was perfect!

NOT C'mon, Chlomeister! Given that it took you weeks to wipe Nicole and Rafe's butt-prints from the Basic Black conference table, you should know better than to have sex on a shared office surface. That's what the copier is for. Just ask E.J.

LINE OF THE WEEK "A detectives gotta detect, right?" Shawn to Rafe


If Whitley is resigning from the hospital, can we get Nurse Maxine back!? I adore and miss Aloma Wright. And if Nurse King has worked at University Hospital for 15 years, she and Maxine would have crossed paths, so you know Maxine has stories.

Shawn said to Melinda, "And even if I, whatever, if I've had a few, it's not like I can't spot a submarine. I mean, for all we know, she's sailed off into the land of Blue Meanies." Victor might unfairly be blaming his grandson right now, but a drunk Shawn-D certainly has his grandfather's snark.

Oh, Harris. Rein it in, dude. Nearly everybody's had the overwhelming urge to kill Stefan at some point or another. Welcome to the club, and let us know how much that urge flares up when you get to the Abby chapters.

Kayla really is a sweetheart. If I were a doctor and showed up somewhere in my lab coat, and someone asked, "Just come from the hospital?" I'd just dryly reply, "No."

Also, why are people wearing their lab coats around town? I always see this guy walking by my workplace in an apron from his job. My first thought is simply "That's unsanitary!"

Dimitri's response of, "Well, now you know I'm neither," was great.

One-Eyed Santa. Ha!

I wonder if Jerry will stick around after this storyline?

I think there should be a RACH3L vs. Duke the Bear "Who Wore It Better?" contest. By "Better," I mean who's less creepy. Let's hope that Bruno Bear doesn't come alive.

I adored that Tripp was able to admit he was "frustrated and embarrassed." What a refreshing thing. And we get it, man.

Um. No, no, no, Harris. You do not yell at Marlena. Shut it down.

Chanel must be masochistic. On the day of her stepfather's funeral and getting chewed out by the new creepster mayor, she actually picked up the phone when Allie called. Talk about a dark cloud.

I love the ease with which Dimitri speaks about such dastardly things. It's so casual. And hilarious. He's also an effective salesman. Smooth like butter, but in a sinister way. Peter Porte's portrayal is perfect!

Kate and Kayla's friendship is one I'd never thought of but rather enjoy. I feel like Kate is the "Rizzo" to Sweetness's "Sandy." Well. Maybe Kate is a Rizzo and Frenchie combo. She does have a flair for style like the latter. Any which way you hand jive it, they complement each other well. Lauren and Mary Beth are a blast together.

Damn it! I don't want to think it's cute when Leo calls Dimitri "DVL," but there's a charm to it.

Also, does "DVL" kind of come off as an abbreviation for "devil?" Like, if Satan had a vanity license plate that would be it? I mean, it tracks all around, nonetheless.

So. Like. I'm asking for a friend, but since Doc Mar Mar won't "zap" Harris, is there, you know, a sign-up sheet to, or do people just form a line and get to push the electrode button until he turns back into Jason Morgan?

Also, was Harris turned into a "weapon" or a "tool"? Again, asking for a friend.

Silence of the Lambs references on DAYS!? Yes, please. Loved it.

Maybe Dimitri's "Magic Penis" is like a Mr. Clean "Magic Eraser," and it can clean up any messes left behind by this storyline so that Gwen and Leo can remain besties. Eh. It's probably not THAT magical. Boo.

As if RACH3L couldn't get creepier, they put her in a costume and had her slink out of the catacombs. Oh, hell no. I've seen enough horror movies to know stuff's about to get real. All I'm saying is when Salem has another DAYSaster and the tunnels blow up again, Little Ms. Mini Special K will be watching with a Bic lighter in her hand and a sinister smile on her face while asking Stefano's portrait, "Are you proud of me now, Nonno?" Like, where is John with his exorcism kit when you need him?


So, friends and fellow fans, that's it for July 17. As Laurisa's tracking down Megan's submarine to drag her back to Salem for all our soapy enjoyment, I will be back next week to see what else goes boom! As always, thank you for reading, and "That's a fact." Tony

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